Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1949, p. 14

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cllelp Back Ailments mos 1501111ng Philosophy of Rural Life lOIIIttN of Lit SENl shoutii vrlorl on It Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEEB HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 11111 11 111 71111 tll 11111 ili tlliittlki of fur 11i 11 of iiiiiii1ll Still iiiints 11111is 1111111 111 111 Ian1 ii lilttit FARM STOCK AND ant11 innd 11111 advan HIPLEMENTS 111 11 rowinzaiaai prominent aiiadiaii Dr il Morgan Phone 2577 Barri 1W 11 TVA ho Imiuzilcd iron 1111111111 11cutuiai oilcgc 311 111151 has liiill 1111 active pro poniiit oi llil 111w philosophy of Doan aid of admiiiistridioii lioiii natuits deizioiistiation of im advaiitaee of llil neighborh puss im mune of tlie south and 1111111115 otiicr pans of thi North Kidney Pills rnmkmyw WW 4mw1 11 illu idea that llllslS the answei orders of the kidneys for MING HTML il sum mm This had 1111 to 1111 istahlisiinicnt Kidney HHS my ttfhlllitlirtitlllllll for the Became Hwy inissciiiiiiatioii of knowledge of Him iopir for 1111iiaet1izcnt for pro iilittll of better cducathmcili cs 111 rural areas and for the voniotion of business enterprises if farmer groups This dcveiop cnt is by no means unknown to 3Ontario rural audiences where the advantages of cooperation been developed effectively In his closing remarks Mr Lan dess made the claim tiiat the tarni er is the one who must perpetuate PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS CIIIROPRACTORS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN 001 GEO ItlilSIE BURNSDSC Iitzmaurice itiiirliieii CA Licensed Druglcss Therapists CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Electric Radio llydro and Doans Kidney 111 elimination 111 wave Safe iii11121111111111 1111 tifvi Doaiis lxiiiiuy liil v1 11 by 110111 your 11111 old 1111 itlllie as well is minor and blunt dcr ailments 1111 l1 irlltVltl by this tilllPtlf 11 titi1iiit Sold at all drugr stores lTin liliiiirii 1711 Tzizoiiti it 521 ollier Street MCCINIIIO Therapy 21 King Street ll Toronto 15 Dunlop Street CORBETI DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST IIARIIIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen SL Barrie 19 Melinda 51 Toronto hone 3070 17 Owen Street Herbert Harris CPA Barrie Frank Spry BY APPOINTMENT BADGLEY OSTEOIATHY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR THE WILSON BUILDING Consultation by Appointment 24 Dunlop Street Bzirric Telephone 2293 34llilelephonctitl gin INCOME TAX SERVICE has lttil itnziiidous adaii and 1111 11111111341 his whole pciv 111c1ic1n ioiitiiiiiit liavi deduced have Phone 3194 EDWIN WILSON BSA D0 11115 Hit ltltlllilt 15111 Hui 111 17clt lt and Ioziaii ii1tlttltil ii kins tili 111 1t vi lilitlidlifl 111 viizcli 1s iticiiaidsoii 111d i111 111111111111111j MRS llllll 111111 lcraiii 1111 lad 11it 11 llli kindly Illtll 111 LldtlIi 11 Illi llaiia 111v 11 iii1 home 11 11 lsiiiieton on Christ 111111111111 lccc111hcr 371 Mrs 111111 llti 111 Alliston 1lll litl husband and family for sivir 111 years while Mr Littii was 111111 iidii of tlialnitis tliurcii Illlfll1 lici stay 111 llistoii siic iindaarcd licistlf into 1111 hearts of ipepie of all denominations iii llrcshyteriaii 1111 prii ions year flurt was no allt tlil heard cross word from llt 71 mi Hum man lips and her home was always 1ltlIltllIN 1llv pmml mm and could fgt110 Willi ii lliilli Vthttlllf illumsvilie lorcrlfl iw111111111v IllCtlSStSStlltlll and re HJiwm mum mummml liic death occiiirtd on ll it111 1111 an uptodate roll lim 131111 11 Maui1 Alhcna 1111 mix of 1111 whole thintt is ygic late Mrs Little was born in Hun mmm In meim mm mm no houses ifiuelph on January 111 12171 the DHMHH HmQ in hm mm IHi Alum mm limit dauuiitcrof ilieeiatehlrsand Mrs Robertson She was married in Winnipce on April 111 111911 and lived at Pier son Man Corbettoii Botiiwell Iaisley Guelph Ilanovcr Alliston and lastly Islington The elderly couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last April During Mr Littles active min istry of more than fifty years Little was ever by his side assisting in all cliurcli activities and she was life member of the Womens Missionary Society Besides her husband she is sur the truths so effectively dciiion istratcd by nature keenly attentive audience be spoke highest appreciation of Mr Landcss timely and valuable mes sage Percy Doul Charged Dangerous Driving Followmg Acoldent At the magistrates court on Wednesday January judgment was reserved for one week in the case of Percy Doui charged with both dangerous Vandicarclcss driv ing in connection with an accident on Dec 10 The accident occurred around 11 oclock on the night of Dec 10 on Highway 11 near Stroud Dotti was proceeding north and car driven by William Gibbins was goingsouth on the same road Gibbins observed Doul driving lton pickup truck in arather OBITUARY ii well it1 tori 11ttic passed away ittiil llil Ilglltiill litllftll llAiiltli IIlAlllU CANADA Dramatic Sea Rescue 1211 it111 ol 2111111 vZ 11 livid iihl 1Allisfon Council Appointing Assessor xmidn 11 14 if tux11 hurl mth oiviiiiii lllitlil vi itwmiwi 111 itllvlliH of appoint 1H1 ioiiitid out that 11 ii V11 xiii min in iiii Ilft fitc1iiilgt hlituJirmhu a1o1uitrotviii salary 111 11 MN ar alltl all 111 the past 13M Km yi Nani11m llittl If 11c cnliiiiiy mmhm 1m rlHHIH MU 111 12111 and the town would it in 11 111 111 toy1 iinotlici coin liiiitiziiwi 11 Ill 1111 ii mil 1h fnk MINI ltf 111 spud 11 Wm 11 1111 inlaiy li lclcc receives 11 luff IHH 11111111 atomd that lllc unstakc 11w man 11i 11m 11 XiW 111 ch6 11 Siiiiiait ill ititdiifi 1111 Im allwa and NO5 lNffliics iiti11 iiiioii Winew idtu tiiiic lli could no 111 1111 lliillil 111 tool itltttt hmh ml 34W 1111 coiisciiiuiicc when lit Tip 111111fi1 11111111111 HHi HI in lgflwsmg was HM HM Hmmi Illlli1oivii1 called away to superin 111111 1111111 John and whim Thu mums Iioiiiito iii 1slon 11111ri11 ml of mm work taught1 11111111 and 1111111111 ilci LHV NW NW AMINO gtiackcii 1111 and 1111 11 111 and Wm mm the swssmg midiii litJleficd and not completed mm mm mm 15 ml Iliitihl iiiaiiiicr Unless llll llt ytciian Church siniii 1111lltlt tiiurri Hvvi 11 sin to go hacl to the old mic11 of 111 underpaid and partly ll1 iitsoytti 111 1111111 1371 IIVl who could lo 1111foii llift 111111111111 51 1111 111ire than copy the roll an 11111111 i1111 limit ifSiill 1ilrs71l1N1Ts hidihTTii 111 for soiiieiiir 11owed to remain At present itimc 1131 are seriousand unjust inc Slic was the former Miss iahii 1111ios in the assessment and this 111c1ia MacDonald daiigzlitar of conddion must be riglitcd major liie lait lt3fllfltl and Marceliu it ol council thought MaiDonald of iravciiliurst vlicro Krautii will invite 11111 known she was hornon March 21 11111 The family moved to Huntsville Joe of the costs of coiiiplcting tiic when Mrs Ilaiies was but young 2Htli 11111149 cliiid Iiire she was 1111111cdtoi the lati litiigc llaiics who died November 51 197171 Mrs times was an acliyi lmm 1H7 ber of St Aiidrcws Church from whence the funeral took place on5 Dccciiihcr 213 Rev John Robsoni the minister officiating She was also life member of the Ioiiiciisi Institute Burial was made Memorial Cemetery Left to mourn her loss fire four sons and four daughters Donald William and Robert of IIuiitsvillc loliii of Toronto Mrs Iltlll Arni January 11 Mr and Mrs Allan Altman Bril an and Allan spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Armstrong of Saskatoon Sask visith Mr and Mrs McKenzie last week Congratulations to M121 and Mrs II Black on the arrival of baby girl in the RV Hospital Bar rie on Saturday Iaii in IIIllClltsiHl Jean of Guelph and Mrs 113 in Montreal Snowdcn tlleleni of lluntsvilhz Two sisters also survive Mrs Wm Moore of Ioronto and Mrs Carter of Branttord The pallbearers were Messrs A1 ian llancs Chas Ego Don Moldir Scytiics last Sunday were Mr and Mrs IIaioid Lawrence and daughter Irene May of Maiton and Mr rie rm Angus MCLCman 911 athis Allan Altmans on Thurs Wliht and John Fetteily day evening Jan 20411011 call 1Thc most neighborly thing that JAMES MacDONALD ever happened to me Program After lengthy illness horm colgtzcnsmlk 0131110 Of MIS 13 with CllcClltllllcslh tandl liitllfi1flt Lutc Season for Arena James MacDonaic passec awa The mnd weather is all right his home near Thornton on Sun day December 26 1948 Mr MacDonald was the son of the late Hugh MacDonald and Lily for the coal bin and for getting arounch but not so good for the Arena When it was flooded last week it was expected to be in Ferricr early pioneers of Essa good shape 101 skiiting onThurs Toiiuiship He was born on flitlday night but the weather man swan KW 197 nuniop St Barrie Phonc 3175 Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Money WHCH AVDIRSpv CO U301W Church DO Associate erratic manner and heard him crash into the ditch behind him Chartered ALUfiilidlli Trusteesl MUSIC LESSONS after he narrowly avoided COI 11 liSion with him The truck in BlOCEBlllltliililanOU Bay St name 001 1L Teacher in Piano andTheory 40 Charlotte St Barrie WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY PHONE 2748 Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Telephone Eigin 6116 Waste 11 BRYSON mum LEGAL vatory of Music Toronto all grades including ARCT Modern BOYS BOYS Methods Barristers Solicitors Notaries Studio 27 Bradford St qublic Ionveyaiicmm MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 Owen St Barrie Branch Office Elinvaic Ontario BOYS KC ROWE SEAGRAM EURRIE CURRIE Barristers and Solicitors MONEY TO LOAN CRAIG HAMILTON RMT INSTRUCTION IN PIANO ORGAN VOICE THEORY at Royal Conservatopy All Grades DOROTHY JOHNSON fAssocxate of Toronto ConserVa of Mtisic Theory 152 Maple Avenue chuamn 11 CURRIE cownN COWAN College Notaries Public Etc WantedMoney to Loan 53 Collier Street ARoss Cowafi Registered Patent Attorney OPTOMETRY IROBT BARRE FFSc BARRE OPTOMETRISTS 93Dunlop St Attendance 96 DONALD MacLAREN KC JOHN MATHESON BA Barristers Solicitors Ete Money to Loan Masohielemple Building Barrie ROBERT SMITH OPTOMETRIST 53 Dunlop iStJPhoneze JOHN REID BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETCl Hours 96 deity PSl 39 NOEL STEPHENSON no OPTOMETRIST Dunlop St Barrie HEBER SMITH Successorto DUNCAN McCUAIG KC Barrlster Solicitor Etc Ross=BIock Barrie Phone 2719 MONEY TO LOAN John woons Kc BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bimkxnf Terento 81112 Owen St Money to Loan mum FLEMING andSUR Darti Phone FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Clapperton St SMITH co E3t9ml1918651 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Motor ambulance in connection OPEN DAY AND Niionr BARBIE ONT PHONE 2530 Studio 4rMapIe Ave Phone 3875 Pupils prepared for Examinations tory of Music andLondon Eng Piano and Phone 2963 Phone 4201 Phone 2703 over and Douls was wedged be tween thc roof and the wheel The crown graphs taken after theaccident as TEACHER or PIANO SINGING evidence Nobodywas injured in and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinatkinsrof the Royal Conser the accident ble Roberts investigated the cir cumstances Chappcll of Toronto defend ed the accused the accident and Mr Gibbins gave evidence wruonn 2414 BEeoNia BULBS rearm11mg Single and Double in Colours 7156 per bulb BIOWIIC0 ltd SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 117 Dunlap St PHONE 2435 which Doul was driving ttirned produced photor provincial Consul brothers and one sister havingairc Robert Smith who was driv inglwith Gibbins at the time of Barrie old any sta in go Essa Tm himIV 1833 season in the history of the rim successfully laimcd iis ie Trinity Women5 Association On December 23 1903 he mar Althouin the weather was icry riCd Ethel P02113011 01 IVY HG W85 undesirable the attendance at the the last member of his family six first meeting of the new year at Mrs Gordon HenrysWcdnesday afternoon last was average The chOtional part was taken by Mrs Doggett and Mrs Carr Theles son thoughts centred around Dis cipleship Mrs Henry gave NewAEeaahpapewon Being truly Thankful Rev Mr Doggett led in prayer The business part C011 deceased him He warycry fond of his home and family and fond ofI reading He was geod kind neighbor always ready to help others when help was needed man that was upright and honest in all his dealings He was much interesth in the affairsof the day liltt of assessorsto givean cstllli reach rwwkix parade otherwise he iMarch in all phases anembcrs of the Sea Cadet Bugle Band and are in possession of any in t0 SubLt Mr and Mrs Gordon Dutton and CIUIPmCHI tum baby Toronto spent the weekend Harris at 10 lecmm d0Ck on Tues strong ITlielmai of Guelph Mrs Donald McKenzie tlaulinci of with IVII and Mrs Stewart day Jan 11 Barrie Mrs Donald Johnston sisted mainly of ideas for objec Foren Aft win RCSCC will mtrorrmmm vvOm Jarly January 11 Soon burns party 111 111 11tv hitter1s and leading sca 1121 The party aiid dance took plate in Illc lecture deck of the sea SIflti building and the 105 and 3121111111 cai or RCSCC Admiral Ro Midland were invited The Itlliilll cadets and girl friends 111t5LIiI from Midland 1111 itt Don Icrrault foai Itoiiitziille IO Bud Malicii l1liaiiiciit and Leading Scainen Hesiod Caiiicrc and Bill Girard lim lolloAllli girls were present 1111111 llairic Audrey Rayciaft illllCIV 1tnibcil Doreen Cro Vivian JliQuay Barb Lemay Bar bara Kitchener ShirleyKitciicncr it Bioesp The party was un dr Eii siipcrtision of Sports Of Ittif liarold White January Jan 11 At 1915 hours all hands wt 11 falhn llldilld roll call taken At 131311 liouis morning divisions wcii completed and the ensign nos 11 under the supervision of 511111 11 Harris officer of the watch Duty buglcr was Cadet SoftliS Nelson and IIssa Divisions had piiiod of field training with Sub 11 McBride Blake Division rc cciVed 111stiuctioii in ships times and watches with Sub Lt MCGlb hoii on the lecture deck Anson Division took bends and hitches undci Midshipman McCahc 211111 hours captains rounds were held andkcarricd out in an efficient manner The entire in spection of quartzrdeck stores ships thl and lecture deck was carried out without iiitcli 1111th conipictfd in 15 minutes The second period saw Ansoiil and Blake Divisions to field train ing and Nelson and Essa Divisions to ships times and watches in the lccuire dcck Spoitp period which got under way at 201 with Sports Officer White was extremely interesting period of boxing wasiyheld and found much favor with the lads lJvcniiigmouarters were held at 211111 and before the ensign was lowered Executive Officer Licut KellyWannuanced the rcformiiigiotr divisions effective immediately which will allow better balanced classes These classes in scaman ship signals bends and hitches etc have started with the Jan parade Evary cadet must attend willgei behind in his work and will see his fellow cadets going forward to advancement in the corps ilil he remains an ordin ary cadet It is expected examina tions will be held at the end of of sea cadet work at which time cadets will be passed to able seaman leading seaman and petty officer andcon firmed At present these ratings are appointed acting Band All cadets who are or have been band equipment must see that this id tiizdir the sponsoiship of Vel iplaccd an c1111 Aliitllikf 1111111111111 Edith line MC11 10015 15011f niuusbav JANUARY 13 12149 iCanadian Army Stresses Cold Weather ievicav of activities of tine L211 1dian Army during 1918 ltLtxl igcneral stepping up of ti Iwith great deal of c1213 cd on new to keep alitt lzcio ltlllllilLlYCS One of the 111m notable events 111 11918 was the changeover from If taiitry to an aiiboiiie bat liozi of the famous Princess Paint111s Cii adian Light Infantry llie Pats tilc informed last August they tcrc go ing to become airborne and llilttrl to man they volunteered At 1111 years end many iiitiiibcis of thci regiment havecuualtficd for their wings and others are undergoing training at Rivers Man LIVE IN 101005 At Churchill emphasis has been on cold vcatiic soldier the big training jobs when lit sol diers spent eight weeks in tents and igloos south of Churchill test ing Signals equipment and nit11 flail loyal l11y Lolte at King Foods of Esiitiimali 10 Untied11 Joint Sm Cont4e eic 11111141114 ed to establish 1151c 1= 1relemstatous to be added 11 tllhu 21 of the North kes lxirn and Yukon 511111 uprlaicd by the IN lt ltttb llili AiIl listiibILsziixiinf of the Industrial iii5w titgtft lloaid was an 111 1X11 pil last and Feta Laiiip was reopened as the IJIIZJt lieuru Foice training cairip in Eastern Canada 111111 to expand coastal artillery liff iiiic it was indicated that flitscrn Force oast Artillery units tll to be Vtornrd on both the Al liiiiiic 1iilicific coasts while at the mitiv lllllt training would be stepped up usinJ the facilities of the llt 1iti11c1aft and Coast llliltl School at Ilsquiiiialt ods of supply 111 the north The year saw the opening for the firsi time on III5CIVICC basis of Christmas Eve The collision occurred on Eli11 bctii Street midway between IIc clcs and Francis Streets The ac euscd was driving east and Smiths car was proceeding west at the time of the accident Dziniages amounting to approxiiiiiitcly 81011 were caused to Smiths car when his rear left fender was hit by Specrs right front fender Smiths daughter suffered gash in her forehead The accused was apprehended at llllltlllL of his daughter block and half from the scene of the accident by Provincial onstablc Webb who had been informed of the accident by passing pedes trian Orlif Caldwell The accused had been drinking Stewart KC was lawyer for the defendant PRETTY KITTY Down in New York cat rum maging around garage attic un covered 32000 in bills Think of the number of people 1who will now let their cats prowl all over the house just in case Wiiidsor Star DEAF Hereks GobdNews liousands irt regaining the joy and hair pints of hearing 111 revolutionary ntw tlltlhilllLllnyly ctonomical hearing aid thats read to wear without indi iduii fiiiiiig Costs half or less than 11111 the price of others Operates at less osi of tent per hour battery cost than an lllLt singleunit hearing aid of dual poix cr it has the acceptance of he Aiiicman Medical Association Council on liiyxital Mctlitinc Iiiis llt lightweight Silllllldlnll hear ini aid is the product if the Zenith Radio Jaiior lliiflt worldfamous for their JO ytars of rtNJffll and leadership in radi mmi Lllhll Aiiyonc ho yillcgt If try his amazing new lieiiin ilhl can do so for It laysat home at work anywhereon Hear Bct or Pay Noiiiiiie llltillltl Offer 11 you want to ilciigiii family and friends 110 1111 you to hear and ciiiny life with them in diop postcard to the Zenith lem Corporation of Canada Ltd Dept liillllih Canada Trust Bldg Vinilsor On tario for lull frcc infoniiaiimi about their litar llLttcr or Pay Nothing llir Made ivy the makers of worldfamous Zenith iliin 11 111111iinr 111i dnrc unit by Zenith 111111111 111111111111031111111 Ltil The best background it man samuel 69 Collier Street All band equipment prior to leaving for their new home issued must be accounted for be forebeing turned over to the new Birthday visitors with Mrs b1ndmasie1SubLt McBride Charge Emerson Speers and Mrs Chas Beclby of Bar1F0r to Remain The Womens Institute will meet AI Scene OI Accident Judgment was reserved for one week until January 12 in the case of Emerson Speers charged with failure to remain at the scene of an accidentat the magistrates court on Wednesday Jan The charge was laid in connec tion with collision of Speers car with that of Russell Smith of Camp Borden at 530 pm on afternoon 11 ITS BULBLESS ESSAROAD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT muons Noumea UNION LIFE CyZJJQWZicZf MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Cor Dunlop and Hayfield Barrie 87 lum 1111111111111 lusu unic NORWCH UNION Rose Telephone 4949 uUPTunnn YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF T0 INVESTIGATE THE DOBBS TRUSS METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF RUPTURE ITS BELTLESS Exclusive Barrie Agent 1wanrvsnnuesronr ITS STRAPLESS ALLANDALE TWriijiivery oi air 777 PHONE 8117131 if gt When in EOQd health he was ll tivesntor the year Parsonage work regular attendant at TOWDIIIIC new needs for the basement pan W1 NEEWANpr ycsbyieman Churc 1ny and bashnfrenoyatmg donation to theMl Fund was Ht IS sulvwed by hlb Wk granted Itwas decrded to have sons Roy andldoyd at home and two daughters MrsRussell Elphick 111101131 01 Alliston and Winiiifrcd at home also twiggrandchildren Doreen and RonaldElphick of Ali liston The ftinial which took place tional meeting on Friday Jan fewleftovers from the bazaar Jim Hopkins and thankyou from Mrs Horton were recived There was fromhis late icsidelncelon Wednes day afternoon Dec 29 was very largely attended andthc service was conducted Rev Wm Rey nolds of cookstown The pallbear ers were IsEiac JennettMJ Stew art Mel Cdnningham0rva1 Carr Seott Sharpeand Wynhodgers Friends attendedzgtheviuncral Mrs MillerwBalyie from PIcterboro Niagara Falls day with Miss Mabel Wattie Brantford Toronta Crccmorc Barrie Alliston and surrounding communities The many beautiful floral tributesborc testimony to the high Testecm in which he was held by all Interment took place in Thornton Union Cemetery freshments Mrs Phil Shlsvvell Hawkestone Clifford Poole Toronto the weekend The monthly meeting of the Uni Cecil Frankcoms Feb Good Night of Euchre There was good turnout fo the euchre at the hall 5109 SCRATCHING Relieve Itch in Jilly Rclicvc itchin due to eczema imiiiis athletesfootan minor itch troub es 115 cooling lcdicnted Fraser ion may or extra strength fanMd eat less Doctors formula 50011105 an gums intense itching quicld 35c trial bold new itor money back 51 your drums 90 Putinlotion night TWere tables withAMrs Ivan Cairns taking feen ladies being present solation prize 111 r1 lunch at the close of tlievcongregaj were sold hard of thanks from telephone the usual social 1hour with dainty re MIDHURST January 10 spent Sun GeorgeCoutts is visiting Mr and visited his sister Mrs Les Bertram over ted Church WA was held at the home of Mrs Les BertramabIout to February meetingwill be at Mrs Friday ere played the ladies high score MissMabel Wat tie the consolation Carl Doranthe mens high and Russell theeon CHARLES ii moors Battie is affair ina Chowsw IMAM long features Cash Inlaiilay No bank type security Terms to suityou Big enough for VEXPIRIENCE Rimbaud THE WILsoNBLDGL FLIFEINSURVVED in NO EXTRA cosr Small 011ng for Barrio auhid IndumlulAquonu mmomooj NIAGARA Finance Com pan mm oldiering was announced 1110ct0bcr

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