Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1949, p. 13

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TEURSDAY JANUARY 13 1939 Winston Churchill 60937 The Circus ILe attended itolalallle til iltT HON WINSTth HllttlIlLL folds 00 the clown diverting as he and MRS TllllttlllH lr lilli inc at Londonsllynloia recently itinerant scans rive Ir Open Home Schedule 123 Win from Collingwood Headed by blistering iiveuoal performance by Wib Mc WNM3WEJJW who kphI AN he ice slot by plulehilrL home five Arthur Barrie Junior Flycrs racked up their second straight victory last Friday night at Barrie Arena when they completely smothered olliuuwood Shipbllilders 123 Approximately 1000 fans Were present to watch the rout as Flycrs opened their home schedule The saute story holds true for the outcome llzlrlie inst had too much hockey knowledjre Nearly every gorr both move made resulted in all extral newcomer to the roster was shot which was not provided by lTyear old Doll llmms son of Del thcir opponents Lollilrgwood iced Iber lIlrrrlls of llorllepayne and who bit but slow team with Ilolr Keith Its nephew of llap Emms llc alld Andy Grant carryiltit the like lined up at centre on the third line jor part of then offensive load Itlalrked by Walter Long and Jack llzlle ll power plays he was pivot man for Hagan and Carl Emms with ilchrlhur shifting back to the de fence llolr showed hat flrll of ability tile is good skater can carry men with Poland collecting assists lhcir defencetwas weak giving Richardson ill coal very little pro tection Coach Walt Robinson and his club entered the game with strong reputation aatld were con fident of capturint will IIley had lost close decision to Owen Sound Meteors ill overtime and felt that their publicized imports would pro tucc formidable squall However the Flycrs wellbalanc cd outfit had little trouble ilr roll III Wm 12 shoved past Richmd ing up onesided score tlley rap ISO Conmwvood Ermingomi pcd liolncfiveconflictswithouta IE ownnd Wm Emms Stole reply in the first stanza alld teach the disk from the camel He waltz ed the margin to tll ill the second led in alom shined Richardson commWWI 50mm duwn the Iright out of his pads and slipped early portiorr of the final chapter it in the widenopcn Side ms assist In EIWCVY hum SpeedV militias just as spectacularlyrobtaincd illc9ldilllled III5 uwhcn llC played behind the net Wib Wats McArtllur ml the llntil MeArthur got into position reserved list for the Junior It hang home the pass out Flyers shone brilliantly ill his cen ZANATTA LtrEllS Zarratta turned in terrific goals andhclpincK in two others Imlfmmme despite his two 1mm ICHTVIM Imam 35 Iflll knees lie carried the puck out and highest scorer oil the club with the Barrie mm on many 0c 13 Itll Id mm casions to ease Collingwood prcsr 515 Th Ihlm mommy Im Isure llis rushes rewarded him with Carl Elnms bagged one of each to mm and two assists He gave give tlle triola Illpoint total for the lucidcd ml to the Ienm and like mm most veterans steadied the less 0x pcricnccd lads llowie lid riot have agrcat deal Iassist didnt give himvhighscoring honors for the night he was easily Ione of the three individual stars llorrs marker was the nicest of KID lrlNE The lll lilre of Dali Poland Ialll Emlns and Dan MacDonald were to lodllring the 30 minute affair responsible for two goals Mac but lid come up with some fine sav 1onalcl and Emms were the marks cs At least two of the visitors Mutual Benefit Health simianer Association For Low Cost Lifetime Disability Income or Hospitalization Consult KELLOUGH 101 Dunlop sc Barri Phone 4869 Residence Phone2649 Phillips District Manager Telephone 4457 Dont letla COUGlii Annoy your Kiddies Pine Syrup relieves spasms of coughing helps to cut phlegm and mucus and soothes irritation WW Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup contains no lrarmflllingrcdients nor habit forming thugs poplilnr household Conghremedy for nearly fifty years Dr Woods Norway lillcaSyrup is on sale at all drugcounters 6R9 wooos NORWAY PINE SYRUP seem Ipuek well and is real workingI Cltltltmzlll Although his goal and With Slap ShOt The immcditio use of Drl Woods Norway slzate on pass out from tzrl eol Iillttt goals Were no Iii hill first one earoirzed otl lorllrook the nulletr lullll about ltfklldtlllitlt wltll the Sigr bllrldels who is or Illlrl Took former New Yolk llzllzrer star showed notion that would rate him extra attelrlrolr future great The only lltltlllll lll out was while sittiqu on the plzllltl bench The first period was all Harrie as they Slammed five llllrfiIts Iri Irilid thc shaky Richardson Zan atta started it by setting up beautiful play for bltAlIlltll to lr her his first MacDonald rltlllle it 20 when his blazing drive from the right side was jllgzizled by Richardson and then knocked into the not by the custodian Ililrrself Hagan McArtlrur and allaia added to the total before the stalll Ended In the second session arl llmlll finished off threeway passintf play which came ill the first lfr seconds of play Don Emnls follow ed with his goal arld added number three to his pile be will fore Randall filially broke the gooseegg for Collinuwood laul Emms got that one back by taking pass from Poland arid lettirre oe Collingwood started belated drive in the third chapter as Syll nott broke into the clear via some loose defensive work to heat llowie from close in and Keith scaptllred Van unassisted rggaliqff serarrrlng PENALTIES McArthur replied on screened shot and then penalties broke into the picture like machinegun bul lets Within space of 30 seconds Norm Cook Zanatta Paul Emms and Keith were thumbed to the box making for freewheeling McArthur took advantage of this to end his fivegoal outblllst by taking Don Emms pass in fron of the cake and Hagan banged home Zanattas shot off Richardsons pads Individual stars of the futile were McArthur Hagan Doll llllllll$utttll Zanatta with Howicpllllinc sensational saves when folwalds sailed ill unmolcstcd For Collingwood Cruickshank Grant showed to advantage Officials were Earl Johnston of and Keith Orillia and Ward Brandow dcfellcc man for the Barrie Junior Flyers Barrie 7+coiiingwoca JUNIOR Collingwood Jan BARRIE JR FLYERSGoal McGuire defence Ball ZanattaI Centrc Poland wings McDonald Emms alternates Hagan Di Emms Dale Garrett Pcarsall Long Emms McArthur COLLINGWOODGoal RichardI son defence Jackson Cook ecu tre Grant wings Keith Wham alternates Randall Jackman Syn nott Cruickshank Fawcett Woods Fryer OFFICIALSReferee mons Penetang linesman Beatty Collingwood FIRST PERIOD BarriePoland 531 BarrieMcDonald tBallt 340 I50 Zanatta 1814 PenaltiesBall Jackman Cruick shank Cook Emms Keith Mcf ltBams=muigad 3BarrieC Emms McArthur BarrieMcArt Arthur Graht SECOND PERIOD CollingwoodGrant Fryer Midland Arena Jan gaggirtgacgghur 1431 BARBIE FLYEtasfGoai Howie PenaltiesZanatta Randall THIRD PERIOD McArtIrur tiff Jacks on lli Elli lIllliKFiNl tile llA Jllnlor llrtlri tinn gt lrtr no II itll 31 virarrzl lle ttlriii gt ll Ivli illl 11L If ill lit llit il 1illtl lit lzitl twill ial to Lottie lire 1ill fer llllrnl ti Ii lIrtt rt lilIrlil litnil tsellli itlli ril rlrl lbol ti from the Zllt if intergilrt pared ith 17 this years club is batting 5050 iiinil llrilh is below last season that is nlrllifiell in the team llllll mustered away lil Vlllyer is bettering year markers against llt to no llrlllpetition ti illl llllskres look the measure of Owen the lIyers have all edge has ieil he will take charge of the club Illltt lttittlllllL has given the boys jllvelllles Sllfllpll competition llazt is IT years old and works from Itilld Don Iii close to being in does not appeartoo thorough as than Barrie can account for the HA olller age group and Orillia is Senior which liltildll BILTMORES couldnt lrty to strengthen their hold on lone major total of 27 minutes segrond hand awayrfrom the mid5e panic did tllc local squad have the first period which resulted in run ummrrnararnnnnanaanm omamo CANADA ANGLES Ilaoczzzsouomouomcuomo zstlzi can iron rlt tl Ill Illll Loot vlfltlt ll iii gt ll In rpot Strutti illt it ix Ill to their i1 rr from Word ll rm folzzei about tilt HHRIIT FLYHIS reached the tl and their record is better than that of list you edition lfll have compiled 30 wins and eight lirwes for it points as ttillls wins and II losses List Ilill Jmis they have dropped but one lleeision that to lullor spit fires The lflttl Eastern anadian champions lost three loirllsts out of ll at home two to Windsor and one to inelplr lliltlnores they won seven as compared with si last year goals against coals Rt on home ice and it on foreign grounds HI goals in 38 games Iaxt season when an alternate system as listI ell lit to go by at horm and 39 away for total of only Tl thl hit our nets at home and til lllllllli JUNIOR l3 FllYlIRS moved from llilil Althollith lillitb they are still searchier for floored ollilluwood Shipbllilcler crew shufer to establish themselves as the top learn ill the loop Illl Sound territory and thouin we have vet to see the it Bill Dymclit ilIlfitltlltttl cotell ot tire Ilylla up the reins due to late trainer for the Junior Flyels has taklrr over sistzlllt coach that is when Partridge is oil the road llll the fiallul are lads out of juvenile ranks still able to play but it zllves lltltIllt Last week he added gtllllllll1 gtItl or the roster lrl Don limms son of Delbert llltltllFHf llollllpzrvillf made before the home crowd and they lie lras lot of speed anticipates the next lrrove and lraekehllks illlliforill Ire rescmhlcshlrmappcarzmcc of hiirrytlie forzrult lilylllLIJLXILllllrtldead luttjttfalterl now With Owen Sound Mercurys of the Senior dryision lior hockey ill North Bay last szason llis filllltl lgt an older broth Int Ilzlp Ierlms and native of Barrie also THE OIIAS SYSTEM of classing teams title to population In tlreduiiilrr it raceJThey have Owen Sound ollingwood and Barrie classed as It and Midland Midland have the use of Pcnctarrg players which with Ire collrbination of the two towns Midlands population alone is equal if not larger than ollingwootL yet the Shipluiilders receive decisions Midland and lcnetang rotation for over 2000 population and have artificial ice yet they rrrte Illltllllttlllllt furious 2l decision to Barrie llflS last Vtcdrlesday lllllil ill their own Melllorial Gardens The sixthplace batters had every opportlllr the Perry Allen of Toronto and Bill MOIIISOH Of Oshawa favored Guelph Illa III Sir Ilml WI all the way For almost half tlrcmgalne they had aliarrie player II the illllll1 limekeepers possession Flyers were dished ll lililzor penalties and 159 gt6 IQ it Iltlltl lltllx fr iv lv li lira ills lg It oalilv in Ie tlillttl tr ill lal II In Im XKilrrl mark last Wednes Ilollie ill ll average on the road In it ills Ill the only eol III rrcord is the goals for blrt flow They ml lott HI Iilt Ittt rill LJI Molauus IiI ltill liklt lVlllful lttl at home and rI ll hotel lit Ill and Illltllltll littllr Ill made he goals against column over He has lllltldA Last total at lira= the tilllll lliitl IDONdAB BOWEN DINT SCOTT scorn away for CEO AS Ilt gt412 Jill Iitii IIlei Iilo lied im iI llle lallrc lads pertolllunzt tor Idth Illll1 Silvers il tile distill eni Sound Herrm mm IIIMIIMHIZIII and illtelinediae ltI are Liv all1 loud account of tillinst lvis ll Last Saturday the lIIltIl half of their teams oills rillla lrcld MidlandIflyeis to deadlock II was the home openilll for tire Silvers and they received little help irolll the weatherman llld vealIe turned the natural and water making for slow and gtttlllllV session Midland who fought from behind to capture the opener took til tlllt of time lll liar lltllllt lllwllelit Il ire as Hap lIllrnls in ittlttllh to ll llltllii tltlwl fltld lrf Iltltl xli llltyl ice to stilsll lll ix pivot spot Ills debut was wnt for Iron in llll vav Ill the re eeivirru help front Dirlt Scottqllrrt Ilorl Rowen tied the score before the second period Ilad ended Ab Bowen received pass from Scott ill the third stalla to place rillia ahead only ltlrllllVC the Ily ers pllll back on even footing Ear ries flyirlc professor llIt Nesbitt made it lIl for Silvers 15 seconds later but Dllnklemall again made the score even wit tly more Bf rating Few than three minutes rellllilrill The same is true ill the The honiesiers played without the In iviees of Ited Ierrlittland Ilrll Iaylle two if tiltil stars lens wet it steady letlllceirlaii wllile Wayne is highscoring tlliltlllitll real sweater next year He plaved Iliit gives them greater population all right cash ill on penalties ttxlls llopptl AIlll7ll BODIES Azotixed bodies are Hillslllllttr final which contain llitrlvcelr and form playoff po ltioll Officials such air albumen and Just three Cllllpltl turns ot the ssion mark 1in once during the oneman advantage That was ill coal number one flI second and Irvinnillg counter came when Emma and his Flyers were mall shor self he battled fought and struggled with two Guulph opponents be fore blazing the puck behind the surprised Jim Beasley But the fel low that saved those valuable two points was Girllayer lllyers all star custodian He was calm and lelibarate during the worst of the storms giving the impression of being unbeatabch His performance izltcclhim first of the three stars chosen after eacll game in Guelph StanLong won second star and Frank Batllgate the third Up front for the Flycrs McNabney stood out like sore thumb He flew both Ways and llacla good load of the penalty killing So lid Paul Mcgcr Jack Sy Ted ice in the opening stanza defence Pcarsall Zanatta centre McArthur wings Emms Hag BarrieMcArthur 952 alternates Bauv Game MC PenaltiesCruickshank Pcarsal Synnott McArthur Keithi2 Ball mater and minor major Jackman IN oiem ACllt lislrs unis an mt 6319435 nlclvun Tickets andlnformation at nine minimal 73 Collier SC Phone 3162 Cook in Dale Long McGuire MIDLAND HUSKIESGoal Ar botrifLdefence 5Marcolini Lewis centre Armstrong wings Fagall 33wlsiiinfcitlliorr italiiuwovcolilaav insf AL WINNIPEGit$480 REGINA CALGARY 3795o mama Subject to change 3Barrie Hagan Pearsa1l 1048 4Mid1andSimpsonj vtJ Henderson all Barrie Emms Barrie Zanatta Long 1648 Polandli 246 Penalties Paul Emms Pearsall Penalties Zanatta Emms Keith Marcolrni vaalcs Ci Emms SECOND PERIQD who contributed his usual brand of agressivcncss pcriod Mcger outtvitted an opponent burst out laughing Len Speck sophomore lcfcllceman for the Bibs rcccivcd bad crack in the face when be dumped McNabney at centre Speck was down low and McNabncy rolled off his back in such manner that his wavingr stick accidently struck Speck inthe face McNabney was the first though play did continue for several seconds led off for repairs and returned in the second period cbt across the bridge of the nose Sid MgNabncy produced the nifticst marker of his career ijy Donald Emmsi Poland Kemp Ketth Headers alternates Leduey alternates MacDonald Poland Henderson Simpson Adams Paul EmmSJDaler Long PCUFSHIL RusscucswaussBrodeurmtaug Don Emms Garrett HOOkS OfficialsEarl Johnston Orillia Referee Redst Farrell Barrie rreferee Ward BlandowBarrie Linesman Jack Symonds Pene linesrnan tans FIRSTPERIQD FIRST PERIOD 1roadie McArthur zan lBflrrie McArthur 145 atta 249 MidlandpRussell Laird 737 2Barrie MacDonald 6Barrie Carl Emms Once in the third near the boards and actually at Specks side even The Guelph player was The damage was Bame 127Colingwood Barrie Arena Jan COLLINGWOOD SHIPBUILD ERSGoaLJshardson defence Jackson iCook centre Grant wings White Synnott alternates Randall JackmanlFryer Fawcetti Cruickshank Woods Hill BARRIE FLYERSGoaerowic defence Zanatta Ball centre Mc Arthur Wings Hagan Carl Emms PoIand Ball Barrie Hagar McA Barrie McArthur Haganilw SECOND PERIOD gentine economic policies had ad Bayrie Emms Poland 226 mags MCAnhur 415 Barrie Poland Emms1150 7Barrle Don Emms 04 PenaltiesrP Emms tmajom Barrie MCArthur Hendersan major McDonald Emmsn Hagan 738 McArthuriSwales Lewis llg goulloijdl lenda 914 arrlc all mms BarrieTg1nnffRIOD Poland 1416 MCAIIIWP 743 Penalties Keith Paul Emms major Fryer Cluickshank Zan Penalties Lewis McArthur Ball Marcolinl Swates Adams atta THIRD PERIOD ll Collwood Synnott Grant 158 ARGENTINE OATS 12 Coligwood Keith 603 In the course of debate in the 13 Barrie McArthur Ball 919 l4 Barrie McArthur Argentine Parliament it was stated DonvEmms 1450 thatthe ational Economic Coun 15 crl the body responsrble for Ar pefglisf 218 421 Synnott Paul EmmaKeith Pcar vrsed farmers Inot to harvest their sail Fryer minor and misconduct oat crop but to use it asgreen am fodder The reason given was Australia has contributed almost thatthere Willbe no demandan the $900000rlo in world relief appro export markets for this crop piiatiohs sinceUNhltt began VALLEY TAXI Trucking Service LOCALyLONG msueo THE EASY WAY COIN DA If for holidays Christmas home improvements etc This IAHCOIN Calendar 8an pro vides strong incentive to systematic saving Yourcoins change the cqlenddr Come in and let us show you how if can help you save ON YOUR SAVINGS Subject to withdrawal by cheque THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Scott Iironch Manager Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD AND TRUCKING CLASS 24 HOUR SERVICE Dial 2233 or 2222 In this air age the RCAF has vital role in the defence and security of Canada In thehRCAF younot only play your part but you tinsel yourself Etargel of accomplishment and further youill Bo given every opportunity that will satisfy your ambitions more and encouragement to achieve it Young men ofhigh calibre are needed today to Jill importan openings in tho ground crew trades where you will be trained to become an expert in the electronic mechanicalsopply or clerigal fields In the RCAF you Willlurceiite continuous employment atgoodriiirutogtsof payvvilh full opportunity for ddvanccirient Hand gcniorppsi in pensrllonraf the end ofylout service For men who prove their ability and reach the hiphdadrd rectalred there is opportunity for qppointmpnt Incontmlssiongd rank ROYAL CANADIAN TAIR FORCE if Forfutlv lntomiulion about the openingsbvollclrle in the EL fill in and mail the Input today flaw IMAIL THIS cuurou roun Recruiting Officer RCAF Station 1107 Avenue Road Toronto Ontario Phone MA 4403 Please send me without obligation full particulars riuardinz llllistlllillt rcquirenicnts lllll openings now available in the iv Please Milly sllitlutir KDHRESS 113 riroVrNt You arc Fllylillpjti apply if

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