Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1949, p. 12

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PAH TWELVE rmm Barrie Attend Midland Dinner Trllhy to Parksides gt4 av lat Ml lit mV lg it ll ii It ilsrllfrllll It Zil alrv ttllli UI gt lll oili ll It le HIv llllll tlit lLllelL htl111rliI eli ill lletezli lLttl tun7 ll tli frHit slutS II Trim You Choose Repayment Plunr lltllbtlttllfl lil promptly than 18 or even 131 lilo tltxrntlltletlit it solve your ilio thousands of PHONE WRITE 0R VISIT In their tllllll4 maria or polrsor eallcgllI v1 tile evening olirlnej of Newlliirritel rk Eelr oi topaeo and llllil liltlrtlll it Valley ill the Il tvo clubs lrie reple Hi 55 Mississuga Street East Phone 2394 heme 2nd Floor rllllltAls in the All ex HourxosliizllallfiolNl run II LllilJlWi Illitiiul vtll loomltadetor tile avaj tzle lean llad lreeil IllllI tltillll1 the past year and high hopes for the season ahead ball for next year said ltlllt Ilhornpsoll popular tiuure around tlie circuit We were very solithltat tile ICopaco series for the county cllam rlonship had to be postponed lasti but perhaps wecall lllllll oil the spring will Ilranit Allen torraeo eoach Illlllll ltftllll Rllltlllis Allan also injected note o1 ld Iltr illto the llttllll whell lie all nouncerl the ltIiltllltIll oi ICdith flare popular opaeo hurler llare who underwent all Illlll filrir recently was plrellt at dinner and many kind and lsineere words were tossed Ilei Itsay litlllll emphatically denied Illtll Ilinthy her coaell that jettilic too old to play lllyhow hlilktry Kashller an other popular member of the Co Ipaeo club expressed the regrets of team mates ill losing their star lpltchcr 11 was great year said Illi rf2lwlrls illrerrrraliwady titllillllw Si Softball Girls and Officials Fngeigzy 23 ExBorrie Colt m2 malaria PXMHNER canals osrmto 05mm lnjinal Minute of Game ii is the llA Junior slurs held onto their illi llw Jlllriesday when tine lioitllell ilnhtulu Guelph tilrltieils Approx l3 tht lUvti er Lille xroui Ian witnessei etlwd this season tllgtl luliuht comes lv it ti rililt oi victory wr= Lis itayer the icazues i=ll lzelrlllllder lie turret brilliant llzsplay le contest and ritualized ritzraeltiolts saves ii were klilllte oii peiafw tll was practic Ilrl it tlll lolxurto lll till Illrillilt at it and 131 mr penalty itl er llnlrell ratio lllollell to El lit re tEl lamI muck pi cl iteilelallv 13 Ill im ImUKI Illa lzl irlzll lHI lItt llltll llelrlalr Stall lltltl mm lli ii Ritllltv od Llellrlrey lllll lili lit5 WWW iralltieu ltllllrltl lrtlJll to llob llllruley IM Inigmuainw SHUTl egreetlvely The small pu lil lll llzlrlk ratlr typo 13 iIlittl1l Ill lilllF illlil llll clllied till lfolle on llIIy who littll 1e Lotth end where wade hive shirts tol ml to the corner to tltlllllllillllt Iilnll ran lreslloii llatlltiate followed v1 tllirwtl Ill lltllilllN Ill ll ll lllll handed the works llll love ilc lauilv ltl=1115tllli llill Ill teatils were at full ilIar ll the trini Isllrrr the losers carried the play le tllllt lnll Ibee took over jllntls ttllilllllllll Iris sensa Ilre lll work and they almost rum exhibition Ilrandow was llllttl on twoluau oileilsiveIchawl iltlll inl surface for inter Um Hkmw liitltllltl lilst itcttillll lll WWIIg ltrtll when lie was ac mr My HM In llniley stlll ll Illilill$ theyuick but these ripper lllllllllti ltll ilo lilllltljlt Ill re Ireumnlnig to become it tIollal llei IA IIIII54I IIIllllll tillelph were still stae may 31 llyfI will an Iltll allout effort and Ober Hopper took down my imply ilwmllzs hellcl had iillstVIcd Ilytlllss luv1 tellee trerlally Vitllll start of ylllt llillzallllilols tall llI ZILe Iol Lil hIUIIIHLIIIII 11 II In will HUImillilmml MFR lleltee ltml III dimid Inl lll Illilrt luv hm film Ill HitWWI In the ea it lfllltl Ire fillctlt in Hm ghmwl mm as mm most of Will the Hornets Iffl lllinillll hm wit ins ll PM llllllltllt lllllmllllllll shot away It hit tlle post with lll 111 iI It Ill tgil tlltlIilr the gtttlltlf column was the lsllkllllll acailr beaten llls Ill illfvl lt when lteal tlrevictils lC lltillINl hadnt quite returned II Illlml ll lllltllilltllt Slnltht when Meyer and lleretlson were to flu lit IttIrl3 be titled Th hmmmx with Kenn mnde In mlwhm Iakugtm Hl 101 31 1w fill lltiltl WI Ilolmesllaw urging them forwarlhu inpllt Meger but the peitaltv lm52 ll Pliltlil 51151111115llltliistll30 Ill t1 not called until Mutter retalia 55 Wm ei tgtII to have 100011 Mayor tell While they vele sittille it II IllIldilmw ummlim 1m Illtilli Illtll lltllllh ll 35 Ill lltti Iclllney sent Ashliee on lllltlb lllillllti 0m ION and Ashbee allrrost hooked it in Then more the war years he spent three of them itl the alrllliilln Atriny lpllovli1 the lltltlll of tile vll gHucl wen to arrtr Eli the season of playu rtt liailte illl so in iitlitlb and for his point ll cord luck liyls tip to Iris irickllallle lie is rolh lld lt lilelliber of the llilt fraternity and seemingly Lille about hrs duties on the ice ill lllll serious rllarrner llll tlrey are with the type of recrea tioll beintz offered ill their variou communitlos with especial atten tion where facilities are lacking said Ken Robinson ill brief tail on recreation The Barrie direc lliek lloizg followed at 952 for Iliitllstiekingz and lilmllls attempt iniig torrid the penalties andform solrre otlensixe powor was jugglian Illiljitlh as best he coilld to preI ellt score Ialll Meeer almost set the world the ilet as he piled iirto Beasley lIvlppcr tilrally Irrolnurnber 13 le bill riot officially llocg gath puck at centre and ripped pass to the former lait lloeket star inches overytlre blue line llopper picked the errri loose four isslsis lol It porno lrast sea ppm mm mm WWW in rrr fit as re so oed through tho corner but it was called due to be rllelpll club while shorthanded Ill otlslde lm illnlmllh IllW Willi ml and llralraeed Ilard closein slrotI farallllow collected his second six assists for lllt pulrlts much INSIPB pmimv If rm Inlllfaranco ill the opening stanza when ltltell Mar llyers only break came Meger Lona Aslrbee alld McNab Inty were iced to protectdvlayer ll LUl Illt fsllt Ill lIIPlllllVIIK IllJitter and lllCNtlelty caught the really tllrrredon tlle heat IronyBills off guard arid they led and llIeNablley Irclnmcddlc puck strong rush lllcNabney caught in the Guelph end fromthe bluc pass from Meuer but for third line while Perlnell Megcr and Gor Itinre he hit the post doll buzzed abollt the rivals cage Fiveseconds alter the frnal mill lrong drilled shot that glanced Bathgatc denied Mayor of well oil pair of legs andtrickled to deserved shutout by flipping the 1110 Sid 01 1110 net Met ShOVCd puck into peephole corner with pass in front Palmer and Expertkapairs Iteorre Storey in his brief presi Illelrtlal speech All the learns iwere right in there all the way and never could tell before hand the result would b6 in any rue For instance Parksides ac Ililally won the title by winning two games ill Newmarkct where Izhey should have lost arld losing lat home where they should have Dept vrianagcf Ioni Prospects for next yearTlfc ll To day trial let our Advice on Your Battery Troubles 25 Years Experience stand Gravcnhurst and Coiling RECHARGING RECREATION IMPORTANT PIF POTTFP lveryl good and we should be able wood have already made inquiries las to the possibility of entering may we sugge that you feel the people should con lrivein every two weeks ccrn themselves much more than to expand considerably under FAST OE SLOW the league forabattcry CllCVCllillpmifj l7 We shall be pleased to render this Free Service Ignition and Carburction SW tlolflllimYoii Back Its Dodds You May Need When your kidneys act up and backache followsvget and use Doddls Kidney Pills the 50yearold Canadian remedy Dodds Kidney Pills quickly and safely help restore Exide Battcricsfor every purpose animus AUTO ELECTRIC backache and that tiredallthelime feeling laytreating the kidneys Ask anyV riggist dd Kidne Pills look for gt33 BAYFIEIJI sr PHONE2464 unicorntour blue box With lheredband 1554 oddsKidnevPills tion had attained code It has now reacliezl the point tor olltlincd the importance recrea ill the last de where tlnce ctllts of every cort sumcr dollar is spent on recrea tion of one form or other be de clared quoting trolir AmcriEan figlt tires thch only ones available Touching on the subject of worn on in recreation hc said it was often little harder to organize girls sports for few of that sex had confidence enough in their abilities to try for various teams In Barrie however where 85 dif ferent types of recreation were of fered the ladies take an active interest in 55 different phases These range from siTnBlE attend once at the moviesto activepar ticipation in sports arts and crafts and other recreational media To illustrate the importance be Isiaogassumed by recreation Mr Robinson later showed lm deal ing with the lack of recreational facilities in an unframed American town and how this lack was remc died Another lm that of Bert Maddox on North Simcoe scenes where Pcnncll Bobby Galv Vasey amid three Guelph players shovcllldrawinc assists on the loose play it illto the elnptywdwclling It was Guelph thought they could stage tough one on Beasley who had last second drive and iced their tried vainly to keep the puck ollt top performers but they couldnt Tempers and hard feelings belethdraw Beasley from the IlCiS gall to edge up the thermometerIbccaltsc clever work by Long and as the garlic progressed Ilvleger kept play around CClltiC The close checking and body for ice body slams yverc forcing ruggch Obcrlroltzer threw monkey contest Joe Shaw set the sparkIwrcncIl into lhir chances by be when he tripped Brandow and ing thumbcd for elbowing at 1925 then followed through to pile into lBilts tried vainly but couldnt even Hogg Rick not knowing thatIcome close Shaw had been pinnedtor minori The game took lot of steam out penalty retaliated with arms lash of both clubs It was fast andvhard ing frontsall angles Once they with vcryclosc chccking with nci were shoved in the sin bin the ther giving an inch Flycrs won blows threatened to causeanother the game despite taking the long scramble Finally policemanIcount on penalties to add another came to the aid of the officialspat on the back and kept the battlers separated Hogg was handed major and Shaw major along with aminor spec Tme Table boat 25 seconds later Sid rMcNab For Skiers by CNR Iney wasibanishedrforrrslashing andI ll certainly looked like PENNELL SCORES lute of play had been announced Byers special skiers lwerc hot to win if they had to sit ShQWing Perlment information lin the box the entire 60 minutes tram timesr fares and SM attrac LUCKY MAYER tions is now available to the public Guelph did come close to dead according to Nevin general was also shown during theevenvlocklhg the score While MCNabneY passenger agent CNR ing iand Hogg rested in the caboose The folder deals with the ski Host Charlie Parker also exvTheir isustainedv pressure finally territorieslalong the CNR Lauren ough citizens take an interest in The disk fell and rush of players 315 SIS the major Ski hills and recreation league next year PROMINSING ROOKIE any Ccresinohrone oi rookie WSpectsof theII of goals forhis nights jCharlie also declared headed for the goalmouth How tionsvwcreripeforanr ever Mayer grabbed the puck other girls team in Midland and cites from themed line expressed the hope that junior division would be added to the Second Stanza when LMcNabncy son Bob Bingley was sitting in the penalty box for holding atthel the best time It was rathercheapbutifl ason had anything Ferguson quite an impressive rcttord with gone with him Pittsburgh Hornets of the Ameri canHockey Lcaguc before his re top penalty killers in the circuit cent recall to Toronto his rstyear of prof hockey had scored three winning tallies for the Hornets artd onthree occasions he had pair work Ceresino in were tried to forecheck the Biltsle Itows at such outstanding ski cen and Morin Heights Scottish Curlers Pay Visit to Canada Flycrs took 20 lead in the tallied his prettiest goal of the sea ed against clubs in Halifax Truro New Glasgow Charlottetown and Scottish curlers left Moncton NB recently via Can adi National Railways one team should have Meger and McNabney the two route to Saint John NB and other to Quebec CitygAfter games to be played with clubs in Saint John and Quebec the two visiting teams will proceed to Mon treat and other Canadian cities attack However the homesters neverdid get possessionof puck fort long as Meger was ry ing the little black weapon over the ice Mayer Robbed of Shutout ilyers Winjat Guelph 24 +I tirnc table yourkidneystonormalactionwhelprelieve pressed the opinion that not en labeled shot that Mayer juggld tlanine and at RBWdOU Qu It Following asries of games play MEGER Mauritania LONG PENNELL LEADING scoacns titlltrtlc5 Zr had tile iri llw ilt to lll ll to Iler Ililil Brits tl rt amino fig lll sltaw fltl litlliii all Stall Loll thou pr 5A1 ii tip pililtls tl hivl rtntl tnrrsiara lift eellll glltlii pa lllr utltls 13l Iioyrlvel lie tllrll llralidoe JOHN AND RON PLUMB ARE SUSPENDED For their actions in Junior lroekev rllatehes prlor to Illlstilias toll llllrrrll star riplrivwiniler for Guelph lliltlnoles alld Johnny Illlrrley spare forward with tall llockets were given suspensions by the llA executive lllmlcy an Owen Sound boy who is cousin ot the Iletroil lled lingi titlflllt pot two names for Slllllllllflls stick at Iierre Fad Belly of Sltlattord Iluillb was suspended until Jan Lil sode in Oshawa three weeks ago when he hit Referee Al led Wood of ldronto arid the official required four stitches to close head wound There is divergence of opinion as to the Plumb incident The ref eree and his ctrofficial fled ltar ttll of Barrie reported that tile fiery Guelph player ollked him by accident while trying to get at spectator who had grabbed his stick But listen to the writeup by 11 Soup Campbell sports editor Oshawa limesGazette who was close at hand spectator As for the incident that devel oped into such serious consequen ccshcrc is what happened as we saw it lllrilrg highsucking llllrry beside the boards Plunlbs stick came up and spectator grab bed it in sclfrprotcction gesture llowcverve tllink he hung on to it little longer than necessary Then when Plumb dill pllll free he deliberately swung back at the spectator with the stick will again grabbed it this time in earnest llley thrngled and the officials llrov ed itlft Montgomery former Osha wa player also got into it arid the fans around there all stood lip and remarks were thrown but nothing else except the original twol and then Montgomery jumped up to strike spectator About this time rcfcrcc Wood had got Plunlb well awayaboutrscven feet from the boards when all at once Plumb swung his stick with his left hand in the direction of thc oflicials head He almost ducked it fortunately for both of thch but the stick caught Wood on the right side of his head above tllc eye and then the stick glanced to Woods shoulder and broke at the impact Wood droppch to the ice bleeding profusely and had to bc helped off and Plumb skated around on the ice long after most of tile Guelph players had sat down butllc eventually drew his match misconduct penalty In our opinion Plumbs action was no ac cidenthe hit his intended target But the offical may be generous its downright simple with Iimberib LAMINATED at thefactory Both sides raised in gn operation Four handymen and boycan frame your barn in days Presto aIIrigid postfree build ing that gives you more use ablaspace atrless Cost per square tacit than anyofher typc of construction Efficientmod ernhgood looking The most bulldlg for your money winrns l2 loco feet HEIGHTS fol0 feet Prompt delivery Mama our 2429 By roxo REARDON Illill for his stick swinging epiI BARN RAISING RAFTERS cut and tted ficoOPI For frotl for tile twillrs tilr til nilttdes Ili lrl eoolel Ills eluws lti Iil Tl lrtillllle Jalstles as ef lalr Iii Ci 2i It rl Tl Slit lcllltll It Ii tllatirrtt lrlllll ii I7 Starr ltlll II III iii til titlltitll III II Illilvllt lllrmltl iii Ill lllril lillle li It lleal tileleflls ti ll ll Llli ittllti ltttltliilitt ll Iii ill Bob Minute III Iii flitii file II ll IT lolrll Silttltltll ll fr Ill III is more profit to you The sailings from highcr grads VBmamrmuamm More chandeliersratio Canadathanany other ran THURSDAY JANUARY 13 1949 rivr POINTS as Hayeld St Barrie TRY OUR APPETIZING FISH and CHIPS THEY ARE REALLY TASTY Quick Delivery Dial 4553 illllwl llttlitili IN killIRS NEW cuts CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS lie gtlllll Wlll rr iltltl for All illu baggage In 1946 there were in anada 7ft all Llltlllt le llxl lIl Ir M124 vimHt plillllgtl1lillllitge tally llltpilp and on weekly newspapers Total eirelllalron of the two groups was more than and half million announced by ltitlltflltlll ilrlwi flit Nll firtlt macleans furniture craft REPAIRS ALTERATIONS CUSTOMDUIer 21 Worsley Street BAKRIE ONT DIM 4346 1947 Mercury Coach heater and defrost er Hos run only 14000 miles 1946 Packard Sedan Clipper model heater radio and defroster 1931 Hupmobile Roadster 1944 Ton Ford 11 foot combination hoist 1939 Ton Ford Cab and ChdssiS 1939 212 Ton International stake BARBIE MOTOR SALES Steele St PHONE 2214 Barrie HEADACHEY RED cousriilAribiils chenille Cause fso Do this Constipation puts poisons in your system that can cause lot of troubles Just feel the difference overnight after you take NR ALL VEGETABLE Laxafe This grand medicinedoes clean thorOugh jobyand leaves you feeling brighter happieras though weight of tiredness was Iifted NR is made from herbs and vegetables nothing else Ask your druggist for NRNaturls Remedy Tablets 25 for 25 cents Moneyyback if you afe not well pleased IM IR IMOIf manor lid aural in Add Indication heartburn Gas RH TABLE SimGain regal now1 cosT 71ml Saonou Money Balanced feedjngsaveslt you money The grain and time savedby balanced feeding pays for the concentrate used and the savings go into your pocket Compare the Vvalue of 450 pounds of grain with the SHURGAIN Hog Cancentraterequsired to balance the hogs ration diirlng the feeding period The difference and fewer Ioases adds more and micro in favour of bal anced feeding Can you afford to let another day go by without investi gating the SHURGAIN feeding program See Us Today n11ijscnurom HILLSDREE noun ram more all THE MMFAQUIIIS or NH

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