Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1949, p. 10

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lmi the Fisherman llouiilas Kis fixini iiitlrtei Mist the Wat irceti The Story mi lfitllillrll Wernhcr lire liar rilf iijitull Millie llinnrr ixlle lleaditlan bjr Wiiliarrr trials MilkinaidS Millions by Atrstiin and hits lUMBAGO PAGETEN Many New Books Are Heralclrcse on Sale it Saturday Market Eggs icing Lower Being Added Barrie Library Shelves tin Steer Kori oirrlrj and by in lrill iiia try Stlflltw llll llundrii llciiutx and lltir is The aim int Kin lg Silurianc Sinclair Birthday lavl by Frances lailr rIr No llillzles lilrllgzlit ll Lancaster apturv liiv by Dodie Smith Glorious Brothers by lloailr llospital Zone by Elizabeth Seilert Yonder Shining Liuiu ii Liarran Partridge and The Sky rurir tile Forest by Forrester Ariong the new mystery now are More Beautiful Than Murder rig ctavus Roy Cohen Try Any thine llic fatri Keith The Bi liicec Twice by Peter heyniy Case of William Smith ll Wentworth Married il The Chocolate Cobweo fl strong amin CirclebeV Cornelia Skinner lYlIICllKlLIl among thcnr nonfiction One Thing After all oilur by Charles Pyper and in Pastures Green by Refer MeAr lliur are two new Canadian book riow available Other new nonction books are In Search of South Africa by if forton Dolls of Yesterday by St George iVloneylVIaking lloo by Leeming Crusade inI ACHES rind PAINS sings and Incite Ladies to of Annual Dinner Jail 25 tlurini rather half will me which pails llr 11 ldmliSomclnrnu that newr wa rkzir to was tilllt counters with homemade In loaf and sugar lll cents dozen cents and iic squares sold vuiasir and turnips cents apiec cents basket only applesl wiring at till cents gus had taken at zriid were now lii 94471whartielessucliiasr ilt us were alsolon ti zit lIil Wight Hisem Bishop by Gillbcrg One Thori Britain by Harlhusters by Mc lIide by ninrin la llilcv oj Maugham Jlittl llllt by White and EGBER FF Cecil Mrs Newton with Orchard Downer and fain Downer family here lr Boyd few days with the here Mrs Workman spent the New lltiliiliiy itll in Aldershot liu dil daughter ack lTlgtlllill rjorop liope to is in the RV Barrie where she had in Her many friends speedy recovery Miss Mary Jack is now patient Chracao Stamp PRINCESS MAINLUHII is im tllllll of attraction as sire attends Men tll fluid lltriiii lizrll Loriion en did last All illlttl is tiA HRQIFISN ill IlVlllRl lsigiiritl lrun left lt fir 7hr rm awm WINTER Intriits There is flirtiizi lttHLull lll ii Museum llkirk iriarrciies rearlair iiife li that wear granite zrriyncss lhe urteritre ltlf this more irieilitzii pl supplkd by 51111000 County share Womens lmtltntcl lIlicli to the richJr panoply of fall N0 376 Arches that rise and pillar niwl urling Tongs Kit wt matter of cimvenience as Rooted lll earth Hand iirirricni llltl will as of taste in fashion the tiltxsllig of hair has received much Ntllllltss to this old hemp recoir attention in all civilized nationsw tlles ancient and modern ft is how Tlli lltilll ltl ltifltl ltlltlliis lllt aisles snow were disappointed in the nonsup port of the ratepayers The vote resulted in 497 voting ch while lulnd Scaled in lht 3303 north 544 in the WW was of the Jersey river Lake Simcoc felt that had the Weather conditnmV ElmhurSl Lukcs grandparents came to Can voio ponm tho Ii HUM Lukes is much appreciated have been approved THELPSTON man 10 School opened Jan with full Will Noble left for Toronto on attendance and Mrs Belanger in Monday to attend classes in the Charge and was takenTto Barrie Hospital where he died early Monday morn ing Mr and Mrs Frank Corner and Terry visited relatives in Toronto during the week Mr and Mrs Vardon of Maple spent the weekend with the lat ters father Frank Beauy Stone elected to replace ONeill who resigned in Inniswood Lodge ft is hoped on account 0f the iCY COHdilion her return to better health wont be too long delayed These mild days make one feel Spring isnt far away Mabel No ble reported seeinga robin in her garden this morning Its nice to have Mr and Mrs Spicer back in the village again Mr Spiccris in good health but cannot walk without the aid of crutches Mr and Mrs Grosc Mary Gwen and Sheila motored to Wal lkerton on Sunday and spent pleasant day with Mr and Mrs Creighton Wice andeamily The January meeting of the WMS will be held on Monday at 330 pm Jan 17 inthe church basement with the usualvpot luck supper followed by the arm meeting It ishoped all members willbe present to approve the years business and expenditure Robt Sawyer Attains 82nd Year Congratulations to Robert Saw was done Congratulations to the newly elected members of the Municipal Council Wm Archer Deputy village we shouldhave some at tention paid to the sidewalks here It is not too soon to get ready for the Spring oods yer who attained his 82nd birthday on Saturday Jan 49 Years Wed gratulationsjto Mr and Mrs Jim Barry who celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary Monday Jan 10 Lefroy Womens Institute Lefroy Womens Institute met at Mrs Gilmores on Tuesday even ing Jan with 38 present In the absence of Mrs Allan Marjorie Cannugn presided The roll riirnaiunnr phoneme Fagiiraaiiiriiyi taint beyofoweine BgIWIery iigspamnecdlto supplyzi consmntfoutge ofPowr un tangle nditions Cbch Powerltne Batteries are huh fulfymliarged For minutes you mm it when yonnced it most Insist on 65000 the Pew and be sure cousin AND wrm cnvcomws QIlRYCO is corned from Clitys tionlartsandaccessoriesbeuing nre gum teed design lode name Corpora thisiradcmark the men who Plymouth cg Fargo lld Chrysler Industrial trucks And nines us room Moreno NE 24 rim Hf Service Mania responsewvas on Wayspf Neigh rboring 3Mrs Stephens gaye an inSpiring talkon Citizenship and CanningPlanswere made euclire bridge and dance on Mrs InkStephens Mrs orner Mrs Me yer January 10 Clarence Wingrove has her sis and brothersinlaw Mr and rs Robert Murphy staying with her for while Mr and Mrs Money have both been on the sick list for many weeks We hope they will soon be enjoying good health thMr and Rott Hickling had eir son an aug erinlaw Mr The series iss ed November ontot Staymg the Mg wegk I948 consist of slam in end colors showbiz differed child Glltard Graham Breaks Ankle rens faces They hear the im We were 50117 t1Hmth8t Gil prinmcumcaan and Voof bet ford Graham broke an ankle in klnd for the childluvqndmhaves an accident Heres hoping he will the following values incents of soon intake complete recovery Curacao gufldershyo plus 10 Good Work byisdowllow Crew tan 12 pluso green 10 The snow plow boys did an ex us 15 red 15 plus 25 blue cellent on at opening the road It plus 30 throw 25 plusl35 is real welcome sight after lYlOlGFl being blocked in for day or so Curacao Netherlands titles has issued serjcs of special stamps which are sold at an ex BARRIE EXAATINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA home of Mrs ever in the management of ladies slow lhair that the art of the professional lrocessional through operi leafless has been mainly exercised Much lattention has been paid in ricentl iOf stars the white beneluenee ollyrars to hairdressing and beauty parlors are now looked upon as Great Yarmouth Cngland Missl lions been favorable and larger This ildtlllllmll til 0f M155 Arnold 0f members of the Womens Institute marine course Davrd Gannon suffered stroke Thursday evening lan 20 At the annual school meetingK Davrd Whitton was reelected and paper was also given by Marjorie IIa Lellan and Mrs Saw1 tlu llrrtisli lerupizi Nllici War The lllllttm liltlln communion rilzvlo are illlltltflilllitl 18 Hampers of Food Sent In December Womens Institute At the first meeting of tliellar rieWoniens Institute in tlieunev tjsizir it was reported that it boxes 6iii groceries and fruit were sent lo the sick and needy tor lirist may is held at the ilchciile ll Bradford Strcet Letters were read from Mrs Singer and Mrs Rothwell former indmliers who are now in England The mectiru The rollcall on how to lxtll out of rut was answered ll many ways The general opinion was that you could do so by keen inu up with the times anal by hi provingt livian ronditions Mrs lloean of Griffin was re ranged Crimps and curls by simplci ported not well and Mrs Thomas lllizabetli Street was reported in One of these the curling tongsltlie hospital wilti broken hip Sandwichesand Christmas cakc Tvercltcrvcd by Mrs Creighton and pot luck supper will he held Mr and Mrs Samuel Lukes Bradton Tuesday evening February at the home of Mrs Gallo way 53 Miilcastcr SllOtlllh meeting following STROUD WM Now in these woods no bird reHSscntial mains to Slllll For many years most people arl Yet there is left still more hal lowed thing devices at home toms lt0SA OATES RICHARDS in Boston Monitor is heated on the fiip of the clriml kccr ney of ifhghted laniroiTfroiiia Bylaw to Raise stove Miss Kerenhappuch LukesziMrs McLeod of loronto daughter of the fate For Wing Nurses Home Lagrat collingwood ford has given to the Museum her maternal grandmothers curling tCollingwood EnterpriseBulletinl tonss kit WhiCh COHSiStS 0f filldlng large number of sponsors undittmfssi Spirit 18ml match box ctcr workers for the Hospital ByLaw in 21 handsome Case Thcsc vcrel seeking approval for the issuance SptClallN handy when tiavcllingl Radda of $70909 in lcbtinturcs it itttl and WOW used by Lady Bailey an additional wing to the present 1Cl0nhppllth GOfflnl wife oft Nurses Residence at oliinpwood Sll Jimm Bane 56 CleHin Misses Jean and Elspeth Nelson Ileft last Friday for Regina Sask Mrs Russell liowrv entertaiiicd the Anglican WA at her home last Wednesday afternoon Roy Reynolds is spending two lrnonths in Miami Florida llis many friends hope he may return much benefittcd in health Miss Mac Reynolds having fian ished her special course in St Michaels Hospital Toronto is back oTi duty in the Royal Victoria January 10i Hospital Barrie Remember the pot luck supper and annual social evening for and their families in the Hall on Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gordon Blain on the birth of Hospital also to Mr and Mrs Steenholdt on the birth of son on Jan in the Barrie Hospital Recent visitors included Mrs or the mad few cars and tllldl teer racuse NY wth her slid into the ditch between hcrcl mmer Fredwic NIH and and the highwayv ThUTSdaY mom Mrs Joe Marquis of Durham Mr mg However nous damagel and Mrs Beatty and family of Cookstown at Bert Marquis Mr and Mrs Gordon Gilmour Joan and Shirley of Alliston at Dwight Reeve John Lambie James Ritchq Nelsons lo and George Wicklum Councill lors with Elinvafe looking afterl its own affairs as an incorporatedl $23425 for Bible Society The Executive of the Stroud and Craigvale Branchof the Bible So ciety take this opportunity of thanking all collectors and con tributers for their generous sup port in the recent canvass for fundSTWhen the sum of $23425 was realized United WMS and WA The January meeting of the uni community offers its conl led WMS and WA at 19 Pal5 age on Wednesday afterno an attendance of 26 In and prayer by Mrs and MrsBeelby er last ye Princess ffenlre of ltlracti0n ll Ball gt lllETUllN VlSlT BARBIE JAN3 tiilwi ixlgc xii illJ Ne that ii ixrdrir Utillt Eras Initirriil fruit tiiiill rln wart llft ltttidi or eri lltlflll ttzc TOSSY SllKlSKY lltllllialullli Toronto and National Syiiiphorircs Last reason he opened the Nal tlonal Syriipliorry season iii lanlilt lirlorr lllt lrisrident lru man iii attendance as well as the San Antonio Syiriplrom shark and made ziltou flur Ill orchcslial appearances in addition to olti out recital tour This yiar he will undoubtedly surpass his previous record for far in advance of his liall tour he has already been booked for orches tral appearances which include rc tllfltullltllls with the San Fran cisco aml Montreal Symphonies and seven appearances with the Les Angclcs Symphony on tour Said leading West Coast critic Alfred Frankenstein iii the San Francisco lironicle At intermis sion there were only two questions that people asked each other was this the best since the sensational debut of lleifclr 30 years ago or was this just the best period You can answer either question in the affirmative so far as this city is concerned January If iAudrey Gray Leads son on Jan 1949 in the Barrie had devo tionalperiod the scrip re reading erb Wallace followed by two interesting apers onChris tian Citizens Training in China by Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Hughe Encouraging reports of ars5 work were givenThe Wrote Virng Thomson Oftllc New York Herald Tribune Mr Spivakovskys violin plziyinpI was unforgettable such unfailingr n0 bility of tone such chnircssof col oration his triumphs in recital and as soloist with the leading ma jor symphony orchestras have gained him recognition as the mosh sensational violin virtuoso to come up in decade and one of the most soughtafter 31 Regional Meeting Simcoe Librarians Librarians from six public lib raries and receiving stations throughout the county attended the second regional meeting of the Simcoe County Library Coopera tivc which was held in Allistorr in December The librarians were from the southern portion of the county only Among those present were librarians from Alliston Bradford and Becton and the custodian of the deposit station at chroy part of the Fall THURSDAY JANUARY 13 1949 pas ye Mr dct iWos HospitalAid Receipts $1248 Reports Mrs Gable flis ille was lrCicfltd presi 29w slrii tiz den year time pit bull ilfcl If God lflirflg first Rn liirn Tints Wt livIlEfilllll kzulg at liable president I5lt2lt Hotlrlirl Aid NIltli gin ratn littier year this year assutiatrons report liri an There was in tlic frank of $4341 it ilm end of fleceiriber coniparerll flilldlltt of 539930 at trit during ancial New CLEANING SERVICE in BARBIE rtfr llt the lltlit llv ccipts totalled $liltliit and expenditurcs irrioutilitl to 5109333 evpenditures veiii wit tie lliiillluf of hilNpltl tiinls past your lpholstcry heslerficlds EXIERTLY THANK IN YOUR HOME Ht hicf during and lo clttsltltltltls residenci Sll Till lifesaving fund slot iiination to the rurrses titlSIltlfltltl sclrolirrsliip fund public lrrrcrzx iitlll OWN nerises totalling Ontarios Largest in Lo cation Cleaners NU IlSS SIMCOE RUG lipholstcry Cleaners Write Painswick Barrie PHONE Toronto 0663 flowers tlrrisfriiasf lirislrnas cards for patients and Litfls to ifsplaccd pcrsons working at lllt hospital and lll nir raffle bridge spring and fall llft salts Jltiflng at Zellcrs and tat day their throughout iiuiu peil lulu riiajor rrri my were fund 4761 items cairipiirtin THANk You TO My Many Wonderful Friends and Sup porters of Innisfil Township in Electing me as Deputy Reeve tor 1949 will endeavour it serve the entire town ship to the best of my ability ALLAN TODD Vesta FREE HEARING TEST ntltroiiiruir it lice1 VIAmzi No Cords No Bulky Batteries No Receiver the Earlzii idftxl tilt tritium VIM 1443 ERt$ mm fzimts tun11gt Home Demonstration TUESDAY JANUARY 18 from pm QUEENS HOTEL Barrie Ontario Aw 31 Appointment mm IF ITS SPRING BARR REPAIRING GIVE US RING CI REARCHING LARGEST STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Gowan St FACING TRACKS SPRING sum Miss Audrey Gray county lib rarian met with them to discuss problems and to held an inter change of views and information The rst meeting of this kindy was held in Stayner in the latteri Allandale PHONE 3400 QUlCK freshments job wodnvioriiiirtc BulltinCupboards Cab inetsand Furniture Rev pairs ms BREWER PHONE 3229 or 2373 19 Mary St Barrie xceeded their allocation by ng $147 to Presbyterial Trees er and supplybale ofr clothing aluepat $20 WA yearly receipts were $332 It was decided to con tindczsending food parcels to Brie 26 Adainty ruiich wasservd by tain eachmember titbring dona tionito the February meetingat Mrs Hughes Enthusiastic plans of work were made and committeesappointed for the New Year pleasant social time end edthe meeting when MrsfPaisley and theilunch committee served re to see that grow Thanksto Roy Hickling for his part in keeping this district cleared Its no easy priiotltrur gotssttztst tinnitusi 10th times sacrum fSMOUlll AND RtClt rillom VA Alma git museum iii helm urgent locomotion We Iced lmtltt 53 ado If mu

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