Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1949, p. 9

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URSDAY JANUARY 1949 Christmas Tableau lF lDigplayed At Home lBORN JAN ersFGlYli 11111 1101111111 TEE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA Good Time Was Had By All Whrrr Food Reigns Suptrme and Thi Best People Ilrct lWeatherman Doesnt lOblige Collier YPU Annual Sleigh Ride ti ii 12x zc plenaii To record iiv an ilr i1triicuitl the illillHIJl in 121 ltlilt V11111V11Vtnsoi i1r in viii1 of 29 iid 10h comfort 5121211 1111 1111 Virurib 37 His held on Monday it rt 11 311341111115 111511 iitiiiia le VV on Am EU ft at 11 Lilli The S4 mt conpctcit 12 1919 lie is led 3M litliy VShth11 is Atrt ori 111 andktho MW has succeeded in Vd Fran thm1gi some of tliElCClili riraer 21 4r 11ztlltls Myumipd mm mm Hitflitll5 Letinox 113 Jtl shitt Barrie mimuure guns hm dyeumgs UL Hm W1 1hr ill Illttxltt aiitl must tiicndlv was mm mhm lt$lilll first tilitu 7mm llilin BiSWL Llollztlu 15119 liolii start 111 f1ll and limpiwmm lilrid the bah cm can ll icmll my lane with happy Lettings tu livi birth 11 all of which l15vdlimuc 153 tlair 111w 111111 sas prt grunts 112 1111 his sniff were iii time there ls Exp up hp gt iil $111111 11 1111911 5111111 11 P11 11 51 li als bermc ii llvilzlrhiw iit tttziizix 730 otluclt January 194 lll 112 111 11 li New Year lHt 11 1111 911 With in 111 estat ML Wiww Slttlllll 1113111 ram hog born 10 by iii11111911 Li 1111 lllllili Dalton 17 il ml 051 ML 11 31 Uiwl ElsiW stiaiitiali 14 1111 mixvalvd11119 mm 91 tt11111 Sirozitt it 11 11 Did 589 MisdGuilluyles iulieitiiii 3311 11 mm another column of iioii tltiinlWl lu llil 11211 hum up V93 11 ili ilis lfltt 11 To RVT XELSON LI FM 1111 1111111lticr Jt 1H hurt toMr and Rom llflll weemnd llltSgm fur has bu pmnmhd Hm Ur Mrs Owens fit imnVille horde 31 111 Knapp unit 1111 111 Ilittlllli llll the lllww mm 01m me Sitttl llariief Another girl was It b= lt ly 111111 llllll iwl it Alli Arrrs and Aid 1mm Hi Duncan iwas titeV notin 111 gt lttii myI1 If mill f3b laiiVllltlliilllilrl liti 111isc schooli 11 If 15 vlvlltl All Ullluiitl d4 wt 1v HJWW WM 11 5llttdl lithrhllllllltllllii llvuLComiuitliiil mm Burden 550 pm Hr llllllml Williblmirllllldill111illllt Sin1 31 Hf mi Hatfield St hill and this Hi milln 119 inhimvl and Mrs Aitliur Gordon of Thorn V11VhiVn14 soV1V V111 VV VVV it IlilydiIi 111111121111 11 in litultuio TEAM rollr1111 to the traffic YestVtrtiay January klVlllt1Iltlt 3gtVLVVVVVVVVVVVL loi Iill daughter at tili p111 lmm 141 ruest 11 the noiim wilVi tiliii V131RVVVVI ZzVVme VVVH ll liltll Aid ilath of llill avetit in 1111 unt 11 VVhV and MW mom HMS VMV JUL VV VVVVVVVV 1V my VV Mr and Mrs IVVVVVVWVV XV om iiiAc llliiltlltill 9111 111ml In Vol1 Amiu were funny me mm 11 uritu iztii mum we vmimk VVV An girlntration hoard hail liiuiid 9nd Hump mr pm rst baby burn Iis horde it 111 14 unit 1i MEN My my HIth XVVVVY iziei Alil inlet ibiietl if ll the producrrsV substantial 1n lmI Rum run bum um mm lll Humid liwor oil Jim Sit111 If the My limplOYlJ 115 ml 1h Nymuwrs WMl land was born at P11114115 VlJetwmn In Flinn to 11 111 ll tblldllk MY as poil clerks town leik Vt Hum 11 npwssuiy to 111 5ij and in mm Running The is llvii and and hlilSiiit1 sitl Zlitlc was ntlllllnl in tttasi the ptice ot milk by one ambulancest1tcd out from Barrie EWI an2 EM 391 bltl Cent limit MRS WESLEY 1100111 91111111 515 513 ambulance lriv ti tii rpznii if lllcll tiaViltltliVVi Matti in in Illytll lid he Milk the pint remains at it llltlt passed away at her home er William Little had gone as far 31 11 l= l1lllllu331 nnilh MUN ynrthlm VWOVUM cents and half pints continue to 711 Royal York Road North Tor is he could 10 Villltlllllli lht SHUVlVVV mgh sell 11 six cents Jersey milk 15 onto on Doc 16 19415 Allte Els blocked roads llie iEgtt of the 11 Thank For Iii and 71 llui ligilmr Hm Iill2ltllVVI like l2lllll ill thirstV tilfits mm mm 19 cents qwan 10 Mom hdmw Wm 0f was Uvluo1 VllVth Slpighi 3de vali liili wikititl ll VVV wwlw Mum urmvvmf Bun Cum Humps up mva 1in up md Andrews litslleelihli 11 Win AM numb swig about limolati milk upitinms to ht VV SVCN humc the Bremwmd mad the Patronage 11 titlii Bar llmk ill low nuisance he wasappoint Manama us mm or rick 1m pnvmmmm li 1111 720 iiid were back Vi Vii 111111 Ni Vhammi Ufjl Unmlnmpe six cents hall pint buttermilk islstrokcs in the tliiiprcss Hotel Vic Wm bVf 0UP0Ck Vim WV of the past Year NV VVV Twmnm Viv pummel Mm lhwhinKnrxV bum Rpm uh mks as if unchanged at 15 cents quart and tuna 131 on ItllVlll 10 19411 VLmnjlllimd MVVVVV DVVV my 18 If hhl md hm hm 13W VFW Mp mm MN mke he skim milk is available at 13 cents and thll no hope ll her recovery it lt 1111ovt 111 MI 5le ma nix ML weekend Mr and Mrs Vluiox and log by mu and swim NV mm intuit VVK VHslht1 loluui1111111191 V1111111VlltVVVirtlt am 1pm TWMHUV family paid reltlln yisit to Mr mi mt won icam ins bun ichiLasu VtV V111 VViV V4 Kelso Roberts Tonnto LI 11 11 and 11s lhommn at l3tlllt from 20 to 21 cents halt pintlcaiiiig on her mw Mi 41 liueli James Miss Laura Barrie has returned Deputy lceve Uffili reported tllllll0My lVhlllllrn llieV funeral suit is held it Pays lSlf ame Torch illtl l1 and ls llradshaiv to 5112 larksule Dyil utter spend on the steps taken to provide SiouVgffg 2111211 pm Pigmir 13 11571 New Bowl Tnan ulmmcr gt1 iii Ala lelllllZ surfaces at neens Park mm Kill 11 it into lLll ii itiiiis 11th 1112 Lliristviiis ho 1d us Thom are apprommmely 17 18V 19m conducted by mm 1qu of up 0an IA5Li11l He was visitor to Barrie lust Tues llradtord and at King EdwardSchool also mentioned Prince of Wales tives and friends near and in Toronto Mr tamily 11 11 St 11 Ms tr11ler1nt Lockhzut and llev ieo Barker The casket was also opened at the producers supplying milk to the Ice Cream lav vi St 1Vio Thcc wa rmmmm candy lil1mrl335 GI IBEEIXJE 31 SKVlM IV iluIVVhllVlllVl 313 nk Smilad Dem The producers have won price Lampme Funeral Hmm Wuwick Whilthcio he ilmtwfdl chiitIiigiii 23 ELIZABETH gm VVV 1VVVMVVVVUVVIH CNN EitlltglllulqgllttifIiillltwrll lxltfmuh Mom at the mp Hayfield SL increase of 10 cltknts $4 liunltl ntV Interment was matte in the 433 T11 gladfhinds 11111 t4lIIIl iii litrboro with gmng with 1m mwmx ML and and at K1111 George School The Til J01 ml UHVH li llVHSld jmmmrVfIrlll 111 may his political and business mw Qli1n mung rowtmr 911 Ml mmm 10H it PM six of her ncpheus itlan is pall Mix In Otto IlliWSOIi carccr and met lot 01 prominent WWth munmng mew nks diiuis IS the fact that thcy 11 111 bed imam minwmzirc VlltVLG1ibitt VF SVniVitliVVllAVVIitll and the ward of works mm VnouV 1ch Dild $4 for0 surlplusI illilK Mm MOON was the daughter of infirnirgmxzm 1me 1f mm Vith clltlillmelll f01 Clearing 1h inueashpf $11 iumru the late William and Anti Illslcy Strithrov lltCl ptlillli tev 1k vlo iv ude iorichoco lttcogmztd is an outstanding gm ui Ice surfaces when it is not Iqulil 51k and 95 hm Wllliemmrm specialist in minim laws Mr Rob toys 11 11 Pdlt 1V 11 010ng the shrug late milk butteinn an 51m Om marmolph Sm was WV VVVV VVd 10qwcVVnin with Mrs Geo Smith 10 Mai 51 milk was classed as surplus and ias 11 mm were Hid on $290 of Mll 1C mmln TM he development at this important lolm MCLmd lllhohpom 1m RWY Jam an reportm on 111 acllotl Non milk is on Others Elslcy Of Millm m1 Cmadiin industrv especially in to 1y season Vl is parents mumps rm mnovmm the mamia iin 92 VV VV MrQnd MIR ROY ICUXi Miry floor of tnuiiicilidl litiildinl zidllmm b11513 and aummmands lmlllEstoctilillndbiliufiii St returned Monday to resume the full price 01$4 01 gt pliant to thc fire hall llicse fig Dolgevule NY MUHH dccheg his studies at Dalhousie University 11 bummed must the an The distributors state that tho pd Hahn Ns nm dun qu sunostd gyman increase to the producers 10 HillMW Hath D1101 10 Member of St latiicks Riding FreSh 01 Cured ll ll movian IO Ioronto she and her Toronto from 1943 to 1918 Mr 91195 pgulia on Fle mlgm be forthcommg from angunls lgeegfngshn hSnflhmd husband lived iii Barrie where her Roberts has won the lricndship of LO 1er nite UlC QVCtl0n rmy to spend his fifth vuitcr visitir1 SllltCOPCOIITIiHCaltlrUlltl7Af Were in 39 pl husbandmcanimLnlisucccssfpt hundreds inf rclijlglrg itrom thc anal diiccrsimthg 11199151901519 of Toronto for 60 COLLIER ST St Potersburg Florida His many tor some discussion it was sug muds and ladim weal busi mum sections Rev Lewis MA 31 Minister The Home of Friendly Worship friends wish for him pleasant posted that the negotiating com on C0 mm due mnded 01mm ticss Fioiii lici caily girlhood whom he sponsms an annual plCa LLOYD TUFFORD iSi apnin and Mrs Strachan and beneficral sinoiiiii 111 the antics consult With the health unit iggmgfs bsthe dilsmbumcrs years She was devoted Chnrch mic Centre Island also CORNER CUPBOARD worker and served most faithfully in all organizations in the United Her dignified and friend Sunny South Prof L017t1vifc and lauglitcrof Kingston Miss Organist and Choirmaster again and bring in recommenda tion fused When no agreement was reached by the middle of Dcccm 1licitzo arbitration boardswcri cs attending the funeral came from Toronto Midlaud Waubaushenc Si7lY JANUARY 1949 11 dinlIQIINI1$SSMEETING Church Elstcjv of Campbellville and one sister MlSEillllV Bowman ogt SUNDAY JANUARY 1919 Kingston Nova Scotizi at or spend ing months vacation vith the formers parents Mr and Mrs Smith 92 Pcnetang St Mr and MrsRfSNcsbiit included the Toronto market did not provide for an increase to the producers NEARLY 356000 HALLMORNING SERVICE 230 pmlbsuympvscodl Lower Toronto and Mmmd Mrs Deputy Reeve Griffin rcportcd Nnmnnner won he mm 01 Thornton MiiicsingKiiig510u and PASTRY ETC 30mmlmmn p111 EVANGEIJSTIC SERVICE Black Elmvale werc guests thatVa heating engineer would in sclnyepnding of one bitrauon friends and the numerous wreaths KCDOSIM WlSCQnSlll IV0mi11 Exchange of pulpits of Mr and Mrs Lowcr over vestigatc the posmbilitics of heat Vd VhVh th and baskets oftlowers which covl The ChUFCh 5011001 lt the holiday season In the arth butldmg and he IL me anCl Speakci item Cardci ded ea ictcd lict casket note tiibutc to ll armNursery ngmnils and WV mmpm Lowqlp CI UB LAC and Mrs Smith would have further report at marei pr 59 whim teem in which qhe V15 537 Primary Depts UHF 31 101in IFRCUF left Barrie on Dec 27 1948 for later meeting to the pmducers The hde Of 230 PMVJUMOFV Intermediate and EU 111 111 other arbitrath boardV which 111 Vt comaium put VWEICK NlGlll SERVICE Great is the teward of the Faithful E22221 MRS WILLIAM Maxim resident of Allandzilc for many years Mrs William James McKin ley died at her home 192 Bradford letter was read from the sec lrotary of the public school board regarding school patrols In the of letter Felt pointed out that Senior Dopts PMAdult Bible Class Thats No 11 1T LEADS TO 51 BLAKE ST Where Food Reigns Supreme and the Best People Meet WEDDINGS AND PARTIES ARE SUCCESS AND FRIENDS ARE NOT FORGOTTEN For Sunday nights we must have Reservations ROBINDALE INN PHONE BARBIE 3741 or 9055 AMBROSE Manager PMEVENING SERVICE Rev JHS FCIEUSUH Oshawa Lcslic Wilson Mrs man had been engaged for SW on Sund1 December 26 Annual Goodwill Exchange SoitiC Ralph Devlin and Mrs McKenth Prince of Wales School and for 1948 folmwing icf mm Sh LETTERS DURING CHRISTMAS RUSH During the period from Decem ber 14 to December 24 298510 let ters passed through the cancelling machine at the Barrie Post Office In the same period 12467 parcels were mailed Both these gures exceed allofnevious records Postmaster Thomson re ported that the letters mailed showed an increase of 116 over the same period last year and that the parcels were 10 higher than last year In addition to the number of letters there would be few thous and items too bulky to pass through the machine Incoming parcels for delivery numbered 9250 an increase of 22 over 1947 In the past few years the peak Flay of 1heperiodhas fallen Victoria School and it was sug gested that the council take over this responsibility Deputy Reeve Riffin saidit would be necessary to have two patrolmen at the sch 01 in vard six and he wonder cd what it would cost to have cnoug men for all the schools Ald H1rison asked what was the objectio to having senior students not as pa rol officers Mr Griffin said be 1m erstood oneof the prin cipals Objcc ed 19 this practice Ald Arthur ugh said he thought it would bcfi training for the older children Reeve Hartsaid senior students ted as patrol of ficers in cities throughout the United States Ald Harrison spoke of his experience it the Guelph police force where taught sen ior students to act as patrol of ficers and the system was satisa factory Deputy Reeve Griffin juouglLtgL many jobs were be ing created for the taxpayrs to foot the bill committee will ar range to meet with the school board was in hor 75th year Mrs McKinley the former Annc Etta Hudson vasiborn in Ba ie on February 18 1874 Her pa cuts were Harris Hudson Hoims With the exception years spent in Gotham No Hamp shire in the early part her mar riage she livedin rie all her life Her husband predeceas cd her in 1929 William Mc Kinley of Minesin Mrs McKinley vas member of Essa Road Pres yterial Church and was actichi the Womens Mis sionary Soci and the Ladies Aid of that ch rch She also belonged to the der of the Eastern Star and the rand International Auxil iary the Brotherhood of Loco moti Engineers rs McKinley had four children sons predeceased her Dalton led in 1919 and Gordon died in 936 Her two daughters Margucr te andAnah Mrs Harold Wbdo and three grandchildren survive her Three sisters Mrss Mil 37 Mary Street of Toronto were visitors at homeof Mr and Mrs HWilson Clapperton St during the Christ mas holidays Ralph Knowlcsyson of Mrs Wil fred Knowles and the late Major Jammmsmomcbndiishrist mas vacation from Rhodes Military College in British Columbia for ten days Ralph is in his first year of fiveyear course His father the late Major Wilfred Knowlcs was prominent in army circles oil es of the Barrie Churches Young Peoples Fireside PM SUNDAY JANUARY 1949 130M=BELlElZERS MEETING 300 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PM GOSPEL MEETING Come and bring yourifriendr EVERYBODY WELCOME Rev Caleb Harris BA Th Trinity Anglican Church ngDAY $38 WI REV csoss BA LTH Rector gifgvilclemlg 88 Organist Mrs Roberts The public are cordially invited Central United Church REVJ BEWELL BA Mimster MRS LENOVER Choir Leader Mr SMITHV First Baptist Church Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JANUARY 1949 11 AM and RM first war Veterans Mr and Mrs George McMillin and family spent the holiday sea son at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs McMillin Hol gate St George was transferred from Halifax to Sarnia in the iSpring of 1948 andis now Produc SUNDAY JANUARY 1949 Epiphany 800 AMIloly Communion 1100 armMORNING PRAYER Beginners Sunday School pmBIBLE CLASSES pmiPrimary and Intermediate WShool 7pmEVENING PRAYER lion Manager for the Imperial Oil refineries from coast to coast with his home office in Sarnia The Bishop bfloronimand Mrs Beverley held reception at the See House Toronto on New Years afternoon then the Archdeacon Happyond VVVErosperou New Year the 7th day before Christmas but this year it fell on the 4th lette rsandpareelsurce day before organiSt of York and Mrs Sawers re and discuss the matter 181 Lavina of Barrie Mats ceived withthem Presiding at the Forbes Ethel of Buffalo Mrs SUNDAY JANUARY 91949 flowercentrefea tablcrwcre Mrs The Mayor said resident of George ParrJBiIdie of Midlana 11 rismrMOBMNG WPRSHIP rrrCHuRCH Riley Marshawens Mrs Sanford St had asked that the andabrotheruohhgudson ofrBar fiends rie also survivefher sidewalk be not snowplowed be cause this onzy filled the drive ways Deputy Reeve Griffin 53 Foiheringham 11113713 WI Horan Mrs Frank Roberts Mrs Theme iErayeTand Personal Livmg 200 Hayfield St office up to noon on Phone 4572 ig aLd The funeral was held on nesday December 29 airthe Hector Ferguson MrsJ Ifar rington and Mrs Harry Grasett The assistants were Mrs Maurice Beyerley Mrs Dppald Beverley Mrs Muller Mrs Owen Mierdith Creswicke Mrs Light and Life Gospel program FoIinsbee Miss Beverley Prelim Roberts Mrs Arthur Cummings RemN 13 SmelalerD SUNDAY scnoo PM tand Miss TanisMacLaren And Patrons ParEel delivery ws effected und er contract but handle the de livery of mail nd to man the wickets and come of the sort ndwde atch of mails 24 ex tVere engaged with total nett Funsml19memcrg Sinclair conducted the service Pallbearers were Neil Galbraith Wm Robertson Bert Curtis George and two nephews Hlarol ltVIc Cooke and Don las Mil er er and residents on street should payroll for the period off$86312 Jment Zyin Bafe Union Ceme not necessarily be ableto have ThroughWt the permdi mails tery there should be an unanimous opinion from all residents ofa street before taking action to dis continue plowing the sidewalks Ald Corbett pointed out theVside walks were used by all citizens REV AND MRS CHASE ministers CHURCH SCHOOL ToiimYOUNG MENS CLASS 11 lmBeginners Primary 230 pmThe General Schoolfr SHIP pQ 11 REMEMBER 119 um THE BEGINNING or n11 NEWXEAR BUTTHE FINISH THAT COUNTS SUNDAYJANUARY 919119 Tune in 900 CHML 830 am for MANAGEMENr AND STAFF sidcwallcvsnowplowing stopped We despgtched as promptly as Elonalhiributes were sent by possible with special attention be many organizaons in towniThe mg Elven l0 busmess 3113 Evening Auxiliary of Essa Road complete clearancef0 he flay was Presbyterian Church the Ladies 1999998011 millmg trill num Auxiliaryto the Barrie Lions Club ber42at8i37 the Eastern Star Bayview Chapt WWWWPY grmhands er 105 officers and members of Jth dBIIVEElesv the P9Stm35ter hope3 GrandVInternational Auxiliary 516 that his patrons did not suffer too it thefBrothmOoa ofavpocbmoftive Engfnee antifgraduate nurses of many inconveniences Reports to date indicatesthat the situation ithe Royaleictmia Hospital wre OE IllRs 5m s1910slgsmaii fmmwim mums 739pm Thursday evening prayer meeting and Bible Study 745 pm VV XV Strangers welcomesCome and wor Burton Avenue United Church ship with 1151 31 Carder SAM11iiste Christmas In Gaol Forgliheft Of Trees clemency Granted Two Toronto youths VMclflirdy and Glenesk who had beenysen tericedV to 30 dys for stealing Christmas trees from aschool res An account from the Fidelity ppraisals for appraising the Wu hall was 01291500 letter from the Chamber of Commerce advised that of 15 mer chants contacted regardingsattding sidevvallxs 135were ianavor and two were opposed Deputy Reeve St AndreWs Presbyterian any JAMES FERGUSON 139 gt1 AYJANuARY91949 Mmumou SERVICE m3 035ml Minister forestation plot near Orillia spent Griffin said he wanted anexprs take 53 0f 351mch 11y Eamong thomnt flowers 145 BARRIE VT Mi Craig Hamilton Organist and Christmas in the Simcoe County sionof opinion becauseiat few mfarp WBSPQSlble under such abnor Outothown friends and rlativ CAPT IDVE STRACHKN Chmw gaol but they were released for chants lid swept away the sandimal Condmon 12 SUNDAY SCHOOL VNew Years Ev ater it Vhad been sprinkld 0n the 411119 and Sr SUNDAY JANUARY 1949 The tWO had been convicted at icy surface The letter was order Ian FOHOWS 11 amIlIIORNITlK WORSFHP Orillia by Magistrate Kenneth ed filed Nursery Beginners 19 and lt7 Severe Snowstorm Following the New Years storm the weather was quite cold for couple of days but then moderated andyesterday the snow was melt ing rapidly and rain fell for few hoursi Temperatures week were Cameron with Crown Attorney Frank Harmond as the prosecut ing attorney Evidence givenby Cpl Vern Whitely 06 the provin cial police indicated the men had stolen the trees during the night The two had served 15 days of Preacher The Minister PMeAllDpjartments of the ChurchSchool pm GOODWILL EXCHANGE SERVICE Preacher Rev WNewtonSmith 3YP RB ll5 pm F1 SIDE HOUR their sentence when Sheriff ME cann cu Ti Brury received word from the of lice of the Under Secretary of State at Ottawate havethe man letter was read fromJames Thomson advising therevwas some doubtregarding the day of Bret tion of the town ball This ain formation wasrequired for pre paring plaque for the entrance way during the past Sultan WildId Seiviiic released Representations had been 70f six members would appear be 26 13 spel Hall made to Ottawa and clemency was fore council on Monday Jan 10 26 12 19 Parksidetmive granted 23 19 VV The Mayorreportcd there had Jan 27 15 DAYJANIIARY 1949 LEADING INDUSTRY been an invitation from Ki 27 Vi art 27 CT in TcVV irt LW 19 3011me mar if Nit adas leading industry inpoint of Linoleum cututo makeso VA color view of valur of products and Thcmeetrng wasadtiournd aboutmmektkhertsheim and El letter from the recreation icouncil advised that delegation High Low lwages and salaries paid tqmorkers 915 pm drawers

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