THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8100 Copies AUTHORIIED A5 SECOND CLASS IAIL ro om ornn THE BARRIE+EXAMINER 86th YearNO 5189 017xst FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY I949 Section 2Poges 9to l6 renegade hr COST 310 PARK AUTO After Accrdent OF THE NEW AR Abner Rawn of Sunnidale WM 35 compar Township just missed eiecuon Unconscious for five months and in gm during December to the Township Council by two days following motor accident hm 199 as heralded with two votes in the elections held Icar Home ii CIVIC IlUIlda Bill IIPflt snowstorm that startcd 115 Monday If any recount is born Joan llollrday 18 of San Fran on V0 Years Eve and tied up to be made application must cisco died January in Toronto WEN Wyn we the 1949 lowri Council held last Monday night one of the first Irrat tcrs discussed was the difficulty cf clearing snow from streets that HELD OVER MORE DAYSTHUR FRI SAT Ah the Roiynfeature GRA OPENING IRIDAY NIGHT OF OUR NEW UP TO DATE Refreshment Counter THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVE snows AT 645 pm the CONTINUOUS snow SATURDAY FROM 230 pm picture that takes the cake for laughs Provincial police said Miss Holli Iday was sitting in the front seat wlien the car driven by Reeves col illdCd with dump truck driven by Stanley King of Barrie about 530 prn Aug at the intersection of The three men electcd were all members of the council in 1948 Lawrence had won an acclamation for reevc and Buie had won an acclaim tion for deputy rccve The re turning officer was Hcrbcrt Matinee Sat 230 Continuous after dis be entered within 14 days after WWW ImslliiI She ared lilcl In pub or the ante of the election severe concussion in an accident colt Ave Toronto was killed inSt god to keep the roads 33111333 lifgrcufgioizfclisfilllln taritly Douglas Glover Bridgeview Wk by 1ka illldsb ope hm seven om to with 232 and Brockwgll Rd received concussion and Mild mum mow blinked for hams am waved serious uni publish the bylaw and their taich nil 50m low Mk5 65 jmhwdmh atho mun WI and plows encountered great bylaw difficulty to May forbids parking on anv ported and Ne years Du street anywhere in Barrie between mom or mp mum roads had the hours of in and am 6er and work was Now at our regular admrssron prices Mn Rhwn had 217 mks and in which George Reeves of Pres MIMI owpo man who headed the Do whh 262 red Elli of Bcgicongeld Ave re OUHLII decidedly unanimously to Mid lrutks Vcrc snowhound PTOUd Winner Of Academy Th hwwl jhhc hum NWl No serious accidents were re ih mth hh ms Offence progressing favorably in clcar up tr gm and f0 Shhsmuom Uh ing the township roads fences is tip to $25 Deputy leeVe Charles illlflll told of the difficulties in plowmgl streets lie mentioned one instancef where car had been left on the street for three days Another car PROV POLICE HREORGANIZED flicker tiiuigiiiiiiiiiiiiiilitliiidIN IMPORTANT first hour Show since Gone With The Wind In order to run Shows each night the BOX OFFICE will be open at 530 first show starts at 600 2nd show starts at 900 NEXT ATTRACTIONS 21 Air there two days and two nights arrdI was buried under the snow Police have the authority to movnl illlwmlmnon 01 pmymml whicles that Em hmth snuwitilllltl establishments in this llbi wmomr hmh whether trrct was put Into effect on Janu ti 1Iary District Inspector Richard cars are moved the owners may be fined $10 for leavingtheir autosi sum me NV Irrfmggncnlr 0h hc 5mm an him Ywas planned to concentrate units lat strategic points and thus make the most use UIIIIIL olice radio Jack Butler IS Secretary system And Parry Treasurer All provincial police work in tr If rrrt Electrical contractors nncot oun crrn or Jack Butler of Barrie was elect Others elected were lst lit Wil liam Stewart 2nd Lt George Col cs Sccy 11 OConnor Trans Williams captain of ladders George Baldwin 1st branchmau ithc 8th line lnnisfrl and No side Barker mwnship clerk lroad Chief Coroner Smirlc Lawson rs investigating Barrie ZGuelph BARRIE FLYERSGORL Mavcr defence Bingley Long centreI Chevrcfils wings Hogg llopper alternates Pcnnell Megcr Gori don McNabrrcy Ashbec Burclram Slredden Brandow GUELPH BILTMORES Goal Beasley defence Spec Bolan ceri trc Obcrholtzc wrngs Behringch Montgomery alternates Shaw Mauricey chley Bathgmc Ferguf The annual meeting of the Bar son Palmer Marlin Vascy rie Fire Brigade was held at the Osliifirc hall on Tuesday evening Jan FmST thIOD uary and CUI McMulkm was re 1BhniePchheh Mega plcctcd chief and Lou aldwcll was Longi 1542Clecmd swam cmof Penalties Hopper Clicvrefils llogg major and minorl MartinI Shay major and minor McNab trey and the districts of Muskoka and SECOND PERIOD Parry Sound is directed from the BarrreMcNaany lLongl 23l headquarters at Barrie PenaltiesBrngley McNabncy Williams asst lnnnchman Cd Flm ICC PM In ldition to in HQ ll Barrie BatirgatcBrandow ll OConnor 2nd branchman NorEM BMFIC cued C5lcr THIRthEmOD the annual election of officers of mama mm hfup been grlsillJIbBKUIHEIIC Vasey Zone of the Ontario Electrical bmmm county at Bmdmld Contractors lreld on Jarqu PcnaltrcsIfoppe Fergu Orrin noooo 190 Stayner Orillia and Midland At each of these units there are two police cruisers and corporal with three or four men Those in charge are Bradford Cpl David Adair Stayner Cpl Allan Ayrcs rillia Cpl Verne Whitcly Mid land Cpl Al Wilson In Dullerin County the main concentration is at Orangcvillc with Cpl Everett Hicks in charge SIAIIM IRENE WILLIAM IIIIIIIIE Will ELIZABETH TAYLOR 2130 Plus ox News and Son Brandow Oberholtzcr MS EARLY GROWN GRAINS It is believed that primitive cul ltittlation of barley wheat and mjl meet was ractiscd in man the eastgm hemisphere 31303 Alex IVchrrinon of Barrie presid 15000 years before the Christian icd and KllCl Knislctjof Graw cm errliurst was elected president for 1949 Ed Walker of Midland was About 30 members of the organ ation attended dinner meeting at Carters Grill and then adjourn cd to the YMCA for the brisinness ielected vice president NEW CARTOON IN COLOR LAD ANDHISLAMPIA es9 THE COMEDY HIT OF THE YEAR STARTS MONDAY IAN 10th in durum up FlltlER BRUSH MAIIIS insulate COLUMBIA PIBIURES msents RED WWI THE Hum 38mm casfarriirg JANET BLAIR Iill Ilu ilctuire llillrrr from tlilr Itfitnt Eve Shows At 650 61 pm Mat Wed 230 Plus Aqua Zanies Land of Romance Untrained Seozl Be on Hand Ecirly Cu ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FRIDtig SATURDAY OLORFUL HIT SHOW unrivroiruruuriuui 5Packed WeStern VDESPERfADOES mo minimum irriwriix DODGE CITY EVeSII9ws7845 pm LAST COMPLETE snow 840 imm PLUS WARNERS NEWSRREL MONDAY aTUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEEWED 230pm HIT ITINRRORSII BURGEYO TOSHIBA Sol Mi Wurtrdf Production Released by 20th Coulomb 10r r+v aiNiDvENirNtrOFrTuRImRAoKEDfIiNTERTAINwaf VEORYOUllfIj sv Ere Shersimrcm CHRISTMAS ISSUE BARRI EIXAMI STILL AVAILABLE Many favorable comments have been received personally and by letter hy Examiner staff members regarding our annual Christmas edition It was printed on colored stock and was replete with Yuletide messages and uptodatc news of Barrie and District We have liniited number of copies of this edition still on hand as theppress run was in creased for the occasion Any onewlri did mt setocopyje cause of the long Weekend holiday from Friday to Mon day over Christmas may ob tain one or two by calliiigat The Examiner office or by 113 mitting 50 plus 2c postage to our circulation department WI TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 Niki Jzinumy the 9th 1899 MALCOMSON arrived in Barrie to engage in the FIRE cnrnn McMULKIN man Green asst branchman Stewart 3rd branchmanu John Monkman asst branchman Sidney Money axe merrD Miller and Caldwell hydrantmen Keast and Frank Bomrose linemen Dcl The next regular mccting will be at Orillia QlL Feb COMING EVENTS St Marys Bingo scheduled for Thursday Jan has been ported until Thursday Jan 20 Create Federation lure social evening in post lb Of Agricul school house Thursday Jan 13 830 pm Program under direction of Miss Louise Culley Ir Churchill Federation of Agricul turcwsdmmunity Hall Monday Jan 10 1949 Herd Improvement Churchill Subject SpakcriFf Lashley Please bring lunch lb bert Hickling and Lee steward Green and Miller represent Keast traffic officer Lloyd Mil 1er representative on firemens benefit fund Monkman execu tive committee Money Dalton Caldwell and Arthur Stewart re presentatives to Ontario Assocn Insurance Busmess half century has passed all tooquickly During that time we have made innumerable friends and take this opportunity of thanking oneagnd all for their generous and lOyal support We built our buSFness on carcfttlser vice and oubted security in our companies This will continue tobe our mettovunderthe efficient supervision of my son AND Now firiiTherrHJnc of Goodrlnsurance for FiftyYeors WISHES ONE AND ALL HAPPY NEW YEAR Beaaefoiih GLIONNA MRS atives to Simcoe Assn Keast and Coles auditorsJ IITOGOII nor and Ray Simmons lows Braccbridgc Cpl Del Sarr vis Burks Falls Cpl Blake Hall Ihrl Soudj Cpl MDRIEYSDUIIF ford The provincial police staff at Barrie includes Inspector Cox District SgtvDavid Hamilton Cpl Jack Lewis and eight men Also at the Barrie HQ are the members of the radio detachment consta bles Fred Kirk Thomas Holmes William Covert and Larry McWat ters with Cpl Allsopp in charge The HQ office at Barrie is in constant contact with the police cruisch in all of the regional units in the district The above units are all operated separately from the provincial police municipal detachments in such communities as Barrie Brad ford Port McNicoll and others TWAIN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 INNISFIL ELECTIONS REEVEC LOCKHART acclamationl Cookstown TODD ALLAN ELDRIDGE Rf 26 COWAN BRUCN COOK THOMAS SPROULE CHAS REIVE THOS l7 15 28 57 MCMASTER 29 Bethesda ll 72 37 93 20 63 36 72 30 71 23 36 27 Churchill Thornton Leonards Bch Painswick BB Ppint DEPUTY REEVE 107 28 4t 59 57 57 63 COUNCILLORS 72 84 73 56 18 73 86 19 54 26 li2895h$0950 SUITS IN STOCK READY WHILE YOU WAIT ALL SIZES STYLES PRICED FROM$430 SR1 CAPS $135to $195SKIMITTS $295 $365 SEEuiUS FOR YOUR WINTER UNDERWEARPARKAS WINDBREAKERS PANTS swEATERS WILE TO DelatdNow Yanks Pinietqfesi mm wcienllreli mi NGHTJANizp With alltheIAIun of thedNew Year Hats Horns and Balloons etc LUNCH COUNTER Ad 75 Person Ev is If DANCING 13R0M0pinTo2f Nine miles northof nani 0n nighwoy 27 turn at 8curve and govonehmllewest towardAnten Mills CHAS MILLER Prop SKATINGVSESSI MENS and BOYS WEAR Dunlap St BARRIE Tues lhursj Sat Evenings 330 to 1030 pm Childrens Session Sat Afternoon High School Students Will be admitted for presenting approved ideiitificatron cord 25 on thldrenunderl15yenrsoiqg115o Adults 35c EXCELLENT SKATING MUSIC PROVIDED BY NEW MODERN SOUND EQUIPMENT Other concentrations are as fol lNWIVon 1011010ng Slatmg 30000 IInlllii MONA FREEMAN CONNIE MARSHALL WALTER LANG HulaH LAMAR iROlll IMPERIAL Three Grout Stars in the Film You Always Remember Them For WALLACE GEORGE JACKIE BEERI RAFT fllIlPEII Wow they comeback in eIIIIERY with ill VIII PERI llEtltlllv Directed by Illlllll WAISII c200 cesrurtng MORE fits0MB NOTICE owing to the length of the above two pic tures The BOWCD will beshown once only start ing at 830 Mother Wore Tights starts at 645 and 1000 pm COME EARLY ANNUAL MEETINGL VICTORIAN ORDER or NURSES Thursday Icmuary 13 1949 at pm COMMUNITY HOUSE 45TORONTO sr TOWN Or BARR suing torMotorists rBylarwAl PROVIDES THAT facilitate Show removed operations IAItKINGis prohibit ecton all Streets Orparts of streets in the Town of Beirrle from November lst toMoyjlst from 100 Am 800 agm shall be Subject to penalty of not morethantenidonerk g$1000 fOr the First Offence and not inure than twenty fivefdollarsf $2500 to every subsequent Offenceexclusive of costsxand all such spy attics Shall be recoverable the Ontario SdmmaryCon ictioSAEtf clearing of snow rromksuch mghWay Sunsec constable oran officer op titted log out of the provisions of this Actlrip discovery vehicle partde or left 111 contraventio ahmunicipal Billaw may caused Idolbe right and placedor stored in notifiable charge Penalty Any perto Violating anyprovilen oftheQByllowi Front and after the public ion of this nOtice MOtorlstS are warned that this Bylaw will rigidly enforced asamndee by rBysiWISIIHeRSJSubseck undfr