Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1949, p. 4

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JANUAIE 194 WWW THE BARRIE EXAMmsz BARR ONrAmQ CANADA Grant Mayor lnaugural ggfggggg roup of Central OHL hy Rayner 777 17777 For Barne Omen 777 Him mm TO MIX SPICE CAKE lOAlliston at Camp Burtch no 1th 7I l2Camp Bmdcn at Allistull At this Inaugural meeting lltiilllljw chums Itoi all All tiltgnu l4Alliston in siriyiirr my zlncere Wishes for succmzful l949 l7Stayncr at Camp Bordrn 47 Some of you are new mcmbrrs and no ttlill7 rtleiL you IllCamp BUILlfll air Allistoti to sit With us We will expect that Ioi should hatt ic new dms 2Alliston at Striyircr and lots of cnthusiasrii 267l7l7727l7l7 177l7l777713UHII We btlltw uc halt benefiwd LApulltldt and Lurl lhi 28Camp Bordon 19 51iner 31saynhr Camp mm Lilac dl J73 lit 11 Grunt zi ind 77 Flavors ic liiiflw ili fl CHOCOlAlE as body will study thoroughly icl llUIlhvlllslll tini dctilzlipiltlz what is expected of us As time iiiarchcs on we in turn inns iriarcii gllllll xiitli lllc world is growing older and lliLll year cxptricnczng Illuilct lltlllllilb with modern idcas The people of Barrio can look forward to grout lllth uf progross 77 during the year 1949 We are growing wry rapidly and oily thing does scenicerlain and that is we must work diligently liiiriorioiislI and 7I 77 wnl th I7 Miss lldllulll7 loroiin Iitll closest cooperation Vllll tin toun planriinh bu New Yen3 with of Onllll rur ski is tru hospital boaid board of alum ion Lu il li MCCUBIR the boards commissions and committees if llic town is to grow firm ML and Mm 77II777n md I7 77 77 amhy Spent New 77777 777 77777777 EAR ADMIRAL E7 R7 MAlNGlnh 27117 53334777357739n7mllll30r7Ol chie I7tablit77Ut7iltics77Corii7riisor7i c7iin 771 Homa 08177 N7 77 7777777777 his 377777770777 70 la rea ma lD ans or irs Apolisltiiu in 14mm ANSEN7 Norman Grahrun lttlllllttl to lo tho fourday convention being spurt lainii OGOIDIN shop tlrttl i4 5PICE llzrs biLll 77 777 77 77777 77 g77771771777777 1774 so 71li ittclid Mi hall pounds tr rlt rzi iiri ll Iitlcc Ill Ill ii upplitri Thar Ltlils who and ilfl lllirfil7 7blucrng lll cml iU ilm lii iii lilo liziil unsatur all tic protidvu lii tllltlillgttgt gtll and until tim llilllll tiaii Zillllxi Iigtlr litlt tank ha llilllli llll5l ltlllllAitllthl11 tlriilza lll 7v 177 I747 l7ih7 MNthVI 7m 7I rizlil and dostgncr is crorilin riiszzrliing ll 74hIIh4 pUIiIIhHh Ihr tclilr7 Hf Ulllllllill add15 lrlllliil lhc SlillE 1p at llllilitlllllt llll iiiiiut World 31 LU110 lililiipllltlll Emil itotir illocioc 4Llll lntr 11 Iilll iilillbllil lllllu5 of lluroliia lliost will bc hwy7 37 74 7IiIII high 747 connection equalization of water picssurc will be made itVllllllDlt for 77 ronto UIichrsity iltcr blvlillllli lliililltLl by UN Naval Officers A54 mos mug On mgandi 15 lilo hm full holidays at his lltIlllL socialiori of zrnada to be hold in lltnc lndusllu an on doom the mum Mrs lltlll Ind Anitns of Halifax rimt Juno l$Julv All me 15 ahead pmparmgplans for amulet Thormon Sllrlldllls ll lLW it Lithrtllzlll lliVll officers CXLHIVdl farmers market bmldmg has will PM lmwuvml mm Mi Wilrml U45 lid 14ml 44 Vllh and ML Alllli Lilllmwl onions and iftlllLd riival officers lmmany more mmms has been ml Nd ummlmwnl my dcymp lllllb fvl lllt RIM and Qlllll Fair mm Ye large maxkm iliilillttl by tho Siriicoo oiiiit Arts will expect that the chairman of lzich coiiiiiiittco that this DCLII Wilmer Rowll and imnil 31177 hhmh hmmd Mend The and iafts Association for next set up will assume his entire responsibility and consult at all Inn3s il 11133 lnlult7x7 in corircritron ill cornctdc with of the wuk with Alllnllltl mm4 mwmmmi Cllebrilllonbl hi tt Hummr 15 ddigm mimv commi cc coil ma mi leOlt to this Uitllltll ml st 011 lwhyth mm mm 71mm Caldwell he will serve Without fear or favor In 777 77 I7 of the county tliroiirzh tlii olficc II iatlw it 1Ehiulll7mullli NIH 55 LUUN CUWW Clllllll mar an ic iospl Ullllllllltch rst ll Iil prim hwhlhm hl71m7 7I4h74 him VUYLHJIPmldlll 777 Em huh 77 7c 1715 tight lithinilstci our 7i ins i7tli dignity and hold thc IL h7llui7gtigt7i 7I7uv hair to iiuyorii7 45 at hurl anc of our pumt In plain wids ltl us usi wininoni 4s 11 arc ringing again 1158 mics lloll School after Christmas lioli lllAYOltlluIor uf Baliring 777777 i354 Mh and LUUhhhed SI wont Mlmm Loughcodhr LLGOV Ken LOheed lItllltl 157 in 1mmth hum hurkh lg whmhn mp WHIh Mh hhd Mrs Milton Loughccd unnl Olnels Installs Officers in Midland loroiito wcrc at his pirciitil honic Mr and Mrs It llin ptlit lorlhrrstrnas 77 Klwans Christth in Tonmm f7 7371 73717I7f777j5l7177Il 7771537013r7hrm Spent umbt TM 1949 oiliccrs of Homo Ki 71l Grim 415 vllll his ilill 77377777777777 777I777777777777 71777 Nor and M77 W777 McNdbb 777 77777777 1777 7777777 7777777117777 777 7777 777 7Dhmdh777m7 hhlshhm hug Bnc vigned 1nd Mm Flumk iniprlssivi ccrcmonv by liicut LE umhm llmmml Gm lull 00 cm wt ll ant ii hristiiins 151l15 at thew McNivon on SundayI Gov Kori LonerL 1011mm on Smmw spcctiu homes worn Dinis and The year 1949 came in with Monday cvcninu Pinsons Mix Ahmh huh Churhu and Jim hliliclvcy Helen and Harold bad Storm blizmld 0111151117 Ilist LiciitGov liad charge of the Mrs Ii Sloan and Kay irc Visiting Munth and Vnson Lougheuh many roads to be blocked unuy meeting and J7 Gray Introduced in Turmnu for 71777177 Th0 Chrihhhhs Commt ht HO Sllnda ltlic new LimitGOV for Division FM 10 11131 PW d3 Mli ow7C00pcmtivc MC schhoh 2L was good She 77 sympathy 0f 71110 ComlfllmllyI Tribmc was paid Wuluil Iatcrson has boon in 7llllllet cuss shunt 1137 7715 present to7Mrs Bum and Stuckle7 19434 hwsidhm 14m whhh her my WW7 You are ICOUPUMUIC lf ls0 mm was highlight for the ti Eula the fleam Of 1110 Icadcrship llt Lilivcthc Barrio All NW 510 Brmhtm and you have clri7ld7ron Ogcgefgffghvmics Ficd Richardson Club he having mm 777 Dmnin77lVllSS7lllll13l1 Sloa7h Ill7TlIillSt7U irc mini away visitors vcrc Mr gt FDOWIIIL II WM 11 Hulls 77 mm Jim hvndal to his 77707777 Death of Mrs J7 sche Ion Iilinalit llllLt timts during tin7 ML and Mm Mac Stewart and The 76 7777 mm 77 It Smhnd Tum Lam Mrq schc most highV ivcar Mm md MK 7b 17 71 inI gt I7 77 Mhh77 Mm McAmmr to hi esteemed resident of Sunmdule llic thlllJUV Ill his cxlioita and 1wjd7 spent flumums To He who always asks What lil1ilils Ahmm Ohm Corners passed away at the home tlon to the officers and to tho liICIll niiimI do get out of it usually Yhhl mhwswndem called to see of her daughters in Toronto on b01457 511057ch thL Kiwanis Thhmh ML and Mm 77mph Frank and Mrs Coo lonipkins who was so ThurSdaY The remams were for 1949 Aggicssivo itizcnsliip Sharon from Nova Scotizi and avmds coopemtlvc efforts sick in the hospital while ago brought to Stayner on Saturday DUI Individual Responsibility Mrs Baxter of Brockvillo 3107 becausehe docsnt think thy mid is now With her motherI MrsI glgntllczgmcm 35 Slaynel Ofcers imhhcd hh prehdhh lWSlllnlE MIS4 R4 Flowcl lloliday visitors wcrc Mr and King Sllt is progressing very is bring him any immediate nICclIv and is also looking much F77C771K717Tlo72r7777d VEI Mrs Ken Doyle and Marilyn oti benet Tme Loss from anke T777777 F77177kfs7777777 7777777777777y ROV 7Ioronton Wig1717 MA gin MIS slimI rowni iss owe icr Actlvyl Lowest Kmmky Dlmcmrs7 Bo Allow M7 7777777777 M755 0007777770 77777777 07 Adamson 00 Dan ClllCld Tort rito wrth lcr lllClllS cnnml or dcfmt Since FEbquIy Fred Smhh Ahhn Scout J7 Miss JOV Christin ml Misg tulle The crmc dunks he T7 7k 77 MacLa77m7 and Wib 177777777777 Dom and Jim Banting of Tummo me 055 U0 70 W017 09138505 IIIII with M157 Christian Miss Murray can 10 It better 50 he ClthCl irism out of R0d Lxl5d thanks 44737744 llrcNuiv XuaL77ciiine in livery 95 t0 Lihm7GOV Ken thhcd 014 Lancaster of Toronto at tlicMansc smys aloof oi dismumgcs the stormy and the roads were 51f canadaguHngrNGchbelwlQmv7 lvhss Ethel Iluntcr of Toronto at VVlmhtciE mixing of furl comiri toBarricrandrinstiillinr tlior eons of others bloclild was the IOWCSt recorded to any Omani in such an ihwmgsivelway 77 CQTIAGE BRAND Kan McLeanI Barych spent the month Since February 1946 ac December 30 if sad hmstmm holldnv thh hm aunt COIdm to month summar 15 The new PlQSlanl NOlllS On Monda cvcnin Dec 20 lliO 37 Inmlar Hulda 0770177 M777 H7 577777707777 sued gy H0777 H77n37phrey 1777773770777 spoke 7777 some 107777777 777 the p7707l7777777777 777777772777 77nd Sbunday School 7I Mr and Mrs Mcl Hasting and Minister of LaborI gram of the Club for 1949 and cnl trcat of the United church was 71s for the Per family Guthrie spent Sunday at Time 1055 amounted to only listed the full coopcration of every hold iii tlic basement The attend WHITE 24 OZ Aubrey slesgorgm lllC was srmllcr than usual but WHOLE WHEAT son 086 mtercsts ncver Mrs Jinics Cockburn isvcry about 18 percent or the gure or metber n1aketheedl mm children entertained with CRACKED WHEAT LOAF takehimbeyOnd his own im sick in ltv Hospital Barrie All the mevmus mm and Per mm Allendmc and good concert mediate task W15 1101 Speedy 10C0V91y4 Eznmtbgf tglgure recorded for DO Vlce is the key mm handed out the gifts at the Closc and snow Claus 77 12 Thus 1N 99C Concert of ob No 12 VARIETIHS CARTON Jim IStrachan Alan Johnston preliminary figure Bllgsi Clarence and Bill Brown 01 ovem On Tuesdav evcniri the mills R65781110145 dtllllde spent the weekend at their homes berv 1948 Show 20 Suflkes and 10701 of SS N0 held their concrll in II some peopleresenthavmg to Slossor and Tom Partridge outs In existence7 involving 3307 my the school hohm parents and my simsvn coxcEMitArw Jan1 are taking short course at Gueph workers with time loss of 16000 friends were present and enjoyed 154 15C take Orders from anyoneese AgrPanithrg Eln Shalahan mflnWOIkmg 18335 as compared January 1110 Program or mu CHAN WAX fwd 11qunl LI 4mg ilnSll an wlth 23 smkes Ocmber 1948 Mr and MIS Andrew Foisic and Camlng Throw country Wilda 15C Tl in um 590 If none of these attitudes me yr Wllh 7310 workers Involved and family spent Christmas at Mr and On Christmas Eve the old EngI 77 5mm New years at Dec Part time 1055 Of 87233 dayS In NOIMIS Wm Scliclls 5h CUSlOm 0f Singels 009mg NAVY to on the odds are in ridgcs II 17 ppy $25 to Barrie District Hospital S$l7137r77719h7l71gere w7ire 295tr1177ea 77777172113737Fireniceargcgninii777713177 ggcfguslll7cglig7$48733 DOG 000 Tm 27c nullllssue norms 15c wor ers Wit your favour you semek POP The December meeting of the big quartctlc the SrmcocAiis CLEAN taxi and SUCCESS WI was well attended It was 8331 time loss at 9701 days wm soymomy OI thehOhddY lTh isms san at several homes in the ty Mr and Mrs Homer emu decidcdto givdardonatiOWOE $25 aineda few friends on the occa community and wcrc much apple 77 77 ox to the Barrie District Hospital Sh of their 35th wedding antiwar Gated 444 bTAlNLLbb 01 LLh FANCY Rm SOLKEYL Fund also $10 to the Hospital for sary7 77 SL 7ch Parish fra 7The nationsgreatest 061 Sick Children Toronto The next Mn and MrsI Jim McBride and Thursday evening thc annuall BEAUTY soar FANCY 4777 meeting will be on Wednesday 77 amrly were holiday visrtors wrth Parish Tca of mcmcrs of Si 777 I7Is 78m enterprisf Is life7m7ur iamaaiy 12Ma7t72 pm77Aat Mrs 77 ML and MS Gordon McBride at 045 ahd Sunday School pupus wast PHLMOEIVE an c0110 33c 7ance ly Sharing their risks year Lisle held in the Orange Hall After coxcnsrmrrzo rsscy live in to gain in and to give Miss Lena Schell Toronto and bountiful hot supper games were 63c 23c 43c ito ether millions of VindiVi in Roll call Something would 70 nd dugals ease nancial security like to do be ms yearn Toplc Itllishtliligayyn aclllIellladillllerjsspGeerot Elgigcrghghowdegngr disllliljutllng F0 OCEANS 15 77777077775 Cighxoon Home Economlcs Program Mls Schells of gifts from the Christmas Tree much PKG 37c 21777027 257777 obtainable in no other Way IJOhnStoni Luneh hogtesses Mrs Mr and Mrs ErigenechByideI completed pleasant evening gel mpg PKGS 209 Ems HUtCthOn Mrs Slessor Misses Mary Evelyn and Ann Joe together IKG 37C HMNES N0 PASTEURIZE and Mrs Dawson Ourrregular meetong in Monday I7 77 Jan was enthusiastic and inter and Eugene MCBlie Spent the 2312s 370 lrly holiday With Mr alld MTS J4 the holiday with MY7 and 7M1S7 all grass BARRIE IRON WORKS mail iriltrlirelils FueplacQ Equlpment and Other 011 Fhaps Dart games Seem to be 77 gamlng favorfni our branch fqrmatllln 0ft VENOUS com mi eases we un er way but ornamental hon them II III place my Halifax Rellbcn Homer Laurence Rowlings 47 7ii7vas an hono7r7edguest of Joseph 1yrnniagachlzrrlgggchak ruenwith is parents Mr an GENERAL BLACKSMITHING was read from Comrade Cyrus Mrs Trucn for Christmas and E31310 Figion302m Kggqtgengh 77 with respect to dart garris and we NESW gYealzsr Mrs Wm Holmes Banm may have some teamsfrom other er can an 53865 01 Chzstmasat Mr and Mrs Porch and Starr Railings branches to try their skill againstonto H019 and Phyllls Magnus illfilled davrdsons son and Mrs Shirner spent the Miss Patrrcra McCarthy of Pctcr I7 honday With the parents 0f Ml boro Francis and Joe McCarthy of and Mrs Magnusson Toronto Mr and Mrs TIW1ltht of SWcEr JUICY GOOD SIZE BMg IandTMlstLarry De 23 Kingston were home for the boli SEEDLESS 77 80s ailcliillfs Tggnlgoylelgr lilulirildfYi Miss MarjorieTRObitnsol Now AVAILABLE wii td day Barbm is Spending week gllrgmlllllsTtlmorne bllisoilrsn iMPoRTED 1c arezan icipae 44 fllfiillflli life fiat aggro llrsallliirEXmiii 2231 Only 140 per cent of Canadians LEMW 455$ lfTT 533339 is 33c to Comrade fimrsiiFlllseieyngin Mrs Jhnny Denny rand Joyce Of have access to frdele publicdlibmrlis Dunbartom ML and Mm Wilfred and Ithese Cam 7ia7h77s777rea on C7 77 LARGE rade Bob Blby4 Jlmmy has been lavcrage about ve loks per year Icebem CAEFORWA so SIZE 23 mgmber to take part in the 77777 TO YOUR 01am with he grandparents than it lLWl M11413 ILL 4B0TH EPECTRICI AND ACETYLENE and is consistelit faithful mem 01m and sons 0f Tomm Spent 77 77 her of our bracm one 7of those 77mm 77777797777777wuwwwwuwvwmmkw7ww7ww7w7w77uww Tag 777 147077777 lti 25 is 777Alex Herb smlthf $712395 thatfpdo thtair part to keep TM 77 QEL0777pKGI ings going on er all GOWAN sr PHQNE 504B 1377 WE Palms CANTER cma$0mhhm Wig17572370 LB m4 are again in ted to Fisher the manageer thoRo 7711a our4ian 44 5777 77 7777 7337 xgyesisnteitrnigg No GRADE 7v Brefaced his remarks by exiendmg Tim wish to the members if WT 77 77 77 777777777777707777772777gmggiggiggi 77 I4 ergn Xc Iange Contrq Act rh lt 47 Explained the exact me gt V7 77 gaviji Srilctrdii fought flage H4 77 777 wor 7m 77 77W 77 th 77 77 11946 lymouth Specldlv Sedan vsponsibility 9f the existeilge 211 vs 17941F0rd Sedan probability as also Ithewaienerit 47 77 phaseshh operation sand the var 74 PHOLSTER mo 77 r47 is era 7v 77 77 77 Ford COGCh ihformatlton regfardmgggxiggigg 01 47 4I II uesio gt 7t 41942Ford StqkeITruckI vemg in 5443 Completeervice Far toni anel Following his address Mr Fist 77 4i 47 enyerykindly invitd744th mem7 bers to address quesl list 411 77 DOdge 7571011011 77777777 77777077 thihnumberrgf 71777173727737277 aseimI ee 1T7 PAYS TO BUY FROM AN OLD whategeg 377711 gliding every en in his ad ESTABLISHED REPUTABLE 4drss7 7DEALER This is the secIond time4lIVIr 4i Fisher has favored us and again we say we areqndemd to hrsih agreat meaSurg vote of 77 glittigfngrl ogted all sloping geliverycan3here mem rs imcoe oun CHanLERigtLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR Tiosewiomissei this meetm ri =4 7w 47 744 Efdlet Wiring 911 S971 Ballie Tent Awning 7C0 billets FFECTIVEJAN 677 77 554Elimbelh PM 22 ll TEL 4311i mamrm 6399 cedure7

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