BARRIE IIXilillllfll IMRIUIJ 77 77 THURSDAY 619 THURSDAY 74r Canadian FaslIIOII7y OBITUARY cmlmdlrl$$ua onto on Decrrnbcr at 311 Rev Mr ltlll assisted by the lAnglitan irrirrrstcr Savary Jan nus um Arimm cocci 37 77571 lllc llvbbtllu mum Us 177 7777 I7 h7hu7lirdccllltl Interment was in Des Slltvt 7IInif7g 7177 itfrillltl thion Ccliictcl WHIwa KM Itd 1948 sllcl =3 mm H4 ROBERT CALDWELL not 7n iri 7777 77 5777777777 7777777777777 7777777777 77 77 77777 hm II74M7747 Rom match Chm s7rzri1otr77highlights 77 77 191 In ixrll dicd zit tho7 homo of his DMH Ml 174 b7 71 all xiitiiiI daughter Mrs ll Pigott 10 77 7I 1A UHF 11 lttAl and Thcicszi Strwt Barrio on Sunday wins mum wh 7134 lltttllllkl 16 1948 He was in his mu Minus 13 mum gt gtiilllttl llttllll fliiid your and ll been in failing mph holii on litliltll during past year laid in the field of woliicns groups and tllill orb organizations during 1948 Mrs Itl rd to tiii LII Marshall will speak at ricxt lrc ixiirimto iii meeting of the Vornsns dlnn iiiciits for llLllHCS Club on Tucsdziyccliirig Jain 111socks and lr 77 77 77 Her subject will be Ono lluiriircd of England ill 17 W7 flit 57 WM fhh 714 397 T141 114 writ mm in 710 lriwnship on Years in Voixulis Clubs Illrs ris of lgttliliil for th mum 16 mM1 iiiiin llzirrit at July 13137 El 50 If R0130 7411 ls uv ma lt II II Marshall is the nlhrio I0gttlclll tiiiss irripos no giillllllwlw hilt LllldllltMW4 I77 WW won and Ann 5157mm no and Shmh 310577 Burnt Many Ihhihhh iniMi lororlo and Mrs of the National oirircil of tonicri typ of murmurs for tlitl si ldml 10gt ML MOW blh NIH mm M7 lt until coming to 581110 scvin mos and mend were name 70 Mei smith lino or Barrie and lllll illlilltliilil iitltt 2i grccn gabar 77 37 777 717773 mu LILI7777hr7 ppm7 ago in i835 no married mind the sunices due the SW4 iiir nicco Wilton who has and was mentionoil among Inc or irlhltoiillgt boys 77 1m Canadian IIIlitll of tho your 1117Slllllgt iipcrs iiriiiii irridorflllm Sllll Willi matching acctssin Mar CITW luv W110 prc ere storm which had blocked thcl lritii Willi lllt lillllll for num77liei dotcased him in 1911 Iic was710 mails Mn and MlSI Rhynmndim yours yilltt tl7ic7 717ic7d7t1r $5777 ert Inartlrd in l917 to Clara Partridge Smith and Mr and Mrs Sydney ixlllllb Um no its and Ldlllrd noscgti ot Lllt ltlilx lll ssh ltOllbOh the 1948 poll Sim llt rintrw Ufltllillllrlili iilll aitirlis hubris I7777777 777777 777777 777777 877777 F777 in but and tho rcccntlr rctircd lLIVcttcs 905119 ill Cilllillllilll35500111l ilmm Ill1vlm mm lt 1mm RUlNi dhd fld who dicd in 1931i 110 is survivcd Knapp of Toronto were able ttlutOk hmmg 90 tron of COIZSlllllrlS The lllttllllll 0n VvlllltsllI IVIIlllls 41er ill my New mm TLlxy hmhm hulk by thrcc sons ltobcrt liarry and arrrvc in time for tho funcral illlillldllr WWW the Will bc llcld the Library llall Kits iulirii ill llli lizizriolu mlllb 13 VNV 1m llrrhcrt and two daughters Catii Alums Charlotte Cooke was born mu iulilzc 1rliiiy and Mrs OI14 ml ltlinc iMrs Ii liitotti and Amy at licckton Ont on Aug 24 1865 Wm blu 115 ill lillus Th Wm WHHW Mrs Charles Caldwell fourth At the age of crglltccnmonths slit Turipsllll III NISUmPUI Montnuii ot lllt sonic llt Loom Hllt lllti irpt krtli lt4sillllll lliilllltll 110 Icon Ircd died in 1930 and fifth moved Wm her haremSI John hhdmim 11 iruIai Is and In lht The ltcd Cross rooms at 113 Diiii board rui lli of tho ii it 94 and ir lop bl lttiill tin lnuisday Jun biirirm lililll7 Build cir lIWl 77Id 71 71 m1 My 11i In RCV dud 1940 Agnes 90k to mm immurmu 7Uf7l7 Int lanoI They will ho upon on Mondays lorturrrod tho of llll two mm mm mm Wm Elm rm Ilc is also survived by 17 RIP1 townlinc bctwccn Vcspra Illltl Fios lSlCllS from lllt tritiirli 05 Tucsdavq 1hm77777777 77nd thwh hhhhh Ihhhu 71 Ihh W7Ihh7h7 1h tllliltli was buttiltlll Il liiIlllil ii Ichdeh and ght hull gland hmnshms who She hwd hm hIKh7 lt til wltli llltl lllll whto wizm Iridnid ind Aliwri NUi as formerly from two to law in ton llotcl lis Donald ilic 77 7k7lllltlltll her Iiiarllaize to Knapp Ill the afternoon for lillllilltll and sown 1ircn rilo of tho tltllll1lll of tho lI 01 lllllm Sincc 1115 CUIIIIIIIL l0 BIIITIC Ml41904 Thcy livcd on farm at An iiig All individuals and church Billll board Iigt special pricst CWWW ld mm Itnldwcll had bccn familiar figure ion Mills until 1923 who Mi Mm dhlh77l7 MM 717 7777M7K7lltllllt of the birth pinints nilli ltllllIIIll 17 lll gm the downtown iica where he Knapp moved to undlcs and Lin UMHTMEM WI 77hh 7h hm iooirl it tritnus stunning II lgt Ill llllL in lororito 150d to take stroll almost Lty named hm mhch whlch hh UPI If how hm hm mm hhhIMS loi lliihllllltl tlic hr lilo noir 7m 4i4Ii7 l7lgtrili illis 71um4 my kmdly mi and or Med hm i945 when they hhmid lllivlti oi oorsiowri pm ccrus Ir lt llll ll mml 51 Ml llhil disiosltimi it ll It man mil Biiiic Of met md nuts hll lt liorit it Your ii Ltlllli and both tho 11llilllilllsvu mph ll friends illltl oils hipth stutnu hummg ndiuicI Mrs Knapp is and Hum hwy iiiiiio trip In llltll rituin tlu in llilltlill on Williirsda Dir by rill who know him Intense Interested comhhhmy tll icsriic in Iiarric iIIlIII 35 i=5 lillill illlilllllll TI finclzil service was hold on nl llll rcidin in Cun fun lift iiil7 mi llttlllllills llit SITl yIu 11 99 St If dI lV 777 inrsda LLLlll Ll a7 dlrs hllL as picsuicnt of tlt larlans arc again allnlnllill sayssorcd by lrc school lho protects hle17h7f7171l 77 Junwsi Anhhchn Church In Crihhn womenh Institute and was also llill Rev CIUSS iIsSiSlH school auditor for thrccycai dll BA I77jlrl7hu7h llcv Mr Mason of Crown Illll term She was Baptist in ltll ncwr no ttlltlpltttly out of trisli l7 favors for tl7011t Miss lciiol 77 7777727777777 113777777777j 1777771dk1 conduclid 1110 SCIVICIi SIX LIZmd gion and attended First Baptist ionl but this cal thuy pionirso to lopc llClllllll of Port Hope head 717 777 777777 I777777777 7777777777 sons 7wci7c pallbearers llllclminl Church Barr1c for tiic7 past7twcii WW lllilt1 vouuo ilrirost liZlIIliCtltllltl girl was assisted by Marion layricl 11nm lt61 hfuhlhk KAI 35 Im 11 CWWrV Wllllkc years until her luneS 71 lSI Munro Tweeds sincl tin lilIh lltl Qllttll V1LltI7OI7 Mano irit7r Graham of mill 77 777777777 7777777777777 777777777777777 7777777 777 7777777717 7777777777 17hr 7gl7tlu177lllCl7Ll7lS7 17 lici lorili orcsscd lioi children 111 tho lllL 7ll7117llVltCl of BCIHHKlZl 77777777777 77777777777777777 ionic anlt77 1U prissnih ias Ltn 7d7 Bulnuml Urmn MKBm in Wllhemmlo Hugh Hun Doc 18 1948 Albert Maln IllCdt 105 to her husmnd 17 the Royal SITWVHlTiithVHitltlillg lltllll VClCulnlMio gllgslijtwcp 77 77 77 777 Huh 308 Albany Rough Vic fluCC daughters Mrs GOO SllCiltl Sttrl llit Buchanan and tVtli ltlic tliicc principals Miss Ill EL Milhlriuhl MCKINMAJ Llama7BIC7JII$SC717H in his 74th V0111 TorontoI Mrs Herb Mar Wr 77777 tho tartan dcsiuiiod for lririccss7coot71 Miss 17 Ingram illll Miss ltsltllllt oi triiiiilcs Miss Mar7 yuan Bornin rillin nt lie was 44 Dressnlg IllllillFl 1W 11 illlld WI NIH 54 NIODML Members If 10 511 77 Irirv McKinniy dch suddcnly 01 resident of Victoria for 20 ycars I7 irc born usod tor short jiickctsallto Ittcndcd tlic cvciit as wcll as HUN lURMl Wm lmll 7o lltiill attack on Monday lcccni and for many VCZIIS ll Cllllducmr gt ammo and for suits ll of tho most cf many members of tlic Old Girls As bliio tllllllN lillllll 17 ll ll Jll 1111 on tho CNIi retiring in 19410 v2 ti li riisiiiiiir Tartans from 71gt l7ll77l7llt7 gtl7lllt77707f lls MIL11110114 V7il717i 11117 711 77 177777777 77777777777 illi777u Mchniiiiy is7boin7ori7 17 155tir170d by his union It I7 711 Loot tl short tr full and lltllllllL uitli brilliu 71h huh Ilhh hmth sin home thwc bong Imd m0 ddugh 4I II II Scotland nitli tl7tl start Io mulch out niisccllancous7shoncr ulh L17 113717111u4 In Ill 717nl7ll7ll 771 77 777I7 7111710 77i llll d7i7ulitii 7oi llo7slts tilltllt7 John AI Maiiipiiie of Jaspci 77 7v it lltc minis in tho plaid lylltg7tll for Ctmbtl birdc Mrs hd nus in si7nl 111701111 77 Arum Moixiiiiicy oi lrimsiil thn A1137 Arthur Mulllplllc of 71rsocr 77 17 Baycld Sh Jtlltlllll tho flut collol Igor Dyer by group of her loliis at In piiiritcil on 717 was iIIIInKI VUlllil 3h lllllf 7Alta and 7Robcrt Byrl Mainprrzc Just South SCOTHCIS ow lfwmS1hfmoffMWWHW MlnngI hm I51 and hWIil illllilm the Cilmdm Army gay cvcnt oi tho prchiisl IGuy 118 Collicr bl bcforc licr lozir llllillltlS tarmod for 14 years h1157Gai75 Liddoii of Santa Mon MMWHMMm Hours 930 am 530 pm mas season in loioiito was the marriage on Doc 29 Mrs Dyer tlic Recreallon CounCll sno lllll lllQIl to undicswliirc ica Calif and Mrs Maurine lOll Ovcndcn school dinicc hold at the formcr Elaine Urrv received some was lllll at 1111 linc of her in of Victorh There are also wSIAiioMto on Walker Iloiisc through the kindlich Ilovcly gifts from her assembled as ch BOOkS Ill Four brothcrs survch her two gistom Mm Brigadier Cum ofMr Wright lrocccds wcrclfricnds Available Here lllly illt William Ilobcrt rind mins in Vancouver BCI and Mrs 77 lycupsilour cupmllkorlnillnillk foi lllCtll71tlltpLIll oiphinsspon ct undits and Thomas of LI JI Smith of Victoria also7777srx 77177777777777 4877dl777lfw77m77 77 New Years Day was marde at vlororito She was member of 1d sivcral nicccs cn Robinson Baltic Iii nation 531mm 10 an lts cclcr salt 31 CUP IIICNIIIIHI Itll07177171711319 3013717 by lillhi 14cchh47 mphmstho14mth N4 Illl4i llmbyltllilll UllllCh and ncplicws Deceased was Shdvhnyehopper tcmicumlenscil tomato number of dinner parties At noon rahhhiihhhmmmhhm 777777 m7 ho funeral was hold on T7l7l7tlli7717nonjbm hf Confedhmhon Lodge MbsIshonmlhg 775iih7lp7777m7777777777770777 on January Isobcrtson and 14 hVt 77h lil iltcrnoon Dcccnibcr 273 at Ni UGjFAMjthcBIOEIand 77777I7777J757I 977 no 10 tsp Magic linking lowdcr family Miss Margaic Sinclair and 50mm books hhd D7m1hhhh7 Ifiloili llci Jamcs lciilnson con the Order of Railway Conductors 7I rirmivrw party Rogers and party Miss MJI illicitlt1 the scrvico which was hold of AmericaI Slit together our hxiklnit rumdcr 11 lt and will bogin 830 la fashion nolv of tho liiilcd King dccoratcd tlic ballroom vrtli Iiltil tltllll information lfllt lartans and llllC summers and llltKlC pict Information on Ctlllllii from saltcclcr saltund onmld Stalinammo Warnica and party Mr and Mrs hop scotch and mmhhS hwhm 11 lIcr limnc Iallbcarcrs were The funeral services in Hay siioneninl mix in iugllughiy wiiii fork Add 13 II Caiitlicrs and Mr and Mrs Muycs Ewart Mnyos Maishall wards BICI Funeral Chapel were mllkahd humhhlmmIMomhhu4u discussion group is includctl luj N7 ii sptmns shortening In frylni pan ll Fliick and daughtcr had duinci lLgt Fiid lncs Rrubcn Lucas held on chncsday Dec 22 and cook onions until son Add tomato soup rc lt the library grcal dcal oi tlicl at the hotel The evenm ucsi ind lacl lincas She was buried 21 OlkBiir a1 It mlCllllelll was 77301717777 11 mm mm material is from the National 11cc included Mr and Mrs Hodhg iii the Sixth Iiini ciiitcrv in In hr bmhlrcmhklnbmwd md him MI md Mrs E8 Cmm Aslomtwh 11 01 hhshh ll81 P1l7k 77 topofmezitmtslurcand bkcut475lfornlmill I7 7I 77 77 most hubhshhhS rocrhhtlhh mm 77 The abovc article from My IC 20 minutes Turn Out upside down on Inrhc Clarke and famly D1 and Mls crials iii the Unith Statcs llltll 19m 1mm iblllcs loria Times Of D864 21 lCfelS l0 law Serve Blgdow and part5 and the Canadian Army lmm MOMS Came member of the lVlainprize Familil MS MCDOVCH and famllyl Why Teach Child to lliiy 1mm 10mm Lenol and Mne IXhICh was we know Barr Mil alllld Kiwi aild party Youth and Jobs in Canada ii mg for many years before moving l0 an 15 0rri50 and Clll Hanen in Your Town nnv UIO WPSl for holidays Christmas family and Mrs Todd haihh4Ai4hw Sports Chhchhm Guide llllNltY LENNOX John Mainprize was in charge of and fulll Ml 811d MIS M013 and TlicLcadcr of Discussion 4lchIr Lcmiox son of Mr and the baggage and freight depart home Improvements 61 and family Mr and Mrs Group are whom the hooks Uh Mrs Hour A7 Lennox of 44 purl ments of the Northern Railway LelShmall 311d familyv M13 and Mrstheir shelves sido Drive Barrio was killed sud Station Barrie in the 1870s 80s Frank Cmg and famlllv DF and The library is divided into foul climb in an automobile accident and 905 Mrs Seymour and family chssihcuhom with 50 mm near pascmnio early Wednesday D1 and Mrs smith and ings under these four gcncral iicrid llltlililIlILf Dcccnibcr 22 1948 He MRS1 KNAII dmllvaMLrandiMrskVSIirry27H3U154lllgSWIll tllcilstclllssificzlllon7797f was in his 32nd ycar CllallOtle Agnes 7Cooke wrfc of and family Mr and Mrs Mc general literature are thcahhhhh Hemyuan was 50m in Bar 44D KnappBarrre passed away MUIkm and famlly Armld informative 0111117lllOllll and 110 JlllV 13 1917 the YOUllgCl her residence 36 wellmgton Sl so Leama and party and4Mr and constructional books dealing with of two sons of Henry Lennox West WCdDESdHY December 297 75 urgi hi1 Mrs Heath and party survem financing Ildmhhshhhm and Irene LequyerI He amended 1948 She had suffered heart al WEDDING COWNS LINGERIE SUITS CUTdM MADE leadership and community centres Victoria Public School and the tack 80mg morith aEOLlCh7llad and playgrounds Barrie Collegiate Institute HQ en 10 hel weakened Corldlllon The second classification is aciitu listed at the beginning of7 the war and recently She hadmsuffered itics Under its general heading in 1110 Royal Canadian Engineers partial StrOke Recovermg from and was oveiscas for several years the SllOke She appeared to be comebooks onplrysical education lspogts leagues games club and The spring before war broke out greally implOVEd and her SUddTen socral organization arts and crafts he married Mabel Maracle of Des passmg was shock to her family group of 26 school gi115I ac7 music and drama and the appiccia CIOMO Following the war he rcland friends companied by the Citizens BandItion of both The third group of rc turned to Barrie for time and The SGFVICQ W33 hem from the sang Christmas carols at variousisource and informative material opened garage at 75 Bayeld Lloyd Steckley Funeral Home places in Barrie on Tuesday even comes under the headings physical Sireet7vlicrc Jorys Garage is now on Saturday January 17 1949 Ito ing December 21 The cam sing social and cultural Situated When the7 property was Mrnesrng Cemetery With R7ev mg was Sponsored by the recrcm The last group of pubiicaiiohs anti sold he and his family moved rst Robt Guthrie of Orrlliaconductmg lion council and the group was d1 periodicals inc1udes annuals scmi lo Oshawa and then toDeseronto the SerVices The pallbearers w7ere rected by Craig HamiitonI annuals quarterlies monthlics where he was 0pciating garage Edward Armstrong SWiggi The girls started at the Roya1lwceklies and miscellaneous matcr at the time of his death He was George Johnston MPP 7C ElI Victoria Hospiiai about 730 and ia1IWe1fare and physical fitness member of St Andrews Prest rick Andrew Cummingand Don slhls ALLCOIN Calendar Bonk pro sang for half anhour They were pamphlets recreation materials terian Church in Barrie and his ald7 Bell There 7was great pro joined by the band and went next parks and recreation programs and nanig is on their honor roll of fusron of floral tributes from many es Strongman pm to King Edward schooland Gore community planning periodicals these who served in the armed friends and from the FirstBaptist sayingYour coins change Illie calendar pafk in AilahdaieI The carollers from both Canada and7the United Iforccs cmigch7777BarriIg LOL No 731 Co how cu hbw and band returned to BarrieIto States come under this classific His parentsiv1fetl7irce childrenIlMinesmg Markle Bros Toronto 77 777777777777777777777 777777777 77 777777 7777 me an sihg at St VincentEFafl at the ati0n4 Joan4 Hmy and Gordon and one Cuhdles womens Institute 1and Carl819M 44 eastendortownandbysorciock I7 7n 1741 Lillllv JL wt Wson Bldg PHONE WIL Y1 AJL They were given hot drink to Edward School and Margaret Ay Subiecl Iowiihdrawai by cheque Warm them Up after their travels cliffs Peggy Gal and were home by ten oclock Shanks Catherine Coleman Malli The carollers were Jenene Prin oIInVLambert JeanMinesonma were at the post office square Bay Stacey Norma Bayhss 7717e2iri ON YOUR SAVINGS Parkwas their ext Sm Forbes and BettyDaWSOMIKingl Trv TH gle Helen MCKEMie Gail parmthl Jardine Kayejivmgsmll and Bar 77 crs MIIJIdredICiZeerIID Pgllgicrasiiz bara Burdetie of 7Vrctorra School gigwart allyelen 13159 1201s Keasl 4Kill52LE33a Barrlevomce 5C0 ofTrmce 0f walesscmOliMarllym Rb 77 7M 77 13 Dunlap Street Brcinch quqger anfbii DgaeslSCOdoghiidfggh 7777777 47 74 r7 Iv 77 77 77 71ie ou150n777 erjna777 e7rry 77 77 77 77 77 47 77777777777777777747777777777717777777737777h7c 77 77 77 77 777 7I Danish folkschool movements lalt It 0f the WW 77 $1541 tellee E0111 lsaicing77classes 77 77 47 hg nex 7ues ay7 WW7 77 if lagElm Gm Schwiia 1939 I4 09 Township II ITh classes are 7in7airilyfor teach 77 Cl the Coatsm pe eo7rg SC 00 age anIover linflgie nlfaf7l73y77cominunil7i7es 7inte77fl I7 gt in ancing wi 13 so 74 r7 ENIS emu WATS tgklnnart IThe classes areIo be v4 44 =7 I4 held on six consecutive Tuesdayi 77 gt evenings from Bto 10 pm The 44 gt evenihg will include folk rancng 7f slning afnti gamescuhder thgjejadl 47 ersio ouiseoeyan ern 77 if Halgelcoftheimw ml Rec af large an ned range rea ion ommi ee II 70 ate T0 PULL out or SKID Sizes The Department Of IHighWBW fEITS the following advrce to winter 77 77 77 77 Totoriitsz 2110 77punh0u7 47 77 77 77 urn4 4ron cc to 77 477 line ggcgior ii maa 15s 37 7477 777777 II II with nut puma sgfggteeggghzligr 73 44 on ice and snow 4i