THURSDAY JANUARY 19149 AI FLYERS JR EEmms Poland lilacDonald Gull IFiilDAY zIStalt Junior llyers With 62 Win at Midland lyers Ask galls Support UEFB Food and nothing iDei 31 an II lilie Myra new 21111 lzifmsi wrapped tor shlilpliilt illllpw Bilrllt Joiniil i5 i1ltl liilfltinziiz iltl Sufx ill roar Emmi If ivA1111 liiihimr 15 II Im imiiion List Tutorduv night filtillld when they lilmp 41 z1 in vl 11ImgfjI led the litiftitltykll llttmhltr will 373 much before Ll crawd 13117 1111 During plut up ylilil tillnotion ll1 tit1 izlli tl17 Fllgt1itt llt1lil1 rt ildel 111 111 the it CI 400 IIIIIII 111 iililm Burn Iii50 m1 iill172l 1131 1111 mad the ngllir lItitllliUlil illlt Ituntcgztl in two 31111 32115 41 17 illiytrs li ill IIIIIIII II If II SHRINK 1h Blip lltll Iltlill lliltlLv 111l 1fid 1ii1 11 but lulit inn Hum inl and Tm as glint oppni 111139 111 II 114 III IIIIIIII Hum WW IIIIISII ml IIWI they 1111111 El 112131 1111 711 111 111 II gflckgI lugtltI 1115 KL 1Iv it IIA HAW II III I1 VI IEI Jil it l11l3i til llnllilr littiEIrI 141111111 mill i11t 313 Ismall it dont til til tlv ill lu ii DINIYI DUKE eit 11 W1 ill lay1 111 Ronny ii1i1IInI day to ltillll tLlilSi li111 11111 lanolin 11 Lin11 7H 31111171 highlint 1h 311121 of Britain are hard 111111t It is 1112 11 All oil 111111 triiiieti 15 Thfl iIilt tilliliilw ll1111i 1521 111 Fund or Illt1lt importmute Isucii ltIlHlE Illunt In 111 who 111 1II1HI 5M Itornct This lTIil lllltli lIl1t111il I111tIiI lz11iI 1111111 liti tIljv thpiliqu is iCixVlllllti lilIr I1Iltlt BrIilziln IvrIliI Ir11It1 II irlIoI 1Iilt1lSiliiIl II III II II Im 37m 1mm hmde lionport lil 16 titititri or wt 11 121 1111 I1111ti1111 cm cl innI 11111111111111 in liti titmite illoiilitions in lollon iliiil tlll Will n1gtt lillniiilw 1111t1ll 1hli11 11 211m 111 111illv the limit2 of 11111 he tilnlcilllly illttpldl illi1 111111 1111 IAXIZiliillltl 1lt1 t1 1111 11 11111 1111111111 llliti or any wear them to the iiiclnh Blltln1111II1Ilt zli17i 111 11111 5111 P1I1l111 I1 IAI 31 11 i1 11 11 111lI1iil 1l111 th iilt ol Iliiii iriIdI it My hi uni ii II II II It in I1 I1111 11 liillllhbi Wild lltdlltlF aw bum itl hm Nd II LIME IIIIH 1I Guelph are oundering mound tin in tmlt 1l lutbltt i1it tidl llhtlut 111 111 cited to bring ourva 5111 mwv mm inI Sixth position illllj 1o l1f tilit111111t1l1111rt11l1 111 lilillIi II II Oil challenges from IlIUliilllt 7131l ttlt in Us 5211111 13111 other tout 1l 1llitl lltvlil thorn igt lltV pits II H1 lt tllOS lm in ie it Hit it iiot111 V1111 11 iflIit liituil ltltil 1111 EII1I1IIII1I1III1I IIfI VIIII St Miehli olleee thrust lhey unol lull 11i311t 11 ltilll can and t11i F1 11 l71 It KL II have been receiving setbacks from Jon oilililinn ililllliildllllitgt tlu Hun lhl clubs while on the roziii hill 111111 Ilu Irilri i1 he stuntit NitArthur 11711 111 Ii II mg the dillllpthdlL litmus ill 1st home in the US and 1111d1 hut 1111111111 iIlfxtlS 11 lhev are ie thorn in the side Silllcd in Port tnlmrne where he lllltiti II II QI 7H HUI mr BMW F150 lIL lil innmilmvm ml I1 II AI II IIII III III three games season liljein lttlYilllllltlli 11 ilvililigt liii TAitt the hulm THIN ii ii managed but one iin ironi the 11 no Stronger to lluropc as lie behind to hunt llt Hii II WHIHlI Hm Kenny Holmesth boys hovliil tx 1i$ tiniilii to tli linudlnn lvm llilli liiiil two NM IAN LnzlIiiIi 72izot1ii cri 511 11 stllgc IiLSDleiIl tIiphlll tiizhtIill p11 IiIt 11 oi liltI1 I1h11 the 1111115 II111 11I11I t11 III IIIiIIIIi IiIltIIIIIII1I1II III1II1I IIIIII IIIII 1I 1III Barrie Alena cally in Decollilltl to 110 hold 111 elmany 511111111 11111 1111 11 um IIHIINH FFIIURT 1I1 11 cup slim 32 decision it tilA press 1111 the arrival 111 11111 Breaking out titlin ill lt1ii him TIIIIHIIIIII Mimi mm III III IIIII1lk ii 11 11 1H Absent mm the limuup In SIIIHIIII 1mm III SIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII WI IIII IIIIHIIIIII lII IIMII III III II IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII lip lli1iiIitl him Alon Eli1311111 11 Ellillmgll Ron P1111111 i1 uh Wk Drill 11d Wt 111 I1 Midlands dit 11 1111 ll11lIl ii ll 11211 11gt11lrl1=t hell llowie iIIiIIIvII LII rm III suspended until Jan 31 for ploy pectid to w1n lhc world ehnllllon 1111 111111 the too on 111 hlt WW1 ii lii 11 11 i1 111 11111l1 1111 11 Hittiut HM 1H 11 11 crtan fracas iil Shilwa ililllll gthip find 111 tact were got to do play he tf111t1111 out 111111 IIIIII 1I Iu gt I11IL11 11 II which referee Al Wood was caught lro Canada ix at the top of the ice mate for iI II IIIIIIII1IIIEIII IIIHHHII t1 MU mi mimm with Philan tlyini sticlMLUlullell ml hill Ill 10 MMIW VII Il IliIl ill1 1111 11111 av 111111 om 11 IIIIin IIIIIII IIiiIIhIIIIIIIIIijII II requiring live Stitches was ltClintl keep her there We itis cant ltt score while laul ili 1115 111d lio MI IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII ion oi the MorltllIliIeIs tor11111 11111 on the forehead down the lilillld llAl team Willlll Mziitoliiii Vim Itilfithiliii It in 11 IVHIII 3III HIIV However the Bills bolstered Won the Illllllllllllll illst win Illlllil Stork Iari Loiril chasm IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII1IIII IIIIII II itllitik Norm litlilitI II II IIII i1 let ed thr lltl 11 lliiltiv 1111 1I 1I ll Mllmil JIM it 1110 Hit lialqrgiiznndlCIEIllilLngkv hII IIIIIIIIIIII IIlII IIIIIIIIIIIIIJ II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIi iIIIiIIII II 1111 1111111 lilitithzllld 111111 mm hII III IIIIIIIIIII III SIIIIIIIIIII 31 11 11 117 1illiii 111 11 Oshawa Generals lor Bernie lllll ISO 111 from oi Ihc ilzi lite iiiwri 11 111 WM Hm 1m WC Bi mam ml ltitn 11111311 and warm Kolth MIim IMAM mmfh mm lillf 31 lilt lillill Sttil Mldiimd mm v77747r77 on so can oherS and 80ml palmer le 111 iim 11 111r11d llll toitr iiild Barri3 1H IM mmidcmbk gm th tho Binq tighter toi heavyweight 11111 is ND womc 11 st ills1 It ltw lrvvwlieeliiig made or The extra value of Quality Their stars Lorne iprliiison an 11111111r HIlil 1111 lllS to display mil mien ill11111911 Cleaning is readily seenina Hank Bahgaio 13 50m 1I inf Bin2 II1I 1Il 1m 1111111 oliIlllsitit itilitli 111111111Film Iflm IIIII IHI lIIIIIII clearer Olor Soft on the from neg While Lon SpOCk III FIIIIII IIIIIk III INIII III IIII MIR WM SIIIUICIII INI IIIIVIILIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIlt BIY 61 tie and Eddie bammann moan 1m in hmu LIiAaUBB Ihc line of M111t11111I ital1111 11111 III IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII 11 gmWI and II DU WIIHIIU MI 66 in scams wtthout Show Iable to be Spoiled 011 by HUL I1 ilrl lllllll was Slii1il t11iil1cI IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII II III IIIII myoud II II through an odorless fresh Two other newwmm to the IIII iiltSslllc oil Mltllllml 111rl harch IIIIIII III II IIIIIIII II LIIII1OI Hit 11 Iimw 11 1111I111I ness and Gm bliiilliiiii ill light How flirt Ij ii perfection of Guelph roster n19 leftWingerfloul RIIq III II II III III III III IIIII IIIIIIII Arghilo 11111 illustrated by tho liar II int11 RUBBERIZcD Hardly noticeable are the few MOlmCC and 31mm E03110 DOWNS 1IIIiI Inll IfDEfos II thlir hld vnllged iii lilil iilt tlnillt lil lhtgv were llltilt polish low 1111 PROTECHVE COATENG cents more youpayjmIWI IIlVlgpncyI thllleslvrlglll Windsm 111 BIIILIIII rIImIIIIIIZI VIIIXtIII IIfI DIIIQII IIIWIM IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII NIL 111111d iilt 111 lltll attacking dIHgII FISII153IlItl 11 HIIo in trade for goalie D811 KlIPWION 3W 77Imd nhri forted 1eIiailIiblc lhc tiilltllltIIIII mm iIfdIImI hMMIIimi ll lIiLt 00va 151133III absobs UndeEOdY squeaks There is no doubt abom it The ljziktIIview 21111 Body out to Ilod 111515an who iIIltl it iw Iltillimi lllIIIlIImI WI II I1I1Iklz1iilIlliIll 1Sfbi711liiiitVi Ill 101 and fumes 55 tilt will be swift and topnotch egg sewn Ug Orphans page Mm Ari Iumo11 New 17i11itig1nd 11111 111 111111111 1111 111 MIQVI IITTji we This game will also give ziddcd 71m 1UBmgi Wain MMHI Ind fOIZ mm hII Midland 1101s wu bilz and fast Edgar vs Guthrie 11 1113QM t71 picmum l0 mmnod meoencv II Ti 11 iv 11 11 ltl0ro Stltioi cu 1tl 00 701 hwy time 19 llwrx wlrilied liisl pWC rmilun Di will Illllh Fund 01 Bnmm MCAUIW Halllg md Bun strOntzhold lIllllelV Bill ll11iaii HUHIH Imxms kCk Imrd Vml ll gIlIlml OIIIIIIIIKI IiIII lil cars noisy before their ill InCIUdln T011th Awning started oil the New Farm and lornett Armstrong IM U13 11 1111 111 II LlllllilXUl the 511151 of pom with 010 Station vu Flxl i111 11 OWl 301 mm Mill IIinIvIcIilIwSiIilItIIs the Km peme Inning 151 imm tl1liiil4 iiiitl rugged lr 37Eust Om mhwip illt l1 UNDERSlIALJ1h 1111137 much Blcld 1ndIll1 IIIIIIKijIIiII lieu than wo lllHlil llitl 1lid III IIII III I1IIIII ISIIIIIITSA TUIIIBHKI lIdPiV 0m 5mm MM wk WWW Nil iciclcliuh fUllguxwllttgn hn1II I1 IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII clir and llirt lVillltOlllll Pheir ilct ill7Guthrie vs Oakland llill 311111114 11 that protects Si rust lfx ll 1I NH Abmu played xflgm Tl iiit wean mm lW IlolI IMIAultvgtI till IiIUl It was lilillIl link 1tt111111t ixIIIHUmI Hm Imam Imd mum lei ltitiir1e vs lurlgzir RI II body mm with IlII 1m IS iliImK 15 1mg host 01 Cd Whch rammed lIiiIlIm 1111 in lllllii tor the LlLflili Si IS Olklaml HII lick limo 1711 1111 wood of Amtion chllileIn $iitnl7c1dmpvlinfamon IIIIHIQ Lloyd lll53llIs If5 It Im 11h Pill lllllli lrid vervl HSHIHIHIIII Valor Simm IiiIYIIfIH new ind qtiietriiiinvr111111 was ieir ligl man wl an East 0111 Weill1 71 lllwrrirdlmgb Jir eff ltsAHtUdiiliV 11 tilt of the BussILake Co op plelClLd 9mm Body knocked IE ml SIIII II IImIIIIIIII IIII IIIII CIIIIIIIIIII 31111111 ttuh 111d Ilol the Openinh 111453 0m VISI Om SWIM W1 111 II IIIII IIIII III IIiIIII 1I tolI over lTlLCilllg0ftilllelibFrSdikextwllVL points liergusoii was their Ag and In from iI MW 110 hits bttni liitlll$ Oakland llill i1111111 ii directors at Barrie on Friday if best min With i343 Mqu Bout wih loliili out with the Junior 1I 11 JIM Part of our Service temoon Dec 31 45II11213Itl1I0I Imh Ir1I1lIltCI01I0P1111I gehiIIgldli IllilisutiilIv 10111 WIN DIlsOIiICtgltin If ICUNISkIWUEd st moron JAN 39 cy 11 ec os iniweeii 1111 pipes 11 on Il 110t our Len trillt $3 MOIrison MBE of 8m II I1 YO receive With eaCh rieI Chairman of the finance c0m IQiITIlCICI if nV0 DOImt Vln OIVCL the 11 100k the Sliiiilh 11ml 11f 107 1111311 1111Itl1 and Lloyd learsall Gordon Ambeliii Harry Moriis111111 3gt1r1 11 gfllment 36 months CED mmCQI explained the finIania rm IltI501IhillillllfdlsvIBUFIIC Tan iInd Elilnis 11ml MiltDImllld 10 IN dimmed sturdy realguard Zau Gord Duggzln 21ml Morley $111 35 17 tiflcate rangemems that had been made makf IIIVT THIN bCSt tlICVC that COlmttl Ell 11 Willth alto till the all list for the Collingwood Shipbtiilders with 1111111 to 1111 rr 11 171111111 iiuv1r II II since the 80acre site on Bass Lake HS 1mm WIthbGZQIAt PM Flyiis ahead to stay Poland ielili illuyeil terrific offensive 1their Wonderful new ice palace 111 11 111 had been secured more than One this last fcwI itmscliIowsIheIniE rid II SIIIIt from MOSS BradenlilliiIdfllSl9 Hume 10513310 9811 expected to come hopping UP the hack 11111i11111 fol to his incis to make the 5111 F0 PICK UP year ago Thepropeity hadcost back I111 good bowling 1mm again HOWCVIII Fuck IIIOI IIWIIII min IitIpIiIiIiilIulI lilitIts mvfcII thItIihmis iith Ill Dtlflil 11 Withl mmmszmIIImIW Warm $8110 pmxmam 53000 and ms mile V115 be S001111 IIi 1qu is IS III CKIII mm IWIILLIVOWNIS lIIw Ab KuIby 013W had been spent in developing the log over the 200 mark Pat Gar inlthdnf IAIN IIfllmzoIZdeIlUlmll IomlIIIISliould plovg 11 1011 asset to Sande Chub Butte IIMC WI an badIrst gama cndeo on 05pm in 111111 IIlI11IlIleJ ch111IiIcIcsI1I IlziIIItei LIOilg Iwheom md Nip Spoon who mm on flomv carried the bulk Dijollinuwoodri site and for expenses in connection net lll BAllRlE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA loaug Fraleigli and Chick 11a iAccouni lot Goals as Twiss PAGE FIFTEIEN Idden eat Airmen 106 in Playolis with the first full year of pera up With 626 and was the only Him tionI to show anything spectacular for The second period was marred but received 11 hard check into the wins he 10019 in1 lam will hp II Orphans as they 195 ve to Seven by penalties as each club took hoards 14111y in the second period II II Some $3000 had beJl subscubcd anlthinl but soft Thu hing 1t 1r or collected during the past V681 Up fhe 1901 homes we down three Wm Reform IROI HIWI ILISI hd SUD quier Dlil of Toronto bow in rare 30W 01m as Cll 981 Farrell dished Oli iilxlOis to Paul tr itcl Eggnihgigalgfcg ofaggwgnhsaed took ve from Clarke Clarice Em and blgIJack Hinder 15 H2213dSmBmC and Einiifofomigr and Bob Law1 Ii dpb d1y10 Ribe mph 119 660 mlde short brawl but not before EinmsiJall CaIlllplui were Oil hand but mm In KIWI SCIIWI it 7I 2353 on II 33930310$351g41 DING had ZUQ f0 had tallied after being sent into tlichicthe ice oInlv once They were ThCISCOIlIlISII LenTC Ne $01300 13 a1 W1 clicoun 01 no goa encore CURTAINS deCISIiIlII 1was dfo re Group dialing 15121333311111 followed thoseiiitfdiiiidIniiIthIind l3 I1Iis has ready cm and bepmud to Wear negotiatet can an irectors RESULTS JAN 4Masse Har Babe Schonz of PC IIB endorsing the note will be given In ris Spareboys Goheensys Le 23$ Rdlctgltgmhotlg3351ngmo saeed EQSOYIPIg1IIGSSIphiibv who woI aniliic 1312 the Badge lt so mortgage on the property as secur glon Barrie Tanning Shell 011 20 103 09 me V9 uniform for brief eriod and COl it It was felt this WOUId be Barne Exammer Ba Plan is ergwmgI ch seconds IatIIVIIId hII we bIIIde linguoods oun chpWestblo kc FROLM ou wales ot the at Td 3gbneggggctmeggdmf 33 gchiistCEichctiiielIgouI charggingjand it ivas whilegtii 11111111111101 C1173OilseiipsiisrriilcfiIvegilIdi Veryfmmidable threesome when it ii Todd Trimlilvns Brown to LuiG1rllers Hells tI Dr II CMen would be left Open for further de 100 ClubSid Woodward 706 US tWO VillalnIS WEICI Off that 130 bitieline but showed to Iadvantage come to Stoppnb pUCIS yeah 7113115 Sporting Goods and Cunudiunilrt 0Y1 Openingm htof the 2nd Series land grabbed in me pass llOlfl The referee 101 the fixture was OCn somld M0059 130111301 velopment of the propelty 01ti0n II II 11 MIdh Group saw four of the com paul Emms and beat Blvodeur to Redo Farrell and he Ide in an coached by Orlllias Reg Tuinoull poIrItIIcIl ihatgsriseagregmenl blaitrisbcreeri teSII end In 52 IaIIIIId theIiOtIIIIIItWO gIveIFIyeIS 5I2 IcaIIII for mCIIIIIrd OXIICIIQm IIIIbI HIS mate JaCk SIV IIIIIIIIgaveLmany g0S0d prospems from in Eounts NO tem Ot st n2 it ea Lie ome7who airerustA 24 Hour Laundry serVice ISignEd Wiih the Orllha SI CIUb t0 Clear Start 811993 Ofgtheayegi mImS prenehnh as Imebman shading lhegSenior line ilnd for the Winter of 194849 of the eld Barrie Tanning rolled others that could have possible THE NEW MODEL The Ski club members will be the high Single teaIm game starting Chance with771m Mercurys but IOII permitted Sethe if and 3351313111gsngcooiailieilols 59 due differem the main lodge at rate 75 cents team is almost sure to be madcu 11 tANADIAN son Motors With 610 and Sid Mar it RESEAggmsnTU ggllleedpgtgt tih lvith 666 helped their team to of home bOIVSI II $3 oruuuosnsns 088 win over Perry Electric $95 fdregorgamawntand Eff Jim Orr with 639 and Johnny Ham with THE ADVANCED 1N 01 een ma reac an with 639 Were the stars for Go gt RING that agreement that woum be mutually gens in the Win over Legion The Georgian Bay District Senior fence post LI Him advantageous37 en IRgmsayWaStops for Legion GIBSON MODEL and Intermediate loop com Silvers welehOLaerthe selVlces Monty Leigh 9i Orillia presented w1th544 while JoeIJewell held 421 menced this week IIIIII OIIIIIII Id LI report onthe summers operation 91 tWO Harry Cooper Wltn 280 11 1C 31 son an 1V ears Ahead In D6813 at th Coo ark Total reqei had the best single game of the Iallvers Midland Sailors Colllng inIgston two sturdy defencemen Low Winning 105 were $625 and expenditures wre night aIs Barrie Examiner shaved wood Shipbuilders Iand OwenRichardson has been llvmg and 3384 leaving an operating balance ve pomts Off Ball Planmg Tom Sound Moose comprising the schc working at Woodland Beach and at Broiley had the best score 598 dule lending practice sessions with Mid EX lower f$24g mm All Cars equipped With Th th T61 the lumbelmer ERGAFehad Orilliae under thewpreseni gold laud Sal ors Through this act he meetingrntiigeesreaod by $123333 Wm14 more Pins thelrlght some of Boyd Balkwill boastof a1isclaimdi3CMidlandhinll1ia7 llamas m7 Ant77Freeze places they woum have take 56 club built with pOSSibly hall of slate too that they have tagson 1947 Pom Sed on points from CGE instead of only three They lost the second gglmev by pins and the third one by pins Massey Harris took th noise out of Spareboys with 21152 win Masseszlrris bOWIers only had four bovillers out and thdy also 11 had vejfouls called on them most him due to population figures Liv ingstonzhas now become tobac co salesman and coyersIIa great deal of districtinfo week It is justa questiorlIIwhthel he can ImakIe his rounds finish in Orlllia for practicI Morrlsonand Stewart IL Page made further reporton progress made during theIyearu Thileiit meeting of the board Ofdiretors will be hld as soon as feasible in1949u 1947 FordSed 1947 Dodge Sed 1947 Ford CoaCh 1946 Ejont Sedan 1946Merc Sedanfe 19416Foid Coach BarriIp lSIN0l bragging by any mea Is ifthis be Iihe case then they Standa good chance oi reaching far into cllaimpioilship laurels The local talent amost cer ta WearianOrillia sweaterare 11 DonIandAb BoWenHarold pint 74 ElizaBeth Slum and games 5K EXAMINEEI ANTAD OElhimrcmmg the game Scott andIDaltNsbltt Don Bow PHONE 24144 which they lost Midland SalWS roiliLine has mVed Wk defence Whlliteimediate entries hav 1941 Chev 00am mm thetimer threesome Willpat101tIhIe strengthened illemselvesIduIe totheI radio onfiiglfaiilli stIiiielfqudIelliiiIilestifzfigdomard lanes71 Nesmittheylbldlioldinc of Penetmi ConadienssTheI 194011 d1 yed luding those ibge 0f tihte llama IIokinggnior oilce rgighty Canugksfeel it would 1940 rlssm ue at1 41507 the who sal WW mpqsglble foI lbe hard Io caIIy oan in Passsnger curl es II staiyywlgleibiiittlhlihg gllllg OIlelIlIoI egiganielolriilibIzozgig Xi tlIiOIlchIiigartffn sthfIlfiiiigoggI gagdsggin Ses 17 TlleSII ggfltsvlgfsw SnlplngzIItWJ being leadmg 501 word Freddy Stewart to Renfrew 1933 Che Coafh II as While W1m the C01t5 33de Lions and many veterans retiring 1937 DESIGth sedan scorers to assist and encourage the observance at this rule without having to continue enforcement would leave little persuasion to withdraw from competition IVia thisdecision Midland gainthe use Red Jennett is sloted for de Ilf some team captains dont soon 1937 DodgeISedan 1936 Chev Sedan WW on 11 11 1111 IL 59 5531 55 boilievfwimi Sifliffldwliliiiiioe1astomr1iii 1932 Durant Sedan 71 gn smlth Iggludgf 211 eigdcgggy forward line Bun hDeschamS tgn plcmlFI coach ofthe Sailors as signe on pane fdrggAF 18 gggsliggpgowmd WIthI meom Max Richardson and it is just These cars stored in Mdl Ergiiih 800113311133 lg tithIltlIIOgliillbigiiorcgfsiligIggigd hIiSSOIIifixillzI icd hgrtrdleriliIrIIisrrbdcnw heated garage Chicks Mens Wea 11 series there is close race for rst the nets only transferred from Most Iof these cars stored in Barrie Tile X3 712B 131123cht EgaSmith Istaerd in flrgig Penetang to Midland livery while heated garage 311 15 earn sfprcvlousgyqug his bulging rotection consists of efault ior playoffs but they are shooting Fmnk swam BvI777S7bttI Ingk Iii ri Tile0 Smith COR Combines Legion Hydro lfor the $750 rst place award 83 ger and Jack Duggan Up front Smiths Dairy Chicks Battling for the two playoff 9081 me JimmyIIIoIHeamI former Ham MI magnetth StI Burdetite tions are Legion13X Hydro and 600 CLUB Smiths Dairy Smith 049 Mare Hydro 031 ilIIton senior player Lou DItirikleman many other outstanding features Available Powcrul 23 Plow Tractor powered by fourIcy 147 nayfieiastu Heavy Duty 34 Plow 1511111111111 powered by sixcylinder 507 1111 waterCooled Hercul es Motor complete with Starter Liglits1 Fenders llydraulicsIPower Take0H and now THE GIBSON MODEL tinder 34 hip watercooled Hercules Mottn complete with starter Lights Fond ers Hydraulics Power Takeoff and many otlier features Available Now Also theGibson Model air cooled motor rout DE smaller acroagediv llllveli