THURSDAY DECEMBER 30 1948 NORMA sronoanr RA Stoddait HIV LLII If Lot pzouiise the new Itsi Would save tiie more Iliia hadv Llll new be le taro Iizills high ii Dz worst of due icttl the butll tItllI lira limse West of this Mr ainhbvll rtrim mi It Iz scubat In Barrie $19000 in grants ii council and said fa it but only large sum but the grants Weill The hcatth unit and half of this ILo recoveicd run the was for six liltilllt ariti remained within lfitt bud marry to some press ltltllll The Childrens II nus tau vl quite Ii lot of tibiaInt grant was $7510t0 and vi moved to StttJtliIo lletIl get is $100000 mat aiiuuzistizamu takes $36000 lie gt1lLiL1tgtlCil Iimzt might be spent on Ell tlitltltli and less on adminzsmtioii The adIIiIIiirtrutiou It took 550000 said tairglu ii iii referring to the county tures Tlietotal budget fut lite llrill was $607000 Speaking oi lll 5176000 in bonds Mr lauipbcll said the county demoed lo llrt this surplus to stabilize the county tax rate at our mills LLOYD scorr Councillor Lloyd Scoii mid of plans for cairn to be viewed and he said name plate had her In Ianige had not been iIIvl lie hoped 10000 could be put on I949 le have 10 llltk but not all has He suggested Jl Splajct might be Stutldar refcrrcd to toe county equaliza taui tori nail2 liad incieascd Oros Isir Ii in SEOIWIKJ to $2865000 lie hopisl other lillilllClpZillllCS had rbru ziriiluily increased tSmith itaaipbeli ltlel explained that Uios llitliic had been ctit to Sit With DI Jillf I11 Stu ltliil said he had chant mi ln nantl about wanting bull dofa He said the grader was do pool ob lie thought the council should be permitted to set asuls lilvttt Iltll year to replace this giach AN DItII IIARTIIOLO EW oiiiu Andrew Bartholo said hilt council had made an eifoit to please the majority Speaking of road maintenance lie Sliltl snowplownig had taken the pIIo tained On the 9th convulsion taintst share of the budget the mall had been widnIl andE MI llaitzioloniew spoke of the Improved tolttd health unit and said the officials had met the Oro Council and asked for suggestions and complaints lle also noted that the township was represented on the high school area boards at Orillia and Barrie Another change on foot said air Bartholomew is the assess ment The card system is coming in Some assessnients may go up Mr Bartholomew said there was lot to be done yet in getting rid ll can Begin AFTER 4001 Around 40 our energy lessens But ex pcrience his taught or to do our work uitli less cort The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments the most enjoyment and happiness They can too it we avoid the ltldncymd bladder disorders xurb as llaclM of weeds and brush Iche Headache Rheumatic Pains Lassitudnl oneliiding his remarks Mr lssolSleeiziaztlllnlgrgywliivlilstifoflvn attack Ilaitlioloiiiew referred to the fact 08 13 lUU llitl was an lCllt on Ii at Dodds Kidney Pins have tom menlma It Ilioiiqlitttlierc is dent me lmP kidmys 3nd MMM iE feeling ll ptlSOIl started in the d9 ll Y0 931 10 WW council with an election rather for the all of your health and happier UH an ylunmmm lulure use Dodd kidney Pills today TUDHOPE Ayain nominated for reevc Dodds Kidney Pills lounge rivrponirs CAIETERIA 38Bayeld Stgf Barrie TRY OUR APPETIZING FISH annealrs THEY ARE REALLY TASTY For Quick Delivery Dial 4553 zidmm iu flu lxJL 410 iln ADDING MACHINES for rent $5 per week TYPEWRITERS for rent $5 per month Studentsovailable for odd igbsnMnmt time work NEW TERM BEGINS ANUARY 3rd NIGHT CLASSES BEGIN IANUARY 4th BARBIE nusnnss corner JOSE Com 66 TORONTO STREET PHONE 4824 year There was much favorable dent Robt ESSA TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS Itoziiinoed lion page oneI in Irioney from other pruplc Edi For AHOHO seed 60 Seconds chlIoIIs coating lot We do hope nthngdcllsCalc that the school nita board tzy UMV 1hr very best to keep down rx Ch perst which hate just go way 41LHl and beyond what pcople can al Liv pl ford to pay no When asked by Iatepaycr wha the tartvnship was going to do about the wild carrot that was deepine Into Essa Mr Wood recommended the purchase of equipment lo spraying Mr lruux remarked that $300 had been spent last year in 3mm 3pm spraying weeds but that the rev Dunnnmih Huh suls would not be known until this eai George Wilkinson William lea Cock and Wesley Cochrane spoke briefly to the ratepayers Mr Coch ranc chairman of the roads and bridges committee made financial who had won election one year ago He said he had been criticiz ed for not getting out and drawing people to the polls but he did not think this should be done Mr Tudhope thought the roads were getting rougher every year Were putting on six or seven thousand yards of gravel and were losing six or seven thousand yards each year He suggested this was because there was more traffic and he felt there would have to something put on to hold the roads Ten years from now we may be looking for gravel He thought it was too bad bridge had not been built in 1948 Speaking of the county health unit he thought it would cost more He was on the county icouncil when the county library cost only $300 and now it was over $2000 He pointed out how these services tended to grow and he thought the people would like to know more about the health pro gram Mr Tudhope said the incieasein the townships assessment was un called lor The Township ofOro was over $700000 higher for coun ty purposes than the Township of Orillia Oro is getting the bad end of the stick Concluding his remarks Mr Tudhope said he would not be candidate this year Tudhope congratulauted those report of the school board lt 1nominations is contained in Ill HFLIllbMIIIAIISAINQNW other column of this issue South Simcoe Plowmen Hold Annual Meeting The South Simcoe Association held meeting at Mr Plowmcns their annual and Mrs Robert rCampbells Churchill onrDec 7l Reports were submitted by thel secrctarytreasurer and match manl ager These reports indicated that the association had successful comment by several directors in lregard to the Tractor Roadeo held lat ThOrnton on Oct It was agreed that this feature should be given prominent place in the Imatch program for l949 The presil Campbell asked for full Cooperation of the directors and members in making prepara tion for the International Match tel bcheld In Simcoe County in 1950 He felt that during this comingl year special effort should be made to encourage young men tol participate in the localmatch This would qualify them to compete inl the International when it comes to Simcoe County Officers were reelected as fol 10ws Hon Pres Robert Boyes Pres Robt Campbell lst Vicel Pres Blythe McConkey 2nd Vicel Pres Frank Cowan SecyTreas Lashley AdditorwAJ Sut cliffe Match Manager Gilmour Reive Other members of the ilboard are Archie McNabb Eben Sawyer Tom CookWillizimKell John Kneeshaw Lambert Wilson Jack Hughes Joe Ferrier Ed Pen nell Stewart When business was over pros gram of souridTilms was present ed by Harold Agnew representing the McCollFrontenacOil Co An appetizing lunch was Mrs Cmpbell at the end of very pleasant evening Many people sullcr an aching back needlesslybelieving you must expect few aches and pains when youre getting on in years Bulbackache is often caused Ilii TEE BARRIE WIN til sibliKLl by the TI Uiilcs get teachers in titer served by l5 BACKMN IusrAsIoIr rrrrr OF AGE till ONTARIO ER LIAN ANADA Homemade okeREAOY MIXEDE Muq Good Market Seen Mix Chocolate Cake in Ws HOCOIAIE GOLDEN cs nmpoeujcau iIIi Al iis iltil HOLIDAY STORE HOURS lIi ursdzi am to pm Friday 830 am to It pni Iloscd Saturday Jan lst 191 rams easiest NATURAL lele OLD Wen anal OBLAWS RICH DARK CNNOWNOAS cans ANZANILLA rum tbL CHEESE UEEN oz JAR 355 N0 no VBABY Vspuon To Emammou Sgt 5m SIlE APPROX Na 1qu55 PLAIN IMENTo oz not 7L QUAan Powwow WWW 529 tittichttilb GENESMWW oz in Me 5LB or OVER 77 SPECIAL WESTONS0IICUITS GVRMTmm 9343336 primrose 02255 lb 35c xm irez 9C scncoiALI MltCORMICKS HIGHUNND LOBENENES LARGE 23 BIXUTS Ls 01 fit NEG 35 mm We one sinner pirates 0in one pIEANur survey 335 commas miss coir an PLUM PUDDINGS It Hist SPREADS till IOBLAWS Wait 47 235ml 89 E5UW 8034 Wi 39c AtticsIsaocwssnowssir47x ht Sirius aoc Crosse Blackwell sirsat 1Vmgf3 i2 titltlZEiEEr unaware SOAP lHlLADELPHlA MINCEMEAT 226 CREAM misgnAMIuous 26c oceans 19 ROWE tit31c WEIHEYS tat21c mm 5AIMON 39c LARGE 702 TIN 43 crunuoust ran rash 6WD Poultry Mannystar sins 10c navouuasr as Orr5 BREAD CRUMB till 53 6mm WEI DINING th 49c COTTAGE BRAND mom mes ANNIE We QUART TIN MN 369 29c ijf soon Beacon IOC WHITE 01 SALTED PKG warm Inca sears toe consensus an maniacs 25 TIN IN isrL TO SAUCE oz 1m OliEL rims 17 27c NINNE EANS TOMA TOMA IN TO SAUCE oncecontains special rcniilial in This AltCOIN Culendvor Bank pro vides strong incentive tosystemotic saving Your coins change the calendar Corrie in and leftus show you how it con helpiyou save ON YOUR SAVINGS Subiect to withdrawal by cheque VSVTE coRPoIiAnou Barrie Ofce Scott ligibiinlop Streef 11+ RthG TRUSTS gt ieadachywith painful joints ai Fsrulty action of kidneys and liver See how much better you feel after tllklll Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills andyour kidneys and liver both lter out impurities from your bloodstream Thats because this timeproven Dr Chase remedy treats two conditions at ilicnts for both he kidney and disorders lllCll oltcn cause baclcaclu If youre feeling UlIlgtUlll tireI icliing backlool to your kidneys uT tiger lry Dr Chases Klll4l iIlls tonight At alldiiieI counters ewe omits SERVICE In BARRIE Upholstery Chesteiolds EXPEETLY CLEANED IN YOUR own HOME by Ontarios Largest On Lo cation Cleaners fNO MUSE SIMCOE RUG Upholstery Cleaners erte Muir Pnlnswlck glimLLEHQNE Knowing 4761 EL0663 xtpillia digits 27d soon 72 tar2 23c noose rules an 17 sonar AusinALiA Jr uh cosmic roles and OZ 201 le 199 teammate gramme canons role was oinesaxwms sitar 49c restate ruins was fair 03335 ozzgfrliuv 15 ou is ENAWESI can 18 arenas 1385332 arts 29 eons neon goatsiittazizz iliTuLzicf AYLMER CHOICE DICED 20FL nears 2tgt1 CHOICE picso 19 cannot OZ TIN CHOICE DESSERT FEARS 20in oz TIN