Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1948, p. 4

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Santa laus thrilled 133 ML Mr and Mrs 44 Toronto sir Cials and Flycrs Hockey iuo evening last following the Ituazs III Iltn tj llgirztion liil by gZI game and ltzgtl lillil to stem il Ilu ltlilt luaixn the boys leaving to wtvvl oi lri Illiazzzs mas at Ill31 homes II ti pant the ttol sanguine tario plaets Mrs lIIt Stxlilu IppeaIea lrlilr IIII bountiful am tastv siuezni Ilu ii nick Iilicti will viches cakes ce if tliisiii eutiies iic bated to the ciiiniienv ice and lil Hill Ing aiozind t1lif1eiie and II llaildoII assisted by lI the wellconditiqui yuan an ia liILgt presinted ilrs llawe letes Ca ii oehli oi the lIIIsIiias lai there was It litlillit itli lunutitiil plant Bob Hiilcjt and irlllcl gtlt ll giits llic staff of Loblaiis held Shedden Bing cazizv out 3i mg popular solos iiistinas party it the ouinnimiy Flvers iiiciastiti viii oi TI sdaj menini lhi 5Iiiid Niiliis rt lfl hotlyfive of the eIiiployees banjo KenWalk wild tneiz guests enhancetl git Partridge Itinuin tIII v2 Zl1 II Iiaiiced and playid games Joan ed with Iiii bet inlioway won the door mile to Paul Meuer it itie xilltlii and line Leigh and ed the thanks of lic ii lii Kenn liddie llutke and If tuiiiiiiz lis Eddie Knapp two lflyliltifv lliaiie woii spot guises dur the dancing taiizcs ltl lgtiIio were pai oi llt ten tints eiiteitainiiieiit eliiia oii played iew selections on the accordion and the IIILLiIIL by lItlI Iiizaitette from the shill was lilltll rnioyzd liddie Knapp trawtoid Leigh loe llialrii and ltllt1it Sutherland were the com iittee iIichire of the party and Mrs Wite After the itaitv was caught the late homes hick lions and II In retils to limiuuzs lonu slltllvld to Kirkland Lake llti 71iiatta to the Soo laek IAclic to oth tin Next day llzirold lltippe tiny Gordon Sid McNahnvy llon iA bee were till to Toronto letiige Burchani to Port Dover Ilol Itine ixi iit lttill Collin it lellcrs gave their annual tiirIst Ixar banquet and party for their lstati on the Thuisday betorel liiistiiia The banquet was held In the Liirls loiiiigeditinic tiie two jilllLLJJLlll$iUULilJL LIIJIQEJL livas served to lift llll li Hindi Ilzs lardon of AMI Nlil1 IIe Iateieis After the store clov iqu at oclock part was lieiii iii the lounge The hief ecil Nit llalkin well disguised Itlziiis distributed the ltllttllJl among the staff fllecarie store manager ISelniiiIi assistant manager lllttlillli Illacdoniiell personnel sun terrisora were presented with gifts by the staff The girls sang ltiin 7Dllllp fruitwcake ililtlfltfilllFUlTi ldiiiiks untiltlie party broke up Iiioiiiid 1030 as Santa gifts eI rlillitil Hill iititt Santa luus was the only man allowed at the Christmas party iltoyal Victoria Hospital on Tues day evening December 21 Pin IArtliur Doidge dressed in the usu llal red suit and long white bearth made big hit with the graduates lind nursesiIitraining as be hand1 out gifts from heavily laden Christmas tree The living room of the nurses residence was beati decorated for the party tifully jiiliicli was put on by the student SPSBA Inuit jw ERE THERE tilt THERES llAl nurses About 50 girls attended the annual atlair bit 01 enter gtaiiiment was tossed in when the Iprobationary class put on bum orous skit depicting operating ltiolittCClllllqllC The evening he gan with the singingof Christmas carols and ended with refresh lments Christmas party ivas held on thesame evening at the maids residence VESIOITNI NOMINATIONS Continued from page One lmcare In reaching for the bot Itom of the trouble connected with the seeiety Mr Hickling said that lup to the month of November 285 liamilies had been broken up This he felt was through the use or beer To illustrate his point he recall led the incident involving the Bar rie Country Club They had ap plied for license under the Liquor Control Act he said and the people of Vespra were against it petition signed by 300 persons was presented by Mrs Dawson to the Liquor Control Boardand the people received the whole heIiITeCIsupportT the espra Council However it was shoved QShjulf by the board and the license iiias granted Mr Hickling said that this event wasanything but democracy most incourteous deed he added Itwasbad for the young people belonging to thev organiza tion to those still in their infancy and to those not yet born the del puty reeve shrugged Whatwgreat er cause is there for the breaking up of home than drinking was the question asked byMr Hick Aulhorlzed bottle of CocaCola under contract with CocaCola Ltd ling Donald Bell who w11lserve as councillor for second year said Penetanguishene Phone4407the COUHC had diminished the speed limit attCundlesto 430 miles Plus 215 wartime taxes and orders Arkjor it either way 501 lradrmark mm the same things STAGES ANNUAL YULE CONCER lt pin nor on ecniii llttttlli Ixi lt or and ltLZllt rtiip ire Eliill event the lIIllIitlI coiieiI iioitxi iloi lllt Hilt thiiilll Aiirizt 100 tlllltlltlll igiven by tinIiiiiisi siatTIITtinTonTiiesiiay evtiiEiie Slitiiillell Canadian Fashion it 52 It III SltllZ lll Iii sl med Iwi eak Iti EiirI iUi TRINITY CHURCH TS litv law it pT littl two Stltidi SIGNMl Ilitcil ht IJich Ti llttllltl up eed took pit in it tii Iliii ttll wag tiaittilit lo siiip til the parish litll which tlIv te ot the Sunl day Hi ad Iu oi the iIotlie lul tru Aid Socie tv piIpaitd mi the llllltll li13 lai Uzi lIerzlay on supper was seiwtl at piI aii tle concert he ii at III eh liristiiias lily tel b5 the girls riititld The Spirit et Iziud hristm part Miss lllll Page of was in clinge Il the class The presentation oi awards and prizes tor attendnicc and good work tltlllli the yazii was made Urillia lack Keiminuton lliitli Gosling Ross Morrow Anne iiloirow Lois Stevenson and lliith Kennington were each awarded llihle tilm entitled The Circus Comes to Tlowii was shown to tliL children following the concert Each class presented its own re ca Tulnl littrltiiil ntvd tzuirh ll til lIisv IL sl 33 lflI dcva lsil iii file Zlvllntilt iLltlllell II pp Lloyd lIIIIoIIi 1411 and Alis Mary Tortilla kgt rilluol Ill llldll cl gntli ix LatinI and =oie gown oi lv gtllpl satin th titted bud YI IAanWll of paints the THURSDAY DECEMBER 30 1948 as Retires After 22 Years gig A5 SuperintendenT nature and zi one node Anne VIIghi Sttpcillllrlld ml known to iiie St Catharines Geneiai licwjiic having Eltopilni iei Iicnil 32 cais liais ii 32in Jcie um and wiil enjoy Inuch iccalitth ed icst in Mount Forest will ltil sisieis Miss State Wright editor oi the Mount loiest on rim lxlencc NPR federatc ma Mrs liiicticstei ltI ll stair Minnesota lxllt It Mitchell Zliimstnooti onhalestent ltotige lICll auti rildtcs rvtun ski ll round Picturesque Residence with ourtecn rooms completely modernized $5 ninth in It hl Beautifully situated in the centre oi tlglll arics of woodland lllll Et lil Jii tc tinIilly lace and her gown smut ML lnwtg QUICI restful and yet very convenient on llishthly 11 two may ashamed wzth scalloped 411 md 315 Ask miles south of Barrie iiytilllfl liivpointwl nlectgt Ithanks was mu to ilzs Cook CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES ltl tiain Slu tdllltil Ioi tie lligt31lltil ii running hei oi white roses Slit EIW to tile litlillil of the TELEPHONE BARR 4318 UK ltllh lnoinbson of Tuititilo and Arline itlth MISS FLORENCE BREAKVELL Painswlck Ont maid of of Eioiioi iini hiidesinaid in matching Iizailnoxred silk velvet 1th ounvl scalloped necklines and uued skirts with lellleleil bus le riftct at the back TinIr Iizatch Ilull Is Toronto Vtlr Iltt gtLi til scalloped lictaldresses vcre caught under the chin by white llllJ and each carried bouquet 02 white iiniiis David liestori of Hamilton was ciooiitsnizin and Alan lziik of To zonto and Donald Kerr of Mill liltllili were tislieis The lilllt Iizotliei Ivote tlooi li on itli black velvet lxiit and pale blue draped lariie bothce and black accessories llei tltl$l was lll pink The dress oi tin grooms mother was ot powder blue crepe tiIiiiIiied Willi bugle beads and she woie pow liht tier line and black teathcied liat Iriatciiing itttlnhntits and corsage of pink roses reception followed at llobiii dale lIiii For travelling the bride wore iiiulberiy wine suit with matching top eoat trimmed with tIi silver fox fills and matching bat w1tli black accessories She tVore eoisage of orchids Tlu TGITiileiwwlio will reside in Harrie lett on wedding trip to Montreal utoitowii guests were from Hamilton Miillnoolc Port Severn lalt and Toronto Mr and Mrs llll lllalr attended lroiii Elmira New York RADIANT LIVING GRoUpIN BARBIE ICoIitinich from page on streamlined Englishmaiirwhoser appearance speaks well for th doctrines he has developed Ilc estimates that over 50000 people have attended his training schools which have been held in England Scotland Australia New Zealand Ilonir Kong and the United States The courses previously held in Canada have been at Applcby Col lege near Oakville The movement appeals mainly to persons of middleage although the course has been completed by persons in their seventies There citation playlet piano solo or song during the evening The children were all given candy and apples and the concert was over by about 830 The liig feature of tllt second evening the arrival of Santa Claus with eitts tor llll Children and candy and apples The beginners ranging in age from three to live years and the primary department ranging in age from live to eight years fol lowed ihc same procedure withna supper at oclock The concert began at 030 The evenings program was more an individual cllort than it had been the night before The audience which was larger than the evening before joined in on rhristmas car ols in between tiuiiibers an hour and had also asked loran estimate from the Public Utilities to install water there Ml Bell said over $300 had been spent on control in 1948 with heavy spraying taking place where weeds were bad andlight spraying where weeds were con trolled Hc would suggest that thetownship purchase their own weed sprayer instead of having itdone by Contract Carinan Downey in brief ad dress stated he would like to see Vespra have their own planning board something which was in need in that area eillor t9 return th office bywac clamation felt the residents of Vespra had rcccivcdngood road maintenance last winter during heavy snow storms He also stat ed the council intends to build more permanent roads Andrew Giimming whose name was presentedascandidate for rcevo and later withdrawn spoke on the trend0f times People are becoming alarmed as they drive through the town and find houses springing up most everywhere and then drive through thecouri tryland discover lewnew build rings or residents believed the governments policies More respOnsible One in particular he said was the milk Situationf The Mill Board Cumming pointed out was dotng terests dismissed it andappointed judge to say whatiswhat in the Walter Forbes the third con grand joba but the controllingin is also junior group embracing ltliose up to the age of 16 Now on world tour visiting the schools and organizing new groups Dr Sutclifle has been in Canada since last August Prior to corn ing to Barrie he was touring in the New England states and when this course is completed he will continue his engagements in the United States Dr Sutclilfe was welcomeddo Barrie by Bert Hill secretary manager of the Chamber of Com merce FOUR JNR SPECIAL TRAINS Four 15cai Canadian National Railways special trains were mar shatled at dockside at Montreal re cently to handle some 1871 passenv gers who disembarde from the SS Aquitania Fiftytwo sleeping cars and eight diners in addition to baggage mail and coach cars were provided to carry these passengers to Que bec OntarioWestern Canada and theUSA gt Two of the CNR special trains operated to Toronto The third proceeded to Winnipeg while fourth terminated at Montreal IIANDYLTOO The lavcltite ornamentrjmong Roman Women was an early typei of safety pin drew betore the meet Illduylllh In connection with assessments Mr Cumming tyr assessor was goodida but felt that the State of Ohioiri ed Stateshpresented better sys tem There he said they have mmittee which takes care of assessment and their survey lasts for period of five years Albert Ford for deputy reeVB were absentand later their nom inees consented to names Coutts Hunter Russell for coungil but they to SINGERS3mTHPITKCE was born in Moravia in 1888 former reeve of Vespra stated he believed counv James Doran presented as can didatefor the office of reeve and withdraw their Russell Harris and were nornjdated Maria Jeritza operatic Sopranos UNITED SALARY DRIVE Fort tour leading la The lIiitsd hiiicli ltUlii to ictoiii Iiet on Dec tablzsh IIIw iiiIiIiIuii sal tliei Iiiiiitslii The been set it lltltl year $1200 oi illiti anzl tilti lit to es 5C veoaovoaovoAVoaovooovovs It is pleasure to look Iiiezi oi llal llth back on cryears work Iiiics for ale has lot 1949 by litil well done lliese salaries In general are Iii gt III in lot Hllltl ldaywlonh Sillwltlll in the May the Happlness Clnd IOY Of the YUIG Bo It mi Weslev Il ll Is IIiltlld lllllllifll oi il1ltlllllltlllll tlde JUSt Contlnue lhIOUghOUt quarters IIcouiiicil With great earnestness that living costs have soared tar beyond the must United Church Sonn Ll per cent of the 2178 ordained iiiinisteis eeive less than the new established today Tllt purpose of the drive is to create among church cliiiich ollieials coiiuregal the general public strong support to get the ar scale established by ll uch dates IIIII TE 10 At the meeting of the Senate of the University Iiiloronto 10 Hot Ruhnke of Research in the lllilllt ment of Agriculture as representative upon th of the graduates in Agriculture to till the vacancy created death of Dr ll Reynolds not as is PROMPT SER oldest and largest cousumei orgiitiop ture without endorsers or the repayment plan you mamecroouples HFC customers borrow to prompt friendly service 777 vr chsII LOANS $50 to $1000 VICE When you need money borrow from HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Canadas You may borrow 3503100 32 or up to $1000 on your own signa secdrity Repay monthly 12 18 or even 24 months depending upon Loans are made to single persons or Borrow or Any Good Reason date past due bills pay medical expenses repairs seasonal or emergency expenses and for many other purposes Phone or see us for Mintraga Street Inn New Year 1949 Cottys Cleaners Wovoaovoavvenevoaoyonvvor reach of nin isters liIirchs now re niiiimuni LII III II YFVUI Aw boards ions and siiilicient new sal ie sched E5 SENATE on Dec Director Depart ilccted as Senate the by in rooms WEDDING gowns LINGERIE CUSTOMMADE DESIGNED TO FIT AND PLATTER No8 Wilson Bldg PHON Post Ofce Square rm with Radio Wave Permanent at Kays Beauty nance Abcent Your Clia ankable choos consolllt alert Under New Management 73 Elizabeth St Barrie NextrClub 79 Ind Floor Phone 2890 0mm om PERMANENT WAVES VSHAMPOO 0R loan lo orb appointmd hair mud to nrldunlr ol mrby manna ntl mun stun 1818 19 Other Types $500 $1500 Plain $100 HAIR CUTTING EYE ARCHING FACIALS MARCELLING ALL TYPES OF BEAUTY CULTURE MRSBENNETT MRS RUBY HUNT Phone Ill34 Barrie c5 esses SE EsH ZajlizabetILStgnE LBAnRiEi Mai 4454 Sulls in Large and Varied range of Materials Styles Sizes

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