Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1948, p. 3

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THURSDAY DECEMBER 30 194 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA rlstmus Mom Is Song lttst asset llc riicressed by Investment to Sccrlllllr $214 and il iallurl or tutti1 pieritzsrs AVOID SKIDDING 134 with and now stand at 3436 00011 is higher by shout om Stick cormr ANK Torrent ASSETS RECORD $435000000 In its 93rd annual statement The reports riillsfilt ended Ch By The regular tyuung peoplss gler club of Central under the direc ltron of Mrs Lenover present led program of CIZIISIIIAS music lot the evening servrce on Sunday Smith was at the Robinson I3m+=$urivnro progr 101 Property Committee Present 1948 Report At the December meeting of the Barrie District Cggglale Irultltile Board the Property orritnrrtte which 11 I1 McCullough is chair man presented the following re port When the Central United Choir church choir zindj IL1I glufll the public of $357 $3lllkium is ll lIlIlIvlt rltnlgtl Unitui Church Il nut ziniount to 313000100 decrease of 511170001900 tlIlIL run internritcnt drpusilsl Dec organ was at the piano Following candlelight combined M15 SJ UUUIIUU and for Not ed gt itlliltir the direction the ilitlil loans 31 3125000000 are Profits wheels uIC skidding and by $i31XXOOU While earning pump your Makes gently proces choir and glee club sang the anthem Infani double pusod of Mrs Newson Mrs Mlllrr Miss Betty II Lenovcr Boyd Hill and Trick presented Birthday sung by Betty Hook mixed quarlette of Belly liuok Mel Wiley and Alvin Danish Ilains trllllllllllrv took at the formation of ILC school area there Wen the Thornton and Miri csing confirmation schools to IQUk after as well as the collegiate Considerable repair worki was done at Thornton to place the heating in good shape for comfort Other minor rcpaiisl were taken cart of up to June 30 rutcllul to at Ihornton llVrl ronal Holy roamrte corn Mrs Robinson Hook Barrie Dtilt limit solo of the pupils King was the school public school area Some nunor repairs and supplies lrlincsing did not if WIW Ncilly Thompson sang Bethlehems of Bethlehem was sung by trio composed of Mrs Leftover Boyd and Hill concluded with splendid render ing of The Ilullelujoh Chorus from Messiah Ltiltil Yer Slur lifter corninitlcc feel justified in making ury major repairs at Minesing in View of the attending looked The 31 Ciool The service was possibility students Barrie Collegiate in the near frit urc in l1lLlliIS Minesing school would be out of this jurisdiction Considerable work was done at the collegiate the major items bel ing Lawn graded and Seed will planted in early Spring of 1040 had two fresh coats of chromoscol which has placed this condition games bicycle rocks crcctcd safru operation mended by the fire chief electric clock installed in board room 300 wood lockers installed in the girls dressing rootn and along basement The steel lockers in the girls room are being placed in the boys It was felt the new lock ers would fill rnuclt needed ac commodation for the girls An extra caretaker been en gaged Ills duties front four to elc Salury will lHandels Male Ma For Ladies Wear Aim Christmas Something unusual of Sunday presented at St Andrews on Wed nesday evening Dec 22 when mu Blains intermediate class of boys gate preview of new feminine fashions The boys who were 12 and 13 years of age sauntorcd across the stage 10 recorded music displaying the latest thing in ski fogs town dresses for shopping mother and baby outfit and bridal attire Eight different outfits The boys were expertly made up and wore professional wigs which Bill had rented from Toronto The concert was combined cf senior Three classes in all pres ted complete programs of tlteir II lcllll0IlGlI nnequms completed and clearance rcccrvrd from the inspector New electric purclraserl along with sortie other equipmcnt such as nec land dishes for the ctfetira Illc library refrigerator was Kym pans in the concerts way floor excellent for School was changed from lhc office to the study hall which improvement llibrary and also allows proper fu cilities for suitable board room New powcr mower was purchas scliool lawns New desk and chair were purchas ed for the principals office Considerable minor repair work Wits completed Much work should be taken up by the 1910 committee as carly as possible committee has been unable to com plete owing to insufficient nances and inability to secure workmen In thcopinion of this committee committee action on proposed IJOUPX ilS cans It uni icritltll or for bull section rot COLDDAY HOT DRINK we were modelled which this ven day This caretakers cach SL200 per annurn licve much extrui work The floor of the auditorium will be treach with chrome seal dur ing the Christmas holidays which will eliminate the dust and allow the students to hold dances there instead of in the gym It is expected to have delivery of tables and chairs for the board room before the January meeting Following an inspection of elec trical worktlte Hydro inspector recommended box be installed This has been Dm day from and fort junior building should denite addition to the school as any ma jm work to be assumed by the own and the other classes gave an property connnittec in 1049 shouldd dovetail in with the plans of the building committee so that no tin expenditures lakc ividuol recitntions Mrs MacLarens class of girls gave short candlelit pro of five Christmas They were grouped at the back of the lecture room School luu I15 CHOCOLATES necessary will be gram carols made of the Sunday was redraw lrssrrs UP Fresh the concert held and then moved to the stage singing and holding lighted cand where that new panel Helen Sniilhs class presciiied tableau Away in Manges lwo ofmihcee childrnrrrxayrrLivingston ARISTOCRAI EVERIJISCEPJEEERIBI ASIING mmumm hp or Holiday Season QUARTS 24 nHus 5c Depotit PINE Have1 Plgigpglirzls Dur1ngtliesecold days those who take and and Gail hum sang Christmas hymns throughout the presentation of the tableau Junior girls of seven and eight years of age took part KnUmbeioffrecitations were given by each class with piano solo by Jean Cunningham Santa Claus arrived at the end of the eveninguvith gifts for each child ranging from toys to newI testaments The evening be Shanks 7100 100 $1280000007 Ncw high records in the fieldof Canadian banking are revealed in the rarintialibalanee sheet eofilhe Royal Bank of Canada for the year ending November 30 1940 Total assets show an increase of $128040567 and now stand at $2 222487786 This is an alltime high Total deposits are other 1th two mark for tithe and now amount to $2067 increasc of well over $133000000f0r the year Indicatch of the degree of pub lic saving is healthy increase of nearly $80000000 iti total deposits Incredscs ItYBODYS by Mm rHrthtrNt 49t93 truvts corn trtins 29t49 111cm IABlElS 254974119 VIEKS VAN1108 45210r89 39 wars VAIRllNlll4521or89 SYRUP Quickly Relieves gun for the child ren with supper at 630 prepared by the evening circle of the WA of the church Two National Film Singing which showed the construction of an organ and Eye Witness were shown before the concert billion dollar the first 488096 on and Bronchial PIDCS Affection Board films young man and were talk ing one day about mutual friend who was noted for his Regf interest so also shown in loans As result ofithci greater volume bearing Yifibusincss proffts are moderatelyr higher than in the previous Current loans haveincrea $37557656 and total $591870411 The steady upward trend of com7 mercial loans in Canada which be gan three years ago has continued the totalundcrthis heading being $460845703 an increaseor $33191 187 InVestments in Government and other public securities are$hown of $018420522 moderate increase over the figures for the previous year The liquid position cf the bank continues very strong the percentage of liquid assets to pub lic liabilities being 7403 As result of the increase in the volume of business prots are moderately higher 211 deductions for staff pension fund and contingency reserves amount to $9517433 as compared with $8724519 the previous year Of this amount $3150000 has been set aside for Dominion and Prov incial takesfahvicrese of$300 000 in addition $808887 has been provided for depreciation of bank premises leaving netprot of This compares with $4 urrrtiris trrctrrctttrrr wurrzrr 450 1880118 EPHElliiiNt iilHAlANI ti135 illPINE rNHrrANt29 trrtrrrt HEATING PADS 795s95 BtruuNNA Points 35 unfailing cheetfulnessgf envy him said my young visitor because hes so happy and because his good nature makeshim so popular COuId never be like that Too many things get me down You seem to think that all cheerful people are born that way replied But while there maybe some horn optimists the rest of us can do lot to boost ours if we try then asked him how he sifted when he was feeling really happy Ohhe replied whistle kid people along guess smile more Pd mi 36 IE 13 gt4 1111 $54000PAID Oro Councilv met at the Town Hall on December 15 with all the members present and Reeve Woodrow in the chair Communications were presented from Judge Harvie Robinson the Ontarioa Municipal Board Grosskurth Canadian Mother Childrens Aid 50 and RUM HONEY con LIVER on For Lingering Coughs and Colds AlKASELTZEI29t57 itrs run srrrs 599s 111111 IHERMIMEIERS lMinute125 3r rrrrsrusnrn Inz 40oz701it130 IMUSTARDBALM18 pixits craft Society Ludgate Lightning Cheque Writers Kamlee Construction Co Canadian Auto mobile Service Association Wilson Co and Raikes Alex Graham collector of taxes was present and reported $54000 of 1948 taxes had beerrpaid to date The clerk presented menr withthFTownshipe eofiMe dome for maintenance of the town line which was accepted as satis factory and the Clerk and Reeve were instructed to sign the docu ciety After the usu rots 801 Reg59c an 16 often 47 7W Reegllc79 Then try doingJaIl those ngs even when yOudont feel like it suggested Youllrbe surprised howqir $5558546 ps start natal He smiled smiled back His smile widened Ibegin you mean he the agrees Out which nuke mcunlup Inc on you give nu the name and Toronto in the column However if you ee to It that the information PLASTIC SURGERY luv no dont know where to get It chnngzd hiring of reputablephslic surgeon In We cannot print professional names send in your name and address we will goes forward to you MALE VISITOR visltvr for New Years The clerk reported that thevdeed of the Guthrie Community Hall gt property had b7Tgifered Presented notice of hearingf10m the Ontario Municipal connection with the restricted area bylaw No 680 which will be con sidered by the board at their chambers in Toronto on Dec 21 The treasurer presented the list last meeting net prots $3500000 was paid in dividends and$2058546 carried forward to surplus result ing in balanccvof $5532792 inthis account From this amount $4 000000 has been transferred to the reserve fund which bings the lat $44000000 leaving bal 532792 carried forward The annual general meeting of the shareholclerswill be held 31 the head office of the bank on Anxious Boald In My sisteran have always had nor of duty man who Is alone ThIs year as am recover Ivorn an oration dont feel like preparing chicken What would chicken cost Would it besalislaclury7 mocked fowl Price would 50 fivepoundel it could be reheated in avor to see wha said adyconke Any delicatessen would sell you ready ter up anCe of range from 5150 small parchment bag to almost origina COFFEE SMONS Ave coffee spoon used exclusively with very IlaIII coffe wpll Theyre submerged when put in the sugar of Hindud Correct use coffee spoons is with demitasse coffee Howevet when party is on mmsare short most of us use everything We haVe In the house JAVELLl BLEACH with tho clothes or should lhu clothes be dipped In paru ration Um No man can feel perfectly happy ifhe has any worries about his familys nancial of receipts since which was accepted William Scott school attend ance Officer brought in his report for the year which was accepted Hydro contracts of socurityand his own retire Thursday January 13 at 11 am meat plans Fortunately any one can eliminate such wort ATLANTIC T0 PACIFIC Between the AtlanticandthePa Say the laundry experts wash the clothes In your machine without mm mm benefit of Javelle water Directions are on the bottle Iabel Robert Rinse then stee Motor remember youll EEI in if you jam on the brakes when mug on slippery pave It2lIIllLnI of High Assisi skidding by speed down your leulltllig enough to sing lt by rng tire chains loin your from tles Ll 1M Iiitory Short fern Donnnmn liunri Iltltl ea Lv Stenciler date of $174310 LU 240de leaking $3000 1500 ZIJ 14l ilt LIAIIA er or CANADA DRY In each bottle lunch would appreciate hot drink Here is avacuum bottle guaranteed to keep all liquids hot for 24 hours and at such low missile wouldsuggest you buy one new today Holiday Time Bkdho SELTZER Time HUI WATER BUIIIE AIIACHMENT SETS tetttc59 BlSCARBC 3oz39 ttoz97 Reliever Headaches Calms Edgcy Nerves Some ITAMBLYN IURABIE and Gilli BREAMSUAR anres25t vmvsmm gag jrliltgllEAM utmost insmen mm EPSDMSAltS stimulator 1602II VENGLISH suit HEALIH srrrs turnrirtrcunlrrvamt tt79t Annsamc Iitlll rrrtr Kirstvrtrursurrs 109 209 $32113 rucrvwrrrtmt Swaggggghee lUBKYENVElllPES its classmates purrnuvrmr lsuzRtg139119 IARlllAGAR iiin2 59 rtuz 99 Prrrrrrurvmtrrr or 400269 7111011111 TillllH PASTE718 21jpg ALPHAMETIES rrvrrv 1101 won Bullllsileg79159 graftzrtrlt srtntw trams taut 022301311 tfiso39 COLCATEZS srrnrrrz PllWllEllS rs 335132 WlNSUMlllflle itis39 WAHEIIIIH$ 3tt33 FOR ESSETIAL VITAMINSAandD SAFE no KlEENER 60 Plus 25 it irie Clarence smitlrfrGeprge Hr Basey wereac cic CNB trains pass through 64 tunnels andstop to pick up passeng gers at more than 5000 stations RAYON MARQUISETIE CURTAINS How can tho IIch of rayon munulnuv curtgimlw kept Ilraighl when huneri launder in mild soap solution To the last rinse water add wotpbk rm spoonsepsom subsywung dry in bath towels Hang straight on the rod Run heavy rod like sawedoff broom handle through the hem When cry press with amoderate iron riesthrough owning lifeiri surance Pearson and is cepted The Kamlee 100 350 TONI SANTAX FRUITATIVES Is Invelle water but IIth vIulxin Inching PERMWENT 17 II Stimulate pf V7 w7551 77 vs the Liver rst 23 our Colistrtictioii Cci wrote that they were prepared to buildbridge on Road 10A as soon would permit next almos tun AIIK sullen 10 Send Your EN 325 JaneStreet Toronto Ontrte as condition Spring Claims Bruce Anderson and sforsheepkrllgclby dogs were ordered to be paid at valuators valuations Presented registered tIIawkestone Police Village hall property from score of trustees Road Supt Besse presented his repogt on work done during Dec to 15 which was accepted and passed for payment The read superintendent also re ported on various itemsof work he had been instructed to do and reported on their Completion dur ing the year which was accepted The treasurer presented his fin anciol renort which was accepted The accounts before council were passed for pfayment and council journed to meet again on Dec 27 AND is deed of LslslJLLIL5 yoref fas you like BUT yore New Years Day their tone DISTANCE Inventors CLASS can 24Ho SERVICE tary of boaird JlJJ All who 13391113913 storm HOURSMont rues massing mm 830 to FREE pin Lwedhesday 830 am to l230pm Saturday Noon DELIVERY Netti Pencil Iv mi sum For We at Kiduy Ills Thoandiesi Remedy in the Home for Cut Abrasion and mammal 33 nation4irltryusemetricalnarratives 1wtgziitztwiiiv4tsu FhiieNZGSflm Icehockey probably diateslrom the 18th century cutout 16mm optingfhyspprayuiirpmy to 9pm sue

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