Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1948, p. 2

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god rwo THIS BARBIE EXAMINER MEMBER Class Weeklies or Canada Audit Bureau of Circulation Weekly Newspapers Atalanta IIOI Publhhcd Thom Morning by THE BARRIE EXAMINER LTD MacLAREN PRESIDENI in Intranets DIICI WALLS vatsraisinrnt no aosrusss one RECIPE FOR HAPPY NEW lIIIt Take 12 fine fullgrown months thoroughly Canadian SUBSCRIPTIONS trida or Great Britain pm United Sines Single copies 3200 Near $300 year 5c each illitlil feet below ground also indicate that lthe magnetism decrutses in proportion to the distance beneath the earths surface EDITORIAL NOTES liaitot County Council is working out good tiea on reforestration by attempting to savi the woodlots see that these the 121th old tncmrlries of bitterness rantor hate and jealousy Cleanse them completely from rvery clinging spite pick off all specks of pettrness littlenesswin months are freed from all the past nitfm as frSh and clean ifstthcn they first came from the great storehouse ril tune ut these months into 30 or 51 equal parts This batch will keep for just one year Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time so many people spoil lllt entire lot this way Brit prepare our day at time as follows Into each day put 12 parts of faith 11 of patience 10 of courage nine of work soinc people omit this ingredient and spoil the flavour of the rest eight parts of hope seven of fidelity six of liberality five of kindness four of rest leaving this ortt is like leavingr the oil out of the sulzulmrlont do it three parts of prayer two of meditation and one wellselected resolution Then put in about tettspoouful of good spirits dash of fun pinch of folly jigger of laughter sprinkling of play and heaping cupful of good humour Cook thoroughly in fervent heat garnish with few smiles and sprig of joy then serve with quietness cheerfulness and Happy Year is certain Enid Day in Magazine Digest RIt llllt hay and short see that gt Sound advice was given by 11 Gardan Montrcul lic said Increased stivings is essential to fur ther economic progress President of the Bank wheng campaign immunization against dipthe in is showing excellent results Last year there were little over 10000 cases and 211 deaths as against the prowar yearly average of 50000 cases and 2900 deaths An nouncing this the Ministry of Health says that in the first six months of this year more children were immunized by the local auth orities than in any halfyear since the end or the war They numbered 247000 bringing the grand total for England and Wales over 7500000 Britains tuitiq3m it Christmas gift for the unfortunate men in Canadas capital city was presented re cently when the Salvation Army opened hostel on George street near Byward Market Ninety men cart be accommodated in the lor tnitories and in the lifting room hot meals are served daily to hungry transients The build ing was originally constructed in 1867 as ai school and it served this purpose until this year Curry national director of the Family Allowance Branch of the Dominion Government was chairman for the opening the century that has passed me food needs ceremony andthe Speaker was Commissioner of increasing populations have been supplied Charles Ballgh 0f the SalvallOIl Army OPINIONS or OTHERS BEAVER INCREASING Byh Staff heporlcr of the Midland Free Press Major Ritchie Lune Chief Forester for this district HWM ttnsclfishncss and iAN ERA OF HIGHER ACRE YIELDS The Farmers Advocate points cut that in son and was duly obscrvvrl by adventurous skztlcr breaking through the ice lie was roscrtcd from new worlds United States Canada Australia New Zealand have allmade theirti contribution toth cupboards of the world As yet says The Advocate but percent of the worlds surface is cultivated but no one knows what IS involved 111 the way or Etclls inc about number of beaver that will be mov bIfIVSthIearlng SWEIllp draining river liVEl ied from the experimental station at Craighurst to thc Severn River district For many years beaver in the Severn River country have been scarce and further restocking will take place from time itimc not only from Craighurst but from other parts Forotimeat ungrateincrettscdfood sup1of the IlnvirtcseLILriiezirirlcoultiitimis will permit It should be pointed out that the great majority of pelts trapped in Canada go to the United States siOnrand combating soil erosion before ad ditional land can be added particularly in Africa andLatin America plies will be created by better here yields on land already tilled Farmers will have to give more attention to their soil know it better treat it more skilfully and increase soil fer tility while taking from it bigger crops ofl higher food value ATOMIC SCIENTISTS INVESTIGATE NEW NATURAL LAW Selentists in Britain working direction of Professor Blackett who has ii Douglas WHY ARE REDS GOING UNDERGROUND The Financial Post work onmtomicenergy believesthat they have discovered an important new law of nature says the Monthly Commentary of the United Kingdom Information Office Tests have been conducted underground both in South Africa and in Britain The object has been to ascertain whether the magnetism of the earth increases or decreas es at lower levels team of students from Manchester University where Blackett is Professor of Physics have beenworking in Britains deepest coal mine Experiments in South African gold mines have suggested that the magnetism may come from the earths crust and not from its centre Those carried out in Britain some hose who just dont believe it opposedopensneeoseoooeoooeoooedooeood Communistrears thanlthe ofteheard comment from people who should know better All this stuff about the Reds is mostly talk just scare stuff canfmlans wouldflever am that way iflhey knew tain the probable cost to rebuild ing on in Orillia of late Many what is actually gomg on in the Communist party the church before finally deClding demands for sidewalks being made The Financial Post has for months been exposing not to erect new building Red activities in key industries where strikes and tThe inmates of the gaol were given council decided to submit bylaw other forms of disruption could paralyze this country lbeef this your for Christmas din to raise $30000 for this purpose at thermoment Moscow wanted it paralyzed Reading Communist publications available on hun reds of newsstands would be useful treatment for sh up vooooeoooeoooewheelers ay we extend to you WWWr VAN nah we estWisheser 1v Happyancl Prosperous passions on soon monsoonnooaso7onwoow Let Industrial Acceptance Commit Wilson surmise 9189mm iNltari titan more its atom until the no rap mounts IXAMINER golfqu CANADA First flitting forllw Princess lEXPoRT CONTROL Association PRINCESS ELIZABETH is slrotru In this photo as site rurics Ill an car in London recently for her first villililg 1ltitrflic In tom 11 illl lrin the itd ltbiir4h xxliw was drrn wont to it Till IHRIIII ADVANCE December 29 1803 IIarric Local Notes The bay was frozen ovcr onl Mondav for the first timt hrs soujsed lhc qucstion of schcdulc of on salarics for the public school tea chcrs But the Board was almost There was large attendance at the municipal nominations Clerk Donriclls announcement that May tor Wells andliccvc Mchun were Atlleclcd by acclatnution was re tccivcd with enthusiastic applause lluucwas anabundancc of candilliU SQQSODS shim full WINE 23 rlatcs The number by wards had an average of over 2i nominees for lhllll All11h OXUHIDIL 01 10 Vgl icouncillors in each word In Ward the four aspirants were II Ball Tyrer Ii Williamson Wmv Hubbcrt For No2 Rogers Tyrer Love White For No 3cnnctt Frawley Boys II Ellis No Thos John son Walter Urry It Iowcll John chhilds COIllllllllllSlS ille EOIHE baCk underground llood David Bunkcr No Gco Thosc who know about their activities say flint at now Larry Brennan Plax were out on the bay On Jan l0 leaSt lhlce quarters 0f the work and all 19351 thelti1rcl Warren Dymcnt No same proportion of their members have always tried Jno Peacock Neil to remain hidden and secret for the little folk liatidsonc album was presented to Miss Crisl BCI George Hill 15 SODhla lpin by the pastor Mr Sheldon in lrecognilion of her scrvidcs as or ganist and there was present lfrom the school to Mr Sheldon 1111 the export shipment in one day jBurrie supplied $3500 worth of eggs and $7000 worth of Wheat lTrustcc Board of Elizabeth St lMethodist Church agrccdtto ascer Illl Simcoe County Briefs Oro council was elected by ac improvemdut in the lighting of clamation therefore the County St Thomas Church Shanty Bay had 10 pay the expenses 0f the since the installation of electricity election for County Councillors At the closing exercises of SS No Mr Marquis Stroud and one lilac Om held in the SChOOl house bush in leaf Sturgess Kil itllere were some lively spots The lyleagh completed foundation of time was mostly takenarpby theb17i fCharlieilmittie Midhurst teacher in giving bit of his mind to the trustees with whom he had hqrse frightened by car threw not got along very well am Mr Wattie out the buggy landing here for ght bring out your on top of him Miss Christie ulletsdfrwuwhavecanyaLrheisaide juniorrAteatierinwIvy seheoltook er sense ru wt mums ees all of whom were present pre vented hot scrap there and then Orillia waterworks and electric light auntshowedarrIeXpensebmtrto the westof Barrie some of $37 per Teirnp per annum for arc streets and42fL ater forre fight lng James Ball Kempenfeld reported lilac bush with buds bursting in growth while Bell and Joe Crawford Om Sta tion were going to Shanty BayDi vision Sons of Temperance their cutter got stuck in snowdriftgand the shafts werebroken sorethe boys and pull the cutterhome by hand Many Nottawasaga farmers having ex perirnented in grOwinchover re ported it profitable There was only one silo in Inuisl Some Essa farmers shipped 100 barrels of apples and others claimed dou ble that quantity 0215th lighting on hydrant for bad to abandon the trip trnanimous that the system in thc weatherwhich he had kept Wilkinson lJno Brunton Ardagh Cundlc But now Communist policy has changed No Iong There wcrc it named for the under the or are they making public the names of members School Board Ihc annual lelecled to regional and other committees boziicislCliiistriios Tree of the Baptist ctc Top level Communists and LPP political canlthurch was stripped of its valu just been awarded the Nobel Prize for his didates will continue to operate at least to some lor able treasures Santa came sec 731308 in publriic713ut the ordeidizisgorie ouLforjondrtimc with 51 flood of candles secrecy for all the others What is the reason Is Moscow ordering its Fifth olumn into position for wartime service Is there fear that the party will again be outlawed soon Whatever the reason Canadians of every rank have been guilty of helping the Communists because they fail to recognize the seriousnessand scope of the PRICE SUPPORT CANADA POTATOES Catharina paios arri placed under export control effective Ile ll1ltl III fall Cllilil I0 CI ztllt continuing market in tli tinned States for seed polities liulll tit will crop This rricasuit was introduced agreement will the United States to ptvenf any Itlllr floodtng of the market to that country and consequent dani uge to its priceasupport program Cullftllltlll c1212 this announce rnlnl the Department of Agricul ture has decided on pricesup poit program applicable to grown or 11 the conreritraleri carlot shru ping centres of New Brunswick rind Prince Edward Igtlullrl Illgt tis in these areas will rccnve $1113 per 100 pounds Iul anurla No grade potatoes basrs in the hui on the farm life quantity it be purchased will by riciernunetr liy tuclllllllll inspectors after April llHEl and Will exclude amounts required for planting as well as sales made after inspecv lion ports ofnll potatoes from ariadll plrcalions without delay for all shipments to any country other than the UIIIILtIi States fbt Icrtnits art not granted for shipments of table stock potatoes to 111 United States potatoes t1 the United States are issued only if the consignee in that country is bonafidc seed buyerf Charles The Princess and her nivhh xullViI and if the shipment is within ccrj tarn specified time and area limits Malcl with United States seedpotato importer Canadian exporters re porter that the potatoes will not bc diverted or reconsigned for THE mums skimmer NWT IPS5 Member 13 1933 The United States Government BarrioLuM Not has contendch that the lurgeyol The Board of Education discus lune fcl potatoes urrwmg in their prinCipal markets liasl tended to render their priccsup were considering the imposition of restrictions but before taking any action they invitcd discussions be tween officials oflhe two govern merits Realizing that drastic restrictive vogue at that time was quite saltsl factory and the matter was drop pcd Foyston of Minesing gave some details of his report on DECEMBER 30 1940 mastitislike organisms diCrllllcd the low graces for most of Many SOME Misrrrrs DAIRY HERBS SIMCOE COUNTY leritraliy speaking the pasteur lIinlwn of milk is fairly well done in Siriicoc County reports Dr Da vetrrinstian on the staff of the Similue County Health lioaer sortie of the rnilki be IiIlrlCltlilllljy nnpiuvrdlmwm um mmwh mu UL Gap trx it LlrLIlLS the pasteurlmtton in it Bill durng the stuntncr months population vCounty IS doubled thesdcrrmnd for milk is also doubled and approx imately 500 additional farmers ship milk to the dairies ceniage of these farmers are not equipped with proper cooling sys lems and other facilities necessary for the proper handling of milk During Noycmbcr 171 raw milk samples rlt taken and lSStllplcs of pasteurith milk were taken Sediment tests totalled 110 Dr Garrick visited 23 dairies and 123 dairyfrirnis Other visits veterinarian slaughter houses rillin office Allislon office conferences in vestigations re undulunt fever investigations re ropey milk of tlie farmers new aware that they have mastitis in iherr herds and several are taking steps to eradicate the infection by ltreatlng or eltnnnsting the diseas Some fuzinrrs tire en to animals gaging the local eteiiriurratns to exaroine their daay herds During the winter months there are approximately 5110 dairy farm ers in Simcoe County that ship milk to dairies for whole milk dis tributrons Gal wk The WM they are usually careful li lf handling of milkl Dining Novainher larrick iillllCllll 270 raw milk samples and than half grade or lwmrtydhrup per cent of all the sellouttit lists were in the lowest gratit lhe veterinariati rtporltcd that nco more of tinst were hm large lltictron by the United States would ncalculable linitcd States market for seed po market which developed to the mutual advantage of the two countries period the Canadian Government Illlhil 810 lillllhlLl fill pressed for control system such as is presently in force and me follolns COlldlllmlS llllhlUtutcdStates buyers of Canadian in the considration of permit lipcontcd seed Whoops take jg lrvrry as is their custom during la lcrniits are issued freely arirllllrc Willlm illld early Sprint damage to our rattles has been over long allowing included HELPFUL SERVICE lei Permits for shipment of seed IN planning for the future of your estate many things must be taken into consideration some of which are very complex and require specialized training and experience if the best results are to be secured It On entering into contract During the pasta years we have served many clients in variety of ways experience thus gained may be helpful to you May we talk it over No obligation quire an assurance from the int The THE LING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Olco Toronto Barrio Office 13 Dunlap $1199 port program ineffective They STER cold winters 13 mild and 20 nor ics of the weather he recalled some figures of his boyhood days On Nov 25 about 00 or 62 it ruincdin the morning Lind bymighl it was many degrees below zero In Jun1879 one morning the mer cury showed 37 degrees at nan and at night it was 20 below zero On Christmas Day ltltlththc iner cury rose to 51 degrees and boats 55 years His record showed 1907 there was heavy thunder storm The chroniclei said the best rule to follow was Hope for the best and prepare for the worst Miss Laycock Victorinn Order Nursq rcporcd 400 visits during the year Fred Van Putter leas ed his garage to new Ford agents Brindmastcr Sylvester training atidylillle band from studentrat St reported finding in his garden dozen sections of pansy plants covered with frilly developed bloom Where is My Wander ing Boy Tonight was the main attraction at the Capitol Theatre Simcoe County Briefs Considerable petty thieving go to the Midland town council the 185 million white fish fry were de posited in Collingwood Fish Hatch ery21 capacity catch Decided Pansies in bloom at thehome of sustained painful injuries when his CUSh 5mLnefmit With of children sympathizing with the teacher got the same disease 901013 Beautiful butterflies were seen in Bank Premises Letters Greg Ollie Assets thing seldom seenin December bacon hog club formed at Oro Station withGeorge Crawfordas presi en ThdErnctCoates as secretarthreasurer 1222 lots were offered at the County tax sole vMajor Jos Rogers acted as auctioneer for his 58th year Six prceliof farm property were put up for sale The largest number ofparcels offered in one area under the tax sale were in PortMcNicoll subdivision Guthrie Beef Ring held banquet to mark the 20th anniversary of the organization Mrs Frank Orser MidhurStlfell dowdthe cl larwayoHierhbuse breaking ribs in the fallaslwcll as other bruises At the annual meeting glottal Assets Deposits Notes in Circulation Capital Whirled Profile lh1iirriiei ed to Craighurst after eral weeks in thenorth lecturing on Farmers Institute work One Hundred YearsAgol moiwrit GLOBE FILES Saturday November 26th 1848 Agency for the Settlement of the Crown Lands in the Wellington and Simone Districts Fifty acres of landwlll be given to any settler eighteen years old and subject of Her Majesty imself provided With certicate of probity and sobriety signed by known and respectable persons and having the means of providing for himself produce of his land is who will present sufficient to maintain him WednesdayNovemberztmrltf Ferlbatetfc Philosophy In walkout streets the man the Cooperatiweeemre Druryhwas electedto the dir ectorate art amt doubtful who thinks of the future looks upwardsAbe manwho thinksof hep St downwards If helooks straizt before him he is occupied with the resent it he looks right rind left thinks poor man of nothing If he casts frequent 10 its behind him lay it down aS all fgllible axiom he is thinkfpgof his crgditgrs The man who ks 1e Surely is reflecting med it plating The manwhobrqgects yes rapidly while he Who runs is full of some anticipptpd success in maneyhmbitionorlova humanoutlaws Along the anadian National Was antfnrwqrrr rails there are 5688 bridges rind morethan 1500006ulv6rts Dividends and Room alerts of BUSINESS WW traumas MM rhlbhlh till Statement 8811011 30 Novelties 1948 ASSETS Bank of Conuda Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks Deposits with Other Banks Domin and Provincial a1 and 001 Se 4256470070 2576955518 669634712 21390816263 vcrnitieltl Securities Not exceeding ma 90293 71gtT0taIQuick Assets imlilies In the Public $1 2902620939 50 351774 39 329408 23843399 srscozsbasns matercrolgnd Other Loans Ill and Acceptanccs imruuts 2657873 61116600 396329408 25854503 54101 ttgrppf Credit ilWLcQlfa izrltilitres to thcpiihlrc no Included liniler foremost herds 59 34 30 lling 29000001103 00030000 11478737 8543 jffmILlihilirieiibfiflllilir DWI Imus podium 19an npnir Vlcscrw Fund sliders SAGCoUNT taklkrnm ll prone PROFIT AND L05 gt no protons to 30 Sell wittll Reserves cut sheep made 77 19 for this it 0311329435 1785880143 193441442 74359413 4000000 3568 76392 427579117 cistern miraclei Depreciation mulletll Premises and Equipment ction for Dominion and Provincial Government glpncolf III Qliid forward gm tend LossAccount 2911 Novembsr 1947 Balance of Prot and Inns Account Stirliovembr 1948 ultrasoupmggem

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