Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1948, p. 9

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8050 Capies AUIHOIIIED AS llCONC CLASS IAIL LO DEPT OTTAWA 85th YeahNo 52 THE BA Commission Explain Operation of Arena For Barrie Council At the Town Council last Monday night letter was read from the Barrie Arena Commission in connection with the arena operation The letter contained particular referenbe to Junior Hockey At previous council meeting motion had been made ask ing the Arena Commission to consider reducing the rental basisifor charitable organizations from 25 to 20 or 15 There was no direct reply to this suggestion in the letter but Aid Ayrcs and Aid Corbett both members of the Arena Com mission said it had been considered Aid Charles Griffin was chairman during the committee session at the council meeting and he read the fotlowing letter TO MEMBERS OI BAltlilE TOWN COUNCIL It was agreed by all nicmbcis of the Arena Commission that the following information be prcscntcd to the Council regarding operation policy ctc such as rentals to char itable groups or other casual users of the arena and our arrangements with various hockey clubs particu larly the Junior Club In order that your arena be opcr atcd as efficiently as possible tlrc commission and our manager have visited all the hotter arenas in Out ario and some in the Unitcd Status many of them municipallyowncd and discussed our mutual problems with them We have learned much which we are cndcuvoring to use to provide bettcr arena facilities in Burriqw The rentals that thc commission ichargerlocal charitable groups were established and recorded in the minutes of our meeting January 1947 as follows That all community welfare organizations be granted the same financial arrangements namely minimum guarantee to the arena of one hundred dollars or twentyfive percent of the gross gate receipts to the arena which ever be the greater These rates were made after considering our cost of operations and fair plan for large and small groups to rent the arena for money raising pur poses Wc felt that definite rulc had to apply to all similarorganizw ations so there could be do feeling of discrimination The above min utes were adopted only aftcrhiurry cnquirics at other arenas and as result of our experiences as corri mission Your recent letter to us was our first suggestion that some group fclt they were being unfairly treated by the arena commission Our financial statement shows that during the time this rental rate has bccn in force the corn mission is only able to operate be cause wcarc municipully owned otherwise all rentals would be much higher and more ill lcvclvwith othcr artificial icc arenas church parties town and leagues which have no money rais ing plans and rent the arena for nonprofit purposes pay on lif fcrcnt basis ic maximum of fifty dollars pcr night As is the procedure in all arenas the local 011A and juvenile clubs pay no rcntal for practice hours Other hockey clubs pay cight or ten dollars per hour for practice Sunday school church league school teams etc pay three d01 lnrs pcr hour for practice or games The Junior team we know to be our biggest asset at the arena rnnd we mention the following facts which wereall considered when arrgnigcments were madcforthc 194840 season Our refreshment concession pays us incrc tlrahbncdltbirsahd dollars FOR CHILDREN more because of Junior hockey Our Junior connections are in BARRiETdNTARiO CANADA ThumpY DECEMBER 23 our or rur LATEST service projects of the Barrie Soroptimist Club has ation tothe Royal Victoria Hospital of two Organizations such us Boy Scout1 liengallon hot water urns Miss Isabel Cnrnp minor FREE SKATING CHRISTMAS DAY Manager Wcs Allsopp an nounced there will be free skating for children at Barrie Arena on Christmas Day from the hours of 24 in the afternoon This is an annual event spon sored by the Barrie Arena Com mission for the young ice en thusiasts of Barrie In order that thc mm staff may spend Christmas night lh0m8lhem will be no skating that even iris The nextskatiu Cscssions will be held on Tuesday Dec 28 WinLuw manager of the een the don lVendors and Customers Crowd Market Building Wait in Line to Get In It looked as if cvcrybody was out to buy their Christmas turkey at the market on Saturday morp ing Over 200 people and an even larger number of turkeys were crowded into the newly renovated buildingcarlyhn the morning The Christmas rush had begun in earn 051 and business flourished as much as in any ofthc downtown stores It was fortunate that the Board of Works had moved out and that RRIEI EXAMIN commended that bcll President of the Club and Miss Gladys Fell service convencr arc shown with Miss Helen Shanahan Superintendent of the hos pital inspecting the urns Henry Rookc Photo 1948 vw All members were present for the meeting last Monday night Owing to next Monday being Boxl ing Day ll was decrdcd to hold the next meeting on Tuesday Dec 28 Two letters verc fund from thc Chainer of Commerce rrc ran the town wrthv draw their cndorszifron of Gordon Smith of Orillras application for radio facilities in Barrie This suggestion was carried out sec1 ond letter recommended that thcf town cndorsc an application furl Ralph Snclgrovc of Owen Sound Mayor Mayor and Ald Clarence Corbett spoke of discus sions with Mr Snclgrovc and the council decided to endorse this application and forwardtr letter to the CBC in his regard letter from the MLCo Mctcrl Company indicated their parking meters were now in operation in 52 municipalities across Canada The Barrie Tile Glass and Mir ror Company wrote asking for refund on the $250 transient trad crs license They were in opcri atrou in Barrie for seven months Ald Ayres asked what businesses were obliged to pay this fee and Town Clerk Smith replied that this amount is collected from non residents who commence operations in Barrie thn Deputy Rccvc Hart asked if operators of used car lots were obliged to pay Mr lSmith said one of these operators had paid $250 and another had been advised to visit the office Aftcr discussing the matter of tho Tile Glass and Mirror Company council decided against taking any action on the request jured outside Barrier Inthelast strumcntalgin bringing severalipror Onlfibanaha midget nAva th nCW5lllg countelsWVHe training camps to Barrie who paid us one thousand seven hundred and scvcntyvfivc dollars for three weeks in September and early October This year to date January to Dcccmber 18 the Junior Club have paid the commission four thousand and thirtyone dollars and sixty cents and have also agreEd to erect at cost up to five hundred dollars two additional side entranc es The Junior club pay two thous and three hundred dollars for twen tythrec scheduled games In ad dition We get fifty percent of all FOR THE New Qmdfbm Specially Designed to compliment your Gown and Personality ORDERS TAKEN NOW HARRlse Flower Shop DIAL 2951 99 DUNLOP ST xhibitiongaTesplEdhere By them The Junior club supply their own help for their games and supply their own admission tickets The Junior executive told us they could not pay higher rental and take chances on operating as their team might not draw crowds Seasmisrectings 3110 156st Wishes JEAN BROWNING MURIEL PETERMAN MARGARET MCKENZIE WM AMALCOMSON MALCOMSON unusualslamsaMnnmnusnnsmsassnsmsmnnmmnmm gsscuwcismmmumuumsummm Miami IN APPRECIATION We wish to Thank Sincerely the Good Folks of Barrie nd iritrs andlrsulting business since then MAY YOU ALL HAVE and Happy New Year iinmsnmsssmmmnmmnmsmnmmmI QNQDELIVERT S558 601 FlowerfSthu Time will the 115ltCHF7IHILJI7I+ Christmas orNewYear sllay DELIVERIESJS usual Boxnu nnvzinnnns Please Take Extra Milk for Christmas andNewYears BARRIEALLANDALE DAIRY LAKEVIEW DAIRY nonmspnmn gVSMIIIIISMFARM prim izations who might occasionally provided Mountaineers orchestra at 1L30pilffi Specialspkt Prof dially invited Flycrs reports practice will be held atBarrie Arena on Monday Dec 27 during the hours 9301130am Alcam not well up in the stand ing would cause them to lose great deal of money You realize of course that our town andyour arena are very much smaller than any other of the cities or arenas in the Junior circuit The revenue is proportionately smaller for that reason The commission feel that without Junior whockcyi ouryicc season would be reduced fifty percent with consequent loss of revenue and rec reation for the children and adults We feel that this hockey is gobd recreation for the citizens good for local businessmundgood publicity for Barrie Without Junior hoc key it would be impossible to oper ate the arcnacn our present scale The arena commission are naturali ly helping the Junior club for the club cannot subsidize other organ ready on either side of the old room Even long table down the middle of the room was piled with chickens ducks turkeys and geese The bakcshop section showed morc variety and quantity than at any other time in the year Coffee rings cinammon buns sugar buns homemade bread cakes and tarts of all kinds were plentiful Christ mas cakes wcrc for sale at 70 cents pound and an extra 25 cents was being charged for an iced cake Small frosted white cakes and two layer white and chocolate cakes The usual scattering of handknit goods was available Turkeys were even piled along the back wall and twomen were making continuous trips through the doors loaded down with huge hampers of fowl People kept coming and not many were leav ing asChristmas buying showcd itself contagious and everybody was ready to buy more and sell mono People were even lining up on Mulcastcr Street in front of rent the arena The commission try to operate maintain and improve the arena to provide the most pleasure for the people and at the same time make it selfsustaining With new artifi cial arenas being erected this will become more difficult as each new arena creates more competition signed Grant Mayor Chairman of Arena Commission Install Mrs Taylor As Worthy Mistress OfBlue Haven LOBA MrsDorot Ta lor was install as wort mlstrcssLBlueHaV en LOBA at the annual Christmas elections and party on Wednesday evening December 15 All butsix members of the 1949 executive were elected at the rneetingin spite of poor attendance caused by the stormy weather and illnESs The new officers installedi were Mrs Clara Ward deputy mistress Mrs Sarah Carr junior deputymistress Mrs Maud Sem mens chaplain Mrs Rita Tate re cording secretary MissJune Ward financial secretary Mrs Doris Howes treasurer Mrs Annie Bin ion director at ceremonies and Beatrice Sweeney inner COMING EVENTS Dance at Hunter IFriday Dec 31 lathe musicof Paxtons or Dancejin Newton prinson 0r ange Hall New Yearfs Eve Friday Dec 31 Admitsion 50c Lunch 5152p Dance Orange Hall Ivy Wed Dec 29 auspices LOLg450 Admis Stroud 45th Christmas vae dance Orange Hall Burton Ave Allandale Fri day Dec 24 Good music Ad mission $1 couple 52b Stroud New Years Eve dance frolic Novelties Music Stroud Mountaineers Auspices Womens sion 50c Lunch counter Institute Aid of Hall Fund 5221p Annual meeting North Simcoe Crop Improvement Association will he held in the Elmvale Par ish Hall on Wednesday Dec 20 Keegan OAC Guleph Mem bers and others interested are c501 the doors guard The installation was held at the LOL Hall on Elizabeth Street Installing officer was Mrs Hattie Baker past mistress of Meaford lodge and she was assisted byMrs Lottie Bull worthy mistress of Golden Star Lodge and Mrs Mad eleine Minnikin and Mrs Agnes Wynes both of the Golden Star Lodge Mrs Viola Stunden immediate past mistress was presented with silver gravy boat after the in stallation ceremonies Christmas party followed at which gifts were exchanged among themembcrndccamfssweresu REWARD Offered for information leading to the recoverngf small strong iron caslrbox with tray and heavy brass handle in the centre Ontario Law weeks ago referred to the board of works Police for the policing of Barrie were priced from 40 to 80 cents IHENRY DIDtERCP Cl one of 98 doctors and surgeons ad mitted to Fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada at the annual conven tion of the college held in Ottawa recently Dr Sims Mrs Sims 121 Owen St and the late Henry Sims former man ager of the Bank of Torpnto Bar rie graduated from B01 in 1933 from Trinity College in 1937 and from the University of Toronto in Biology and Medicine in 1940 He interned for year in the Torontol General Hospital then he joined the RCAF as medical officer serving untilthe end of the war In 1942 he married Helen Bright of Calgary and they havconeson four years old Since 1945 he has donepostgraduateWork at the To ronto General Hospital the East General Christie Street and Sunny brook Hospitals specializing in In ternal Medicine In November he moved toOttawa where he is as sociated with Dr Courtney Evans of the lid the box containing $14473 was stolen from 83 Clap perton Street Barrie at some time and of the second day of December 1048 believetheremre also some important papers in the box relating to mining shares that was buying Dowler 73hanged Regarding Regigtratibn This month the 31 municipal births which will clerks of Simcoe Cquntyhave an added responsibility They must register all illegitimate births with Society This is one of the amend Act Naphfali managing threei lorpf the SimcoeCounty CAS said will remain anonymous there are 973 active cases of ille itimacwdhepnescnt time go into effect in Ontario next month new pocketsize birth certi cate willbear the persons name the Simcoe County Childrens Aidbut not those of the parents Al thodgh complete records of ments to Ontarios Vital Statistics childs parentage will be kept on file to the public the parents of an illegitimate or adopted pets Legally the mother ms the Wenbibility of register Three indigent hospital cases wcre discussed One was ward of the CAS another was an elder ly woman who hada leg amputat cd and third was of man in mcntioncd case it wasdccidcd to make further inquiry froniithc For Sleigh Ride her 53 Section 2Pages to NW Carollers Walk Not Enough Snow Js Philip Graham opal Film Board showing as Carols finished off 211 etching l1 Aboum 20 boy and guilt oflLilekllgdnfilpCllrilfirashollart Stric Lmtcd Church lat tl wall lllsltild of ride on lllcll an 1luggugxggy nual round of carollirig for the ribs shut1n munbcrs of the church on Sunday evening Div 19 They hlm Wilma $101323 usually haw sleigh ride COElcluub 1H1 mm bilch with song but the wcatlrcrAl man fully1 tlzcn this and lllclt not enough snow Iiowtvcr tit3y wcrc abh to Ililliu thclr usual rounds and ilzcn they arrin back at the church they warmed up on lo llllllth soup of the DISCOVERER OF ARGENTINA Argentina was discovered in 1516 by part of Spanish explorers twaind by Juan Diaz dc Solis It gurmd its independence from Spain in 1810 you KKKQKKECEEEECCMKLCWbdtiitiiiiNMQXKHKKHKKKKKEIMUCKK VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS alcnzamlcrzeizrczzwuceczc WILF TODD 55 DUNLOP ST BARRIE TO You ALL rzxs AND Bovs WEAR srmmmmzmmmmmmmxmr 2as3maanhnmnmnankmamsmamz21slamsmmnmnmmmmmmnhnmn The Gift Every POT TED betamemewewezeeerazzaebzaezwewauLgaeerezrzizezwcscrzec EMSWJQWQ PCICQIEEK JillllilliiliillilK witfitlixl CHRISTMAS GIFT Woman Loves PLANTS HOME GROWN CUT FLOWERS Fresh from Our GreenhousesrDailyr Jot Reasonable Prices WE DELIVER lBOULDERFEL GREENHOUSES 74 LAKE STREET OFFICIAL PHONE 3015 FID MEMBER Ystasistaskscantiskcmchtaxmanbalmmkmuukukuwstsnummwt elder son of iinsurancc adjusters erAistroud man wrote thathc fcll over the end of deep culvert on Park St at Queens Park two He suggested there should be railing to prevent serious accident The letter was eeaazeeureeeuezelemcacezzzlezaez The Mayor and Clerk were au lthorizcd to sign renewal agree2 imcnt with the Ontario Provincial An appraisal report on the Town Hall gave the following figures Replacement value $18952753l present value $17951712 for in surancepurposesr$17394l20rlhe Mayor pointed out that no allow ance had been made in these fig urcs for the alterations madesucht as removing the builtup roof andi tchanging the windows Following the appraisal report the matter of insurance on the Town Hall was discussed It is now insured for about $100000 with coinsurancc On motion ofr Deputy ReeVe Hart thiswasfe ferred to the finance committee with the suggestion that the co insurance be altered to straight insurance Ald Corbett spoke of the diffi culty that would be encountered in trying to collect fines and tow ing charges for cars removed to clear the streets for snow removal This matter will be referred to the police commission Council had agreed to rent three additional roomSon the third floor of the Town Hall to the HEPC for $900 year The council agreed to have therooms painted to suit the tenants The hardwood floors have been finished and if the ants rwish to have linoleum laid this will be at their expense HenryBauldry 189 Owen St was graritgi building permit to erect store It was pointed out there was no building restrictions in this area letter was read in connection with property being boughtvfrom Kennedy survey Vindicat edrirllv acres in the plot and one and onehalf acres would be set aside for street right ofway The price will be $5743 but com pletion of the deal was held over pending further information Admission $100 COMPLIMENTS if OFTTHETSEALSO TENT from CORBETT 17 Owen St Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 2232731233$3123 amamsuasasmz lg 9amassanannaaaaannnannamppnunnnnnnnnnmmmnmumnm flicral Opening Community Memorial Recreational CENTRE TV BEETON Dec 28 uHOCKEY StMichaevsc Majors Barrie Flyers PUCK FACED AT 830 SHARP Children 50c WED if Dedicatimi Dec 29 Ceremony Hon Will Goodfellow Guest Speaker Assisted by Local Clerqymen Members of Parliament FOLLOWED BY The Maya and crerk Werefau thoriied to sign an agreement with Williamu McIntosh to plow sidewalks In replyto question from ever these are only those being ing birth and if she isiincapable dealtwith by theCAS He estim ated there were at least as many children born out of wedlock the notice of which didnol come to the attention of the CAS While it will benecessary in the futureto send information of ille githnate births to the CAS this willbe only for records The CAS will not necessarily assume respon sibility for anymore cases than they have at thepresent time There are perhaps 100 children born out of wedlock every year in Simcoe County This is one Childrens Aid prob lem that cannot be blamed on poor housing or economic conditions In factthe proportion of girls in com paratively wealthy homes and good families who become mo jailgibrsizcmculhsc1 higher than in the other groups the father has thersponsibility child born to an unmarried Woman will bear her namegtbut the new law regards all children of married women as legitimate and although the childs father is not theirsbfefmarrfs as higher chtors face the same $500fine her husband the baby will have the husbands surname Parents of child born out of wedlock who are subsequently married can ask to haVe the childS birth registered as if the couple had been married at the time of its birth The ne for neglector failure to give notice or details of birthihas been lncreasedfrom $10 to $100 Anyone wilfully making false statements about any vital statis tics can be lined up to $500 and xiw on spin months jail Sentence for There is newly established intgntional misstatement regarding principle relating to illegitimate cause of deathotany person Grifn it was stated that the park1 ing meters would be in operation until the end of December the same as last year They will then be removed for the winter months my AN EXAMIN Enwimr AD PHONE 241 lIIillIIIlM THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Will be CLOSED Chrlshhasiva AClirishnteray Boxing Day in Wards and Zfori thiswinter at price of $350 AND HIS ORCHESTRA NORMA IUCKE ROY ROBERTS THE VOCAL UARIEI DRAW ran MERCIIRY Tidal516 Draw $100

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