Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1948, p. 8

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FAG EIGHT co Employees Christmas Concert Santa Claus Visit The children of Copam employ ees had ViSil from St Nick last Friday evening at Trrnrty Parish Hall About 200 children and adults were there to welcome turn when he arrived With chklar tin at the piano the thlrlllg start ed off with the sirrgrng of carols Santa Clais Wifikccl in the door just as they tcgan to sing Santa Claus is oming to Town Frank Allen assistant superin tendent of the Shipping room was master of ceremonies for the tc ning and we imght add that Chur lie Hill general forcman of the LOGAN ncrmrs HAS HAD submit from AT smxrr BAY 15 YEARS II Logan of Board of lrrc an Bank of the Banks Ar on Iilrs= law of active cx 23 years or high execu Ilt ull IA lul iii lilt Mr Logan xlll illoll in Bul r21 halving llltl Ironic Mllla Br Sigma Bay Zul 11 Itillll 121 II rtittuto ptlll litrrti Iltc anout 13 303 loaded gcs and mud all round lfli 11w lu ordi urt lruiidcd out uloz MIin Ltllcllr plant hclpLd out llt his own way mgumgcr sport Ll the The Clllltllcll received gifts from party for int tlllldltli MleARCII REFRIGERATION C0 Now Offer fuel Oil Contracts with each Toridlteet Burner Installation 400 Gal Storage complete $39500 118 DUNLOP ST TEL 2059 annual 330wa WWWWWW FROM NIAGARA FINANCE MADE THE DIFFERENCE mr inf5593 57 Big Reasons why you islloultlwbonowwfrom Niagara Finance when you need money loans are lifeInsured at no extra cost milluiik security netessary 35 No Endprsers Required Budgetgeared Repay ment Plans Fast Friendly Service Big enouin for EXPERIENCE Small enough for FRIENDIINESS fittintECompa ny Ltd subsiuaggy 354 dustrin Acceptance Corporationi mfoloj THE WILSON SQUARE PHONE 2866 BARRIE WWW COLLIER UNITED XMAS CONCERTS ON TWO EVENINGS The annual Christmas supper and CinCCII fur the Sunday SchOol pupils of Colinr St United Church was on two evenings Last Thurs do the younger children had thElr pzivglarzl and for the older pupils lilo concert was on Friday Each cwnzng lllCIc was bouil tlftrl supper provided by the Woul nns Association followed by mo tion pictures singing of carols pro gran by the pupils and vrsrt lily Santa Claus hcv Ernest Lewis was chair mun MacDonald rs Church School superintendent THURSDAY EVENING Nursery Department of Mrs Allan Byers ishcad sang Away in Manger and Jingle Bells Cameron sang duct The Bcgrrrncrs Department of which Miss Annavc West is head mug two Christmas songs Cuthcr the Ann Jacquelin and Bobby Iolcy sang Hill More accompan itd by sister Sheila sang Carol uid Michael Newton sang Mar Ih ll ic l1 sang duct From the IrirrrziryDepartment of whrch Mrs II Rodgers is the lcadcr thcrc was Christmas story told by Sheila More Sylvia Syn wu Jtilllllt McKenzie Elspeth inncrou and Mary Sinclair Dunc and Sue Walls played pi ano duct Courtney and IIcathcr llcNahb and Sylvru Synnott sang it HICItl trio piano solo Douglas Morrcn gave rccrtzrtion Catherine Colitis playcd piano solo Joan Tribblc zurg Brian Cooper played pl rno solo Kilby McClafIcrty recit rd Karon Kennedy sang solo ornrld Burton recited FRIDAY EVENING The Junior Intermediate and Scnior departments provided the program of plays rccitations and olos Miss Morrisons and Miss Gra iums classes put on playlct Santus Helpers Mary MacDonald piano solo Tlladys Hart recitation Joyce Caldwell piano solo Garry Cald cll recitation Dana McKcrlic Jinno solo Johnny Tribblc piano olo Mr Cooks and Mr Couchs lzrsscs of boys put on playlet No Room in the Inn There was vocal trio by Larry Green Jackl Ethcrinnton and Garry Hollywood Recitation Anne Hargrcavc$ TolkiclanccflVIissHampers class pi ano solo Nancy Craig recitation Bill Norrisrecitation Mary MorV rcn piano solo Sheila Rodgers The concluding number was play IltcFatal Quest by Miss Audrcy Grays class Frank Guilfoyle Wins Turkey at Bingo Draw The ParentTeachers Association of St Marys grade school and St Josephs high school held draw on Thursday December 16 at the Catholic Womens League bingo in the Legion Hall The draw was held to provide funds for Christ mas parties at the schools Frank Guilfoyle won the first prize of 19pound turkey and Perkins wonrrthessecond prize of pair of chickens The thirdl prize of hamper of apples went to Margaret McKinnon The Association was able to raise more than enough funds to provide Christmas tree for the younger children and something in the way ofvr party after the Christmas con cert on Wednesday afternoon The remainder of the funds was donat ed to the two schools to provide for the needs of the children TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD 4s 44 14 Sheila More played welcome and Tina and Elspeth ON THE MAIN IIIGHWAYfrom Barrie to Wasaga Beach Elmvale has fine business section It was the merchants and citizens who persuaded the Police Trustees to seek nzc Byers and Margaret Iccvcr UCRlOltSOlG OSAUTOvalPOMy Sound MEICITCIII WMS PRESIDENT OF ST ANDREWS Mrs II McCaw was elected president of St Andrews Womens Missronary Society at their De ccmbcr meeting to succeed Mrs McCuaig who is moving to Pct crboro to live with her son Mrs McCuaig was prcsbntcd with beautiful table lamp on her retire ment from office Otllcr members of the 1949 exec utive arc Mrs II Wilson lst vice president Mrs Mac Icnnan 2nd vicc prcsidcnt Mrs Smith treasurer and Mrs McKinnon secretary Mrs Otto llzrwson president of the Barrie Ircsbytcrial was prcs cut at the meeting and presented lifo membership certificates to Mrs Biggar antihlrs ADMcliin non Thc rncoting was held in the church parlor In keeping with the Christmas season carols were sung and Christmas story was read by Mrs McCaw Mrs Ken Cameron lcd in prayer Mrs Edmund Hardy and her welfare committee reported that they had made 322 visits during the year The trcas urcr reported that the allocation of $473 had been met Tea was served at the Close of the mectingand was presided over by Mrs Clarence Simpson Mrs Graham and Mrs Alcx Cowan CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES Barrie Selected for Training School The opening of small mechani cal training school in Barrie has been announced by Remington Rand Limited The school will provide special ized instruction on typewriter re pairs in series of threemonth long courses the first of which is January Chief instructor at the school will be Lionel Andrews of Toron to and each course will consist of eight students selected from one of RemingtonRands branches his planned to eventuallytrainyoung men from each of the companys 35 brahches across Canada in th Barrie school Several communities in Ontario were under consideration but prompt action by the Barrie Cham ber of Commerce succeeded bringing the school here The Chamber is also arranging for accommodation for the trainees and householders who have facili ties for providing comfortable room and meals for young men in are asked to telephone the of at 3305 iiPresidents Christmas Message At this Christmas season Llwrant to express my personal apprecia tion to all the members of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce who haveso kindly supported our cf forts during the past year wish to thank especially me members of our boardlof directors those who served on ourCommit tees and all who otherwise helped carry out our activities 11 To these and to the 0th citi zensrofrBar NJJO 44s 4t Jackson of Bradford for MerryChitmas andVa happy and prosperous New Year TED TWISS Cvaans Brother of Reve Evans Named ofT Reg trcr rant secretspf eective speech Bradford Witness The story of the retirement of Fenne11 assistant registrar and later registrar at Toronto Uni versity during the past38 years brought interesting news to the people of Bradford His successor is to be Bradfordson Joseph Evans son of WEvaris The newly appointed registrar is thesecond youngest ofithe six sons of ourrevered townsman Wu WEvans and brother of Reeve TS Evans and Mrstllzabeth After leaving university lVIr Ev an interested himself in business time and ten years teaching school In 1939he oined the COTC land for three arc the University of Tomato Unit Ra cently he has been assistant regis trar at the University Hand nt Ni ii um as 4vv 4T4 expected to start training early Culty putting your thoughts served as captain andadjutan pf zc Ac incorporation as Village The petitionfor incorporation was granted by the Simcoe County Council in session in Barrie last month Elmvalc will become village ln1949 urns into Action Sale Warns Orillia Against The auction sale hold at him Mo Usmg Pdfkmg Meters tors Saturday Dec 11 unfolded into an action sale The mornl onma NewsLetter ing had all extra salbsmcn busy lem Livery orluylltQ no dealing cars privately The rush havmg parking m9lels sald C1 took them well on into the after CrCSSWQllv merchant 0f the Pally noon When the extra load tapcr Sounl dlsmc Who came to Olll cd oil it was found too late fol11a With Smut 0f Shoppers from conduct their auction Hirwevcr north the 9th d3 they plan to hold one curly in the Mr Cresswcll said he and his new year and this time the auc party had originally started out for tioncers booming voice will be put Barrie but the discussion turned to into truc action parking meters and they decided 10 visit Orillla instead The only advantage of parking meters is that they keep merchants from parking their own cars in front of their stores but if they will refrain from doing this they From time to time The Barrie 0afivamagehe sald Slalmg Examiner receives letters of up that sums conSIdcmd them preciation from rreaders outside 111535 Simcoe County The following is If you are shopping you dont note sent with recent subscrip want to have to run back to your tion order from Toronto car and put couple more pennies For your encouragement must the mete 5999 9m getlmg add here note of congratulationla parkmg twkCt he sald in the fact that you cover such Mr Cresswell expressed the wide area of country My father opinion the meters had aflectcd the and mother retired Cookstown visitor trade in both Barrie and people nd many happy hoursHuntsville scanning its pages and living Another visiting shopper again as it were their neighborly Clipsham of Sparrow Lake exV COUDUY liVCS Wilhout WhiCh prcssda similar view have Congratulates Examiner On the Coverage of News Throughout the District country at the present vOuld be impoSSiblcto obtaimj The letter was signed by dughter of Mr and Mrs James meters and they are not liked at 311th saidn7777 Christmas the children are begin Walsh CENTRE VESPRA December 18 Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Stan Fairbairn on the birthof their baby daughter Mrs Sherman Hecncy has bcen on the sick list and is now making complete recovery We would like to take this op portunity to wish the Staff of The Barrie Examiner Very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year Eb vcry goodieVenvto each other which is very rare Tammy is not now thumping Nancy on the nose with baseball bat Oh no Hes saying looking at you with large Santa is bringing me another one hope much of all that18nminmnurr visitedwquitewawfewiplacesrwitli ning to be soipolite believe met eyes you take this Nancy dearv llljllflmillglfll willhave relief THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1m memo morons Will BUY YOUR CAR 10811153 Dont be Faggotout all day Strained tcrrsc IIEPTITS are often the cause of restless nights Impropcr rest night after night is quickly followed by loss of appetite irritability and tired rundown condition For disorders such as those Milburns Health and Nerve Pills are highly bcricficiul The iron and cthcr ingrwlicnts they contain help improve the blood content stimulate the nervous system did digestion thus helping to promote slccp Buy it tillay Milburns Health and NerVe Pills All Vegetabl luxutivp Eases tautan 0verniglit incst When youre tired and farm chores seem to Weigh like ton of bricks when you get dull headachesyou probabl need thorough gentle houseclbaning with this ALL VEGE TABLE Laxative Natures Remedy is real good medicine for its made from vegetables and herbs You just take one or two gtthe tablets at night when needed wit full glass of water and 51 Honest Medicine Used By Farmers For Many Yearsy Natures Remedy is not newangled idea Its timetested and tried Thousands of farmers beliere in this ALL VEGETABLE Medicine because they know its mighty hard to beat vegetables and herbs for clearing up the syutem making you feel gwd and eat good again Ask your drug store forNatures RsmedecsedgTublets for short Only 25 cents for 25 tablets WittII ll6197 manual RIGIW mm 240 Add Indigestion Heartburn Gas Friends of Mrs Walter Thump son will be pleased toknow shc is now much better Heres hoping you will be able to look that trir key in the eye and say Well son nyboy this is where wemcet again It must be getting close to ONTARIO mum DEATH orHEIuousl special 1mm Do you wa to give people an impressigritdleennessf ciency and ex ptional irr telligence Do yo wantgto more success suading others to act cor tain way or adopt 77 Then analyzeevery though before youattmpt to express it Ohecf the most impor lies inknowinghow to do Vthis Hercqare two sugges dons1 it dug Firstbesureyou know gx abtlyvvhatyou want t6 sirny youdont youll havefdiiz became as into Words And they will sound yague unimprerssiveg sndperhapsfleven confusing to listeners So reduce your ideas to simplcbasicvform fGet the hartof theidea in your ovim mind NEXt choose your words caiefully Say preciselywhat voumeanu your manner and voice too can add to the effectiveT tressofyourspeechlbokdig tecdyatyourhearers in cleargfum voice Never ankle Ifyoufollow thine sugges tipnsyou Will not only createl qbettcr impreuibn on other at M11 new selfconv dencegoql ct hiltspeaks loam Jpver foursudouli1111 aaageragsmbmh withmore changeableymather conditions Preoccupiedshoppers young and Iareiabroadin great numbers Infrhe Excitement of Christmas din people sometimes tendito forget their Customary cautiij theelicch 1948rapproaclresgetusall join tbgethtsr indetermining thatjforttliewhblePrmince weiwilljrnakeit aqueaswellasalrapm ChfistincndltlWYeag timeDON Caution art To all MOTORISTS TRIANS This is an urged appeal to all citizEEs motorists and ascooperate earnestly in keeping down the death and accident toll odOhtariostrects and highways 2331 pedestrians alike m4 Carey5nd caution in dfivingand walkingare necessary at all times3 but particularly so ninth holiday season hours of lv fse1Alerrg

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