Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1948, p. 6

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mmmxmmumumar HEART Christmas to Ali AT THIS rrsnvr SEASON MAY 1949 BE HAPPY MA Clr EMMS ELECTRIC 47 ELIZABEIII ST BARR hairRikkkkkhlxkllhklhhihhh M221 Pihkkkhmit Af32 113335 9IIkhvfiizirhkikhtkhi333333E EKKKCKCKCVEECCKiifffiff51iiiiit LHIEIECKQCTEWEE BEST WISHES FOR Christmas and the New 1949 BARRIE SPRING SERVICE zazxxzmzzzzkzxxzamay It itl Sl ItAtING INK lItAtKS maintaining 232732sarisssmaanRamayanaynram3agtana LKKKCECIEEZC 3168IiiCibtfiiEEECdiiTRIKE Sincere Good ishes On this occasion we have the greatest of pleasifre in extending to all our friends our sincere wishes for truly Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years May good fortune rest with yarn and yours hiring the months which lie ahead CRAIG SONS THE STORE THAT QllllY Blllil 2124322123ah2t331hh1k23 Ml tour is an Nhhhkmz3i2a31J1nd3Jd 342t222t320Emkhbmlkkmhhgt KKIKKEKCEEK 2521M5ZiiiE25WEdtlddhktkhl AND ALL Good Wishes FORTHE If 91 Tloymf Walked Show mannamznzzaakmzammmamaaamxatmammaama commieRebeccastovzapartmentscameommmumnmx GREETINGS To Our Customers Past and cFuture we extendeartv Seasons Greetings OATESIPAINT STORE lune Lick flack Oates Betty Elliott inanasiasiaaaanaannnaaasanataammaannnaanaamamnzmmta IKRKKKKAEEEilEQEPEE315EEEEilglllzleEKEEKEKKKKCKKKKKMQEK xuumxnuxmudmnukxmu Wishinghall the Compliments of the SeaSOn MAKE mis sroRE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIQAY SUPPLIES mailman mgzzgmamamammammamzmnm lSLESSA ROAD Vnannanmannnwaammmanmn CWW AnnamariaseatsaaamaaaaaamarksmanRamsInnaannanm and 911011 WNW gm from ammmamammazazmaaram3223 Yearsrolld ongbut the last one fT SteVens rim mam BARRIEKDNTARIDLCANADA IMWWHIW raw llViWkMWi dIffif IMfill 5275 Im etoo Imw 590632 70 will 65 MUM PAW IVAPill item is nuznmt 3mmLimusm JW 2354 vi was It OAl In uxemtm iMIi mu fix lulu hitting1 it At it mA ky 35LL lln Ililtf tttxautY titllllislttll it lutllu organ of tin lltlltlt lnit tint ll tnt out for tllllliftulll unit la in life ltiltj climc thin ll in lLltvlt to in Eii Iptlt have outgrown their ltiitrlu Santa Pays Visit To The Children Essa Road Church Santa Claus visited the children of Essa lload Presbyterian Church on Friday evening Dctembeij l7 llis visit coincided with the Christ mas concert of the GIT and Ex plorers groups and the beginners classes of the Sunday School About l5 girls from the Explotu ers group dramatized Christmas story entitled Within The Heart reading of the Bible story of the first Christmas followed Car ol singing in the background was done by the GII group with Dor othy Grant as soloist The begin ners class sangl Away in Man ger and recitations were given by Patricia Seruton Bobbie Scrttton and Carl Hamilton Doris Kearns accompanied the CGII group on the piano and Bet ty Ball played for the singing lur ing the rest of the evening The concert was rather unique in that the audience did the carol singing during tlte evening them selves N9rnltlinivclills ftl9ltCSBTii and Helen Webb assisted the be ltt Christin lmUt of The Spanner Railway gmphuall illustIatw that llittltllllllt It pit lls and villain in lilltlltt ll inIpl rials wages and nlllcf expenses ltlnn Irttxm shims that lltllhllll tatiun rustt In the pniut tSanta Arrives In Barrie By Airplane is Greeted By One Thousand Children About one thousand children and almost as many adults were on hand to greet Santa Claus when he visited in Barrie last Saturday afternoon Arriving from the north in plane piloted by Norman Topping Santa flew low over the Town and waved cheerin to the boys and girls before heading to the airport 10 19nd At the Barrie Airport Santa Claus and one of his clowns were greeted and were driven into town in convertible automobile escort ed by police cruiser Mayor Grant Mayor was on hand to offer St Nick civic greeting and there were loud cheers from the hundreds of boys and girls at the Post Office Square Christmas music for the occasion was provided with chants of 32 school girls under thedirection of Craig Weilamilton The rrsoloistmwas Rom GII group with Kahold W513i and Mrs Coulson helped the Ex plorers group with their play The Christmas decoration in the church were the work of Mrs Rob ert Scruton and Mrs Hamil ton and Mrs Austin Ayerst also helped with the program About 50 youngsters and older children took part in the concert San ta Claus Museum Exhibits Supplied by Slmcoo County Womenn Institutes wvl NO 275 Mementoes of the 80s Miss WinnitiedMcKay Toronto has given to the Museum num er of things treasures of her childhood in Lefroy Amongthem is miniature open work soft metallic basket just 31 it The Staff or alsndijigflf Silt sagas ea su arlambs cand ielfVlllhlesthfCCOllcfion is ver gs BUBRI RON STAN RED fine whitedsilkbookmark item 77777 ag RESqusThn OZSIOVIEerDCChhiS To Extend 21 in gfeeziimtivsitlina gsilitedlggd 126 To ALL as at as termites if Their Best Wishesfor giirfiilimgiitrihtihe Old Arm lttgeit love It who shall g1 cry erry Ttstmas Tosh magnate vvy Arm Chair gmlve ptliritzziiasured it longas sainted it Ive Dedwjd it with tears and Itisboundby athousand liands to gmnannnanBananaswastaaaaaasiaaaaaaaaaaanaarnang YNotnauli bieik Raff lint unwelcomesiclateiconiceexamineesiezzxctcueraemuc Vwousligbu yearn the Spenfa mom er sat there Andeaisacred thing arm chair sat and watchd her many day When her eyes grew dim and locks were gray And almost worshippedher when she smiled And turned from her Bible to bless her child istliat old sped My idol was shatterd my earth star fled learnt how ubear Whenf IgsaW much the heart can her die in that old armIchair 504 fThe bookmark bears the trade mark andnmaoi malnour Coventry on the under side MlssMcKaygis much interested In our Museum and has valuable data androther things which she mp her mens and Miss Bessie Spearn are THIRD READING OF THE last weeks Herald fThey did not ttell the electors that if the high qschool debenture bylaw did not get third reading in Alliston the school might be built at Beeton or elsewhere Beeton would issue the murmuldroeremovedmndith Marlo Norma Bayliss daughter of Mr anders Walter Bayliss They sang several carols unaccompanied and when Santa arrived they led the crowd in few of his favorite timbers Santa Claus mounted platform which had been set tip for the oc Gufhrie Shopper Says Barrie Stores too Busy Blames Parkipg Meters Orillia NewsLetter Guthrie Dec lSThc rural people dont like going to towns where there are parking meters because they nd them nuis ance said Wright of Guth rieL as he explained that he has noWTrizide Orillia hisshpihgm tr instead of Barrie for this rea son Mr Wright said he understood theig was some agitation in Orillia reason he thought the people should know what the rural people think of them good many of us who use to shop in Barrie have been going to Orillia since the meters were adop ted there he said stating that he felt the meters an unfairway of raising revenue Youput in your money to shop for an hour and then find the stores soicrowdederit takeseyou an extra ten minutes When you get back you find parking ticket on your car and then you are booked for ne They take no explanations at Barrie either It is costing their merchants lot of business Mrs Wm Furzecottw Pres bf 39 Club if Mrs William Furzecott was chos en president of the 39 Club of Bur Tuesday eveningDecember 14 Mrs VFjprzicott succeeds Mrs ceyjmudid was TETEsidEht fbr 1948 Her executive consists of Mrs Arnold Robertson vice presi dent Mrs Wes Allisopp secretary Miss Jo Blair treasurer and Miss Jean Bebb social convener Mrs GeorgeBriggs heads the activity committee and Mrs Jack Clema on the sick And visiting committee The meeting was held at the home of Miss Jo Blair 68 Burton Avenue The39 Club was named for the year in whichit was formed 1939 want to break hp when theirfSun daySchool days were over It in eludes Anglicans and Presbyteri ans in its membership and is duite unique among the Womens organ izations inthe chinchefs or Barr future our UNEASYABOUT HIGH SCHOOEBYLAW ThefollovVing excerpt isltakh from report of recent Allisth council meeting that appeared in debentures and Allister Would be ill Allisfon Were to pull out from the area itastatusas high school chool here would revert to con tfnuotion school says the Beaten WW charisma mm all itli isucli a1rcmcndousrccep CommercranddownCouncil offi matter ibi rrpatrkihgmeters and forthis shepherd girl was weeping bitterly as she watched the Wise Men on GeorgesChurchinMAllandaan Itsfounders were members ofat Sunday School class Who didnt hopes vto contribute the neat tbllled forthe costs just the semen iln ft lttiti itrn hm innitamt more than 50 per cent over pritII twists ila llm ImpIttuleuted lift 011 true in llt ll important items as rolling tmit ts will lll llllllllll and wages lll the latter ltto tll1lllt lusts haw llllllptll over prI tetlt tml per tent respectitvh since pit an flat lllt the tune of Iflhl lltltlll IlllnrpullJlitm itemt has 3min wnh up Illl toil1 ttlSlUIl and there he sat patiently fm 1w hours Mk Childnm ber ll Well UVCI Ill0 young Ctb $556RTEZatgrgtgtgigni93IQtaqreligthgaggwgmpltaxmgiuiggngxggtt passed by in asteady stream San RifmgnixyosnnrivalmgUltimo ca ta had handshake and happy 05 93 greeting for every boy and girl Josephs MKSLMOL short Christmas drama was 11 tpresented by four boys of the club to all from by the Rotttitlltlll Cotmetl and Edward Marion John Reid Mum lxenneth lltlblllStHIHSllldVSillllll dts Giacomem and Michael Murphy in tributed 1009 oranges and 1008 under the direction of Fulth eandv sticks LaulOI Followmg the play YELLOW ROOF CABINS WW do ltHllttrrremlWU rather unconventional Santa Claus l1 rr wvee around Santas platform as child in the person of John Murphy sen E3 HIQhWGY Bome nd DHWNS like surged 10 for entered to the accompaniment wards the steps The pressure con of Jingle Bells to distribute gifts tmued until the last orange and to the young people from Christ candy stick were given out at 445 mag tree pm Carol singing led by Father of Smanor boys and If Cale with Margaret McKinmm 3umhiBREJtao3iBIDQIDIBIBIBI39221EttglitgmimbtiBt351taht3t girls were lost from their parents for few moments at time and there were the customary few who became frightened the noisy crowd tion for Santa Claus few of the citizens who were on hand suggests ed that Barrie should plan big parade prior to Christmas next year Seine of the Chamber of cials are already considering the Christmas Rose Has Real Significance Legend tells us Vthat young their way to take gifts to the Christ Child An angel appeared and af ter ascertaining why the young girl wasmcrying she waved her wand and Vinstanyitlgrbund was carpeted with glittering white Christmas roses The young girl quickly gathered these blooms When she presented her gift the Christ Child smiled and as his gers toucld the white owers the petals became tinged with pink ElcTMFsTith Lee Glad Club President At St Georges Church WWWelects president of the Glad Club of St Monday evening December l3 Evelyn Kightley is lst vicepres ident and Mrs Marjorie Gosney is 2nd vicepresident The secretary for 1949 is Mrs imA Poppleton and treasurer is Mrs Isabel Hobson Heading the various committees are MrsDorothyWilder and Mrs Hilda Collins ower committee Mrs Alice Bayliss Mrs Hilda Col lins and Mrs DorothyJones rum mage sale committee and Mrs DorothyMcaiesney Mrs Stuart and Mrs Maud Mitchell buying committee LACKED FORMAL EDUCATION genus at present Silhgftitsxiyiaiisbiigeimii ll ll ELE Sullivan army chaplain and Fath erJohn Ff Mclsaac RCAF chap lain both of Camp Borden were Mk and page BEST visas 35L The annualugektogether was not uni IIAs DES 1mm or REAL Ilka IARNINGS Dentistry has been practised The organ pipes that are visible fioin trig not times Egyptian are usually dummies because the SI Marys YP Club Christmas Concert At The High School St had their best crowd of the year their party on Sunday evening Decem at the piano started off the even ing brief the visit of Santa Claus with Mich ael Murphy playing the banjo and Mario Giacomelli 0n the accordion The usual Sunday evening social wafllllir mom Phil Sauve was master of cere monies for the evening Lunch Was served in the down stairs school rooms donncll and her had done great deal of work on refreshments tions High school decorated the auditorium Several representatives of senior parish societies were presentat the party Father Moreau fortn SECONDANNUAL THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1943 accentexituxltretttmmmmmm me tridentWise William Kosman ptsz WATCHMAKER Wishes to Thank all his mend and Cusmmm and to layout wish them also very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR CZCEKQWWEKIKKiCYtEl KTKEJIV tillliihhhlnllhllhIIIIIR EJAZVREERE33053533MEREXERXBB3tIERNEZNXXEERIEDIXIRIIEJWI real pipes made in variety of sizes and shapes are too unsightly to be seen by people in churches and theatres skulls hate bevn found with artifl tal teeth made of wood UI bone fastened to the av by threads or ttzes ft56kZEiEEEMMQECCXOKEQQEKdKKGXKQKKKQIQK McEaChern Flynn CARTAGE EXTEND THE COMPLIMENTS or THE SEASON TO ALL THEIR FRIENDS AND PATRONS Mcliaehern anmv medial ifEKKEIZlZEWRzLE 634 AM Marys Young Peoples Club Flynn 33IfittIEI53tt 223$$137339khhhkhkhhlhkhhmmhtEB first at annual Christmas CEEi669361Z11PEZEEQCCEKiEKCEI06PEKWdwdkgi Merry Christmas singsong followed tephni IEWELLERS OPTOMETRISTS BARRIEfmww HAPPY NEW YEAR EligibleDQIETMEERZMEIBIE322243BiEEtZtEIDIBIBIBtDtBtEmWMNHRRHIMBRBME ramsea tlFeIiierttiin Donnie Mac food committee table decora students had and waterewszmzzamectecommences QZCEifsfiQEZlfzllMEEEQCEKKKKMEKiwlllwg CToW xmhmazhmm 100 well attended but good time gavermteeskctatsItzetsczzeczaumtcummmmtcmmacadamia was had by the 50 members and their guests who patronized the ball aDYWent to boys work namely the Air Cadets attendance the Air Cadets were out Of luck v6201ge Bernard Shaw Went to school for only five years yethe has been awarded the ghighesthon orthat can be bestowed onuan au thor the Apache fprjliter TQOUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS INTOWN ANDCQUNTRY$IDE WEWIIsu Eagvltxvuovous CHRISTMAS Sh Barf antiquarian to Aunt irkosmtous Theeveing was under the direr action of Maurice Hines past pres ident and an able master of cere monies anduMonty Barnes chair man of the dance committee The club had been decorated in Christmas fashion by the members for the dance Jaycee George Wilson and his orchestra provided the dancemufr Two solos were Sting by Clift Barnes during the evening Doc Church retiring president and Bill Merrick 1949 president spoke few Words to the members GGESOUTTOALL Ghristmas AndA nappy= thew fpear llell guests all evn it gtigfi 3133BradfordSt paBarrie Raanaznnaaannaamaomiamwswam wamamma oral 1U lee iullllu lull ft Judging by the CREE IAYCEES BALL we we All Our Friends HELD CLUB 79 ThJaycs held their second from ariasassassins ff EARLE SERVICE STATION Noise makers paper hats and bfftlhttth ft mid tiff $733311 gfnd Toning CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS COFFEE BAR for the JxCees and their ladies gammaaansaaaaahannaaannaaaannnaanaaaamaanaann mil

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