Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1948, p. 4

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not THURSDAY DECEMBER23 19le greetings to our many IOYOI friends hopin Christmas or no Christmas Santa retilrns in time for Uldlsvmndi FOWUM mmml ll uin sii in or ca iiini lK ChTiStnlaS Hamp lFralick Pmp um mmlcrm cmsnANHY BRITAIN our Mo Famous ifKuimlq wu ROM Fulton meIanemorenI Chlsuwny Teach gm iChristmas Trees ttlih the return of Christmastide regardless of chanting 11108 tineer was portrait andlandilrom Gaul during the ir Ctn II mp CMI old wish is Sincere and MMIVMI ape painter as We wry Ghost tenuous of the lliilliaIIlIls lilSllllElS recs growing on if wooded rolling titles oi the Rquse May You Have Ye mm Pmk Whhc$ DANIEL UNDS1 WAde Fwd no mm es TI Larkm Opened me kmhw mtupied mucn IofIIItlit late irrs Franklin wawns Simc ml ll door lit ookuti up tti of gtd lie us How on Agllopilul 5mm ml scattered on odd patches iliid imr lllbl SllOOk hi5 mad eels of land throughout the Lalitlt No mail at all she said as she The trees about 2700009 1133 ii in and Vtlll on than lllllltl her are principally of Norway if we 0lt of ads spruce white sinner and Douglas HAPPY NEW YEAR on unit tit ill II III II fIiI III II and bill from the Seed CUXHPWF Mano emenf and Aille bunU lllS hot on El hook and Med ro wrisxcl Dto the pump llis white Although the ire growing was to llLlllh ra dirnv around lace llObb Wlth mi 11110 irlSldtlll lls if gvhcn licbstraiglitcned up again ilnSiSled 18 19 DIOltll pity its I1 kc 81L bi Iown way Consequently about 2000 QIIIEIIIIIaII lus to 3000 trees are marketed every gt Christmas season 96 COLLIER STREET BARR II hills to IuInIiintnrijninIIsItiuIIk III II dffllh IFMI IIIIIL gulf Abbreviation xm 9233332323 amlanxnxmxmannnhumanitarian AnamhiaxxIhjmmmxmmammiahinmmihhhnmmmng ll Ilitlt it is Hell as gave oil pungent odor as be lit it Greek in Sgzlll lit1KKIRKllinEkxixlteleblitiKlIlIi ztIIKIKKEKIRKIKNKKKIKKIltlKitttxxlixlllmg llut tllis is tlilltrtnt Toni sire gjsziid putting pan of biscuits lll There has been iiilKll llllluvur 11 the otIen toiuoiitIin is hriIIinniiIiIs able comment on the lllitllll If Its ong way to ie coast ay form for Christmas that is com he wrote but didnt mini ii in monly used Many think it lnixp A901 Ol lhlS iOyOUS SEOSOII 0W time propriat and undigniiicd to use Mu his tired old voice was the shortened form XllliiS rd ChnStmOS busness here ll tilled with bitterness theres no The explanallvn Ufils Uriel is we find that the old old greeting hm 10 Wk it name for Christ is and the coin Silll rings true it cidence of its cruicilorin shape led EI to an early adoption of this lettnn iv as the figure and symbol of Christ is frequently found on walls oil FROM Cllllcolllbi IllVlltll ktlie fairly iristinns wis 1t to ma ii icprc sentltion ol the Trinity tl BARRIE 2331 All beside the names of the Fatherl 2i in the cllllllllt and leatc presents for all good boys girls and logs and the Holy liost llUlll tli came the shortened iorin Xmas in lDanger from Tree stead of Christmas lt mm Chrmmu Grcen iFire Ever Present solution Then let the trce stun Eocers ALLANDALE chefs four to six days in the solution for agglaagpgn MI ii Linseamanaannamlaanmaaaamasthmaaimalaazm If children instead of their piir H011 If 15 Complmt ileOllltIUll TltlS hllllmlRllllnllmmmlma cnls were allowed to choose limit if moored in this manner will nut infitEWEitahzZlilakizlllatmmzmdm21100dtlaltzlildiltlll family hornesitelxtlie tiny flshing III be ignited by ill electric spark mmmtWWWmmmmgwg village of Itodiinlhe no wouldlflfEfIl lfllll Once more we take the Opportunity of extendmg bvcumo metropolis Olkllligm mi All UH plHStiipwgt1 Chile was discovered by Dxcgllg ll IE len rlccment or can do Alliltllt in 1535 luggmggi131lwlbL tUlllii tltclllC light lizis removed our many patrons and frends the beSl WShes Shti Claus his reindeer scanilmmo hwmd forum CX ggemgmgwwawgwrzEliminating DOSSlble lOF Cl very peryng on Athc Tum of North piliciiccd but dzingcr still lurks illlm lillll llmtlltll 31131055 very AS the tune Of thls great Chm Tonnds 9mm bdnks maka his lliillilllll 0f hillbs illld Slllllfesr iiist stop in Ilodnnlbc dining his vnw minmm rm hamni the mos COIO IS sung lOUg out on IE huh annual lll tom of the night 01 It IIIIIIIIII3IIIE mm December 24 Hardly have the chil itllilllmm ml illulmlllll 0119 Wesl st adOl we pause to eXtend season need to sticl pins in yourself by Shaneihllohrillniiilllodliicliiitiblgillxlll Illlplllll 4311V1llij Ii II it the 10 mm icu ec of that boy is still iiiatl Klm The Old hdyq eyes Shane With To WWW Millil3 mm ewrfm ticnlAxulcranl ullmqu ML 2i is lone lJTllllthWlStlly Cllmgti Iit least in inch above the original Den Tayler WHS Tom kHOyes ie in mm iihe slashed surface 7n puraizismg if were Varwomesfihedlwritel knowFm his Ma ezmkxedeazmeeemeeeezze ii ip Corner Mary and Elizabeth pi in tree always look for one that inDonl fiIlIlgel Tilm SIillId 115 ll ihas been felled recently so that the Gwmo rrlhlllilklllllg H437 eneedlesellaVeaiotleedrw ewerr rrr7 we we new user arod Chns and Staff CNCS crinkled at the corners lin Fresh trees also are essential for $1 his falhel Vinnieproofing In using ammoni Dinners ready Pa she said uin sulphate chemical content it khhnimhhmnannnaaammn332 nannnmaumanummmam lled with deep longing and tonefourth the weight of the tree lg it fought to keep the tears out of her should be used After dissolving euxlxunguummmcircumciseiezeeiezeeieeeeieieieie mm one and pints of me ammonI ALLANDAIIII cn understand that boy still Turn in pound of wateislash the WE WISH YOU bein mad at me but Why does lie lanaianaaazaaasanaazaaznzaaaaa stem of the tree and place it in the have to take it outon you Youre wrong Tom Ma replied as she lifted her head and smiled The day after Christmas lirst de livery well get letter Youll VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS see NOl from him he SllOOk hi5 iei7ANDvA lisadgiimly dive vChristmaslhich for bongorigor Youre forgettin Judyi site 113 years Rodantheans have celebrated minded him as they sat down ion January This time however Shes good daughterinlaw iSanta is accompanied by menac Oh Im not blamin her ieply ing ogre known as Old Buck ing as he CbVCICd his biscuits with who takes care of the bad children ammzamzmzi glazmmzmym amazon lhcn house Itll be cold tonight His old shoulders slumped forward as he went OUtSide She ShOOk her celebrations are far different from head and started picking up the MambaS uOIdIChristmasInghichII dishes Her mmd sank back into lt onlyin recent years has been sup the past To the days when Christ plemented by the nbsewance of mas was alive with the excitement Ed laughter of young voices She Decembel could see Pa striding into the liv ingroom bearing large evergreen on his shoulder Behind him there was always highly excited little boy bearingan axe She wondered if the little boy ever thought of it Pa came back on the porch She II smiledgas he kicked his toe against re won er Sie thought thatetheres any threshold legend and its adoption as symbol left afterall these years He came or decoration for Christmas is of into the kitchen dumping an arm recent origin In Spain it is known loadFoi kindling in thBbiXbehinrl as the or de nOchebuene and is Elsewhere the Twelfth Night is celebrated on January But zlhosel rrrrweH rrglEVyLiJUClySzaneilkWHSTwhilrSamaadmmst AL3lt ti bull headed pride good he Record Bar or 51 $951091 Shrew 151 GulfInna Christmas is uncertain It ii 0y 36 51 ence ma may be throwback to the Grc plffhed 115 plate bag gorian calendar or it may have 33 You are eatm mUChv he started as celebrationjof the schlgridjllst not hungly Pa Twelfth Night when the wise BethIEhem berin III at awmnnmhnnnakmmwwannakmmmnannmmmnaaal m1 see he stood up ImI goin gifts 111 etheo Chgist childatiagtl Wllmllllxmmxmmxmmmgmgmzmgmigig Wt and tum the heater the somehow got off schedule day VERYBESTWBHES FOR JOYIFUL CHRISTMAS under New Year of Success and CHRISTMASCHEER eppiness eXes mm patronage duringthe pogtjecn SCOtt ammzarmam mmzaaamemzahzammpmamzr WV as the range connectd With the sentiment of nIsnowin Pa Christmas II He shook his Headand look Oil Itsbeautiful star is one of the his wraps replying Stopped favorite owers or the Christmas Elm She hung the dlSh towels up for season and its use as an indoor gt dry He pulled rocker in from decoration is uniW the living room and sat down lt Everything all right in the barn Ma aSked as She threw Reduce ChrIStmas Sure Pa said sad smile crossad his lips Whats the use TO avoidiragicphrlstmas CCl gpretendinf Ma Were both feelin dents in the home thelEilePlO blue Nation institute issues thesepre She sat down atthe old kitchen table and started peeling apples utteredfl knewvitv Gonna bake me a4 pie has ask She nodded Apple Was always Billysfavorite too Now MenWhats the use of 35 he stopped as they heard rancar drive updin the yard MustbeJim Rogers Said today that new calf of his was sick He opened the kitchen door and peered out into the nightIIShe couldheaij him catch is breat Ias heztwatched man far anda Womanget outMa wh do pose or hermffam Cautionary tips Use ameprom compound to spray wreaths and other pine decoy rations UIsei materials marked flame prooffor tree trimmings and home decorations ifgthey are obta able lnspect Christmas tree ights and repairvfrayed wiresor loose sockets LNever leaVe Christmas lights burning unless someoneis around Never unwrap gifts near an open reor ickeringjam Dis few lumps of coal in the re Hozards With Care no canoneistdnarnenas xi ifi7lllae7ll Earth you think his Ivoicewas low Yipwgilnflefwer II knewgt MIa laughedIaIs She laid WW5 II II II theparing knifedown with Ithap DYSmile Inew1talltheitnne 1mm 111m amen NnrcocliTAlLIiIPAEIY In day lsslietheGlobe Man dsygedIg large part t0

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