PAGE TW ENIYTWO Santa Arrives by Ai plane 3rd Annual CGE Christmas If Choose lasting gift this YeCIr piece of furniture lamp or CI mirror Lamps 01 All Kinds iTrilite Lamps $1395 up Bed Lam beautiful selec ilntochoose from i5 Pctetsmeezzasbii Coffee Tables Lamp Tables End Tables Occasional or Cogswell Chairs Desks Bookcases etc For the Children Sleighs Wagons Tricycles Dolls Desks TIC1118 Trucks Doll CGI King Candles were liehted for riaqesirom the smallest to the largest size childs rockers Junior and Sidewalk bikesSkis Toboggans etc 4m elmalmad 5251314353Ktilittilkftiii 0y1 Autos Erery Girl Wants HageCItfcs ofIfer Orr11 Shirley Templeiscosfaned will Ginger Rogqrs and Joseph Coltcninlhe 5011 nlrkrlnfernuticmolpicture in as seemsYou MOUNT ST LOUIS Inion Ji tiara gtllltlx Officers Elected Ii 311 federation 11 11 dctoii film1111 was held ti litlit on Monday rl picgtcnt lis 1iit tl lliltl =ititon lhciil llti til Clinch it pump as regional meetings will be held and during the wiiiter months thc St ylieas IVid it litt lillllk uggcszions early as possible ii iicsnleiit was asked to loi the night to trucics donated by liie on of $930 was in donated to the gtllll 3w Hogtel lililsflitlt Hals licli Kill Vice lllicrnld llt tilt lzic licllllliiti you wiping inu patNailing the 11 tlilitllslt xlaiy uu ii Um HR stated that the accident to Shirley Tina tliiy iii loiolito lozm healthy spending his iltii1f his home here it Toronto tfkn 111 and Mrs Alliston now home in Long Branch ui mix on Dec Jly Airs llert llaimon ilitiiiii Thursday Death of Dunnin 72 11 10 41 ton ticiiietcrys Jiri and supper About 300 adults and children were present Following 4212121 ri rid all the children GILFORD Luck was real good concert 23ar212 no at the close 31 Pertcdtthristmas gift for sweetlicaitsistci haughtenmother Be sure to give one of Our genuine Lane CedarHOpe Chestsfwith ex elusive moth protection features 11 pr rst rzgazumemgaemsze confesses LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS wiLL rial Auswrzn TO THEIRGIFT 1311013 EM5 THIS STORE Dial14492 uuuuuumuuummuu 3424321973 Lois Farts as accompanist in it it Harry Martin seen end in Toronto lg 11x mare 111 Ill lcliiiy ment Sunday Li zll Mb 111 Btltlliinllc Painful Injury uhile tuttiiig Wood ltitl to itpoit Vii Bit iin 1c rziiidim wood toitiJle to ct oili llgtt liec 13 with thecl ltillixoii 3188 titcsttlilill llilthE present were 11 McCullough llkl ll Luck Johns John Woous KC Frank liigginsoii Wit and All Atkinson and cruel ho were iiidtslt December 20 ditiitll Wein spent Tucs Dawson has returned 1ioiii Toronto after few 1i and llrs Glass have return wi tome alter few weeks visit 112s Margaret lell has been vis tziiit her son Albert Kcll for the and Mrs lireiett Blue are iiil1 irto the home vacated by litrltll torrcongratulaterer and iis lltlll Couse who will ccle LKIL Limriml Edd114 1111 letters from various forms in rlllt Collegiate expressing their thanks for allowing them to attend the Royal Winter Fair Letters were icth froinfJcan Morrow 10C Barbara Perkins XA Jean Caldwell 1015 Garry Long 10E James Fit Ilarbaia Miller spent the past weekend at Vasdclls lalls where has been visiting her sistel fir IMiller who has been ill the lpronto General Hospital for the past two weeks is slightly better and expects to return to his On Tuesday Dec 14 Harry 115 liunniiig lied at his home 60 High few Crescent Toronto He was the beloved husband of Edna Coop and the father of Mrs Bowman Allan lMarjoriei Mrs Keith Doris Joseph Ronald Mrs Bert lly itayei TllCfllllC1le service was held on Friday afternoon Dec 17 with interment in Thorn Tnitcd SS Entertainment 81 Supper On Dec 11 the Sunday School of the UnitcdChurch held their animal Christmas Efficitainment the supper well presented pag eant The Shepherd Boys Vision was presented in the auditorium of it the church with the Rev Lewis as chairman Mrs Hin die superintendent thanked her stall and the organist LA Arn old for their assistance in prepar ing the nights program There were Angels Mary and Joseph the Wise Men Shepherds and all ages and classes of people who came to present their gifts to the infant most acceptable gifts The great est gift of all was to be that of self At the conclusion of the pageant most enjoyable program was pre sented by the Primary room child ren in the Church school room followed by visit from Santa who distributed candy and fruit to ct Mrs Allan Bennett of Winnipeg is spending the Christmas holidays vithrhcr parents Mr and Mrs The school concert was ne uccess on Friday night and the teacher Gladys Bell deserves great praise for her efforts Every one was of the same opinion It The December meeting of the WI was held at Mrs Frank Kells lwith very ne attendance Regui lar business was taken care of let ters read from the English Insti tute in grateful thanks for the box es thatare sent each month representative from the Wear Ever Brush Co took over the meeting and demonstrated his Wares tak ingorders lunch wasserved Praisefor the Simcoairs Very special congratulations to hrdoubieiquartetteiknOWnrekther Simeoairs They won top honors thereentestheldfinCamill agar Orangeville last Tuesday Now the boys are slated to appear ianoronto at the King 13de Hotel onJan at the Rural Youth Conference when all winners of various competitions will appear The boys have been singing at many churches and banquets around the country and have been lwelkreceived every place where they appeared The group con sists of Paul McKelvey Geo Faris Melvin Hancock Faris Sinclair Keith Sinclair Blake Constable Geo Cowan and Sam Neilly with temi Sunnidale Corners December 20 tthe week Mr and Mrs Harry Ferd visited with friends in Toronto last week AMerrg Christmas and Happy New Year to the Staff of The Bar rteExaminer and all its readers THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA SCHOOL BOARD iil incubus were present for outth meeting of Btrric Collegiate Institute Board ZIU ham Wail George ti Johnston iilll Mrs 11 Rodgers and Sec retary ll Felt lbtii School Iiiistces Associa tion litw attention to their conven tllliil Bigwin liin next June and Board uas urged to forward any lis Nina leiiiiy Stroud asked if the school bus could change 11gt ioule ll the Oili concession so 21gt to pick up her daughter during the winter months The lloard advised tha no action could be taken as Casualty Loiiipaiiy of Canada Delxiire in falling down stairs was purely an accident and felt that no negligence could be alleged against the flood lerk Simpson advised that Edward Johns has been appoint ed by the Simcoe County ouiiCil to ict as their representative on the Ilarrie District Cl Board dur ing 1949 Miss Uriel Kelso forwarded letter of thanks ill reply to letter of sympathy from the Board at the time of her mothers death ll Cockburn and Synnotl extended thanks of Students from Grade for the grant of $100 to assist lll expenses towihe Royal Winter Fair Mr Cockburii in his report mentioned the benefits dc rived by the Students in their Agri cultural work letter of appreciation was re ccivcd from the BCI Band Com niittec for grant This will housed 311 and ML Rum and SUnlto reeondition instruments Owned litoii left on Saturday for their by the Board and to purchase more supplies The Board was pleased to receive ton XD coprof the ftgctltlttfmHettdr masters Regional Conference in Toronto Nov 13 at which Principe al Bowman was chairman was placed on the table for each mem ber to study It outlined the various subjects that were brought forward for discussion 1949 liti sung in French experience of grand opera and most of them their first at zendaiice stage play After ention to Christmas we and the favorable com zzlnzs abut the Autumn interim med by the RCA Churchill iepmts he referred to the progress bull made on the new lockers t1ctiltl ieport on school attend tlluulfly Barrie Public School Board ad vised that Morrison MBE has been reappointele represent that Board on the Barrie District Collegiate Institute Board during MrBowman in his monthly re port stated that very impressive Remembrance Day service was held at morning assembly with Rev Lewis as speaker After referr ing to the success of both rugby teams the principal suggested that it would be an opportune time to bring the matter of accident insur ance before the Board The Com mencement Exercises were conduct ed in different manner this year by separating the exercises from the usual concert It was felt that more attention should be given to gmmencement and the concert would be conducted at later date Mr Bowman reported that Miss MacDoujgall went with group of senior pupils to attend Shakes spearian play in Toronto and hav ing studied Romeo and Juliet werevable to follow it easilyeven nation The matter of Accident Insurance gt given considerable attention and Mr voods explained in detail inc difference between liability in saraiicc and accident insurance The Beard carries liability insurance only and when an accident occurs to student the parents often feel that such insurance should cover any costs for doctor hospital etc Mr Bowman stated that all Port Arthur system is followed where pupils pay certain amount into fund and accidents are paid from such fund suggestion was offered that if accident insurance is taken by the Board pupils be requested to pay certain amount but Mr Woods stated that in his opinion the Board should look after thefull premium as it was thought that the insurance company would accept only such policy providing all students are covered and included The secretary was requested to obtain informa tion on such policy covering 100 participation The convention for Ontario School lrustecs Association at Big win Inn was discussed and the attend ncxt Julie asked permission to have her child rcn use the Collegiate bus to tranSlt in Midliurst She was advised that no abtion could be taken The secretary was instructed to communicate with the Department for information in regard to others than those attending the Collegiate being allowed to be transported on the school bus and also to obtain information on the subject from lothcr districts Carried here and wish to all PHONE 53 gamerelateiazazacwatztemzaareierze 43 ESSA We thankthe residents of Barrie andeDistrict tor the interest shoW and consequnt sole and we Wish 911 Ge Brown who has been sta lHudson Bay has arrived home Harold Thompson who has been in British Columbia for the past since was attached November cii two years or so is expected home rotnzent was 730 ilil averng at this week Isldew 13941 01 967 An auction sale of the household effects of the late Mrs Donald Mclt Kay was field on Saturday after Thc sale was very well attended but we believe the house was not sold Home from Trip Jos Mitchell from the West who has been on an extended trip to Ireland has returned andJs stay ing with his uncle Lyons before returning west Very Fine Christmas Concert Christmas concert put on by Bond Head and No Schools was held in the Orange Hall Friday The hall was filled to capacity good program of choruses rccitations and sing iiig was given by the children and which reflected great credit on the teachers Mrs Aitehcson and Miss McLeod Moving pictures shownof Life Among the Eskim anals of England also noon Doc to Ireland evening Dec VCIC es and The which were much enjoyed other interesting ones The Christ mas tree with Santa Claus proved the closing number Finish of Year The WI had their last meeting Board express to Bowman its appreciation of the excellent man nor in which the Commencement carried out The Board feels this was due in no small secretary was asked to outline the way to his careful and thoughtful form such conventions take Ilc sta ted that in his opinion this conven tion each year is outstanding and suggested that every member of the Board should make ati effort to Exercises were arrangement Carried program The chairman delivered an ad dress which presented clear and detailed brought beforg the Board during Mrs Coutts Mictliiiistagaiii the first year as school HICaand how such matters were settled har moniously Mr Morrison paid tri port them to another public school butc to the various committees for their work and expressed his thanks for cooperalion and assist ance given to him by every member of the Board In his opinion it was great honor to be chosen as chair man and he looked forward to bright future for the school and district account problems Moved by Mr Woods seconded by Mr Luck that the members of dial and speaker mm Wan the Board extend congratulations to the chairman for his excellent address andreporl9n1116 year work and at the same time express their appreciation for the splendid manner in which he has conducted the meetings and business during his term of office Carried The inauguralmeetingwf the 1949 Board will be held on Friday Jan QtlltiC6lllllttllllbaitKKKICKKKKKClzlECKKKKQCICICWG THANK YOU thank sincerely the people of Barrie and district for the patronage which they have given me since came Moved by Mr Luck seconded vlidelrrTeWarnicatbatgmotionNo13 passed at the November meeting granting permission tofOur teach ers to travel on the school bus be aincndedto read five teachers Li 7ii7717 Moved by Mrs Rodgers second ed by Mr McCullough that the at Very Happy Christmas MQQARTNEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR MINESING ONT 21311133saunassonarrowerunmnmananaaannanmnmnwnm 34 THURSDAY was ei F==i BOND E111 c1 Dcembar 20 paid in to the A1111 That itlcfilt netted $3460 for the itzlul of the year at Mrs Diini olil Thursday afternoon Dec 16 With 12 ladies present The collections for the Salvation Army Ulitc amounted to $7460 which has been skating rink It was moved by Mrs Bradley seconded by Mrsigpmgimu li mes of Bingo with lunch and dunes in iJanuziry and that Mrs Uir airs 1K Kneeshziw Mrs Jack Robinson and Mrs Reynolds be commit tee to see after it and the pioCecds to go towards the building fundt 30 2521 for the new Community Hall girls name contest was given by Mrs Gritnshaw won by Mrs Brown Mrs Broderick gave talk on washing wool An auction sale of gifts followed with Mrs Bradley as auctioneer the sale amounting to $750 Roll call re sponse was Christmas menu The meeting closed repeating the Lords Prayer Hostesses were Mrs Hearn and Mrs Bradley Mr and Mrs Wm Graham of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs WDuckworth TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al MANTEI RADIO antenna $285 Down GOODRICH it This attractive hot water heater prevides even heat dis tribution throughout the On tire car Built in blower in mgcr service sturdier it creases defrosting effrcrcncy bum it KKKEKKCKKKKKKKlgKKKKKKClgLUZKKKKKKKKKiEKfKKKKKKEKKKKKW it That Your Christmas Be Merry and ostuxs swimmer the Detox wagco is made of sturdy Water roof varnish finish its brightred are wishes Of wuzgggirriyzteeis 3161 every MARY PAINTER HARTLEY SMITHJXND vml SANDY COUTTS Representatives of Morrison rm 131 99 Bridfbrd St Coutts Real Estate 15Owen St Barrie Ont ms 1113 gasramsrises9amanaanannnaaanannnannmmwmm Watt that the WI have an evening in Buffalo DECEMBER 23 1948 ELLE EWART Bunions to all non of Tor the holidays ll Sheppard are at friends of Ton 41 of 113111111011 wail Mr and Mr onto Sptlzl Mrs ELLIS GIBSON This streamlined tube ACDC set but amazing volume Easy to read CAR HEATER 1253 Canadian Hard Maple 115 shiny is Best quality fibre Beautiful Scotch LTD 65 Bradford St Phone 3855 Must Whllo You Orlvo Ir Goqonlcu Auro niioio smartly styled two unit tube radio with speaker mode for cosy install WMd $650 ation provides rich cleartoned re New Mens BICYCLES $695 um New features new designs that mean better riding Snug Wining Flbro Plaid Cool Easy to Clean Comfort able Built for Service $200 down Motor Sales Phone 3178 BFGoodrich auctionR enumerates254 in our opening saleikby theattendance tamer 1949 MERCURY PICKUP heatr defroster 1941 STUDE 01111 coups radio heater 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN heater defgoster 1947 CHEV SEDANheptBif and defroster 1946 rLyyiOUrn SEDANheater defroster 1941 Buick summers radio heater 1941 cHisv CLUB CbUPElieater iii denlisten 1941 PLYMOUTH COACH heater radio 1940PLVYMOUTH100ACHheater radio 1939 PLYMOUTH COUPE heater defroster 1939 onnv COACH heater Oridefroster 193911031 COACHheater gr den ter 1938 BUICKSEDAN radio 85411 ter 1939 ousv sunny hatter efdeirusier 1938 DODGE SEDAN hezittegsidegroster PE rod ea er Passenger heater 58 1935 PONTIAC COACH heater deftoats 1937 FORD COACH to 110 heater museum SEDAN heater 1936 HUDSON SEDAN heater 1936ILYMOUTH SEDAN hpater 193601111 coaou heater 1935 DODGE SEDAN heater 1935 FORD COACH radio heater 1935CHEV COUPE heater 1995 Curly COACH heater j1934 CHEV SEDAN heatef 1934 Form coves radio heater 1933 011m Coordinate 1940 OnEv SEDAN heaterdfr08ter 19391018 heater 1939 MERCURY OOAOinheaier defroster 1933901111 snowmen laaamumnsnnaumam MANlf MORE frocnoosn more