promoter 23 1948 IainRI ommoI mum 311111111111 waeelfgetrl IR3 of Me Take Over Barrie Arena 30 livery Saturday Morning 54 pontoontoo Tied Up By 1119111111111349 Paul Meyer Scares Three llvers Win at Home 63 1111r vL By GEORGE sroarr lhe OllA Junior award for the most valuable player should be given to coach Hap Emms for the way he alter nated his lines in downing the rejuvenated Strattord Kroehl ers 63 last Friday night at Barrie Arena Putting 11 511111 to the 11112111 pithIi and higllcpriceti Darin who rose to fame durtngi Cup tirlalx 11511 ticket to success= Yes 11 11111 1111 1112211 1111I1 zk==ro=ror=zono====ono 1111411113 H111 speed 1111111 121 111111 II llilif 111119111915 Sill 1211 1111 11111111 llolia 111 Maine dial initial 111 vlul 1112111211113 its 111 llapp 11illllllgihl 1711 IIIIIV 1121 1111 It 1111 tathaz 1111 to 11 t1al ltk11clllilll inn turns to 23111 111111 ti11r who lot 11 11 111 1111111 harm 1111 1111111111 31111111 in 11111 1111111111111 I11 11 111 ltet1 1111111111111ilo 1l1r111111 211p race 411111111 the spot with iozdon lem 1l111 1111 loin 111111 111 t1o coal and oni iu Stratforll I11o 1111111 Flown 111111 1111111111 11 111111r1di 11hr 111111liII1 1111111111 to ill 11 citet 111111 lau 111111 11 311111111 11 11111113111111111 1111 board 111 111 1111 matter for follow tit111 wialhlaatted 111111 111 1111igurtrrrt 111 lilt 111cgtelrt trut 21111 111111 1111s season 11 may be 1111111 i11111 the fact that in team 1ilt1gt111l 11 lilt tune 1111gt 1gt1l1 1111 111 couldnt be found WIll it 1th 31111 1114111 planted 113 111c1111 dewloped 111111 with 511I1liu otilltis of some lllll 1111011 11 111111411 struggle to tidy within hi 11111 1111111flrl 111 llllItlHl they 11111111 illNllIs MW close 11111111117 11111 111 inch 111l 11 I31 lit 11111u battled Unit ltcd Wings will 1111111121112111 11 1111 11ntfu1111ound 1211 1111111111 111 to 111 111 111 Memorial np final leali 1111111111111111 1311 1111g11 11111111111111151111 11111141141 Windsor Spin 11111112111 11115 111 11111111111 11111111 11111111111151 1111 the Hill clown and placed Mcutt ill1111 1111121 11111 Xanadu llie 311111 11 1111 on the victory running Iboarn 11111111 13111 11 112 1111111 111111111 fans 111111 more fans In far idly Mayer continues 111 lcadh prewnt 111111 114111 111111111 11111 11111 of what could be sealed the rilllltlill lieparlnant for 111111111111111 ilaiin 11 11 gauuz 1Je not 111gt11Eed En i11ingrfor larger 11114111 With 1111111 obtalnmc two 11 gt11111J capacity 511 1411111115 who second to non 11 the coach 3111111111 and 1111111 1111 the mad 1111 71111 should 11111111111 11111 1111 gt1111I 11111111l1o=1t 511151111 111111 11 111111111 11 1111111111 111122111 gtt11u luJ 11111111 111111111111 1111 the dilute tlllllplflili 11111 l11111ol 3111 1111e siloye 11 aside and tl1ousand ol tl1gt21111111111twt 1111 would 1111i1111 111 11111111111 111111114111111115 New Mlilrlw 3111111 was made 51 111 ltcrzed 111111111 1111 hit111111111 Spring was the and Happy 1111i 11151 that the 111y mentor 15ml it again 1111111111 lTleatvold 1111111 11111411 of lunnnns on liitiflullttt iorlt Arthur dash and the 111153111 tome produced In taint Hi And all Ithmcm 11I1I1II1II1IHI1I 1v1ater number time I1 II1I1I1111 1111411 Ilay Mayer wore lad season II when he was 111111111111111 111111 Hardy of Windsor Spillires and 111 er Lewicki Vlnle 111131 was forcing the 521501 baby into discouraging hs play laul Meger proved he vas by far the top player in the cir Iuil i111tnthill1 111111 goals be 31 11 111111111 111 1112 111111 1111131 11l11r1 11111111111 1111111 liill ldtlllth 51111111 IUiclrlv1i1lu 1111 1111 11 on 9111 thel1t11 111 111 111 He 111111 wavt 111M Satanic stun of the 1W1 Jillian ilils li1 deb11111111 11 1111 Ilantan 11 have litTILJCttI club but alter 111 1tlt lilitta ll play 111 1111111 111 111111111111 ovel 111 1111 111111 1311111111 Aw 1111111311 1111 lndtucl 11111111 111111 11111a llL v11111 enlral l111111 112111 111 111 vtthva w1n while Trinity 111111111111111 under repair eis outscored 1511111111 St Marys 1i13111i teiiar ion11 to 131111 Hi shutout ov11 the 11111A11111111111 lllt oudutnr IIIII II in 111111 Itl ot the 1Centrals chompnln llanuozts CAMP BURDEN RUAI 83lr13 Barrie 11311114 In iCARs Repaired All Work Guaranteed lIMI lAYAlllNlS IF llllQUllthl Car loaned while yours 1111113 1111 11 Hills llp to December le 121 Ill li til 17 11 3111 1111 111 114 ll Iii 2V1 IL Iii II 37 1111 1111 i3 21 In 5V1 11111111 llaroid lloat llurie for his titst hat trick of the Sttltiltll It wasnt as easy as all that though Slratford notched Ithe optnine counter early in ti1e1nst period making Flyers pour on the steam toI take 21 lcad At the start of the middle session Strat lord again tuliitdto knot the score Meger produced 111s starry efl forts to again put Barrie in from the clincher 111 231 21 30 All lllldl who Hlh Down the cntre for the Newmarket lira and livprcss presumably displays the insidestory of Bill lloyciiotfs release from 1111 Rockets He states Boyeiioff made fair showing but injured his hand and refused to play in game or two Alfie Moore and the Gait Mecntivehad him ex amincd and the doctor pronounced llnychoft as fit to play llill still refused and got his cin ticket This may he the case and tin11 again it may not for our money lioyehoff was not fast enough on skates for Junior olnpany Meyer frltNitllIuc 1111111111 lennull ordon 111111 1111111111111 i11 ltt 11 11e1 1171 PAUL IlIOIth lt 111111H stronghold when laui Meyer cut 11111 across the goalmouth tlippoo1Afmm II Iiordons pass 111111 the 11111111 11111111 hjlillfllll IIl McNahney Will in the box tolllmihn I7 hflmm MI II IIistart the thnd period and 111111 hilm the 1111111 15 pmmd my SIIgain Barrie were forced to 11111 11 Wt 13 11 11 11 10 12 lllIIlIllNING lt lllAl 111111 11111 ltov McMcckin who return ed to 11111111111 1111211 lBronto I1ibolo 111 he could aid the Monarchs 111 uoaliiecplnu way 1111 inchh1111dunardtan stated that Brandon Wheat 11111 are better than anything he has seen in the 162151 and he believes 1111 Monarchs could hold thctr own 111 that competitionHit McMetkm is 111 good 10ltit11 11 say 111cause he faced every clubltli would in the 111A 111111111 111cuit liowt 111 Brandon 11 going to h1v 10111115 Hid to 111 111111 way 11131011 they Show 111 overwhelming superiority ovcttlllllilliFS 711 the club such clubs as our own ll11111e Fly 1s and Windsor Spitfires This ragOther hand Collier and 11111133 111111 the puck 111 1111111 11 Mlum style has spread to Glen Sonmor films IIHW Silllilttl HHHU Itlli who lined up llil Guelph llillmores last year but is now with Bran 105305 from tilildlllitlon in Malia don Apparently Sonmor was victim of laughs during Megers dis IZlnksvllile St Marys 111111 play so he is now demonstrating the art 111 the western circles and the Georges vcle folctd 1o 1111111111111 crowds love it Another interesting fact about Western clubs is that illlltly 01 1111 Sums lHIMm This they fly to their games vl1eneve1 possible This information was gztth IVILUHI mm in 1111 11115111 cred from The tinnipcu l1chIlrcss arr it reads Monarchs travelled 111111111 1111 m1 111 Mp 1111111111 on bus when inclemunt weather grounded their IpltmeI Gong back 11115111115 11 Im1 gm1131 annual11 11o McMeekin he has utven the Monarchs that decided lift He lost insund Baker dunno 11 1111111le 111 inst start to Brandon by 32 count 111 which the Wheat Kings VtlCdthQr 10111115 1111111 111115111111 gums P1e11e 41111111 dIlIlInllWIioIIIgj 51m centrcman shpped the puck over DNg Hommn to Gordon who was racing down Winning boy remained in Gait Rocket SIIIIIII rim unt do forced to tally two thirdperiod goals to 11am the victory but they de Illlslilnlllll pi1y1s 111 lien RobI feated Canadiens 05 in 1111 next contest The league standmg showed 9115 0111311110 AWII GI11I1InnII1 lle tII l3 WAI fun NIX Call the right side Gary shot from lolittl lUWWl lL out and gave the llyers 11111661111111 who is leadingthc ne1r cum Rockets in scoring was nmchllliandon well 111 1111111 111 W1111111111r anadtens and Winnipeg BIdLhIUfIEIgs 11031 I11I 15I11 1Trnnty and Millet Salter of 111 tt smother it we Mayer Mime comfortable load However the disk rolled clear and 11 donumd but must pmmmom mHdeksI Iyiio IltcblIllIddIItIItJSLIIllflllIIlO second pldtt while 1111 MonmIchs II the bidding were Kenny 11011111 vWHLLP1HlLL Lin 1151111 101 To date loc l1111111111 111 pczns to be the most improved hnkm Two minutes later llibbcr 0115mm Cumng Ollearn took advantage of loose it into the netting 111 11111 Billinnos 11 vazlaw 111 deadline it BARR LBS lrdnt play last weekend but nevertheless player over last yum joy rhelis were ringing Turning event 11st the 54 triumph defence work on Barries part and BARRIL P31555113 cut the deficit to one 11111 1711111 illlivlhm inabwm toy and Brandow opened up 1111 ll Ir av SVaffdt iiidtciswtohlct Firinagdnwciil straight Hurley MCI m9 and lglm Ink down centre Mayer pulled off couldnt click Finally the 1319 out save and he puncd Sim Whig joy Leekzinglligmcrfgi stunt when Jim lernfuss tired the yllS was rebound Finally llleznn who AmineW impala$311539 incur11111111wmzxx 5Wng mmm utout kinrl out of 1051111311 iiiWW If ACllViiY lchnCd the Fly famed 181de 11 131111 1111011111 1151 InivflggggrshjgI Oshawa Generals scored overIWintlIsor Spitfires in Osliavatif comm Gun Umcms in Change far TRIP make itItwo in row over the Skinnercoached crew from the Chuk hm the 0m was mmod border lli That vm almost placed Barrie firmly in the drivers downI seat For 11 llyers knocked the 511115 out from under the Spit Sharon Kmohlcm Barrm FlyI fires last night at Barrio Arena then the two Iclubs Will have lost and Toronto Mmlhm we the same amount of games and that column 15 the one you look II II Ih In net junim Clubs hm an 10 at lltlycrsIIhuchbceIn Sitting OlllioletszlIIlllfIlSOI dfuc lpllzirIynng blistmmg 015 La SONICS of Tkaclmk Dave PinkI more games It is nice to see 111 m1 es Lune an ce but those rebounds were not being Nd his third gnalI 353111 by 3111va Naumhnf the Stmuom ClubIt king when in another opponents arena but you cannot Ilrelp but latched upon McNabncyI admmoc he had quoted $2500 think of those games in hand Yes srrI Iwm last night and Then BurchamI who came 11 price 1ng him but had been roI Illurrrc need not worry too much liven 11 Windsor did catch up in games played and won them all they would still remain one the trade with Gait Rockets Atal 111I VII 11 OI Med IS yo point back of us However the race is far from over and there lied while coasting in front 1111110111 ing it for Chevrclils pass from the awless Gums position in are blot of games to be won before I1 chrunry 19 ti 11 11 170 Stratford 15111111111 attack Strut1MANNI evi 15915 dI mint lytd T3 ford were st1ll threateinnu 11l1111111Il NI IPILHIIOUII 1ch McNalmey was releatcd ll 11 LUV However 11 their ailout Xmdw 1005 lllir1lltf32 effort backfired lloppm lod 1111 cannt hot MAB III Erato Chevretils at centre catching the wed by shova mm with only loe 131111111 II In the Kroehicrs 0W blmlfl Lu back Betta moved out to meet SCWC 13 the crafty Tinumns The HA Junior deadline for trading 11eandcrcd by the calendar Chev and last week and Pete lkachuk last year are back 1111111 131111 lcral 1111 111111 1111y1111i1111v1 Sonic nave 1111111 and all 511111111111 that 1151111 11 1h 1i gt1 11 11111111 the produce want to thank the votersin Ward who supported me in the recent municip a1 election 771 77 BESTEST SPORTS TOWN IN CANADA SAYS oUR BOBBIE By BOBBIE nosexiicm Toronto Globe and Mail 1112 illxlltlllltlil ACCOUNIANI ers bullpen Emms sent the trio ponncu Gordon and Mew Up Penncll and Beda were thumbeo bout with McNabney and Stan 011 highgmking midway through the final stanza and Megcr aided 111111 on defence They kept the frpuck circling about thebtratford greatly by Stan ILongI Ihuuud around the Stratford zone It was not but to no avail Long was during this drive that Monger not On the Reel Track Barrie Fiyers are sure helping to keep my little old Ironic town on the sports map these days but just incase Hap litnms and his boys start getting too cocky Id like toremind them that the little ol town has been heard 51 bore So my modesty is showing but Barrie was rated the best sports town in Canada when little 11 me was its favorite athletic dangle ter It also hurl high sport Long drilled backhand to the corner to Gordon The smooth working rightwinger moved in front tolay pass only instead he backhanded the puck at Hurley1 The shot glanced01141110 netmincb erstads to tie the score minute after Leckie returned Meger golde his rst of three be hind Hurley The leftwinger was sitting welLin front when George Burchmqrlebred pass from the right boards It camedribblingto 69 ollicr sum1 llflltltlll TlIeieplunte 119111 corner That placed the lock 11111110 unim 513 am 1110 are n1 thrommmHmdahpgam 1931gummm gmihlo LAST FRIDAY AT T1113 IEOCAL ICE PALACE FlyersIV1a some formality 11111111111 is im great work byIStan Long PatllhlrtpctfGniyGordorranchRick Hogpv 0f gieatimporiance was the out 1menscly popular the Ga emerged v1cto11ous over SIttatford Krochlcis whogfeatured the newI standing performance by defence fans and 11111055 111 were ggttmu 1001i and Danny LCWICki HapIEmtTls assrgned Hogg to shadow Lewicki and the leftwing streak failed to get shot on the net Oniyl man Stan Long who along with better In 1215 the ould not Brandow turned in sterling ef prove Opf 5161 mgveI The Rockgt once during the game did he break and leave Hogg miles behind bullI the pass never got to him and the kid played like whats the1158 fOIt LONE W85 1011115 LVelbmingofficials cannot afford dis ose of No doubt he is taking quite riding from the other clubs When Galt1 lF ITSA SPRING RING GIVE US what support they have Meger teeup and swing and Burricwere leading 21 They carried that lead into the second whileJobn Shedden served penalty for charging Meger and Long managed to hold the Strat ford threat which was futile until Dinny Flanagan caught the Barrie defence flatfooted at 214 to score unassisted He worked foreclose be cause our boys elected to try for thepuck instead of the man HIS shot was partially screened and Mayer had little chance to save HURLEY IHURT Flyers camtz back last Hopper and CheWWurmg pucks in Hurleys direction On scram blef Hurley reived facial wound and the game was delayed He no sooner moveglI into his Ipeuuuukeecizteeuleennemguuieg Buses Will Run On gunrlay Holiday Scdules pee 25 25 angler II 4QIanUary 161 47143 tameretetzieze 9Q untreated 1111113 1gwsrpunmmwnwnwmmn For an OrnamentalIron RailingFireplaceFender 01 Gr Iron v11qu at any kindfcensutt llS We 111ill be glad to tve you Free Estimate SALESSERVICE on WISCONSIN II AirCooled ENGINES 111111 Weldi 5717 Mulcaster St Phone 37 Barrie PORTABLE wanna24 into and AOEI thunmsnr Inthacliine 17 he could to get the Flyers into clicking mood Lewicki failed to show anything Not even will to skate with the play despite the fact he was being tagged Cadieux played well in his own end buItstill doesnt like to get hit Flanagan was the pick of the IKroehlers Barrie 541111110111 Barrie Arena Dec 17 STRATFORD KROEHLERS Goal Hurley defence Mitchell Armstrong centre Cadieux wings Lewicki Houston alternates Beda Heinbuch FlanaganI Pernfuss French Leckie Ma kle BARRIE FLYERSGoal Mayer centre Sliedden Long Meger wings defence Pennell alternates MCN cham Chevrefils Bingley Brandow OFFICIALSBill Morr awa Jack Hogan IGalt Gordon Hogg Cadieux BarrieGordon Long BarrieMeger Burchaml PenaltiesLeckie Shedden SECOND PERIOD StratfordFlanagan BarrierMeger WlGordon Brandow PenaltieSiZBingley Lewrcki Mc Nabney THIRD PERIOD BarrieGordon Chevrefils Hopper StratfordOHearn thFlanagan Pernfuss 622l BarrieMeger McNabney 1206 BarrieBurcham Ashbee Chevrefils 1555 PenaltiesPenman Beda Leckie Flanagan I1 mlonnmu Swimming News Here is some information for Barrie swimmers whWwish to makeuse of the Camp Borden pool ver the Christmas holidays These facilities of course are Open only to swimmers who have regis tered1vvith the Recreation Council Christmas Day Dec 25 the pool will be n1 all day ive the pool will be open in the afteenonns and transport will be available through Greers Trans portation Fares will be paid to driverlring the holidays in place of payment being made at the pool era New Yearsl Day1 the pool will be open nllday earn abney Ashbee Bur Hopper From day toFriday inclusI Tkachuk was quoted saying wouldnt want to 101 Gait even if it meant going toaMernq orial Cup winning team it here Last week this journal repor ed straight twofortwo deal exec ted between Guelph Biltmores an OshaWa Generals The Bilts hand ing ovcrrCharlie Waks andArchie Riclmrdson for Keith Montgomery and Bernie Hill We now learn that scrappy forward Jack Palmer who performed in the Scottish Leagic last season also left Osha wa for Guelph inthe deal Marlboros who have shown im provement the past week released left winger Bobby Knowles to St Cafliarines and defenceman George McLagan to Stratford Kroehlers AlsoII going to the Teepees is Stan Bond earl of Guelph given his re yet to be threaten before 11311111111111 deadline Oshawa gainedu eked out 65 win over the Pinkncy boys George Ford had the chorex of covering Lewiclri and he too did lovely job He managed to hold the former Port Arthur flash to one assist while collecting goal 111111 two assists himself By the way this fellow Ford who was traded to Gait along with three other players by Emms in exchange for Hop per md BtnIchamI must fit perfectly into Alfie Moores style of play He has been working on right wingwith Horvath and Green togivc the Rockets their most potent scoringtrio Ford especially has been1 going great guns Friday evening at St Catharines he notched three 02115 while his club lost 84 The return match was won by Gait 74 the same Mr Ford produced his second successive hat trick There is doubt aboubit the kid has hockey ability He can skate with the astest emits good stickhandler but while in Barrie uniform he jd couldnt connect Emms plays hard checking game throughu winter season and Ford could never decide when to stay with or go after the puck Moore is little more open which gives For that extrafrecclom Ken Green another Flyer whoIIIIgot caught in he trade winds is picking up lot of assists while Ken Schwartz th bruising defenceman has gone over in big why accord ing to Lauri Brain sports columnist for the Gait Evening Reporter That win for he Rockets placed them in 5013 possession of seventh place in the sta ding tion Both Guel and Stratford were idle over the tveekend but 10 theirrrrwinv and nowerstand anexellent chance the falteripg St Catharines Teepees of taking third spotaway from 11 II drrrfifchLspetewhilemGuelphmhaye triumphed in two of thir last three gamesmoved out of the cellar for the first time this sea on with 31 win over St Michaels College 213 55 Turkey Tourney Turkey tournament resultsHar ry Kerr 889 Robertson 852 Lucky draw Earl Smith Chicken wmners triplesEd Gore 821 Woodward 819 Smithson 798 BI Knley 797 Hadden 791 SinglesWillman 330 Hirlehey i327 Perry 324 Gray320 lParklsI310I Lucky Idraw Ifor chickens GoutotIsk1Gorge LeGear St Clair Pat IGarrit Gord BroIvln RosePeaka was winner of the case bizSevenUp II Wth 174 entries the tournament We great success TheIexecutive of Barrie Bowling League to the bowlersjthe compliments of the season Clarke iClarke League TURKEY ROLL DEC 17 WinnersLadieu Louise Read man 612 262 Jean Dickey 596 Helen Brain 247 Men JackaHaskett 953 1383 Roy Barron 755 Doug Hedgerr735 John Bruce 320 Amby Rivett 316 Consolations PrizesAnn Cottzill 23111110111 head Ipins Hazel Raynor and Gordon Barn hidden scores IPat Barth and Jack Rayner spec ial event tlow score Vi Fricke and George Lougheed Local swimmers are requested to cooperate tothe fullest with pool authoritieshgpdggo nothing to CUP3 tall the prierge of there facilr Paul Kenny 7iirlljlrnwnTBi1ie seriior beach patrollr hes been en gagedes pool supervisor for the llmliday sessions Les Judd 307 McKenzie 332 11151 drums and The Bay Street Majors ish lads 110w occupy the basement GUESTS AT THE BA QUET and 1111an opening ceremonies of the new community nren at CollingWood last Thursday Were MayorGrint Mayor and arrie Arena manager Wes Allsopp They came back high in pm state there is seating capacit of 1500 Iwith preferrerLstand ing room of Swandim ordinnr standing of 1000 They have an ice surface of 200 feet by 85 the same size as Toronto Maple Leaf GarderL The citizens of Collingwood sltould be proud ofptheir achievement Appar tly there is room in the structure tovaddat least another thosand seats at some later date which would evehtuallyihnndle aout 4000 fans THE WINTER WINDS were streaking ercely down the almostI desolate main Street as trudged my daily spo ts beat AIstep ahead and two steps back step ahead nd two steps back Finally surrendered to the stipging whip and cked into thenear est doorway It wal nearing supper hourIandII anw must complete4 my assignment befOre the clock struck Suddehly thought of the but still well out of Sixth and last playoff posi of tlrc imodem structurezm Theyw Hoopers in 18714141111 Barrie had race track rated the fastest in anada the Queens Plate was held there and wits won by Mignonettc owned by Roddy Pringle ot Hamilton anl when John Grant of Barrie owned piece of that famous trotting mare Phyllis Lgts give ye for Barrie the bestest sports town in Canada AT 1111 SOUTH POLE Penguins are found at the South Pole but not at the North sixth1ungf Marlboosiilhb71311 Underwear for Men and Boys 311311111 511111111 seiner REPAlRlNG REARCHlNG LARGEST STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRINGACCESSORIES Gowan St Allandale FACING TRACKS PHONE 3400 telephoneand turned swiftly toenterthe store where the harsh hand of Winter had 5110de me gustof warm smokef1 led air struck Penmans 71 offers every feature which Icontributes to comfort rand unusually longewearr Its soft natura1absorbent Merino yarns assure adequate wIarmth without bulky weight and are of superior quality which gives outstanding service Penmans attention to detail overI my eyelids for clearer light and began to peer abouIt the walls searching for the coin box spotted group of tables at fatiend of the hall and closer to me stood handful of middleagd men Near themwas my objective edged closer aquietly so not dis turb them Just as was about to lift the receiver was Isptted iner bellowed 2i heavyset gentleman recognized him as Mr Jon Fun the fellow whopupports amateur sports in Barrie great chap he is Always on hand both Winter and Summer II So he is the culpritIIwho spells my name topsyrturvy most every Week in the year idled atall wellbuilt and goodlooking bystander In scanningrthe present situetion judged him as M1ICompetitor The fellow who lovesrscreaming headlines II But the remain figure was mystery knew had been him before but it wa in fog received my answer when he addressed his comrades stating that he must reach the bank before they shut the heavy doors knew him then Thatyvas Mr Sponsor The fellovLI who plunges head first into sporting events and hopes he doesnt strike rock bottom We couldnt bewiihout 111111 man Suddenly the joyfilled atmosphere was shattered as thehuge town lochtruckhrirourrilrwastoolateformybgsignmentrButebefor II departed from the centre wished Mr John Ran Mr Sponsor and Mr Competitor the heartlest rind most sincere ti ngs for VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS rwEXAMINERngORTfi STAFF Ijl boisterou conversation was evident my arm Why there is our demon sports writer from The Barrie Exms strong buttonho1esseu1n buttons are examples of the reasons Penrrians 171 wiIl give you much longer wear