crexcwewkwmum Customers friends and everybody and may chum Mr Imuammm HAPPY CHRISTMAS Mr and Mrs Kendrick AIIandaIe Post Office and News Stand Eauunununmanusmsgamma gxtxaaaunuuuamzwee OLD AND NEW CUSTOMERS May lay and good lCrlunc be yours throughout Chrisimas and the New TO OUR Si hJCEIEZEICQKbE l5 chxrs SARJEANTS INSURANCE Nilhhhitlllllhhxbi EKGEKIKWIKKKKEZCWC MAY WrI AGAIN li SERVING iiil will GREETINGS and best wishes to our friends and patrons for joy ous Christmas and Happy New Year FROM THE STAFF OF 2331232332333 3i1zftwllthl=u the Uppilsllt Cullltl rLuer SHOP Barber and Beauty Salon PLEASURE 53 5t3132iltlt what youre doing Si BiBiBlSeBtEiBtHXhMRm CEZIZCECIKIEKEIEIQCNKW Wieer Shristmas 96 till WWW KlilmmlillMEKEIEEIQEEEKKKKKE 11 51 51 El 24 94 31 on IE mama the glow of your Christmas llecl all the jby and fulfilled past year that the coming years as the best and brightest of all MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF THE Barrie Creamery assayiieicisi Customer and Friends Mean moreto ihisinstiiution than the mere ex change of goods for dollars We appreciate ourcustomersthey are our friendsand we lt candles re desires of the and may radiance forecast Barrie Phone 4443 nanaaannnamnannaannaez22use2asisisizmeiszaaaszanaaan 3Klkmglll1bliCiE ill ish themia Merry Christmas and Happerew ea and we resolv if to ake seri orth more and more to you as the days and opthsgga byfrhaim Dangerfield Motors Ltd MANAGEMENTAND STAFF CoIIieriStreet msianaaannmnaamwmnmmnm mammmmam ammmmaamamaaazamawmm an izcieeieizreveieieeeiemwg am eiNDa ailihilknikalhig DEM mamaammzaaznmmmmmm It could have waited until after axmzmmamawamaxmuamaamammmaxadmzmaxanmxxmzm By LYN CONNELLY The sharp ivind lashed furiously about Larrys head and shoal flirting momentarily with the idea of sending his brownedora spiral ing down the street but he sens ea us capricious tendencies and Iicld the brim of his hat lightly be lwebn his forenger and thumb as hr ran inward his car parked on It Would Lc Ill last liizw liil ltll that IILIIllCillill pLilIi he thought grimly It was Christmas Ru and ttllllll was in guy and anticipatory mood Ftcibu that is mixpt Larry lli biid bran reasonably happy Lllllzl lha morn ing when llll whole world sccmcd lo IlliVi craslicil about him Upco door oi the cur he slid in Lrlllllll the whwl and Slilllitl ii to wllid home JGSI IN TIME Youngsters all on hristmas Eveif they are Inc This custom originated with Illc gradually over will slccp with one cye open hy thcy might see Santas fert us Tm mu 51 naming um ho hurries on his ways lhcse youngsters arrivcd in time to hear llllttll minutes ago his boss ciimc MN nmus ml ROOIIIISIIL to his mind and again he hrnid the wards that he drczidcd to rcpczit to Rosnic know yourc not happy ornament Makng in your work liiiiyuiu its not Cottage Industry fair to either one of us whcn you Thoso colored glass ornumcnts lthnt we hang on our Christmas ticcs used to conic from Gcrmahy Czcclioslovalain and Poland small numbcr were inadc in Japan thii lllt war cut oil those sup plics American glass manufacturl crs who had ncvcr bothcrcd with these products ltfllU turned part of lhcir facilities over to making pretty gcwgaws Mcchanical inc thods wcio soon developed that could blow us many ornaments in an hour is European glassblowcr could make in month Thus mod crn cllicicncy may doom this pic livc on savings He considered the antique mm mdllstm CfmiiCd as tonmowry hm it Md in lililllllldlllllh towns of cast ltln Europe Ornament making is typicall lcottagc industry in the little viil lagcs that cling to the steep moun tainsidcs Families specialize in certain shapes and designs pat terns that may date brick for hund rcds of years unchanged The In thcr using bunscn burner care fully blows the thin glass tubing to the desired shape with the aid of an iron mold His son acting as mold boy removes the hot orn ament to cooling lablc Next the mother silvers the inside and tin ally the daughter applics paint and perhaps decorative designs ouibcsl ulloris Ill think flurc IUIP lhiit youd bctlci go clsc quic for Job Todays IS good tiny as my to sever connections Find on Christmas Eva course what llcnning had said was truc Inirry wasnt happy bving boukkccpci it Morrisons ippliv mcc shop He had always yearned to be ii writcr and wrote numerous diorl stories during his spare time When Itosinc told him of thcir cxiwctcd second child he had taken the job at Morrisons through sheer dcspcriition No longer could they dont put In the Book of Common Prayer of the Church pf England the He picked up the letter at the1 prayer for the last Sunday before same time she answered Truth Advent began with the words magazine Stir up The people of Peterbor ough took this to be reminder that they should start their plum pudding at that time and every lbody in the family took hand in the stirring until it was ready on Christmas This indispensable oldtime Eng lish Christmas dish was furincty or frumcnty which accordingto oldstime recipeswaswiwbeafiboiled until the grains burst then straini ed and boiled again with broth or milk and yolks of eggs Frumen lasted seven months withstill no prospects of entering the field he desired Henning had seemed sym pathetic although he had cooled suddenly the past week Perhaps in his daydreaming he had been inaccurate in his gures At least Henning spared him any embar raSsment if that were the case but the holidays to fire him And Bob Cratchit thought he worked for Scrooge he mumbled pulling up His feet dragged as he trudged pUddmg toward the door He mustnt tell her tonight he decided He hoped he was capable of carrying of an act until the day after Christmas Opening the door he let himself in as unobtrusively as possible Ros ine wasona step ladder in the liv ing room decorating the tree while Chuckie aged ve sat on the oor agog at the proceedings Hello darling his wife called out gaily He tried to equal the happiness in her voice ps he re plied then kissed Chuckie and started for the kitchen fTheres letter for you on the radio Rosinc said From whom His heart leaped hopefully at her words and he hur ried toward the radio Hepickeg up the letter at the same time she answered Truth magazine It was from Truth His hand trembled as he igpened it Dear Mr Shannon he read aloud Our mutual friend Silas Henning re Quaint Swiss Custom Of Meeting Lover Forecasting is ritualized in Switzerland Grandma goes to the cellar selects the most perfect on ion halves it and peels 12 layers one for each month The next day these layers show what the weath er be during the coming year The daughter of the house goes about town at midnight to drink from nine different fountains Then meet her Tunknown loverron the church steps had you worried eh Larry how did youza Larry was tonguetied Rosine walked to his side putting one arm gently about hisshoulder cles for our consideration We be lieve it shows promise and since we wereggiven splendid recom mendation byMr Kenning werarerr writing to ask if you would be in terested in job in our editorial department If so call for an in Christmas terview this Week Merry Christmas Mr Henningp The telephone was ringing but Parry saidas the telephone clicked for moment Larry and Rosine ai theother end Merry Christ merely stood as though mute star masand thanksfor the best one ing at each other Larry became Ive ever had conscious of the bell first and pick ed up 5the receiver It was Mr Kenning laughing heartily Bet on your son and the atomic age and sent it in to Asherton Hen ning explained Hes good friend ofLminefandeditorwoffTruth Well wont hold you Larry Just Wanted to wish you merry iwziy toward the bus stop lwhcrc about her people werelight before his house ty wasthe forerunner 10 plum Mr Henning didnt know III By um NELSON Happy new ycziri Ihc cry cchocd and rccchocd down the street as Pcnny mndc Iltl Every hcartcdand gay and busily wish ing their friends good fortune for thwcoming year She buttoned her coat at the neck and turncd up the collar It was bitterly cold day and she told herself she would be happy to reach homo and stay in for the night Let those with pio nccr blood go out and stand in the row wind down at Dayton Circlc just to blow silly horn at mid night ostensibly to usliciin thc ncw year WWW Pcnny had always bccn known at home as sensible girl with good common sense She was proud of that reputation and now that she lived in the city alone she was more dctcrinincd thanever to live up to it She didnt want to be come sophisticated worldly wisc city girl Thus she summed up mentally it was just as wellshc didnt go out Going out tonight Pcnnyi The words interruptedAim thoughts and she turned to greet Ruby fellow worker whorwasal ways going out with someone she called Beanie You could always tell the statusofubys romance byher7m00d3ifhaw exuberant to the point of being iddy she was going to see Bea that night if she was quiet and petulant shc hadntheard om him and if she was downri rudc with sarcas tic twistto cvcry remark she made illen they had quarrclcd Pe smiled No Im not Ru she replied Odd that she should feel such emptiness within her as she said the words She not ed Rubys quick glance of sympa thy and it irritated her dont know anyone here she defended she goes to church She expects to But her foot missed and came down on sheet of ice herself Then added curtly And anyway wouldnt dream of going out in such ghastly weather newyear Penny She hurried away before the wretched girl could make any response Now Why did act so nastyshefasked under her breath Ruby hadnt meant an oensgshe was simply so wrapped up inhcr own little worlrLthat she felt sorry for any to cling Shelas essentially gen erous person and now Penny had deliberately hurt her As she stood in the middle of the sidewalk angry and discoura she saw her bus speeding recklesg IIOTIWhCHGD Geetsgoodio Dutch They used their wooden rshmss instead of stockings When the Dutch come to New Amsterdam this custom came with them the wooden shoes being replaced by stockings made for the occasion out of nab like materials As nearly every home hadraiireplaceshcinsml place to hang llic stockings was nvcr the fireplace wt Legends of Holly Many llclltfs irc connvctcrl with the Christmas holly Legends rclatc that the crown of thorns was plaich from the holly ihc wliiic bcrrics turning red like drops of blood after lhc crucifixion It is said that whoever brings the holly into the house first either husband or wifeiswthcmou who will rule in tho ensuing year For mnny year the superstition persisted that hol ly was hateful to witches It wnsl placcd on doors and windows to keep out evil spirits miaazeatexazchcteweareremfetc ly down the street and without zin othcr thought to anything else she hurried toward the corner Vziit oh wait she called running brcatlilcssly No one else was wait ing however and he carccncd sharply oil the curb hurrying on his way Oh dear Shc burst into cars at this new disappointment and reached blindly for the curb But her foot missed and came down on sheet of icoscnding her and ziistonishcd heap in the street For moment she was too stun ned to move She heard footsteps hurrying past her and mannng to situp dazedly man knelt down bcsidc her but his face was blur of features Take it cosy be ad monished placing an arm across her back She tried to focus her eyes upon him and hadnt quite succeeded when he cried Penny Why Penny Lindsay What in the wandareyoudoingoutdiercT And then everything cleared and she saw the handsome blond fea tures of former school friend Oh Alan Tears tumbled over each other in hasty exit He helped see someonefrom the old home town We beep so doggone lonely he told her manipulating the handkerchief skillfully around her nose and eyes Im lonely too she gasped Ive only been here month Say What are you doing to night Anything fNnothing Her heart skipped beat in anticipation Then why dont we go some where and talk over old timcs Gee Im dying to hear some gossip about the Turners and the Mitch ells andalllhescst Will YQIJCD ny And Penny smiled happily this time Yes Alan Even this ghast ly weather couldnt stop me from talking over old times with you Ruby shrugged Oh well if you EVE21 Wilktbi HKKWEZKEMWMEIEEKEEuglbiiklm a22112a20xmuumnmuluctxuuuutm susmis GREETINGS AND ALL coon wrsurs roar riii HrwrrAR or 1949 Prysons Grille 38 Elixgh Street Barrie AIBJ1333313 asazaxnmmnumunaainmnmm zltll hhhhhlhhhhlmkhlkhhhkh awechwereczzcmukzuwmmmxxmmm Sincere seasons BER Greetings TO EVERYONE FROM MERRICKS GROCERY 72 oth smear antiwarnannnaanaannannuanamamanmmnnansi ECWCEECEZrl1ittIQMECECCEECWKEIWCEKEKKEEKESWTEKKKKNKWi iwnriirm YOIIMAY iii Whether the flowers be blooming around you i3anrs2Dime3 or the snow is banked highourwish is still flbcrrg Christmas GARNERS MENS WEAR AND SPORTINGGOODYT cannanaarnannaannaana lilibltltlilitilifiiElttllti 590613161 St SCKCCCICICKEEKCWCCKKGKEKK6WKQCCKIQCKKKIQE3090000 15 Cordia Wishes As the holiday season is here again we are re gind thglwthissuccessfu1yearisdueamine small measure ta yaur generousoatronagem Kindly accept our Cordial good wishes fora IZKKIEEEKZCEIEEXJELKI 312231312 apd BRIGHT NEW YEAR MANAGEMENT AND srArrbr WALKWEL Borries Leading Shoe Store 58 Dinile Srrr marzipangammaazmaammzamzaakma Barrie Esusemsieinslaansisnmnnnwmanaemianeiernnsaaznnnawmmima TRY AN EXAMINERMANT AD anzzzzanmmmmzhaznazmm 222ththkhkkhhh32322l22232hkgt Happy New 9r miCh lief witli and hop Year iHyeyouseepthepast in handful ofsnc5w Recall theideardays otlOrigzago circle atihomesinging carolsof praise hTsparinng toughenfamiliar days rlsrmas that kindles once more The old ClTeirryTree carol the legend upon Whichit is based isvundoubtedly the reason forthe custom of placing branch or Christmas timp According to this legendMary and Joseph on their way to Beth lehem passed tree loaded with cherries Mary Was hungry f0 soine of the fruit and asked Joseph to pluck some cherries for her The tree graciously bowed down so noo that Mary could pick the fruit her self It has been customary among the Czechs and Slovaks to take the branch of cherry tree place it in water in the late fall so the the buds reach the blossomin stage at Christh time Ha Warrantth sprig unnamed byCitristmes Eve ry liming the New Year thegirl whotended it would mar or cherry tree iiiwater to bud for At this joyousiseason of Yuletide we take great pleasure in wishing everybody MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPYI9I9 coco May in be isqu in you Haqyygjuflgy Merry Chr 50 Essg Rm istmas and