it rials mums nxmumnnmgoxrmo CANADA ST ANDREWS SS Footprints in tho Rocks of Time WEDDING PRIMARY ALLWill CHRISTMAS PARTY p13125fl2 TWP MlNATlONS HILMLm IM Llilllhgr took plau Tues lxh ll lElVlli Vt Dilltrrll Vitllh not ungltl tf Mr and AIDE 15 Bin hxlmm l3 licl latiaeirl to Gordon ill come on Thursdsr ft 304 tin2mm JVhi shit it Mr and be Mi at lltvltikuv rctnmsc as it so lupprlh that man At LN Unatmlm lhursddys lull in 1848 Subscri Vi ct 1d rt tut phar curly brn gct bonus of one cur SMllxls REAL NAME Jmiugzgv lulrr uul hm llbvlill Shulllr lrLzl Ilutltc ts Joni mm Eiltulwalli DLKKuSllVllI lhc Examiner Ulllrt and plant uill be rloscd from Friduy mung Dec 24 um lncs dny morning Dec 28 ll till it no holiday on BM ing Hay hornyer for members of The lIuniner editorial staff That is nomination day in the surrounding townships and the rrporlcrs will be bUsy covrrinc the various lntlllgs in Innis til csprzi ro Hos llrdontc Inn and Sunniduh For rom plctc reports wc new uccks THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1948 vA WWW ENGA BMBNIS a1 Mrs Tovrll Tommi Willl Mr and Mrs and lamin or liutz Mlle Raina Slmpoff of it College 115 spending Y1 illtll ttth frlrinz an lltl llilltllcl John St lilunuuth St in ftp 311 13 tm Blr tngugtn sat their youngest dunghtu Audu Home to Mr Edgar It lbw ull of dr and Mrs Arthur lcl Bullll lu Inarrtugr to llik plow an ulum St Uiittcdlzuttl2 Ilt 316 tip Tllr LEJEKILL Fltdcttt VA In lltli 21 Julm llv all Ipiz cl ll 1C Iziztzar Suntin annual tlutstnuts Jw WW caching Dct UT it from Santa Claus gt ixlltl wl vll trllfl liltipldnl no ltlltl ranging ill age vumt of lit in gttcll years molar Mp lhtnm llt t7 conslstng of It gmi lit 11tztugc recnations he tutti ntcrml thc tlllllkll to Ander Mc Ihl strains DI the mutants munti Wruzinu your of lli5 llllh lllll1lxll lll lilxtl lititlltr lltLllellL Ur unto inti tin IH noun ttlr lg dill of tn mound chub slumhin mu Qrtirt tli taxun out loin Lmtn tndml it 111 pumh II nt vcil tn lirltl Ill ltltttt EH Winnl ct Ul ultingc liluwii Sha miimi alum Illtltdt tit ml 2t nu ilw lJlt litiritlltticliict rotor ut thc inunlI wan mud iWMlnL ani Wv Ml Mild mth kltllt llll brown itrcisoziw tzidf lllt lathr tuzc tttititEvnutn kmJp Ur mun1 mm Im gos Willi gtllglll train wt in pink lulnmuy Unslmlwl 31 Hip 112 11 HRmltlllttlt lnvmc culmzdinv tllitllltllt litnldrcss tindlung muttus StuIm mm ml mutt with lotipurtl fltttl lillilllt Ell trim and llttll zitCcsmrits llrt llw llltltlltll alias nlutgntrct wrung of l1nni 1mn Vmuh tilt tlrmrlriiutli gown mm mm lmn hum of pulc urcn clutlnn tlll thth hm groom ml ltllx lll Sithm mulching litiddrtss lulu mittens My and curricd tuscttdt ot tuscx lht junzor llllllll1lll Miss lllnljdltltl chc niccc til tlic bride also WUIt il gown of pole itrccn liitlun cl vct Will lttutltlttxr and ltltlltll pzit lcrntd thc stunt Its tlic othcr utl tcndunts ind curried nuscpzty ot rcd lUStS lfttth mrt the fuvur of thc hrtdc doublt strand titi tllllN Mr Lloyd Roy ltidiittij Hull 1llic Lords lruycr ind Hot tziuxc litlter thc bridal party cn lcrcd tiu church and during tlic iltl tl ltlt ti bud butlani tlit Blrs cteusy is teatm her husband for Toronto Christmas itch to Lundnu St New Your Miss lllgood and MM Ingram of vtndcn College left on Sutle night for lloltilb ttp in tin Pacific Coast Mrs Church and an Church hth let In trnded vacation to Kirksvtlltx tI Httlll ind the Gulf Hf lItltU Colonel and Mrs lair Barrie and son Tull Sumo arc spending Christmas with Hug thlLl and Mrs lend ut ictmcomtw Place Bttletlllt uni liilccn Fine daughtcr it Mr and irtlt Ftnc 13 WW MAD 5R0 NYLON Approxtumtvly LU ptr cent of all ttmlth billshrs urc mudc from ny ltili and at by Hub Bell JdlIlKS Fer Lunw Morley llillt Hug lrltitn and Diane thou vrc given by It hit Douglicrty wily Susan Mot hlttltnkin xx tllll fir the chil llltll tht tutu tlic isll wlwk til the cvcnlng an tlm lttllllx mom of ht1 Sunday Schwl M24 llutb Campbell who linsw took part in lllc gt Ltitutt tun Ill tlttttgc til lllt plo is llolllt on lit um Um Bum ition from Syracuse lnitvi lilhh Hm an tcusc NY llllccn is lit tiilttllml vm lmmm Fm applipd ans gymUH and Sunni ltuts distrtbutcd gifts to Ilt spcciulixing in tiititltiiiiltiit tin Elltltlltll lllllilil tho mmmg 345 iffyiv ftidielfti tWilfittldllKKiilblii1 mtings We wish our many newlound friends and the people of Bame Very Merry Christmas AND Happy New Year Mamas English Chin and Gift Shop for Collict Bayeld PHONE 2395 I33a3isMEDZE3IMPIEIDIEIMNIDIINNNIX303935036313JuinilS5xi3232l 33 ii IS Litc lin cu cctcc EQEKCKIECAZKKECTfffTCCVECCWCCIQ ci1ti tIILlltittlylttl ll ZERZEZ as lttt 11gt 341mi ZEBxZ2f3 leKliiCltltnfitlQbEimUCWELEC Merry Christmas I496 IEtlt4iKYEVKKVZlrKCkm purty trom Pittsburghs lillltll Halon are shown mowing fossthzcd trucks which Nlll pitiziultlj cirrc math lllilt mil lion years bclorc himsztuzw nut Ii tiny dont know whzu the ST GEORGES CHURCH mysterious ummnl Wit ltic tamls in tin lrlliS tlt discorcrcd azamimazazmmmtzmznmamzm Ellie matciewsnzzccctziccu Central United Church REV BEWELL 8A Minister MRS LENOVER Choir Lender Mr SMITH Organist BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy Hi nav JACK scon mus CANADIAN WW irmwagwrr Tues Eve DEC in WW WWW WWDentikChilds1hcfuneraliwas ED ll TEDD SMITH Toronto Pianist TOMMY AMBROSE Boy Soprano NAVIGATORS QUARTETTE Radio Fame celebs azmzmmzmzzzzmzzmz 222112 Listen Every Sunday 11 pm Stu THEY dc For Song From Heavens Airways rct weth CHURCH SCHOOL 10 amYOUNG MENS CLASS 11 am95ln9t5 Primary 230 pmThe General Schoiil Comcito Gods House on Ills Day ALLANDALE nar tvlorlcnvzltc liiiisniizt WWW signing of thc icgistcr Mr lcd llitlc Btctim vnsl tlutstinus live Dec 24 Ti pit tlltllbllllllbllll in Holy rcccption was hold in tinl hurch parlor Mrs licc inothc llJ lh td SUNDAY DECEMBER 26 1948 VI 0U commumon of thc bridc rcctncd vcarmgi VLJIJ ilkMORNING WORSHIP 102m om Morninr Pro or mmk new With my cwsmog Christmas Communion 22 ELIZABETHST ltlllllb layer YOU ARE WELCOME ltt bltltIMIIMV 01 lhv zmammalsmammalsmammal RCCQWO memblfR Under tho direction or run1 In tho first and sccond scenes tetetetccctmclctentaclenucuxumcccwunckmwwIcmmzcctccvctaz pmSacrament of Baptism gl pnEVENING wonsmp Unizcd Church gttvc movmg llttfi nullciy For the third sccnc thcyt Theme emotion of ll Muundcrs Illtll mncd tlu mtn of thc choir in odious Christmas cantata lltllllt zoccssionzil to thc Sllllllt zit Bclh tBri ht sinuin 37 Milly Street hem on Sunday cvcnm Iht twp rlurc tho tlllll lthCd Ron mrkoy hm mm plp unymmus cake the 0st that go to make up an oldfashioned homcfluwured Christmas dinner SUNDAY DECEMBER 26 1948 and Sewna the young pump 11 Mum sinking lullaby vlill7bc on blur ISINECIEIlyLvllllfIlllllSITICDU SQIIVCd frolni 12 noon me congregation lll pm nimnns In I01 itselvullons tone 42 300 PillSUNDAY SCHOOL The opcning scene was in fhc NEST1111 11131 IMpillGOspmrMEETING countryside notir Buttrtrltentwlicic1 Come and bring your friends EVERYBODY WELCOME meamumzzummemra PS Reservtitions for New Ventslvc Dance also lwlpg accepted ll0w7 CHRISTMAS SERVICES grummman md th ll HYU Jticlt Wire and Harry Dulc Sunday Dtccmbcr 26 and corstigc ol whitc mums Mrs and Tufford the clioirof Collicr Silttl vlzc Iiltltc thoir song from thc Reserve Now for Christmas Dinner If had not come were ussistcd by Joseph AltNtllllt tic lirisl hild in thc nmngcr with 130 PMBELIEVERS MEETING tltv manger mid to spread abroad QCLUB 777 iPhonE r42 7257777 Evening Dancing To Recorded Music ll htfVCnlY Chm ml ux Twill ll joyful mcsszigc rccossionul angel dPPPaNd l9 Null5 tnthtcrcnthymnAdete Itldclesr Phothdegilrle CY humble sHlcndcd tho Cantata The mothers or ms uc vadn rmy First Baptist Church lsung off stage by MISS llctrn Inmi rmrifwigmw 1Vicmnd 60COLLIER ST Mi F1 Cl 111 ATCM gben Om 501 P1915 Stun Knox and Alfred Shepherd The Home of Friendly Worship 55 35 WE red Shepherd WIllldm lxlltlx Vltltili PL qunmm the Sr Captain andersrDE Strachzml organm cm Leader Knox Gordon Dycr William Onyx Wm cnntntn Only little village was Walter Humphreys Vernon Mirvq UHHMOW Helen Quay and Harold Walker 1232mantazzmnhzammzmazn Barrie ranch mwztmzccmcecwzztezczmmcazzzwcwere IS SUNDAYHDECEMBER 26 1948 ltmbcrt Edna Ihcodorc Alfred SUNDAY DECEMBER 26 1948 anatmmnmn232amth3mmamazizinnnnanmziwimDimszztnzinnnaz CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 11 amHDLINESS MEETING 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVANGELISTIC SERVICE Fri Dec 315t II pm Camp Fire Watchnight Service Sal Dec25lh 1930 AM Christmas Service 74 Burton Avenue United Church Rev Carder BA Minister suNDAy DISCIEIVIBIER its 1948 11 AM and LPN MR MURRAY FORD 0f McMustcr University Hamilton iOnturio SUNDAY SCHOOL PM The public are cordially invited CHURCH 200 Bayeld St Phone 4572 REV AND MRS CHASE ministers SUNDAY DECEMBER 26 194 l2d EREE METHQDT The secondscenc showed the cn Campmcnt of Balthusar by an old well in the desert where with two of his party he awaited the star iSoloists in the scene vcrc William Lambert William Knox Alfred Shepherd and Victor Knth lhc caravans of Gusptn 1an Mol Chior soon arrived in plotcnsititt and utter tellianr of tlicirpilgrim ng and dispbylng timci Hm they bore they deported to follow lthc star that had rcttppcurctl Shcphcrd and William Lambert Scone changes were effectively mndc behind screen of angelsund the lighting effects verc beautiful ly subdued iud Vtlllmndlcd lllltll ycor additional churches are using tlu pttgczmt or lrttmzi to tell morc vividly the ugclcss story of the first Christmas Although lcthlchcrn was not originally yiittTuifoi lllIrIltlleIlOll lends itztll pcrfcctly to such treatment was most impressively suhg by the wholc senior choir rThc cantata which was inter with ancient Christmas All our 41 NMIIIIM ll amMORNING WORSHIP spcrscd Keeping the Christmas Spirit pmEVEN1NG WORSHIP Iune in 900 CHML 830 am for Light and LiteGospel program SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL RM 10 AIM JI Int and Sr Evangelistic Service 730 pm 11 AMNurser3 Beginners andylhursday evening prayer meeting Primary land Bible Study 745 pm HOLLY SERVICES Strangers welcome Come and wars 85 RM Iship with 115 lgitigigigig53lngIgigiglgugggigigigigcgtE 51 r1 Gospl HO St Andrews Presbyterian 19 Parkside Drive REV JAMES FERGUSON BA FOR ADULTS Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and SKIS HARNESS 65 Choirmaster $3775 46 $415 carols was about 50 minutcsyin length Trinity Church presents canta in every Christmas and one at lizistcrtidc rItvAN EXAMINERWANT AD millED VEGETRBLES PtfhLE 0LWE5 BLUE GOLD SPANISHPluln and Pimento FANCY ms tac 19 36 d5 duke8 burthrtah BROKEN ouves 25c To Choose 9J2c37 AYLMERFANCYVP CLUBHOUSEQUEEN 20 OSSE AND BLACKWELL ROSHWEET ICORN KERNELS PLAIN OllVES MIXED PICKIES 160129 HYATTCHOICE TOMATOES 53C AYLMERwSWEET SHIRRIFFSPURE WAFER PICKLEV 23 14 01 SUNDAY DECEMBER 26 1943 AM BREAKING or BREAD PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS os eeg 28 01 Tln 10 01 SUNDAY DECEMBER 26 1948 In nll03 i0 They Went Home Another Way5 Wed 15 ay ee PMluDepartments of the We come Sants free No Co lection Church School pm CANDLELIGHT SERVI Trinity Anglican Churc ucv cnoss 3n LTH Rector t=== =VMWW collier St Baptist Church Qrganlst Roberts ECEMBER 24 Independeitl ll pmChristmas Eve Celebration CE mTCHELL mm of the Holyqommunion DECEMBER 25 CHRISTMASDAY 800 AM7Holy Communion 1000 ampShortened Morning Prayer and Holy Communion ISUNDAYDECEMBER 26 1948 130 ampHOLY ION 100 rM RNIN PRAYER 300 +50 SCHOOL Traditional Crol Service hmaammnmazw GREEN GIANTFANCY CU WAXBEANS in FANCY TIPS cmmzn more AYLMERCHOI EHALVES APRICOTS Till II LYNN VALLEYSWEET BLACK CHERRIES 23045 BARTONCHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIl 1913 HARVESTCHOICE FRUIT smu ctr39c HENLEYCHOICE ill 23 PEACHES its in nus 2n 37 QEORGEDREW former ontby Cfrleton near Ottawa last Monday for seat in the House of Com mons As Dominion leader of the Prcgressive Consrvztfiye pTTfy Mr Drew will now become the leader of the opposition in the Housesot Commons SUNDAY DECEMBEREB194B CEB SEMPERS $1175 $18395 $2350 Sttfttlttfttstt CANTATA GIVEN Ski Poles TRINITY CHURCH PMBIBLI SCHOOL JUNIOR ALLMETAL The choir of Trinity Anglican Regular Classes 77 $1 Church under the direction 01 MIME EVENING WORSHIP tl WOOD $135 Wed PMPrayer Praise Ser Mrs Roberts of Orillia pre COMPLETE STOCK vice isentedt Caleb Sempers traditional SKI Wax Bindings gt dal We Christmas cantata The Nativity orcl Co All your of Christ on Sunday evening Gables P0165 gt December19 The men women Best vaety in Bare wlmecwcmmmnw alld 503 choristers 0f the Chancd O6hip3re0ur Prices STD QUALITY 24 OYLERJURE DOMINO DRY 80 Oz 0th Tan ANG iv FRESHLY GROUND As SOLD Om 1233s 36 DELICIOUS COLA DRINK 301 26 at 51 Kill COLA 2333325 CANADA Duncan ENGLISH BREAKFAST STYLEBLACK LLlNS MIX sallll 24 craps nu Bottle Deposlt 12731 Tin 2343c 85 tjttLlllEElS tittlt 110 PUDDINGS 217s 35c MAPLE mt WWI 37c ttttltc lit it SHIRRllFST PIE lllUtlHlsls fftKQlCHtlSQRlS $24 41 5ch cunsriiisroumty 33 mg fl 12 01 133 lllallb l5 99 01101013411431 WWWEmthhah M39655 li choir were joinedwby the junior Free No Charge For At Igirls chOirforthepccasiQHV taching Bindings whenrSkls Thcantatawhich was based elicitvmotemiiarrz SMOKEDHAMll Mop orfPrerrc Ii 55c Allgain meaty gt and Harness are purchased on the scriptures began with the REV LEWIS MA BD MINISTER prophecy Isaiahin the 01d Test 53 TUFFoiQRGfAhlmfr CHOIWASTER ament andended with the fulll BNDAY DECEMBER 26 1948 mean of the prophecy in Luke 11 an Matthew 11 in the New Testau MORNING SERVICE 11 am ment The story or the nativity ngefaggggf Holy Vol Iran the annunclation or the AliH skimL Holy Babe Frickerv gel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin it tht WM DobsothIrs HM eathMrs Carson Mrs Armstrong Sashebgiigfmye Eggitegsin llet The Gain ho Split Holmium singing of the choir BOWL oprano soloists were Mrs WYBEGWNERS PRIMARY DEPTS Kennedy Mrs John Richards and MATE at SENIORDEPTS Mrs Fisher Bass Soloists were AME Pagech We Hood EVENINGSEEVICE pm and tenor soloist was Thomas ssoN CAROL SERVICE films Eve Carol Service of Kings ffrom us gt Skating Sets we We Have Now In Stock Boys Ladies Mens la $915 siozls $995 FRESH FORK BUTTS No Youths In Stocki sacltgt2a8 27 9215 McINTGSH 65 balki4 I549 Mhkedlesniulcv lGRAPFWITslu95 6icr25c firiiliiliip sumac LEEUCEOS for 292 cordemoy vmmaumx smug 12 ttli nehwwjnudizomygogalggninggmalnutrition dummy emu Missy lb53c Ont No Amos lilac Sulhvan Maunder Electric Train Fm Dess9 Pqk American Flier $495o SAUSAGE MEAT mosmnonsn Wants raisin and CHICKENS DINNER XMASriSTOIlE HOURS We fylhlisiiiimmnket jxlcealor eggs mpptng iiiii lass available at our stores See manager for partied Ian Beg gradln ntatton 049 Maxs Two girls from the junior girls choir Ruth Goslingcud Betl ti Kenhtnston sang adluet During the offertcry chorlsters Mark Fiche lbvmltolliemlohaBemeh Wltintll hm David Stewart IndlinhdMtxinnon sang carol 131th chorus amagnincat titted tmghteousnessggndnu Peat as BayeldSt ifrtidncam AMQATWPJL eunuch illicitTimer le Clded Sal Mon NOWHFIVE Inciting= nitsimmutable