Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1948, p. 12

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luminance Klnxnmmtmemutuzme LEGTS CHAT Womans Viewpoint on its and That Iarg Park and Beatrice ltv luiile enti tlic Bria Si izsiluy 30 illittinl Was there If Mrs llllJ ilioniia Iage of la nistil day ilLtlllii been Elll only has woman but stood In illillllm litre into Ullllls ning for lnmstil Vily lllllll manner Ill llti oil it bers of evtiiiii vliist lil tliristvi Two members of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority lliatiie McQuade xud Margaret Park have it street iiiiiitzii 21 ll lll January ii for Htlllilli win re they ever Iilis tillnlt ow will spend the winter lhey intend stroneg Ito remain at least three nuintiis more land perhaps six They will fly housewife ItA from Mutton airport in Toiu electrical he onto Ilea at present is workini licr liiisbanit II or Iamblyiis Ilrue Store and has been Ill IIIlIIi ularg an employee Iiatoris llttl lili lllilll iiitlil tilllti bined lionswar feels that sle li with both ii son who izi Toronto is of Illi The ominunlty House has been ioolaii Hlltl for the pieliilstiiiai eaon and tliristinas week The eriice clubs and other organiza Iiave been holding their Iiintmas partiesand turkey din llilrs and Mr and Mix ilert Gage Ilil their two young daughters Iae been enjoying real oldfa blllillitl liristmas rush Ilie Soroptimists started off with thristmas dinner in Tuesday livening December 14 On Thurs tday Iliaember Iti the Brewers llarehouse Association held their animal Christmas party and Christ mas tree and on Friday last the Lions tlub carved their own tur key at the long tables The Ki wanis dropped in on Monday as annual lllltlliilvs tlil mlis thristuias litl The of the Womens Trinity lllllfrll iiri evening 1in ll members were pitwot Mrs Harry Allllrxlloll ter Carson Mr Ii ll ztli ar Mrs Stanley lioiey tllllilllil the members following im lllillll wit nutnber ot liisiiiu carol The members tXtlldllLitl uiitlt llll each other durith thi Itllllii The turkey dinner Ta serycd hy the Trinity Parish Aid dinner iillil llll sday II rid ii iliil ilti il ti VECKZEZCi63EIIEiECfzCSICIEIZCEEEZQwfliiCCCQZEEPN 134222221212131ZREZEIBIXMEEMZEZZX232212 ORDERNOW 4mm 4W PHONE 3015 74 Blake St hihimziiiiigiENE2922i2i2n2122233MEEMZWMMBImitiRRBtM Barrie Accent Your CharmTWith Radio Wave Permanent at out the Yllltlitlt season cczubei xii usual and partook of the annual Christmas fafv and festivities The Ianblaw staff tool over the rec ltuliilll rmns on Tuesday ttadtmas party is pattly responsible for the eye iillt is tree that cal presided over the feasting through iine xoiiisizien who so artfully iieceiateii it intre none tilllcl than lllut agile ilefiiieiLan Bob lling and iis sinfting shadow Gilly lily Mayer the many Christmas itst ticlt was litiii by of ill One 11illligt the Kiwanis Auyiliarv at the home if Mrs illethven Atlanlrilll II Mid hoist on Tuesday evening le of has THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA jCanaiiianrfasliion The Biiiltc ri is llockiig cats The two 7v il About 30 iiieiiibeis Kltlu present it tXtllilIlgt li another The tiifi oi the Magi was giyen by liy William Bell during the iillll flames were played and the illlil of tliiee different pul tiillltgti Were Mrs Per kins liis thaiiis Griffin and Miss Rhoda iuhg Iirastnias cake as siivvd along with other re iresliuients ilii The amount of the domestic soap iation iii Britain to be raised from Jan Kit The Minister of Food announced ieceiitly that the allocation liom that date lll be incraased by onesixth This will mean that each person inI be en titled to one extia ration of soap in each rationing period of eight weeks In Britain one ration is tin equivalent of three ounces of toilet soap or six ounces of soft soap The Gae Twenties held their annual Christmasdinner on Thurs day evening December ltl Almost all of the Ell members were present and the honorary member Mrs Moritagu Leeds ODE was their guest Margaret Milne the new president of the club succeeding Voiia Robertson who became Mrs Wilbert Mallory in October pre sided Eyerybody enjoyed line chicken dinner in the dining rooui of the Wellington Ilotel hrist mas gifts were exchanged among the members following the dinner and Mrs Leeds was presented with bonboh dish Mrs Leeds made financial donation to the club and congratulated it on the charitable work donc at the hospital during the past year She recalled the inaugural meeting almost three years ago at which she was pres ent and commented on the growth of the organization Some of the members drifted oil to the movies following the dinner and others ambled downtown for coke The club members are giving toys to the wards of the ChildrEns Aid Society this year Santa Claus visited King George School last Friday evening and he had bag of candy for 90 boys and girls It was the fourth annual Christmas party sponsored by the East End Home and School Club and MLLGUS Viau was ill charge of the committee that made the arrangements Those who assist ed were Mrs Forster Mrs Stran aghan Mrs Dibbley Mrs Emms and Mrs McKcown Mrs Alice Pulworth mother0f William Pulworth RR Barriew celebrated her 90th birthdayDin Saturday Dec 18 athrhomc Rockcliff Blvd Mount Dennis Mrs Pnlworth who is still enjoy ing quite good health visited her sons home near Barrie last Sep tember Mrirand Mrs Luke Spearn of 57 Essa Road celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary withafam ily dinner at Robindale Sunday Dec 19 were Mrs Mitchell bell Spearn Diane Doreen and Ross Mr and Mrs James Gilmore Mr and Mrs Henderson Evelynid Garry of Toronto Frank Spearnv of Kingston Miss MarianSpearn of Toronto and Mrszobert Scanlan of Toronto the former Margaret Campbell of Barrie who was the wedding 55 years ago Mr Spearn was born in Barrie and Mrs Spearn was born in Clover Hill They have lived in Allan dale for the 55 yars of their mar riedlife Mr Spearn retired from the railroad in 1936 after 50 years serVice nv by Miss Doris Kearns of 43 Burton Avenue The drawwas made by Mrs Laurie on Monday eve ning December 20 at the Roxy Under New Management 73 Elizabeth St Barrie NextClub 79l lERMANENT WAVES cameo on RADIO WAVES $125o WAVE Other Types $500 315001 fjflolriVf$lldtlw minucUTTIINognraanomNo radium MARCEILBJG ALL TYPES 0E BEAUTY WERE msnnvar wherein Theatre The doll which was clothed in 50 one dollar bills has been on display in the Riviera Tearoom The Soroptimist Club held their annual Christmas party at the Community HousEOTNEdy evening December 114 with 23 members present Ethel Crossland was program convener for the eve niug in the absenCe toffMargaret MacLachlan The President Isabel Cainpbell Was chairman Helena Janetosghagd decorated the dinner tables With centrepiece of white Wire sleigh lled With ever igneous and redcandlestyvith Silver and reach memberfcund Christ mascorsaebf 01 qnd New Yen Dawnfor You cord with ilhsgnstu Herve Ever Known Is Hemm More Toy and Happiness Of florrHEv1LLAoc orLEiIioY gifts reading oi AFTERNOON DRESS in new features high lllltlflill lied titted iieckivpicii1 hack draqu fullness Ilv Sherbet 7V OVER 150 ATTEND SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS PARTY Ovir I50 people attended the annual Christmas lreeprogrum of the Salvation Army in the Citadel on Friday evening Dec 17 The program was given by about 45 young people and children and in cluded musical and dramatic pre Cooper Floyd Perrier Faye Con Brown and Anna Connell The Sunbeam Class presented short playlet entitled Light aftcr Darkness iind the Joy Class didl Christmas Star Christmas message Wtis dc livered by the Victory Class and twopart dialogue entitled FWhich Shall it Be was given by memv bers of the Boys Livewire Class The Builders Class presented Al ways and Forever and pan tomime The Silent Night ivas given bya grouprofiyoung people wit and Wiles withlrs and Santa Claus Visits Oddfellows Home Tl Annual Christmas tree and held at the Home on Monday oier ltlil iieiizbers of Hill Rebekah lodges in attending Among 3d Lodg officers and mem he Home Board present Deputy hand Master ll lii llapleiu Grand Secre lleans Ihornhill MIS lliiiiisiead Meaford president of in twin of ihe Hbekah ssembly Mrs Cari neepresident Rebciiull Assigtiiibl Mrs Ms Toronto and Mrs Ileiciiei Guelph both members of the Home Board and II Robert PGM and chairman of lllt Iloni Board all of tyhoni spoke briefly llcv It Sinclair Ill acted Ull 1Igt itlldlltliitll iilttl kept the gathering III happy mood quartett from Central Church Misses Neil and Hook and Messrs Ihonip llob piano sang Miss in her inimitable with her mono Iogues and Rev Cartier Supt Parker and the matron Mrs topeland spoke brifcly fine recreation room has just been completed in the basement llie Young del ightcd inson at Illioda way ofthe home which will seat about 150 and which will serve the resi dents of the home in many ways Refereucl to this finely furnished room was made by all the speak ers There are now 40 aged Odd fellows and Rebekiihs in the home and reference was also made to the exceptionally fine care they are receiving from Mrs Parker iind the stuff At the close of the program Santa Claus arrived and some 300 parcels provided by the Rebekahs Oddfellows of the were distributed among the resi dents and the staff Refreshments were served and happy evening ended for another year MlNESING LL Mrs Chas Grant sent few days with her cousin Mrs Irwin at Collingwood Mr and Mrs of Aurora spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt Mr and Mrs ll Mayes Ewart and Marion spent Thursday at Port McNicoll Marion spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mur shall Mayes at Burlington Gifts to Rev and Mrs Clements On Tuesdaycvening members of the library board met with the Supt Parkcr district Doug Richardson Mrs BID Sinclair ElectMmAE Vance President of WMS At Essa Road Church 371 It Sinclair was elect co president of the Womens Mis sionary Suezety of Essa Road Picsi Church at meeting on iiening December to at the amine gt The other officers who were illE stalied by Dr Sinclair weir Mis John Steele treasurer Mrs Juhuj Gibbons secrtaiy Mrs Iickryi illollle lltll ecritaiy Mrs Ros ella Dicki life membeiship and gpress setlillV and Mrs Dickey librarian and literatuie secretary Menibeis of the various commitl are Mrs Scarlett and Miss5 Lucille Dickey social mid welfare ioiiiiiiittee and Mrs Scarlett Mrs lieenht and Mrs Dickeyi social comi Mrs Simlair presided over the meeting and Miss Bailey read the scripture lesson Rev Dr Sinclair leave splendid talk on hristmas out the birth of our Lord phi licS Mrs Robertson Named President Kiwanis Auxiliary Mrs Robertson was namedQ or 1949 at the annual Christmas arty on luesday evening Decem ber 14 Mrs Il Bigelow Illlllll 3M Perkins Were chosen lst and Mini viceprmideiits The secre iarytreasurer once more was Mrs McCauIcy and the directors chosen were Mrs II Jacobi Mrs Bert Allen Mrs Bart Simmons and Mrs Thomson larenls Night First of all the officers and men would like to express their appre ciation on the number of parents who came to the parents night ac tiVitics held at the Barrie Armoury on Thursday Dec 16 Wehopc in the future to have gltERBEIKQQIQKICKIE Wl lpresident of the Kiwanis Auxiliary KizltiKCSZttti THURSDAY DECEMBER 231948 Pres Evening Of Trinity Church Mrs ance was presuient of the Evening WA of Trinity Church at meeting on Thumfay evening Dec I6 The elections which were held in the Parish llall were followed elected Giaseit lby putluck supper Other officers elected locating year were Mrs tioss honorary president Mrs chsney inepresident Miss iBrooks secretary Mrs Harry treasurer Mrs Flrman Dorcas and Miss Willa Jebb pub licity TRY AN EXAMINER yvasr AD mom 2414 utenmegmmqwuunmwmmzmum sillt 11 BARR TENT WKEKKCMEKAEiidik300CEKQEEEEIEKQEEKQQWKKKIIQ Elie Seasons briefings AND SINCERE to the MANAGEMENT STAFF Muhamma32namesammmmrtnmiwmamnmnmmmm for the fine patronage given me Lenas Lingerie Shop ERRY CHRISTMAS to all of our friends and Patrons from the inammation OF AWNING C0 THANK YOU people of Barrie and district LENAIJIQNSBERGER maulxmanaannmaanxnna siBrawl333iM213ixiigt3222hMEMEhNtIlMNhzhthhkltlim rivr Poiiiis or 38 Bayeld St TRY OUR APPETIZING vxmllJJJWZXJi iJVJ if oirh FISH and CHIPS THEY ARE REALLY TASTY ial 4553 BOTH ELECTRIC Ornamental Iron unable Welding AND ACETYLENE Gates Stair Railings executive and book selection com mittee at the parsonage During the evening on electric kettle and two beautiful cups and saucers wercprcscntcd to Rev and Mrs cvory Cudct on paradE due to the strenuous Syllabus which is to be carried out If Cadet is absent he will miss the instruction which is ihtcnded and it will put him and other kinds to yourordcr GENERAL BLACKSMITHING Clements as slight token solo was sting by Bill vocal ofapprcciation They hat3 SUP Gmoms plied warm comfortable room in The Christmas Pageant was the their home to be used 01 the 11 final number on the program and brary for several yearshhin fact wasgiven by the young people of ever since the library was started behind in his work We are look ing forward to the cooperation of all parents to ensure that their boys are at parade Parade of Dec 16 GOWAN sr naui=es Iron Works PHONE 5046 In on Tuesday evening December 14 Those present the Fellowship Club Thcprogram was open to the public and Captain Arthur Robin son of Midland was cliairmanTor the cvening The citadel was de corated with model Bethlehem Inn on one the Stable on the other Santa Claus gave sfruit to the children of side the and sentations and visit from Santa Claus llccitatioiis were given by Gladys ncII Kenneth candy and SAVIOUR IS BORN FILM SHOWN AT FIRST BAPTIST An hourlength feature lm aviourgis Born was shown at the annual Sunday School concert in the FirstBaptist Church on Between 40 and 50 children of Miss the unior and intermediate class Bessie Spearn Mr andJVIrLCamp es took part in the venings pro gram of Christmas carols and other musical numbers large audi ence of pareutsandifrjerids of the children attended Santa Claus arrived after the concert to distribute gifts and candy to the children Beatrice Uriy and Mrs William bridesmaid at Evans were in charge of the prayerSJ younger children cones and candy canes at her place The membershad brought white elephant gifts and with Mrs Amy Sargentlplaying Santa Claus they were distributed lucky draw was made And the winners of the priis of crawling mouse and Sunday afternoon Dec 26 in the community After fitting rc plies by the host and hostess the electric kettle was connected anda cup of tea and social time were enjoycd It is the wish of the ex ecutive and members of the beard that all in the community will take advantage of the splendid reading available We have the latest books in fiction and nonfiction For the small sum of $1 you can get $100 worth of rreadipgri Childrens Christmas Service Childrens Christmas Serv1cc was held in St Peters Church on The church was beautifully and season ably decorated with evergreens red poinsettias and bunches of beautiful red rowan berries with white Chrysanthemums on the Holy Table The Rector Rev Stubbs gave an interesting ad dress to the children on the Christ mas Story Miss Helen Adams pre sided at the organ and the vocal music of the service consisted of Morning Divisions were carried out at 730 pm and the parents of the Cadets signd the visitors log and yverc ushered to the upper deck by Cadet Vickers on entry to the Arinoury full period of sports and target practice was carried out where the parents had the opportunity of seeing their boys on the range and quartlerdeckvcarrying out then training Upon completion of the rst period theCadets had five minl ute stand easy and again were mustered on the quarter deck for the turning over of the ship Change of Command Due to the illness of Lieut lnson the ships company and parents were addressed by Rowe President of the civilian committee of the Navy League of Canada Barrie Branch who in turn introduced LieutCdr Sinutmost tfunhalment Tonga my Picturesque Residence with fourteen rooms completely modernized Beautifully situated in the centre of eight acres of woodland Quiet restful and yet verynconvcnienj iganIighway ltrmtwo milcsisoiithmibiii CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES TELEPHONE BARRIE 4268 OR WRITE Miss FLORENCEBREAKWELLiRaiQSWigki9lllg it The WAof St Peters Anglican number of the favorite and beau tiful Christmas carols Anglican WA Elects Oiceis Church held their December meet ingon Wednesday Dec 15 Int MrsmG Dustbs The meeting opened with Christmas music fol lowed by Scripture reading and The various yearly re ports were given The treasurer reported good balance on hand The roll call was answered with Christmas verse Mrs Mervyn Fralick gave report on the bale to Sioux Lookout and Mrs Harry Fralick on the Little Helpers Miss Edith Traby cenducted the devotion a1 period andRev Stubbs presided for the election of th f1 cbing up string were Helerr Cox and Lewella Maclnnes After dinner Rose Doucette led few games and the members wrap ped their charitable Christmas gifts for this year Wilda Colbert led carol singingto end the even ing with Mrs Alma Lee at the pi ano The party broke up about Oclock OvendeiLCollegastaff member are farifrom Barrie for the Yule tide holiday Miss Elgood and Miss Ingram ew to British Columbia Madamoiselle Shopoff is inBermu da Miss Pinder and Miss Lit tler are both visiting in New Bruns wick Missaikes is in Sask atchewan and Mrs Davis is Vvisiting in Alberta The Orderiofjhe EristemStar held their annual Christmas party officers PEST ley Eralick Vice Presidents Mrs Wilbert Davis Mrs Harry Foyston Secy Mrs Geo Dusto Asst Mrs Fred Pearson Treas Mrs Fred Paine Dorcas Secy Mrs Mervyn Fralick Assistants Mrs Davis MTSS Jessie fFoystonMrsrWill Priest Secy of Little Helpers Mrs Harry Fralick Church Com Mrs Leighton Adams Converters Mrs Channen Miss Foyston Mrs Crawford Organists Mrs W13visMi JFoyst0n Visit ipgvrCom Evaline Graves tress Mrs Davis Mrs Will Priest Miss Foyston Mrs Dusto Devotional Convener Miss Tra cy During the business period mo Pearce Area Commanding Officer who turned over the ship to Fox who has servedas Lieut lnesons rst Lieutenant for the past three years The commandif ship in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps may only be held for aperiod of three years After the ship had been turned over Lieut Fox askedLieut Cdr Pearceif hewould like to in spect the ships company which he acknowledged in the affirmative After inspection the Cadets were dismissed to join their parents luncheon of coffee andsandwiches en he fliers of the crps hd titwith the parents The officers present Were as iollos C0 Lieutgc Fox X0Lieut Kelly Blake DivMidshipman McCabe Nelson Stores Div SLieut Harris LieutrinPetersonSurgeon Lieut Laurie Surgeon Lieut Seymour Inspection Officer LieutCdr Pearce President Navy League Barrie Rowe tions were madetolcontributeto wards the gifts of the Sunday Schobl children and to pay half of theicost of the new heaftingsyistem inthe church Plans Were also made to decorate the church for the Sun day childrens service After the yeeehildrentonMendayfifte noon December 20 The partyde rganv about4 oclOck with about130 children and an equal number of adults prscnt Singing games were playe with the children un til almost 530 whenSanta Claus arrived and distributed Christmas presents to eachchild Adelicious lunch was serVed to the children and the prty broke up about 630 Fern Hampel led the children in their games The party wad held In theEastern Star Hall The older people had their party the same evening About 30 members joined in cupidtime and modern dancing with Mrs Spearn blaying for the square MRS ALFREDCGLIQNNA dancing and Fern Hanipel dor the round dancing William Bell of Allistond called off the squpres Christmas Wong secuedffoln lowingthe dancing WM owner Perfumes have been used eVe since the beginning of history benediction Miss Tracy served LIIeIiiiiuino Eliminate Waste combination of valuable vege tablet remedies blended together under rigid standards of purity Milbums LamLiverng are often Ivaluable in the relief of constipa tion andminor disorders of the liver stomach and bowels They help the eliminatbry or and clear of in lab mid oftenthe cause to chlhphmi shill grid was oapellcwhgadachoiii Tunic nee threw bedeligliied by the renewed geolth we sheiugewhich produce Milhurnlc LaxaiLiver Pills and on they Abolpetoi maifhoitrhi ruraiieww FQRMALS DD COWNSL ljlfNGERlE CUSTOM DESIGNEDTO FIT AN PLATTER SIS 41 is Now Your growers ES ARE it 213 gala atoll drug counters fli Mllburn 00 Ltd Toronto Onh

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