PAGE TEN 431 BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 l948 lllh BARBIE EXAMINER mmm 3m WoWWl t0 Class Weeklies Canada rmmnm Mornings TI BARBIE 31m LTD Can3d1338eglllagiegspacgglgmalntlon YRLAREN SUBSCnyUOVS rA PanicEur um umer EDlTOI Canada or Great Britain 78200 rear R3 WALIS Ulmed Sm VCEPRBlGENi Ans Built mus Single copies Joy ill WOTld lit Lord l8 Come 50 18 BARR AlY digmu promemg con mm we Rampgrggs in up RUN 01 In 95139 some lle LN Pam receive her King T0 101F0N FLECTIOV DAY whian Mmwmmd rat may 0i serious Fl 8i Vadiacent to the arena and the farmers and hrtstialis throughout the world have great cause to rejoice To tho Editor mlalot garnets llemayllrcugr err msmenm began making cash comnbuuonbV we bum Chm he SavmmV LIKE the wise men of old Tho Barrlo platinum games for outside assistance bepalle ofhis Th lltlSllrl soon mounted to $3000 and Wt how licavcnlv light to gtiltlt us to the place where Rem ll in experience Hewlllgninaxperienceattlle HRET ORV cash contribmhm VV it per unt of ill voters of Balm expense your estate Appomt The ah comma th box ngde go In lll Sterling Trusts Corporation an Olganlzm At this festive season it 15 till lipplilpnate wore less than half 0f the total glvtll Ap opal on pantry god Wm towauk mpnn is the message SONS On Monday DtCvnlber 13 m3 on with apeglelrlieceolg7yiea as execptoxr VV hbm VA arnes Mulriri al Elrnl estate on assure economlm mm In bum ll 010 hose mummmely sumo 15 comrlbmed Wllltll conics th world thlou the birth of Jesus ll wlkea lmstratlonol ourmite birthday we are cclcbrutlng When wu mzikc 111Kl lllalirllsl Work be was gamma the Lord No greater blessing CHE come to us today 330111 lllHlllihmlrlllltJlllllmllllll hm em dm my was to lends and rental mm to he the foundation cmpeme Jud llllx llltmllll Of Christmas gt dill HI 11 lo ult but lulllrl ciinrcli it is fitting that we should ltllltlllbfl handymen contributed their efforts Within ml would be most drab TN to tlltillllt why so many saw lit to the offerings of the Wiw icn lnudo two few months the building was taking shape Mili Sllplltrds and wlsc men be stirred to seek Christ Mm 010 rimming llw prmll lllllllsllld Years llgll 11 l5 illl Sillll lv 30 Ollll yell lam W030 mll 35 19303 ldllg Hml mmgll lll ll family gathcr rlllllsclllmllwl dbll irlmlklnlflm CORPORATION is told in tho first vivvcu more ll tlitusccond UMP llg md almlml mm he350 Ol llll Vflll Wits about its good is that or till mama You thnptcr of the iOslcl lccurilinu to St Mut On the opening night several of the visit Wishing one and all Very Merry Christmas and it Happy 112fjf 3102233 chlo 0m 1300an 314 ulcllldmg lllOSfVlrom Barrie andOrlllia how loci on behali of tho Barril and District Ministerial not srliluilnr llOWtVUl docs not in Now when Jesus wgs born in Bolliiohem were willing to admit that their communities ASSOtlilllllll my uplmm mm mm tro no inv could not boast of similar iuccess0ne cr Tm 50 V911 sistance that may bortliird mm the my hot on olntcd out that on ulation blisis JFABW91l Er Wm lm of Irv90m Th ntliold there came use nitn liom lllt out prmid WU lllODll ho lllt rnrolnl and mm Comm to Jerusalem Saying Wherc is lit that is the Town 01 Home alone should Iinulicc en judicious in zllmost tvmy Ullltl mmhihummal muttur hurt liccomu so indillcrcnt Comradc Bibby Connnil my ng of me Jpvs pm mi km solin project ol $720000 And the Guthrie project mxmzhmxaaauxuiznxmmmmnmazmnxxxmmn Manning gave some inwmnm his stair in tho ciistul1d urc LJllll to worship W113 irllld through 10 completion by lhlll lllt lltiformimtc ol what should WW bu WU impummt duly un lloduVotory rcliiurks tlicn proccod him When litrod the king had lltllld thcsr 0Wll Clllzellb lll ll lull W9 YVCCU VSOHN in mm $531 Dr Mumij llllVlll lslflllllll lll things he was troublcd liid ill Jerusalem llmtS W0 11 100 31110005 10 Eldmllf blgllSS 2Q Al1immm0 mm lllfnzrdmvetl landll inkrm will him And when no ma gathered all lBut the larger centres Wlll have to make nrtth or toduy Wellmb the installing officer notonly por formed the ritualistic port of tho work in ll very impressch and Vhlouduy Doc 20 was lnstullatlon humped mannerV but 1de NllLlll and il 00le llllmbel Olll very useful udvicc to the newly tonnndcs turned out for this llIllelected OmCNSV winch waS lmun Cillll Ul lllls iiiiulcni iii iiclllcr he demanded of lliciii vliclc Christ ltll01ls Of communities like Guthiic in 010 suggest mm lylmss 3lnp mould be born And thcy said unto him lTOWllSlllp VlSlt the Guthrie Commlllllil mill2 BARR Alivmvcr THE BARle EXAMINER Pull ll Ynnmlllw to intmurmu In Bethlehem oiJuduczi tor thus it is written Ilull Will be enough to convince anyone that Dcccmbcr 22 nor melwr 22V 1923 this whole lnzittor thoroughly Tllt hr the prophet And thou Bethlehem in llllllCll of everything that is worthwhile in Wk VWWlm W3 lllt chief priests ulid scribcs ol lllt pcoplc to some giant strides before they will match the ll Years Years Ago an llurt in arrive the Vlw Manning was introduced by Pctcrboro to spend thcwintcr with Mr and Mrs Wm Akcrs Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Louis Chambcrs on the arrival of daughter in Ncumalkct Mem orlol Hospital Our best wishes arc cxtcndcd to the Publishers and Shirl of The Barrie Examiner for Merry address on the progress of Barrio Mae ProsserV Sylvia Ken and Branch and called upon the mom momlogue by Margaret Campbell bars to put further efforts to btlild The Benediction was Tend by Ship the branch to still greater 010901 tlons and thereby give more old to comrades in distress imd strcng then the Canadian Legion in gcn eml The retiring president volccd words of thanks and encourage merit to the branch and was pro perity Work for those who want work and for In XCtllOlll program Alnongl ll bug bltlf hides 50 markets for those who produce All other thoso contributing to it were Miss Croce chson Miss Mtlnd Fletch Simone County Brlcfs forms 0f 500131 security are SllpplementaIYICI Master Richard Powell and lnnislll Township handlcd lot Miss Minn Glose Total receipts of business thatyour list of WCIK $200 lOllng not rcturn Vof accounts lniostly road work set in However the other forms are important and $175 At ten sessions of tlrc tho smnllcst typc available run we have Old ageand blind pensions unem County Council the members for couple of inches over 11314301 Chrhtmas and Ha ploymentinsuranee oor pricesrforrproduc feesdmcrmilcagclchcivedcom umn The mlinyfrichds of Max Congratulations Fopyrollrw local ersV family allowances and the veterans chngatVioln ringisggg 60m $988310 Millpay were glad to see him back doubVch qnartcttc The Slmcoc CharterThesamEKSUESae7avaluauslbI um an lnrElmvale after hisrradventurous Alis who Wont0pli0013lll1ll Stuart Bcamish Allan Stewart when they were come into the house they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down and worshipped him and when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts gold and frank inccnse and myrrh to those lcy and Glenn Brooks After the distribution of the gifts from the tree refreshments were servod Thc following officers were elected for 1949 Prcs ShirJey Brooks Vice Pres Ann Constablchcy Douglas Beamish Twas Margaret Campbell World Friends Secy llUllillll ltrClTllllly Dllllllg generallcd to attentively and ipplociitori lo plOCIaSlllliill form gt1 mum lllc lillltl of Judzt art not lllt ltiixl umllllg llle lmls country 18 found the hearts of our Wm lrlllllfligllllllllllcltflkltl Bllllt WgirlIllliiallollliollllb from llmm pmmlc Figul lll lllllnllotl likvmlllcldfiijildglltylair tyullll vigilimofiicflmWlimlillcolml 3et lllls ll Juda 101 out 01 llltl Sllztll conic 9mm Hal CommumtleS lnrkm hall im an pump with hrcodur oi Slthl black foxos for Dmmmllt 310 ill lllt donation of crlhbugc board and with hearty applause by the mm GUVMHOYV that shall 1man 1300919 Israels cgt Il5lttl Inllllsgtmlttlwllli Vhooks lilll FilVrm Shown at FINE aflllllggilyrljo Duck Grill 011 lllll llSe 01 10 rades guys do not let our sup ml lll lllll 500W lllllltflllh llll l0 ill scores nicmmr rantl port en with applause may wx Then Helod tlicn VlitVlilld piltily tilled tllt THE LIEERALS AND SOCIAL SECURIH mm to down it kidneys and UV 9m and 941 Vim mm Burnt Dorimix 1m VVVVVmeVSV we now haw no suppo the moms in mm Wise men Oiiqllllcd 0i tlicln diligently wliulI The Prime Minister made an impressive tlrcsslln or Sttll Sllttp thus do lifts Vfur Billlil in November vcil litu lionrd erected and headed VllOllS Positions 10 the fullest cx llmi Slur 11l7llllll Aml 11 50m 19m to Speech on the CBC National Network last vying 1m plwummv ixmgrmums domm Our Sick Comrades If any of tct 01 our time and energy If Stilliltlitm and said Go and search lillgtnt lweek when he outlined me achievements and in VlVUj 5m 11 wmdS Md 11meIbVlffTNQd youVViuc swarm of comrade who this is done our branch will con when we ti Inigo lnd clioltc collection lll itu sii stllpllons in one ls Sick 01 has met wnh an eck nan madvance 5mmng SW V3 01 Vle yolmb Cl dl ptalld of the Liberal Party On SOBll security or plmm put up by lbrmw llltlllwil good cvuicnco ol lllt popu dent please note his name on tho IUIHCSS and fraternity Comrade WWW lllmy bung word 3311111 llllll may llhc two points he made included the re lllVlIfumcrs in London and Pinls llllll Ol lllls lltilSllillJLl 000d Dccclnhcr 20 board This will greatly assist All HarrlS nflfl being installed 0an and worship him also When tlioy had Sponslbimy of the State for the individual 013i fulls inlr lrtLlLtl Vino ill255lVliiJIlfldt ulslll Wnrrcn Valliinsinllilry lzllilitstlnllxillunw our sick commlllee in rendering guvchan interesting address culling own at crnoon ill CLlllllg or prices wow wr rs on heard the kmg they dvpdrtod klnd 10 tho land the personal responsmlnty of the mdl was at great succcss Various shops llhlllt Barrio Market New Fall llmlewn an necegsnry comfort and as part in tgf1tllltell12112lihljl star which they 511W lll tllt cast Willit bClOlf vidua and the family lliud litcn vcry niccly urrnngcd and lliill 95 33 4550C1 billltyv 50 3331 omsmmlion Win lie admin Offering their SCIViccs on the vur them till it came and stood over where the The chief social security is and Wm alwa Fulcs ladies sold large quantity 000 buckwlwut 70c hay $10$12 501 figurl1yv were Marilyn Todd Sandy Con ious committees Comrade Mall you Child was When they the Star of llltll varos The hull was fun butter 40c cups 6005c don MR Bqmou hV qt VI stable Ruth Presser Stanley Todd ning followed with an inspiring be founded pllnClDallY Upon ntlonal DIOS crowded and Col Ward pltsidttl llllelllS 25C 10306 lOltllUCS 75C as mm mm Beth prosseri Charles Alconei they rcjomcd With exceeding grout Joy And Yeah MERRYCHRISTMAS Douglas Reive Press Secy Beth isgnted Vim Past Presidents Side Total pay for 19 members was mp 10 Bump Gumna VV James mal amateur comp on hold Jewel We in Canada are fortunateto be livmgV in ran against any possible depression nearly $3000 Addressing Pombomm Shanty BayVpmgms comma last week ggpfgeikelflargse Vpresenmgofmgaglce e13in Lsy Cpuntryiwnerethe gteqmg 1M9 9mm rlrrieiiwmviw79599411953 llipepemwllses lug XQJflLiLIYDlblyinflie hospital Chflllllilijoingcrtsare the chief aretWCampbenipmgrmicr it Miappmsendhemsmggngim Virpcmioigmd fmgl can be given in smell manner that it Sionls His Hlngr Iudgg Wiring 0f houses alld Olhtl ggellmrlrrggeghglstg Cal V11 tee Mae Prossr Helen Kell and Hes Jolly Good Follow with really means something Everything is not 55 8311101 g3nef0 Felf522ale$nJg on an excellent one on weanesay Margaret Smrgeon 99 Chem and gen just as wewould wish it Some of us would Welling and in spite of bad wca boys You boys are getting beyond DaVidson and daughter of Bcthcs they 1h like prices to be lower Others would likel Mr Jacob Mahk 0f the Ukraiman SSR gave S0100 was meked restraint committec 0f the in leaving for Toronto where their Sunshine Mission and to have better housing accommodation Manyia Wise parting benediction to meeting of BCl Board appomtcd to consrdei son hada grocery received liand The Christmas meeting and tree lUN in his remark that it had been world the advisability of union of Form some gifts from the neighborhood of the Mission Band was held in WOllld llke Vanous Other Changes to be made talkiemlkie of the public schoolto Form John Freothy died at the home the Sunday SChool room of thc But it should be evident to all that Canada Iof the Collegiate reported VTh of his daughter Mrs James Hal Chumh the aelllmn or Dec is land favored above all others on this Smbh5hmmf Fm was Smp 190 Slaynen dgellSl Six 18 with the presdem Shirley earth No other country has such natural Many persons expressed the Wish thatr the lly intcndcd to furnish free of months short of century Rejver Chall and Sylvia resources No other land has such possibilities gans barn near Stayncr was profession or universrty degree Christmas card sung The r011 vcgnfment availivingjniaihave1wfr9m4the7 rnww wilollowingassuccessfuliatiBairier macleanls furniture craft REPAIRS ALTERATIONS CUSTOMBUILT 21 Worslysmst BARRIE ONT Kell at the lan th chat ood tommclcml cduca Cvllsllal devo warm weather 0f November and early Dec lion gto lllgSC wlio do not desire wmm degtroyed James Dug mm permd was conducmd and of hope for the future ember would continue throughout the winter thought to have been the work of on BUt hOVW many WOUId really ENJOY Christ The Board of Inspectors for stud thieves UFO shipped cayload favgfitgegggfd Ego We lll Canada and on the North American mas wmhout snow cnts at Model Schools reported the armed stock from Oro Station was given silver star and as they ILloydivjngstonMinegingVYmdh put theirstzn on the rtrei Bible vcry valuable Clyde mare He verse WaS repealed by them had to registered Shropshire vram ggry ltelesung Story on The JAnother ram broke through the lgpgeldMThat not Come Was fence and more lightlhat followed rs Jean Saunler Those taking part in the Christmas ne was killed Even Patton Kmgumwmlmguumm of Thornton was attending the ln gram or readlngs and dialogue ma ngzm tcrnational Stock Show in Chicago elected erc Pres Mrs Rowat m7 rest of the world Europe does not seem to Washing machines are rolling off Canadian MOdel mum Alex Flem lor DArcy Gauley Arthur Hallct be making any recoveryfrom the effects of assembly lines at record rate it reached Thos Hayes Ernest Sheldon Ethel the war All Asia is seething with unrest and l000aday clip in September according to Applcbc VMartha Crispin Eons fighting South Ameiicais bubbling With re The Financial Post Production for first Erly Ame Frame Mary Mow lrison Annie Hayes Josephine volt and trouble Even the my heart of the months of this year zoomed 58 wow the Hayes Maggie Kennedy Jean Mar Holy Land is troublcspot with one tribeisame period last year shall MggieMorrison and Mary 5i truggling to push out another Spec held numb Vice res Mljmie canning r0 ers Seer Mrs Wm Sheldon Asst 1C6 lderm But here in Canada wthave on abundance This IS the season of municipal elections $13191 and Comymdle LEFROY Secy Mrs John Ferrier Jr for cud Of fOOd and fuel and clothing for the comfort and thosewhddonot win elections mayfind iaser Eloyd Sigwy Assti ww ran ornor 5H ofVour bodies Arid for the satisfaction of our some consolation to the fact that Thomas Slmcoe County Briefs December 20lPaisley AsstlVlrs Devlos W111 be fClllthHY discharged minds We have freedom and comparative DeWey gathered 21 969625 votes Yet even large 10 35 caughllil Merry Christmas to everyone mm Mm Stewart Mm eace that is unequalled on this earth this stupendous total was not enough to Will 233115 $5 ngelly 11 51 M1 and Mrs Ge Plant left mt EggguibxrsmgboMaggi R151 In our own good fortune let us not forget the office which he sought in 0mm to costnautgsgoog xegllogdspend Wmte months sheldonMrsfFXCorner pay those even in our Own land Who are 1953 for Toronto poultry buyer was said We welcome Mrs Harry Wight $011915 COTi M13 SWWMt Mrs tunate than we There are some who through In spite of large and varied number of to have defrauded farmers near into the village Shewill be stay 55 OEEISOD illness Will not be able to provide the kindldomestic and world political issues in the Humane Of Ialge amount of mg With Mallow cannmg the WM Persian cats are generally money County tax sale was Winter months of Christmas they would Wish for their headlines the Christmas spirit has captured poorly attended This was said to and Mrs Wlfred Stewart denf friends and fomilies And while we support the nations capital Christmas partieS have been due mule the 33 83 various organizations that ore alleviating Christmas shopping and personal greetings iilfhasrrgeuglilrf P3351 tended the 45th wedding Cdebra suffering it would not be amiss at this time have crowded out the usual political discus town CO tionElof andSMrs Will Stewart pause aw of year to take personal interest in expres sion and argument ma on aturday evenmg sing Merry Christmas by means of gift providing for the liccnsing ofto WA Officers Elected hamper bacco sellers the vendors of cigr Thegnominatirons for 1949 officers ars to pay $1 year and the sellers were OPP11 0W 0f handsi Those The annual Christmas 183118 Of The war of cigarettes $15 year Coun Decorate the tree in the corner of the 11v Cry has again been distributed This year roomfhangdhumstletoegilaceuamollythepageslzeisislightlysmherbu ty Council passed regulation that allmmomlnazionoforMv wreath on the door andsingmuuhe glad entire publication is on fine paper and the councmors mm State th tidings Merry Christmas VJ cover effect is appropriate to the occasion rErreicicugtverrin three colors has pictureof MariVand tho Christ child and the articles Edwin Wilson saga 41 Mjorities for James Marv in mofe IO Vespra 16 F105 96 Sunnidale 73Total majority for McCarthyJBiA1number gun Craighurstmtendcdthe fun onder At meetmg 333 eral of Mrs 105 Edwards of 0m who died in her 94th year Campbell reenterlng the lum her business he and Mr Brumby Brecting mill on Con 13 Vespra magh had his lien roost stripped of 23 fowl all readyfor market inane GumsmooMMUNrrv one of the finest community halls in the and produced by the Salvationhrinysppub fuge is mt fr me County of Slmcoa VlishingVVdepmth and noVadVertism County Council Needlpss 0m Townsip is mique municipality It eluded 15 ll the old mans words caused Hear is VentirVely rural and is one of the few town terprise told 31 story about chm $51titaggrlvlioilalele Shlps Without townIts WWII hall in the Canadas position as world power was that part 0f the funny heart of the townm is as fn th ChOII sang the hymn The Cons V85 emphalilw by last weeks report that the crated CrossIll Bear and inillie possessed by any Vcomparable municipality momentary quietwhlch follo And another community venture the Oro Tlul Falhpiszgencrally regardedto be one oftlre post or mailer Fall fairs irijthis part of the mortise Arid lnpassing it play be noted photonsOra Fair has beeniholdcdri Vadsmall boy in tlfgfrofpt seat lt eandwhisrdt 35 foregn met 6ffiesrs Examinations pa fat lcnrucuisl say Pa jwhere dothey keg are to be holdfinVallarecs Itis notedthat iconsscrilel emseyed been womon arc eligible on tiresome basis as men PERm5 RFturlllg and tirexppiiclrtiqnsmust beflledWiththo mung by mmmirm nous Nwthl Simw lbyelecnon for ahnnded 3994s conmxsm V1 fhan January majority results as follow one Hm ofTCana W14b McCarthy Barrie 85 CO 1mm 212 Stay WW basis 09 mm summer is wen used YEW hasa second Home and School on cooperative the 11 to th and f2 Ill organizatmnot the parents eComm ty Arena are proud 91 rarSOhmlsuh anorganization an Wm hmogmdinmm 53110th lyamong an the Am children and ents but AL ear ago when some of the also some unanimity as mug The East CONSERVATORY or MUSIC or TORONTO MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS THEORY Fcbmudy mil and 12th PRACTICAEiKs arranged yglmlms imd lfusmusg Wrisjabput community End Me Sohool Aswdm tgwas tackled with the same on as been made successor the previous row Weeks small com mm the df promoting good rellowship of King as been general ier enlisted mesm gmuerest lrt retinal matters On mmwo nmlatet WWW Mons memvtnumevei Monomer mung JANUARY 1949 ins monotonous 135m5eeslloraum5 site was aeguired ore to lemmdg