$9ng 85th YeatsNo 52 BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1948 Section lchcs to 333 in If 173 VV VV VVVV VV ThoseorMgllovceLtgords utilesus And for generation upon generthon men have immortolizedathemt in the pioushush oftthVchurchspews Wlicr3+rvWJfff7Wf they lineel and pray otChrisfmnsfid in heimperishOBleVVVYuIelide corolsey theysingV Silent NightHoly Nightin the individual good deeds whichiheyr ldojn the namelolvllimjnd the broiherhoodiof mun $0 this time of the year we VIV VV lt ask all our friendsvto lain with us in going to church gaining closer communion with thVeVLordV praying wirhull VourVVheuIVrs and might VV for pVeacequVslrlfe zgfrec world where mansgercrnal spirittisTfree andjoyousbecauseitisdedicated EL tohcnest respectful endegrlngvneigliborliness gt