Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1948, p. 7

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rim et Mt tie itIIIliJfrI wind II retentl will 31 tt vi it III rm it irluliK Minimum Mgr di at twp hi II II IIIIIII II Sam24 Ila fJuin dItLI 573lull3fiiIH 5le 31 mm Denney HM fl tin tx tuutn it NI tn vI lot in gt5 Mrs IS C1 15 in II II III NI II JIM 12i iut wvm rwAM7 FIILIIIIJI bandit bilitml thist mum 2lIIIIII ton Allundale ILitlIIILtI home HM lI ttpliti zias otlui Iil be the church IiIN IIII Ix II Thursday lSitiltl il itt Si on Iltt 22 at pm The maul uKIIsTIt ttw IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII IIII WA out idtkyI ultimo III lt zi IIIIIII II III II is eres ow to am ms on the an litsltstl ut IIII AI IIIlII VIIIIII II di and Mr tiuuit 301 ttltll II IIIIIII IIIII III III II II ttIIJI ittlalnlll is lJvtlzlitibi up on IIItrrs Elected liit mtwl lulup gunj IlfiII 357 Im IWni bllurlt Hydro Pole4 lose all Lt ttt Ilie llltilitlli mutiny the WA tlmi and Detotid Line tttt BMW Ilimltitit ii tiat tn was litlti III Illt thtiitli the SI slquGl SAP Dilltlill if holding ilnli IVWDI Whlluu back ttllili 2i with Mrs Newton is hostess iilll lu UL III FHIJE Hiqu mm Li II VIVIIW It Ilitlllbtl pitstit IIii numtlngl AI MR WWW 35 lllss train Ihlllilf Museum at Vlt Elle mental wattl is sir an hintslllf fl Lot Euchre gtdu Em Iiim mattet birml ill and the tntistn ory IIttilll III Mailman ttltt ttltllltIlI mlmcmvp Emu 313 ollliill iWuUid IIJVK ltwri rant1i Lulu up sight 1pm 4i liltiliuil tiiIiifltl ltHn 11thle Hem WWW itirC Iii 51tllmb DldtIdIitin tendon nuuuuuu til Receipts Iltilti tile not tltf tins total zililiioxm utl tlirntvitlt got the ladies piixe iiiat Il IE ll mi HM lmi 11 very tnIcotirinic and IlttIlltl iI= Illllllotl tuliit bet his iiatl Mrs Richardson got the un MMlIUI Hallo IIISIIZhstd Linn Imam tIrII ports stowed an IIIlxi Re Emmi em 2w insulin Wt II II ht spatt IIII Ititllltt too Ja ugtuuii III rm it MI mi IIIlml WIN jas numb and reinipiitatv and hmllv Amid WINNIE III Ceil ll imfhfd Ill Ianm li io 31 ti itiTlttls for hill totloiri IItsTi lmlllm IF IIlm IPHA IMAM ioizi lIsfllil Jil IHlltt it 515th I4 all IIIiI WT it lV llipii1 tum nirs and tlov ut tunap uttvia II ITtttrs IItetrtl II IIIILHI 3M limdri Ilitiiliilg called uII Il pa lift Ill iIMIIII 1p II ItlIIlIlts II or the WA ot Mitlliuis UIIIIttI tttm lll in punish lnl tlUHIA the Mvkvnd Hde tliurth held lilo pwmbw mp Ittltlil tank tum and lii all good Illsn al iie LIfIIIIII II WI II Iiiiluii maul l9 at Mrs ll lallnins Ilurtonlltt M1 Saturday tIIIIitrIl In hill on IHtlul Writing Eli ili EH lAveniit Ollicers elected for Itlllll W315 Meiting llm ttitIllt ums nvent lo Mn DIM ll Hat Eare Iies Mrs Mason ls Vap liintt MS iittigtin Itai 11 and it Ilealty IilIIIt21IliII II II lor local delwery lllts Mfr Na 3nd van in iigi mi xviaimin Ti taut It Ii nitKnagiit iiia iIkI IlIIgtIl Mrs It Ieacoelt Sity fills theme to tli oag liirtiatl limb iml ITS runny Ittas Mrs Hay Ni World as mu to Hi ma Ladies titi hicken Supper 15 I1II ng mini J$h sitIinaiI Convener Mrs Iiui Rusu tin livhttlillll IutIIt litlituii new TV llmmdl WWI iIH Iultl tiff Itll ii IIVI llltl Isillnt ttimpji tt ii tlt ii liH llhn It Il it 11 VVV Ill mm Hts ttntti iltt tee Mrs Wallwin Mrs Frank ei Illltiil indl yIlw noon lll thr itIltldlnb out3llILIIslrlj com Mrs Stan Walt Mrs Lilcm and IIt tr little Iv1 IUl iIl year were instalied Ims Imk 93 Allow exra Me for Illltl IMIS Peacock The liinmilIv elected Mil ll Walkoui Vice lres Mrs iiiettlnLI to in held at Il St Judes wt oustm IiIttIltI Hauler 5vt Mo tnnntIH Ilertrauis St Judd mat ii yhc p2 l1en Miss Irene Denney Veiyl Whit titans EW HI MILK FRUIT OUS it ti ti it it it AUSTRALIAN III IlItIIAIISLNS no ill ran Jitter 195 BURNS PURE IbI tLABD 3l AN035LENQED II BARKERS CELLO BISCIIITS 12 11 ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGSI CHRISTMAS CRACKEBS IIApmtoy BLADE VBONE OUT SHORT BIB ROAST HOICE or STANDARD cur 2001 TE or BROWN BREAD SOUTH AFRICAN CHOICE 28 THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1948 tf AI EI ANO DEIIVERY Camp vl bye Vitc II Mt outoltown RIIODESIAN TOBACCO THORNTON Jennttt to tliH let=inbet inf lie Itiitli will meet tIUltl lil The 19421 tobacco crop of Soutli dmm Mi itl Iii trii Rhodesia reached lIIt imprintZlplrwl1 WH mt Sunday IIdIImId IIIIIIIIIIII III m3 IIIIHIIIII eltoul ttlltItI which Itlfl held pounds compared with 589 nul rilllclmmuHINT UI Ilihhm itniti Is It lion in 1941 and ll million in Hm II its vll uid lit2 Mrs he incteased production lw Set1 llis Iirol or automaton reflected in the volume of exports llzintine New All in cunt P081 outer um awn II rm mu it 25 Tins Tin BLADE ROAST 53 onioy Christian at from iCRAPES murmurs APPLES trimaran Ernstsmut Finest mama than Brilliance ismlesonsneksrse numerator stBLOIN Mutt ORBONELESIS noun Meat Buys OI The weelt III IbI to Great til IllIll If hitmin tum FLOUR ROSES FLOUR PURITYI CANADIAN CANDY III =3 SMALL MEATY PRONES Drummer Imported Hand Selected No California gt Red Table No Florida Sweet No 176s McIntosh Red Domestic Grade No 1min 1402 Louisiana TENDERLOINJDI nlBEND PURE MAPLE LEAF PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS SILVERBRIGHT SALMON STRAITS WWILETS Britain which have in lcreasttl from It million pun Is in 1946 to 29 million in 334 million in the first nine months expectations trade proveto be correct the ex port figure for the whole of Inlay reach ti million pounds WAmcrmI Nrmrrussiwzmtm 7m MINCENEAT IllIT and of lbI 21 Li PEACHES JELLOO sacrum ti 21 IO 2+3 35 333 33 ROBIN HOOD 2212 BREAKFAST CEREAL LII CHEESE XMAS JELLIES 35 125 48ozI Pkg lb lbs jruiffidugielddea YOUR PRODUCE BUY OF THE WEEK Texas Marsh Doz eedless 288s attracts LLr2i2i LEMONS 45 Doz III silt13 lbs 29st 33 Bahamas HandWSelccted Cello Pascal Crisp Extra large rout Louis gt that term surr 29 Ilb PkIgiI MAPLE LEAF SLICED RINDLESS SIDE Biron 41 CHOICE CISOOES 451 Pkg 33 lb 33 lllt new nold IHtt Committee lis IItltI Mrs llnj Mr Johnston Miss liroolw Little llelpers Secyt Il itlpin IIIIIIIIQUIIIIIIII Sccy All iiiiud Sick Mem IJets lininiitteiz Iis Banting It Mts lamieson lis New Membersominittee Mellondl Mrs Janu eson Livtns Itti Seey Mrs ireenaere lteeti Appointee Mrs lennett We liristtnas WJ Meeting Plan is Hamill Mrs leo The held their lirtstmas mrutiugz at Minxhl tunniue Iiains Thursday evening with over thirty prsttll Roll call re rand many useful gifts also box of candy which was passed around thank you letter was read from Mrs Webster $25 was voted to Sick hildreus Hospital $100 to the omnuuiity llall building tund hrislnias parcel coli tainiuiz tanev work and books was received Him the members of Thornton WI in England After all business had been transacted the meeting was bantch ovvr to Mrs lIIpeers who had cliartte program Christmas carols and Elvanor tiiiiiiiiclitiiii lioake haw reading on the origin of ioxinu Day Miss Jones also have Iiiistinas reatt tilt and Merry hristmas contest ict vtIiz enjoyed Mrs Dogtgctt and hIIVII Jones were the winners The ti asstaut hostesses were Mrs Loti lqidry Mrs VI lennett Mrs lvlaw lg Mrs lVltltau Mrs lltltllilti and Mrs Mtuav Service for Junior Farmers The Newton Robinson Jr Farin ers attended worship in Thornton Illniled Church Sunday evening There was good attendance of 351 Sf It Junior Farmers and large inim it her from Ivy Il Farmers The scripture was read by Allan liorner antl Miss Edythe Gilroy led in prayer The junior farmers took up the olTering and acted as lushers Suitable music was rend ered by the Senior choir under the 212mm ti leadership of Willis Smith Rev Doggett preached very in III spirinc sermon from the story of the sick man who went to Jesus 3t He urged hiSlisteners to guard against reaching out after much individualism and abscntiug themselves from the House of God firesside meeting in the basement It with John Fennell the IPiesident in charge Christmas carols were sung and short speech lvy Club couple of vocal duets by Jack Brothet Jack Hiron and Robert anLDonald McLean ac were enjoyed MissGilroy con ducted 21 short biblical contest which was won by Jack Brethet after which lunch was served by committee in charge iLJE3EBSEZIK 253 rgdmr ow um All Is 15353623 Esi If KEY If my 22 ISoId by Leading Iiutgers Everywhere 9mm co THE BARRIF EXAMINER ONTARIO CANADA Mrs Jannason Mrs iletlltlttt spouse was an exhibit of lioniev matle tlnistnias pifts which iii tluded oil paintings shell worku amdugjwbv Miss LtLlStTi tooV After the regular service there wasI Club rs by Rev Mr Doggett Boake and the President of the companied by Miss Leila Cochrane men 525m UTOPIA held hour titted White Gift during the Sc day ltmi tit ig lgt 51 lieninlet 15 day tiieoiziauing reports were given for the past year After the tIcyo iouai halfhonr the ladies pititook of tllltittll tlltl put on by tliel lintnibeis ItLllllItl IIIII Miss Ilelen Lauder rillju spent few days With her mother Mr and Mrs llarry Slessor and family visited in Orillia on Sunday Mr and Mrs Sanderson and Mn and Mrs logue spent Sun it Slessors Sincere sympathy is extended to Mis Antlls and taniily in the sod lden Itdlll of Mr Annis Mix Ness is busy training the Clllltlltll for the school concert inI the Tozuniunity llall Dec 23 UT it p111 Mr and Mrs IIwart Johnston at tended the funeral of Mrs Johnl stons uncle at Richmond llill on Wednesday Mrs Joe Strachan and Garry have returned Iiotne after three lweelts with her mother antl Louise at Calgary Our sympathy goes out to the Ifamily of hits John Bertram lformer restdent of this community iwho passed away on Sunday Dec 12 in RV Hospital Barrie dl CLOWES =o December l3 Mrs Jory Dalston spent week with her daughter Mrs McLean Mr anti Mrs Chas Andrews and Ross of Orillia were rcccnt visitors at Dickers Mrs llarry Shaw of Hawltestone visited few layslast week with her daughter Mrs Bouncy Death of Mrs John Bertram The sineore sympathy of this community is extended to the fam ily of Mrs John Bertram who passed away in the RV Hospital lBarrie on Dec 12 Mrs Bertram came to this community as bridel lover 50 years ago and always took keen interest in its welfare Give Her Something for the Heme this Christmas IFTS We Carry All GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND RADIOS AND BE EOEESIBADIOS WASHERSG D5 CONNORELECTRICBLANKETSPADS AND VACUUM CLEANERS LAMPS IN ALL STYLLHABLL TRELEGHT BED LAMPS lltlgTABLENDTISOOWOBEES rLanoNSLND LL KETTLES IRONS AND MASTERS SEE OUR CHRTSTMILS DISPLAY CLEARANCE it VERY Low PRICES hillLIN untrue

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