GUTHRIE alums and 1i li lliiiilIlli In ini vth Mi llirl seek Syiitpzitliy tXltILtltll t= ili 12 li I1 llllllillll in the death il Scarf iiinrrl mother vlla district pct fxlitit and 13 iii in llaziii stiitai EduardBr Emilee bunan of 11 of the gi1i=i tlttl command of the aiiailiziti Tiltl titldsiiitt rltNtlilltIll 1IIlgt LElill inteitzi uteri titlil illitlt ll Hit up till the Ulttlt of ail in lllt community that five hld at th Barrie branch to interview tiilutA about ii probiciiis which had ZlilNll ii cozij lictlion lll1 llllltlJlllS and lllSllLlfil litzitiiitiil Veteran of World War aid Worid Win Iilzkc are given tbs peiSonal Fttcr by the Legion ill cooperation lll covertiiiltiil ll partments Vetcifiin may obtain pension and othii iiiiicfits such as hospital treatment ltilll of dig abilities aristii from war llt The Federal gottriiincnl relicvts the local iiiinicipiiitics of tho fiii aticial burden of this ftllti ihlltliliii llltli Will lH gt111 pm Jpn455 my yftliitsliiii lllllit and Christin abov the Legion ltlllVlS llittlllv able infoiiiizitiou about lln vetl cinns needs The Harrie vctciaml 1an in ON greatly appreciated the civicis and assislaiicc of Mr Scarlb iiIdi 11 mil lm lWllill My HMS lllll iron and manganese llliltll by first Sunday lhc it While Uift Servici llitliil White Gill Si ixicc Sunday when grits of food to horn of the cliiiich for thou lillltlllilli These will later bi il to lnc Salvation Army loi distiiln liiitt lliv t111tlllllil Stllliull from lliilcmo 17 11 Thou cItiiit lllt tliirilorc pattiici iiieivc him as iiiysilf llltill of all girls sang tlloriii lfxcclsis 1io vcry sweetly atroommatecaterazccnztzisnarratedgeneralizeizceccezierrcr Here are some special suggestions from our toy department that Will help you with your Christmas shopping MECCANO SETS Here is sturdy English toy that builds into many inter esting models Frontii 3100 to $1275 WAGONS The Radio Spe cial is at real bargain in low priced metal wagon $500 The Radio Flyer has heavy gauge metal body mount ed on large rubber tires Werlich Stake Transport model $1285 Two Buffalo models at $750 and $835 DOLL lltAlllS Large sired prams in grey blue maroon $1295 $1495 SLEIGHS METAL RUNNERS Steering Model $265 and $335 SNOW RUNNERS Steering Model $600 BABY SLEIGH Snow Runners TOBOGGANS 3550 to $700 WHITE SKATES for girls $950 to $1050 DOLLS We have large variety of lovely dolls from $145 to $675 if 96 SUNSHINE PLAYTOYS This sturdy line of wheeled toys provides ideal gifts for girlsand boys MZKEKLCKKWIWKKKZKKIVEKKQECEERKIZCKBLEWKJElWKLQ95 LCVEC 41 itd06 68 CE EQECKW Kiddie Cars 850 Sidewalk bicycles $2950 TRAINS haeseVeodl $1750 $795 Tricycles Trike trailers zuzmmmmzuzmmwzmmezwemmaggregateswemezmmzm Some articles from our fine vseleCIion Of trains to suit every boy 86 Very pocket book 7777 $225 to $575Wrrr Electric American Flyer 316 scale models will provide hours of enjoyment for your lad andhf In addition to these specials we hove full selection of smaller gamesand toWIorgirls and bayLWe invite you todrop in and browse around Asmall deposit will hold any article flirt Special Gifts for Mother Presilaf PressureCookers 51313951io1$2995 Luir Miracle Sponge Mops $398 Pyrex COlOured Refrigeratorrsets $3170 ThOIAutomagic Gladlrons $12950 mic 91 on Special tiiiisiioiratliei PdckctrdTWin DualElectriC Razors $2450 qualitytoolsp Admiral Table Radios $2795 to $3995 jmmhmith Ough Hardware allDunlap st Dial 2556 We are as near to your Romeos your telephone rv mw VINNISFAII NOTES Iiy RILS Jltlllll igtll lit tiioutioiz should 111 at tlllii is lliitl in luthiic lTIIitiii tliiirch ill and ciothiiig Vlll presented at the iv it Mr Shannon ltltfltllttligpy ii 1uncsten is not found alone in tl ltam5tttt272att212122tr9t2t2123t23232112122326121t2 iBerrBIETETBQBIEtBiEIZE Bazaamsizazzazazzaiazammzia2mg 222222213i222i2132m2222embezzamame 20 QEVETEittggt IimansionRaisinmumannnnnnnannaanmmannnnna N1lltlll who the Kill Wright Still lrcated for Injury Silvio litltiil gtiffiiii ill tliit Litlt ll Ziitil no Another liyi Injury ital izlilhl liil ivoiliiiig iii lc bush ieaii tiw iaistoiturie to liliti of NM from an llliltl uciltic ii iii llllrlllt sobtlvl lllllll lo lie rush tl tol picii=t ii lllllri for tieti Selby larr has loiit lirokcn Selby oi il toi 11 had foot9 jaiiiiniii tlllll llllt 353151111 11 loiii fililtl ilir tl lilSl buiii last it lliUltili ll lll bi llttl for 1111 11111 llltlkllrlll 11 il 1111 paring to 111 lir tock llllltl lllllllllrg 11c had inctits ltilflv iciitid the faint lciiiporarv lllnk lvuiiil Well Subscribed coiiiiiiitti lllllllllllkl to make canvas for tho ilrllltl of the north part of ill township to gcl funds to who icnipiiiniy opc11 air iihk have lii ii ciy success ftil iii tliiii ilfoils While all the canvassch how not yit complet ttl ilicll Cttlil iiiiigtl of lllllt ic porting lii lilthltl il satis factory donations The funds not required for the present work will be held in llllgtl for permanent rink fund Vlicii llltlt is mild vca thcr it makes lllt length of how rink can llt tiscil shorlcr It also saves the coal bill considerable Will Ask Iitlle Sprayer The hurcliill licdcration of Agriculture is anvioiii to get the support of cattle and dairy men of the township in their endeavor to have the township sponsor mun icipzil sprayer so that all cattle may be sprayed in the stables for tho warhli fly mcnaicc It is the belief of the Federation that municipally owned machine which can also be used for weed spray inti will be good investment al so that the spraying if done gen erally is likely to be most effec tive Council Meeting Dec 15 The last meeting of the present Council on Dec lillUZlSll1f fairs of the municipality in the hands of the clerk until new council has been elected on Jan Had the earlier election datesbeen adopcd it would have been pos siblc in this issng to have known new council would be The nominations will be held on Monday 27th report of the final council meeting will be left over till next week 1il salt lboi liiLatiij The twink wticconiplttitl THE BARBIE EXAMINER TRUSTEE HARRIS PRESENTS REPORT SCHOOL REPAIRS 11 ii lziiiiil liii pi win him 11 An 1x L1i Ill i=7ilii 107141 llnlltl that 11w 1911 out ltlilflllitll to If tuniclimit black am iili ill tiitli litttlllr arid tili blinds gtliitild ll lililLiii 11 lllllil tiiaii oliliiitiiii Vlflllllr Si lltiiil tldl tllllliltlil ii cd 1ill il in rooms iiid lotiilid tii Itjilllll lll llIl illilll ill The 5pc ll iIl titlltlllli lii iiiioth otlii lliixll iipair The anti thi hm litrll icpziiriii tllllilll illZ on illi tli cliiiiil llfl iiiiii Siiiltiw cement and lUiil and ii ncv girl side o1 ioiifiiicil tiilsloncs and gtfllitl iiiti lltlll lllllttil beside lllt walk to iiiiiiiiiati ril front washing dour on the side wriiit which has itd ioniplrsiiiid about on union tilli We would ltttil llll that the Eiccord playi placid ill tlii School Kon iippiovul he LIll for llthfli li WALLS StlltlUl iIlie couch in the tlllldthlll ciciiic liooin has boon ii covircil and is inow lllr iiiiv lvii mats liati been lsccilictl loi llll lgt1 of iwho had trouble Slillltllllll on llli lcimcnt tloor Work has been coin lplctcd on thi cuplioiiids floors 11lt bcin ltllilllttl and the brick ltvork lll tlill pliltl liti been slrciigtlicned Iiicyclc racks have llttlt installed Ellld the painting of both lavatorics and other woodwork is iiiint coni plcfcd KlNG lIlWAltl Stlll We would recommend that the 1049 board haviglour 111 basins iii stalled in tho hoys lavatory and four in tlic girls lavatory This is very necessary lliINliillAli WORK meeting with Miss Iioiiisc tolley was licld and it was decided to let the Arts iiid rafls class continuc in Vic toria School until the tcriiiinationl if the present form In future we recommend that such classes should he planned with the Voca tional Advisory Committee New desk telephones have been installed in lrincc of Wales anti King Edward schools to replace the old type We recommend new radios forl music appreciation as the present ones are not regarded to bc suit 11310ch recommend that one Do Forcst Croslcy machine be pur chased for cacti ot the following schools Prince of Wales Victoriai and King Edward The committee appreciates 11th kind remarks which have been made for work completed lllllngl the past two months We feel that much more should have been coin plctcd but owing to the lateness oi the year and insufficient funds it has been necessary to rccominetid many repairs to thencw board If the incoming committee would meet with the principals immch itclyaftcr the first of the year firy rangemcnts could be made to have waw church Toronto Hamilton Barrie Aurora were Iiornc Arnold Din ARR1 ONTARIO 95am Munro Installs Son WM of 101 432 At the annual COOKSTOWN Many Thanks meeting of 101 liriastia evening lice ll iiiHag other JI tittits Hfor 1949 Vz uli tari hi lilil It IEg11hll iSpttiir list Secy If Liau Mi foio Fin Sec Kcndtuk lllllJ nlngv Allicp Blair Marshal Wind ill liiiii leitiici il tai it JciJicit 1ij lll icii iiioiig be tony MTHum Ilt til ll Imp llas Ull an Jr11gt iiiil otK tiic lidhlL lt1 that ilt chilled and owned lhr Late David Henry Ross lill lltllljv litW ll iviy iiigiiiy tiiiikslihs Il Zm tlizip Il or one tVtlftl iiiiili lls 511lllc snot 11111 Boazii gighm1tlr Rm hlliflltl lyisptulfl ladilisoi iilpiiiiiiig am on which David Tm phiU mm in mi IrvW and WNW lmlllitltlclrtl by rim Joliii iicy lllo 11 his IL lmd bf itigtlflllfllitili was tililfltltlttlli IIil pioneer grandfather Munch Mum Hm UH hmmrg loinpsitii lid ll Ito5i ltttl 14 li pronin ciiiiiation in ooksv 1h kll 211 and 1th was student 11 M5 1N 11niilloii lillFEIltgtgt olicge lli iil iii iiilciil Consentlite lior yeaisl was an auditor for the Townl ALFRED HARRIS Vwy lt nA The speed of sound decreases with decreasing temperatures In lp of IIssu 11c was an Anglican th lllillllitlgtlll in SI lurch Cookstown where he was honored illll the positions of lriltiirtr and llcctois Warden liii tIlISI 11o ii ZIRHKIrllillilitll Alilllli tolia odec ti am an ion1 of Ward man member of 101 hit lol lltll lmnicdiatc ivltiliies surviving want to aic his Wife ithe forinci Florence vlfillllt lteidi one daughter Illor for their vote and support in reelect log me as Alder man for 1949 lrs Campbell of lllllclti Your interests will ill two sons Douglas and Harry lloxs of ookstovii grand always be my pol icy Johns 415w 7Y 77 FORM ALS WEDDING COWNS LlNGERlE SUITS CUSTOM MADE DESIGNED TO FIT AND PLATTER No Wilson Bldg corhett lEgPost Office Square six tlltltlltli one brother Frank and onc sister NtIlic Ross of Cooks town llis funeral held under Masonic auspices took place on Monday at tirnooii llec from the family residence to St Johns hurch wlicrc lllt StlVltt was conducted ii the Rector Ilcv Rlcvui Atkin son assisted by Rev licwis An impressive sermon was deliver cd by the Rector who used for his tcxt Acts 1124 llltt the the cortcgc proccedcd to the place of cntombiiient in St Johns Cemetery large number of relatives and friends zittcnded thc obsciiuics those coming from Stock Taking Sale Staviicr Slrcctsvillc hurcliill lillord and other places The poll bearers tall Masonic brethren woody Morrison Mc uisli Ramsay and Dut ton Many lovely flowers were re ceived from fraternal organiza lions and individual friends taking easier Pairs Net Curtains regular $395 at $195 10 Sets Cottage Curtains in 6piece sets that sold regularly at $315 now $225 50 Yards curtain Net regular$l15 at 59c Remnants 12 to yards Big value for cushionsetc WINDOW SHADES 36x701 regular $159 at In cream greenrand white Earle Williams wishes to thank the Voters of Ward fortheir support in the recent election Congrat ulations to Mr Pugh and Mr Ayrcs $135 Cut any size Numerous other Odds and ends PHONE 4314 34 BAYFIELD STREET Fice 711 Christmas Cake given away at Kcnwclls Grocery Store Holly Draw to take place December 22nd Have you enter ed your namellnquirc today 51p TRY AN EXAMINER WANT A1 Your Vote an Her Candidalure is nisl VoterslLeague Respectfully Requested For pm inela elcel in the estimates Such arrangements would rectify the mistake of this your when alli work was apparently left to thel end of the year Hockey the Irish national gamcl cricket are derived from polo of hurling and possibly golf and Innisiil vote Attention Inuence Is Mrs Alfred Glionna of the Village Mo 10 The End ofrllie Power atolls Does NOT Mean The End of the Power Shortage AllConsumers muslicontinue their efforts to cut down on electricin While improved water conditions resulting from recent rainfall in the 61 Lefroy er ls49 Innisiil Township council Endorsed by the In ELECTION DAY MONDAY JANUARY 1949 09 out Whether its beau dozen rose right places have enabled The HydroElectric Power Comhiission of mo are still not normal Therefore iris vitally limportanlthat all con sumersindustriol commercial domestic and ruralbegconstqntly on the alert to avoid all unnecessary ose ofneliectricity Yourcokoperotim helped Here are ofewsuggesq ions as to how you can cantinueto help Turn 01 all unnecessarylighls Do not leave lights burning in empty rooms halls basement attic porch and garage VAllhe evening isliidy orireuding hours groupyslhe family around the readinglampondlurn off other lights Reploeelarge light bulbs with smallerflones whereiwaiei is ieciiicuiiy Heated use iii water sparingly TO my friends and the citizens of Barrie for your influence and vote which re elected me as School Trustee for 1949 and will put forth every effort to serve you well and to confirm your confidence in This is an opportunity to obtain bargains for the home for Christmas We are clearing the following at substantial reductions to make stock BARRIE TENT AWNING co BARRIE that it tiful corsoe or hardy plant Fresh Eldwers will brighten any glftoccoslon with color warmth and sentiment We invite you to pay us Visit and lofty show you what abeautiful and inoxpenslye gift fresh owers can be Fendleys Flowers BOULDERFEL GREENHOUSES l4 Blake St whims PHONE 3015 Barrie Walzh the swilchesioiiyour rangepyoiir ironcnd other opplldncosii Turn them off hs quickly as possible Often the Stored heat will nish the jobs Userlligh heat forlos short time as posslbloTorrcoolting or for boiling water Dont let minors on Mblordriven equipment mil needlssly in home or factory In fcetbry store or office dont light row or closler Warhead lights when singlelightnedrby will do Do your partial cut down on electricity and In Hvonorrrcrnic rowsncommmo orroNrMub keep pay