Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1948, p. 21

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THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1948 rvmm QUEBEGTEAM PENALIZED THIS YEAR FOR HAVING ONE PLAYER OVER AGE llu 11111 stir51 bus has struck and the 3en float top to bottom was experienc 11 by QIunettity tliallels one tune leaders of the southern divi non of the Quebec Junior Iiiteiii Hockey Association They had racked up an Impressive record of 13 wins in as many starts to ride eoliilortalil on top of lilxl Then if euine least the last playoff spot The player was nirlltltd 21 Nclil Stlptnill 11le hockey entlre career 11 sport Lig 1111 4y Ilonales in the lead and SI elnthe 111 second plIlCt Tln Association discovered one of their highscoring players using Selves worthy contenders 1111 Li lilisy lull cplmpg and UI1mlltlemorlal 711p Nationales Hi my Hm uni LA Ml lltlll leaders represented cellar That was qtilte blunt to inilm llc train and It is 11st 11 questionl Vrwmzhvw whether the penalty entire early tfltrlllll to allow them to reach at in nu mquvmwnmo DANGERPIELD MOTORS 11111 1101 10011011 rpm MONARCH REFRIGERATlON C0 Now Offer Fuel Oil Contracts with each Toridheet Burner Installation 400 Gal Storage complete $39500 118 DUNLOP ST TEL 2059 DOLLS MAGGIE MUGGINS PLASSIKINS washable LOVUMS PIGTAILS GLORIA WETUMS TOPSY BABY PRECIOUS CUDDLES $450 $550 to $395 $450 $225 $125 $139 $495 GAMES MonOpOly Bunny Rabbit Game 710 yrs Childrens Hour 510 yrs Tiddledy Winks Table Tennis Pokololo Blarney Stones Floor Croquet $200 $139 $193 75 $550 35 $139 75 wrnnounrs 110011510111 30 Elizabeth Street Phone 4055 BARRIE ONTARIO tumm mo YOUVEBEEN WAITING Make yours c1 happyl MODEL 2647 very Sinait AiCDC home with music Enjoy the high quality perform ance of MarconivRadio tops in Cllquality lowinlpric 5tube Receiver ofex captionalquality Built in loop antennas dy liloan 230A ll fivoftiibe Ach no cover n11tslttltullrfi shed walnut or mallow any cabinet $1405 JUNIOR Record Player very fine low urloe model that plays 111 or glllf records $1695 44 Rd rim 3609 The removing of Oliebee from the first lung placed Montreal Nag llya Five teams irli1t11ptlv the Southern dnlsmn 11 Citadels tire going to hate to pull up their sucks to prove them the cur Quebec uman and by in him my 1115 year but 3114 eliminated by Many Borneo natives grow rich from collecting edible birds fltSls um $495 7$400to$4507 nanlio speaker unsung Barrie Bowling lub 91 lilaupwimal Standing 23 21 Barire Tanning iCilfl lean Electric nines Clarke it fluke MeAuley Haulage Post Office Orphans Lakevnv fling Carter Body Canada Brmd Sevenva Barrie Tent RESULTS lliit Swen13p Clarke 22 711$ tuleigt CHE 51 Luke Barrie latininl phans lZlVltS anada Bread 74 McAuley iltllllu lcnI View Dairy Tlos1 Office II 700 lllll Vlst lleliy lalnt larke 700 Moore lltlrrie lanlung ltIJi luis Spams aria Bread 7110 lllGll AVEltAGESVle 1121111 22 Bob Maillon 222 Amby 11ch1 21 Rd Lewis 210 Es lale Group Smith Furniture lllilt ll tan Legion lItXRCAF Smiths Dairy If Oll oniblnes Barrie Tile tiilclts Mens Wear fr RESULTS DEC 13 Smiths furniture Smiths Dairy an Legion lilxIttAl TOR om blues liicks lllilt lairic Tile Webb3rly lll SCSCUIJJLC 21 111 111 17 11 0110 311111 ItCAl 037 Pile lllllff 630 =West COR Combines Ill Hedger hicks tifll flurdetfe Smiths 022 Dusome ll Smiths 755 111011 AVIR1ESA 2119 ll llliideite 3115 202 Don Russell 104 Dusome lladden Group It 21 13 10 if 13 151 45 151 14 41 Barrie Tanning Barrie Examiner Perry Electric Massey Harris C11 19 Spnreboys ll 14 13 Ball Planing ll 15 11 Golieens Ill 17 411 RCAI 16 I7 39 Morrison Motors 13 18 13 Shell Oil 11 22 25 Call Legion 26 15 TUESDAY RESULTS Barrie Examiner Spareboys Barrie Tanning Goheens Ball Plan ing RCAF Morrison Motors Massey Harris Perry Electric CanLegion CGE Shell Oil 700 CLUB Geo LeGear 74d LMcCluskeyf23w WWW HIGH AVERAGES Bob Gray 217 Woodward 216 McFad den 215 Fraser 212 It is fortunate for the rest of the teams in the Barrie Bowling Club that Barrie Tanning do not have an entry in group as they have now finished up as series winners lin all the divisions in which they lure represented After Vic LeGear piloted his Monday night team to first place in Group his brother George leI 748 led the Tuesday night e11 try to seven point win over Go licens This game put the Tan ners in first place and Gohcens lwlio were only two points out of first at the start out of the play offs This was tough ending for Angus Gohcen the groups most enthusiastic sponsor who had been keeping his team of youngsters in or near first place all during the series right up to the last few weeks Angus was high man on his team again this week but he did not get much support from his team who failed him when the pressure was on Barrie Examin ii Ii V111 phrase vetube fronsfdmle typo Deceiver High ef ficiency antenna Beaute ful tone quality Outstand 11111 value in mute not ceiver $5400 tzur THE BARRIE lIliiiltflifllfil ONTARIO CANADA tingli lie 111 5U 1318i we tlurl fairly Jir Itil l1 album From Politics 111 114155 Ad Il lllflttl it gull larkeld larke Latgun 301 are L111 El 23 liltili Stllltlib High Single ii ll=1n1ltl 1511 971 fuel nute ladies 11 tili 111 igukta VI 2111 uxtiib If lltIIill tlit 11 with pl lilliolel ale ll1liilllilllll ml 131 otirul Iiilp 112ml capltillr law 111 enthuse11 afo as lltlll fltiti 111fliilr lion jirl equalled 1h loi group lIId bullilllld oligialiwi latioilt luwday xzriltils keep 113 and will to 111211 1111 lintl 11 iiiI sniff2 titllluiJTdJllll tiTll7IllTllA22lUAll JlflSI lUlflLliltiT llllA221ItiI loln rillto ltll fillw lltflflhn 114 llili the ill 30 2112 itlliit 3110 Lamina hill 111111 151 liphm Il ill llili Harrie Tanning in Series Bari 11 Training tool fl po1II from llphans on Monday Illlll will the first Hlltf two llllllll ahead of ao fen lIIItlllt 1le lane Moore with 70 and Jack ln With 01th Were the boys le yvtle l$ltill$rilll for the livepoint win which the Tunnels had it have Orphans howled very well film with 11010 tripli lhey gave Bar rie Tanning plenlv to worry about especially 21gt they took the lift game 1ll1 1112 761 took five points to put themselves 11 the playoffs and put tlarke larke out Malt litiii and lord Blown c1l high will tillil and 1170 Vic lerry was 1111111 for 111kes vllll Toll and lack 111 kett had fifth All the fili liottlers were ovcl lltlll tllll itivetl and llarlh fol larkes Iveie down around the Still mark which more than made up for the ill pin difference be tween the two teams lllxles eked out of tussle with Canada llrcad with four pornts to catch the third playoff position Charlie llurtibcse and Stew llar ris were the best for Dixle with 570 and 5711 Chris Spanls had 7110 for Canada llread Lakeview Dairy seemed to hate caught onto the idea of winning points taking another seven points the victims this time btlllf Post Office llarry Glenn was the best for the dairy boys with 1570 while Geo Seadoi tried to uphold the postlcs with 507 opaeo Bowling 1541 12 Ill 31 ill 17 it ill all 13 21 31 spoiltIs ll 23 SttllllIS LAST llrilili Mens lllttll Singlv llrcy lhmnpson llllf liliiliTllltt lue lllausollel 7151 ill11s lligh Single Ann Miller 7117 High llilce lli leiiy fill SLOlllIS DATIC Mens lligh Single ltlcy llioillpson 321 High lllree loe Beatlsollel 7111 High Average Jim Smith 103 Ladies 1112111 Sillliil llayel Allen 241 lllllil Three Hazel Allen 11411 High Av erage filml Allen 130 IIt Police Are Seeking Heirs To Estate Robt Chds Martin Sgt 11 ll Peel of the Barrie pro vinclul police detachment has re ecived letter asking information about relatives of Robert Charles itlartin The letter illltilt Is Shipper llrlklSioInrs Ifilllilllllllif liulntltvi was forwarded from the Western Trust Company at Saskatoon in an effort to locate heirs to the estate of Mr Martin who died recently According to their information Robert Charles Slnlths llurniture took five froin mum had old friends he had E3811115llilgiliilcl9glam3 lived in the Barrie district of Slin vcoe Count 110 had one to Sas ahead of liltlC and an Leglo11lumihewnnabout eighilymrs ago Dusome and llarry Burdette were good for the Smiths of the Anytmc hdVlllg any lllfOImallOll Furniture Store vithlliantrtiisz They started off with terrific 1225 game Dusome being high left here for Western Canada about Legion boys bowling pretty good team but all five players bowled won five from Chicks They roll 251 and 221 respectively Although the advance sale ofI lug the league executive still hopel V0 minded bowlers in the league whol make this cvem SUCCOSS ionly goodthassis lubricant like equallzes his chances of winningstick40the iob lubricant that wont and several other fowl will beEMARFAK 40130 chassis lubrica prizes are Gimme to Wm in mg stemtostein to catch little troubles eight years ago should contact the wuh 377 llarv liarette had lastlme mm Barrio as they took five from 13X There were no outstanding stars on the around the 5711 mark Sparked by West with $311 3011 Ctllllbllltf$ ed second game seoreot lltllf West and Reeve were 1111111 Wliilt Turkey ltoll tickets for the big Turkey ltolli next week was not too encouragl that there will be enough sports1 will turn out at the alleys next iIT may not be old age at allthose Monday or lucsday night and rumbles and mules may requm Every bowler is given handiw cap according to his average which regardless of whether his averagesqueezeoutAlwaysappliedbychart is good or bad Also one turkeyneverbychanceWiheveryTExAco given away by lucky draw and only those who have not won other lilo 10b we mspe your car mm draw before they grow Drive in today All were givenl team captains tickets to be sold during the pastl lweek few captains returned all their tickets without making any sales In some cases it appearnll that the caiitalli found 7T weluldl have been too much bother and so shoved the responsibility back out the executive whichis getting beti tor acquainted With some of these follows and their lack of coopera tive spirit There may be somei bowlers who did not buy articket because they will be working on Monday and Tuesday evenings Ifi theycan get to thealleys by 10l pm Monday and possibly on Tuesday they will be assuredof a1 chance to compete Bowlers may roll their games any time on lelther Monday or Tuesday between at Harold Hill DISTRIBUTOR ChryslerPlymouth Cars BARRIE Approved Service 101001111701 memoir of the Ontario l1t1liiltfft Nicki 11 flu1 Itill lfatl Rayner 13 Jean aboutRoch Charles Martin VhIT Cream StyleiCoTniZO rozi210 K9180 Robercs Says can improve on the system ad He stated he had iifmm good Liralwh and XVCZ zuittmuy that if the demand for to Punting out that the propernytlvitrlcal LNer does not increase 13IXpttlrdiy dunng 1019 and if to Hydro trout tlm lin loiripgiied lite the Canadian iiiinlclpalitlis Lee Mi Row 1liu sy Notional ft Lil fii llllli 111 in incon eutoa by elmhex from fill p4 euver on IIIx1 year HLIGHT her Christmas Tree WITH CREXTIONS av llElENA RUBINSIIIN Illfiilrfitc heir Illilliltili purged 1le livlwz lflvlnlli it1xl men rain to 11 ktllltiili1 Spaizlna 111m Erogi $lL twtii ljspelmnte shown tint lttr people of Ontario iltlt Io put up Willi llitllillli1gt maki great sacrices ioi lflr pond Ill llit lilrlmfl ylf ilblieil K1111 referring to public Zilltllltlt 10 Jill tilisofll tllll Itsltitillili This guilt public utll iw 11 ltipiee gtlil11ll be tiltlttl 1112m polllzcs the Iorinti llillil Iron SI iltllltil riding conllnom lllleie ale fltlifll difficulties In llll ltauiing such 111 out hall liiliiyi Used Cars Graves 81 Allen All Cars equipped with heaters and Antifirccze Appealing lieuvcnSInt 1946 FONT SEb llooil Set eatenHen liohulliedliuly irlmltl IIlIl 1040 MERC Slut 1940 FORD COA 1946 PONT PAS 1041 FORD COA 1941 PONT COA 1941 CIlEV 70A 1940 DODGE SE1 1940 STUDE COA with radio 1939 PLYM COA 1937 DODGE SE1 1946 CHEV ill Ton Panel Truck Most of these cars stored in heated garage PHONE 3533 14 Clapperton St rural illlllitllil Cologne cluitc 11111111111 Apple illituolll lilllllgHC Hllllllll Illll oiIllarilylut and 11151 rsrdly iwlovml llJ l3 livimubellt tliltltui lilivlll navel Loo 130 loonl Charming lhusulllf7 lpplt lilnwtutl fining hill Ipl1iii1holll tidy Pllhtitf Fri KNIGHTS DRUG STORE Next to Roxy Building itYOUBTHBISTMASTUBKE Jiglustflie Way You Wat It N0W iTliXACO MARFAK It is ought LGrocernes eat Features Grade Large Eggs Doz 59c Pfiine 1111 Roll 11 50c Blended Juice 48 oz Rodnd Rump Sirloin lb 650 Pineapple Cuts 20 07 37c Boneless Pineame Crushed 20 oz 370 Shtirt rub Roast lb 530 Tangerine Marmalade 32 Blade Roast lb 45c 33c Sunmafd Muscat Raisinsls Ruiled Brsket Lamb Legs lb 650 02 250 Sunmaid Puffed Raisinsrlsoz 251 Guggng Fruit 85 Vegetables COFFEE TokayGrapes 21h25c 201111qu Eh Crifsp Celery large heads 150 FOT You Ontario No Potatoes 75 1b scanvemewe hag $139 Gibsons Face Tisu 19c Large Candy Canes 12c Fluffo Shortening lb 420 Ogilvie Hotro ix 1402 29c CAI Varietys Cigarettes Flat 350s Cigars lb tinsTobacco Ease Your OIIerniglit with 7010011 AllVegetable Are you folffeodi Feel weary tired and headachy Then try good it thorough Thdusecleaning withithisf EToliableAFLLVVEGETABLE Laxative Natures Remedy made from Toots 1nndhaTbS4nothingelso You justtake handcr glasses waterfall night wtrenneeded and the morning youhave Welcome relief from your constipation Thouaands of tanners Fswearby NR MAILVegetable Laxative for they know its mighty hard to beat for relieving iiconstipation and helping you feel bright Sand again Ask your drug store for NReNaturesRemedyetablts Orily um ALLANDALE ONT 25 Cents 10 25 tablets Add lndlgoson Heartburn tool laxative jNew Crop NavEI 0ranges288 51011 ave N02 Mac Apples qt 690 RESH gen hate normal rainfall italiILLEI 39c Planters SCIlied Cashews 021381 Plbrrtrs Scdted CCIShGWSA Oz hChOcOlmOioCOdtd PCdjj nuts Planters ChOcolOILe Cooted AL amounts grlanters PeanuthIrIdY 141310113291 Planters PeanuwthutterAIb 37c PlantersPednufButter 1b 47C Cockfoilhanui 91 llflmll Double roasted 91v extra pop Alwoya crisp crunchva FRESH Cranberries c9115 enonoccren 3t

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