PAGE TWO THE WW Wm RARRIE EXAMINER MEMBER 01 Class Warkhcs of Canada Audit 23 of Cnculations Newspapers Association isnai rail in Putindud Thursday Morning by THE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD MaeLAREN PRESlDEut nu IINLGHIG Emmi Year WALLS $5 on year VCEPRESIDENY AND EJSlidESS IANASER vi Eat BARRIII IS GROWING When 11 Robertson iclftiltttl to the raw payers on the expansion program of the liltillsil by wild lhllliilliimi but trworks department for 1040 he gave another 01 fr13 kltrlllll Ills EM indication of the continued growth of Barrie ill ll Witt During the past year the Public Utilities Li FIXZIJWJ lftfl IiH ornmlssion has had drilled and put into up mhfs illf ITSMV 5hf elation new well which has capacity oi 23lllfll ill million galltfins of water daily This will in ljljml lillt Park has been treinciiiloi aimmm ltVLUW immmmw Ix ht Town of Bum tiim llicditaiiiezit Hovcver in spite of all this extra water NW up My MAFUUM 01 more mu remains mp pmbmn wwmmg mach llttttlll supporter and any coniprorrzise hmnmm pressure for my new mm could not but result in lissatislyLiig gttill the Town On the higher levels orland scores ler mmm Wm of houses are being built and this growth makes it imperative to provide stronger writ ENSE llx1 RIVERS ci cssure in these areas The extra water prelim is necessary not my UH iiit proposal of the lown flilllillxllilllt domestic needs but also ll provide adeiiuatc WW IKVHllls llllslllltlllllgt lire prOtection llairicis necessary step Ell tlu rigiit urrec In his report Commissioner Robertson in itll dicated that the distribution system yiiuid 1r lilIllillldllili Willipllltillil revamped and plans WP mum mu railroad engineer or his mutt rrsmircr build another 500000 gallon reservoir It was 11 it Ill lfplllls estimated that the progrilrri ot expansion We dilltliv HM would cost approximately 3200000 lhe ub lie Utilities Commissioner indicated that the waterworks division of the Plltlwtiriltl be able to finance thisprogram and retire the bentures without asking the taxpayers for hm giggllngggyygllzclriifllrlslbrilltlll lliiildrrlihlhli IIowcvor in addition to the driving habits the waterworks deparme nme $5000 01 men employed tobaridle taxis the tllllllll 01 its 31mm surplus mi Town uanblpjlois also had in mind other ideas One for general purposes Presumably this amount will be required to assist in retiring the debentures to be issued to finance tthHUl b0 Xlltlilll WV 9000 SCIVKI 11 cost of revamping the distribution system Snmmed up tum planned expmdmlw Orithc next morning Anotllti touncilloi so in the provincial budget IIILZl tit2 sixeaiiio aiLd in the would also tlllllltld zziilojcis green light to riiirnhtr iiioLis daunting the 1s the stizkivtii follow suit side in the iskit iZl Ltlilr ills 1rgtt tricate llltllltil from vlllt ttitiltl tili IN ii ill depend is ists taxicab is readily identified but there are some people wlio do not class all drivers lie Igested there should be control to permit the xiv tiiiinii snow was raised Slivirllls Bonds in this Wily us iiltnsliml WWImd and it $200000 by the watelWfllkS lobarfillet lszlll from anvil bergong mll Iloldcli statczl that 73 of necessary part of their savingsiluguiyof even better results In other indication of the steady expansion of in 115 llc charity cases treated in programs in addition to wliatcvcrlhk ll19 nected with illegal liquor sales It is lllfllllfl of regret that the members of the Town Council have found it necessary the Town of Barrio MARGIN AND PROFIT George Hougham stressed the difference between gross margin and net profit in memorandum submitted by the Canadian Retail Federation tolthe Royal Commission on Prices Mr Hougham who is general maria er of the Canadian Retail Federation Commission This EDITORIAL NOTES frequently confused with retaiicrs profit Figures tabulated by group of department IVIllIllCILfllLlllllOlIllts Ill Oirllia bt ltlt in Stores in different cities in Canada for 1947 ilctting the ratepayers lldVCllllllllllOllllilllOll indicated that the cost of the merchandise regard to the town busmess llmgmg Om was 6712 cents of each sales douar The gross the December 2nd issue of the Packet and margin was 3212 cents or approximately 50 Times in which appeared Imin linancuil percent However the Operating Hexpenses statement for tenmonth pll10l$57828 took more than 25 cents and this left less 9110119 $21m8 OI mmm WIUI than seven cents of each sales dollar for mu mm elpendflms profit Federal taxs then consumed more than half the profit and the net profit or Canada today is one of the leaders in cer the shareholders was 310 cents on each sales tain branches of toy manufacture says the dollar Hanover Post In Toronto it has the largest The operating eXpense as listed by these doll manufacturing plant in the British Ein department stores for 1947 was administra tive 520 occupancy 433 publicity 344 buy ingand merchandising 269 selling and de to take such action But it would never have been necessary had the taxi ab drivers them selves taken steps to organize and discipline their own members as has been done in other trades and professions manufacturing plastic toys It has taken long lead in the development of combin izds ll public tunds but itsiv litepltiiltuiciih ilgt= iii added responsibility on taxicab drivers bch cause they set an example for other molor of these vehicles as careful and efficient Illlil lpressed the opinion that man who tlid at full days work in an industrial plant could itried to drive taxi until two or three oclock pireNearby is one of the largest factories ll 25 Years g0 ll Hill lXllll linclnbrl l5 1323 Little Loaf Nuns lln Saylrs livid liaiiit Ki Ll ll Lt Mandarin and Iom l2 and why H131 llri ici ll iii ilgtliiiui vi illiaail litlgr of In iii illirk tut tii Ill llllll ii iiiilil ill Arigin lJlr tn ltl hov hilll illlllliln lllll manila or ii lo Sfllflzll indemni liimit cunt gt21 tifftwill la and all tliy lIlIlx tin and Baltic kg ill tltllitiliii Imprint Slit lliii ll til 2mle Lll illi ll rltylfllllr iii lilli 1leng from MolilllJ Laur Minimu nm Siiiuliy lil tuiiil cluliti tNll IlIiIlllill it tract to lift of cal iilt fixiniii yili liil ii Iiiin ol St iiii iit sari in fli and Mr Albert gt in living III ltllllll Iv llziiiu liilil utility Ilricls iii of and putrit clriisin to rip Il IlriElLi Ill tho Io lulllllt ll municipal lillillr at iEllwl by icclatrratinii lliimigii Lll laud uxii til zt llll gtillr II liriiii Illtl iltri iliuiiln It It llllll5 it Minute Illuntil il ll liiloii trained llll lridi ii oi mun lliil public rhool for cantata iiliizi Eual costiy ll on on the necessi ti nit llitlllll iv ltltlll it safe iwllllilllll Mrs liiluy lll on an walk and the town council iii sclainiiiii responsibility she luwught action in the lounty ourl and Judge Vniice gave lidgnicnt fiiiit Ilu llill for $3300 to lllll Ill Appeal ourt added the An open meeting calch Itii lraipvalc to organize build lt iniiiycisaiy oi liilliii Metho fllf lllliiAllllll hospital drilled in from Midland lcrrcli sers rsocli and Board of IIduca Elioti llltil to induce the town couri outszdu plzrcc ll to zccstablrsh the curfew bill llliiltlt little headway Ihc 311i vicrold sun of Irmd Mrs Eti unrrl lhcclcr ollingwootl lel liiito tub of scalding writer susJ lilflll very painful scalds and iii liiirics llLLllil he recovered llhlic vas light docket at the lleccrnlrer Division ourt and only tuu nu JLLILLl1tEJIIL by ude lisurci Ilic ro Station Beef Itrngt Associi and their wives tcri 1do ed sumptuous fowl and meal suppcr to Mr and Mrs Geo Craw told on the 21st anniversary of the Assocn oi which Mr Crawford had bcen president continuously Sullivan was elected Mayor of lSlayiicr unopposed At meet ingr at Cuiidles Ilori DIIII outlined UFO policy advising more generosity less selishness and all farmers to join regardless of what their politics might be CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES ation of plastics and mechanicals lead which is now being followed by manufac turers in the United States livery 887 miscellaneous 117 total 2569 This meant that for every dollar the custom er paid for an article bought at department store last year almost 26 cents wasto com pensate the retailer for the services he was providing Speaking of retail stores in general Mr Hougham said They do not confine their activities to buying for the consumer but act as distributing agents for the producer and the manufacturer Concluding his memorandum Mr Houg hermitreferred to the direct relationship be tween cohmer prices and the increased scope of soctal services which are factor of our modern economy He added that whilesan exhaustive study had not been made itgwas indicated that Dominion Provin cial and Municipal taxesrequired not less than 11 percent of the sales dollar When customerstalk about storekeepers marking up their goods for margin of 50 percent and describe this as 50 percent pro fit they are not takinginto consideration the cost of the service the rEtailer provides ogt LABOR AND SASKATCHEWAN GQVT Political circles of thenatlonal capital have shown keen interest in the labor difficulties the government of Saskatchewan has succeeded in manoeuvering itself into As was bound to happen sooner or later the 0th socialist government of Canada having be comeanemployer hashan to deal With the rnumeroushpmbtems of Ian remplbyrLBeing government however litshad to either Stand up to the principles it advocated orieISealter mbftld admiithlatcmpmyers in private emprlsefieot such fcxploiters it our aftetiall impugn Shameless courting of Labor in the last towyears triggersreamed the fav Streetsville council last week demanded that the engineering firm in charge of in stalling sewers in the village present detail ed written report on the work they had done Council felt that iintil the engineer had presented such report to the satisfaction of the council monies totalling over $15000 should not be paid Certainly very fair and reasonable position to take Peorile havoc perfect right toknow what municipality gets for its money The voting at number of Ontario Mimi cipalities last week on proposed expenditures for hospitals evidenced finespirit of ap proval existing to aid these institutions For example the city of Peterboro by atwo thirds majority voted to spendv$1500000 to complete new hospital and build anurses residence number of other cities and towns heartily approved of very generous sums fully realizing the urgent need of maintain ing these institutions at high state of effic iency If had listened to the advice ofmy fath er and mother insteadof thinking knew it all wouldnt be in this predicament to day said 19yearold city youthwho vvas sentenced to twliyears in Kingston peniten tiary for armed robbery and posseSsing an offensive weapon Hillel pleaded guilty to attempting to rob Eric Swan neWs com of knife In ecurt he admitted icbmmiuing the offencefor thrill His admission that he would not have gbne wrong had be taken the advice of his parentsshou1d be heeded planning Industrial Visitors Al the request of the Chambers industrial committee Turn hull of the Department of Plans ning and Development and Col Machie of the Ontario Research Foundation recently visited Barrie on an industrial survey Follow ing luncheon meeting the visi tors were cscortsd on thorough tour of the town and surrounding district and made careful inspec tion of sites available for new in dtistries In addition to the visit com prehensive uptodalerr reporton local facilities was prepared by the Chamber for use by these two de partments when handling industrial enquiries for new plant sites Copies of the new aerial views Barrie were included in the refer ence material supplied JfE Tim Turnbull loe Trade and Industry Branch of the De partment of Planning and Develop ment is the liaison ofalmetweei the department munieipalities ant industry lookirg for branch plan sites within the province oNov headed by the Hon Arthur welsh this department works in close co operation with Ontario House ii London England in handling British industrial enquiries VDe tails on the various Ontario com munities are compiled during thesr visits by the departments fielt servicemen and augmentedub statistics supplied by local Cham berS of Commerce The Ontario Researclil Foundat tion represented by Col MacRae is selfgoverning Scientific lor ganizption which is rendering re search and technological service on nonprofitsseeking basis for the industrialcommunities in 1hr province Closely and development thi foundation is Staffed by exper ienced specialists able as consultants to ironiout 11858 TEE BARRIE EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADA mectalpeocess which aligned will who are abettilu THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1948 wwAw 50 IHQWWWW LETTERS ll ears Ago anlrou ha iiir mains ADVANCE INJIAKKABIJS MESS STOBY llrttjmlkr 1598 To the Editor Barn Local holes lIii Haiti llaariirirci Municipal ownership full esl itabiuhd lll llallil when the Elm gic liill Ci sold their plant In llzc Tim In Szlolll 12 below Igwrirlu ill lkr V3 Ilul slulllll lll Iiirrislil hail ii EliH it grislihgsi 3Zilknllll if iiltlwtl iii inn 11 of Canada Savings Ilii Iri ii llu bull iiiclilrli AtlililLnHA maroon tinployiis wllu slimlitmus PM 81mm wr iri lin lilull baring $4 The suititl to in lLllrl siittsiiii Cur iiia 11 it iihilc tut IMHMU il ii rt HUI lineman in Ohms Hgur laud lltftfllllvl llK 41Lirl4s Lilian lsi lig ol the local Branch of the ltlli 11 It ivi lLIfflililltdAblf Rum hm tltslilldllull wk away gmi VJu litr IIiI inrilmuli Monday 1iv in in yr Ii slh ii rruml bunk mm hair Iiium intuts haw lllrllrtl tlic AM Nu Wm WM Fm 5LTy Unuuugnmgvom ouctsnou lelll expressed during the peat ii tgtirl it its iii til fil lid Muml lt gtilt ll lllllllull In rnlllllitlt llilll in 31 iotilt iiiiiiitily of Iliiiiw one lu inch young ladies now nuts int slimllpos patients in the small ll llll Pllllll til it limit UX lulmmwrs Mriiirl lllis full2 Janie Mirlloy Itizud chi Kt arns Misa Mlltlnd ll vuhhibbald ui Iliurilalc llosprtol Tu ril ItllhIilo7 ml 895l1t11 Dim Sull1lStrouil hall 1H tinminis and vislf land Scotch ltllllllitlll fell tors at its inirufil unctrrig of Iaidgc rt ilzncsrhg Ill llotlllsll lld lulilill Iilll lilllll Sanity mill icliii 11 ill Ill iiii lllllllll llil zllllil llLl lllllturild 01 and din ipcd fort and Wilr Irngt iiu John lrrrk ltIvsa Li cit lilir1 in him Nit up Burp 10 1mm badly bruised but no bones brok mg condition CHIS11 Ali 11 31 gt gt mi ciuiit high as of total Ill mm ml Mm Tim Lad tr In aid Ilf braktmau tip in lllHt gt It ill lllllllllelllll Hm lrlnlitlllllllly inglnr ill tirrriiiada itii in other countries with somw rial tonal can pri Illl lIl Tilirrvsitiu 11m plc at Dalston think they an irol as will iepicscirlitl ir Vespra and lio oirircih as tlrcx should he Allziritlalt planned to all yalluinl huiu5 $1 hm lzolil rob web social in old Mttii Mfm standstill quickly and sciirii ni odll church in aid of Sick hildgt 113 llililiil savingw already tight brakeuliwl gate ircii Ilia il lien 11 ic it it tremendous luist rind his wet In Little hi it rtlm front iIlios lltlliltl John Little 41 lhd HIIMHW this war has been lilmes slipped from their hold and Innisil oiiill ttampbill and alter Iiellc ic Ilvlillll better running both cru Mr Ilcard 1111 like shot to ilicHlllH lwk Iitiiiiiid iron Midland Diyisioil In ii llll where they had worked llll Hg lzir lll sri iak Wt er in on it lllllllnlu mg gm mm 0131 ll th llllld lik all ll was tllltlllil sonic lir things such liii sslui activity particulridy unil illl is national in scope which hisl 0mm Shliunml Hum mbgl anricd Irlchards Shredded Wheat tj lilklllltl rllplfhl Biscuits Flaked llarlcy Iackagcil lliolh individual and clilltctiyt mm MW m5 fur 11 0n imlmwwmn nw upnwhmm lgal flul liritiicy and Illlt Most to from all sides is lllllt definitely NHml Ilnws the mm that anuda Sayings Bonds and thcl Mfm immy nets illHvlll Savings Plan liayc lnovcd mmmhw hmu PM hunlsulvkk and Hal by pm la matched team of rlrivers lll wrmmm in ml n0 S200 Ilavul IllIll tilvAIlISlUlld slump Mr win my mxwp was badly hurt at tho llSIlnCt of Kent results in the sale of Canada SlnIlm Ml0 Savings Iloiids have bccn aciricvvd he mums his holl iicn among employees of cornpan llmgwlml IUD View ics which liavc flourishng sxivirigsiIOh WNW PITSKlml lilaris of their own including corllnrym VIC Ill New lirbutory pension plans and stock purchase arrangcnientsi llllhll FilVlllflS 01 tits mp SPARES ON in ND ing lMlli Internal and external tll Illlllir Illt Janie Mc rBRIGHTER Ii idc Iissa was rt moving to Bar rubric rio when all triciids prcsciitcd to him large arm chair and to Mrs McBride rocking chair and sil tl fruit dish David Ciuricioii one of the victims of lllpllllltllil iii llflwlltsltillt died of that disease Mi larrton and vilson Suc ttlltt in drivmg pipes for arrestl an wells for Messrs Hall Marley and Stone of Fergusonvulc Mr Peter illl agent at Craigyalc has llock of chickens hatched by this ycars pullct LO No 231 James inclubtsoni mi riuonmuu investments Hf The explanation must be that 11 WV Wyn 1m lmed that pay am sure that the COIIlIIlULd Savings mm mm WMkxvland increasing success of Canada 11 mm DUNN of jump Savings Bonds is source of satis Yours very truly infamy of the numerous TOWERS 1mm in industry Governor of Batik of Canada lrarnbcr of Commerce represen Otlilm Um 1948 ltatives at this meeting and who illpllllttl the information sought bygltUBL LLAIIQNS HIN tlie visitors included Iresidciil hilOWh MM 5M Nlun Icd Iwiss Leishman SCHOOLS ananATlON Griffin and Bert Ilill secretaryF0 llll Editor manager In addition the visitorsflhc Barrie Examiner had an opportunity of mectirrghDcar Sirffhc CaiiadiziiiEduciition number of the local business undeSSOCiation recently issued professionul people of Barrie tluerort on Canadas schools and teach problems 15 llmlfsmliV cisfiinstul iiptimmmae gm AM For Fire Szrfcliristmls vey of businessmen prtpessjnnzrl manual prepared by the Fed men school trustees teacliers ration of Mutual Fire Insuranceteachcrsintraining and students Companies Chicago offers gtodrnzrlyvirig the results of the sur adviCc regarding Christmas trees lvey the Association reached the It suggests that you place your following startling conclusion Jnce in itsubstantial base which It is unreasonable to suppose arnrot casin tip ovor and further that more than minority of Cali securcd by attaching invisible guy ndian children are receiving or wires to walls or ceilings can ltCfLVE suitable education tin To reduce the inflammabilily of dcr Luisting conditions Teaching lre tree it should bc kept in alas agiofessiori is relatively unal leep pan of water while in the tractch as lifes work It is not house competing onequal terms yvith the The tree should be set well away other professions Positive action from stoves radiators and other on the part of the Canadian public sources of heat and trimmed so is imperative if the schools are to that light bulbs are free from confunction effectively tact with the needles Be sure It follows that such positive ac tliat light cords are in good con lion must be Precededby 11 mObil dition as short circuitcan start izationoprublic opinion the tree burning We emphasize the fact that our Never use candle lights or cot RR Department is twoway me ton decorations on your Christmas dium Whenever you require in tree When you smoke stay away formation relating to teacher at from the tree Loose gift wrap fairs we are at your service If mgs should be disposed of you feel that secondary school promptly not left littering the teachers point of view on any cdu base cational issue should be stated we will be ready with statement Thefundamental aim of this Federation is to make teaching profession that will attract the best possible men and women to the task of educating our children We Disposal of your tree is import rnt too Never burn it in the fire lace The manual recommends hopping it into shiall pieces and mining them outdoors New Member Prezmr Price 25 lVaJlIe Taxes Orrer You Pay PLUS DEPOSIT 523 Bottle Carton welcome to Mm Edgar believe that this aim will recom tourist proprietor at 104 Burton mend itself to you and your news Authorized bottler of CocaCola under contract with cocaCola Ltd Ava paper as to every public spirited PRIME MINISTER WILL BROADCAST DEC 16 Rt Hon Louis St Laurent Leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Ministercf Canada will iroadcast to the nation on The Jiberal Party and Social Security in Thursday evening December on CBC TransCanada etwork memberot the comrnurifly Yours sincerely sng SCOLLINS Public Relations Counsel PENETANGWOTTHNG COLIMITED yPenetanguishene Phone 440 118 APPLE CROP United States nal gures show he 1948 apple crop to bev903 mil lion bushels millionlgthan vas estimatedby the Department if Agriculture onOctober 1946 The reduction is attributed to smaller sized apples This years ommercial apple production is ow compared with 113 million ushels in 19471194 million in 9460r with the 193746 average or ll5 million bushels EVERY of gt richfcbllee avor in fMiiRT well House is captured Kdilll Roasting to BECOME NURSING 433747 leveiaps fully all the leliclous stimulatinggood of this famous brand clefcome labor organizations tothe extent the thesociailst party hasrnow become the political armor those organizations During 18 deem of this courtship promotipg what wasclaiiued tube the worlds most advancl or labor legislation the provincial govern ment legislation allowing one encour ove merit employees to join labor by other wayward youths OPINIsz or omens OLDIAGE PENSIONS Midland Free Press Herald Years ago the Liberals enacted the old age pension scheme as bait Later the family allowance as an other means of gaining favor The Progressive Con servatives not to be outdone go on record as offer lng bigger and better prizes for reproduction It is quite possible that may be member of the oldd schoril not as given to modernuideas as great many peep are Dweller am wi ing to admit that our 99 in W339 old age petition system my would mean aiOhlhow it is abused Irv 1601 or so employees tobewans government party collection driveronlNov illfat thezpolnt strike The union has certainly got merits but sfo 7v the prom ate use of coughs trouble bstlnutecoughs quickly yield to pt and soothing action of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syrup The immedi may check cold in Woods Norway Pine Syru for therelief of coughs NorWay Pine Symp vitally Bottle tilday Norway Pine coicui Dr Woods Norway PineVSYIUD its early stages Dr p13 recommended sore throat adldbbgdggyl WheubuyingspecifyDrWoode PA OF H1 Hill flit RibINN Of ONfliRllJ YWP