Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1948, p. 1

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE Copies II cuss IL 851119014 51 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER 16I 1948 Section lPowglcsl to Mb rmw 1111s AHHaristdhngfbsgl 0719300513333 13332115311113 New Aldermen George Cadogan ecte The were 16 mum LN Monday me May the voters lists and last Mon at Barric 1on 2191 in favor day there were 2078 persons 111111 125 against issuing debcn II who we the polls This Hes It extent of $89000 98 His imumnw amnng was 27 thoSC to pay for iillic renovations to 10 11 lble to vote the Town la headed the D011 the 803 TAXCAB DRIVERS 013583 who won eligible to With this 111m umjoritv the in Barne on In the Baxe elecuons on Monddy 51x new Aldermen we Who 3910 vote on the debenture bYlaw Town Council will now pre Monday Dec 13 lhc othelo IellCVClI were we 1022 who In bylaw and present it Qlected and three of these Wu heme on the Bafe Town Coun page Joilxllld1C1x1llcililogaag It bauom we Municipal Board asking tor the rst time 1949 11 ycc nl bllc school su orters permission to issue the dcben Iv journalist Taxicab drivers 1n 11131111 Ifcunuok on Ihgpschwl mm T111 that not aldermen 111 Roy 21 Christie merchant Min Harris who served 15 acting will be licensed Last on 3y 1103111 candidates mm the 15 pm the debenlum lilttrry Norton railway employee and Arthur Harrison in not immediately available it tt vas discuss chairman of the proptgty tommfn ghgthzse 11 8mm and statistics in ads uni we Wm med IN pemd Ebumme Ian too on the Board or canon or were unanimous of 15 years Ihe work on the 11111711 other tltCtI haw liitd who in 1113 11151 bid for publ1c of the x151511 tow wcckls it 12413 chiming might be estimated that about Town Hall is now nearly com 111111111 Ll 1111 11111 Town 11cc gamed 99 votes Harold lor rcc cc l0ll El 31 or 300 of ht 2318 sons who plctcd and the $89000 will pay Fun 11 112 111 1111 Cu bar stcr com 111111111 nwcomei 111 tohrellmvcr thtc ipngcsttgn anghfhilcllzssmfceaiioximage we to me polls swam on the mute balance Homo Rim twilwnu1Utwmi ward OMI Linnea Htwws sc oo rus cc arrls alll WWII IIIIWwA 010 and headed 11e po11 11111111111 11111 be nontransferable Ll Wm WM IIflfflgiIIfIf1 1111111 TWO and Wm named on the ILIIIUIIA 11 III Gladstone Curr1c 11 former only 24 votes behind the lead WWW of 90 commis iiinhmf 11intchrprlclI councillor headed the poll in Word 111g candidate was John Dobson slon and the members of court xmmw WWII scum Emma two with 113 tit1 tham hit1 who is railway employee and al Cd 115 mu Ck 1940 illdtllllllv 1101 1313 With so operates fuel supply firm It lclpality some control 01 the yrcram lllldlllptvtxllllIllllclimoi t0 mm Ilwmm In mmmr WHIP was his first bid for public office situation Tang optilllatotrs are Itliltllllvvnl IlllIlillmghtllfmirgzjtlllxllih no Jun Gm who conde Mr Dobson rolled up ttemend llerde 09 by OVn II It KI WI 115 WW5 005 margin in Warq whom Alehevmomlli lllls Email l012110h011310101111131100h ma 11 will 01R cm Vrn am again 1011 pllltisngdxchiiil amount was suggeSled as THE ONTARO IIIGHIVAS Sign Oppnhuhnig Elmvlg glveb ll102110110th Igllliesiihikhlttfiiivl align ml the 12 410kle 111 tho 111111 111 Ward Throc with margin of 68 votes 0m MI HM nominal fee and the motion the nal regular meeting of thc populat10n11s 183 but Gladys Watson adds 100 to bring the IImd wk of he Chmmms WWI I1I111III1IVI 1I1mt1111d 15013 Hm was g9 Yo ahead George Cadognn the third can W33 WWW 1110 Board 01 Educauon 11mm total up to date Elmvale With 11011011111011 111 over 750 112151ch III II Rfcv 01 I1 MW 111150 who M1 mm mm was We hem School Thursday night Rev voted to become my incorporated village III vendors IIIIIIIIJ11III11 DCIU1IIVIMC1H III 1Cwn 11 the second contestant and was The other tucc 111cm Cis in DD resided and mm by Ihe mum and we II 115 51111 on 11 ounc 1111111211111 from the 112111111111 1111111 111111111 of Education 1111111111 terms II mmbcgvce meg mm NIIIIIIIMIIII III IIIIPIOVIIIIIIIIBKtrigspiliilngm closed mm We date by 57 votes In Ward where explrc at mend 19481 cxcc 111011 of Charles McMartin VOTING FOR BARBIE SCHOOL BOARD that had been made in the bulld 1111111 roua 111d tl11 11511115 it known Ill he CS105 Mr Cadogzm headed Gable hill165 Newmn find in during the wool Th 1d most 111 tl11 wards by 21 p111 lIow In the largest ward of Bmrtc the P0 With 179 V0195 50 head 5mm DD urman Copping of Barrio Air II 1th blck partitions had been lvllcllclll WW1 116 was p10 11111111 you Roy Christie with ofthorsecondcontostantA MWrillJimI943A11Ll1905mlll1i9tIrg cra and SuppliestoldofGnvcrn$1i 1121 Full 11nd wcrc bring llllllollld IWltll 11111111111 11111110411111 1110 1101115 11911321 votes licadcd the poll in 111 The fourth and Ilflll place can from off1chIJIy11 ll Bugclow 111 mom plans to subsidize training CADOGAN 159 1m 15 in H1 108 18 8865100 sash WindowInkC Darwin Duns ION closed they were rst bid for public 0m Mrs dale5 We WWXmalcly 20 Charm ML Mm school for pilots and he asked pcr INESON 1117 s12 11 111 12 111 17 1587th been Ulnwd bclwcvn the 10111111 111111111111 1111111111 Monor 11111111111111 with 249 votcs V0105 lower man the three Who mission to use room in Prince 01 OSBORN 82 718 iii 173 111 123 12 000 OblOllt l00llli lhlllugll WW Am was rcclcctcd for another term of wqred 32338 Mlsdfii meg oygabJJofyiAI guipt Wales School for ground classes in vondors 11111216111101 111103 c011111101 In WIHId one CIIIrmMI COM titlicc Eldon Greer in his first v1 esan crman r151 nc vo men Standin um in water the Icyemng Charles Newton and 11s 111111 I0 ysot 11c 111 11111 mum HI by huge mam elation 43111111114 votes and b11111 collected 601 v0 cs Amed Hamb woke 0f the egg of to the building would be fox tl1 mm III Id Jam mod the poll 11 The llllCC school lILISlCCS ClCClCd overnlghl before Ulmmlim The healing the school and DrI HI Vcndom and the old 0mI for 115 IV it LS 33 votes will serve twoyear terms of of will look fresher and 111111 be to Bigemw suggested mm in View of mml5 The had been promised xIlyItgtlhlt1ltIltrIt1 118211 WARD FIVE ficc some extent lllCWSSVHL tl1c Government sponsorship of the 111111 till lilllldlllli WWW b0 Willy ankhdgmnfkiho liqjolldgyiolocnmg Two new candidates wore clocl course that application be made forll tlhc l7111Ii1stm11rsh 111231tctl11111c1i 11an thck who 1N QCIIVCd Cd ward 111ch any Norton led for the use of the Armour 10 15 Li 1110 11111 with 109 votes with 20 William Sttwart hasucuuircd 11 The gift marth had begun with $21110 laying111zdl5123 of hi votes being from the advance 10ml Signed by Harold For 11m Imay 1111111 forBl11spz1likt 111 gingham 1beingglpluccld on 1111111113101th mnjmjliy UWII Rav Tuckipon mun CI Harrison in his stcr on behalf oft11c Lions Club 4711 SIW U19 lll ill lC 51 CCVC 55 SW00 llh mst election 1111111 143 votes live de emission to 0mm II hm mm mm WI IIIIIIIIII II hem I00 mks II II which me from the advance by 515 f0 public school pupilsI clincd to be too playful with 1111111 gloves at $1 11 pair mittens 111 77ml pou Veteran Councillor Charles Early last Saturday morning the The writer pointed out that there ans 50 ill Dillk 141005 MW bttn and childrens mill and scarf sols Wu pouch placed third Wm 92 rIi me were called to the would be no interference with reg temporartiy closcd Int 81 were on d1splay 1I WtCSI Ba Five Points where Young man 111ar school hours and tho show The handsome b11c11unow ncar One woman Iwas soIlmg himch WARD SIX in on the treet be would be of interest pamcularly 1111 two yours was 11115011 taint made chocolates at 60c poum 11111 Ward Arthur pugn who was found 1y Th R0 11 Vlctorn Hos ital 1n 5ij an ath Barri Shzuld receivc thcphrgmt to those students who were not on Im glCUIIDlndmkf 111ng 31 3010 Poundk had prevmusly served on the coun active in athletics on motion of want 1C away rom 1a six 1115015 had their petition 10 vcgc mar 1111 1119 CHI led the p01 Wm 158 votcs digtggtihgl 10lg2152g3193fhainlg scgtttan thOf 1110 Iglagt 00311230 Gable and Alfred HI Harrisy farm and was given food and pro my Hincnghip passed by Judge JI covcrcd somewhat with cabbz1gc Inc was 24 votes ahead AldI 1c oun ounc1 ma CI permission was granted tection by farmer Justsouth of GI Hawk on November 22 at we pumpkins squash onions and citg mald Aymsv who was mmmd Zglchchaglaggtg ponhzgyhlil t11gliphcgimtgislignthe coun Etcemgrc near 11 commumty cal cd 9111111111 101111 ron bClrlDlg shown f111 larcdquanl Im palm Cd at lmm H4 votes AldI Arthur Boyd II Inz 1111 15511 f9 was lcmoved the R0 The grant was 19 be allocated to pagicplmlenflntgceiciggncg i1fIflllCLVICI last week the buck 13111210 to00pl3l3u1nlti 010 d111zcii0 LlTown Enginocrs office during 01013 15 gfvxiirggrriledvtlii Egonilhgiosgletiiloxgcrgna08111210 Fhe eShmatgd number crummy November were King George alDIOGChCId ll yd 110 all and has livcd in this country since CllliSlmaS 35 lUSl momd 11101172001 Novembcf 101d 3573 tion on the council ran third with indolent potion days of the h05DPrincc of Wales King Edward showed Slgns of ght hen the 19311 11111111111110 111111 John Ilgutis of comer and there were plenty WW This 35 Eredter id 111 107 votes He was closely follow cepmi tabcs 1315 quemon Victoria hydro lllilll 11010 himself Icnctaiw husband and wife 111111 ChiCkmlS be had sued November 1947 WmChtcd by Earle Williams who got Whillc at thethmpiia 1113an 1mf RFolllowipigtthe 191 estimate this1 seized the buck by anucm he wm 10 in Lithuania Jung wah 3w Iamlountcd to E30522 104 gots in ms rst acetic an ar on min 05 la wl iii 71 AWr VWW ast Tnont u11s cou ailergptlgd cslljlcldbt has Seenglaid 2611 of the county iiidigcnt PR The November average attend lNhsaltlIhhlsllilijcldllc 1nd OVCI II1ZLCXIfkg for 32219 Carbon Monox1de with those of lhcg picccding 10 cvghiennfgglfsgylggljgigfwu take 01 against him em days would receive the most anccfvand pgrctlzntzg for glad of Realizing that such an animal awg and Carl Amunn of Staynm Caused Death months brought the 1948 mm to Midland woculil be no wltlth 1050 it 791 grisxsof Will was dangerous the farmer put him an Austrian farmer who has lived 357919451 aplmxmaloly $301038 It II II II ingsttcgcnandosgyzogacnwlrmd 13 500 with 9413 King George 42 glvitqcoebrdlg agd gtzgtcilynlcccllnstunlo 111S Cgfmgt $1 Bryson Broster 22313114111 corresponding pct II II Iv odthfoopatgntnqays and livenetam ggswand King Edward twas than that arrangfnncms WIN mnn years and her lltlsband for 21 Bryson Bmsler age 28I Uf fTshtosc 1101ch 130b Dwain hath r1I tas propofr an Evat made to move the dee to the pdlk yem5 Hockleyy died from carbon mon trogd 2d 111 mg in ra er unusua 1n V1ew ac enclosure of William Stewart at wancr James A3591 of Victoria oxide at the bottom of we at wes 51 cane wccn llhat She had 32 0f the to 93 Alfred Harris mung chair 131 Harbor 21 former United States 311 Saturda Oct 30 This Mill and 19 town 111711151 $31000 man of the property commIttec C015 t1ent days in the county whereas resenth detailed report or cu are now our deer at Mr Citizen Signed the oath of alley was the nding of corona jury and $3800 III mumps dwemng on Barne only had 255 warts Park yearling doe an ance and renounced his American at an inquest conducted by DrI CI south side ofBurton Ave bewccn I1 There was total of 3698 county work done 1n the various schools dm doe II VCIIIIling buck and the kIt C0 an Robmson and CNR 055mg $5000 indi em auent da in the Royal in recent weeks He also Com fII nu Iona 1y WI arr Wm Ia mended the cooperation given by recent 811W twoyealOld Tom label Maccdoman from last Saturday morning James Barr 178 Essa Road 10 if Vlctorla Mespltal Iln 1947 out of Secretary Felt buck The twoyearold has hand Bradford did not appear for his The jury brought in their vcr units cast on Essa Rd between total 10f 29235 pallet daysf some 59 0f VCIPlOnged IanllelR hearing dict and recommended that anyone Main and town limits valued at According to the condIttonsI of M1 Stewart sald he Wm tame The number of applications of using explosives for excavating $1000 per unit GI BauldryI 47 the 1rant the gagel 75Der pczlthent Mglgpkggliglsifg down in short time after he loses aliens is increasing with the inux Should use proper equipment Grove 51 house south on Grove wou no cxcec per ay pom or his antlers and the park wtll again of postwar immigration and the Morning of Aurora told between Oman and Clapperton th Ed no re resent The grant covere perto oar uca nsFII be open to the publlc preSenCC 0f dlsplaced Persons how he had set charge of dyna $4 500 Roy McNe1l dwellmg east from July to December 31 1948 ve on the Barrie D1stnct Colle th of th 11 at Be betwe Wellm ton and The total number of indigent Da grate Institute Board Asguglilcli who is eighteen years $312033 ggszraing of do gmtgngy $3 000 tient da 1n the county for the year 1941 was 141109 When Trustee yywn asked if GIVENAWAY AT liwlill Jilittddtshdssfii 2112 cu 155i221i1i1C3002 We 85 any 9mm haV permmerit residence may le 11 di or went downthe 60foot Campbell and Alfred $5500 Char ing high schooboards elected by STORE OPENING we as 1948 WOOL CLIP th declaration of mtentlon to become wen and he hollered up for help les Gr1m Essa Rd two dwclltngs The 1948 Canadian wool clip is gm rzgegaye gthel 531 to Canadian Citizen and pelmanent James Chambers age 16 who was cast on Marcus between Caroline expected to be 84 million pounds an ev thowben ma dl Twentyoneyearold R055 C0019 ICSldC hele lenouncmg forever assisting Broster went down and and Campbell each $5000 Delaney which is adecline 0f 17 per cent mer airman 0a 13 youngest son of Mr find Mrs Al all allegiance and delity to the seized Broster and tried to help Boat Lines south on Simcoe be from that of 1947 Imports for goge t9 Department Of Gallon be Cook of Codrmgton Street country of his birth He must him to the top However Cham tween Bayeld and Maple to be 1943 are expected to increase by omcl womnt New realized an early ambition when have lived inWCanadaJOr at 1985t bers lost his grip and IBroster fellloccupied as sales andshow room GEORGE PATTERSONI veteran 13 per cent and exports to decline Bar Ie recommendation favor of he opened flower shop 2117112 ve years to get citizenship but 10 the bmtom 333011 Thompson 74 William Reeve of Port McNicouand tomb RAY LOUGHEED of Holly Presi by 12 per cent leaving about 94 elelttlglii tlgdthlieeaolglg 21 Gig gunloprlmgt 1n Barrie on Fr1day he may le this declaration any Chambers then climbed up and 81 west on Baldwin between Essa er warden of Simcoe county has 11 nd labl f0 eccm er time after arrival obtained rope and went down 60 and Adelaide dwelling $3500 gig 2163 ngewgi Icilicwiiser 011 asn aihileasee of 1P101 qlal as Statmg that the PrOVId Ross was born in Barrie and at Before ling petition for citi feet There in the darkness at the smaller permits totaling $01420 1215221 3113 Neurxglspzhlhaifrfdzeh meeting in Barrio last Saturday cent comparedwith1947 fl gggingegltzciiggstherea nned tEedPrfmce oftWaLesliol zenship the alien must halve an b01101 of the wen he struggled were also issued the Health Committee the wor or mic wi 12 adequate knowledge of Eng lsh or th water and mana ed to gel The Simc Coo art of an Ilt Count Counml introduced the Ontario gideratignl wxltiCh paid DISTANT SIGNALUN on motion of Dr Blgelow and Clarke and Clarke tamer an Fm have 51de Canada the mpe about Brosters body BIG TUNGSTEN PRODUCTION Simco County Health Unit Mr m0 thanhiezthlrf TWIW Mammmimm mthe moansammo1531111111tonerleavngschldbuthewa1m goWye He mills havinghberwlO hadgalhmedalme 13211111575515 hdtothohi pattrsdnmagmardMWW interested 1n the OIlSt busmess an adequate knowledge of the re top of the well began to haul away gt t1 dollars In hosp1talblllsm the past mahclan discovered that mural favor of moreasmg the voca In MayI 1947 he went to Tommi Sponsibmues and privileges of on the But near the top ted States 1n the production Io lJanuary is naive co an year Mr Lougheed 13 former one inch square could ash ray tinal teachers salaries from $5 to to work mm the Robert Simpson Canadian citizenship Broster Sfp from the mp0 an tungsten 1n the western hemts where he w1ll holiday for three Eresdem thelimcormmy that ld be 599 me me $6 anight Company in their orist deparl The court hearin follows in at phee mmms Federatmn of Agnculture away ment ThereIhe gained experienct least thlee monthsstime The de plungefd 31 scoot1 tlme he onl we sums this He or 1s 11 cc us ary crprow eapec 15 member of Central nited mm mitted to the Department of 1e 11 otor near ex auston rom um for up11 who Will be conned 1nd 1h den If to he gome for someweeks whiler The enewraxgtgre risI Situated be figeopgtatef Eggtrgves Iggediggiron If singly mgagheigjsletireach the undergomg medical treatmenl1fr tweenChittick Motors and Franks of the court the Department issues pmv cons William covert also II Physwal dlsabl 1y Billiard Parlor wherc the Emma embers certicate of citizenship and ave evidenceI prOVI consI Jen Media Services Of Toronto pital Rates Tile used to be sends it to the court Thisdoes Bfennan told of going down the BGfOFG closing 16 nal regular VA rose and bud vase were given not take effect however until the meeting of 1948 the board unanimw away to the rst one hundred well With 535 maSk Secure in Ontario II applifant has taken the 03th rope about the body of Broster allSAJdljgpggrtgllncalair 513 12111159331 aduus avestomliomenmg day Alleglance Miss Verda Vincemfgiwe evi traffic accident near Angus was oisuchjntensity that it 03115861 HI Asindlvidualsf we cant affor ersaid more than onethird of his services as chairman of the deuce from an examtnanon that last Saturday night resulted in considerable commotion in some the rates being charged by the million dolIaIrs had been paid in Barrie Board but also for his lead lmdrcated Broster had died ofcar electric power being cut off the homes in the district IMrI and rontohospitalsfowrilliamce than hospitalaccountscgastyear ership in eucational associations bon monoxtde poxsomng throughoutI the entire district Mrs Truax and their famxly were told the annual meeting the He told of tire author1ty granted mr ammo 0f Barrie Em When 44000 volt line clashed Smmg down to Supper When the Simcoe Coop Medical Services toIthe coop groups in going into ed for the Crown and Questioned with line carrying 4000 volts pow lamp over the dining room table held at Robindale lnn Barrie on health care One grouhWith over own mm the Witnesses er was shut off in Barrie Alliston exploded like shot and flying Saturday afternoon 5000 members had been providing Fldemy and GuarnteIeFAssoma9n 57 Icookstown Bradford Tottenham glass was scattercd throughout the The President the Ontario ical and other medical bene $500 50031181 pulledt argerst g1 Beeton Camp Borden Midliurst room in the ensuing darkness Federation of 30 Medical Ser ffor some timeIand othch were 05335330 equpmen Dance Craighurst Community CraigVale Orange Lbdge euchre and all the district covered by Hydro linemen worked until af vices spoke of th rates 01010 and sidering this step Hall FridayDec 17 Admission and dance Stroud111CommunityIISAl theserstations ter midnight to restore all the lines $121133 da now onsidered custoln McCarth said the ove The mmmes 0f the last annua 40 cents gtm geling Glere read SeEtl 11931131 Lat Bakli Friday Dc Mountaineers LuCli counter Ad Tlcl 1t Earn 17 to the music of Paxtonsor mission 50c I50i51p 6010 we 51w chestra Dancing from 930 to Dance inrNewton Robinson 01 LaSt Saturday ght during 10 aiy in some thclty hospitals and said it aSIhis personalopint as no excuse to such ment stemmedfrom the rst co operative= startd at RochdIale in England in 1844 Until Coop 5111 Hall Friday Decembe 17 Stroud II 31111131111115 and some ottheotber throughdut the district TWO ARRESTED centreSrtlie power Was restoredII Prov IConsQGerry Brennan in Within 10 orl5 minutesbyswitcl1 vestigatedI the motorIIaccident and ducted by Rev George Morrison ing over to othrlines evn before charged Boorman vvith carelsIs Me ical Services were organized VI 130 38tfo angc Hall New Years Eve Friday Christmas Is Iopplng rush therewas thesomce of theintrruption was driving II Mr knobody was particularly conceined Ste9m ftge SulrgcoeI coumy Christmas Itreeprogiiam in the Dec 31 Admission 50c Lunch Elfight DOIiC 100038 and com located IV r92J19nllals1 1WD Laboutihiralirgnsghg 6302 all swoon Armyddel1iiFrlday1 crowded 515215 siderablsrmmmotlon Am the imam Ruralrhydrowmern began touring JREUAELEQHONS all the money The speaker was iptroduce by gylsvlm $013ng afwAsf tne Dec 17 pmAdmlssiOn 15 Modern 111111 611141111101 dancing Streel6veenfhe Flve Pomts aIntf th lines tlocate 1th sofce of Councu 51x mcbcrs ithout interestto buil Ie hospi Ray Lougheed President of Sim anI rs dim 052 0b0 330 cents II 4961b Orange Hall Allandale Dec 22 Post Ofce Square II the trouble and thew aI ca from dell 1662 JIIAI Cook 1547 AI II Itels then theyvcould Operate with coe Coop Medical Servictas and geIetree 9951 ar Christmas conert dance and CNRorchestraAuspices L0cal670 small group were involved in police gave1 the location of the Truman 1013 Tissington out paying lattes Practically all was thanked byGeorgeCadogan ailfcgfdoxlCaldwgifmmvge drawIGearin1Hall PhelpstonH0n AF of 511 brawl and this resulted inIothe accident 1129 gamer 1033 wjIMI hospital equipmentfwas denated President Lougheed told the TuesdayrDeo 21 111111 Ad Sunday school Christmas concert Smaller ghtsalong the way IAboutonemileeastofAngus aCramp1711019l0Clubine740lJm gzegazfasttgigg missioncocf 5051p and moving pictures inStJameS eral 0f the Persons inVOWEd had Dance Orange HallIvyWed United Church Stroud Thursday 1093 dlillking Alsquad 0f PC0106 gilt ggelfleyear term Dec 29IIauspices LOL 450 Admis Dec 23 830 pm Adults 25C 511 quicklyarri=l 9n the Sme ahd sion 50c Lunch counter Stroud Bingo in aid of St James Mis they rounded up slx or night per and therewere governmentnsub members We are all aware ofthe sidies to aSsist iIn themaintenance increasdIcost of hospifalization If Yetwith allthesd advantages it the increases continue ltmay be costs more to occupy bed in necessary to revise our rates car driven by Gerald Boorman of Macdonald 856 Hall617 Angus was in collision with car Leigh 533 Eaton 370 Keillor driven by Victor McMaster of An 262 gus The McMaster car new Public School Boardthrem9m711 omnioii room of some of these However he added that in View Of $53520 2aggriegngfucaifglg Mountaineers orchestra 45w Sion in Bradford Town Han sons and hauled them away the model left the road and strucka be Mrs Ingram 157406 95131 as than it does for suite of the fact that times might become Dancing every Friday at Pine Thursda Dec 16 shar Ponce Station hydro pole The pole was not Anderson 15523111 Church moms in some of the hotels The less prosperous every effort was were entertained to dinner at 13 Crest Dance Centre one mile east Two special games Admission 35 After questioning all but two of 01 Anten Mills Ted Scott and his cents 51b those picked up were released orchestra Admission 50c 451th ltgt Earl McNeil youth and Fred ComeIonel Come all to Killy AmCARGo DEVELOPS TRADE Easton an elderly person were leaglr Christmas concert to be held Montreal Dec Trade develop each lodged in the cells and charg in $611001 house Dec 20 at 830 ment with the Islands of The Ba ed With fighting They were to broken but the impact was suffi cient do break pin in the high tension lines above When the 44000 volt line fell and connected withthe 4000 volt line there was thunderous roar and blinding flash of light litup the surround PENETA Roos 743 Water Light and Power mission three members 511 jeant 1825 W1 Caldwell 13111 Tissington Jr t225 Robindale and this wasIfollowed with discussion led by President Lougheed lt 01 318T surmou On November 22 the National Hockey League celebrated its Blst speakerwenton to add that it person was really ill and needed extra nursing attention this cost $20 day inIaddltion to the$10 or $12 day for thebed The President offthe Ontario Federation suggested that the local beingmade to maintain the present low rates VicePresident Tyson Langman presented the nancial statement which indicated that $919811 had been paldjln hospital accounts for the 12 months ending on August pm Adults 25cI Children free hamas Jamaica and Trinidad be appear before Magistrate Foster Sillden 256 5lb gan well with the rst scheduled WEdnESdaY morning 0f thiISI ing countryside Council 9091 Medical Services should c0 31 1948 Operating expenses were birthday It was on that datc in Cana inn Legion Branch147 andl ight of TransCanada Air Lines week MrI McMaster whowas 1113111 0961 mm the Nealthspims $1244 mime balance to 311C 1917 that the greatest international Ladle Auxiliary Christmas tree new Caribbean service erst jured scrambled out of his wreck and make efforts to provide 110 tron to the memberswas $1453 sports organization in the world rty or all members children to watches machinery and special ice ICOUNCHJLORS PM edauto and ran down this road Hai conunodationfor local needs Referring to the Iexpanslon or CoQp Medicalnscrvlces the speak Theasscts were Cash in bank $268869 on hand $25 Canada Ibonds $108081 10 shares Cojop Esme intgjbtlaing trauma Sinai ens an run are 1111 no jmemlgerstu the League dgin Legion Hall 26 Owen cream cakes were among the air Pay for Orlllia councillors will tf ednesday Dec 22 from to cargo shipments aboard the North not be allowed to exceed 55 pm 5lp Star meeting and was untouched by the falling R1C w1res The chart citculling 013th lingo

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