Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1948, p. 3

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blc THURSDAY DECEMBER 1948 MXGrsmArBs COURT NOTES WM Charged ttiataltenly At the rriagistrcites Wed morning Noverriber 24 the crown attomey and riiagrsrrate agreed ith John Vtmtlr KC that the case of Robert Currie charged rriistalmnly under section III subsection of the Liquor Control Act rather than section 100 subsection should be drs Cutlrt missed Currie had been charged with consuming an alcoholic bev erage while on the interdicted list Suspended Sentence Ite David Luing of the RCEME Canrp Borden CUIHItILII of theft of bicycle as released on sus pended sentence for one year The magistrate Considered that his week in griol awaiting judgrrrent was sufficient under the circum stances Sent Home The charge of vagraney against Jacob Jarizen and Henry Aid of Niagara Falls Ontariogwas vitlrlsmud drawn The two youths had been brought in by lrovmcial Consta Icarcc on Saturday Noverri ber 20 as they had no visible means of support and were living without erriployment They were ordered to leave Barrie and return to Niagara Falls wrtsor BUILDING DIRECTORY The Barrie Examiner Ltd Corner Cupboard Beauty Box Salon La VelmaBdey Shoppe Edwin Wilson Osteopathic Physician Cook Construction Co Aspden Laboratory The Excelsior Life Insurance Company Industrial Acceptance Corporation Niagara Finance 30 Ltd Sheard 0f Barrie Couturier Osborn and Garvey General Insurance Mitchell Artist Barrie Chamber of Commerce Dr Perkins Dentist IF ITS SPRING REPAIRING LARGEST cnt BARRIE snore srrivrcr To December Clarion Ritchie of Eilllsitlt tliurgrd with failure to rerran all Elite scene oi an accrdcn and cart iless driving in collision Ilti cecurred on November 13 askel for further remand for one wtel Thc magistrate ordered that Inn Cate be tried on Dcctnrbcr will lout fail One Month Shirley flown of Glttitaziri coir iicted on two charges or nature to remain at the scene of an accv dent and careless drivrng sen lenced to imprisonment for month on the iil$l charge and was in $10 and $3633 in rats or 20 days in ganl to run corisccutrvc With the one rrionth on the sec ond charge His license to drive was suspended for six months Illegal Possession Mervyn Douglas taxi driver of l7 Anne Street pleaded guilty to charge of illegal possession of illquor on Novembcr 10 while on lthc prohibited list Provincral Pearce gave evidence Constable Douglaswas fined SH and $335 lcosts or 10 days in ganl The li iqraror was seized and ordered cori Liquor in ar Lorne Wice of RR Barrie ipleadcd guilty to charge of hav =ing liquor in place other than lwheic he resides Constable Grant suffered evidence that he had found Ian opened bottle of Gilbcys Col Eertue on the night of November 17 Elle was fined $10 and $375 costs llirrs in Wiccs car on Burton Av VAIGIIAN DIG clrairrriari Railways lright priscnfp the heir itropliy to Northvy president or one month in gaol lRev Does lCar is Domoged ISideswiped by Truck tGravcnhurst Banner lhe Banner hears with regret that on Monday evening around 530 pm sorricone driving red ltruck sidcswiped the Rev Docs Austin sedan standing in lfront of his liorrie and failed to report the collision The car new one suffered considerable damage and while Mr Doe has automobile insurance damage to his own car from col lison is not covered Accidents are sometirrrcs una voidable and happen to the best of drivers and there is no real disgrace to good driver when he acknowledges his fault and accepts the responsibility We would like to think that all our truckers are honorable and We would like to hear that the one responsible for damaging the car of the minister of Trinity United Church car used in serving more than the members of his own congregation lltld come forward and offeredtoadjust the matter in an honorable way Rev Mr Doc is former minis ter of Brrrton Ave United Church Allandalc DONT LIKE ASSESSMENT Since Ncwmarkct ratepayers rc Alccivcd their new assessment in the mail last week the objections from property owners over assess ment has been the main topic of discussion man in the real es tate business said he has had at ileast 50 phone calls from angry ratepayers who wish him to take their cases to the court of revision RING REARCHING STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS ND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES GowanSt FACING TRACKS vAllandale PHONE 3490 of Canadas ll awrcultural show Mr Vaughan stressed the vtal role IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ysaqy3i Dilltltlt deck to take field trainingllntsldin oid president zinadiari National LNil worlds championship wheat Royal Winter Fair on the opening or onto 0n making the presentation lltll the ariadian when grower is playing in the worlds war iecmcry prograrri while Mr Northey touched on the stirriulation of interest aroused by the donation of the NH trophy pointing out the number of wheat entries this year have doubled with numbers of Arrierican growers competing Sidney John Allsop 31 from Red Deer Alta who crime to tlrc fair for the first tirrie in his life was the winner of ll trophy JuVenile8lcFarniily Court Defeated 30 Votes to 25 Would Have The County Council voted 30 to 25 against llitjifloplion of the spe cial committee report recomrricnd ing Juvenile and Fairiin ourt ltCtlltlt lr iday the for Sirncoc County vote was taken at morning sessicn llic report as ember 23 read That since the June Session they sent IIIOSlltnllIilllL to all counties in the province where Juvenile Family Court has been established This questionnaire asked for the mm of the various services if they rccomrricridcd that the superintendent of the child rens aid society be probation offi submitted Now ccr and if it was thought that such court had any great advantage About half of the replies stated that the offices Were combined and they allstatcd that the Juvenile Family Court was of great benefit The two police magistrates in the county the superintendent of the childrens aid society and the county solicitor attended the mch ings of the committee and after the fullest investigation and en quiry your committee would rc commcnd that Juvcnilc Family Court be established in this County and that arrangements be made to have it commence January Your Committee are of thc opin ion that such court old he established with an initial cxpcn diturc not exceeding $7000 made up of the following estimated amounts Judges Salary $750 Judges Mileage $400 Probation Officer $2800 Probation Officers Mileage $1000 Court Reporter and Office $700 Equipment $250 Supplies $200 Detention $300 EARL RICHARDSON Chairman motion made by Rccvc Alex McIntosh of Midland on Friday morning favored adoption of the report and that committh be ap pointed with authority to proceed with the necessary steps to estab lish same great deal of controversy re garding this motion arose JAMES HART DeputyReeve James Hart of Barrie asked whether the Child rens Aid Society were to adminis ter the proposcdwcourt or whether it was to come under Wthe direct control of the county council Reeve Richardson replied that the society would need more staff to administer it and that he recom rrmended that it be kept separate it be left until January Councillor Hart remarked that he considered that it would keep the cost 10wer if it were handled by the Childrens Aid Society He added that the council seemed to be creating lot of new organiza tions whOsc services were being duplicated He was not in favor of adopting or rejecting the motion at this session and suggested that Councillor Richardson replied that thechildrens aid society had wanted two probation officers fulltime stcnographer and court reporter He said that the com Amittees estimate of $7000 was much lower than that stby the ICAS Mr Naphtali morepver felt that the court would not reduce the work northe expenditures of Cost$7000 Councillor Clark of Barrie spoke against what he called passing the buck to next years council and thought that the niatlcr should be settled there and their Reeve Ircd Hunter of Tecum setlr referred to the eourt as simp ly another form of social service He said that 110 of the taxpayers money was already going to social service in this county and that soon there would be no money for anything else The Provincial Government had been asked to take on 50 of the cost for the childrens aid society but as yet llicre had been no reply He sag gestcd motion to the effect that when that move had been made then juvenile court should be established Councillor Lockhart in backing Rccvc Hunters sugges tion remarked that the Court like other organizations in the county would probably cost $25000 in few years FROM CAS BUDGET Recvc Benson of Pcnctang favor ed the adoption of the family court and taking its budget out of the Childrens Aid Society Rccvc Clark said that the childrens aid society was denitely in the coun cils bad graces and that the Farr ily Court was quite differentI thing again and should not be coupled with it He asked that the ltwo different distinct principles lnot be set against one another The members stood to vote and Councillor rMacIntosh demanded that record of votes be made Councillor Benson asked once more that an amendment be made to the motion to include the child rens aid deduction Reeve John ston of Orillia pointed out that the council had the power to deduct from the Society in January and that there was no point in making such decision now The division list was as follows YEAS John AllisonDcputy Reeve Collingwood Norman Bush Rccvc Collingwood George Clark Reeve Barrie Cunningham Reeve Alliston Charles Evans Reeve Brad ford Fishcr Canton Deputy ilecve Mcdontc Toy Hickling DeputyReeve Vespra Hugh Johnston Reeve Orillia VI Lloyd Lilly Reeve Beeton Alex Macintosh Dc utyReeve Mid land William DeputyReeve Flos Ernest Miller Reeve Cold watcr Thomas Morris Deputy Reevc Penctang George Patter son Reeve Port McNicoll Wilbur Lemmon Toronto Scottish Riters Exemplify Degree In Barrie The Atl1i Arcz Sowrergn VlJzirttl lStolllsll Rite 11 the ire was leid lfl ple on fcvcnirig tending tfltttlti rr Itll illil ntlttllzluil lc Regular Parade gwho took the degree ltxgular parade on rlllltntllil The lith Nov 23 was carried out with three by the brethren if drvsions and band movrng off at usual capable rrraririei ltliifl hours with Ships Corripariyaion for Scottish Rtltlzi being mustered by CH Leninion Icy of Barrie as lflt corife mm Sub Lreut Kelly as offrceiilllk 15 IIKIW It 2r of it watch Ilum Toronto Chapter IIHH also had he plpagruo if llll it ttgt Of tl lJl 2Ctllllifitdcl Pearce 2ibourtii We turn Deficit The wLru who inspected the Ships orrrnariyi Ber Ulullul birth1 ill and had few words With tiitidtflltd Cadets At 030 banquet was tvrarewr Afterhlorning Divrsions and Ill510 the VNlIII Culrttltlulr spection were over Anson armlrrieriibeis in St Andree Hlake Dirisions remained on thcldlllltlt hill Willi Mvvb toast IN the lCouricil of Sovereign hand Ispectorsleneral was pziipoezi The Hand retired to theilectuieiG Mpkvy 33 room for instruction in first aidinm CMII llltli was carried out bv rritrriiillhm posed toast to Illt IIilitlltil II Sutton Colliiigzmof l4 pi her of the St John Anibulanct Victor Knox for Corps l3 hours and at 202 hours fall inf ltmlf mm rm the WWW if the rst Iit piantti llt 14m ii lti period Hand to field training AriI WIN Sort and Blake Divisions to TRY FXHHVIT WV John Ambulance lecture rmng It At 210 all hands fell in for 711118611 period of sports with Midshipman Mctabc in charge At 2125 even5 for treatment of Catarrh Sinus ing quarters were carried out and the Ships Company was held for Antrum etc DROP few minutes after that to form1 their hockey team which had their first workout Saturday afterl noon Nov 27 at the Barrie Arenal The parade on Thursday Dec will be held in the RCSCC Kerri penfelts own quarters and no after DROP42in Cadet is to go into the Armoury rhal poisons infect under any circumstances your entire sysrerrr destroying the tissues and sapping your yi tality You can coni bat these puis ons safely and effectivth with LANll GEN It treatment that counteracts the effects of the gcrnisl causing these diseases Price $600 Bottle UNTIch ABORAIORIES llMlIlD irhmond SI TORONTO agree under the capable hands of CPO Stand easywas piped at 20K after DROI Lawrence Reeve Sunnidale Clif ford Lockhart Rccvc lnnisfil Van Lorec Reeve Tossororitio Noble Lovcring Reeve Matche daslr Montcalm Maurice Deputy Rceve Tiny Boyd Miller Rccvc Merlonte Joseph Parker Rccvc Adjala James Patton Reeve Not tawasaga James McCurdy Rccvc Iottenham Leonard Ransom Dc putyRccvc chumscth II Tud hope DeputyReeve Orillia Victor Turner Rccve West Gwillimbury Frcd Vancisc Depri tyRccvc Nottawasaga Gcorgc Widdis Rccvc Tay John Woodrow Rccvc OlO Ki Reed DeputyReeve Orillia Town ship Earl Richardson Reeve Vcs pra George Shepherd Reeve Creemorc Taylor Reeve Midla Louis Truax Reeve Essa Clarence Wood Rccve StayncrW Wood Depu tyRceve Essa NAYS Benson PenetangLVE HerbgrtiBrokenw Chairman Wasaga Beach Improve ment District James Buie De putyReeve Sunnidale Smitlr Campbell DeputyReeve Oro Ar thur Downer Reeve Tiny Robert Eldridge DeputyReeve F105 Bruce Eplett Reeve Victoria Har bor William Gowanlock Reeve Orillia Township James HartDe puteeve Barrre 2Fred White idaioll tlru optional of extra coil PIV For NT 38 Hayfield 8t Barrie TRY OUR APPETIZING FISH and CHIPS THEY ARE REALLY TASTY WV Quick Delivery Dial 4553 Focrw lupus chair Lar Imperial ESSO Oil Burners Limited Number With GUARANTEED OIL CONTRACTS Webster Electric Barrie PHONE 3230 TRY AN EXAMINER ESTABLISHED WANT AD Its Great Feeling cs its great feeling as oiirir married couple folicalili to sprint your liutlgcteil iiiioriic IIIJUY life with free mind litcause you lll1 that you lraie lltHlllttI for your fariiilys future llll ion tiriental Life Family Income Plan This plan coiriplclcly solves your irrrlilcm It airfo tnalicallv creates all estate tlial lgivt your family financialirirIipendencc It is plan llltll guarantees them an iirirricilizite and regular monthly income to replace the loss of your sala in the Men your death In addition at the end of the incomepaying period your dependents receive the full face aluc of the policy Ask your Ioritincntal lili represerita tivc about this plan today THE CUNIINENIAI llFE INSURANCE CBMPANY HEAD OFFIC TORONTO Bfrlft GRANT MAYOR Maw I50 Dunlop Street Iiii cu nears Its full 57I across front seats keor seats are 60 wide Plenty of room for six passengers FORDMONARClI orvrsrou roan Moron COMPANY or CANADA uiiirrsb the childrehniicaid councillor Richardson however felt that it would treducemitsfytiorlt almpst to theextent or limiting the Society an ordinary court under the cri to tion of what the court would mean thatf if boy were prosecuted in minal code his record was always against him Whereas in juvenile court sucha case could be handled priyrately and no criminal record would remain against the boy MacINTDSH IN FAVOR Councillor MacIntosh remarked that in view of the grants given Court to the childrens aid society and the public health unit $7000 seemed like Small amount to be asking for DeputyReeve Tudhope from Qrl illia rose to say that $81000 seemedl to him too much for the childrens aid society and suggested deduct ingjmmcits gratnt at theatartuary session in or the Juvenile Family Court albne He added as rant illiistra SERVICE in Juvenile Family der to obtain fundsI Hunter Rev Tecumseth Fred Kinnear DeputyReeve Tayp New CLEANING BARBIE Upholstery Chesterfields VEXPERTLY CLEANED IN YOUR OWN HOME by Ontarios Largest On Lo cation Cleaners lino mussr SIMCOE RUG 8r Upholstery Cleaners Write Muir Pnlngwlck gtBarrie PHONE Toronto 44z761 Er0663 CHI 11 TTIcKmoroR MRIE llllekrl IR Barrie Purely Canadian Company on me All FORD THEATRE Dominion Network Friday Evening FRED ALLEN TrgnsCumdq Network SlindayrEvonina

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