THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25 1948 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA pAjE Mm Fzzzltiied to attend on Friday afterl thIrI 0fth Waila HURONIA GROUP II shown The parents were velcmed Mn is on or WAVERLEY iby the prmctpal Mr Derinc Films CLOWES PLAN PUBLICITY 60 were shown on the lunches and Coarcd awed to muse iae lira rvI NM 01 Ill Child9 MI Cfol lpayinent of 90 of the grant it VIIWPIhH Rownib um gave mm we 5019 mud itlze building fund of the Cutludliill in dl its Mrnand Mrs Jtllllt thrills ircbUXtb and hut lunchvi Dri lLegien The trial grant for the IIM eh Lu wdl liiliitir il ll T0 MIX SPICE CAKE spendlltg law days townie tms then went to the rooms mt iota Mr Sam and 35th lle hf1n1 uni wt of stint in ML and Mrs Moms Darby Shunt lLW the work of the children Al PI iii Thursday at the Royal Winter taint lunch was Stltl lhihw in MAL mi iii ml Fail lrclldLl Jar Kev Ktll Ii II AIIlI Mrs Gordon Brown is visiting All members were present at thciI itll wkVI 53m WI mtV LIIIRV Ill liI it for few days at Bannis Town Council meeting on Mondayl mil lUlCtliiSU Ul W213 It vy ate Iccll uttcllhlllg iic tr wrsI mgh and phomgrwh was ukuferred to the property CltltllllttLL II uuiittr lilIll Noriian II Gerald Snider and my Kmmlar Lu of the councillors and civic of tu id Ilis Bouncy shrill immune tt Pem me weekend at IFgmon 5n ficiais in the new council chamber teller 01 It Sitlimsl TWNS ii AlfVi ill jailuihk Friday derVS II way Smlihm KHUX Culltgi mun4 COHNTBUUH OWNmt illi lit II flunghiyliii Tlw it Cmmmu Jellme JUIIdam Tttlmlth gt1 ill took the service in the lresbyurian their assessment should lave betril III III II panel Gmom weekend Wm hm aumI Church on SIIMIIYI Mi till and Mr Batteishy were IIIIdIICIIII by IIIIIIIII IIIIIII +300 IIIIIS out lie iaixusl and Us III IIIII IIIIIIII II III 59 li Wood The Sunday School Will have Ws ddlt Im WWW Cyphcd pk gQgi5ul mu hp WWW Mrs George Brock and Betty Christmas practice on Smth briefly suggesteng right of way ELY4 11 Ilf LII IA WMM hm Jones of Windsor are Visiting Ml teinoon at the church across the Wine from BFOCK Damian ALA IDihihhm ii it llt t7 IIetIl hi to 33 iH Drinkie The annunl meeting of JtlllllAiL Tiffin St The matter was refer Illit II5tIiiLIlriI UIUIUFEI Sid if 1D 1m Hihm HI III1 II II III II is uhle Mr andIMrs lcrcy iUd jlml Presbyterian WMS Ill be held at red to the board of works Man as in dim JUL Jmiuim AA Sunday With MY mil MFR Slim Mrs Robert Campbells on Wediies mi Md been Emma 105 Iil pimp Ai 54 ri 200 Brown day Dec DOYUU 0f Kcinllmlftldl 51 UV Mfr inAinjlIiiI II1LIII of aroma Fred thiiiod tflltl lltllIIlllllI$lI The regular meeting of he 19 IHFImbl IICWHIUdII htthId der that the owner of house on IIiIIIIIV Ni lw ppmh HI ll iIgtlii II iIv rgtume tome rom unit in lln math of Amwhum was hold In rat ecpione ca repair int ops the south Shh 1h hum ex II Im 311 it mhr II II vI deer each Mr and Mr Win Thompsons on Welling garbage ms WUFSlCY treinitv of the street could get Alina liilf IlIlDIlOTILIMIlIg undplipnhi wt It 113 snw tllt SIIllIIIlIII SIltInlIIIEIOSTIaIIl IYtdntsday evening Nov 17 min St Ald loucliei reported that he chm hue in nd IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII UL pIIIIIIOI an IE NI III III II rr in II III 0Cilaus parade tlii iin iliilCLfiingagltllitllltanillgln3303ng Snug pigwi half km limlhm gm AVLMAkH mm MHHMM Um Al it ii 01 Vlllllll 5m 35 at ldvii tlloili to that the lldtltl trill liul lli im MV and lKl Bmmbl ml Cll busrness the member dv 5I 10 luts try and he thougit flL garb acting as the lliwver for tin oun Wm MI Ir 51mm sumo litilltttl to family Lelroy sptn lllltlv tutu mm hemam 500ml Chm rt II II II the former2 parents whhh anionjowd thwmchwg in it ShUuld 01 ms 30 WhU hiltl httd the title watched slide iIiIiiirii on IlhiI inc dereloped 2x ouliizlttrrl IIljLl Sorrv to hear that Mrs laikelh lontv lil 15 directory liltitiiit and llritrhli ext muting will it at Mrs John Adamson is patient in St AridlsumesI When Speak on mnm ladward Taylor shovreil colored IMlr 1Il Ill IfI points of lllltlAtl to at i5 tunilmazyi rtFWS lIOillml Mtdlimtl loipal affairs rho htdm Aid Ayres Suggested that fuiu movie film of the piocridiiigs Ill IIII III ilIIlIVH17 ffllIII 3mg intIqItt Mr 31ml MW leuNWI 831mm the evening of Dec All are web lllLl help he engaged to speed up connection with the offirlal open Ilf CI fin mi Th AW and familyI of Midland spent the Cnp me 1945ng He gubmmcd mg the TOW Hail Uh MW 11 III IIIit in ZA VUkICHdI ml 11 Presentation to Nculyeds that whether it took one year or This film hadaueen bought by the hyummd Hm lmdnmh mar lilllii BillllllSlCl Last Saturday night lar 1e vI II tliret wars the tuna would hate reception LtllllllltLL or tl inuli My MI IN or oi tan and MI 11 mm am Acmwl Rammed 10 01110 01 rds tl Al Ab family and Mr and Mrs Elmer Mh and MEI when Caldwell t0 pa for it and tht mulhllClmf 94 40 hutd by three pouer cuts daily which llzltilll iv it rmI t5 tlliitlll ll filtgtlli French and family spent the weekTI honor Mr md N1 Cl IIW WOUId bmlcm by llithg this the towns in iia ilziiviim itn itsilrtiii tw lll Ht 111 Waitrl In end in TUmm christ ofVTinAt sAnleiiAlAbi lb ik complemd 55 507 105 MORE THAN 100 The tllllV iverive of llltlltltlltt leo lolaii llttlul lllt llirlx Soy ll liilllt or tolilwatez itllllitli Tl iic ih lnited church sin sonr 11 lll lI ll Sible Reeve Clark chairman of if hitter Tu Al in rt oi oi mood llir tntiiri Vlllllttlll lily llVliss Kata llii litrford Aiiiilheil iif adthtss flyildrtii flmm id it did nOt have to 1th lgmk lilmmmmhll bi i1K lAHMVtlilmihimniiid Jill will fliiii iiiixii lllApHi AI It iAi rA llilttl Ill it no lt wv viI lt1 gi tlit ii il iv ii HI lrs iltli missionary imVlmmh iImml HA Mid and mm alum done Yemmht higr Swaqsx 70 llllltimiiiiily lAivgiiiiie lli1l kin Illtiliiiison lAtClZllltlll el ind llllllltllii llt lx l1 iii ion oi ltaiiii trail an annual titl o1 sou II II Amcm asslslcd MI WI V101i Idhhth arm which mm WI was 33 IIIIIIIIIIHIIIII III IIIII RIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII II YIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII III IIIIIIIIIII IEIIIIII rison and three members from the tul Stemware and silver llatware When Ald Puncher askel if tllt WA Mrs thtliani Mrs 05 from the Guthrie coiniiiiinit and III III II III II flat poll bolts on lllL main street im mm cm mm 35 could be drilled avain the matter Education Week well as fnY ll5CCltllInL0US imsy wasrcfuICd10hobbmhdqofwmks Education Week was observed in were Awning by Six mm Aid Griffin said he thought the School bv the IrmImg being in After opening the gifts Douglas II Id hI made no huh Speech of WHkSI btdrI Lou ma on is wor 500i nIC lam 1m 51 lbh Hunts OII IIIIIIIIII WI III II IkI mun to ce New cil voted in favor of includingr the II III 1n Punisgf llIIImemgLI 30 198 0w 1mm it Aqua placed in the foyer 0f the Town III 11 mild19 Nuvmhhhr 22 Chesmrfelds Mrs Curtiss Sr is visiing in lo EXPERTLY ronto MYS ammo Sde agmn 190 the basement of the municrpal LIPANED Mr and Mrs banter spent 1N youn the weekend in Toronto mL SOUFWC comer Vl Fd 0f MUICZSlCF md C0111 She OWN HOME Li 15V IL RUdrumm id ft Willy tancitllCh Club Mimi al 0cm day evening had inquired about renting this Ontarios Largest II0 MINI IIIIIIIIIIIII IInII IIIII IIIICIIIL IWII CIIIII IIIII for II Otter Class Canon Cleaners It an 115 lldldt 01 After some liscussron in connec uNO muss 3an Samrduv on with improving me market facilities it was suggested this ac commodation would be required by the board of works at least un Mrs Moore left on Sunday to Ispend theIVwintcr in Toronto with icr son alter UphOISotery Cleaners Mr and Richardson are Write Muir Paiuswick no ying to New York this week to Spring attend the weddin Barrie PHONE Toronto Mrs WilsoriOSiiiiLliianilildg In reply 10 query madeAlaSl 4761 77777777 310663 and Mr ananrsA ltcnnic of week AldGriffin reported that Cooksville were weekend visitors the Harris boy had fallen into an with Quantz excavation made by the pubhc Utilities Commrssron and the father of the boy should be ad vised to this effect The boy stif fered broken hip and the father had written to inquire about the hospital and doctor accountsI Of nexPerence WHO Depmy Reeve Ha mas IN THIS and Reeve ClarkI munch deemed MANY difcult problems confrontI the to invite the members of Simcoe Dvnnsmm ELECTRICETY New an 95ml Some are highly County Council to inspect the IIFUV TURN SWITCHES technical An inexperienced executor may Town Hall whhe they were in the mi SAT NOV WHEN NOT NEEDED easilyvbe the cause of serious shrinkage in county town attending the Novem 25 26 27 III thisglhgs ngIttqulgeaIsIngtssaIligrgieiicyigctgyg her session WW Zn Fnexperience Hewillgainexperience at the on motion of AMI Harnny coum LOBLAWS RICH DARK LOBLAWS tion wrth experience of37 years as executor to control parking and the moveI of estates and be Iassured of economical ment of cars on the arena No no businesslike administration of your estate pertyI It was suggested that an II SIZE 60 opening might be made in the cu EACH 52c THE fence on Eccles St to facilitate the cnysnmzm spgcmu METCALFESIN TOMATO SAUCE mauws JACK AND LL movement of cars befor and after STERLNG TRUSTS mif PORKsBEAszorrsc QJEEIGEB manor BUTTER 35 50 letter wa read from SEA GIFT ICROSSPACK NORWEGIAN at om 13 on 533Sgggalg39533 gamma my SARMNES OIL tetra1 mayc dE Fdf Bt PKG av rleerrffclacrto it ciucli my nan SOCKEYE 39c ffr Atapblmetg Fb19it was foiilndlcthat evitririotiijsnindividuals Tit 33 ORANGSEALADA LE1 14c and organizations had already con I239 43c Mt HM 4529 4635215 expense of your estate Appoint The ch NEST ORANGE PEKO greed to give the Arena Com to CHRISTMAS CA TEA BAGS $535M 46c illtr it $3 anqy ie N0 PKG ma PKG II VIII OF OF son cuts on usmv us BAG 24LnaAG trrbuted and there was no support for an overall municipal organiza LLBI I01 402 tion for this fund At the council COTTAGE BRAND Tm lt PIECES PKGI25c HALVES 296 rmm III meeting Monday night it was decid edthat since several contributions IMAP LEAF LGEI IILBI HOMEMADE STYLE CTN26 hadialready been made and the machinery was set up for contri butions it would not be necessary mm 4991 set up another commiTFee warn 37C caaox Mg 27 Favorable Smmments were made CkilftsinggAT 2692 LOAF it by various councillors on the out ll WVi CC uiucs out $931235 prlliedTlilfifhe mun suon ENING an 39 SAUCE 301 an 2lc was VANILLA PUR com mg 21 311395 hadlgsfej P1120591 11 an FRUITS itlzlrlo 22 21c hhhb EXTRACTPURE an oz mloc llglht1 p255 grgyesiilidizg eave II IRED 402 5ch Oi ENGLISHPIIIXIVgg GEzvilgg Vi RUWG VANILLA McLARENS lsll 23c letter was rcad from the IPUG IPKG ii 9auvla our Hearts 36ch Imcess mum lt9 WW ldfi3les2rmlg mum sour III 211 55 mhcmrmoansensmm77 itincllghlllgh this ill SIRAINEDFOODS Hm302w SUPER suosvse63lt ssscrtss RAISIN auras 29c gg STRAWBERRY JAM rm oilh 39c Tim was no 37 ghgguss musms La Ad ed Pectin CALIFORNlA the lights ISeatjlier in the morniIiIig th FIG CAR WEAR RUST 225 MIXED Gmmilllfls IVORY SNOW 37 WWW were not light at that time Am Flavours TINS TOILET so 853 was so Said the power saying II II gt one hour in the street lighting gt iuiichdru 41 IN ctornisgc would notrbe large SenoughIto war MONARCH 41 OiCEPAKDUBLE ACTION gt BA Hs ratsis FURNITURE 29 wrsrous we eaAsfg CREAM== 54RE123LA fovAl1INE tor RESIFUIL SLEEIP 6158c iIICAMAY cars AV RUBBERIZED fulll 9h DI VReee George II members of council congratulated Ald RegIIAyres for Ihiswork as chairman of the reception cotnmit tee which made the arrangements Anobuei ital114 qPRIDEAEABIA Elimination other iV VItS down underneath where any car shows its rst signs ldc gt assistantstoastsalsoasst rst Rule Forealth start annoying squeaks Vand rattles No Wohdrcars get Regular elimination of Vwastcs NW old uglyandnmsy before then time from the body is one of the pura Dontlet that happen to your car Protect it with mount rules fer good health Mn UNDERSEALfProtctive Coating the new sprayed 130ggjlthagmolthithgbhig iffOOBtlnthhatQVES underiurfacggwhiWEEKS tion of laxative arid tonic druirs thick hide whichIprotects againstt rust mufes squeaks contained in these pills make tlmin 10c and rattles insulates againstdrafts rigidheat furibemiust egistlflgr unoIinItOIIusIeIigldtIuIcIlI grist so animal for tgfiefgtngSOUFZZrmg dit1ons of the elinnnatory organs fir7V Xtr3515111591Brh5 retrMitllmilh LaquLiver Pills hell GOOD egataeiimioiitielimlllfl tillaeagrefl YOULL and ellmumte waste from the sys N1 temI As an iraftcpdinneru pm they relieve that bloated IfcIIeling and II help indigestion IE Sold atdrug counters everywhere MOVREiIIAAVV i1V55ElingethSt IePhoneV2427 BARR IIIIIIMIIIIIICII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII