PAGE FOUR HIE BARer EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25 1948 gtygt mw==l erSI RI AI wanemonh ELECT MISS GRA Elected President iCHAIRMAN SOCIAL resb ter WA ID until littlth lat lvl chum huh inth t0 itl int arts huh TIL alley hi II WI Lg CHI III MI ir to tn liitttli II II 3Aill Mr and Mrs ll Bartleyi tcroilii till ltors Will Bl ltilllrll of 41111 new piloted suithr lu WitH lttl lit tillllL oiliriis tlttltl ere 311 WW II IIIt LIIIIII HUI ceutive iri Hm mm DIIII Ch ttteliVgt Ant utIr MI iitl ltr ltltlll iftlz uil NW mm The annual fall lunar if lllt The Baby Itllltt ItIIIhII II mom IIIIIIIII lllulltlt of ii toiii1ly lie Legion xl BlnTLCl HI ii linieti chm rorrtspmnlnii gttlLt xnil mu he III IIIIII III II II vs ii SIIIIIIIIIIII II II II into gtitlhill lliimwlll tlh lululllu UMI or years tiiviiiice WA Airs laul anu IIVW hind 51ml nlw Hullth Jhil All 5Ultltlttkh lt itl Will ll 14 livurlih rllial tonzrrrnre onions address you llliitlt ii picstiitaimn and El iii the meeting North American 19 mt mdumm gtr loi elmli leader read ltltilll5 attended fioiii til WAS Th dill llllhlm in film l5 mII Im In Rh in 5mm iPasseSI Bllllon lmmh of mm than 170000 in and li Mrsntlnnt Mayor ltllitllttl mi II II II II II Chm moi its xli min int Lu1 ilti liIIlnIh titIiI ol tIvI VtIlIT IIItl IIIlIIfIJIlIIIllHIW III III LIme If Insurance Force l335$dlhfi231RJAImiIpIL ii 412m oi lSS cgt lzrirxiit 25 ors 1lt Snail 11rii iltikllltl ha lxio Io lti IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IItIIIIIIII IIIIIIIdTnih IIIIIII It has own tlllluunoctl that North cm bum nlnum 33 pm The pm st II IlAhA Liam i11Aimm MD Dim Aiillimm ill MRY lltlF telo in ixits ol the lltltlgt WAs throneh tiutiican Life Assurance mltpdll tection atlotded by the half billion tiv Jon3 iv Ilia gtrii iiip the lii iiia lltlt thin 3tltl000000 0f of If any of our lailv readers served on lilt Barrie loun toiiiiCil 53ml Wm rh WNW bumm rs Hidiaid ll it thill oi lllr pp hemmu md whom plng IItII II hh nI hIL IHI tii that propa would tale otfieu for tit Hr gt 30ch Mi 1idiil in 321 sip iii in 1hr haidililioud ill lltllt readily in local orpiiuiration 115 Th dill 1le bus since the company was established Connors cleaolui ix uizul iwit lwrilhltfti urns in iorcc has hWH increased Siltlltlolltl lia II III In hm III Wham Sh in 1mm 15 inn putt lllOlt than $1 LU convinezs ltl l2t nottli tutu A1 1in Alir it II If lI l2 fl WI WM Mum in $33iltitltlilh since the first of paid in bhnpms policyholders ml Atrm Mi Mi liiiii Aim mm iii 910 Almmifdn NHL imp 3d Akimu ljlhumih miIhAH 01 hoth Whhh WNLHA the rear and new business for the lhhd hllmqhhwhxe ilimlii Hle Imm with 501 mm Emmi lmmm LAi it oh nihili teninonili period has equalled the livllllll trim and iltlliS llllll tirities lul for months and silt Mm Ilm Hi lillllllill ill wHttl 5AM lwl Idlltt Sti Math ltMIlIlhIl WY iI it If fLIHIUl tlllll wool copper laiuntli bronze sron 0n tne lowri touricrl Mrs Il lmm Wlmml noiieir ini hotterr lllti Laurie has not ii chairman ol the llil mtl ml hirmh Uh llIhh uh wlfu Chmyhhm hm hI KLch llti to llllllii about the formation II Uh Immn Th 421 All mm lmwmh HA md 1mm immmw 1A if Vli but lice lourtrenth ivory liltcilltll ltlltl lhr ittiptloli coziiinittce Mrs up mu lgtlll VIVWUHlHlh ihinil lwcntr ldlllllt I5 lm IttiYC In other ai AA viwwmm inZilililqh Hfhim pm VAUII ldllbl milkSHVIVAmiW VON Pldlmwup msuhmo VI fourteen momsmomplmdl magnified II III ty IIitIIi coral IloItiItItIhI rub loiI on ti II ll rtllgtOlI ioiiiinitttLI lnnlsf Chapter Eastern II llmiilifoll situaitd in the critic of Light ants 00 limli mm lAllilim Umin 1le dMCWA ll MINE Alum ml lullt restful and yet very convenient on Highway 11 two liltytilih emerald Sixtietli lllt Beta Sauna Pin and past presi for MM ICEIS II II II II II IIIIIII III IIIIIUIII lIH III II miles south of Barrie mom itll to irys arcri Touch Aswthmun Shh is HICI lhIc llihlttlltlllttll oi IriIliccrs Iof lll lllllt biItiiiii recording xttlllill CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES lialltt rtcital lgtI Mix Leigh Wife 01 Dl 31 lltltltlt Ht llll im VLAphAlv K0 Him 015 d5 mm H61 THAI Hm Wim TELEPHONE BARBIE 4268 OR RlTE Izmd WWII mm III Balm SHIN ha Im Ihluumws Mun Rm and held at special inectiiiIt on llllll$lt is chairman of the liloJJIllli coir mm lh mm of Ishmhmh Wm A9lcnI iiay Nor it The installing hoard niiitec MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL Pamswrck Ont II II Imlmml Imam wmmnS hmh Jud at St JIIIIIIIIIYS tl ioinpositl of Mrs lhlla men llic toiiiiiiitttc uhicli tlrtlll LIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIII TUIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII HIIIh ghml Imd Penny IIt SI 11lxll installing Matron assisi upon ll ltll you o1 Illt nlrI It II II II II Eliic llec ocul solo will be Marys Separate School 111 II PfIIDI8IM Ele immId Hf whim UjlllItllUlLrjllUl 55 by Mm MN and oniiir riss raiu lap or ol coon llIllttlllt tlt varimn ltil Mm SI huh NM mm CwmvcecmmwrlOntario lirank liccn lasl lation Virus in lllt county in this lI tsclectioii ll lllt duct as installing latron Mrs Mc there is no overlappiinz in their III II II II II Aarson and Miss IIdiia lhcodore tllllI last Matron as lllSlrllllllI ioik and at the ltllltl lltlllll Iw mi 1m hmth ml Sih it Marshal and Mrs Minnie Leonard incctintis the tollttl in lllt liclii mg will follow if llllM as lnstallini Chaplain can talk over their common iuoh Vz vawsassw9s ltlicr otliccs were tilled by mem lcnis and help each lllltl oiil liltll aw csm II II nII Chi SI IIII II Hm of Bayiitu Barian Lily oi ltltll11rllllllUlltittttllltsu ltltl IL 0W RAllAMNIILH ttiic Valle illii iiw of the whole fllltl Ili llltll church Allaiidalc held an evtreine in 1m ltlv successful blYlll on Wdncsdqyl mi 1mm mullde in in lllmprh Blinmwn Myst Am 01 515019 iiiarriace in trace United Church lloytl of Barrie PWGM and Mrs llic lleallh lnit theiiid tion afternoon lotcmber l7 at which In cued who rm their IIOIILIII Ioionto on howinbtr 19 of Iv Illllllllll DIXIM 01 District llllllllllObI the Illlltlloll at Sot Viola Neely daughter of Mrs Rob No were honored guests Mrs tlltN tllt lxilhilly Wlhllltt illlt ifllllfls Mis ll lcnnIt president lert Nccley of ioroiito to Mr Wil Addie Black PM was at the piano the Department of ltllltrllltlll Babys UlllCVCl ed digcsiiie juices often have trou lc penetrating his first solid foods As result babys food is often incom lClCly digCSth causing upsets an habv fails to of the club wis hostess and in tum11 Chhho Of the mgmoon lltlm Graham son of Mr and lVllSltlllllll1 installation through the liiblic School liIFt IThOSII looking mm IO VIIIIIOIISl Duncan Graham ot Baiiit WM Bmhh Gnrdnn was tms all llI toiatlwi It still mblos we MINI James hopplcmmi you huhrm hV her Mom tallid in her chair Mrs BeatriCe mt IILIOllltih About mlmf tlic lll or so iiieinI lt3 In conveiier of the tea tables Mrs th the bride wore gown White Hlllillm 0t Billllt Sim it $010 Gmt bcis were present at the recent et much of the nourishment in Albert Goddcn and Mrs Walter 0011de tnllotil 01 lingerlipiWi Tillie cm mi and WC icfoodI BII1iSSISIh Candy Mm Dorothyweii was held by cnronet of oriscnted her with aIIshIeaf of beau lmlmri llcl bill if I9 IigI McChesney sale of fancy work ant10 blOSSUWS illld SCCtt llkmls imd lit mmls lift 0t 1101 film WWWCinmwiii 1A in But Libbys Baby Food the only baby food which is MlSI George wv 1d10I Candy applCSI she carried cascade of pink roses il while Mrs Mary Smith of pfsttl LhIEIIIIlmni Nil in bmh Strained 0d homOKCHiZCd is 11 16215 ten times and Mrs Dallusllsee fish pond Mrs Her only attendant was Doris Harrie on behalf of Mrs Gordons 555 II Hrs The mettmes iie lltltl on tht gt llariy Smethiirsl and Mrs Bushlen ONeil wearing gown of orchid liushandI DTPWm with second blood of very month il you tad llicautiful Star rin Whilc the were in chilge of the kitchen Mrs lt mg the County IIIIIHIIIIISI Godden Sit poured tea The tea dress Slie carried nosegay ofitlliaplain was being installed Mrsl MI III rdwum YWLW WW PI I1I it tables were decorated wrth pink yellow ioxcs ind oich pompons lLllll suit so The Lords IIIIIIII mm CIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII the LII finer in texture than foods which are strained only With the work of digestion made eirsy baby gets more nourishment from the same mitffilahf amount of food fact which was clinical tests have confirmed mums and silver candelabra which The groomsman asIMurray Me Ittytli T110 Installing MZISHVZL November mouth mtE+v came in handy with the power cut Vanel and tho ushers were Gerry aSSistcd by Mrs lvy Penlaham id Writulollhofmohooklel off large number of Barrie and McDonald and Doug Gilker Mrs DDGM DlOSehth Ouch 0f the star Er lItIiIJIIIFwaIiIIiIBIIItI Allandale people attended Clifford Duekwortli sister of the points ivith beautiful llowors in Ch05 Shaw Appomted gNO Wilson groom was soloist then uppiopiiate colors in flow it Iyribsmocltilhuingiit Miss Jessie Wallace chairman of reception was held at the Diet or drill secretary Navy quu POSl Olce Square District 0f the Registered NUS KltChm it Wthh the COUPIOl Mrs Helen II Mulhwandv GK Charles Shaw has been appointed Association of Ontiiriovas speaker left for antotor trip to NorthIBayprescnled her SisteriiilawI Mrs ManagingSccmmry Ontariul at the fall meetingof Chapter on Ottawa and Montreal For trav Helen Mulliolland with her pasts Division of The Nutty whth of nes ay 0VWliiWSWgHTfTingthEbdmvmitpmrdt lIlLSIj9WlwvWhllGtllSpaStaeinlrstewfhg VIM R4 lt an interesting and LdllLtlthlldl ta blue iool dress and matcunb prions Jeue wrs piescn to my ho hdh Ctihnur iCIHmeCll by his Wife Mr Shawbrings to his new posil FOHOVmg the Celelmmes Ilhe tion long experience aslan organ tables were spread for bountcous 110 coupled with Mon intertigl on the RNAO and its activities hat with black accessories and cor banquet WhiCh A311 0nl0y0d Eric Int such workas the Navy League The meeting was held at the nurs sage of red roses es residence of the General and Marine Hospital in Collingwood on the invitation of Miss Lund STRAINED and HOMOGENIZED libbys Evaporated Milk is Homogemzed loo BF54 8R mm all WWW mdmon Chrmmm Yardley Gm Se for me Mrs Johnstone Mrs Harold Scott and MrslwssJ Cross So far as can be learned this is the rst Th Wm meeting of me occasion on which women joined in Evening AuXiliary of CollierStreet the Chase in Bruce MIISI Johm umteq Chluich was held on Mon stone is an experienced woodswom day night With 26 membiirs piesem an but this was the first time on Mrs Jack Rgldgeripgsuled mth whichIIthe other twain had handled uness of Sthel emy ose gunihthc wilds Hanover Post group was in charge of the meet ing Mrs Cook president and Miss The womens Mission Society Chrlsnne MCDougan gave new of Central United Church met at on His SCCtgntalb meatng kin the home of Mrs Allen 46 Gumue er lss rape 19 Toronto Street on Thursday Nov men led the Worm Service ember 18 Twent beis were lthe theme of The kingdom come MIISI EI TI Jory presided JaciSIont WPv 3th asioastmaSt is doing among youth through its SlSlcrs IVY and JCSSie Pinkham sponsorship of The Royal Canadian sang beautiful duet Sunset on Sea Cadets the TrailH SiStm Stanton 0f 0ft He is well known in business ctrl 113 chapterAgave humorous road cles having held important execuI mg SiStCY Marjorie cowan sang tive positions with Toronto and 5010 and Siswr Pearl and BYOth Petcrboro rms For four years er McDonald obliged with some hC was Secretary to ADMSI Mi dOlightfuIl AmUSIiC ViOIln and pi No He also served on the Com Cmo OIICCITS mailed were WMv mereial Intelligence Committee of MIS Blldle GIOldAoni WP ENC the Canadian Manufactiirers As JaCksoni Assomate Matron Mrs sociation and addressed the annual man Hand ASSOClatC Patlfmv meeting in 1910 on the problems George MUIhOHandi secyn Mrs of reradjusting Canadian produc Laura Shering PDDGM Treas hon and Cxpm13I special names on your lisll resent lt lfhroughIthe healing ministry ofIthe lithe devotional period was led by lifegwrl yuqonndx Iii Mr Shawwas member of the church Solos were sung during Mrs McLem Scripture reach eISSe amp Peterboro Boaid of Lducation for the evening by Miss Little and MaTShaL MTS Jess JaCksoni OT ve years Director of that citys mg was given by Mrs MCMUIkin ganiStv MIS Dora webbi condUCt YMCA and on four occasions chair Mrs Cook social half hour was II spent at the 01059 or the meeting gagiogiue 125 wenobypiggdz Fess MW Annie Ayers 5550013 man of its nancial campaign he Mani Film Conductress Mrs Black Adan also served on the National Coun andMrS Irving followed by Mrs Joyce Kennedy Ruth Mrs CHI He was educated in Canada ladlu Sgt char of the November meetin WU viii 7743 v4 of Si Andrews Womens Mission andAllleVIIilisMrlsgAiCIhrgggh msBaj BgziaelldEIIIllIcirhafvhyEdnghihh schly and IS constantly 111 demand II My somety on wedDESday anal creed gave an inlelCSiing talkmm Warder Mrs Annie Hunter Sea is public Small For Him For Her ram $85 to $750 from $135 to 1000 noon November 17 large num ber attended the meeting whicr was held at the home of Mrs Blain l96Elizabeth Street at oclock The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Cameron and The annual New Years prayer W85 Olleled by MrS 15 dance will as usbual be held at the MacLarenI Mrs MacLennan Ofcers MesstBahie Armoum spoke on the topic Looking this year But there will be Ahead At the close of an enioy change in that invitations are re able meeting refreShmentS Were stricted to active associate and 5FVd by the hOSteSS honorary members of the Mess of which there now are over 50 This IHistory was made in Walkerton was decided on at meeting of the recently according to report in 135th Battery BarlieI OfficerS the HeraldTimeswhen three well Mess in the Armoury Thursday known WalkertonI ladies left the evening last Because there now comfortswf their homes to join in is membership of that number the annual desenhunt in the northI and the accommodation is limited ern townships if Bruce County it was felt necessary to restrict The trio of feminine hunters were the previousmethod of sending out invitations II II President of the Mess is Major With an enrolment of 92 Shear Park supervised playground had an average attendance of 54 boys and girls during the summer SVWWV The Canadian National Railways trains last year carried 21226889 passengers nearly twice thepopu 50 Dunk St Opp Post Office SquareI lation ofCanada her recent trip to Washington The meeting closed with refreshments The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Bewell tinel Russell Constable ltt Duncan McArthur an exbanker and former resident of Crac more celebrated his 80th anniver sary at his home in Stayner For some years he has been town treasurer of Stayner he still en jOys goodhEalth Il Youllloveils ay colouring smoo texturewonder ful avour And this special PURllY FLOURrec1pe in tune wltIh your budget Pound for und itseconoImy hospitality new White Christmas Cake calls for PURITYIFLOUR the dependable favourite thats Imtlledfromthenesthardwhean MORE FLAVOR WITH ovuooiiias GRANDSHORTCUI GOIIRGEOUS IogssERTSE Iieu imam Clark adtlieeiitaryis Capt ColiInI Fraser Representing the honorary members are Col Si LeeOBE MCP Fisher and Spry Active members of the Mess are active ollicrs Of the 135th Battery andIIIQ of the 45th AntiTank Regiment Associate members are former commanding officers Honorary memberIS are the former officers of the Grey 8c t2dBt lawman lt Munro TweedS such business and professional men of Barrie who have been duly SEEMS almost too 00d VANILLA norm e1 Ct ed to membershi Sweaters Yams pV be me that desserts as all led me Forboliday bakingI angi everyday baking mafvlws JellO Pudding can IbflISIO easy and BUTTERSCOTCH 77 AirAVAAWV wrighgoismgPurgimpbfkBake5i Virii WI mnftydlpmpmeAnLthemposfsbhnes aregddfr you Mr leeziondeegful 33311351 Dressmg Gowns less Serve them plam or serve with cream or CARAMEII atsm Inutsorruse as lling for pies and tarts and cakes gobmgoy the may Mg coo Tartqns from Deepbrown richflavored JellIO Chocolate VANILLA in gamgggggvggfgg Scand PUdding delicate Vanilla butterybrown Butter 7TAP9CW Ix roar gumnmrhhggngs 22125 gitIa ougoIlug throughout functional scotch and Catameld1iCiously homemade tasting 0m forth mi md 16 888 Hod will Ito women Yl more MIL 17 Bayeld st 38to52 yrs Doeat mmake you mirror Je apioca Pudding avors VamllaIand rornliot ashes feel so nervouahi II chocolateIServe often But for feafI sIrung tired hen Do try Lydia inklmma Vegetable Compound to relievg ugh symptoms Pinkhuma Compound IIhu what Doctors call stomachic tonic eectl lllllAEPlNItllAlllslullfpllil$ THE Just South Corners enjoymept be sure onu get JIELLOIPuddings Hours 930 um530 pm it Nunet StreetI4A lollO itdlradqmiirlrfowuadjy IIGonual Fonda Limited campim vr9duiVA35AAniii r3841