Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1948, p. 30

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DECEMBER 1948 Yltrettr 3T7 xztlllill went wlxi it BittlItlIJll is IIXII in ll tppoinlc hnd Knox Attxlliltc RR HAHN itntrodtteed the chief 5iltll Ll IM IHICIfI My IUi Hum 311 lv vK1licgg of Ctllllllgtitzuil ho klt 33 ltn nd ulle AHA rlfllii IIml Um as her subject The Sltlidle of tin II 11 31II ll BumtIlChtirch Against Evil Sui IHIKPI 33 Ikultd SUCll hour blow it bits Jitllltqlltilillts it relittzntti successful meetiii to ciow itiatt mm Stettalrt spenliexpnssj may gurwmu tumrt taking Vllilllil lira oi Ilt ltilr3tgtuic 37 or tic past le at DOIIIIII III II and Min tout ir zitt Thoma mittd 16 Late Mrs James Mmtnun awj Mis amt5 shim and llcl lItlllt Ritchie Th 355mg IimIs 534 of uitdlzuist llttli Stlitla 115 son in RV Hospital llatitr ozt ottInlugr Bil My Mm ML HRH WC St Johns WA mrt at Mts IId NUV 193 1943 IUHUWWR NWi lollc tu imiltg F1etttx tilt to tilt litatdsatts on iutsdny Willi almunlhs IlllkSs ltllUltl rte Saturday to Iii tale1 II attttttltuict lilmwn itsulenl of Hos and III 4i tt lztnzie to check on lll pmettu We tiw llutt lptiIizd midi elit aim MIS Sltlipin was both mt lIl lotcnto lie Will soon be le tn lltrltl wm we trim at Ttveed daughter of the mt WWK gum punmu Wk Mr and Mist Ferguson ll2tg gt ll tulip CHIpm MCQIW and 31 Jun imminent id to llos at an curly age and mp My the initial til tit Ioi itlm lktttillldti lstd like to see attit Itt optional in lotoitto tn Ytltlldio 1W Sh 35 wnml IUHH apptIndicitis III the Itvlliltll lt gt 3p mg pp cliile Church aitd took an itlete1j II IIIznd hospital WI MUmWHI llllllt voikof the Lathe3 timid ll Wm 0131 pipd 11 Mice tin1 writ gtttelltl iti tttntcr Th0 funeral Service was belt at rertattetl tlll Hospital Barron last wJtIh fut Ill Ill My MI My Himsun Bishops Funeral Home on Nov 11 it on Bloating unprppnyy unlittit opium lid Kits It tniietle ttttinilson vis nd 35 UlthCUll bl lit It is All11 lilttl lllllt Irwnt is dome nite1 lill tel Mr NHL lmiid sun Stubbs Interment was inatlt ill ttltll cup and 11mm pm if Mud Sl JOINTS Cttlhlttyv ItMtllVI Quite number from lltlt It it 311 and 3p out 111mm mi The pallbearers were Kimberly Aliv tiltllllyltondcd um um wimp and Mrs ll ttowhy enjoyed DIIYSdlP Jtllillt Jv Milli Mi vih WI Toronto some ol thew tvetnzj fill II It he Weekend with itiends llt Tor bit3 11l3150lt in It Wllllthm Silltlltlittw and Mrs Noriztan tttvseti IIl IIitiIIIlIIII Itto Mr and Mrs Karl Whitney oi Alta ttt gusts of tliei biothtr it It Whitney 311 Whitney lloturtmn was in ioioiIttol illtndiitt the funeral ofK uncle lotgtoii oi the iloletaraita Beach Several people lioitt the Lllllt lave visileti the lloyat Win Fair number vcre iii Tor on Saturday to see the Santai parade Death of lttomas Wesley Dobson Thomas Wesley toton passedl suddenly llt Toronto on Noti lit ltlltl Itr Dohson had lUllltltil of the Riverside Hotel Wasalza inacli for the past eight years tie loaves to mourn wife gt one daughter Mrs itass littltltlltlll one brother Illwood ltlltll and one sister Miss Viola Dollsoit of lItIlOIIIO The funeral was held at Mites Funeral ltapcl and interment made in Park Lawn Ittlllltly The service was conducted by ttev Jas lter gtison ilA of St Andrews Presby terian lttirch Barrie formerly NEWS OF ELMVALI theltiieeting in Toronto than and Mrs Train song out Viciimgtfut duet Jesus Never Fails Currie ithc guests from St Johns Site lie Among the beautilut floral tributes t3 thil Izessage from the MK the president vere those front Wycliile Anglican Guild She leaves to mourn one son Nelson at home one daughter ittl Iiln rie three brothers Iohn aitd of Alberta and Illll of late Her husband pxedeecar her in 1947 Edna Mrs Brantley of ilar Ilolil Open House at Schools House for parents and friends oi Nov l9 Tltc large attendance eitcouragittg to the teachers Class were on display in all the minus work In the High School much ents were conducting experiment in chemistry The propanuopett ed with selection by Elmvale Trumpet Band under the direction of Geo Farrar The its Choir sang group of three songs llll Miss Eva Rumble at the piano demonstration on the trumpet by tMr Farrar was most interesting Mr Farrar also paid high trioutc pastor ofSIttitttvitlc Church where Mr llobson had once resided St Andrews WMS Itiaiilt Offering St Andrews WMS held their hank Offering meeting on Nov Mrs McGuire oitcred siiiasieeair sttrttcd Mimic and HickoryTempo IIIUGL lOl MAPLEtill sizes pair btltty tilltllklll itnd lightness Putt Dollie Top Maple Dome Tut Illckcry it 255 5v ft 415 lttll control in all kng positions rttniie of styles tutu sizes CHALEI Slit IIARNssDeslgnedto ittlll titties Eusyottundoff JUNIOR SENIOR 79 295 195 MASTERCRAIT SKI Tankln Ca Ktoydon Steel and sizc imtl price ITONKIN Pr DURAILUMINUM 169 259 82 KROYDON STEEL Pr 459 769 MASTERCItAIT SKI complete line of waxes goggles Ltc culling CaDS dollars to clot liar lat his 5011 IXL FITSSmartly cut waterproof white rubber note with cosy sheutlmz woub Wm my usedgt to 193 was mum neuritis It5 ity tube skates Its Cain REE COIY cit ADM TIRE CANADAS FINESTat prices that save you up to 30 if SKI hsltlotad by Master Craftsmen from wetlselsoncd DOM TOI MAPLECttolce of many experts or exi llmlll TOI IIICKORYFashloncd from selected Ten nessee Iliekory tight strotttrflcxlbte Pair l495 Ejlilil EDGE HICKORY It MAPLE SKISGIVE sure strutp control and birtllttllltll the ski JUNIOR SKISSeasoned hardwood cnrefully shaped ISllIlltll SKI BOOTSr solid comfort and must complete POLE SStroni llzhtwetzht ACCESSORIESA mitts Visit our Ski Shop for expert harness lilting and bust waxing IThe itii Way lovCny IISkis Btttarloi8kitlariier New and improved design built in our own plant to save you several sturdy rustpoted chan nel steel firmly secured to car tel hv large suction cups and straps Holds ti pairs skis and poles complete only 49157 Big savings on other Car Top Car rlers priced front 129t01195 675 IIInovsc OUTFITBitter ibiiiitii leather boots with sewnlit ankle supports waterprool sole and nodded mac MENS SEMIP30 locum OUTFITh spe ll to 12 mosmm Ship and Shoulder PadSLFIC Newest Styles and Valuean Ladies ii SKATE 8001 minus GIRM AND LADIEI PLEASURE SKATING OUTL pets with ankle support and Top orvboot trimmed1 t=gndsom owl nuclei3 359 gt It New 100 Page 19439 Chldlos din lircsrst rimsin looMn told nrmorJe aunt yam racked lull with Ilgavlnhiilall tum4 nortlm GoodsWoritshtgt Emmett out meritob Mr Buckle principal of EIIS ex tended hearty welcome to lie spoke of the large number at tending scttool this year the rooms are over crowded Joint ItobcrtA lson chairman of tile Board tins 345 735 Edges to up 1475 2115 cu It 595 49 1695 iilve trip control CABLE 395 595 iumlnunt Your Pr 5I Rlvcttetl Sizes 11 torn line quality tube skates 675 buyenables us to otter this fine outfit at low DrIcEwXMu3quuhSIBles with dened blades Tlvetted to solid leather boots Sizesotolz ts95 MENS PROSTYLE HOCKEY OUTFITSmil to sets usually split up to $1800 Sizes may anoint summits425s club prices on Eolfey sticks Gloves or Junior and toi players 119 and names on the desks enabled parents to locate their childrens The lllmvale Schools held pcnl lttit HUI books and work done by the pupils lthHll interest was shown where thestud to the drttm section of the band Sinrlev tllm Itayer Mrs Jones brought pressed appreciation that such ers Carrutitcrs in charge lo be pres tilt ml of ac need to to rein hutch The guest l1zt Ullillu Sup Burke itleatljli of Gen it ltiblit Speaking boutittftiit iti itttit delicious loud tlll rapidly disap peaier MotherIlatiqtilcr Banquet ht lIl tutiutt Mother and Danglue iYanutiel was held at the ltuIlt wt Sloan iwen lylllltt at tit ll IlIltt table was ltIlllillltl ltl tlt and white with siltIeIrIItIziiidle The tAlro pity cup lltlct ttlll white mums made ltIllllirtll centrepiece Toast Motton proposed by Joy Christian uii ttsponded to by Mrs Illtltllitl toast to the WA twas iteii by Joyce Matehett and responded to by Mrs Sloan Miss txttl tacoretl with piano Stlttlttltt Miss Florence Lamb Regional Supervisor of the GA told thin ittlll about her trip as iittetcale to slo Conference land also about pleasant chat she had with tincuss iilitlettilhe ltllpltIsSIIoll irltby Miss Lamb was Itltai the tiltts of the GA have at great wotti to tltl on and must have the inner happiness that shows in their faces DEII WYEBRI November 29 llrine Killllill spent Wedncsw day in Toronto Senrat front here attended the Royal Winter IItlll Motion Downer Toronto spent the Weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs it llakley and film it Ill the weekend in Toronto So iit In part thaiINfr Casset man Is yicl in St Andrews Hospi tal Mr and Mr Wm Reach and family otdttater visited Mrs ltobins Sunday Mr and Mrs I3 Shaw and Iain ily loronto spent the weekend with li OHara taymond ttattgliton Toronto spent few days with his sister lViIs Preston and family very successful bazaar was held iii the school house Friday evening under the auspices of the Anglican Young People The Ladies Aid met at Mrs IFrank ltawns Wednesday after noon with good attendance and The lseeretztrys report concerning the ncw cltttroh furnace being installed and donations for samc were very Itavorable lhcrvdevotional period II was taken by Mrs Jones Roll call was attswcrmt by Natningrira fiamotis Biblc Woman reading was given by Mrs Mc =Clungz on Building the Temple of Solomon lunch was served at the close Next meeting to be at Mrs George Rankins Dec 15 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 IcIltrotttIcI II II II writ FIX tT RIGHT Icind at REAISONABIE cosr Youll gt much better pet formancc greater economy and lOngei life out ofra car or truck erviced by our trained incl to with later vacuum rages IIiiilri Mm rice It up $53 ASIS gs inns Motown Frolick ltoiite alte an opt dtctti it tuflutrv Will it llll WW and Mrs ilatold itsf2 Mr and Mrs Canadian headquarters at Montieat Men want wives to retain their youthful Make this sevenday reducing Your husband will be quick to notice the improvement in line htflluut LIV Iitv til the or Atttii hm tile Miss Evelyn liutzu CW weekend at he la int new 35 Valltltllllztl In ltltJlt Ki Hll it and lam ilttctl la ttltlt Narrow IZstapct lilttkll National Express appearance test with the MYNEX Plan your figure orritiif WORKERS EAST victims StftBEiaphers bookkeepers workers often find excess weight piling up Many girls guard against thiswith the shortterm MYNEX beforeIthey know it Hit the With ligt ewton Robins ttuiiiet Mehu anti Dotty ll IlllI li lias lireetiuit oi were in this teititty lot Illl tt Mt Morris litiitttmttt 117 pltnt Sunday with ll tllI IN llai 115m hm Nehtix tlttllt Iii this tlllllliltlt2 lltll ltlll in pay Maurice Inert had narrow es lllIIlt UH lilli cape when he fell from the top of It mm transportation llptixisui tor lItt 1HH mm 01 the King5 my SECOND HONEYMOON NOT FOR GLANDULAR OBESITY IN MOST CASES EXCESS WEIGHT is CAUSED BY OVEREATyN MYNEX Dietary Plan is intended lorpeoplc whoseexcess Weight is due to overeating Now lltlttl Siatlutd and Juli tiny ill lItiltlIiltl tiir How ltHll Ill lwlittL turtllo lIllllltlx ow t3 on Li art Ii ill Lia Sunday and Itoiitiztj Winter Itions to Jim irom ltto IIlttt lt llaitrmi Incd Ihis tobacco barn IIIHIIIHII IIISlltis nrm and mum ltlltlttl hudbury llltll mill tinny tin 71111 ile has returned home ttom ol lnlt tilt and ictirratioit Ilattqtlcl lingwuud UsDim Wm xquwv $Ilgt Mir batemttn and ippuztiitt tin Niiittv mitt ulI litt iIitlttil were taken and cast put on lflmhI lv itchy Blltllltll flirt min it at ti tug Antonina 111 Sunday llll Mr and Mrs oi al or Min tltfl II II ltaiitpal 1n lw Mange lllill NR AIIOINIIWIINI IIItIIIiIiIII IIIIIItIIIIIItll il liII II II It II IlIlll table vert lluniduns in out compostt Oltxti has litlll Ippoittr mph WinU call cattle Iourtii an llltl at the ltoyal Winter tair Illitil llowe spent the weekend realion and ltllthllt wzt lvtlllbtl itlIll tl um iimiit ilit execlb Iitoittttoit and iiiuew ltcrolt tor their tirst titiie to Mini PAGE 35m By FOXO REARDION lIItI tlpiit til iIHIS EASY WAY WITH THE AMAZING MYNEX DIETARY MANREQUIRES no JSTARVATION NO EXERCISE REDUCE YOUR FAT SPOTS ARMS HIPS If you are on reducing diet and feel that you nIeedKnecessary vitamins and minerals MYNEX Tablets are offered to supply them BUST LEGS ABDOMEN ANKLES THIGHS WAIST NECK CALVES For maximum results MYNEX recommends the food regimen in the ustrated booklet above Use as directed Etcii nation Tablet Coiitains Vitamin Bl Thiamin Hydrclchloride Vitamin HZ Riboflavin mg Vitamin Ascorbic Acid 16 mg Niacin Amode 6mg Vitamin 200 IntUnils Vitamin 86 Pyridoxine 04 mg Calcium Pantothenate mg GREEtt Tablets Together Contain Hi Ferric Pyrophospltale 16 mg Tricalcium Phosphate 720 mg and office WaitUttMa IT l00 mg Plan atthe firstsign5ofbulgingfat homes using inowc eered ports See uglitdvigortttvmr trouble Tout IWeveII seen so litany cases when little forestght would that we earnestly urge you to Iletus check your car or truck NOW Our work is dpend ableand our prices are not sonablet Harold Hill Chrysler Plymouth Fargo Approved Service Phone 24272428II Barrie have prevented costly repairs ncultidiarr gurnlmu gt hitMYNEXJIfomuluhipiiblisltea 562II17I you nooumlicelthat EMYNEX it innit FROM Sms STouTSI farm BIGMia Singer Sewing Machine Cd Will Be In Barrie From TUBS to THUR inclusive rltIll Week and will be able Ito advise you on till Sltlttl trtitem Sales etc llilltgtltltlll are now being made to iiold SEWING 1158158 IN lMItitIti jaded stage Zud chit41ml For all information and service apply to Ilox Barrie ilxamiitcr or write direct to Singer Sewing Machine 11 Mississ ga 8L rillia Ill 0M iT SERVICE ASSURED Iiiiiiiit MttNEtEBtttitgeg Bonded ltcpresciiiatlvc of immediate acceptance LOSE UGLY FAT SAFELYI UP T07 LBS IN DAYS ornocostto gt you Start losing lat first day without starvation without painful exercise Follow directions enclosed in package In lttlt Guaranteed Re sults or no loss to you MYNEX plan guarantees that wowre duce up to lbs per weekor ab solutely no costto you GUARANTEE Read the directions and see howwell the new MYNEX Dietary plan works Use plan as tlitect It ed and if you havent reduced up toseven pounds in just one short week if those embarrassing bulges arent disappearing to your satisfaction if you dont feel better and losethatiftoo fat feeling simply return the sleeve of the tablet box and we will refund your purchase price Thats todaysglair offer that calls for your KH T7Tu it If No Tamblyn Near You th lI tr AIIII rro TEENACE CLOTHES at 180tlp0nryv0 av Toduyl marl styles reguiro slim him and staydeputation Th9 ToAddrhss Betow MYNEX gt Dietary Iteducing on by Phone 2650 help you reduce disfiguring bulges TAMBLYN LTD BARBIE and Jo wear clothes not make VII you my yem when Your offer is fair enough Send ItheMYNEX day Reducing Plan complete Ill pay $300 plus COD poStaIgc on arrival on your Iguarante 14 to refund my $300131115 postage that paid upon request Ior return ofempty package with in 10 days Cash orders mailed prepaid It NOTE If youizish to continue your reducing program beyond days you can get two $300 pkgs for only $550 50c saving to you Check here if you want to take advantage of this offer ADDRESS gt is CITY PROV Adhpwv

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