IIlLIllIHI Il In each DOLLIIII quickly red Town Nomina For 15 Seats On Coun lci1vl tl new The linee IIlv Bliizlll of iLllii Itsi Ilillll of olintloiiilg ui ivvu Il of expalai llrlliliimi of this nlii pionxtm to Willi If lliedioti isi lilrlll llle lionld of Ililmiilloll lllt li in chug lsillzs Schools IJillll councils llv lllllil lllllll lilllllllih I1ll you iiStc3irl lit ti decisive ztln lkIIII Ill Zlie Itllt Unit This lull tviiu IILillell lioliviloll will lollll il all end and il lgt his inlenlioli of HLlillu illllll lltt1tl ill 1m zott lojeii Mr IIHLCIIUII Ill llll on the lilblle lllllllil for llll past lx years and he servld oil the Illt while he Mayor of llaiile iiolii ltliili llllill Illll Ill lll liltIlHVlwuic Depart llieill of lhe llf one of the prob lllil of lIIl moment is the power Iioilage arid the ll0l rziilzilacloly lllealis ol clillillllllg tile llt in Barrie lil llle Walelvoiks Ill1lllliltlil of llll Ill olio of llle lilvlmllillll liili lllllSllllliillUll piogialii for WU lliziltlis Ivllllf is lone idiot in If your nose someI times fillsle with stu if transient con gestionput tow dropsng tr lg gestion and makes breathing easier ii hurry gives grand relief from cnlly sncczy stuffy distress of head colds Follow directions in the package TAP lflzlilies lair7 lions Friday cil the nonuni ili LIIIJ ill llll liil Il Lliiillltll=tl IIUIIlIlII of ollingwood is one of the directors of the Illllollla Historic Sites and lollllst Associ alion Mr llouriie Is well known win Simcoe County mid has taken ail active interest ill llll llllllllllit Association lollc The Ontario Provincial squad fin liiiveiiliurst has litlfl transferred to lilaceblhlgc Sheriff I4 lllll was llll lspeaker at last weeks meeting of Sliniiei Farm Illllllll WOOL I500 MIlE PIIRE DISTILLEo moron on Freshen up for Fall and Winter driving with NUGOLD lI0v IIISTILLEI MOTOR OIL Youll train sliloother lclIOIIlltlllfCr clcanct englllennd perfect lubrication at all speeds in all temperatures NUGOIJ is acldless Hildclbll free Equal quality to oils selling elsewhere at $140 xallon SAVE SAFELY PREMIUM QUALITY AT LESS THAN THE PRICE OF REGULAR GRADES QUAILI GALLON IIIGAL IIItUlII CHRISTMAS TREES 9slnuultW FISHFRMEN POTATO WINNERS eti Itull jug lie Li ill ll ii wm Buy you cut hzunmgj HM UIl eLlfv lo ilulilirnl slirlc llll tlll 31x ill aclo Joint Ixad dmwned toutptt to Ifizlted Stairs points In WM REACH mu law ugtileL lispzcloi Ill ecll Gill and SICULIHSS had been My MN rt Hi and $1 11 IrL ink by MI Mdlm lltll llll ll TM 511 iliillt the lt lime ll if iIXQIVlllllilil 33 32 EWsli Tillrlllli 1116115 Ixiltl gander CECIL and of Stlblings who llliilllllidltl fixed lo liangoll Vllie hearty task of lowing qlliirlel BARRIE mummjyaam ouygmo CANhDa to climb ii Uull the side of Ill boat When it appealed that this boat might also upset the 21 pound Sleblilllgs seized the prov of lllc hunt and Glenn wasted hizu Sweeney then stalled in Illlll Iliwnllls Sllllic lhe Urly brothels had silliilai ixpeliinee with lill He also was Leavy with soaked clothing and lolllll no1 gII into the bout Ilow Lvei he hung on and this party also started towards shore John Mono and his son leil Llt out Ill lIicir boat at the lime lhey rowed ovi to James Gill and Ted helped llllll llilo the Uriy butil assistivd with daily tesl and cheial olllelS boats liicllldllii illil Illiglilll Tile trips to shore Were arduous and it was estimated that the two men were in the water about hall on both Earl Smith lad telephoned the police who snlliilioneil lilole boats By the lime Elli and Stellliilltz leached shore small clowd had gathered and Prov Cons Cecil Webb was waiting with the police cruiser Home VITAMINS IDENTIFIED of those neasby assisted the two iislleimeli up the steep bank and oils Webb look them to their homes in the cruiser In ilddilion to losing their boat Sllphen Stebbings alld James nil also lost their fishing tackle and other eqllipllicnl However those who il how choppy the waters were on Sunday said they were fortunate to be alive Louis Glenn said if there had not been two rescue boots one of the men wuuld sari1y have drown ed By the time he solid Norman Sweeney reached Stcbblngs the other fisherman was so far away they could not even see him They could never have rowed to his old while Stebbings was clinging lo the front of their boat Steve Stebblngs veteran of the RCAF and now CNR em ployee was once before rescued our and VALUE COLDLABEL COD LIVER OIL GOLD LABEL RESISTOL CAPSULES mm dillngngngX 51211 High Poltfncy VIIJMIHSA and 16 53 Potency Anna Dgoonuntntc loo erve Second World War is now Civil 89 69 Cm mm COLD LABEL coo our on cipsuus COLD LABEL VITAMIN He was so near exhaustion from Nmul Viumin And lt loo 89 COMPOUND TABLETS 00 259 his icy bath that lie had no recol lection of who saved his life MONDAY OPENING COUNTY COUNCIL Continued from page one NIGHT POWER CUTOFF PERIODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE MAY WE SUGGEST DAYTIME SHOPPING Gift Suggestions ditty GOLD LABEL KAPSOVITE CAPSULES Multiple Vitamin 50s 100s SPECIALS IllNlt Pure Natural Oil Hair Dressing and Tonic GOLD LABEL MALTEXTRACT wan coo lern OIL Ilb 39 2Ib 59 445 129 BAYER ASPIRIN Uscd since I900 for the Relief 26 98 HEATER FITTINGS IIOT WATER HEATER Better Make Sure Your Car Heater Is In Good Shapc HOSE cUrran Culs AND REPAIR PARTS oss CONNECTION HOSEts to all roudd hogs tfrom1 flo ASSEMBLY 22 ukc 301 osc or Eublizr per ft 12 beater fittings etc 29 FAN MADE 61 Cold 16 CI IIOSE CLAMP 05 SUMMER SHUT OFF wing type with detach HEATER ated able nipple 61 ml MOTOR BLOCK TEE 76 dash Inounung ADAPTER 64 or condensation start Heres siiug Cvomfod All Wool Auto Robe wlth iriuued ends Bil lowprlce for extra warm it Oud wear Generous 5116 The New 100 Page Ask For SWITCHES Variable speed lllumlnv and nonillumin Uiliversal for un derdash or throughthe contingency Necligible Operating cost phieldWipar At Remarkably Low Pitch Rich woven Tartan Plaid patterns full arewool bod Bolt ex are an 695 ins trapped air In heater 19 IIOSE NIPPLE 07 Complete Stock of Nipples Elbows Tees etc 49 0111 Dont GemLED Eel lillllflll SEAL Keeps Your Ignition DPyaIAII Times ceutdeveloument that absolutely prevents moisture rain re stalling your car or making it difficult to Waterproofs the entire electrical system In few 89 minutes $150 value FENDER SPLASH GUARDSDresses up your car and keeps it free from illumisplashcristone Bruises etc Crystal black finish with gleaming jewel Quickly fittedno holes to drill Per pali BATTERY BOOSTERJustmluzdn at nlgllt nildviiext morning you have inllle reserve battery power for every Complete with simple in structions for operation TlIEBMOSIATSTAccumte dependable MataMaster qualll Ensurehtah hastenefflclency our allyear motor temperature control For many immigrants 11mm acolyte mm time to check on nuaiafor Hose gWater Purilp II rIILvu Catalogue Nowchady YourCopy ELIZABETH ByrrioOnI wold large share of this money Tile tourist dollars in that year bought PAROL AVCAR 16 oz 59 and Discome of Headache 4000000 pounds of butter 4000000 LAVENDER WA wv Co or Toohache and dozens of eggs and other foods in BATH SALT LBu Muscular shes and Pains proportion 94 CRYSTALS SYRUP 39 Norman Clarke suggested tint BMLIQNEWIIVIF LCOUGHIMm 35 intersections on the following Luxury I0 For the Treatment WAX PAPER 00 R0 28 IZIIIIIEIS18 leable1529 IUD IBIIEIT79 county roads be included in the Receive of CatarrliSinus program for diremonal Signs LAVENDER and Antrum WINSUM HAND LOTION 39 PHILLIPS Elmvaledistrict 23Waverley dls YARDLEYS TOMT faction INWERL Rial tiltiEnlisteiiietiiztsiti LAW MILK or MAGNESIA district and 16Churchill district GIFT SET SEJRHTZ POWBEELS Bo 23 Mild Effective AImost Tasteless Aex Midnlgsh feltIiyGlitcve COLD CREAM BATH SOAP for 25 Laxative That Does Not cuse 13191313 se as Dorothy Cray LUCIEN LE LONG AYERSTS HOUSEHOLD wilu Liniment 02 39c wea COLOGNE COLOGNE ORILUAANDWEEDS ALPHAMETTES iisofciiiiris 45 69 horse belonging to Eugene Flaherty 70f ErinCaledon townllne was shot by atrayrbullet from 32 calibrq rifle thought to have been fired by nearby hunter letter was read from the WHITE OPENING NIGHT sm co ed TOW of 911111 ndwanng lsalls um mm3cnm 53 PURE OLIVE OIL oz 59 IlCthn Wltll the WEOCI Inspection BALALMKA Hgh PnY rn system 33 50 This TAMBLYN COLD CREAM IS 01 49 HUDNUT TAPERE IE Raikcs weed Inspecmr for TH Esme my The New Comb with the keen razor edge that North Simeon was present ad pg 85 ANTIFRECZE Scaled Callon THIS 199 shapes dupe your hair spoke on the matter briefly our own home said Orillia was the only munici mmaxLi 350 BOTTLE9 EXTRA Dality that had not appointed CREOPINE Cough Remedy 1601 69c BLADES local weed inspector last year and LAVENDER WM similarly there had been no tap 000 54mph MECCA OINTM SPARKLE TOOTH PASTE2 for 35 pointment this year POWDER its T135 F0 gm MUSTARD BALM Tubes2 for 353 CRYSTAL ca weed inspector an he had spet TOILET so sons and ZINCVOINTMENVT in Tubes for 35 ing the proportiOn in which they YARDLEYS 77 Pimples Sm BEDRY on our of Ten contributed to thecounty budget 5PIECE LEMON FOLISHWG QL2 for 35 KI with as Cum When Reeve Johnston of Orillia t5 GIFT SET 29 CLEME HAMpo 37 Toni Small Kit 150 asked the Weed inspector hOW LWfng Refill Kit withouICurlen many times he had visited ri 1a the reply was that he had had For MILK 0F MAGNESlAlzo 01 29 one complaint which led to the II Men RUM HONEY COD Liver Oil 013 43 seed cleaning plantI operated by gt cs an the member of the cOuncil who had VALORV RoLLSWRAZORW7 7L Spag RUMVVHONEY COD Liver Oil 79 introduced the motion recording cam Cirmnr dissatismcuon with the System He 5mm SANTAX TOILET TISSUE for Illdllvldgal ramin Insbudapest HITTIIKBIV ls tisbclsll cap im lt $215 htgichthahe sggiergglairtlhse SHAVING SUPERLATHER SHAVE CREAM 19c ifioidttfufigm Wilfislliuokffe digit gt arces hilt they had been Passed on 9c KLEENEX TISSUES 20052 Illr 35 lgosoffice Iaqlulhorilics tellus you can send parcel ipest ungur Iwuh blt tolvglmRaikes added Tht there getting through Yoll can sealfrilly ggssolpiiinllls ll my three months in 1115 Th WI 49 if Mwiqupuc gill35 $933 Etuigfsop iilslggifseds summer when weed inspectionsWas please Ottawa will sendiood parcels for you in $10 This effective and he could not do the Stops sum indch PM 100d and postage 11 the munici alities rm Perspiraiion cannor cvllLs How can make mm curls wor or 13 LAVENDm wi Ivolrled different ways but without any luck Mr Raikes said he had YARDLEYIS junv sow mime Favorite dcrapflivholle firm carrots Using polar of apple givenith preference inlus time Holiday 5navslwt of ISISlilalrfnnosliieslefflhlliilifga$23 tothe ruralldistricts becausetfhe 3PICE Anxious Harm Film Yourselfuhmuy manem farthers depended on craps 0r cPlerricsi ls therea hos iii Lari their living Mfg Johnstgn replied NQmMEv eliilepiicsi tllllierodcan get idfcllnialilln Illa r1215 that Ormia should get values To SHAVNG vomae oil epa lent epzlr merits anvhosplls can give palielittiexam nail to the proportion of taxes paid IVS TALCUM COLGATE tlic clxiiertts till case all tags 22391 Isnotcgnsldegrsd Following the discuSSiOn be nlearysc lope ess asltionce was peclal hospital to tween Mr Raikes and Mr John alffnfgsgg11mmgghgdglmggiqhnlano Apple ston Reeve George Clark of Bar Maaffezgfeswem colored in 0515 55 gxm MASONITE TABLE Toys My paddy obit Lop rie said Dont take idlsdtalk too LAVENDER Leaves Mouth Refreshed 3313013fkl13rallmasonlle um caniiteep gt wa gt await slit 25511 innit out we memr 45 iii biitiittdsiiii3aittli gt gt 1910 Wu In 27 of the chunty blong ago thing the or Spain Man AF1TYE is saxu 75L 1de it Spoke ouque RTE IOPS Are giantbarter chops In countyyhad given to Orillia for You Ll Mme VL TOEFL 335an i305 may sum Mom MA some years It wasbelieved this COLOGNE RE Ch yr whm you want was in reference to II grant LINVISIBLE In or WATERFRODFE mmznm 13 the In of $200 annually for which Orlllla LPIECF TALCUM 91 method of vatelproo in hnmgyknll woollen millionsr had been given credit in lieu of In flue New Civd wh Matching Envelovcs Says wool expert Mrs Jervis Allen the is Gwl odnds to You waterproof wool Before the war manufacturers pro levy for county health serv it 5E1 Shade FOR 49 duced showerproot wool but it was not satlsfaclory Send Tour questions to mm AIIIIEN 225 Jarvis Sirecmommo Ontario sa 1125 we 89 iannummwsxwmwwwhmmlmmmmma mm IN All 74 PM 10 YOUR nitrous BROADCAST wrrundrsiirk OVER CFRB 1010 on YOUR DIM STORE HOURSMum Thea Thurs Fri Prom racism lo ll 830 pml Wednesday830 qgmt01230pm Saturdcy 8305 $910500 Pa PP Wth 51mm to m1 for quick contamn 3M Rheumatic Patna 00 in rpng cloudy urine munch plus Log and asap chain due to Kidney and dder Iron 21 Quick com III mtonpal ounothcr mm hurls Debit my new will your ma DELIVERY honeZGSOA