PAGE TWENTHQVB SEVEN or SIMCOE lBeverley Rowe Wins warm weather Stays Carter Scholarship For Another Full Week 35 Firsts Seconds Nothings more fun to nd than relaxationYou can give that precious gift with Elizabeth Ardens preparations for making bath bubbling beauty treatment Fluffy Milk Bath for frothy fragrant to crystals to scent and soften water bland and delicately perfumed hand soap smOoth sachet or thinspun dusting powder showers of gifts far cloudless Christmas Blue Gran Fluy Milli Both III 700 Blue Gran 8th In 8on Gran Body Sucht Powder tar 275 Blue Grass Dusting Powder Blue Gran Hand Soap l25 350 CUSDENS PHARMACY 14 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE 5h illlltliu foods Satisfactory not some IIvl COOPER Wel Burrito was dec bv Field Mar gt xtlnder oi at the in illltllh BUSHNELL was wide 1y mourned when he lied recently itollowiu an automobile accident lll years he was manager Midland amber of Corti Illltjltt and he is also secretary 1of the lIlironizl Historic Sites and lTourist Associa it He was well iknown not only in Midland bllt ltlltotiilliollt the iIllronia district and he was active in all enter prist lanned to promote this part of arm lie is survived by his iwife at Midland and one sister ers Thomas ler of Hamilton Iptodate pr quipment mod jern type expert craftsmen line quali printing at The Barrie Examiner JEWELLERS Private Diamond Room hits ltmlf Port tcll Henry relatiu Willin llet nlcu ed the fainter pate Quite number tookstown and distrt the Royal Winter Clan print in pubic school after three tllIitSS at her home in Huntial lhas returned to her tlllllt ltttt On recent Sunday when the members of the Clown Society ltllLd the pulplts in local chtllclils two of the speakers were Mr Cook of Barrie and Mr Potter oi Tor1 onto Mr and Mrs Geo Lowan tltid Teddy and tgoly mowti urday to 3001011 where they taken up residenti They llt1 in Cookstown for two 311 when Mr fowan was principal of the High School here Mn Jebb who tolsurcral months has resided with her ltc pliew Ralph Smith in Toronto held succrsstul sale at her llUUSt tutilittire etc here on Vtdlltl day Mr lltl Mrs Mllllt leiills house on ts lzabeth andtfllaruaret who haw lltl for many in Cookstown haw gone to restde with Mr and Mrs Win But ler ill Beeton Both have been 111 ill health for some time but recent Miss Carr sustained Slttilit witch rendered her unable to do the household duties in their homil here Recent visiting Joint lloughton with his brother at Schomberu Miss Audrey Camp of Toronto at her home in Ieeumseth Mr and Mrs Bert Crawford anti Lynn Ti ronto with Mrs Beasley hl tor of Mrs Ciawtord Mr and Mrs Robert Wallace and granddaughter Mary Emery with Mr and Mrs Beasley Cookstown Presbyterian WMS Meeting The Fresh rrian WMS held their Thankt in meeting on Wednesday nun1 in the Veter ans Hall ttors were pre from Beeton and Iottenham Sinclair of Allandah address on sionary Donald Sinclair of has been Young Wome veiling Secretary gave 13 in spiring address Bazaar Great Success The ladies of First ESS Church VA held their monthly meeting on Nov at the home of IVIrs Hayes Final arrangements were made for the bazaar on Saturday Nov 20 The event was held in the Soldiers Meritorier Hall Cooks town and the ladies appreciated the kind assistance of those who donated goods or helped in any way to make the bazaar such success There was ne display of clothingr and fancy goods well as candy baking regeta and other produce which Ititlickly idispdsed of The bean guessing contest was won by Mrs IChapman and her prize was beautiful handmade bedspread donated by Mrs Wanless Down stairs delicious afternoon tea was served at little tea tables daint tly set up with tiny bouquets and eFteasemmues the afternoon were received by Mrs Reynolds MINESING November 22 Ross Ronald was in Toronto re cently St Peters WA met at Mrs Jos Fralicks on Wednesday MissEdith Tracy is spending week with friends in Toronto Fred Priest and Douglas Jetts attended the Royal Winter Fair OppI Post Office BARRW an rsflrwin of Coiling WWWWWW Phone 2439 wood visited at Grants recently Mr and Mrs Hankin have re turned after holiday in Western Canada Mr and Mrs Robertson of Stroud visited the latters parents Mr and Mrs Downey Mrs McKee and son Alliston spent last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Ronald Fred Paine Marion Mayes and Mrs Sinclair are hospital pa ients ItheJocmeLinLTomnia Mr and Mrs Nelsonand Mr and Mrs Muir were among those attending the RoyaLWintcr air last week Dr Eric Johnston Mrs John ston and boys Toronto were Sun dayvisitors with the farmers par ents Mr and Mrs Geo John ston IHURSDAY NOVEMBER 1948 GREEN FRONT STORES Hardware China Gifts Toys WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Skating Outfits For Boys Girls Men Women CHRISTKIAS TREE LIGHTS $150 250 up tolS450 MIRACLE MOPS are BABY BATHS $435 $450 $075 CAKE DECORATORS COOKIE PRESSED Toe 85c $100 $325 NUTCRACKER SETS 60c 751 BUY ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES HERE TOASIERS $295 $395 $195 $595 $695 $1495 Four Slice TOASTERS now only $895 AUTOMATIC TOASIERS $2045 $3200 IRONS 8400 $550 $610 $1295 $1395 HEATING PADS $095 $795 $895 ELECTRIC PERCOLAIORS Beauties $1895 131 CTRIC TEA KETTLES $1205 $1495 IOOKERS Chrome Ivory $495 BABY BOTTLEWARMERS $375 BOTTLE WARMER SETS piec $495 Only 25 More Shopping Days Till Christmas PRESTO COOKER DIVIDERS $125 3135 PRESTO PRESSURE COOKIERS $1005 $1995 $2500 OCARVING SETS pieces $350 $450 3400 $550 8050 $795 $995 $1500 $1995 $2200 PIC STAINLESS STEEL CUTLEBY II No Beard Too Tough White Handled Kniv Neatly Boxed $200 95 21 PIECE 016 ILERY $850 $900 Each Tea and Dessert Spoons Knives and Forks Twelve Piece Cutlery Sets $595 $1250 Stainless Knives and Forks Rctt Handle BOYS WAGONS $495 $775 $1095 $1450 to BICYCLES TRICYCLES 1mm MITTS GLOVES Lined and Unlined SHAVEMASIEB FELT INSOLES M0 TOBOGCANS for BOYS GIRLS greater whisker pICKUpI Buy These Now and ft $350 to $850 Bigger SINGLE head is smooth and cointortztblc on your face Picks up the beard LOOK COMIC BOOKS LOTS Has powerful self Starting So each and bundles at 100 armature motorbuilt to WWW77 wmn stand the gati THERMOMETERS at 400 500 65c to $150 CHRISTMAS snoprtNG MADE EASY BY OUR LAYAWAY punansmc PLAN BONE CHINAI TEA SETS II $1995 $2325 $2495 and $2595 COFFEE SETS I$1095I $1395 $2295 DECORATED ENGLISH TEA POTS $200 $225 $250 $275 $300 $350 DECORATED CAKE PLATES 85c $100 $125 $150$200 $275 HOSTESS SETStsl pieces $895 Tray decorated tumblers ice bucket tongs NOVELTY PIGGY BANKS $125 ROCKWOOL in Bags $165 limited quantity at this In STORY BOOKS for TOTS Boys and Girls $125 and $150 CHRISTMAS CARDS APLENTY TOO SERVICE STATION CARSI 600 95c AEROPLANE HANGAR and PLANES 750 CHILDRENS TEA SETS $125 HOCKEY STICKS GLOVES PADS ETC 98104 DUNLOP ST Clarke ClArke League were in Niagara Falls IastweekAc 15 12 36 Mrs Parry Sr returned homeilndlans 14 13 32 withthem after spending several Cubs 13 14 32 weeks here ipeath of Roy Kerfoot RoyKemetriormerly of Mine sing passed away in Toronto on Friday IMr KerfootrIrenewed ac qilaintanceships here when he at FIOLKE Seasons records High single PYREX WARE is GOOD FOR AL 00 CASIONS Prices from 150 and up to $495 DOMINION HOUSEHOLD FOILWRAP Boxes Containing 25 It 450 Used extensively in Cooking ROCKING HORSES gt SHOOFLY ROCKERSHale $750 KIDDIE CARS $495 $595 $675 DOLL CARRAGES $495 $695 $1075 $1350 $1650 Green Blue Grey and Maroon ALUMINUM TEA SETS $138 $150 $200 CHILDRENS SEWING SETS 290 49c 65c 850 $100 $125 SEWING CARDS are 30c and 49e CHEMISTRIY SETS $100 $150 $425 up MICROSCOPE SETS $425 to $1250 LARGE RUBBERBALLS for $125 TOM SAWYER PAINTING SETS $139 TOM SAWYER SLATE OUTFIT I$l50 PICTURE BOOKS 2OcI 250 550 PHONE 2801 films Ramblers 12 15 23 mow Wolves 1110 gt on reg PHONE Cardinals 20 16 2612 MenL Clarke 337 LadiesA ierMeneylTefnled AII7IIIIIIIIIII Jaded the reumglLImyI Cuculick 324 High triple Men 5Riettg8+hadiesa ig veragesz Men Riv ITRY AN EXAMINER WANT AID ett 222 LadiesM Roe 156 Christies BUTTER Fresh Barrie lst N0 19 on ee ra aAfterDecemberJMBitml II II II II FSIDESACON1LI talismaninitial 11IgtIII CHARTERED ACCQUNIIANTS POW wtlibelncatdatg Dec 3rd Last Day For United Kingdom Parcelsl Igt rlaceIrouroIrderNowNo1$325No2I$025 Maketomorrow day of THRIFT SEEKING GREEN VALLEY UNGRADEI PEAS 20 oz romances TBONE SIRLOIN ROUND TSAKS SIRQIA 111650 znnnn ten ANNWNCBMENT CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS now on dis PURITY OATSs bag ororENINGor MONARCH CHEESE Tumblers plqyl II II SHINOLA WAX 11b Tin CHINESE IRICE lb cello bag Specialties Entertainment Publicity other than news SHORTENIINGlb prints POWER CONSERVATION paper advertising by means Show Cards Window MOINARCH FLOUR 71b bag II Posters and also Street Broadca ting SsEumn store ages Will cover publicising of Entertainments or Sdcial Events for PI CIAI rhulssdEgp Mon Wm immwn 11qu WILL FURNISH TOURIST INFORMATION Choc Mallow Btscui bcello bag 45c astringent friars GIVE vs YourPomme now Temporarily Quality and Delivery Guaranteed