PAGE TWENTYTWO TREwBARRIB EXAMINER BARREL ONTARIO Barrie 6Oshcwo it AND fiw THURSDAY ll 11 P1 11111sz 11 j3 US sum in lung 10 Ancnd 1hr tt iir tit1111111 Hill Slllllllfjilil 111211 llwpcx iligs Montgom 11 11 do 1111111 111eisr1at1subtur mphHm CHOICE MEATS FRESH FRUIT LGETADLES its W7 111111 cairn co 11111111 At The Orange Hall Burton Ave fyll P5gj 135711 No Parking Meters At WW 5m 1A Luff AA lift in iull11111 111 true Lung Silvddcn centre All 311N1111 wlligb Audit1 11 Hamil 11 1IU lit Salli Chill Iltc 131 1i1111l ir mil Goldonl Mlle MN 11 tutu 111e1111 Hoga Bantu Sltliil1ltIll 1911 11 111l LU lltlk 11 HE if rllIfmfw Fresh Sup pmk ill Mesh railllcrius 55c he 1411111111 11111 1111111111 111151111211 HNll iiisrcsiiiiib 1111 Long illurdmli 143 Blade ROSl Leaf 111111 111111111 giant ll 45C 30 WK themselves 1113 Scott Sulll ll 111 511 art1 Long Hooper Melt Pub Beef Will shall lug llil Suiditch hitNubltcy Fold gc Drijvc General Barrie Allandale ll1ciiuzl Nixlll 111 51 1r mufr 31111111111 1am 11 congratulat 11111 Middleton 111K Boxcar loadingat toot otBaytield St 11 STRIKES lIf AND gammaannme lull 11 11 Hmr an BOWLING LIADW 11 l1l1 h4 HGCIVY Dilly illll 11 Similar to llluxlratlon L131 ILII1 33 11 11 BUR lli 36 11 151 36 Aim111 lilil i11r1clanl Lillttl Orcu WWI 1113 ll syn11111 11 11 317 Illl Il l1ll1ll1l li I1 l11 tuloziio 3111me 23 an ll lilllulil llrcnd ii iii 20 11lt1 111111111 ii 11 19 11 n1 Maine l1ni 1K1 Awning it it it wrrii 1111111411113 111111111111s $115 111 1111111 11 in 17 11V yvvj MM lil l1t Ill illil 11ll130 11 l111 l1 Mllcllil with mm1 Two iltiiixli 111111J111111l11s slum Kuhn 111ll11cn lilllullds 151 37 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 111111 513 113 31 11121 1111 11 ll1 11 11 ll 32 ilti1 1115 111151l1 moss nor llAllh 1M 11111111 1111111111 13 11 33 unriiic nyulxiiziis 11111111 1115111112115 ixrc 1111111 111111 rst 1111 10 32 mm 111 12 12 221 VVe Repair Electrlc Apphances llzlll llailillg Mill ill 12 27 111121 1111 l1 11l11atlim llzirrlc lIxalnnlcr ii iii 20 hi llns Morrison Motors ll 22 051113 pulimu 11nd Mm nlltll Oil 11 16 it ll l1 nlmn 11 adihcSKI ch11111 No ii iii 13 TUESDAY RESULTS Sparcboys lcrry Electric Golleenis Morrison Motors lliillltEIlmlll or F1 ROM Massey Harris mumHI Ball 111111111111 Mill can Bar ilc Tanning Legion Shcll Oil am $11 GROUP 11 man 11 Smiths Dairy lSiXRCAE With heavy base and fluted column gOIltHgllm 21 gt arr 1c bronze ilnlsgk Fitted With candle fixtures liiiDS jjjjjj Chilis Mens Wear dirt New Prize Starts Next Monday Gordon Brnwn announces there will be new prize for competition starting next week There will be ytwo prizes offered for the samel 111lncvcment as last month Entry fees will be collcctcdnext Monday and Tuesday Tickets will on be available for the big for ey roll on Dec 20 with separate switch also Mtrilite switch forlUQ 20f 300 watt bulbiT he silk shad es with these lamps are ecru or white with choice of braided trimg Read Examiner Classifieds wReal Bargain Lamp aridShade 395 We have wonderful selection of trilitc lamps and stladcs at all prices 11p to $4500 Table Lamgpccial 20 ONLY Most attractive pottery bases with hand pained oraldesign High grade ivor tailored silknshadesl neatly trimmed in choice of several pastel colors price American cement any Quantity for you CO SIMCOE DISTRIC gt542 Regularf $950 BOUDOIR Managua irom$179 up isthe time for Christmaslalhp shah ping ChoOse now and pay small de pOSit for Dec24th delivery bring you top price CoopPig Starter 11 999 H59Y PAINTS cPlidnoAz SIMCoh swell25 Barrie DISTRICTCOIO SELONI lElllUI 2111111111 McNahncl itoiuh Kits lShcddcni ll l1111lltics 1111 haunt gttl ll 2113111 Shethfczi lllltllui gt 11111 3111111 111c1 1111 71 51 11 Mr llllltl llIlllOl fl 11 i1111 1h til1l1il 111 plutuvl lliiiill lllVltIllS letft 1z uric 5111 C1 11111 family iShctlLlcilJ 1311i WVHQ 1111 lmw lllit oil Ill 1t11r1 311111 lrnaitus 1r11lii1 ilill lilngl an 2113 11 bottles llci gt1 Edgar 111111 CUSTOM GRINDING ROLLING MIXING Running on every Mon Wed Fri COMPLETE LINE PIONEER FEEDS McAllisier Solis EDGAR ONT Mount limy Ski Club News Ski Dance Again you are reminded of the Ski Dance which is this Saturday Tell your friends about it and come remember it is and have fun for your benefit Membership Fees Ai last our newbadgos have or watch for the date of the general meeting which will be the lirst part of December To solve your Christmas shopping problems membership to Mount Jimmy Ski Club would be appreciated for all ages Seniors $350 lntermediI rived under Season Tow $5 CEMENT BELGIAN CEMENT 110 lb bags another car at lower $235 per bag This is an exceptionally good quality cement and users report that it will gomuch furtherthan Canadian or $1500 kc do not have sufficient Canadian nails at the regular SEELA BIG FUTURE FOR LITTLE PIGS WHEN FED Willl 332 will lril ioitioii Scott 11111131111 l11111r 11121111111 Altgm 1111111111 and 50c Married Couplcsyt NAILS common wire nails 112 212 53 SERVICES DIALZ4ZS for the Car Owner SEAT covsus VANITY GABARDINE PLAIDS FIBRE CIGAR LIGHTERS MIRRORS OUTSIDE ANITY MIRRORS UNDERHOOD LIGHT GLOVE BOX LIGHT TRUNK LIGHI ARM RESTS WASH MITTS CLEANERS POLISHES FOG LAMPS GAS CAPS LOCKING WOODBU RYS NIFPY OLD CHEESE CHOICE PUMPKIN MAPLE LEAF MINCEM MARMALAD CAMPBELLS ran sour FLA MARSH SEEDLESS GBAPEFBUIT RED EMPEROR CAL GRAPES rrrrApPLEsri Prrrsn PASCAL clay N0 rumors 2802 Tins Bcoiiiciniisj soitp f3 2911 in IONA ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT 2401 12111111 1111111113 351331511 Fruits and Vegetables 1135 1111111111111111115 errant iris3291 25 Round Steak or Roast 60c Homemade Sausage 37c Fresh killed ilickells 48c 38c 40c ll Side Bacon rind on Beef Bologna Bacon Squares EXTRA SPECIAL Fresh am of Pork Whole or liaif 48c 59c Jello All 1915111111115 19c 111d 1111121 Illclfll lilnllls 0r tin VFW Boots lillMIIU 1l1cll lorries Peanut Bull do 51355 1111 tumbler will ry 43c jar Witgstaffs Raspbcr Jam ZestSweet Mixed Pickles 25c Xmas Cakcs andics etc EXTRA SPECIAL Niblcts Fresh orn off The Cob 35C FREE DELIVERY Anywhere In Barrie or Allandale No order is too small Our truck is On your street daily For Savings and Satisfaction PHONE 4103 IONA STANDARD TOMATUES CREAM STYLE LI ANN PAGE3 VARIETIES No wum HONEY ANN PAGE FAMOUS 111121 rillilrcilllr doz 1111 Steak or Roost iltlthDfBONELESS WING1Slmltl Millions of women save by shopping at Air cusrou doounn Btlllllli COFFEE 41 19 PORK BEANS lich ouAllivlow PRICE 1111111 3111111 11111911111 151 228411611535 II 15 ZISoi tins 2ll1 ctn 4lb tin 3lh ring ANN PAGE FAMOUS WHlTE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 1402loafIOSW7L Fresh Diced Vegetable sour lx Cello box Blended leeks carrots turns ips parsley celerabbage pamlips Washed Ready to Cook RCASTING CHICKENS 311bp Brood Sow Ration QCoop Hog Mineral Balanced feeding from the day helseimed to the day hes marketed assursyou of busily Haifa fastcrowing hog thatfll SERVICES Diol 2529 HELPUS SERVE You oarrsn snow 11va 53c 89s 53125 11111111111111111 111111 lii 119139ifACiibhiftlidFOWL illiurflliriiolsr 5111 Iloillfllorsrriiiilir jsiiiliiiniilminimal lllltc SNOKEIIPlclllc 1111111 siloliiln urns ificrnllliiinirilsr 31111111 59 silcrntooiiril lull was