PAGE TWO STABL iSHED I304 MaclAREN PRESIDENT An HAMIGING WALLS PCSPRESIDENT so BUSINESS IANAO canad NOMINATION NIGHT lonlorrow night November 20 will be noni iiiation night in the town oi Barrie Names will be accepted of candidates for the various municipal offices to be lllled by elections be heldon December 13 It is sign of healtl iiiuiiilipllit uheizl elections are Illltl lVll election gives the ratepayers an opportunity to locus their it3 litioi on the issues of tile campaign in lasilinally some municipal officials point with lilJLIl to their continuing aeelamatitnis it may be matter of pride for them blit it no credit to the vast majority of ratepayers who sit back and pernill the candidates to lake oiiice by default lublic life makes heavy demands on llllhtl who are contestants for office But municipal elections provide one of the basic mediums lul an expression of democracy Those who have desire to be candidates should come ioiward and permit their names to stand for public office Tlleil after the elections are held the successful aildidates will llave ii lair id in jllSLJlow much public support has been heliilld them EDITOI NOIIINATION DAY QIESIIONS The Examiner has been asked as to the correctness or otherwise of statement le to the public in leakproof metal cans which can be identified by the red painting or by IM ll ill ecntly heard that the people are not allowed 10 ask questions at municipal nomination meetings Yes and No Questions may be putprovided they are confined to matteres pertaining to the man her of conducting the proceedings The time for receiving nominations is only one hour accordlng to the Municipal Act and the re striction is one to the contention that this business could not be transacted properly in less than that time if crowded with queries On the other hand provision is made for holding public meeting after the nomin ations close Such meetings have been held regularly on nomination day in Barrie and are taken as matter of course Should this special meeting not be called promptly by the presiding official any ratepaycr has the right to move that such meeting be held The matter thus being opened up the citizens are free to seek information on any phases of the years business of the muni cipality Questions which are likely to throw light on municipal affairs are likely to arouse keener interest in civic affairs and for that frcason should be heartily encouraged THE STATUTORY FINANCIAL STATEMENT For years past it has been customary for the Town Council of Barrie to have printed statement prepared to enlighten the rate payers on the Towns finances from the first of the year until the statutory date November 15 The thoroughness of detail contained in thesa reports was shown by the fact that the receipts and expenditures were practically the same as those entered in the Town Treasurers cash book The statement gave the taxpayers the de tails they wanted to know as to the source of receipts and exactly what use was made of the money It was not unusual for the council to have extra copies issued for dis tribution before nomination time was reached Such course could hardly bth have wrsitimulbtinginflueneeuiponithemembers in their work and it creates greater desire another substituted less detail If CANADAS NEW PRIME MINISTER Kn6wldge of canadian affairs 5is his great humanityn This comes out mos surVivcmustTlghtpdverty and social dis fashlbn and hasthe rare gift Of absorbin ly and thonglvirig firm decision MO FOOD AND acrimonious Canadan being watched closely The Foo t1 most dramatic subject is the world mercenoompleted last year and the Itepublioan Congress of the $116 Bmfii tOMri THE Brim rxim Published Thursday Morning by THE BARRIE EXAMINER LTD become one of the inirortant tlllilliliu for knowledge of public affairs on the part ernment Although the sySte abve refer red to had been in vogue for 15years it was dropped year ago without explanation and that had considerably The nationwide press daily and weekly hasgivenjg fine and with few exceptions nonpartisan reception to Canadajsmewgov ernment headed by Rt Hon Louis St Laurent Our new Prime MiniSter does not fit into any W011 conventional political pattern The press notices indicate recognition of many of his rather than haVing the power available but ifutstandingiualitieszhescgincludeuintelJ lectualcapacityabovc the Ordinary andfdep But the attributh mentioned most often clearly whenhc says thatadernOCracy to convtentlis utterances and actions show that he will never heSitate to take the necessary social land pOlItical measures to achieve greater measure of prosperity and happiness He has an orderly mind fromwhich great stores or knOwledgeare drawn in effortless and marshalling the facts of problem quick Twosvery important meetings of interest to farmers and factors in the economy of and Agricultural Organization branch of United Nations met in Washington on Nov and is expected to last at least until MEMBER OF Class Weeklies of Canada Audit Bureau of Circulations Canal lietkly Newspapers Association SVBSCillPTIONS azisda or Great Britain $200 year United Suites $3 it your Slglc Copies 50 LILII ER the retlection of President Irun and the ili election of democratic iiiale houses in iha coillitly ANA DIAN FARM CONFERENCE The annual DominionProvincial Agricul tlzral onference will open in Ottawa oi llozi day December li This conference has now ililloi illiarm life in Canada ITslablislled by Agriculture Minister Liar diner during the war to encourage free and trunk exehange of agricultural opinion the conference has been perpetuated at the ll quest of provinces and organized farm groups This year there should be even great er opportunity for thorough discussion as result of new streamlined conference pro szldlll GASOLINE DANGEROIS Willi the shortage of hydro electric power it is natural that many people are looking to petroleum products for extra lighting and cooking purposes With this in lnliid llire gt Child Cecil Mchilkin warns that gasoline is Dr Humc Headed to no no HERBIE we PACK extremely dangerous Any person who llasfxccutgve of Gen council not seen gasoline fire cannot fully appreci ale the horrifying devastation it can create ill few seconds An open flame can leap via LI fumes lo gasoline some distance away with startling rapidity Gasoline including light ing ilaplithas may only be sold or delivered the name Gasoline prominently labelled Each opening of the container must contain screw or spring top Any dealers licence under the Gasoline Handling Act is subject to cancellation ifgasoliiie is dispensed into glass container or any portable container not properly identified for the purpOsc LIGHT AND HEAT The public utterances of the hydro electric oower situation in Ontario are not throwing mllch light on the subject blit they are creating great deal of heat Ontario would haveanabllndanceOI power if some method could befound of harnessing the heat being generated on the public platforms by speech es on hydro Hon George Drew who recently resigned as Premier of Ontario to become national lead er of the Progressive Conservative Party as serts that he is not responsible forthc present of Reconstruction and Supply rlllllich shortage Hon Howe Canadas Minister places thel port on blame on Mr Drews shoulders All Ontarioi residents are concerned about the power in smoofolmia packet and terruptions and the statements of Mr Drew Times and Mr Howe are being given wide publicity because an important byeclectioniis llllLlClL Dentistmm way in Carleton riding By winning this by election Mr Drew can gain seat in the House Of Commons and take his place as Leader of the Opposition Mr Drew has char lenged Mr Howe to debate on hydro pro viding it can be broadcast over an Ontario two contestants tossing barbs at each 0t from safe distance II IIIII age There is no depression But there is one consolationrintheryd Ojollar off arfew drivers exports bf EDITORIAL NOTES network of the CBC But Mr Drew knows the CBC does not provide time for such polit ical talks Mr Howe on the other hand of fers to debate the subject in the House Of Commons But he knows this cannot possibly be until some time after December 20 the date of the byelection in which Mr Drew engaged And so the battle rages with iii In the meantime RobertISaunders air manof the HEPC seems to have re urned poWer developments that will bri mea sure of relief to the present short supply Ontarios power shortage Thatwould be the advent of 5a business depression such as was Experienced inthe 1930s In fact depres sion Would Solve other shortages such as the shortage of housing accommodation the shortage of new automobiles the shortage of butter This situation emphasizes one of the main reasons for Ontarios hydro short hortage The great majority Ofldcitizens 1d prefer the present situatiOn Of having dollar in the pocketrand no DOWCFCOIIUY he has done is natural reaction Onecar company isreported to be topping off thr itichsOfth length of its pro ducts to helpease thetraffic situation This causes the WoodstOCk Sentinelhcview toob serve that thetourts couldhelp by lopping Thc almostagelong dream of wheat farm ersgwould seem to be nearing reality While this is of greatestfinterest to farmers of western Canada Who raise more than90 of the nations wheat it is also of supreme importance to the economy of our Country Wheat continues to be among our greatest In recent months townspeople and visitors must have noticed the tidy looking white posts and the white wing bearing the name of the directing street in neat black let tering so placed as to be easily seen by pedestrians or drivers of vehicles And the cost onthese new guides should not be heavy Who deserves credit we know not But It wouldmnot be su prising to learn thatthe alert chairiiiiiif the Board of Works picked mo form The reason is up the idea on hlsrecent trip to Vancouver lllllll honor was conferred Isnu of Mr and Mrs lllllllll of llllllltldfilS elect wi rIllIlIVL of the General liHILVII of the llnlled Church of la it ra Illlll of two years lllllllllill conference held at lecclilly Dr Hunter thy president of the To iollo lllllillllll Lay Association ii Ill littl land in llllS capacity attended the coillriliice as Councillor of the licllilal Council In and Mrsllnnter travelled on irlnl to Fort William whence lhty journeyed by train to Van ippyey where the conference was Iteld in St Andrews Wesley Il Ii Brewing Mod erator of the United Clillrcll pre sided over the twoweek sessions which were held during the latter part of September The 300 persons who attended the conference included delegates from the missionfields in China India and Trinidad as well as Canadians and Newfollndlandeis The great ilcd for missionaries specially in China and India was stressed throughout the conference sessions Urgent appeals for mis rilllidiies have been received from the Church of Christ iii Japan and from the south of India Dr Hunter felt that the high light of the conference was re lIle World COLUCII of Churches held last year in Am sliilim which was given by Dr ft ustralia Now Here Pl ns to Visit Mexico and outh Africa Dr Alexan er Bruce Lahg young Austriian dentist has re cently lease the equipment and practice of Dr Ericksonr Dr Long is native of Sydney Australid and studied at the School of Dentistry at Sydney Uni followingr the war He to Canada last year to do po graduate work at the Univer of Toronto Prior to coming practised in months and is now doing extension work on his Arts Queens University study in Mexico for to Barrie he making iii all four ian Infantry during the war thilliali when Dr IIarl Kingston for four degree from He plans to year and then in England and South Africa years post graduate work He is unmarried He was with the Royal Austral fought against the Nipponese in the Pacific theatre andrsvfiercd leg BARRIE mumsomam ONTARIO cannon My TlNNED Fooos MMOWMMW00I LETTERS to lug EDITOR MATTER OI DATES To the IIlll The BarrieExaminer Dear Sir Mll you be pleased to allow me space in your paper for the following ileiiis While in Barrie Nov It with all ixalderman iii conversa tion about the ilelv Town Hall fouiid that he along IIlll others has the impression IIIJILDII 1946 pic vvnowaa lure of the building alid showing in your columns an old late on rlherrstonei work certifies tho limoJim lhe first part of the place was built pointed out to him that appear ing in the background of the pic ture was the new Registry built 187374 also the old CourtHousc rebuilt In 1877 so tlialdlle pictult was taken seine time between these dates and does not verify the date of the erection of tits building As the old era of over zrccnlury has gone the new era begins in handsome new building for municipal purposes With condence we go forward for better and greater days in the Collnty Town of Barrie NELLIE RANKIN SISSON Nov 20 1948 FMVI 25 Year Ago Ii THE BARRIE EXAMINER ljury returned verdict for the dew jvvNovembernrltlzrfiendummmmmmmsmm Barrie Local Notes icosts against the plaintiff Thos Convictions in Barrie for IIindle offered theprincipalship of months up to Nov 15 made total Wyebridge school for sixth time period chose Waverley public school amounted to $119795 Colllng fierce fight occurred between wood Hospital sued Vesprn Twp t0 lwo young men in the Wyebridgc recover the cost of keeping pa hotel bar room One of the fighters tient who had lived in both munilhad his thumb badly bitten the the other ground that the patient was not resident of the Township when he of 15 Fines in some Vespra won on cipallties waSadmitted to the hospital Railway Commission for $75 Irate on Alberta coal The In BCI and gave an appreciative re port which was concluded as fol lows where about the school real pleasure to visit this Collegiat Institute Fred Van awarded $8000 damages against ofhiswifewvho didnot receiv valuable was Town Council decided to ask the specter of High Schools visited the was particularly struck with the fine spirit of work and cooperation that found every It is New York sanitarium for the death 50 Years Ago IIIE IMRRIE ADVANCE November 24 1893 Barrie Local Notes Al the opening of the lsovclnber sizsion of the Loliilty Councd the Iovli of Barrie wrote asking en dorsalion of $33000 Hieclilc nglll debentures and SIUUIKKI Watch works dLhtntures the Education minmlllee was asked to considell grant of $3 30 per pupil to all piblic schools in lilild wheie can dzdates passed their exams in II continuation Lolk Barries $100000 Waleiworks debentures llllgn sold at premium oli $1773 IIie Porcupine and Bigl IIL Iilllit clubs shot 22 and I4 deer lispllllvll llzzilie bakeis lilirned liol lo sell underweight briad IIloiilas lwith his will brother of IIllllllilSuBlil il who left Iiilicolller last Spring ior Ilson liLy not since iienld from Ilobt Atkinson aged 03 died in pool He had been pros perous farmer Il West lellini bury but his reverses laid Iliili low The Sunday Schools had quite reroveled from the Slllilll all lendunce of Summer Illl Quarl Illl Board of olllei SI Melbo dlsl lllllch decided to invite Rev II llurtley of lollingwood lo wilecccd Rev llalsnll lll$li llllllllll year would despire lllXi Julie Will Kennedy laid up Lvitli illiulnalisri after returninpi from llallblirtoii hunting rounds oiidlictol loaiiy in cliaige oi Llll train instead of Conductor leisg who with Ills family is visiting flielids iii Kansas the piel vious Sunday Allandale llesbyl lieriall lllllcll celebrated its lllhi anniversary llcv leursoni was the preacher and Ilillll Wlliteblcad was ill charge of the mum Total collections fill llltl day amounted to $100 Simcoe ounty Briefs Principal Iowan Miss Carlton IMlss IlllLll and John Ieareil tea Lliers ill Clcelllorc school were Il engagedal the following salaries 5500$300 $175 tlveiy Vint Tiny daughter of Wm Vint of brought from Boston for ill llcrnient iii Presbyterian Connferl lelletang At one time she had beell student iil Barrie Model School good hockey season anticipated at Wallballshene it having been decided to enlarge the rink and the space for spectators Wilkinson CTR section foreman found jigger in the ditch oppos lite James70Donnclls Bradford It was supposed to have been stolen from the Allandale yards All interesting case was heard in Allisj ion by which John Murphy Ihompsonville sued his brother lItobl Murphy Tossorontio for $60 lfor breach of an alleged agreement under which John claimed the right lo go and see his mother who lived ilwith her son Robert Judge Boys charged the jury impartially and latter beingr out few minutes the ieelonolllliewootl pzisslllgei IV iiitlmS125w lespcti The body of Miss Emily Idrawn up in Cookstown in 1396 You save money get mileage llien you JI Serlice IIIKJIIJIIY Our staff are GIRAFFESI IN LITTLE GOING LONG WAY cury point VIZ IN romr CHEVROLET 541a ENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS two and by TIMIl SAVES TIME illllll vclglilln So that iliiadlans iii Quebec alld Ille Marillllle llovlliLcs could get full 78 ele lion information ill the shortest issilile lllill special shipment of sono 3001a lllile may GEORGE 0le Leader tolls shipped ii will speak ON THE SUBJECT Station CBLJAS pm ProgrssiVe Conservative Party lil better give your Expert Lubrication your tllorollull lilellllou at OLDSMQBILE 5m PHON 2437 BARRIE ONT half call no Thursday Night 1The Nations Business trained to give aboard Iraiivlaliada Air Idlilri Noilli Star from lllliltllivlil Mull lleal llil lllllllfl dediilullion Progressive ConServuiive Party knocked down his head struck the wall and he was stun ned The other resting his hands on the bar kicked his helpless and unconscious victim in the face no til it was almost jolly It was some time before the defeated map regainedv conSCiOLlsness Mr Mrs their golden wedding at Bond Head and Henry Baycroft celebrated on Nov All tlieirfamilyWOre present except one in the West One grandchild presented beau Mrs Baycroft Mrs Spencer Sunday on his way to Toronto was very favorably with Barrie Lher in particular in Sydney Dr Lang has been in Barrie for two months He arrived in San Fran cisco frmaAustralia in August of 1947 and stopped offin New York After travelling acrossgthe continent he impressed He notices our wea as it is colder here in November than it evgr is Dl Lang feels thatmostofrthe proper attention At meetin of Barrie Presbytery resolutio was adopted as follows Wit ceived the resignation of Rev Ne much regret this Presbytery re Campbell who for 29 years has ministered very acceptably to the ing WCllS congregations of Oro Station Ccn wens this season With only fall tral and Guthrie Th strain of ures The AYPA of St Johns continuous work and the state of ChurchCookslown had Biblical Mg Campbells health compelled spelling match which was won by him reluctantly to take thisstcp of Thornton though severa were red Reynard got ll Linda Robinson yOngAustraliangveterans unpleasant memories of the Wa get away from familiar things Ito their war experiences Dr Erickson is probably return at the Langs yearhere IAOKMIICHINSSN treasurer heads the entertainment depar the rounds as policeman Read Examiner Classied SuperVaduum Tin delicious blend and thattherdesire to travel and doing post graduate workim Torontorandr will Vendof Dr Jack Mitchinson Jr sueeded Pete Kerlie will chair the attend ance committee while Jche Baker ment Following in his fathers footsteps Danny Poland will make THREE CHOICES Buy Max Nell House Coffee in GIassinelined Bag or get Instant Maxwell Houseii made instantlyin the cup All the Acme gloriously Simcoe County Briefs Simcoe rpOrted Wm Ande Willis Smith Lioutfieldp Berti Davis utilityWs Martin mg rugby opened anew church free of tie and egg sizecoke at $14 ton Over 50 students enrolled in the short courses of Home Economics Agriculture Allan Hutchinson district representative for North son of Torgnto pleaded guiltyi stealing $1000 worth of hardware from Mannings store Coldwater Ivyrbaseball teamwinners of the Felt trophy in 1922 were pictured In this tissue the members being songlb TomBantingT and Esienji Herman Jennett pitcher and 3hj Doug Allenns Mayor ofBarrie Elwood Jeanettyc Bert McQuay TeenTown for the1194849season rfvJack Hutton cf Wilfred Hat fat the elections which took place ton capt Frank Lennox ss Mer Nov 13 atthe Community House vin Lennox ss andxp Lyle Jennett John Reeve emerged as Deputy 1f Arthur Conorth 2L Orll Raeve and Doug Allen rwon the no beat the BCI team 18 to at ofce asc1crk Joan Pinivero is Coldwater Methodists Sorjeantfs Were advertising nut St Aidansicongregation Oio pre sented beautiful buffalo robe to Thanksgiving in the around Minesing in Nottawasaga III nears made 324 btl vtiful gold watch to Mr Baycroft and handsome set of dishes to Patter Elizabeth St garage owner was Rev Spencer and purse to after snoonrvmany sawrunblockiostouth away safely Fred Bliss young Te cumsethrmanrrhad one ear bitten offby horse George Read of Lefroy has had good success sink having drilled is or 20 If haying of hounds and reports of guns were fair criterion the game warden could have spent busy time on swamps Phelpston correspondent remarked that bar ber shop must be profitable when place as small as Elmvale could Bi so many Orillials net debt was $520000 or $65 pen capi gt ta Jas Stephenson of Staycr shot very ne silver 13151611be In September and0ctqberOrilliaatteudapsetof Callsre ibSentees 5v nmmgmnmmr larva SEE lr boards in our business ofces and in your COUME OUS and efficient service at our switch3 homee thats the kind of service were doing gt our best to provide hMOreahd better telephones have doubled the scope and increased the value of your telephone service Yet up to now despite basic telephone rates established 21 yalis ago No matter where you travel youll nd no greater telephone value no better service the same low cost rising cOsts there has been no increapevin thei