Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1948, p. 19

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480 DuhiopSBarriew Gas Range snuf Barrie CUC Uaiol title and 31 Igt ti Fl Li intcling in illlizddll 95 iuivsdar evening Io tlm pupi oigaiiirilig IttiLItlOii KLllJliilii lice la main arlaligclInids lo tilii2i swiniinlng pool at lillillIJic Pond Bi Plan iur ISIS Recreation Il iid il cmkiliile party to lieid in the THE BAR minted to make aiialigrilaeiils lo 0C lfl ule li ISL Al NEWS The 43b Fain guar allai its Boiliii Illlit on law tiir to in 114UI3K Lult ix dim my d1 limit all Li iv tl alumni in lulu Niel Gmwd 2mm an urns xy lttltddllid Illl Ln HLIIU 11 ti inu gt il Uil lx Hm 43L it as ill lllk ligatum Auk all JUL hm HVT an lull Lime lvJ rxi int and it Specialf ileautiful vtilzu was lull liailtzigeli iii iii LL HUM In itlYLlltill lb per lJllIICil llli tile Alln lilfltixyilli Li leizmiul lei llaii ii an Show 1U Dunlol tli iill ltoti nil one ilnori 43b ucc 3s llrdrd Dch inquired to pit oth tilt IllUjlt mid me Hi Imml 5ilgt Lltlnlil We Were all pleased to hour that it Wm lrtltixti to tlgnl Miller was ucccmlzll iii the funds the lllrl two xvulis ii iii limit Still coviius WILL DRESS ll YOIR HOME FOR THE OMING FESTIVE SEASON There is still timeto have them made before Christmas IF you order NOW Our colourful new range of fabrics will transform your rootlls delightfully Visit our modern display rooms and worsllop and see the work ill progress Barrie Tent Awning 10 TEL 4314 34 BAYFIELD ST We Have or very SPECIAL SELECTION of Toys choseh particu larly to make boys and girls happy this Christmas FOR THE BOY WIIO LIKES CONSTRUCTION Millniconstluction Co STEAM SHOVELS BULLDOZERS IHRTvMOVERS TRACTORS TRUCKS Shop Now Selection Is Complete WAGOS METAL wool and trucks Speci PRICED $875 to $1350 Jeep Ford Co TOBOGGANS SLEIGHS SKIS HAx ltii Iiiil iltlil See Ollr wide variety of sturdyInertial ears liix iit iktllltiti to iiiiidlj to lil1liloii auyous who lia gtat1til1li or can help iii any wav MIDHURST idli it it Illl home of Mi and Mi Altai rt lilnl loiuiii will Hut loplc lloililcy Monday Nov gtit ll till Valle Lottidate piers equipment iiiod evpeit ciaftsillcii printing at The ttl type faces llltlll ttllllill llalrie llxainillti Inn lemma tt a1 Minic Toys to scale apes Delivery Trucks SKATES Metal Mechanical Trains There are hours of fun and pleasurein one of these famous English trains Passenger and Freight models Priced from $225 to $575 one Oi these lovable do ii NOTEA small deposit will hold any article until Christmas cum DOLLS Reliable DOLLS Your lassie will jump with joy ifshe finds us under hertree Peggy $125 Gloria $260 dedles $400 Wettums 125 PAINT BOOKS AND PULLTOYS FOR TINY TOTS Coal and have wide selectiongof the wellknown Beach and Wingham Stoves in stock for your inspectiim TheyiaTe Priced from $63 00 to $19800 inns ll sizes and nxw colors and gel ill tltttil but on oi tut toii my Jppplhv mi iiiil liis llinitul lot hilll iItiIlilS lln toillllilule Ililll Ilium Co The Coat Store bib MIM Feb lint111 WH bile lfi Sunday Adult l3 Wan Iizllll tla tolliei St llnltxd ii lgt Arty mld rl iiiiitt litt letiii on this tioii Mount St Louis lt iktl 11 lhls tllil poet utlli Ills Frank Culling 1e attended lle lul Vltiltllllll lov poiisoi vii by the llltil litl int ll Libs leiiluiizi of veeks itit Special Millies lleauly Salon llliabetl SL regular $300 per lt now $350 also 513 cold it tlilillil Wave now $793 llvcniilg appoint 25th regular $350 illentsE Phone 2731 Special it lil permanent wave for $250 Other ilt2 $3430 and $300 taillerolis lleautj llllloi otr tllyllipia Res liltlllp lllrt illitfb iatiiniis wanted for littlldltSb iiig School liiliiaucut waving shampoo finger waving iilalilcure All work tone by students at cost Mp Willlt tail rant pllcc Jll lappeitoll St Window cream green shades green and white 27 30 43 15 Ill vldtlis in stock We cut shades any it lioiilpl ser Vlce on special oidelsE liailie Tellt Awning 481 in Novelilbei it the liarrie Town Planning lsoalil iiiet Willi cottilcll lois lltllll lniiistil and Vespia to discuss what was lltllll done planning in this areax was dc Cllti that further lileetlng would be held on January 18 toil famous public speaker will addrss the lith charter night all llitllil of the Lions Club of Bar rie on Friday NtWtlliUtl ZZGE lie is brother of Otto Itawson member of the Barrie Club The Barrie aild District Memorial llospital campaign tieasilier has leccivcd contribution of $745 lnm Hotycli lartridge amount was the net proceeds of RIB EXAMINER BARKER ONTARIO iltlii llllLiIth in This dance staged by the SimVar Six CANAD tzzr opened but as tell be fill that lIlA tic xiii illicit ll4i te busy to Iii11 H15 of Rum and tint Among the liir scheduled to in Lek iii town are cute noni metains BCI Cotilnleiiccinent Lions annrersary Junior hockey lllutcl in addition sellrill trail mg onservatiteswlll be going to Sltzltltl to attend the annual metIV in if Ila Sziilcoc Niztli tedelal ditty is til will new sound film The Boot World of yIUlIiCIIUVh lllus the troll and aims of the Society will be shown iil Tlilzlly Parish Hall 1th coming Sunday evening Nov 28 at hilt oclock The Society has showni son excellent films in Ittilili LLgt The Book for the World of lmiazrrmt has lcceivcti tlllilllbvl iic tillft viltievei SIlvvln IUI Latins of of Singer Sewing Mathiile Will be ii Barrie front Trade to Thursday inclusive eatii week colillllvnclilg Iucsday Nov 50 tllltl and will be able to adree you on all Singer services Aim iiiaiigeineits are belpg made to hold saving clarses ill Barrie iii the near future Enquire now Applr to Box 30 Barrie IIxalil it has been lint to bonded tile for any irifoilliation or ser ltl required lioiilpt attention assured hip Ill Friday night tree wasi blown down across Highway ll al St Pauls opposite the Green Larii tern Unable to see the tree as be rounded the curve ill llllSlOllIli Urpely lauze RR ll lenctangI drove his 1939 panel truck headoili into the obstruction The truck was dailiagcd to the extent of about $50 bill no person was hurt ltl required about one hour for lllgil way tlllployecs to remove the treei and iii the meantime traffic was ietouled along the ditch iar at Shanty Bay Hall on October 12 The car of ii Beleskey 70 Essa lload Barrie was stolen last Thursday night or early Friday morning It was reported to police alld Prov Coils Allen recovered the vehicle short time later on liigh way 90 about five miles from larrie About ll pm last Sunday car driven by Marvin Fisher 07 Brock St Barrie struck horse whicll ran across Highway 2027 near Cundles The car was damaged to the extent of about $100 but the horse owned by Clarence Will titVL appeared to be uninjured Prov Cons Alex Orr investigated Last Thursday night or early Friday morning someone broke into Ullderllills Shoe Factory through South window Several shoe box BOOKKEIEIPING wandwr ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale businesses Income tax forms completed Weekly or Monthly Audits INQUIRIES INVITED Oaks Dial 4603 MIIIIlIllnllun electric buzzer call crinkled enamel $595 icrlens $425 and $795 EIREMAN VORTEX OIL BURNER Wingham ClassTc Perfect operation with any type of solid fuel= Deep rugged firebox Three grates All sur face is genamelled Beach Ambassador Tomorrows Range heretodayfn Fine iconstructiond Streamlined beauty In qualities assure years of trouble free service is available Model c424l3 Two models oaneach Gas Ranges are in stock for immediate deliveryTheirconstruction in corporates every worthwhilenfeature known to the industry Beach Ranges stand autos some of the finest and most practical in their field of Quality Gas Ranges Model 042413 with Robertshaw Oven Control table top three reguliirand one giantburner storage compartment and10ther fine features far Essgianev2ppae not the space to accommodate Though small it incorporates all the qualities of its larger caunterpart Price $13450 minediately Price $110950 isavailable for those who have large stove We will gladly explain these new stoves and Essotane service to you today Oughs PdW3re WE AREAS NEAR To YOUR HanE As YOUR TELEPHONE Phoneassew ELLIS GIBSON LTD as Bradford St Phone assr Checkers we to 35c Game $100 TOR GIRLS WASHING $119 TEA SETS with book $100 GRADLES 14 inches Ion box 5125 coor pill liltllis Bailin rlkl on Tirol Col meeting took the um 511 spleniad attl iii at dillne ill ill aint me 89c In shoe were Of Rotarv Arms At Dinner Meeting 33 DINLOI Sl WALL PHONES looloot range on two dry cells with twoway finished ill MICROSCOPE SETS from Gilbert Hall of Science Polaroid control Mysterious VieWS through the mag TEENAGERS and GROWNUPS MONOPOLY the good old standby $195 CASH CARRY the new Money Gamesln DAILY DOUBLE Racing GamE 756 CRTRDKGnoAnoszmmmzm TABLE TENNIS $300 gtM8tor Balls 156 KINGPIN BOWLING ALLEY $249 DART GAME Compo Beard 750 OUIJA BOARD plywood $100 gt STAMP ALBUMS Screw Post LooseleafE $325 GAMES Ski Ball Pit Poker ChipsD0minoes $100Funcli $125 Lost Heir Authors Nations SillyVSandy Parcheesi mUpsvand DowIls 50c Bingo 50 and 75c Rummbli 29c Steeple Chase Teeter Totter 75c Old Maid Snap 19c Pokalola 35c ACTION AROUND THE BLUE LINE fast now Hockey iilli nu pltttlllrtl stile In Miss tu all licali Ill Luci lined lax it this point Lt of ii atiit ltlgi zlicct iltg AIRDRESSIN Here are Bargain Prices but Work is the Best and all Materials are the Finest OUR SPECIAL MACHINE PERMANENT CHILDRENS SPECIAL END lliltMANENT MACIIINELLSS PERMANENT REDUCED ililltl COLD WAVE REDUCED FROM These waves include shampoo cutting and hair styling We also specialize in cleanup facials and hair tinting Miss Del Robinson who recently sold he IllliltlltSSillg business ill Hamilton has joined our staff and will be glad to help you solve your hair problems Personal at tention of Mrs Dcrwiil by appointment These special prices good for two weeks only Make your ap pointment now and avoid being disappointed Darwin Beauty Salon good to yourself New English Train Sets able 8500 Brimtoy Windup Train Gaily Coloured Wooden CHEMISTRY SETS Ielrn the Chemistry of Everyday Things $125 to $200 Gilbert Set In Enameled Meliul case$425 STUDENTS complete $250 DRAWING SETS PICTURE DICTIONARIES andrvEN BURGESS BOOKS all titlesi59cb and POP RIFLE with cork MECHANICAL DUMP BooKs CYCLOPEDIAS 313910 $305 $100 tori 14 the dinner good pzo an mg vlliirbliily of organizing as Rotary Perkins Anns Fellowmg diSCLBSIOn of Mus Th2 llwlter Mrs Emplo was uIoilfl lluilltkla LJV lino was EACKOITipan Mg 121ng Aaron at liiil5 itiiLg until two um lltSlLittil RC lullitiliil explained that the mom was it Err concluded the program till and tiu tlzeni lxxiklillg numbers Next To Robinson Hardware Games for all ages Amusing educational dtprices thatdre easy on the pocketbook Santa arrives just olle month from today be EelLinc Electric Freight Headlight Reversing Switch runs on battery or transformer $1295 Transformer van FOR LITTLE Tors PANDA BEAR Washableplastic wobbly eyes $109 CUIDLE PETS handmade Terry cloth Washable $125 WOOD BLOCKS vegetable colouring 49c to 890 DISNEY SOAP BUBBLE SETS 299 DUCK 0N WHEELS 1mlltoywvithbe $100 HUMPTY DUMPTY enameled metal75c JACKINBOX plastic clown face $169 STRING BEADS wood 29c RUBBER CARS Racer 49c Mickey Mouse Donald Duck 95c FOR BOYST DUMP TRUCK rugged metal $100 to $169 WINDUP CARS strongly made 49c and 59c CLIMBING TRACTORS caterpillardroid 980 and $109 MUSCLE BUILDER for broad shoulders 35c gt SLALOM Ski Game Adventure 75c BRASS BUGLE decomtedflcr 4A PAGE opportunity to Lite poul eirlttd provistonal chairman and John Mitchinsun provisional Ict ILI1I Thesi ladies will make wingith lieuscum arrangements to field ian uiganimtiuzi meeting when an election at otllcers oe held Rhoda Young eiocutionist Willi two Will Mos only $395 only$350 $850 to $550 $1250 to $850 PHONE 3962 this year and SIIOI EARLY 11 $249 and $495 sets Freight 5piecc 050 SIMPLEX TvrameERs extra ink supply $350 and $495 T001 SETS Wooden Chests $795 and $495 Junior Sets 3198 ERECTOR JUNIOR wood sets $295 breakdown type $100 TRUCK $100 BLACKRQARDS Iwainyp Mast nite With chalk rest $125 MODELING CLAY 15c to 59c PICKUP STICKS plastic list INGING irons Mumlone sue Others 59c and $100 mimlrxiintln MACHINE actually washes and Zwrings wnlsTuNo IrmLE aluminum $159 Junior Set decoratednietal $100 rasle SET quiiqce with mlpe DOLLS waning69 and $125 mils tic 156 to 500 Composition 89c to $250 BUBBLE BAT Big Top Circus gIIAPIv rLAvrliIIMR newestt just Books 598 up MOTHER GOOSE with pictures Isl to $300 Mary book $135 BIBLE STORIES excellent value 250 JO 3300 BOBBSEY TWINS and Other Girls HARDY BOYS and LONE RANGER Series $100 Otherboys books 59c to $250 VCOLOURING CUTOUT PICTURE BOOKS10V up WASHABLE CLOTH BOOKS extra fine quality $150 Grand Assortment of DE LUKE ILLUSTRATED Gift Books $149 to $819 TCOMIQAIIDS picture 1DIAL Pnouris with lieil than plastic $125 WONDERSCOPE mhglc coldur dew signs 49c matching game650 HAPPIDALI ana OLD MachN ALDS FARM $175 PIED PIPER FLUTE GUN rapids re game 75c TIDDLEY WINKS STEEPLE CHASE UPS DOWNS 390 Runnlm PRINTING SETS letters andpictures $100 no SAW PuzzLus 25c to 75 009157 9331 AN EDDY QUALITY PRODUCT

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