Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1948, p. 18

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PAOE mam and Mr Frank Clot me send guists of ll Allie Eiizfon lt Sliviccineil Wives rip of Slll inset ii ctiliil 53 lILllZl Mi and iii Oil 2w linkz claucll iiittiiitl tltll ct IIJIKI All Erul illtt lmzz iiitv HI NOV ll Iut Idllltll when the will riltIi THIN Will tiittli WAN gt IIIILI IIK is ii ll2tlli dam ii lol llt lititi5 re iii il ii in fi Illilt in Likinllil ii the limitell int and itil1ii if 3112 ii itilu ii Main Il sinner Agnis llilill ti lat tlllliit 31 Ross sauna f12 In Mix tinz mu max iii li Shelhail and Re ll 53lilltill illl bir lll Du lt zli WAA vr thi iiie stl t1 liii pl EVERETT Lt oil in llllllt lt K1 ifcxcec Jim when LU loilr liltilliatiollal Sailing pattern Lil illlllll LI ttl setting izlv lh in iilIl blth tileklv no 11 mm lug muilm NC itiiik still loin it llllili no itlllIl largos tildjiimm foiite to see he allta tiaus parade mi ICIQIFW 21 ilhitlih tilt in wiEE itwi ei lt itllll tnmr Jim in Sllmnmy ltll mule illl gt ll Wallwin tic postmaster Livonia ash iiii It iilei tl titt lIlIgtl ltlt gt in tail my whim3 an mm muting lspeilt the weekend in lorollto at li ll it to or lbw 1mm lll llt llOlllt li Hllllllll la gt illiiidav Tim tol Cooper was 31 Latin am it HM 1m ll mlll lLl The Township of lossorontlo is terill aw lll xiv 3A ll Ni ii lid to build steel shed toi load illllii ylllttli ll fzcer lhliilttl lilltlll of with NW iiiim Ill 1le lllltrnatioiial Sterling liudit Chest ildlllwl Ind 5110 plolvf rllcllloli vi 31 Milli WW Wt wraithtr llYItl torsiva1 3500 mum hnvngh mix tvjlhlllllll IJLUZIIIEi It llilil litlili at His liellellt tto be litlltl that all lltliln Will m1 mm mud Olliqutllqll Louie and as ILLill lll oi phone or Illt for two In nude ut Il LUNCH AT Allii the lltgtillillt Lt ul lllti mm 11ml mmpmm mum toopei tlilillilliltt friends al fourteen others iil tlic public It illilii tiiiiiiei llill3 at the Royal Mr and Ilis lu liml making mum rm gimme Comp Yin llotel ltt lgtil to iILiiiliiiue til Barrie 31 lurgtdu Jimk utl l1gy Nippon Mill of Imonto IIiLllI of tin ii tlltlllll to ttlp It eat ii am lss lll Ice cream mil li ltliltl lriilkwon of Barri31 MY 3011 All will ii 411 DIAMOND MERCHANTS ley Robbins accompanied Miss lIll llll utl ltuidi for trip tu tho mm MIF Mctaw Lilliil tiiw CL Hnwstmns were ri Um Mm mu mums llldlllllgt to mid platt lit lil books as token of then good 22 ELIZABETH ST other Street lined Iltlltii at work tliev expect to Ht such points isle pm Rmmdulo Found Dmd lV 5vvvx liii la lltlltlxllli NY Springi xK sAl in iIllIIli Mis ltltit lllt Kw Jolner of Applil and tile grooms irgtttlt$lLllzSt llIvZLths sou ngus to announce it engagement of their ta 226225 BN3 all 51 when it was learned that Wilbur Florence to Sgt Jack lslu tiiiiil mf iRoscndalc was dead Vilburs body 1Q llhonlpson of Applii United lunch 545 lt Ito inwsrm Li llr mu lills H744 performed the ceremony anchMrs Homo Mlgg Bony Gummrylma NM mllliv kcmmwcm Lewis Joiner of Appin played the onto sang The Lords Prayer FrTLZZQ Collier St Baptist Church independent REV MITCHELL Minister Minister MRS LENOVER Choir Leader Mr SMITH Organist SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 1018 Missionary MacClennan Repre sentative Shantymells Christian Association risirttcstSpcakel liAM Telll rianDAuNovEMscrutinizing Society will bewshown ALIMORNING WORSHIP PMBIBLE SCHOOL Christmas Program Dec 10 Mon PMY SCrviCe chgli PhiMidweek Prayer Meeting Dec 12 Ml and Mrs lsaacs CHURCH SCHOOL Missionaries destined for Ethiopia 11 AM Beginners Prim Cordial Welcoine Awaits You pMYmmg Mmismcmssv 230 PMTlic General School First Baptist Church MissEisie Cloughley ATCM Organist slid Choir Leader Roads of the Spirit fEIIlllltl ILLEVENING WORSHIP Collier St UnitedChu Rev Lewis MA BD Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 t018 Special Speaker Prat Bristol of McMaster University Wed pmPrayer Meeting The public are cordially invited The Church School 11 AWLNursery Beginnersand Primary Depts GOSpel 230 PMJunior Intermediate and Senior Depts kd 33 me PMAdult Bible Class SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 1948 Making Use of Our Victories swirlJo oil postgit atltiale Ht ill1 aw lls William Wallace to John ulilllfltik Stevenson only son of THE Mrs Gordon Stevenson and the Central United Church REV BEWELL BA us ary Come to Gods House on His Day lt 51 rch SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 1948 ll AMMORNINGI SERVICE PMEVFNING SERVICE AM BREAKING OF BREAD The Reconstruction of Civilization PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS PMGospe1 Meeting Wed REAL Prayer Meeting Welcome seats free No Collection In Our Time ill The Faulty But Incredible St Andrews Presbyterianr REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Hamilton Organist and Ghoirmaster 37 Mary Street MI Craig SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 Mr Joe Brown and Mr SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 1948 ford of Toronto Will be guest 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP Sllbject THE ROMANCE OF MISSIONS 3PMAllDepartments of the Church School PMEVENING WORSHIP COME TO CHURCH Burth Avenue United Church Carrelom Rector Minister Advent 000AMeHonCommunion WEEK 21948 ii email1012mm WORSHIP PM+jEVENINhw0RsaIp 745UNDAY SCHOOL v10AM Jr Int andSr 11 AMNursery Beginners and Primary Holly United Church services at PM co FREE METHODIST CHURCH 2r TWIN BayeldSt Phone4572 Beginners 250 RialBIBLE CLASSES diate School 700 PMEvening Youth Forum Mixed Marriages 948 300 EMAPrimary and Inte Org anization That We Call TheChurch Young Peoples Fireside PM 948 130 PMBELIEVERS MEETING 300 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL Bed for the day Gospel Meeting PM Come and bring your friends EVERYBODY Trinity Anglican Church REV CROSS BA LLTH Organist Mrs Roberts SUNDAY NOVEMBERI28143 1100 AMMorn1ng Prayer and VThe Challengerof Advent Prayer and Annual Meeting of the BibleSo elety in the Paridh Hall at the con clusion of he evening service ff The Salvation Army v1 00 COLLIER ST AND megL The Home of Tommy Worship Sr Captain and MrsD Strachan SUNDAY=NoVEMBER 281048 ll AMII0LINEss MEETING rump seuoot mmmnssrma Wade RM FELLOWSHIP CLUB Tme 2pmlIIOME LEAGUE pawPRAY MEETING vaccinevat not sum iFeother Party Raises Money for Shutins rme Tia uliuiik iii take place at the lillllbtlll iiulcli aiilp llordeil tll Saturday 27 at It pill tlpi TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al THE WORLD OF TOMORROW New sound picture of The Upper Canada Bible Trinity Parish Hall Sunday 830 pm Nov 28 REV ALLNUTT DD District Sccretary of the Society will be present Reports and Election of the Barrie Branch of the Society will follow the showing of tile picture EVERYONE INTERESTED ls INVITED ii Itatc Mr Stevenson itllb presided at tile organ THE Pushdo Heres how it works SIICVEDISONWALLACE lilnlty Anglican Cllltrcll Barrie lllS tlle setting oilSaturday Nov 1130 illlit for the marriage of Norma Liliali only daughter of Mr and Tile ceremony is perfolillcd by the rector Rev Cross and Mrs Rob Ihe bride given in marriage by her father were cherry gabar iiiile suit small feather hat and black accessories Her corsage was of orchidsand mums Her only attendant was Mrs James Gilmore as matron of hon or ill becoming powder blue ga baldinc suit with black accessories and corsage of pink carnations James Gilmore acted as groomsman and the ushers were William Little and William CaldwelJW Following the ceremony recep tion was held at Robindale lnnf KNUIPJOINER At her home iil Appin on Satur day Nov 1948 Ada Pearl Joiner became the bride of Glen Everett Kvlupp of Lolldon formerly of Barrie The bride is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Chester SPEC vault noon MATS Best quality exceptionally long wearing ununsonu APPEARANCE Sizes 16 24 $310 18 30 $410 Barrie HardWare 40 Bctyeld St Food at Its Be CN RESTAURANT ALLANDALE STATION Meals served atregular hours on week dqys Open ongSunday for private cutring and Banquets Only Make yourreservations early for pecial Christmas and NewYears Dinners Vrii Bows ofr siestaf er of red or blue Sateens Taffeta Etc 1124DUNL0P781 Wilsons Drssmailier solAI 3030 he Cllnstmas Speclal Fora Christmasgift that is useful and attractive and gt that shows personalthought giVe alllinen TeaTowels WHILE IT LASTs Good Quality pure linen tea towelling with bard1 Iyd 59c We have also good range of All Wool Plaids Rayon Plaids Wool Suitings Wool Dress Crepes Wool Jerseys Dress Crepes Gabardines Crease Resisting Spuns sole round RARRIE mania ONTARIO CANADA uli Way luciliei 13 item as iesall MIX DBIIUARYM LIZ SOON ixitlll llizir It Lill Sitril tliiii iitlminl Hospital the past ill Tut Satili llittltti iii highway littliitiil oil Ntxibe lie ilizli tviel luctticd gtkail and leg inning lll Ellltllldi injuries parentage oil iii iilltll ol to Bui llt at the age of it lie nus chif Sumlie llutel fol lilt past titVeil ycill Tlu itiiieial tltv which was ttliltllitlttl Nov ii Lewis was lltltl it the Sliiitll Funeral llouii lallbealris ll Howard Maisllnll Saliiilel Bowliiau ltoland Illlili Paul lltibois Latcleric ail emu and Donald Scott lheli iimrv flower flout the liliiiageiieil lot llit Siliicol Hotel the stall of the Queens Ilotel the tlty afc Enchonlreu Northern llqhn bridal music The bride given in ilinrriage by lili Barrie Laundiy lorys Garage liTlllle Meat Market Uin Broth err Barrie Cafe Sunrise afe and llli friends lilteriiient was in Barrie Union eliietiiy and Still as the Night The brides mother vore Alice Knuppiwill reside ill London blue crepe with grey accessories her father wore grey crepe floorlength gown trimmed with mid 1h wimn unthlolt Will mini llC Vitl wli rocalei silver 50 ums ll ir ii d1ChlnLl top Their corsagcs were of Talis fingertip vcil was held ill place by feather halo and she carried bouquet of red roses Mrs Stew art Service of London was brides maid wearinga floorlength dress of cloud blue taffeta and carrying bouquet of Talisman roses Kathie and Lynda Joiner nieces of the bride were flower girls ill peach and green taffeta Ronaldl Joiner the brides Ilepllewwas Lingvbearer Stewart service was groomsman Following reception at the home of the brides brother and AGENTS sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Lewis FOR Joiner the couple left for wedi ding trip id New York by TCAl he brides travelling costume was black frock with matching ac cessories aura turquoise top coat man roses The reception was held at the Canadian Legion llall ill lslington For the wedding trip to Chicago the bride chose grey suit with hunters green topcoat and acces sories and corsage of roses On their return the bride and lgroom will reside at Springhurst Avenue Toronto URRY BROS emf 7M md lilTSiwraynela Sf Phone3874 On their DYMENTGOTTSCHALK Atga candlelight ceremony in St Clair Avenue Baptist Church lo Tonto on Saturday November 20 tThelma Alice daughter of Mr and Mrs George Gottschalk of Torontoi became the bride or Willianl Howl ard Dyment son of Mr and Mrs Howard Dyment of Barrie Royal Balsdon officiated ina setting of pink and white Chrysanthemums Gwen in marriage by her father the bride was charming in white French velvet on nylon gown Lashl ioned with formtting bodice and sweetheart neckline full skirt with long train and fingertip Veil held by white roses Her bouquet was American Beauty roses and white mums sMiss Marie Gottschalk wasxnlaidi of honor for her sister and the bridesmaids were Misses Barbara and Mary Dyment sisters of the groom They were gowned lll dresses of French velvet on nylon in shades of blue turquoise and plgk With matching halo headdres ses and carried bouquets of pink mseswand white mums bittlc Dayle Young niece of the groom was ower girl and were white or ganza over pink taffeta and car ried nosegay of pink roses and white mums Thegroomsman was Henry Fer ry Allandale and ushers were Rob ert Gottschalk and John Dyment TABLE LAMPS TUMBLEB ENGLISH 99110WMMMMELIW$Mdlglllk Com Pietefear 013s 31 only 50 Suits The Coal Store iliiii70iiill LII lilo SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ALL CHINA cups aSAUeERs up to $675 ea CHINA TEASETS 21 Pieces ELECTRIC ENGLISH CUT CRYSTAL GOBLETS WINE AND LIQUEUR GLASSES SPECIALLY= BOXED GIFTS Carrier Collier Bayiield Sts lDICK STEELE PHONE 2395 SIZES MATERIALS 1A Real ii so snolf EARLY TRURSDAII NOVEMBRRV25 1948 Business Mans Lunch Monday to lriday Now till Christina 1130 AM 130 pm Soup Roast Spring Lamb with Mint Sauce or Spring Lamb Chops with Mint Sauce $100 Boiled Ilam with Cabbage 85c lIot Chicken Sandwich 75c The above orders include Vegetables Bread and Butter Dessert Tea or Col fee These are just some of the items Where FOOd Reigns Supreme aildBest People Meet Caterers for Weddings Parties etc ROBINDALE luv 51 BLAKE ST BARBIE hand His mother passed away about two months ago The funer al on Monday was lalgely attend ed Service was held in Lisle Ulti ted Church and interliicnt in lIv crctt Cemetery was found short distance from his car near Tloga shot ill the head with the rifle beside him Wilbur young man in his 30th year was well liked in the neighborhood and always willing to give helping liktillthifaSthnAMAZING comfort $2 OCKHHUES NewertliallIlew styles vitlltlic same wonderful comfort that have made Dr Locke shoes world famoullg Elli bodying all the comfort principles designed by Dr Locke these shoes are must in your new fall wardrobe Beam may bi IE Vi WALKWEL SHOE OppositeJostQiiieewrzwahone 2397 STORE 31 MORE $1050 up to $3850 st $B50 $850 up to $3950 AND HOST AND HOSTESS SETS NO EXTRA CHARGE AT BARRIES CHINA GIFT SHOP iliwiizl1ttinzMMgilllbwit it 617 17 35178 127 mlifoi an of All 1751731 paiclits get mE Mr $0 it iool llalc

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