Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1948, p. 16

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SIXTEEN World Does Not Owe You Livmg MAN you ll It lug that DhAtII luI tn viiilli in lo and the or the insivuls luk of tict Lac the tilh whole and collect rill tor sciilces DO YOUR RV PIAY TRICKS ON YOU if your nerves jump at sudden noise eduv lllti low in spirits that you pick quarrel without look out lcr rimnus energv may he almost used up and your body needs help liillt when you need good tonic like Dr Chases Nerve Food to help liilild you up So you ran get your proper res it lugit lliats when youll really feel the benefit of the and other time or yoll feel meaning to hips your store iron minerals tested tonic containsi lor Dr Chases Nerve hood has been proven in over 50 years of use And Canadians by the thou RIIIIISTSHY they most batteryeat 4fil fee betteriyes and look Iiemi too after taking Dr Shaws ierve Food So it worry anxiety or tho strenuous pace of modern living is up eitiiig your nervcsget Dr thases Nerve Food today The name Dr Chase is your assurance llie large economy size is your best buy Vitamin iiitiled this UIkIS Ii ilLtl the slit False the belly ivviiyilnii ltathi Is that way sill llllli tile unlit hung it would people ill people iflt say iiiaii tl tic thcie Zgt ill to think it llere is ili LliCtlII HI tilhi iii than all llt oohgatlons Illiiht have the world thtu ioiirn Ilkt illi IJIJIIJ thought ttiliti ll omiwi itii ilciiligt til it ill iii iiiiii tiil1i iplcr ln anointr zitlliixziv Here is tile an age iiilii lhlnk intr lliiil Itilli liils litli lnii tiiiil ilivil oi lorliiito tit IItit iii inn iliIHllJit tilitiltlil to llr iii Nolan l1iillxlliiili lie biiuht was particularly bad all the Southern Ontario areas this Ihii pointed out lustings pounds and ill eieasiiii to tilt pounds to the new contained tor the iinlziaiili ti lililiiills in this itiilllii no Heres angling1 anal now pi entirely iil1ierit thrill of 121 iiliiplliatlwl speakiii more ptttitlt have nuv nuiteiml possesszolls than cvel iwioiw HiltsTil 151 11W MINES thiec per cent DDT and the last 131 yumf inim Mimi if lti eonibiiizitioi of fixed copper and WT Third there is still tcliltii dciianili lilaccliilitigv tho llligtl tiitiillIJi thing have iii tins torlii is tib iilllsioil that planners ciii gtll ill scarce eoiiiiilodltles to gtiiili mam tIiili Now take ting innsill ii is possible to l= LN higher stain ltt of illll Fioni Wilfrid iIgglistoii wilil known broadcaster and vtcii Yes hilt it means harder xvoik sources iloiii neslirii banker came tilts To the statement reply to very different Sittitlilillli good times in war We can have The Size or the national llill 15gt1143Iti tune iii peace BC banker Rapidly increasing cash values can provide an education fund if desired Lowannual premium Get this protectiongforyoupsobu while he is still child and earn lower premium rate todayHe will be glad to explainthe plan in detail to you CROWN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Oice Toronto Established I900 NIXON General Agent it AWATTERWLETH2 Division MEnagcr BARRIE ONTARIO ltA thereby Give your son Head Start against the time when he has to Strike On WWhi3OWDPWILILaCIQWDLICjfOI Lpolicy you can do this easily and atlowrcost $100000 Crown Life for policy bought for your son at any time from birth to age 15 automatically becomes $500000 policy at age 21 with no increase in premium LOOK AT THESE FEATURES NO medical examination on purchase or at age 21 NEW Yong ST LOUIS CHICAGO DETROIT jSOntario Potato King l9 Years Old Won in Quantity and Quality liiiis lids ciii illiti iziulli tirlllliillittl fan liii years slicis per in the lioph tiiliittl Hiiiwclls this near iltbiltiS who Ni 1l quantity Lillaagiler Silliizoi but had to cooking iilttiiittii into the floii iiilr cil itHltAlfoll littlAllON ill1it the ll fouryear Lust lilll lin pitint was soup with lye 21126 iiiixtllrc aeic lilliilire and lot to the iiii lb field illti tvitlhxcd itith it LIli pounds Spin ll iiolnziis of lilinii1l were added at Splliig plowing and ittltt fertilizer at This inns acrcl fifth pounds of seven Isariliii with contest was taken by Joe lattch Walloid Sudi District for the second year winners counties li71 in this lliil lollowiiil Pupimqn gtltillfrew larry Sound ti Ren and ti Parry Sound Sildblnyz 10 MiriamY it Wtlt tioli iiiurii unimportant illis reply iltilt this answer was brief and to the point national or better tilllltillliill of existing ieslioulil be in line with ability to produce and capacity to repay we have wholly The size debt gavi this reply in war we increase the debt and interest burdens peace we pay oil that debt or got bankrupt ltiere no foolish replies by reading them have increased ilily faith in the peoplciof Canada Wtllil IlilkGJillSIEikQS butave are not stupidwe are not swept off olir feet by catchwords What lStllt greatest single prob leiii before the world today 11 hook entitled val ucen New Record Tor Making Newsprint in Canada Machine Costs $42 Mils Canadian newsprint production in 1947 amounting to 4447000 tons lar exceeded that for any previous This was over 300000 tons in 1946 more than 1250000 tons higher than the aver age for the prewar years 193539 This expansion was created in re sponse to demand mainly from lUnited States publishers timated that production in 1948 will amount to 4575000 tons while the year higher than It is es Since1930 only one new millhas ibeen built in Canada and only one new machine has been installed this having replaced an old one Between 1920 and 1935 rtheeest of newspiianill was estimated at between $30000 and $35000 pm daily ton Todayrit is estimatedat between $75000 and $80000 per daily ton On which must be added woodlandsrexpcnditures on scale unknOwn twenty years ago sin gle newsprint machine which could havebeen installed in l930 for $2 000000 would today cost $4500000 After many years ofpulp ROUND fIRIP iTAX LOW UDED $2190 $2800 $2200 $1405v 1me eat tOfchangeifif if TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT BARRIB BUS TERMINAL hone 3162 geology St Bing Coughlln veteran Maple able character Herbie so famous during the war has lost his pal Anyone knowlng the whereabouts of Herbie would he doing ii great service to Bing by letting him know at once Blngs address is 200 Somerset Street Ottawa Ont Cranston Escaped Death by Miracle His Newspaper Reports lMidlaiid Free Press Herald William ll Cranstoll publisher of the Free Press Herald was taken to the Toronto General Hos pital Saturday Nov 13 by ambli lance where he is receiving treat ment for the neck and back iii iliijies received in the tragic ach dent of November which took the life of Charlie Bushnell Mr Cranston escaped death ii miracle His head wenttlirinigii the windshield and his shoulder hit the instrument board with slicii force as to drive it in for several inches Neck vertebrae were chip ped and one of them Was impactv ed with the next vertebrae below it The nch and shoulder muscles were badly torn it was to release the locked ver tebrae that Mr Craiiston was takv cn to Toronto where he is under the care of Dr Harris oitho pedic surgeon When the verte brae are back in position Mr Cran ston will be pllt in walking cast It is hoped complete recovery will ultimately be ellectcd The head wounds are healing rapidly Gordon Ewings of Toronto who was iii the back seat of the car had his right shoulder and SCVeral ribs broken while his wife receiv it may sound startling but if we Cd bad shaking up and number take the world as whole the real CHIS and Mme1 They are Still question is Where is the next in St Andrews Hospital Midland iiicatwuug 11101n131 have just written review of Road To Survi Thc fact is that the resour ces of the World are not unlimited This book should be read by every thoughtful Canadian Iwill be glad to send copy of my review of this book to anyone who may be in terested My address is 53 Street Ottawa DALSTON November 22 The hunters will all be home this week with asupply oivcnison Garnet Jory is doing nicely after his operation in RV Hospital Bar ric Watsons Gloria and Bryan Thompson spent the weekend with their grandmother Mrs Geo Thompson Mrs Handy Mrs Wood Myrna Brown and Beth McLean were appointed to collect for the Bible Society CROWN HILL November 22 Chappell Family Reunion 13 in honor of Mrs in the rst time in 13 years supply problems present conditions BARR BARRIEONTAFIQ CANADA LISLE RESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY FROM GUN WOUND aimll Iiiisliitiale iln Ill iziirnibc if utiiltlli in ite gutlot wound was believed he iml iiialtnially The birtl uas foiiid liltillllll ii Iltiiv Wiltiii section at the southwest wine of Camp Borden made by Del Swilleivile rangi warden and Sat ililiiilllCL civlltion making Sttiitli Willi the been found parkul on tile lltilIi load Novciiiliei Mrs Reg lieltiaiii and Jack of IilliiVilll are visiting Mrs Snider Fred lleeee has gore to spend some time in loroilto and at other points Arthur Snider alid AitK hitMur ray attended the liiltlr Fair on Monday Mrs Perry and Mrs oxJarll Ottawa spent part of last week at Mrs Hills Addison and Norman Dwin report good shooting Mr and Mrs Fouse and tIlIitlItl of Gait visited lII and lttis Al iliur Snider at the weekend Mr and Mrs Galbraith and Sharon of Barrie spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Arthur Dunn Mr aiid Mrs Everett Bell Jean and Raymond of ioidcn Valley spent couple of days with Ml and Mrs Cliff Fell Weekend visitors with Mrs Dliiln were TIIOS Duliii of Weston and Mr and Mrs Frank Reid and daughter of Hamilton James Readiiian of llilt flur wcll Mr and Mrs Ilollis Read man and baby of Ottawa Douglas HonduranofjurOiitoand Maurice Readmanof letcrboro spent few days last week with Mrs Iteadman Mr and Mrs Nash and Mer vyn were Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Chappell en tertained the Chappelis at tur inner Saturday eveningNov 75th binthday During the evening friends and relatives called to wish Mrs Chappell many happy returns The family which include Mr and Mrs Foyston Carole and Brian Minesing andMisJim Ross Thornton Mrs HAB mkhart and LinclaMontrea1 Mr aucLMrs Os car Chappell and Joyce Sudbury Mr and Mrs Chappell and Rich ard Toronto were all together for and Harry Shot l93Ih Deer MIDHURST Kitchener over the weekend in Toronto Midhurst relatives are now generally satisfactory Pro srm sun duction in the 194748 cutting sea WOOd son was the largest in history amounting to 11100000 cords in Canadian area east of the Rocky Mountains for consumption by pulp andL paper companies An increase at 19 per cent over1946 47 is attributed to more favorable weatherconditions and an ad guatejaborjsupply The tgtal p355 Excluslve uction consisted of 77000 cor cut by companies on leased Grown amused lands and theiroWn forest hold IIII8IIOI lugs From 4fForeign Trade Dept of Trade andEmma IMMIGRATION INCREASE Employs IDIIEI ma Principles Paranacur on Encouraging prospectsf for an iti creased movement of immigrantsto Canada during 4194 wereI reported 10 EllEh Europe countries In those countries said Mr McGowan there is grOwing in terest in the opportunities that Canada has to offer and the prom ise aLadditional shipping LamontL modation should see an increase in immigration next year Your printing order vAwith lithe Barrie Exarriiner will receive care ful attention and good Service Mr McGowan said that by the sands of users throughout end if this year approximately 400000 immigrants will havereach ed the Dominion from the British Isles Holland the displaced per sons camps in Germany and other by McGowan CNR director of colonization and agriculture The oblyieaterof its kind who has returned from tour of in the W051 Its the heater the United Kingdom and western 1h Bleg remarkable the Nation leds 100 lbs of coal SemiAutomatic magazine feed Bums any kind oECOal coke bri nets Plcnty of healthful eat results to hundeds of rhou Slaves fuel work money Come in and see the genuine bamisled by imitations $6750 fCiiiiiiifElll Gibson Ltd 65 Bradford St PHONE 3855 IllUltSlMY NUVlililitt 25 1948 Nudist IELIIL New York The Show required two baggage cats to diets of 113 Uiiieiiibe milled the 33iliciin or SHOW NEEDS BAGGAGE ABS baggage iiiiirrd to handle the eq1liiint in car and outwit il tilt Okiair iii ilulitreai ELLL 030N000 Aliliiiliss Alter December lsi 1948 the Legal Offices of COWANaCOWAN Will be located at 53 Three cars were llian on if the i2l iiuliiel it MIAMI Tilly JIX Iiit LIN Wraith sic Iili from the Ilttiil surviving ily died 21v liiil Cl it IVEIIIIII otlitrr liiey vsclc iiier liaii lliiiiill XIII Rescildales body was found luiilit 20 yaids inside lIlt sawedoff rifle nearby There was $165 cash in his pockets Major li Collier Street Itlltt ltl If umtlllinltl AXI Trucking SerVice LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CLASS En tiui hug oil of the tamp Borden provost corps was siliiiuion ed and he called the Little of liariie Assisting the gt coroner in the iiivcsitiuatloil was Roberts of iltl lrov Cons Dougil Harrie Wilbert ltiiseridale had lived lllg the Lisle district piarticnliy all lib life llis father died some years ago and his mother died few Illil ago The family farm was sold rc Wilbert louse he mined at Lisle itlll iiiovlii For some tlllliiti allip llordcii although he had an en up this work at the tiliit of his mothers death vice was held at Allision celitly and ALIA iliie ilzid Lay The funeral ser warf tcr Mrs Fowler iii Iiiltllltti iaiigliiiens etlchio Win At the llicsdziy evening Mrs 11135 UII points and Audrey the consolation len was high for men and Arnold Wliipps got the AndI highest Ailllioss tool Stilitili 24 HOUR SERVICE till1 57 Ill Lent artist who made that love Norman till5ttiiiiliill oiAL7L mi MAW Vrnv ANA muralzit wAyr AI ileliaie homeTronrthirhtlilt and The Craigliurst Hunt Club have returned after twoweek hunt in Pakcslcy district They report good holiday and brought home veleeifmncwmgliliig ti3lbs iThe members of the party this year were Clifford Porter Hills dale Archie McGinnis Phelpston Wm Thurlow and sons Allan and Robert Barric Roy Miles Minc sing and Irvc Addison Craighurst 22 November 22 Henry Lang VlSlted relatives in Mr andMrs Keats and family were weekend visitors with friends Mr and Mrs Ernest Bouncy CrOwn Hill spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wm Russell re turned home last week after spend ing some time with their daugh Onl the nest reddcst ripeSt tomatoes in the eld are Gentle Pressed to make 5Libbysi Tomato Juice Their gardenfresh avour and goodness are capturdigt along health giving vitamins and Libbys is ad excellent dietary source of both these vitamin iyvllich are necessary TOT sparkling white teeth and keen eyesighti Thats why so many mother give their children Libbys TomatoI Juice at leafs yday Itsa goodhealthdrule to keep couple of Libbys iinmhgffrigrdibrand manta go th familytohelp iron hes Ordefd Supply from your 30ch todayItsfgardiiffrCSht once gt llIIIII ii c0trllctlon III III DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK it you lent agree that titlilit 130ml Pieli tomato Prod Silun riiiit Soup the liest you ya we tolled loo cannon outline OLM gunman annular WARM MORNING Dont fl0ll ODGA

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