mason NOVEMBER 25 1948 rm 31mm EXAMINERBARRII ONTARIO CANADA PAGE mm 77w 777 V7 77 war 77 7I 77 Walk Gr Thrft Thursda ear rowmng opping vent It an Event to make Your Sh II Stretch at ay oppin are St ore pens Thursdav The Event Finishes Saturday Scoop Bargain Pretty Embroidered PIIIOW Cases Dashmg New Slashing Reduction With Christmas so close Walkers suggest pillow cases Here at one low price youll find just the an 00 beauties you like to give your very best friend Each pair neatly boxed and theres variety of embroid cries from which you may choose as Navy Bloomers for Girls At this thrtymotherswiikappre this bargain These bloomers are regularW lucky purchasejust in forthis sale Splendid but this seasons warm quality combed firmly knit rib cotton Its wonderful savingIIin price meGIrteSIt Styles Lillie III GShloned mm high quality We der Towel Bargain 01 fabrics Hand opportunity for you TOUL HAVE TO SEE THIS ONE to haw glamorous new T0 BETIEVL SUCII VALUES POSSIBLE suit at very substantial Semi bleach turkish towel Size 22 44 llt111lt1i011 3010115 $30011 Regular $125 value Another lucky strike Vim blm Rwy ThOYIC by Walkers and the saving passed along to the pick of this seasons yOu Shop on thrift days it will pay you RayOn Light Service liosc tvlrs for the woman 30 rcquIncs heavier weight an ny ons II 86 Sheers Irregulars of the reg $125 line Size 68 901nches Low 335TTII9F REGULAR FOR THRIFT DAYS LUCKY PURCHASEOF WOOL SCARVES AND PASS ALONG THE SAVING WALKERS CUSTOMERS DURING EVENT BEAUTIESthese regular $200 pure wool squares or oblong scarves in either checks or rich plaids Grand quality just the thing for Christmas gifts and theyre lessthan half price too TO THIS IIIITIglsgj 36inch Hea Heavy Quality Usually Sold At 69c1yd When you feel the quality of this cloth youll recognize that at the pride it is vy7White Flannelette THESE BOYS PAIR Good looking splendid quality wool and cot ton hose with jacquard rib cuff You save here Reg $1895 to $3500 THRIFT EVENT $1516 gggoo lessee neusrcoars BEAUTY IN EVERY FOLD Selling regular at $675 Youll be amazed at the thrift price Quantities limited shop early tTIIIIIrT EVENT $493 TIIIIITT years $695 Made from love lytotouch spun crepe Dainty shades and floral designs Sizes 36 Misseseeirwooranuets Sizes to 10V For winter sports ahead youll want socks DAYS like these Buy them nowIat saving Pretty All Wool Daintest bed jackets youve seen for years Colors pastel pink blues and snow white in attrac Bedjackets big buy It pays to buy quality to 44I tive gift box if desired Therprice ng is bargain II THRIFT DAYS WONDER VALUE PILLOW GASES Homespun Drapes $299 Luxurious stripedhomespu11 dlaDeS R081 AND comes 77 Usual $100 Sockngool fancies and bro7 gues multitude of smart designs and genuine good qualities Buy them for gifts Its thrift price In Pair 1771 Is your own use buy them f0rIChristmas $1295 Winm complete WI pinch pleats hooks eta You save $300 on SHEETS and $9593 Boys olIHose Towels DAYS sir THRIFT Wmmamrmmq 8o erswi II 1a Ise II PART woor 77 HEATHER tellIlgfhfgtttots Note the price its bar manners gain Walkers offer part Wool Heather blanket size 60 80 inches at bargain for Thrift with The Store that IMatilies Your Dollarswith Extravalve an Days second floor special C1red THRIFT 97 cold Weather Sht DAYS TOGS If area am arm at yollllll recognize this sheet wherigyou see an Plenty tOCIIOOSB from it as great valqelceuophane wrapped Always demand for this brightly tI II rilngftb931fdiiiled colored bianiet Used for Chesteifields en f1 Iv beds car throwsetc $4550 WTIlimhnghsh 7777 PractIeal1 easy to laund III Lt for ggewggggsegggham IPIIIIow Cases 23613 53 12ng Event JoloIrIsIIl PiIIIIk gCitNagXdTilsl sw1 on ou eru thing for everyday use in Special Page IPAIB II REGULAR 350 OZI quality yarn the kitchen Shop at the ThrittEvent andyi save money Niceclear hemstltching and when you put your hand on this fine percale youll want several pain THRIFIIDAYIS II The Storiea Dona it 5EXtraC1f1VIalIuei 4v II IIIII