PAGE TEN Course on Soils Stock In Legion Hall Barrie Business of Farmng Arrangements 11 ticted by Ow partment oi Vetc Stewart Page Ikftlllalk for hold 3111 of meetings at tlr of The kc topic lli will Ul Soils and Lain Ihz taie Feeding and his ltt 1ili merit of attlt with SKSSIUII on Ii l3tl tirgfv While the retire in cspcrailly in the art1 zcltonic any at all 11 hits The Barrie caugw cufi the Bilflt Legion lill i=1 woonwormrc Builtin Cupboards ah inets and Iiurnitnre Ile ll iil 3228 or 2373 19 Mary St fell at pairs Ci11fl IOS BREWER 11 PHONE clawes UA New 21 1K lu 1l iIl id lu by if psew llllli 01 Herald ilelll 4lvco11ol lr ltlli ll fslii hzrstiiazst was lilil ll FRO IltIEAIIIXG to liilitllt youngsters like these by upm bluecud Iatl and his little sister tuti got the iiiscase from their IIIUIIILI ll 111$1L1to11u loli Sta lll of luuitl turzuzznt ttt it lrlltl tu llama In il 41 111v li= new atttaclitt latl that litilh it Is It Ilfltl lll tLllll ltltvlv It can spread In luvuly youngster llllslllliis now fsuch ar thcsi that IIl Seals are llflIlI sold lioin tam ha tilltf lIIllll liristmas llt III en had it entirely iJeanIc cam into the world healthy for the disease is not 111= heritcd babe when doctors discmcred hcr Ilcr mother too is now in sanitoriuni liortuu only the father escaped it but is xraycd regularly to make certain his lungs kccp healthy Carly tuberculosis does not pro Yet in these car most The only means of finding it then is by 1aying the lungs lucc symptoms Iolc she herself was auare will again when Jeanie was only ugs to be infccled stages it be cured sily tilll with the people of Britain stheatliingsewhicHOUahnve in abundance lltluli Ilw Util ultl luiui llt crculmw Iv ltvlt Ill ltllllllll lllpilil 391 stuck lt 21 iat lll lib llc Sisliz ltaim vzr old this auntsvii when was no iizoic than he months As too often llilllllLIlSyllHllHttill tracted the disease from lllr llllfllltl shi She heluvcd hemIf to he llillfi Ilom tiny Ii THE BARBIE EXAMINERBARR1 ONTARIO SNAP fl Christmas Seals pay for free ifll lat 1oii the Giltlllflll Sanifai iuin persons of this ciy district 011 of 500 unl contagious cases of the disease liltll ruuu would lliltf la ouuace to the health of others all the tune increasng in serious ucw Now with the best of sani torium care most of them have splendid chance of early and com lllltlf tttUVtuy Medical science aided by the con llllllttl support of the pttblie has cut th death rate from TB by per cent since Illflfl In Ontario it is the lowest in Canada Yet more people over five years of age still tiic of tuberculosis than of all other infectious diseases combined Iubcrcttlosis is preventable But 11 is first necessary to find all the unknown cases by xrnying every one at regular pcriods These are lScals make possible Be sure this year to buy them generously They are protection for you and for your family icnwiutn SIEARIN Owen Sound SunTimes Ihluatd Clarence Spearin passed away on Wedncsday Sound on the Meaford road just loutside the city limits Deceased who was in his 66th year had been tailing for the past six years Word lof his death will occasion deep sor 31ow amongst host of friends here Ihelate MrSpearin had resid ed here for the past 36 years sine Icoming hgrc from Mount Forest where forty years ago he was uni ted in marriage to Eliza Leppard who now survives to mourn his ldcmise He was the son of Mrs John Spearin now 91 years of age and residing in Windsor and the They are ghtingon short rationsa cold war against need YOUR help to give them strength the spectre which haunts the world today They URGENTLY Yoiiican help them through the Emergency Fund for Britainan allCanadian organization formed for year round operation YOUR donation will be used to buy food in Canada Foodwill be shipped in bulk FREIGHT FREE packaged inwEnglaTidtand distributed there under supervisiOn UEFBs British Advisory Council to those most in t1ch go farther fvincial headquarters of United Emergency Fund for britain Prince Edwdrd Inland Miller David Marbleson IA Hent2 Birth 76Gieat George St Charlottetown NovoScotia ohn MacKeenEsn evince House Halifax New Brunswick Bagpipom sin rt rights1m John cu Alain Rnndlel Bloc Edit ideal omount Dnnsereaw in old British Rm women and 266 Sr JamesSl Montreal Ontario Curler Rea Eu FurnJF Send your cash contribution NOW to the local or prgV isendyourcoshldonotions 15969 localorProvinciaIHeodquarterst It isdeductiblelfrorn taxable income IranEmmi PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Richmond St oronto Manlfobu Chairman pro rem 1750 somerset Bld34 Winnipeg Saskatchewan Hon Mr Justice Gordon Mm Ijinr leave Provmcml Inlet Wascnna Hote Regina Nonlmn Alluri Col Brown 107ih St and Jasper Ave Edmonton WM Mm fthagg W23 This will SAVE EXPENSE and make YOUR dollar Plan to Imakcyour REGULARdonations in ml MIMI Columbia Sweet Esme Room 100 Georgi Sta ancouvet NollonnI ClinInnon Sirhllswonh Flavelle Bl Cholnnon Exuuvo Common Lady Eaton MIMI Advlury Councll Princess Alice Countess of Aihlone President eCountess oqnihanen of Burma Chairman oak 37 Hill St London Win Sparks Street w11 90 Richmond St Tomnto 96 BRITAIN 51 late John Speartn Besrdcs sorrowing mother and wife he leaves to mourn four sons Lawr lence John and Frank all of Owen Sound and George of Barrie and two daughers Helen Mrs Allan Boomer and Betty Mrs Frank Walters bothof Owen Sound Another son Joseph of Owen Sound predeceased his father ve years There are eleven grandchld rcn The late Mr Spearin is also survived by two brothers George of Toronto and John in the Cana dian West and by three sisters Madgc Mrs Peter Ribbany of Windsor Clara Mrs Wm Dunn of Mimico and Ellen Mrs An gus McDougallof Barrie In religion the late Mr Spearin was Catholic member of St Marys Church here and of the Holy Name Society Bradford Witness Following several months of tail ing health Mrs William Knee shaw died at herhome at Gilford ran Tuesday N019 year Mrs Kneeshaw whose maiden name was Mary Ethel Baynes was tr daughter of the late Mr and MRS WM KNEESHAW Mrs Richard Baynes of West Gwillimbury and had spenthcr life in the township where she was most highly esteemed widecircle of friends Mrs Kneeshnw had lived pracr tically all her life in the same neighborhood within the township lIn girlhood she attended Coulsons Hill school Fortyseven years ago the last February she married William 7M Kneeshaw at the home of her parents which was located on the property at Deerhurst where she KnShaw farmed onthe farm now occupied by their Son John until four yearsago last May whenups on retiringfjrpm active farming thypurchased the property across the road from EbenezerVChureh and but shortdistance northof their former farm member of Kneeshaw had been member of Ebenezer Methodist and that time good wife and mother the de ceased is survived by her husband two sons Wilfred and John both of West Gwillimburyg six daugh ters Laura Mrs Lloyd Al berta Mrs Culbert Eileen Mrs Coutts Frances Mrs Mat THEIYIRE EVERY WHERE More people buy and enjoy Maxwell House than any other brand of coffeein the World at any priclts eonomicafio buy the lies in coffee It farlv Christmas Scat sale opens mugfhnpn IN llll t1111ilt= lli Illt Ilt Vlltttl lice of charge vitlitn tlic few years were rcsidcnts lllltl viirt found 1400 with lctivellh mm WWW become lhc xrays the sale of TB Christmas OBITUARY If 1918 at his home RR Owen his spenther last years Mr and the Anglipan Church before her marriage Mrs faithful later Ebenezer United Church since llnnisfil from iPoetic Name il llizlld ll $2 in auzzzs 1n the its idltl inflzktu tiltll the the imigrauts ItUIlt uort southern Ireland wifn cacit oiliwg 15 ilzt If Against tia hrtozical iiiohul is 1111 sttlfiiihlll after more than life licr of names lll Struto aha arc unraalmbi avoidui tif1tl lit lallll bat to tip Lount lllhil 11 Ill7 name Ii 1gtIil mine Innisfall Ittllltl 111c lzmd If is danishs cairui ItitgtfiilI1le11 ilzihlcnt fh Iltl r1 Ilufiiltmi mans name llallyctuy 11 ill All la If llillttl alter 1llage l1onunfy llllil lt pit fuc was cslablchcd 111 lilfilt lf Its lllc THY Ill the kill Ilally is coiiuptioii of the cl tic word baile croy or tIJIs iucaiu cro Itspioneers named Ilulljrcioy ozl concession of lecumsclh Io1tuship Its namesake cin on tl Izirc River in lalway ouii tIreland Patrick Derliam numtl the village after II1 place ofh ihirth market and episcopal tiv The post office was established on Feb 1863 olgan is III the line betwem Iccumscth and Adjalu townships The word is of Irish Ullttllt and is thought to hi corruption of Honey Bees Dont Make Honey Only Most people have come to regard the honeybee as an industrious lit tleinscct whose chief value is her ability to gather quantities of deli cious honey which she jealously guards from pilfering humans ant bearseven to the exth of sacti fuing her life in doing so Others however realize that the true function of the honeybee is to Novembefpollinate Vthosemtlowetzsiandiplai which depend entirely upon insech for the transfer of pollen from one blossom to another When the na tural habitat of wild insects is de stroyed it inevitably results in decrease in the number of native pollinators says Corner Domin iion Experimental Station Prince lGeorge BC Frequently farmers dcstroy the nesting place of these wild insects when clearing 11an and it is then that the honeybee takes the place of the wild insects in pollinating such important crops as alsilte clover for seed The presence of honeybees will 1T0 enable blossoms to secrete neclt itar and pollen and attract bees the weather must be such as to cncour age nectar secretion and to allow tthe foraging bees to make frequent trips to the elds Much work is being done to assist farmers in the effective pollination by honeybees In the meantime farmers would be well advised to invite local bee keepers to establish an apiary on or near their elds Farmers them iselves could even start with few hives of their own The honeybee is the only pollinating insect over lwhich man has control and which is available in sufficient numbers to carry on this important work of pollination thew Kneeshaw Doris and Isobel one brother William Baynes Scotch Settlement and two sisters Mrs Ritchie tidal of Gilford and Miss Laura Baynes Barrie She was predeceased by one sister Mrs McCutcheon Hannah one daughter Thelma Mrs Culberti and son Robert aIwasheld with service at her home at three oclock followed by service at Ebenezer United Church at 315 pm Interment was in Ebenezer Cemetery pallbearerswerenepbews of the deceased namely Jack Knee shaw Toronto Clarence Baynes Douglas Kneeshaw Ernest Knee Shaw Kenneth McCutcheon and nephew by marriage Stuart Mac Quarrie vTOTAL 22100 The total attendance on 70 days if Supervised recreation at Barries playgrounds this past summer was 22100 according to figures com piled by the recreation committee hit tinnit ttittnc OIL son using Iil link wood in ucl1 clogs flinch itt gts Krill it 11 Imt Asmcizmun ship near the lltldll of Iccl 12111 llllllfll Lake the torn ttiflv lo 11 an of loveltfor the old hoiu 111 liw land Ituun is located in the fit LnotJnIallibly resultdnlargci crops lnnisfail for Ireland liiizeF toutt NT 11 gtlJll ltelulitl cai fill ifilx lion Court ptl office Coir 11 Autim 11 i1eiiitl 111121 Ai gt Kl l11h ti Vklllil ttt1 JI tulnlai walvcb 11 to 1m II The ilililfr ti cullillilslittl hi it ldfi thluuc is In tluv fifth con and six 11 aau cssio11 of Adjala Township It wa llldlllttl by lllgtll Sclllcz from Alli Ilene III the West vlcatli Court The name lgt thfltl fiom the Io cims the Ilii Shannon aiii tent and uu mans 1111 1ncc Zita11s herd tlilfl or Nut l1llub111 215 11am along v1li1 its post cl ice 111 I353 li 11 taily with Ihomas tlactonchy after lllt town of lilfonl otuity of Down fIielaiul iautl otn Ira illl13c Slllati the anti lIlIIlrlll rs lllltill at the lltltl hunt ftlJtl maps slo sion of Im Iuvnslap lhrctI 11111 uuth of Iclclanguishciu IIzr Voyageur lcan Ilaptzslc SIggtlc lI tI to the lat sbornc hauled the oat limbtr fruit EIniuigztns Laltao build the Pen zinguishcne the first steamer llll flu1c near llll site of itlcfliblinn Illilll Mr icorgu Ii Osbornes book The Story 11 Midland gives ltlllslllgt IJclote I837 1c those that arrived It includes the name of Thomas Landrigan oitccssioa i3 In Ill7 Ihc sp lling Lanigau and Iilligiti are variants of the orilt gmal All three are definitely Irish autl perpetuate the name of pin ccr settler acknowledge information from Ontario Historical Societys Papers land Records Vol lBronch Plants in Canada Improve Trade Balance Branch plants originatingin Great Britain the United States and other countries have contribu tcl substantially to the reduction of Canadas adverse balance of trade with the United States in the first nine months of the current lcalcndar year from $720 millions to $275 millions and to the crea lion of favorable balance in Sep Division Department of Trade and Commerce in an ad dress delivered recently to mem bers of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce rector of the Industrial Develop nent These branch plants can supply an expanding domestic market thus diminishing the value of im ports fiom dollar countries but they can also add to Canadas line of exportable manufactures to the United States and other bardcur rency markets further increasngl this countrys dollar income Sub stantial reductions are being made 1nhemportofsuchmcatlif products as automobiles refrigera tors and radios In addition Can adais now producing many com modities that were formerly im ported such as jet engines tapered roller bearings and ethylene glycol and is slowly reversing the now optical goods high carbon drill bits stainless steel equipment and noiseless typewriters Some two thousand American branch plants and their affiliated industries are now established in Canada Mr Mallory declared About half of these are mapnfac turing establishments the remaindl or being engaged in nance insur ance shipping and other services The capital investment of theSc branch industries exceeds two bil lion dollars Some 450 British subsidiary firms have been established in Canada having reported capital invest ment of over $600 millions fur ther twentyve have been estab lished in this country during the Read Examiner Classifieds lNlthout Endorsed No link security Terms to SI you ch In day l1l of the pioneer settlers of Tiny across the border of such items as 11111 bclw lr lactoiichy Ital llllllii 1I it THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25 1948 IN FOR EAL Imperial 580 Oil Im Burners Limited Number With GUARANTEED OIL CONTRACTS Webster Electric Barrie PHONE 3230 rtemberr stated DrMallory Dir OK pal ever saw ously of course And these maltyrich honey golden PoststapeNuts Flakes are whole stack of good nourish ment spadefu energy And minerals for muscle and ESTABLISHED l599 lily 1tnvu lcnsion gt gt ll1i nntimutal lilc IIau IlH pit phat its name It Illlihr you tllll pinion Him to iualw tlnulib certain lhal it lurch 5llll needs It lllllillt 1l au iiiunciliafc estate llltl It pimiulw hn111cial protcclion for ilepciulcnt In your irmiilcs you with monthly income Irisluclicvcr tctirciiizul it or iiigilxcs ayai alilc lump stun In 111 rllllllzltlll tumls your comcnicncc and gnu you the gruntt plcasurc Iliis cunwnicnt Ioncost plan is at its best when started in llltls earlier years lltc carlirr you shut the inure advantageous it is for you vnlit Iontiucntal llft representafiw ilillil and hill advise you THE CIINIIIIENIIII IIFE INSURANBE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE GRANT MAYOR with ISO Dunlop Street Barrio Ill raise with package of superdelicious Endowment llan For You miiiuiiqyut automatically by not all lmlay lie is TOROHIO Purely Canadian Company Oi Posts GrapeNuts Flakes Thats blue chip if onespeaking delici in maklrrg in double of carbohydrates for up enough growth and rich blood fUsing two grains instead ofone Posts GrapeNuts Flakes is pair that really pays off breakfast enjoyment and rosyfcheek nourishment FellahsI think Ill pop over Abuy Posts GrapeNuts Flakes for full house WWTTYWFWTIO ooora 320 105100 11 insulin AT Norxtita cosrri WILSCNBIQDf Phone 2865 Barrie aiiiiiiattainnrmygmms TORoun CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE New Enlarged Premises at Giants he same Location lllllll year5 Nsee or call HSquIdIoryrof IndiumIII Acceptanceicorpornllon Noam