Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1948, p. 1

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8025 Copies 00n verso EXAMINER Section lPoges to Nominations Fri 15 Town Council PUC School Tr Gront MCyOr will Prey to Third termGeorge gHort is Dork Horse Iiunorrow night ltriday 11 in Barrie At 730 pm lit111 open the meeting to receive IIZLS to be filled by ellclan rvw ination meeting will be held the Town Hall While few of the cantiiill titration of their plans it will seek third term 11 11 or four years Mayor iii chiefly responsible for the mom project to renovate the Tar payers in the IOIllltOIIllllii tit this project which is how liflil UYMORIIED AS CONE CLASS IllL IO DEPL OHAIA THE BARRI BARRIE ONTARIO 81111 OVERSEAS PARCELS SENT manna Postmaster Thomson reports that the first phase of the Christrnasi been successfully corn pleled 111 that most of the parcels Itor the ontnzcnt and the United Kingdom patched 8511 YeorwNO 48 CANADA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25 1918 RoWbOat Capsizes Fishermen Rescue Stebbings and Gill Two Barrie fishermen Stephen Stebblngs 87 John Stand James Gill 50 Innisfll St were rescued from drowning on Sunday morning They spent half an hour in the freezing water of Kcmpenfeldt Bay and were suffering from severe shock and exposure when they were finally taken from the choppy waters The two men were fishing in smallrowboat quarter of mileiout from the gas plant property on Dunlop street When heavy wave swamped their craft both men were thrown into the icy waters and the boat capsized SIPDbIHRS mimilgtd to seize at Ross Urry 66 Sophia St heard the Wooden float but Gill came up some calls and they hauled in their an chor and then tried to get their motor started After three or four BLAIR GEORGE GRAHAM AGE 81 CAPTURES FOX IN HIS GARDEN Saturday morning George 15 Graham found it red 1m in his garden at 55 Icnctang St Har lvyearold into corner and seizing it by the ears and throat he captured it alive ilth hitterson Graham collar and leash Were put on the fox and it was led up the street to its new Irnetang St Mrs Emerson new owner has always wanted 21 fox since Springwater she did not would hands liven the name Rusty the fox has fine pen and he cn joys fresh meat unis this year but the Postmaster eouests that patrons tze 111111 mail in handles the items all faced oni lllllltlltti Mixlately local and outoftown delivery iret iore mailing MERRRBLQRBI Dominion Champions Beef Cattle Judging Allan hlcCracken of Everett and Allan lloughton Of Beeton mem bers of the South Simcoe Boys and Girls Beef Calf Club won the D0 minion Championship iii beef cat tle judging last week at the Royal Winter Fair Ihese boys iwere declared pro vincial champions at Gitelphlroc labor and therefore qualified to represent Ontario 111 the Dominion finals The contest at the Royal was sponsored by the Canadian Coun cil on Boys and Girls Club Work This organization brings together arinually about 90 champions various projects for Dominion com and provides the team members with free trip to points of interest in Ontario including the Royal The projects featured in the coil test were foods clothing poultry swine SW57 in ll Tana 13 gci The chased the 111111 is ml rush gm Later of nephew des Last week mer 1100 par eels for Useiseas passed through the Bairie Post Office Preparations are on hand for the balance of 1111 lushand this week handbtlls have householders in the distzict solicit ing their cooperation and detailing schedules rates and other relative information 11 is hoped that the public will tind the information of value Ith will heed all of the suggestions 013 enormous task of despatching their heavy mailings facilitated and timely deliveries Vlll be as sored It has been decided to dispense with llltlClll box for early mail have now been home at 1011 Graham saw lark oneat However expect her uncle one in his bare gone catch distance from the float and he start ed swimming on his back Both men were wearing heavy minutes the motor hummed clothing and in addition Gill had on pair of hip rubber boots For tunately Gills parka had trapped pocket of air and this helped to keep him afloat Earl Smith who was pulling his boat up on shore saw the fisher men go under and he shouted to attract the attention Of others Louis Glenn Peel St and Nor man Sweeney Dunlop St were in rowboat and heard the calls for help They hauled in their fishing and started to row against the wind towards Steb bings About the same time Harvey and BERTHA REYNOLDS FINANcE REPORT GRADUATE or BCI KIWANIS SPEAKER at Mondays Kilt meeting was arranged by the Vocational Guidance Commit tee Of which syiinott is chair The speaker was Miss Bern tha Reynolds former graduate of BCI now Chief Attendance Of ficer and Coordinating teacher of the Toronto Board of Education The stall Of the Collegiate and rep resentatives from the staffs of the Public Schools were guests Miss Reynolds pleasing an speaker spoke atsomc length on Building Young Canadi an Citizens referring in particular to what is being done in Toronto for children coming from Europe and also for all children who ned special attention In most cases the children who have come from Europe cannot speak any English and many of them are orphans and six weeks course teaching them to speak read and write they are then placed in classes Many are very restless and need manual training For adults from Europ ean countries etcMayor umlllown of Barrie and recently re of the NIL as secretary of Board succeeds he late Smith in fered gt0 that they set out towards the floating tired as chief clerk lhas been engaged low Gill By this time Gill was two orl hundred Stebbings and the water was so this rescuers Town will be and that safe Planning three feet away from way and Chairman Hoard position llanning lleishnian and the office is 111 the Town Hall and choppy could catch only btll glmpscs of the men in the writer Glenn tried to keep an eye on Stebbings and he directed Sween ey who was strugling with the oars against the wi In the meantime the Urry bro thers were getting closer to Gill who by this time was completely DUI 0f SIRIII mm Sltbbllllt The services available to rural ipeoplc in the way of cooperalive ltilclptise through the Federation was the theme Of talk given by Ralph Staples to some 30 members of the lcder1tion 111 he community hall at lIady on Thursday evening Nov 111 Mr Staples is the Ontario man lger for the ooperative Life 111 stirance onipany in Toronto urged that local insurance groups stick togetherwin order to make the whole work ing unit Rev George lllorrison secretary Federation and Stewart Page agricultural rc spoke Oil the general theme of strengthening the particularly by using these cooperative enterprises Donald Bell Federation gave an outline of its history This was the fourth of the series of regional Federation planned for this fall rough VENDORS AND TOWiJ DRAW AGREEMENT Alil night pre IonII market Coop Enterprise lFederGlion Theme E01 Ralph Staples SMITH lcrk and lreasuroi Aid and or belt last settled report ouncil regarding commodation Tllt report signed by vendors who took court action against the Town was also en dord by the Town ouni ii The lawyers Rowe tor Boulton lar vendors of settle Griffin Monday to the of Barrie for 321 year will vain Returning Officer lo the Mr Smith V5111 rw tllt nominations for flitvarioiis rillllttS at the council chamber lllt Town Hall at 7310 p111 riow night Friday lines and anchor lll eleetnnls Turn to page three please which 11111 lutn market ltilliol Noni tuber 20 of Agriculture five feeding breeding 11nd marketing of beef cattle management PASSED BY COUNCIL At the Town Monday night Clark chairman of finance in troduecd finance report N0 which was adopted This portincludcd the totals cheques issued from June to October Finance report No passed some months ago had included figureis on cheques for the first five months of the year The figures from the two re ports were as follOweranuary 42409419 February$25980 24 March$6362576 $2120599 May$3516199 June July$10808337 August3859642 September S4302361 October$4025765 In addition the cheques for sewcrs totalled $923673 Health Ministers Plan To be Presented to RVH By Campaign Deputation Donald 11 lingwooil isdow so eial1st in general SlttllIlj his certificate from the College of Physicians and Surgeons Allan Metraeken had score of MlKilV 521 ottt of 000 while Allan llough tons score was 501 points placed 2nd and ith as individuals and had lead of six points over lier team from Saskatchewan The other placed Council last Reeve George 11 having received WV shall drawing ment agreementtryhen of the settlement adopted The program terms wanis basis elloperative life 117 Hamilton VCiilliiigwoodsff well known apple grower with box of Northern Spy variety the sweepstakes for any variety it the Winter Fail terms are legally Town will pro ceed to provide certain accom modation as stipulated in the agreement will drop court action against the Town were Older provinces following Manitoba British Columbia Alber ta New Brunswick and Nova Scol The standing of the other On tario teams was dairy cattle25rd seed grain an potatoes 2nd food 3rd clothing 4th Both man two 121 County and vendors TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al Lilly Jean Lowckhart presentative both Federation showed Hereford calves at their local sacliicviament day held at Cookstilwn Fair in October They alsplcxhibited these the Kings Guineas b0 April fluent president 0111112 petition 45149739 same calves in Class at the R0yal on Monday Much of the credit for the sue1 cess of the team goes to Calvin IrelandVclub leader and Junior Farmer Fieldinan for the Depart ment of Agriculture Calvin 1s pgeSIdcnt of Hereford Brecders Club The club which the team repre sents was organized and promoted byF Lashley agricultural rep resentative for South Simcoe Are County Historical Essay Contest Winners Lockhart incetiiigs which cattle beef cattle grain and potatoes Ontario had teams entered in six of these projects andhad high teams in swtne dairy of Beeton Public Jean School and Jean Lockhart of Vic prize of $30 in the Colling pionship and Ross Morrow the second prize of $20 Inspector Gibson Simcoe introduced the prize wiu comm lners and commented Oil the annual Competition which was inattguratixi The competition was won grand e1 Donald Lilly the South Simcoe very nervous is rst given School winners of the first prizes Of $50 each in the annual historical scholarship competition were prev County Tuesday Itoria Public wood and beef Elgin wet county won the championship in swine judging The South Simcoe team had AOL judge and give reasons on ngur classes and answer ten questith 0n ot Iliwl seated members morning Nov 23 All winners attended the there are night in 1942 classes and 70 teachers giveonc evening week to this work For children there Are number of special services There is Child Clinic where any child not making Payment ber these are now due fore the end of the year may of course be included in income tax deductions for 1948 Gill campaign secretary said that many pledge payments have been made in recent weeks and there were several very encouraging in stances reported from the indus session airow The competitio to two groups Considerable progress has been madein recent weeks in the Bar rie and DistrictMemorial Hospital campaign At meeting of directors of the campaign Thursday last was presented of aninterview Russell Kelley Ontario Minister of Health by10r ville Todd James Hart John trial groups and John Mitchinson Prospects of proceeding with the campaign now are most promising as some concrete proposals have been advanced Tonight directors of the Royal Victoria Hospital will meet with Messrs Todd Hart Boys and Mit the government proposition and meeting 1155 81 so been arranged with the medical board of the RVH that from these thing definite can be advanced and the campaign reorganized edonahistoricalessay tllliitll the pupils rather than on examina tion results Warden nounced that money had been forwarded by mail was divided in Donalcl headed the first group of schools with three or less teachers and Jean headed the second group of schools with four or more teachers Othervinners in the first group were Marie Woodrow of SS 11 Me donte who won the second prize Of $35 Shirley Fyfe of Scotch Line schdol Alliston who won the sec ond prize Of $25 and Glyn Evans of Cookstown public school who won the fourth prize of $15 In the second group Ross Mor the Prince School Barrie won second prize Wildman of Victoria Public School Barrie came third and Marcia Dick of Central School Orillia was fourth LIONS ENTERTAIN Mrs Monica Walter Middleton the $250 11111 satisfactory progress mth thoroughly examined Often some slight adjustment needed Behaviour problems are and adjustments made There is an Orthopaedic School classes for the deaf Health classes for children in run down condi tion school for diabetic children where they are taught to look after themselves There are sightsav ing classes Lwhere everything is planned for the comfort of the children with view to saving their sight An impOItant service is the Visiting Teacher service for chdren unable to attend school Community Centres are serving very useful purpose as it brings the people in district together and report is all that is WEED ESSAYS with the Hon studied Ill 25 of Barrie 1111 with an introduc 021 the 15 winners Ofthe annual weed essay contest with in an inlrodnc tory statement regarding its value in the schools The prize money was presenteill to Patricia Rats Fi11311 cliffe age 12 of SS 17 Tecumscth winner of the first Percy Camick SS Orillia in Him her of the second prize Of 3102 Joan Lynch SS Adjala winner prize of $5 Crocker Beeton public school win her of the fourth prize of 03 Jean 111 Campbell KC essay contest Boys Wale CO 10w by the Warden UNCIL ACTIVITIES Warden WalterMiddleton Open the NOvember ssion of Simcoe chinson to hear Elizabeth prize of $15 It is hoped meetings some Of the third County Council on Monday after Theneed fora new hospital for 00m Barrie and district is greater than Accommodation is still lim SCHOOI OFFICIALS EDUCATION NIGHT one MinimLDI SS Essa 1Lin11erl1ww Of the fifth prize of $2 and the 101 is winners of compensation prizes 01111 $1 each Miss Reynolds commended the ne work teachers are doing in building Canadian Citizenship The Waiden noted that three Ited patients are crowded and the mempers who had been seriously ever MRS JEAN SAUNTER of Lefroy has aufull time hobby raising An Pctqtdf Men Miss Reynbldswaslntredu Morrow of the BCI stall and was thanked by Morrison chairman of the Board of Educao tf6nPrineipalBowman of the BCI thanked the club on behalf of the guests trrr ArnOId 11111 medical requirements Of this ever growing community At the meet ing last Thursday John Mitchinsop first chairman of the campaign commented that there is more en and the project seems headed for successful con clusion In recent weeks gt been sent qut by Leighton campaign treasurer eorge llS Louis Truax were ab Attend the Ssession One former county councillor John Kidd of Flos had died since the last ses sion IO the LiOns Club Of Barrie had speaker from younger generation to address their education night program last Friday Dale Miller of Hillsdale winner of the public EpcakingifcnlSlLspFlsrcd by the Simcoe County Trustees and Rate payers Association delivered his address WhyI want to stay on the farm r1c1a runnerup in the County public speaking contest read heressay to tho cOuncil members The pupils whosetransportation had been arranged their schools school inspectors with the Warden agricultural the mornings session mitts and Other articles There are seven proccses in all Mrs Saunter is seen here at the Churchill Hobby Fair with one of her rab bitsand her spinning wheel eeCOMING mrENrs doln 1e 16 nit an your to and froml by the weed and 511 WW went to lunch WI special following thusiasm now Mr Middleton spoke of attending the International Plowing Match at Lindsay and he pointed out the 1950 Match would be held in Sim coegounty on BOOacre farm in conductor with the ViCNR retiredafter 40 years of ser He is native of New Low and have fpe ge cOmmittec candida r1 Vice ell Dancat Baxter Friday Dec Clarke and DancerOrangeHirimda phasizeddhejinpmtancc HENCEP Etutil Fi x3 the SouIll of providing food for the peoples of the world before beginning to talkpeace The public speaking winner said one of the greatest factors in his interest ingthe farm was the boys calf club OfWhieh he was mem the gtIriusichf IPIIIVGTOTIVSTOIT Dancing from 930 38th The annual meeting of the 0m Horticultural Society will be held FridayuiDecrember School Wry Friday night plierkby SimVar orchestra Starting Friday Nov 26 dancing every Friday night LefrOy Com munity Hall Admission 25c 48p Orange Hall Music sup chestra 48b Since the June sessron of county 130 Council theNorth River Bridge had beenoiciallyopened by Hon George Doucett Minister ofHigh Ways in No 17 47 49b Newton Dance Eric Gallaugher Of Evrett in South Simcoe wonthetrophy and Boy firstprizewithi$250 Ch award mond Robitaille and vhis brother um thcvgrandy championshippotato ng atthe Royal Winter Fair OnMonday Nov 15 Twoother 500Bushel Club mem bars Gordon Bidwellof Shanty Bayin NorthSimcoe and Joseph Gattie of Walford the Sudbury district carried Off the second prize of $125 and the third prize of $75 Fifth prize was also won by grower in the same district Fiftyfive major were won by seed potato growers and boys and girls club members in potato certification district it was announced by White Eide supervising inspector for the seed potatocertification branch of the Dominion Department of Agri culture Telesphore Forget Maurice both of Lafontaln won 2nd and 3rd prizes in the Khtahdin seed potato classes and 6th and 8th prizes also were won by Simcoe growers First 2ndzand 3rd prizes mulletheecmppewa variety 2nd and 5111 In the IrlahCobbli class and second in the Warba class wept to repreents only small portion Turn to pagethree please RobinsonFriday NOV 2642111501695 TecWeGwill Music by Norm tra The Warden congratulated R0134 ert Craig county messenger on 25 years in the employ of Simcoe County iller was introduced byT Charles Newton vicepresident of the Simcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers Association Following his address the young speaker was ethusiastically applaud large audience Seymour over the dinner which was held in Trinity Parish Hall He welcomed as guests Of the club public school teachers high school teachers sep arate school education high schOOl board sep arate school board and representa tives of other serviceclubs Seated at the headtable were Hon Dana POrter and Mrs Porter George Johnston MLA and Mrs Johnston Dr and Mrs Sey mour HISVWOIShlp Mayor and Frank Craig Mrs Chester Carson delighted ith two contralto selections and oyd Tulford play ed the accompaniment 1Duringthe serving of the din ner sing song was led by Victor Knox with Bell at the piano MacLennan president of the Teachers Council expresscd thanks to the Lion the guests YOur printing order with the Barrie Examlner Will receive care ful attention and good service her Dale Stroud COmmunity Hall annual meeting in hall Monday Nov 29 Ala1ge attendan Earmers Burlings orc Junior hes 48b Craigvale Orange LOdge enchre Stroud Commufiity Hall Friday December Stroud Mountaineers Lunch counte mission 50c Dance oclock dosifd Innisfil Horticultural Society an nual m6eting Tuesday Nov 308 oclock atjhorne 70f Mrs Ed Sloan Churchill Coulsons Hill Junior Institute euchrerdance in Gilford Hall Fri day Dec pm Admision 50c Lunch provided Progressive peuchre UtOpia School Thursday Nov 25 830 to 11 Prizes and lucky attendance prize at end of season Afternoon tea bazaar and bake sale Stroud Community HallSat Nov 27 to auspices Presbyterian ladies Dance Orange Hall Ivy Fridayr Nov 26 auspices LOL 450 Admis Lunch counter Stroud 45th co is The Simcoe County Council 10111 lakmi loil have census taken 011115 mtina icipalityr OfElrrivale and if it ex ceeds 750 persons tyhocouncil will of Pi granting Sand dance Two meniiiers or thelLafontaine and Girls Potato Club Ray ExWarden George Patterson of Port McNicoll will retire from municipal oic this yearandglle Paul W011 1815 and 2115 Prize in has bookedpassagetosi1illanuary the Katahdin class in the boys and girls club exhibit Niven of 010 Station of the East Simoe Potato 0111b Won third elerk took the minutes of council prize Club members in the Sud bury and Muskoka district won Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 7th and 8th prizes in the Chippewa class In the table block classes Mr Whitesldes district won lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and 0th prizes in the Irish Cobblerclass lst 2nd 3rd and 4th in the Chippewaclass and lst and 3rd in the Sebago class In the group class of three var 151 and 3rd prizes were lion ed by the Vllllil Ad 4849 Hall 11 lrhllf 1111 it Illhivalt is tlilfiitl pntatrion Maw prerenml llllt of havini motion wa WrxNl Ill MDS Didace flrise of lloiiry chairtrian of the Eastern Georgian Conference and Normr 3031 ton Orange pmSIdEd Wednesday Dec sponsored by Thornton Hockey Club Corinnes lunch counter Floor prizes Flax tons orchestra Admissiont50c 48b Wednesday Bradford Town Hall in aid of St James Chapel Ansnorveld pm sharp Admission 35c for 20 games special games Marshall Hatchery presents edu cational film on Poultry Manage adventure and Modern and old tim dance after film Friday Nov 26 Midhurst TownshipHall Aus pices Centre Vespra WI Children free new hospital Garrison Church bazaar nesday Dec1 at Camp Commun ity Hall Camp Borden Will have booth for everyonestaste fancy work and homemade baking to fish pond and balloon booths Afternoon tea will be served from 330 to Bingo and rattling of complete dolls house One and all welcome 47481 Thorn the presentn police village the status of 111111 coxporatedvillage VWhen the County Couhil session was opened in Barrie Monday al there was deputation from Elmvale and three memberst spoke Lawson Robinson chairmah 00 the board of trustees said the rate payers had wanted village incor poration for some years and now he believed the population was sufficiently large enough He said 90 of the ratepayers were in favor of village status William Campbell assets of Elmvale 700to 800 citizens the fine busi good water system new fire truck four churches and various organizations William Thbmpson KC Pelie acting as connsel for the munici pality of Elmvale said the require ments of theIVIuniclpaI Act had been complied with to date He Rskd the county to have Census Iudg trip tohisnative Scotland consider DJ Neil Mc 11 Miss Dorothy Miller deputy 4349 teachers board of for the Opening session Clerk Bingo Deco 1T Simpson was attendinga fun eral ternbOn Bay Clarke of Barrie iHuronia Historic Association addressed the council briefly They asked that thecounty tire dertaketo place and maintain ditty ectional road sighsbn the county roads to direct attentionvto Scaclt resorts historical sites aIlclcorri general well marked road is sign OfJWolCOInc to the traveller declared Grise ML After brief sessioh Tuesday 4748b morning members of the council left to spend the day at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto DRILLIA POLICESAL Orillia police constables receive basic pay of $1600 plus an aver age costofliving bonusof $600 FOURTH WOOL PRODUCER New Zealand is fourth among the worlds woolproducing cOuntries Upsetting of coal oil heater caused fire in Gravenhurst cabinjFrank Guppy old had to be dragged from the fire urday prizes in all comedy travel pictures ment sion 50c Mountaineers orchestra Dancipgwyery Friday at Pine Crest Dance Centre one mile east of Anten Mills Ted Scott and his Admission 50c Trinity ParishAid will hold their annual tea and sale of home cook ing Friday Nov 26 atthe home oerrs Webb St from 36 pm Aunt CindiCleans Up three act play byPYPSpwill be present edrr =in Township VHall Sunnidale Corners Friday Nov 26 815 11 Admission 35c and 25c R108 ieties the gathering won These growers took almost one third of the prizes in the seed po tato classes in competition with growers from almost every pro vince in the Dominion With the exception of one they were 2111 certified seed growers under Mr supervision Whiteside considers this rather re markable inasmuch as district No Adults Proceeds for 431 Wed spoke of the including the 250 orchestra 45tfb munities and Gabriel ness section Grisc suggestedu tha main roads could be given 11131 full names He emphasize 20000000 tourists 000000 in Canada jpointed 109 Toronto 47481 tang flan behalf of Whitesldes Mr 72 years in the evening this district 41481 to lljlw1 presidlzilt 01 the es and Tourist

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