Ill BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA GRENFEL anioriURsr II MI MI iililll Wormnix lllllllhf iln Wm 11p aplcwieaf Taxi Now located at Clapperton Street and Margaret Silent Iniiwin an II 13 TUan iIrI in rialm or Sutton la II 111 only two doors up from Tomblyn Drug conic to pclnl thr lVllIllA xxrlz ix daughter lrs litixc StoreI Miss Georgie llrnr and dl 11 Sloan both oz lnlinlu sprilt it In weekend at til352 ir mini limit ill 111 itlwd hr Mr and Mrs Geo Cililil chill Illmuiwil 1le Harvey prop Carol and Tommy Donnelly lll Billlle 12 ll 11 Newon Robinson ed on Satirrrlav at illninelhs iIIIWAII WI II MM III0 II II The Anglican baxaar on Satur gI lay in spite of damp weather way tl10lIt III Timmow iglejCliltd 5141115 llltttmb Oxel IIlIIIDIHSIM IIII IMIS II IIII II IIIIIIII Elinlri xzttir an nit II lIliIeII lIadrIths IllrruchItIIIlIlrri llrlrl amrk of lillelxlllllr II rIvIIIIIIIH prawn 1W Ill1 Fem filled lllenti ri Flliil plirriznv IIIPIIi 31 um Jul 31 lIL ill Mrs lilt Stewart 154 Inle nv 1III IIIIIIIII II 31 III 3L Alrtrhh Tlrllll has Lucas had the highest scum inth Id than 51 l1 l1 illi 131 mi til Ihe Churchill and tin My um apperlln minim itll Irlltt flit lUiirtoircal john Hit MI IIIII III MIA LIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II Mix 21 Hi VVHiCd It lii Mrs Willa ll ll lhl riltrilil llll lllltt Klara Yln IiI WI II II Exiirilltl ll llHlillrr lrlxlrr aral illlittIflllltIf1I MIME II iIIIlm llltltlkS not lliirrl phiu IIII and HOG FEEDS II IllIIIIrl may Mr and fill lrw taps in llrp 11 tilEltilil the rutltllllJ lit tlr ilt irll illlillltl ll paler lrrl illt r1l limit llllt lllilltlitl tut lirailtnrrt ililgli Kinuwl =lllrrll llllii l1 llaIv triglzl About tiizevn ladle Itllilitlril 11 tlu tlillill lilrtgtI rllltultl lri ItrIlll itlilll lliii lLlil bill llJtrl li thr children Hr lrrzlln Iiil7l unite llllllr Irlllllil vl l1l1 Grow School In inlzuvi ill rural ui l1 and ii MASTER and BLAICHFORDS Train plil12t gtrlunt dancing ailri llltl Mr iliitiIv intgel Jltli 11 Ilgtllillllilltv BALE HAY STRAW St itUrgtK llil illiill 1lllrl and Mr anti rll Alhlil lloualitllzi TI II II II 11 limit 1le iiiiAIllrinlnllt in and lilirlglitli Bertrim til ll1 part Of our my ii if ll xgtl lrzr lnri lill liljllllllll tiex Sillk Spent let1 rlnyr FEED BROVNS XXX mmUS WA will hwl li1l llililli iall ltll tlitn kliltllllSS 1n Wthh Mr and Mrs llItl4llilll 11 tor tho bridetobc wcrc Miss Ix Shntmgsr annelettesi etc Barrow luncheon at the Old Mill lVUllll 13 members and triallhvr ill IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII Tet Brand LAY MAS liming IHIIIWIMI II will the ttllllll Stork Judging Winnrr liven lrilll and 3115 li it for Best Results gtllills and as lolluwt run ix llohson nulh immunity lull IIIIAlIliiin lIIIItIlIlIgIJltItIIIiIlII IIltiItliliItziziluIil tor llllSSiUllS tlltl lrlr rlir medium The iltllltl toinuiunity tliltl anil tln MunitilrsrliiI in 1n llltl Ill tile tllllltll ilirliI iillili AI than IHIIV IIjiIIVIl HESS PRATTS lftll Tllt Home ltll wpllrl iitlr Nov 13 lil iiunt optiirii IIII RFMFIHFQ tl ii lltlitlltt 11 Still on hand Mrs tlrr iriictlnl iitli prayr and then 1IHIIMI lIIII WI I1 III ll littanii row Million irlnrl lli lllllllmtl llll tlitlltltl ol olliillrs Ill mu hm ml llllll woi llt rrl llwlt WA hunttin ltlrt ol 1l1nl Ill Ianav li1 Hahnan llobson IIIHII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIfIII II and appreciation for lrrl=l wa ViewPris llill lini Slur lll II IIIIIIII Fun Lme 0f DOGFEEDS litun Mis llurhuI motion lmtt IlIivzis llarnIlri Mullzlstir fhlIlItugihNkf $231 IIlIHi1III inning II DISHmun and ACCCSSOliCS Dog lpassnil that Mix AliIliIlastvr lltll liIhiistrnn illllowslin maria IVIalmn II IIIIII IIIII DIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIInIIIIIIIIIIII ltllLESt sornv lliltil DilllliLllIll t1r lrrti1n l1iilil llrs llt II Blanleul Combs Hal the church tlilllllllilllill wt lii Mastvr liristian ititenxliip and FLANDERS ruins Ullfgniluhn 1m Im mm tress Shampoos etc Bible rvIuIdmll was tum hr ill 4111113111 illll ifmli lliialiun livcl In Flanders fields the poppies blow llarvcy lurnllull Mrs Mist rum ruatllln il lilloril llilllh and IIIIIId II IIIIIIHNHHIL IIIIII II WIN Edwin SIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIIII 63 neon 1e ClOSbIth 10W Oll 10 A5lhl MrUlMALS Izhf sun MANAGth llic WA oralm mum in you Tim will in lliltl the mun1 rrnlay Ihat mark our placewliiid in the sky IBM 1I1 HM Wll Inmqmu HUI rm pm IV 11 MW 31 II II mummu lltSltlllll The illXl rrlwtimt um IThe InlIkb SLIM bmull Mnng SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 Will Illl lltld ill MYS ir Ml LHW bcalco heald mnld th guns bolow Imlop Barrie Illllrslcls Members are ilfxlitil to pHONE 2435 change ll15mm mm We are the Dead SliOlt days ago Inna WSW TRY AN EX IN WANT Al chnillcr we hved yen dawn saw sunset glow III IIIIm IMGLCIISIII SIIII III OIIHMIII IrndIInIowI we lie II Sptlll coupeill taxi lust 11 15 18 with Gilbert and ASHLSI tartli lir also visited his son will is ill MI Take it our uarrelwrth the foe Illlllitlllll illllsi T0 I7011 ilglll failinv lllldi we throw II QIIQIIIIIMHI SILIIliIillIIJIlII 1rulIIItnrilhtIIIilt The Torch be yours to hold it highI by making you own gifts that will um vam family tint dItIiItIIIrEVIIIIlIrIIrIriIi ITIliIIItIIIIII If ye break faItIh wIIh US who die Mm TIA II IAIIIIIAIIIIIIIIM quLLAHKuansKIldkIIMuuhmmvIIIIIIIIII IIIWIIIIIAIYW II II WIIIIIiI II and Honda II IIHIIIIIIIWIIIIIII with MIISI FI Mmm CS all IIUl SlEIEDItllDilgll poppies grow FLANNELSfor dresing g0wnsskirts suits or dresses lows MixIrIimlL Mrs llrIlrIny union In Flanders Fields oi human orners and is 111 gleyy DOWdel bluev blownihnd navy 56 Vlde $298 yd Dalt iturliott of Creemore Vith VELVEIEbNSin rich wine dark gicengblric brown and MW 1130 MIDHURSi black ALL IOOL JERSEYrad gOld turquOIse blue emerqu III 50 Man $3 25 THORNTON 21 green cocoa bllel grey eige W1 community meeting of tho Mm George Arnold IS Spending CHINCHILLA for bunny bagSI carriage coverSI crib Federation of Agriculture will be few days with Mrs George 11 29 Emermmclfmtnndc meet held at the home of MK and Mrs Dmii blamAEtSy Dinky blue and Mr and Mrs James McEach Dim N85 MOUGHY NOV 22 James Feltis of Eubertis sicnd VVOOLURA crease remstlng in brown blackY navyI red lern spent the past WLOKODd in SPCRIICL MOUOH PllllC TOPIC mg couple of weeks at Claude Toronto Srtulth rlt noon Mrs ACCIanl Prevention 0n thc Bqntingg Lu ClI II and dark gleen 54 $138 yd iMcluaChern attended Ia Ilrousseau Parm Mr and lVlrsIFianlI Gibson SDCllt GABAIRDINhbrown navy trne urquorse grey anc Titliltniiln ntngoIllgrwaIrtI zakirmmy Wm mends mINN QUAKER glee 54 $279 yd lawmiciolynnc priorrto her coming MrsArti1ur Coxworth spent 1002 come In and see 0111 lange 0i plaldsi SUltmgS dress tmarriage to John McEaclrcrn on few days with friends in Toronto Tin crepes taffetas satlns lingerie crepe sheerSTprints Nov 20 Others who entertained lJ 135i Vcck QUAKER 31b ring Mrs John Smith otShclburnc Switzer and son have purclras was guest at Mrs McvanelS NEW ers Churchill miscellaneous 0d the WCSt half OfLGl C0n hUmC 101 the 13115t Ctk QUICK or REGULAR shower Mrs Barrow liinch Essay Agar The Ivy Hunt Club left for Brctt CUSTOM GROUN con and shower Miss Garrictt M11 and Mrs Cecil Whitesidc 10 on Monday Nov ll Thc yiilage 4802 miscellaneous shower COmpamed M11 QdIMlSr Be seems lost without the hunters IIIII PkJ 124 DUNLOP ST DIAL 3030 BARRIE II ITf ICUlCIIlIleon VlSlt to New L15 The friends of Mrs IIhos Arnold ALLIENs Read Examiner Classmeds eIIII workma me why logilcar lec IiIs under doc 2002 185 19 time tors care wi er Fergus after few days with his recoveryI peed Tms parents herciwhile he was doing LOL 450I IvyI accompanied by mic Filldpllllwmgii Iv four or the ladies of LOBA Lodge rs 0y am 1m No 1153 marched to the Presby Leech and Harold and Cecil an Ch Newton are taking the night class 7C Im 01 891 on magnum 35 lggidsrlglrg laniifligrlrrW CANNED MEATS Notice IS hereby given that motor or RAMS to 12 $13511 meeting atilVlr and Mrs iAlexrnMcvanel on SunaayI we bag Morrisons The highlight of the PORK ANN PAGEWHITE or BROWN itiilit Biirliii 101 MAPLE LEAF British and Foreign Bible Society SHMLDERS 950 HMrmvmmmmw awning was aIIIIshowerfor Mr andl rSI Jack Ra ertyI Egmin ghglnesar imm The Owed IDEAL TO SHIP To GET BRITAIN greJl gruib uiclaL my isto encourage theIwrder Circulation of the Holy AND EUROPE if LIgl Scriptures Wlthout note or com rm EMPEROR lellll Members Have Iliis Time MARSH SEEDLESS III 9133 I15 The WI met MrsJackBant NEW LW CE II 9d hr 39ml Min CKvi 135i an vitrs pesent rgef 240 FLORIDA SWEET mars 27 Mll 5nd MIS Tomlin and her is to be held at Mrs McVanelS Fairy W3 Toronto spent the home The re ram committee weekend with the latters parents with MrsI Applegte as leadeprgawn hurSdaY delkwio1 ongurbggitelrlb Lg gegliriieirfoTrigizlgpbiggrgvgiiigl ANN PAGE3 VarIeIIes Jar 96s 101 49c urI II III Public School Tjustees and Com 2irr2smrr mini 19 ins KRAFT MAICARONI CHEESE Imissioner for the Publiltilities The winners at the AngllqanSeVfmripfWhat euchm held onNUrTIAWBIG Highlwe should knowg ghoul salt by FANCY WHiTE MEAT lady Mis RemHughes 2m Mls Mrs Gordon Cochrane The uses Inq FLORIDA ltreidfmsnrlnggrrildgnMgdlill oMf Slut forPlcattlerl by MirsbMervm Tm 1765 oz at ini ywoo ma Mfg were 17 tables McDermott Earthis01mg1 riad by MORS PLUM Anrmpressivesevicwas held at the Parkon Armistice Day in honor and memory of the boys who ad paid the supreme sacrice inonirrrERNsrr APPLES iiiSr 69 1w Mrs John HogarthI Bees by Mrs Applegate The roll call was lcft till the exchange of plants was made The meeting closed by sing III WILL BE HELD IN THEW PUDDING 16 35 McEARENS PLAIN QUEEN illIVE 8133 399 branches of the work were given by Mrs Carr aiid Mrs Gilroy oi CookstownI Mrs Neelands of Cale don East and LIashley Allis ton At the close fellowship hourwas spent by all prsent The ladies of the Bond Head congrega tion served lunch United Church WMS The United WMS met Thursday afternoon at Mrs Brcthets With an attendance of 30 After the Th th Wernmen Wrea 35 at mg God Save the lung The II II II IIIII by Lloyd Andrews and the WI hostess served delicibus lunchII IIONA STANDARD MCINT II one by Mrs Preece aSSSEd by MTS Bi ileum MlSi zsoz 35 6th bask neogfgeggggengogh West acriIrtisIgrthochrane and MrS Meri Tins 69C Gwillimbury and Tecumsetll divi CREAM STYLE II II Sion of thOREC was held in the CHOICE 2002 HOTHOUSE It ar7sooc ocken te vemng BELLE EWART TOMATOES 25 II II II II II III II III evening NOVI I9I The President II II AINN PAGE II1 II II I1 III II MiiriayFaris was in charge De BUTTER 15202 II ml lJIQtlgnstere cImriducItIlngIby 35v III MI HI govemlier 13 gt ya PIASpAIIIi uron 1C 35595 Fl 15 aDDe all II and demonstrations of variOusr MiniandjMrs Chappel attended IONA med Added II II 2Ibchsf Margaret JoanChappel of Guelph on Nov 513 Miss Beth Chappel of Bank also attended on BURNER$ II III the their nieiceI It ZAozIII ANDPOLLer 1W WILL BE HELD or PW it II Opening at ten oclock in the ForenooIn and closing at seven clock in the After vnoon at theIundeiIrrientioned places WARD POLLING FPLACE WARD POLLING PLACE anionsnunsmuesli Pommousn onStnLoiitB1ta ISliced Breakfast IAMrs Freemans House 4BICentralIUnited Room atlonl Anthem and prayer by lb lkMrsI Freemanis House ticCentral UniteIrSI SI Wm read by MMISI WSWIIRII MM II IZCLibrar Hall lt AriCentralionitea Room BIrOderick red in prayer The Mis CONTRACTS Roast either and 23 Librarian Mrs muse Band Is to meet at gt by PORK 10m 53 ithMWt MEd wlb 3A0ddellows Hall 58 Mrs Homes Housc riylmllis inrs chaggefnigettei 01 Man Company thanks to food and clothing from for Porkv omnttmdBritaintereea it was decided to sendanother box mfgit am to Britain It was decided tobuy more gowns for the choir also lb Silvabrig Cauuthexs ctrarea III report of the Sectional meeting rPHoNzalav IIIII head 6A0I IJiaJL iACentfalegiitss Roo 634023 Hall warriors 59c TillBIS from pImI until 9IpImII at YMCA tho All interested in the nominations are req ceded tobe present at Iounc am ers sharp at 730 as thernominations will last only one hour IIII v16 1948 Aw SMITH lumin oar II II Ig cer Advance Poll for Railway Employees and Commercial Travellers Dec 10 11 1948 was given reading by Mrs Gould was entitled No Sex in Heaven Mrs Bert Broderick favored with solo The Study book Doctors Old and New was taken by Mrs Sutherland social halfhour was spent over the tea Icripsiatl the Iclose