Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Iaiirie all 11 last Monday meeting heir chambers in the desk lw Mayor War 11 santhemni Video by the sun llowe xiii BaiIi hi ask if the the gas pitirit on Dunlop that the illt1il vath to pt r1es sta meeting the the matter needs of the market faciliir explained that now being istti works Kindly irilIm the itl vise the property cut 111 CollinI lit leil 110cl and addit LII the Work oi the Vanni Institute final 1ml and 11s man efforts 11 lIshai of illitl 11 Barrie Ranged alone tli Willi In the council tii11111gtt lt the New CLEANING SERVICE in EXPIIRILY iv SIMCOE RUG BARBIE Upholstery liesterfields CLEANIle IN YOIIK OWN IIIIZ Ontarios Largest tin 111 cation leane Nt MISS Upholstery Cleaners 112 IIINLOI ST IIIONII Toronto 10603 Barrie 4761 had been bought by the town The iotogiaphs of yer Among ere div the portraits offeter and Donald MacLaicn plkLtklttl the present ll ICCLIll til 1e had been 11 spend $2200 un lzizt lilixl Linn wn by Culditll lie felt he il1t1ots next iep wett 11o llillliical out 11 was mo 11lil Sithi tl11 that lizr in ii zilIIt11 HUI lliww llart suggested $3000 for Btitliect The 11 Wit lliihr 3211 chai1iaii of tin trc Iitzwiuv IiIlI il1lilllil Id llaiiably am light UI 1eport reci to all Iiies 111 tzie tlstrc Aid itllllll and of Eve lztt Aitl li1iitl should be lclt to 11111 111 the llt thicf tinvl llaziilily tecalhd 1itonznundation Hing that slitct cut oil one houi and two it 111 Lillie mini the 11oi11111ggt lilltlgt tiiilli 1Ltbiil or canned 11auv months ago that 1111 Hi tiurk should do to tire lhv council decided that the mat a1 of Hacks going in tires should he the responsiinlity of the chief lll 11 pow 11wi11 was atilotziiied lt 1H wom Involved in mpum accident at Wonder Valley on llvghway 11 north of Barrie last unstiiietioi1 toinpanyiioz sewer wrrk was presented by AM itll l=n 1th iinalpaceount oi 500071 mought the total for completed sewer mains to $27 100 This was not including the server pipe which 26 Iaycee Tloitiiigs account was approved 77 oiincil authorized the issuing oi debentures to the extent of $31000 Iilootl Honors The llaiiie Junior tliainbei ofll 111 pa tot ltatllliitlllL tlii highway mmmlw Nigel Mood donursxcm push immrzmmblinks fling 15 committee had 111 opportunity to U11Llll1ll lu iinally leiui hand to friend Imknl 131 mu lriday night fotir of the boys All lulw ltlllllhlflll hiss llltklllltl ltl Ultl and Tom haham mm it lmmmwdTVSUU Toronto alter ttttlvill an emer 1111t vote to the electors on De mm Wqu mm pmculm gt tcmnci 11 asking the authoi ity to type blood ongiatulations Issue debentures to the extent of Climb It ah lm wch et tl0t10 to tinantt thc expendinqu down 1mlm of my the Town an leniire club lf this COlllllllllto can 1111 any way itlll the needy sick or maimed Im sure they will feel Egalidlng Show llgmlngr Aluitheir ultimate goal has been iriilin presented motion lllllachiccdl Tlltlll is rapidly letter was read from the IUC being filled Coulis Childrens Shop Clothing and Accessories for Children by those men wishing to attend the Midland charter night lfor their junior chamber liowever we still have room for four or fivc more Get your name 111 to 33055 by this weekend to avoid any dis appointment 11 From Ten Minutes to Ten Years GIRLS WINTER Gwen Arthur young Australiani government office secretary and Evelyn Currie teenage personnel executive from Cailislc in the Various SlYleS lnorth of England completed nusl sion at Collingtood last Sunday some wlth Parkas which started weeks ago and enl Sizes 10 Dial 4914 24 Owen St 1946 CHEVROLETWSEDAN 1936 FORD COACH 1930 ESSEX $1495 to $1898 WE SAVE ELECTRICITY BY DEVELOPING OUR own POWER MAC MOTOIIS ILargestLUsed Car Dealers North of Tor Rod CIT CNR Crossing Phones 5151 or 4645 This Week3 specials tailed air and sea travel totalling almost 17000 miles On Nov 101041 two young plane in the harbor off this Geor gian Bay town They were inl Canada taking further training with the RCAF after serving in England with the RAAF The boys bodies Were never found brtt their mcmory will live forever in All wood 1111944 the two presented the church with stained glass windows as memorials to LAC Colin Tolbursl Arthur 24 and LAC Claude Murray Bosslgglil RAAF Sunday Arthurs sister Gwen presented the church with Royal Australian Air Force ensign on be half of her government Witnessing the at whose htmic in England the two iyoung men had been guests many itimcs during their tour of oper ations overseas Present were high officials of them governmaidsAustralia and Canadachurch and civilian digni taries and hundreds of fell from far and near whocame to honor the memory of two lads of the Commonwealth Memotierorwarmts were re ng $145000 $000 $12500 WM km 747 FORDV2 ton pickup 43 FORD ton TRHCKS 48 METCiIiiY 12 ton panel 48 WILLYS12 ton pickup mTERNAHONApvonpzmsr EHXJNQQBELLINCACAR 77 22 TTSTIBEFRTFAGF CHASIMFGVMSS wsm1 Immediate Delivery 191103021016 mo Sh $199500 $179500 $140000 41342500 $79500 Australian High Commissioner paid tribute tothe hospitality giv en Australian aigmen in Canada vduringr the last war The windows in this beautiful church and the Royal Australian Air Force design unfurled and 1lcdicatcd today willwservcrtope petuate the memory not onlypf the two gallaht lads whose names areinseribed but also the memory of the Comradeship in arms Ibe tweenthe forces of your Country and of myveountry said Mr Fordef Herecallcd that 10351 Austfali 31 wum Saturday afternoon and three per llorion Thomas Bowen and Ernest czalstalled his car near the Wonder motorist lamcs lciry 13 Iiffin St ithird auto driven by Darling JUHIHKNIii 111in lerry car shield of severe head and face cuts and his left knee was injured Bowen had gash over his left eyewhich re iuircd six stitches Miss Morton rc iceivcd head injuries and sprains lirls Travel17000 Miles Take Part Historic Ceremony at Collingwood wireless 11 Australian airmen crashed in their men name lSaints Anglican Church at Coilingl ti 11 if rctt centre was the winner rie Mc tatighey took the ball 011 quarter backvsncak over thcrline con ozzs were injured Those taken to the Royal Victoria lospital at Barrie were Miss Elaine Darling all of lctcrboro Rolston Lee of Everett had Valley service station fellow iarric was asked to give the Lee While the two vehicles were pro ccding south on Highway 11 11 also traveling south crashed into The impact was such that the Perry car 1930 model was total ly wrecked lhc Darling car 1042 model was lamang to the extent of about $700 Damage to the Lee lauto was only about 525 Darling went through the wind his car and suffered and bruises The accident occurred about 030 and visibility was good at the pin time Prov Cons Jerry Brennan investigated ians came to Canada to become pilots navigators or gunners under the British Empire air training scheme Canada gave them friendliness and hospitality Your great kind ness to our Australian boys will ever be remembered with 21 deep sense of gratitude Those of them who returned to Australia will always be active ambassadors of goodwill for Can ada cdntinucd the high commis sioner VVThc 000 Canadian girls Iwho married Australian Air Force have created wonderful for Canada in Australia Mr Forde described Canada and Australia as the two main dom inion pivots on which rests the iBritish Commonwealth of Nations boys familiest The two greatest factors oper 3ating for just and lasting world lpcace today are the British Com lmonwcalth on the one handpand ithc great American democracy on ithe other Any one who proposes to when 115 knows that we can equal and even improve on the deeds we all did before The lthought must bea staying one to gression Scripture lesson at the special Servlgce Was read by Rev Downer MPP and tribute paidto the men of the Royal Australian Air Force by Rt Rev Wells assistant Bishop of Torontoform ler principal chaplain of the RCAF and chaplain of the fleet Miss Arthur broke out the ensign and Bishop Wells dedicated the gift and Reveille sounded by members of the RCAF from Camp Borden Names of 136 Australians who lost their livesiwhile training in Can ada were then read tof Mr and Mrs Robert Thom Tworvlovelyngirls 11th have come thro get hereitwo girls any would be proudto have in their homes HestBob Thom is veteran of the Hiironia Historical Society and the logical godfather to paipxof strange girls who shouldbe shown leverything interesting and enter taining in the spare timeallowed on their solemn mission waen jand Evalyns folks are Well off said Mr Thom but currency and exchange restrictions funds carc of their financial needs while thev are here Canadian friends contrast in ac cents Australianborn Gwn Ar thur has broad English accexit Britishborn Evelyn Currie would pass for Canadian any day in th week ltgt ARGENTINE CURRENCY The monetaryvunit in the Argen gtine republic is the peso worth 35 cents Canadian SIJICIDES 1N us United States take each year GRILLIA TAKE ON 0131 FIELD irimmpiominb hopes at the Orillia about 01 Hints fur touch wluchi iglldlrtlli wncn they scored Oriliia diew filSl blood in the MM llalv 19 iltlllllsltd 11st ouazler when Bob Wilde kick tried four and two were incom the 118805 01 UUITN Ford110 VBXDIESStd mallkb 101311311 01 led Cr and peacock CRIN plot and 1m Llp intercepugL lunch and Wroxetcr were also the Barrie club to their hosts and ifor smgle ilead 1n the first quarter when af wing Mctatzghcy quarter liicclSot1nd lub were officially indt1ct ier long end run by Garrett snap Young and Baker insides ed bv visning District Deputy Lion plobmm 4gt MacDonald DIUHALG 141 Yards for Mercer and bwitZIr iniddles lea Walter Coutts of Barrie Lion Art touchdown but the pass conveit fell incomplete the blue andehite kicked for an lother point lcloser to Barrie in the second quar ili Ni oi the South Sinicoc 50015ushel Potato Club He had yield when wade kickcdand Iliddeil of 133 bushels fllPruunersup were Norman Scott of Egbert 1Olli wixiuil 11m that suggested the tlcttlnand lirank Inlpliltk oi Utopia llgllll Hm 00 mu Ll shortly they scored their first touchdown Orillia used the Varsity spread and WRECItZMCARSg good to carry the ball to the Bar vert pass to Riddell was complete and Orillia led at halftime by to lions share of the Orillia tack ling was hurt second half on an end run for After the dedicatio three volu Vivd when mums 1W Fords Icyswelrffifz Ti Gwen and Evelyn were guests they said much to found them landing inCanada with ibut $30 in Canadian andAmerican We are allglad to take Gwen and Evelyn offer their More than 13000 persons in the their ownalives THURBD NOVEMBER 11 1948 which we Converted and OrillialLions Owen toolt over the lead 13 to 10 ada Unilmiied In order to be good Canadians he said we must believe in Canada and we must sell tumble paved ii way for Hear Barrie Members our 0W7 The til lift it t0111Julsuite BllrlL IOlnl Meellng sources of this nation ate the most line fumbled and Orillia itcocei abundant 11 li Mai 1nd in th respect we must pitage our patron age of Canadian good in this fa shion he said we would make necessary outlet fur labor in the event of dcpresston During the reinaindvi of the eve ning the entertainment program was provided by the Barrie club was converted and the score was iv 20 to 10 when the final whistle Acting Presgdent George Scy L09 hlsglllll b91118 Tluiltal mini ers an oiner acts w11c1 are par wtnt tumor of the Barrie club presided 0mm mm OHMd WSME pm pwudemlan Ferguson of minstrcl showto be staged and thiee of them were completedi0f 1110 local Club Members vi 1119 83m 91 1m f4 Baim flowick Lions Club which ctnbiac Lion Dr IlltlLC Johnston of Ban ld and Bu mm phmgml OAUISJUIMI Sun lunch loity izieiiibcis of the Harriet the bat ole to touchdown C1 gt rm my Juan oiis Lon itiet 11c iegi a1 failed but lllw liiilians led 21 to 10 111 llielnhmmg or he Gwen sound Lions laying no111ts of the game Baxric Ciub at the Scldon House on Mon fougtat bark ulaeDonalo ianidil nls 19mg innit 10513 this responsibility for the entircl program 10111i1a Packet and Titliesl Tae Oiilha Collegiate 15111le timer football team kept alive 1ts anti last Friday afternoon 20 to It Vic ory over Barrie Juniors in the last cheduled meeting of the teams his year md guests at the meeting Ilan Ferguson thanked the Barne club for responding to the minia Iltt iiwinembus th WIE gt tion and for presenting such ne RllllAW1hic Groves Ferguson halves Seymour flying he Bariie player behind his line Barrie took over the TENANI8 RIGHT Fireboic in English law is the right of tenant to cut wood on outsiiies llcl Pugh of Barrie assisted Miller De cork and Hiddrll lowl Halpm Iwhw Deputy Governor Bill Garner of no Hm Orillia picked up its second vme Smith lnche Houston Iiiy iiiie okc oi the sub ect Can 11 for fuel mint of the game 111 the second 101 Buchanan layloi lhoinp lillt ion subs Iizirter when Ferguson made In gain on an end run and then BARRIE MacDonald Garrettl tooper halves Lackie flying wing Johnson quarter Grant snap Mc Leoil and lcarsall insides Lainson and Hamilton middles Cockburni and Illsoii outsidcs Synnott Cros bie Garner Gill Crooks Baker Wildinan Agnew subs Orillia drew evczi THE CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY tuhcs pleasure in announcing that WARREN WILGAR has successfully completed the ackled MacDonald behind his line before halftime whenl hcn forward pass to Riddell was three ya rd line Andy Ictcr Price who was doingt prescribed course of studies and Barrie stirng back early in the examinationsofthe Life Underwriters They put on sus tained drive with Cooper 10mg 11 lot of plunging Ilo finally carried the ball over for touchdown but the convert was no good and the black and red were ahead 10 to Andy McCaughey ptit Orillia back in the hunt when he went 110 yards touchdown Association ofCanudu Now qualified Chartcrctl Life Underwriter he is entitled to use the designation CLU following his name Mr Wilgnr has Illlly represented the 31111111111 Life Iicrc WA RNI Cl Roasting niasz alltlie lillerciiee in coffee Maxwell House is Radiant Roasted remarkable process that roasts every Iican omin all through captures every atom of rich coffee good ness since 1937 and has assisted in providinglifc insurance IUMBAGO His and PAINS STRAINS and SPRAINS service to many mcniliersol this community With his practical experience and the udditionul knowledge he has gained in his studies over the past few years Mr Wilgar is well qualified to give advice and guidance in all matters pertaining to life insurance weer Wh v7 IN ER SAFESPECI Acrackcdengineblock split radiator ruined battery thats what can happen to yottrcar if winters rstfrceze nds you unpreparedl Souplay safe get Sunoco WinterSafe Special and get it scan At one stop your Spnpco dealer will make your car Wintersafe But dont be latebeCause winteryvont waitl HAVE YOU TRIED THF 1ENGAtt0N TESI WiIH CO lJYNAFUEL Canadian drivers have proved In their own that no other gasoline gives QUIcKER Ammo HIGHER KNOCKLEssPCWEn 19mm MILEAGE EAsTEnechEnAnoNg Thousands

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