Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1948, p. 6

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IIIB BARRIB EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 777 LOWES WYEBRIDGE III li lltiil Art lgtlli 3111s IlIllIUlilH HI Hfilltlll today tens of iliousuiids of citizens Ill her to 1I= r11u to the young 11e11Iot this country who IlItIItIIitl TI l1 11 the armed services The citizens of Angus Iflllllmtl WIN wiai 1e connected with tanip Borden erected this III III IIII II II Iltairu gillowazu the close the lrs tire11 War wmr It II 77 DAIRY POUT1RY 171 11 11sr11 11111 Wm llllllllllliI III puny lil1111 111 iIIIIL 11111111 1111 sritxii ll11 19111111 lilttlis xxx 1111 in mind 1111 oi ti liittwili lltIritEIIi lu II II Brand lll 11111 Ii111 11 It 1li 11 lIIir IIIst mulls VllI lll llI ll III IIIII1I1111 iie t11111s11p and he 11 1111 1111111111 1111 tlls siou 1nult 11111s 11i 111111 11 lll DR 15 ll to the adopted 1I11lli liut Hmhlh43 133111111115 uui lrs llell cf lizuly Presi llliy 11ll 111 llitsl Siiiicoe 1113111111 yllgmrljumj lrlloiietl luv the 111111l 111 laiul klxlt Fllll 11110 11 lli Illiljllfi ID IIIIII IIIIIIIH Im II 1Ll11 ll Itt1oiII gt 11111 cts 5111 Litm 111 1113111111134 llllfl Atttwtilllm 01 1111 1111 HIspousilizlitus to luz Its 31g11l11 111 111 11111t1oii 111111 to t11111 up 11 9913 lovw 111111t1ii 111111 7111s lhciter nl lm 11038 tampon 11 gt 3M1 1mm Tm PM 111111 In 1111111111 will llt at 111 home 111 Ml IIIIII Iltey xcicl Tilis 11111Mis Ii Lees on 11cc 1111111 pulse 1111111 the couunnnitnt ECIIInV POST OFFICE Married on JM SlllIDSAlEN SiNflltllTl Al llie last meeting or Heston llllllIilllll eus to Mr 111111115 117 Dunlap 51 arm itouucil the Clerk was Instructed WW 1W WW lllvzflrrifxn153 Punxn 13435 to write the 1T0 Depi at Ottawa SAlkmwint LL Imfv and request new post office built but forIlleeou lfuixcd 211L11v littr Itll HalloIvIcu inncis I11Itllltll winners at IliilltItlll ile were Ti and 111111 ltgny lis T111111 liteiy 1LT I1111 lliclninlsun illeueit llipuell Mitre ittu 11gt Tip Iititmy Hit wiii as clown 1311111 iiulenian Lois 11111111 111111 llonnir Paxton Ivliidrerl holds 12111111 ov l1ro11 Burton Barbara Locket couple Jarion lltllltlll Alice l1 Anne erswelii dI ed 11111 itdries Best ttllttl Vivian Turner Best iiallmveen Marion utherland tYouneest in Istume hie Watt lAdult winners 1911111111 Jack Mc lle1n lics discoi Mr lSvsiter first rcpttstntcd Audrey Itchean Best Halloween Wilbert Orr Best couple Dorothy llipwclII land Margaret Shortridgc Oldest Aml Too old to bu 111 11111111 The Huddleated 111111 11111 asked this question feared 111111 11 his age 1111 Not of life insurance 1111111 be prohibitive liul even itli lie 11111111 older Tlutuul nun11s life ithurancc 111111111 Ii Illllf good Illllllgt5 lie life insurance lIiilIirtitiuItIly many people realize the importance of life insu ranvn only when through age or other disability they are no longer 111111 to Ietirc ilI le lite insurance prograunne should he started as early in 1111 as possible persou in costume Mrs Hip ludues Mr and Mrs Nichol Alliston well Wilson 111 and Henry FI1111 11 istoiis the past week Mr and Mrs Consult tillr Mutual Lilo of Canada man today wqulw Providing life insurance service WAtligfoLFCoEm since 1869 iA See ComingI Events for Trinity Church 1111 1nd supper Weekend visitors included Mr and Mrs Brett Miss Pear son 11 Meadowvalc Mr and Mrs Harvey Langdon ol Clillord at McKenzies lVllrllKl Mrs Bernard Jobbitt Toronto at lamiesons Mrs Cunningham of Alliston 68 lllill IIIAICI llstcr 81 ORIIJTIA ONT RALPH ll LANG BRANCH MANAGER lteprcsentativcs ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barrie 0111f clelilPSillIllt 0111 Mr and Mrs Ritter Mr and Mrs Wright Mr and Mrs Nichol son and Mrs Galloway Toronto at Peacocks Trinity WA 11ve1111i how 1111 after 11 IlIolUutIi HI i1s 111111 iiillia was 2111112111111 Initor with 1111ntls inr li 1iw Miles 111 Toronto spent 11er 111w with her cousin l1i11u who has spent the lIv llilillslultIs 1111 IUllft llI suiiiiiii 11111 to his 111111111 11 Iloroiito ls 11 lohusti1 ldiiiVillt who has 2111111 113111 Waste John li1s returned home Service at St Peters Church next Sunday will hunt 7311 p111 when the lltual 1111111 llev ll lellcltcr 111 told11er will be the special speaker Visitors lil Mr and Mrs Wes lcy Johnston 1111 Sunday were Mr 1de Abs Lloyd Johnson Stayner llicharrl leart 1or will Ms 11111 ls il1rrvI llorth Ick 19105 11 ll1ursday the November meeting of Miticsing III was held 111 the 11111 The roll was answer ed by way to help immigrants become good citizens One answer was to ask them to Join the WI During the business period Christ Inas cards were disposed of Plans wcre llliitlt for the course for the For furth Mrs llairy loyston or Mrs Will Maw IZirls in the cotinnuuity er particulars inquire from president The motto Lifolis most ly troth ittd bubble two things stand like stone ltfulness 1n a11 tilliers tiziiiiill titilllilLL 111 0111 own was coituncuted on by Mis Geo lolinstoiu 11tailts on our method of voting he led discussion on political problems noon were Mrs Geo Dusto Mrs Ililniot Cook und Mrs McDow ell TlieDceeiInber meeting be at the home of Mrs Geo Johnston There will be exchange of guts value not to exceed twentylive cents PM November 11 The epidemic of measles has at last reached the village Mr and Mrs Sloan and Kay spent the weekend in Galt Dont forget the bazaar and af ternoonca at Mrs Sloans on Saturday Nov 13 at pm Mr and Mrs Edward Storey leterboro spent the week with Mr and Mrs Wm AkClS Sloan Wilfred Stewart and Miss Mary Sloan attended the schoolheldin Baliieilor Clerks Treasurers Assessors andAuditois Mr Russell who has for some years been living at De Grassi PL has bought lot from Thos Morris and is erecting house The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Frank Shannon inthe 1113311 her presided at last weeks meeting at 1Irs Boakcs commencing as usual with the devotional part taken by Mrs Doggctt and Mrs Cecil Hur ris As this wins ihefirst fincetinp since the a1miversary the members could not help voicing their plcasr rratitude for the combin of thTdfffent organiza in their combined eflorts in malt ing the 501h anniversary such decided sucgess including thelm ancial aim realized This was the longest meeting of the year dueto detail planning for the bazaar and supper on Nov 24 All those in lcrestcd in donating towards the bazaar may contact any of thcli members for information let ter concerning move to form gimme Presbytery WA from the totbe held at Barrie onNovf was read vFour acknowledgments for remembering the sick were given The ladiesIvelcomedl back Mrs Lawsonv an estecmcdmem lbcr who has been absent for some munths also tviro visitor All en ed lunch serVed by the hestessj assisted by her two daughters DAIIQISTQNI Relic Watson has gone hunting Mr and Mrs Donald Bonney wereSunday visitors with Bruce Watson The annual beef ring meeting are in this new Tanner Choice was held at the school on Friday of five Ismart lnight com Mr and Mrs Yorke of Toronto mm cP TWEre weekend visitors at and no this Wrights Rev lF Brner of Baysville Mus koka called on Dalston friends on Thursday Osborn and Mr and Mrs Herman Osborn are on motor ltrip to the Soo Sunday yisitors at Browns Mr and Mrs Brownof Hamil tun Mrs Peacock of Painswick Murray Brown ofruelph andI Hap Lowuot Barrie ndw ulllilyI truck loduyl sales1 QPITONE 2114 tions and committees of the churchl VAs ameetingieoncemingcthls joyedpth social houriwliich includ Eldon Thompson and Grace An dersonchreirrTomntoon Sunday Walker of Toronto Visitorswith Mr and Mrs W111 Paterson on Saturday and Sunday were Mr and Mrs Geo Buie and Ibabyiof Toronto Mr and Mrs W111 Bell and family of Elmvale NEW EOWED November Mr and Mrs Bill Mallofiand baby from Yorkton Sask and Helen Malloff of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Duff 71w Avery pretty wedding was sol emnized in the United Church 011 Saturday when Zelma McGillivray was married to Donald Roberts of Toronto IKialaheious shower was hl in the hall on Mondayhight 101 and the evening was spentin danc in HARDER THAN STEEL Chromium is metal hardertthan steeL This toou ILV Mr llitr1 til was present and utter series llostesscs for the after ing The devotional period was taken by Mrs Harris poem chma McGillinaypMany useful and beautiful gifts were received Sec llllu of chain ilnlllt 111 111111 11111 idiomc 0ft 1513 1t xii Kfn 11111 11111 L11 ttIK II 11 uin wiuic Toronto 1111 Jaw ti tilt3111 llcaitlsal lIlltlln 111 11111 1l1111s 1111111 nuI to Ipp 11411111 111 Hospital i1l1uI 1111 ll 3111i 111 11111 pi inn tliiw tltitc 113 who 1111 Miss 11111 I0llllj olmsau 1111111 Mrs Leonard Mattin li 1111 Mrs Harvey liclccy iit peiuling 11 11v days with friends 11 Harrie 11 and Mrs Alhtll lord and 15111111 and Mr 111111 Mr W111 lor11 1211111111 peut Sunday 111 MI llll Ili lirltei Kclttty lr and Mrs lrval 11 rry 111111 uiv oi lmrrie spent Sunday witlil 111 and Mrs lid liiibous 111 and Mrs ll Shannonutnll 111111y spent Sunday with friend 11 Kitchener lr and Mrs lhos Hamilton of lorouto spent few days last wetkl 1111 Mrs Bowman Mr and Mrs Dalton Meher 111111 1111in of Newton Robinson Spflil 1111111y with Mr and Mrs 11e tochraue Mr and Mrs Stroud of Toroi11o pct1t the weekend with Mr and lrs Bernard lopc Mr and Mrs liari Shannon and lIIlllllV on Saturday accompanied Mrs lctrick to Toronto where s111 1111 by train for her home in Sasktr after spendint some ti11111 with her daughter Mrs Shannon 1ii and Mrs loutcr and d1ugii ter Shirley spent the weeltcnd with Mr and Mrs Howard Pope illltlI v11l1 here attended the baptismal service in Stroud lrcsbytcriau Church of Elizabeth Ann daughterl lot Mr and Mrs Howard Pope andi Leslie Wson of Mr nlltl Mrs ilcruard Pope GRENFEL November iii Mrs Stewart returned home on Saturday after week ivithi 1riends in Toronto The GrenfelI Community Club will meet in the church Fridayl Nov 12 at 830 p111 wn Meeting The WA met at Mrs Dobi sons Wednesday afternoon Nov with 20 present quilt was tied The meeting then followed with Mrs Wilbur Walton presiu was read by Mrs Cliflord Harris Mrs Percy Ford conducted two contests Supper was served by the hoStess The December meeting will be at Mrs Richardsons Community Fowl Supper The community held social evening in the church on Fiitlayv Nov when about hundred sat down to bountiful fowl supper followed by program consisting of games for bothgtyoung and old directed by Miss Hampcl of Bar rie very enjoyable evening was spent Rev Bunt voiced 111 appreciation on belialfbf those present to Miss Hampei for her kindness in providing the evenings entertainment Read Examiner Classifieds IHearI on the Air From ORILLIA ll EVERY SUNDAY 200 4415 pm ENTERTAINMENT LOCAL NEWS WMUSIelit VARIETY Bnnd new new Each book 32 page Theyre by SW 13 111 7CF is 0pr RADIO DIALI All NEW COMICS Canada Exclusive to Quaker Corn Flakes Etch book complgte NEW POCKET SIIZE wherever you so 11 11 tIIlfz ripiywd lltili 11 111 John Illicl3111ls Johns 111111 11 lllll tIlltlittatit THURSDAY NOVEMBFR ll Samuel Rose 11 TEX ED ACCOI NKAgl 89 Collier St Barrie 11111 Iill New Travel Ration Period gem November 16th AS ANNOUNCED BY THE MINISTER OF FINANCE THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF us DOLLARS FOR TRAVEL CONTINUE IN FORCE As in the post it will be necessary for Canadians to obtain oI permit from their bank if they wish to take out of Conadd more than $10 US or more than $25 in US and Canadian currency combined 1943 the 11 MunSmut 11 vi 1111 H1Iil1 ittll 1311 11111111 was 1111 11y tI 115 ltoll 1111 ltlll t11 1114th for the ciicnit I11ion were taken lrj 111 containiiu lrust It 1X littlhitlwl on Nov 11 Ilts Mrs IIlttitlltii 1nii Ill to send 1e111v fl Mcrulaue had cliaitgt of 1111 tcr llltcitsi11eIii1 I1111111 to Ilrs l1111tilt ll chapter of the study hook and parts lc1 11ier Int1111 Telephone 4949 ii ii 95 if 55 lII If it shuich Ii is it Reports show Ihatihe saving of U$Idollc1rs made pos sible by travel rationing can be expected to amount to beiWeen $40 and $50 million during theperiod Novem ber lbih 1947 to November 15111 1948 This substantial g1 sum was thus made available for the purchase of many essential supplies and commodities during this time The regulations governing the um0unt of US dollars available 01 different travel purposesIure oUtlined belowI Pleasure Travel The maximum cmouni of US dollars which any Canadian reSideni may obtain for pleasure travel purposes during the twelve months beginning November lthl948 is $150 In the case of children of eleven years and under the amount is $100 There is no restriction on the number of trips as long as the annual allotment is not exceeded Any US dollars obtained for one trip and not used on that trip must be brought back to Canada and exchanged for Canadian dollars at the trovellers bunk immediately on his return No credit Ior funds thus turned back can be allowed against the annual ration forsubsequeht trips to$23171 currency otMaot more 1an is in 0T5 currency er published bdfore in Each book different bisl So easy to carry They your packed Business Travel AppliCcIons for U5 dollars for business travel must include certificotion by the employer that the travel is in his business interests ecsonaegtcmountso ors may eotome ori Is purpose Border lraVel Canadian resident may take out of Cancdowithout permit For this porposeJ he may purchse up to $10 05 inany calendar month This is in additigntojhe Vonnuol travel ration Further information availablbe at any bank or from FOREIGN EXCHANGE Couiibt 110111111 MONTREAL OTTAWA lORONIOn WINDSOR VANCOUVER luuodunder authority of the Government of Canada Ask Moiher hel ings of these swell taStin Com Flakes for breakfast an extra helpings too for tr school snacks 1T SEE qu1 Disney Newhow MELODY TIME Enclose Quake Corn Flakes Box Tops and DC for EACH SET at Books you want Mail your order to Donald Duck Box 100 Peterborough Ont or Saskatoon Sask 47 Donald Duck and the Donald Dicks Atom FW Pitatcsluto Blanks bomb Bret Rabbits SBJBIu 11nd Dunk mid 10 mini us tons yam51 Mickey Mouse andt Mickey Mom Mm 323R Bnuutcd House thevwmnt Donald DuckCounur Donald Duck Pi is fl 101 spych Loatinthe 19 Jet Plane P111111 in 1X OPS esert rer Rabbit Sleuth Hound Seven twita Brer Fox Dwarfnnudthe Enchan Miukoy Mom at tho ted Mountain Mickey 77 All Rodeo Mousea Bucch Room NAM Plum Print BOO75 ADDRESS The 011111 OHIILCo at an mm Lc1IR AND MAIL TODAYI CHECKTF15E sETfsYOUWKTITTI 10 order QUARER CORN ELARES Inigo Theyrc SupIerIl You Boys and Girlsyoull want double

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