Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1948, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR usersw enac Womans Viewpoint on IN and TM Rev Birnie Leaves Duntroon for Rothsoy After Twentyone Years lrinir Illtll Iimnrlt of iziizis tilt and Ens falli ilti is speak lo be desired zus witieisus llllui many per izi tlizltttgtgtil dispositions Ins lltll too great for luoadinuuled gitrsoriiiiy will be greatly lie will preach Ins fare Dunnoon and Nolltttott Nov in en and VLSI gtci infants generous musical talents add to the ser pzaist in their churches and cries to the NYxiill entertainments held ltiipes lit at of happiness datuzhteis lei onto llzen ltran head Margaret and Margaret of the flank of tNxocsyccce Htrcal and lean with the Ilospitaliatioi he war years Margaret served witl the Wrens streets at will for the Ulllt Blue office Dur lhereis general feelmg of re the Bottle family circle friends join in washing them cvety good fortune at Rothsay losing their Ill wide llvll Ull tntl innut tott AV The ladies of tIe Iiiie ataxialtitnt Mrs Amy Vair gave the pims to the winners III the Mai II Vaikcz icouson Competition First went to while iloland captured second prize and Newton competition Ithrough the past season and prizes lin this event were also presented Mrs John Mcxaw won Iirst prize lwitlr second Thomas iiowlnie tlz had pot luck sup lil lititin tl llurion Aye Tuesday evt rung Oct ers ltllill the il Amy Van rs MUNRO TWEEDS YARNS HAND KNITTED WEAR and KNITTING SUPPLIES l7 Bayfield St Just South Corners IIILllllfl tlix sm held third also Mrs LIIS WAIS Help relieve distress of MONTHLY FEMALE COMPLAINTS Are you troubled by distress oflelnnle functional periodic tlIslllIIIJIlllJ lines this make you stiller feel so Iiermns at such tiines vllien do try Ivdia Ii Iinkliams Vegetable onipounil to relieve such symptoms Imklitiins has soothing effect on one dummis most important organs llllll PINKHAM finding Mitchell way and Mrs Frank reasy winning the consola evening iplaying cucltre with Mrs llook and Mrs Sutherland having llllt high wins strong social convener and her vore midnight blue crepe and the assistants Mrs Itrank Perkins ancilmother of the groom was in royall Mrs Clayton Stewart were thank ed for the excellent supper by the president BABY tion The was spent Mrs Ilairy Arm IIIIII Hours 31th 530 pm Wed 930 to 1200 noon who also thanked 597 using Aurora at the tea 1s AAMAL 35 2km in Mrs Plummcr Toronto She is visiting in town with Mrs Vera MacKcnzic land now living Mrs Clarence Jackson and Mrs Jeff Webb were convcncrsoi rummage sale last Saturday Group of the senior WA of Burton Avl enue United Church held their rst sale as single group and contri buted over $62 to the general funds James Hunter and Mrs Wisdom are the leaders of this group PHONE FORMALSW WEDDING GOWNS LINGERIE CUSTOM MADE DESIGNED TO FIT AND PLATTER No 8WilsOn Bldg Office Square SUITS Mrs Mrs Mitchellof Collier Street Baptist Church has received an other interesting letter from Ivey VEstall in India The message ex presses thanks for huge parcel and tells something of conditions in that country During the rst two months after my return to in April the temperature registered 100 to 105 degrees almost every day so the wee sun suits are most ractical for our climate My two colleagues went off for muchneeded holiday and was left with 90 children odd The Lord wasVery gracious to us and kept the girls all so well and happy Mrs Flora Downard and Mrs Helen Newton who are leaving the staff at the CountyBuildings were each presented with Kenwood blanket and pair of pillowcases on Wednesday Post India afternoon Tn thefoffi ofpfHfCoIeman county treasurer Mrsgt Downard is leaving for Orillifi After strainidgffodds focyour baby Libbys take an extra step By anexclusive methodfof horrid genizaitionrougli fibres are bricked up till Libbys Selby Foodsare at Ieastten titties netin texture than foods which arbstrained oay ers Fred Kelsey Sr Gowan street was happily sur 1le ed last Saturday whenshereceivedt bouquet of flowers which had arrived byairmail from Vancouver The bouquetincluded large mauve ehrvsaitthemums small yellow and white mums and carnations owers had been shippedfrom the ceastthe previous dayand arrived quite fresh Mrs Kelsey said the oWerswere for no particular occa sion just thoughtful giftfrom close relativ When yoii give baby Libbys the digestionjob easy forhISgturJumy because the nourishmentdn these homogenizedfoodsis morreadily available The dSo choose Libbys ivvithnthc advantages which tvstraining plus homogenizatiOn the only baby foods which Oder these ektrabenetits gives Libbys are and Mrs Harry Norton have returned from months trip to the United States during which they ltravelled through 21 states of thb union They rst visited New York and Washington and then travelled southto Salisbury Nerth Carolina En route to Chat where they visited friendsof long standing they passed through the BlueRidge Mountains at Virginia Theylstop pedi over in New Orleans on their Tway to visit friends in Houston in Texas On their journey homeby way of Kansas City and Chicago they visited Mr era in FlintMicli Write for the free booklet Healthful Feeding for Yowloirv Just and your name and uddmn to Libbys Chalholn Ont tanooga Tennessee may was Airborn INEDaActitoMOGEnizro and Briylor womanizer no be an Nortons tivo sist TEE HARRIS EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA lMlls BOBT KING 1949 PRESIDENT trausrrrs ASSN BAYVlEW CHAPTER 105 OES washingAmachine to theRoyal Victoria 1105pital Seen here at the presentation Ceremony are Miss Velma Cole worthy matron of the lodge and Miss llelen Shanahan superintend ent of the hospital she is extended ecry llll ltet new home 34 gt5 COMItllNIIARRIS The marriage took place on Sat larjorie Rita tlaughtcrof Mr and Mrs It Ilarris of Toronto tog Icittilltl Comartin son of Mr tindi Mrs llrederick Comartin of New Lowell Rev Plant officiated in was soloist clitle roses and heather lier sis powdeu blue tatleta andrnother sistcr Edna was bridesmaid in Hitaddresses Joan IIarris niece of the bride was flower girl and wore blue crepe Frank Comartin of New Lowell was groomsman and titer of thcbride were ushers The bride wore powder blui Mrs IIML Tomlinson 5t Maplelgoing away suit with black accessw Aigiiue entertained at an afternoon lories After Itccption at Hotel tablhursday November in honlSery in Toronto the couple left or of her aunt Mrs Alfred Happ ion wedding trip to Montreal and of Rochester NY Mrs Tomlin Ottawa They will live in New sons mother Mrs John Dodd ofiLowell also present Mrs Ilapp is making her an nual visit in town for few days rumorVinson at pm when Phyllis Pauline marriage to OscarMorley son of resented an automatic dish REBEKAHS RAISE 5113 FOR CANCER WEDDINQSt POLIO TB FUND St Pauls Church Toronto lidi ward VeAina otSt lauls Iarishl Toronto was organist and ecilia Zambri of Mount Carmel Parish The bride was given in marriangi by her father She wore blush satin dress with lrinunings tt1aeti and sweetheart neckline and car ried shower bouquet of red Briar lolln an char mauve tatleta dress with match ing headdress The brides mother IutxC1pn fund mnumwut Ih0 George Comartin of New Lowell flitistess for her kindness in inviting and Milton Harris of Toronto bro ithe ladies to her home Anten MilisUnited Church Trig the scene of pretty autumn Mrs MacLaren gave tea at her home at 80 Mary Street indemg Sllmldd OLL 98 honor of one of her friends Mrs Maurice Plummcr on Friday after noon November former resident of London Eng daughter of Mr and Mrs Irving Carson Plielpston was united int Examiner Photo The sum of $113 was added to the Lianer Iolio and Tubctettlar Fund on Wednesday Nov through urday morning October 10125 of titnations and draw for quilt Aumm at the Beaver liebckah Bazaar lll lie ltitlfeilows Ilall llis William Matthews and Miss Itonnie oles were joint converters for the bazaar at which $195 was cleared outside of the amount rais LLl for the fund their at the annual are Cookstown last Saturday afar noon Ontarib President Tea Sponsored By Liberal Women Mr Robert linzg RR Rene is elected fut second bin in Epresident of the IIrustecs and Ratepayers toe Cour Lltiillc Newton of fitv agt elected vicepresident and liar3 UII flail Ul Lyltlllit his eLletlui secretarytrcatner The delegates were Welcomed by Lee Banting of ly and Di Leadlay of Cookstown George Johnston MLA of Mintsing who was ecretarytreasurer of the as sociation for many years ephed to the addresses of xvelconiu Reports of the addresses Luvcn it the convention are contanicd elsewhere in this issue Mrs King announcml that the cxccutivc had decided to hold the public speaking contest on sep arate date this year and plans had been made for the pupils to comv pete in the Barrie Collegiate Anti toriuin on Inesday Nov 16 at pm Guests of honor at the IIILIIIIILI ship tea of the Barrie Womens Liberal Association on Ihursday Nov were Mrs Lorne Lee of president of the Ontario IWomcns Liberal Association and Mrs Iiouck of Brampton vicel president The tea was held at the home of Mrs McNabb tit Ross St Mrs Ineson president rel ceivcd with the guests of honor The various tables of fancy work who 0th 031ng 10W ist Mrs Young The lodge txpects to continue marking for the Cancer lolio and coming months lhree families in town alllicted with polio are now benefitingr from their donations oF Grandmotliers Contest Feature at Barrie WI The regular ineetitigmof the Bar rie Womens Institute was held at the Ironic of Mis Gco Bowlcs iorslcy St Nov with good attnl1nce Mrs Lcy have report for the dinners served to the women at tending the Area Convention in the IOOI Ilall and thanked the Barrie members for their help very nice balance was turned over to the treasurer Mrs Hogan received nine firsts and eight second prizes out of 20 entrirs inthe fallfair also trophy tMrs Small for the best Mr and Mrs Feasby Silildfmd collection of landscape snapshots Rev William Clements of ficiated floorlength gown of ivory satin lwith nylon yoke embroidered in seed pearls fittcdbodicc full skirt and long sleeves coming to point at the wrist Her finger tip veil was caught with sweet heart halo She carried bouquet of red roses white mums and maidenhair fernu Her only jewel lery was threestrand pearl neck lace the gift of thegroom Mrs Murray Carson Barrieana tron of honor was gowncd in pink flowered marquisettc over taffeta elbowlength mittens and pink satin headdress with shoulder These were entered in the class by Womens Institute members and The bride given in marriage by Mrs Hogan deserves great deal her father looked charming in of credit for her work Christmas box is to be sent Mrs Singer in England one of our former presidents Mrs Baker conducted contest by the grandmothers whichprov ed very interesting All the other members were to guess what each grandmother represented Mrs Bowlcs read poem called Thel Joy of Life On Dec Christmas meeting will be held at MrsWeldons 118 Codrington St at 730 pm Each member is to bring present for exchange of Christmas gifts choice lunch was served by length veil The bridesmaid Misslthe nongrandmothers June Carson Barrie sister of the bride was gowned in blue em broidered net over taffeta elbow length mittens blue satin head dress with shoulderlength veil re uquets of pink roses babymsand maidenhair firm The groomsman was Howard Feasby Toronto cousin of the groom and the ushers were Mur ray Carson of Phelpston brother of the bride and Keith Martin Toronto cousin of the groom Mrs Lawrence Scott played the wedding music and Mrs Alex Nov Cameron sang For You Alone and during the signing of the reg Tea was served in the office of ister 111 Walk Beside You Prank Hammond crown attorney and thegirls on the County staff locked after refreshments Mrs Newton has been working in the offic of county engineer Jones and Mrs Downard has been Following the ceremony re ception was held at the home of the brides parents The brides mother received wearing gown of royalblue crepe black acces series and 7a corsage of redroses lte NATURAL INCREASE In 1926 the rateof natural in crease in Canada was 133 per 1000 population It decreased in the ONION roULTicu The ancient Romans made poultice of onions and barley meal as cure for watery eyes The thought the onions cleared the sight by the tearsthey drew acorsagerof salmon roses gt The grooms gifts wer groomsman wallet eat ford Edenvale and Anten Mills rfgt Read Examiner Classied Ads 3e Boyfleld 8t and whit mums The grdoms mother assisted Wearing gown of gfycrcp black accessories and to the It0the usherssuitable gifts The brides giftsdto the soloist organistiandatg tenddnts were of Silver Mid showers of confetti and good wishes the happycouple left for trip to Muskoka For travelling the bride chose abluegrey tropical suit navy picture hat and navy accessories and corsage of red roes On their return they will reside on the grooms farm atISand Guests Were present from Uxa bridge Sandford Toronto Barrie URRY BROS Phone 3874 ioroils lltllllCllliltlt baking candywsngm tutuh and take and the Concern lubercular table were The long tea table was beauti fully decorated with tall yellow it CUmmlllkk CUIHDOSLGI tapers and bronze and yellow Mrs George Walton Mrs Warlow Mrs fluorite Morris Mrs Glen Gi and Mrs ldward Partridge Mrsl ter Mary was maid of honor Il armill and Mys Rrown were converters of the aftcrnoon tea Approximately Edit people were in ipink tatleta They wore tnatclritiful out during the hours front clirysantheinuins arranged in low bowl louring tea were Mrs Macinten Mrs Empke Mrs Itrank Guilfoyle and Mrs Ileffron Miss 11 Quinlan Mrs II lReid Mrs Currie Mrs Glenn Gilchrist Mrs liobson and Mrs Merrick assisted ii1tlic tea room Little lieather McNabb opened the door for the guests Any Liberal ladies wishing to join should contact the secretary Mrs More Netherlands East Indies Unsettled Says Mrs Van Riin Mrs van Rijn spoke of postwar life in Indonesia at meet ing of the Womens Canadian Club at Collier Strcct United Church Sunday School on Tuesday Nov ember With particular reference to Java and Batavia Mrs van Rijn told of the unsettled conditions in the Netherlands East Indies and of such difficulties as housing an almost doubled population The impacti of war has done much to develop nationalist antiforeign spirit among the Indonesians and has been particularly difficult prob lem in the reconstruction period following Mrs van Rijn gave to each of the members small map of the Neth erlands East Indies and some Can adianized recipes of native dishes which she reommended highly The speaker former Canadian school teacher has been living in Indonesia since the war andtaughl school in Japan in prewar days LIGHT ON GREY MATTER Of all living animals alligators and crocidiles have the smallest brains in proportion to their size UanINKLED SHEEP Through scientic crossbreeding sheep without wrinkles in their skin have been developed mm VTHURSDAY NOVEMBER II 1948 illtmtsmouh Contraband longs tcly modernired otlla nd TWO lesidrnce with fourteen rooms eoiuple acres of on High ay Picturesque lteauuzully situated in the centre oi etcu Quiet restful and yet very convenient miles south of Barrie CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES TELEPHONE BARRIE 4268 OR WRITE MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL Iainswick nl Salon Under New Management ANNOUNCING TIIE AIIOINTMENI MRS RUBY HUNT Formerly of Toronto and Reids HairDressing Barrie Moderate Prices Quiet Digniticd Service For Appointment Phone 75 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE 4434 BARRIE MADE IN Cast iron was first made in Sus sex England in 1330 vrInstvriu PRODUCT best sailcloth is now made from nylon The dont care if you cant cook darling so long as you can open packages of Post GrapeNuts Flakes 0h Georgeyoure wonderfull Ill just open package of malty eygolden Pbsts Grape Nuts Flakes and quicklike break fast will be ready Ummmthat oneandonly outofthisworld Posts Grape Nuts Flakes avor And good nourishment too dont forget Yep Hontheyre jampacked with carbohydrates minerals and other food essentials that sure will make your husband husky guyl And of course was only kid ding about not being able to cook can make scrumptious cookies cakes and other goodthings from those tested recipes on the Posts GrapeNuts Flakes packages fHow about picking up some crisp crunchy Posts GrapeNuts Flakes on our way clown to get the marriage license rich le CK ONDERFUL EASYDIRIECIIONS QNTHE PACKAGE so canine SMOOTH AND RICH savour until ICARAMEL pnumnscorcu am 51 tr cHoc0tArr VANILLA mroc Ar cuocotm TAPIOCA seams General mama owned by General Foods limited

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