Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1948, p. 19

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THURSDAY hOVEMBER ll 19 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE WV Mm lie fer i115 second ltxtlt11il the Winners meeting the In 11115 1a Hut5 it mgr1111 dlstrict at on 0110 owns RCAF 1111 WIN srmxss ST 1111113119 11 511111111 1lt110gt 1111 211111 IN 1111 11 1111 111 um Wm hm 11 with passes in 1111 21 piclI II III 3135353 11 111 11 15111111 1109111 Hagan picked up the I11I11I1a1I 11 I11I11roIrulled IUD by M2113 131 gtlllltlI 511111 IOWLLVO LEAGUE 111143 3141 111111111 mnrtftir B3 II Mclltl ill the min1 minutes iii 11 11 slrr vt Ji V111 171v Vlklzitit 11 11115 11 1115 liSUIlng iroup 11111 11 fillm from the vii 1911 1111 Si 11 ll 11 IE 11 lMl 01 I1III5I1I 1145 p1 111m blnzlnons 1I 11 plI 1111 1111tr1 fj 114 1n I0 111 II II III II 11 IU 151 himm 111111 111 1131111 as llligtxct1 Imi Im CmII1Ine 11 IIxlstl1l Il II IIAI II II LII XIIIII PLIIIIII IIII II Al 11 1111 Mid I111gt 11 911 only score 111M 11 It WW 411111111111 11 war the highest Five Borne Swnmmers mm AJUiTV VHrv 11 112L1lr1 I1liife to 11lt lllochh 11 1I1I1 1111 11l1 1n and they uere For Course at Bardlo II HI if I1nr9 51 w1 ugt11131 Minn tilhgntujllii POOI Camp Borden it 111111t11111x 5111111 11112 ili 11i11 3111 than Tues Hid MI in 11511 11111 itd 230 and extended H2 115 The two gt1111 ailli p11 1111 1111111 to 11111 lsirtlon that it lo 340 hall time 111 the had gtlltill the added 11 5liim mwmm itd Ii15 11111111l1111 11 1113111 Thursaw jlmi 11 limtiell on 3111111111 human 121111 Hm point JH huh 1m MANN in 11 1131lilullil 111111ltlli111111 the number 11 1ml r1111 11 m1l rilh11tti illil nr II II II 1111111111 111m llllt was lure it EDInx Nagy 111 tlfl1 1111 grI111 t1tltfl1 II II rI1It 21HII2I15311 11 iti 11111 1111 ls 11 1111101 if SzihilBzi 1111 111 1111 it ITIIIIfu Id1 1011 disadvantage howlye itiln IIIIIifIiIIII5 11 11 slitlr lie ti1ill 11 Wd mm 1112111111 iaturc ot the waterl11pl11=l Il 11 1111 11 111 15111 rm ltgt1l W131 1111 II If 55 112111 lnen 111 111 mer the Cltk EI It 51 I11 111 11lt 1111 11 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mouth Specrdl Sedan 313111 11111 vlth N111 111 11 11 11 1111 yIfIIi IIIUI 11111 10111111 1110111 1a All III1 II II II IVVIIV Imd Hi hub 1k lill talllll 111 the llilrll llllI 11x HA 1111 11 1113 11110 111111111 111113 1111 mm Shim In Flef rind 11mg 311thmlgllrii mouth Sedan Service of Remembrance Adams put Mullsilly 111 front but IllthllAY lllISlilllISzI illlllItIlllIm IIEIIHHI II1IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIT Karlie enluzltuulioll Itendid Rumu 12111211111 the elllluliW in mm 11 111111 N1 iiiliriv TOO 111 SPINp11 Rnnunlnhnlnpp 111111 Mel Vlill 11 Legion 11 Dodge CUStom Sedan in lrehfel United Church Sundavlmk Ml mm NM 11111 Smith ltlllltlllll 11111 5M1 mornin XVHV md maxipd by UNI Hiuwd KL huml Emd AM HUN 10 SMHHLDV Ford ton Stake ICICkS Inhiiqm Rov um mm1tl11v were rewarded 1111 last 1i III II Nut 11 21111 1111 gt sell 11111311 ol 11115131111111lti Why mm WNW WW mml1pmmimnmil li1f11lt 1111 ilarrie 111111 No 11 11311 WW Hi 31 W1111vgarrl lurllon wnf numlp fb drxflmdwmi1d vll two hmvlerr 1111 roll the 11111111L lliill 1liibv lltit1i Dick Henderi llnliilg tkglyxnlgfm WflliIIll1W sillizll mums during 1111 llItrW1 Iain11 i1m 11 111111113 II Nov 2116 lord Brown is in elarge wait Ed 1IIII In wink III II IIII7 III IASH TRADE 0R TERMS AIIIIIIIIIGIIIlnIIIIIiI11mXWllmixgiIII TM nl 111rrn1and helt11estlIl Anjjjh1 Siiggji 01 1I II IIII III 11 benuilul white 111111113 ii111111111111111 MilliIdilIIIIli ISI tello 1111 1111hm1n II1H in mm 111II10 1131 AIAII by Mrs Stewart ill in llv of the 1111111 Im 1mm Umiinlwlt Ladies League IIIII IIIIIIII qIIIIIIIIII wIIII IIIIIII 10 0mm IIIIIIIII W111 31 1115111 Ilollnu 111 II 11 111111 with 33 gt iIilllitItl Ilil action dllrlng Worlil WaIr on IIrmnmnyj NM lI IMHmmSLI EII1IlIIiIlI1II1III II lOWlll an llllll al 21 tn ilessby lilOLlllinlSltilllilillt congre agileerg 1lil211 111111111111311 its Salton10 run GF NU 10 11 1311 gum Stood as the amps 11 WI Bl Imsm Mum mmty Mus 111111 ancmv HIMr15 Tu 111 lIlII Ehzabeth St Phone read If I030 who hadI IIUIIC mm tIIIIII thI IIISII IIIIIII IIIIIII 1IIII IIIIII IIII FI II II II $11135 IIItI11II I13 muikewwus 77 Wm or 1rentcl communitydurlugthd tw sulllatilinnssistell by3m Arnold lneey an re1st mun 1H 11 my M1111 12 20 fI1IlfmTId Pd 511101 IDIlUi 11511 ItiIttlnUILI xlIillIlllyl If152fIlLtilEiIIIZFigixmm Um 13 20 Gauegmmomns sncn let hen to one mm as lollows VM Waltlr 11111 0111 iompsn III 54 PRODUCTS ute ot SliCnCC The servrce eon Dep 13 lluglnan Chaplain Col Committee 11 Lung 11 Davis 111111 51111155NU01 211 Hlkll eluded with the singing of hvmn Garry lee DOD ChaplainRev Mr ileum1n Dr Orok and Pain Three Suiter 5118 Average pHONE BARREONT 1111 and the National Anthem MeTaggart Ree Sety Wm Nevrls Tyler Mills L1H 00 ad 1111111 Lad II 01 Another Shipment 0f an 1e II MW 81 Label BOYS Stallon WC on coats Sh Madeirom all wool mel ton cloth With dagskin Have You seen them never have we lllllng and mouton fur crre im We have every kind you II Sizes 34 to 46 could think of and Sized of these coats sold out in ported ElysiansCc1shmeres from Scot $2 95 from 23 to 52 There are days Only 40 coatSI Regulars The cloths IIIIIIIWIII III gabardlnes ImportedAfflom SlZeS from 10 36 Whlle fEl th Combinations same as England tweeds from the Itheymst the north an amous north of Scotland Finer above $495 sult $9 95 co ors rowns ues greYs stripes 11311 Ct mac4710011 made from the quality worsteds from the wool of the mountam goat from Peru Penmans 71 Merino Ivgst ggsEflgllfelBailtgfi and plain shades They come 1n double ne Boys mlxedwlth SO bCiIlIGTIIY chni PlusE1310 W001 and Cotton large range of domeIsItlc PLAID SHIRTS and Single breasted styles For young ll ton ours gabardines welsteds nd meshc 0aPnIegesce1ns tinAAY Shuts and Weeds also heavym blue and red cheeky men and for the more conservative dres an phreys from England wrthsome plain brown The Colorscireipldin shades Violbrown IIIlight brown lawn blue teal blue camel grey withheathetmixlures and lovelt IshordesTVTh qucility is tops thewa ore bench mode byanoldqs outstand IingItqilors ThestyliIngIIis 91211111111111 lorcmost designers If 111 Price r1111 will 111111111111114111 that top I$101ess thqn inost other stores chcrge Our buying power is answer sDJomesticCoatsMQO to $39504IlmportV ed coats from$4250110 $5500 Yes Su every coat carries Our famous guaraIij Fee of moneybdok if not Satised Curr Brown LIMITEIDI 18111115 and quality camscan be sold for from$5IIIOII Combinations some use ser heavy hairlines from Eng land Rhodes twecdsirom England heavy domestic Mac older men For the young man good quality flannelSizi cs 12 to 14 Draiuwersw $h95 ea Sizes3lto46lt 1Gombina1tiohs same as above $295 suit 59e1Eh are for young men an $1 We carry 1n stock $1265 from 35 to 46 19 there are drapes and semidrapeswithI0verlap seams peabodyisI Brotherhood double pleats andzlppersin4factltanystylermeantiwew iAndrBfgiF mi IISomesuitshavetwepolirfpmCW9 naveit Anywmmu and 95 1495 OverallsalSmoclls are IverY proudIof ItheI quollty IolI11I1eI price youwiShtopay ItII30odjheavy denim in clothond Lthe tailoring Everysultwlll l8ndfblackSizes3L rw And every pair guaranteed with price Salmg 95m 1219 jjg554IIS1Zes46 1654 $45 IhOIdiltSI shape yvlbIe easy tgvkeep press th IItfiQiI ea sed and Will glvbng Satisfactorywear Everypairguaranteedby Our buying power and low rmark us andthe maker Why Pay More llglve you these top quality suits on con Ir siderableirsclvingscindgrgmembetz We sell only quality merchandise We unv conditionally guarantee every thingye dither overalls sImocksI 9113511 and$450 sell You 0an buy here With bonfidencef III Mcns Fleece Lined $5 onreachI pair th Drawers Sizes 34 Ito16 the 1117110111 11169111 House The most of 01115 is done for us byCanadIas largest chain of mens and boystwear Stores Their Ibuyers pickthe cream of each sasohs merchandise and are able to buy in such huge quantitiesthatenables them to get much lower price TheseI savings are passed on to you when you buy your mensland boys wear here docs above $279 suit Men at as We hava few left of last weeks special parka Gabardine shell lined wlth doeskiff 31lpngth elastic waist not all sizes Mens Fine Quality Dress Shuts Tuilored by Warrendale saniorlzeId fused collar84 They know their business and buy only top IquIality This is why We are able to guarantee unconditionally every thing we sell 54311211111111 Sif IIBarrie SWESYTWYOITMRTORMRS$UYERfthSWig awaityou here on all your purchases of mensvandboys wear Good range of patterns to choose from Sizes 14 leftTThcyWreirrlamofr sell at $1295 special to 11 0111 store is now full to the brim with quality merchandise purchase allowsus to 01 for men and boysand at savings too Takeadvantage of our fer them while they last Size 1712 101 layaway plan pickcut what you want pay small deposit ea And special Stout Mens We Will ham if you am ready for Otlxr lIarkas Shirts 16 to 19 $395 ea CLIFIF BROWN LIMITED $1495 110 $2495

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