Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1948, p. 18

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GE EIGHTEEN School 111 perton All slnalh ore 111111111 Lav Schlmi 511111 11 looking 113 111 if 1111 SP 59 lllil ware llltllli 111 pen111111 ellnl 11 lll 11 Mani411 lflltt IUNIOR CLERK WANTED For lueal 1111111 ltlltlllIItll pllrtullit tor llillttllltilll7 leplilieant 1111 he either lllJlt or female ppl in nun handuriliug 111 Barrie l1llllillt1 lJlilli 111 and ltllltlllull DANGERHELD MOTORS Used Car Market 98 Ellmlllttll St Ill 19111 1948 tllstoln Dodge Hell Ail11nlt11111111111 1917 Ford Sedan lleater and 11111111 1940 Plymouth Opera WINliter antlTliiiliii 1938 Chev 111111 1938 Ford oath 1933 Chev Sedan 1934 F01llSe11lll 1931 Pontiac Sedan 1931 Chrysler Sedan 1929 Model Ford 1940 Fargo ton panel 1941 Ford 12 ton pickup 111 Open 1311 to pm DAILY 111m nu 10111 1113119 IHE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THLRDDAE minim 11 1943 wm owrvM WW nm 1N MEMORIAM Ambilce Banquet KENNETH MYERS Next Monday Night AGE RESCUED III At Barrie Armoury FROM DROWNING 11 1111 14 lii nk whit 110151110 EFFECTS EAR STOCK AND 13 IMPLEMENTS til112111 V3 III Phone 2577 Bum WVth lmil IH1I 1111 Imi 1llilr will II US 11 NM LHH mim ibi in will =1 villi1 11 11111 11 is 11111111111 1111111211111 11 51111111 111 11 1mm NMUP IR 111 11 113111 11l1 ll 1111hlr 111111111 1f mi 111 1111 1111 11V Milv2 l1ul1gt 1H 1111111 11 llllll1 11 1in II IPIIIII TIIII II IIIII Hi I1 111 11 wItm 11111 11 Midm IlI11 51 111 lflt um mm II1 mllml in i1 1111II III II rm II IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII 121 15111 11411 IIIII 2113311 II 111 IIII IIII II II Flrmun Reccves I1 Finn Engraved bald wufch LleG 0f 11 111E 111 11 5111 rrom Standard Brands 11 111511 il in 111 Egt 1111 111 Ilium iltlill 111 117 Toronto 1r 11 11 hpeelillties lulltllllllllllltllt llllllulty other than neus 111 1i1gt gtl1l13 11111 111 15111 11 1111 11 llillHl udvvrlmng 11V mlilnS 01 Show ants ludow 71 111111 1llll1l 111 111lll1lill 11 Posters and also Silltl BlOlltltilSUllg 11 11mm 1111111111 111 11111 11 11 IAINII II 111 1111111 11111111111 Slim1 II hi IIVII HES 1IIIIIIII Will rover pllhlilisin of lnterllillnlenls or Social WINS for 13 2111 inne11 11 it ltll in Hutu llhlillltlmls rte Special rules to llalilallle Urgallimtiolh Wq li 111111 WI 11 Winl 1151 mlli WIMWQW 1I IlII 9i wm llllNlSll loilllsr INFORMATION 111 11 10 111 Km 11 111 11ll liltllltllW 1il 1i11 11 2111 111111111 111 11 111 11 111 itllltljM 111111 11 111 IIIMWIIHI 11x 311 arm IIIIMIIMIIIII IIII 1111 111111111 Information 11mm 411 1m 1111 11111 sum 51 nIii 1911 TH 11 11 ill hillil liqUH mi 1miI II If lI I1 Tm III Imtrldgo II loyntz St Banlo 1w 1111111 15c lultn 11 1111 11 11111111 f1 1111 11lmt lihT Ill Nowhere IIIII III IIIII II MI IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII WI Stalulzllli 1111111115 1111111111 vAv gt In Hulk SIIIZvIndII 511 11 11 11 117311 NV iiiI11 Him IHIIlfiyIr 11 111 111115 750 IIIIII III IIIII IIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII II wIII III IIIII 31 MM II1 le IIIII II 11 111 51 II 11111u 1111111 owl111 11111111 111111 Jr IV JULL Williimi 91111114 11 11 91gt 51 7W 11 19115 11 Film11 lmV III1 II HI 11 1111111111 1l 1111 7mh4 hdi 11y litmus Lu111 I750 r111 31 11i1n 5111 gt 1331 $1er 1H1 mm mm MUN NM NM um hcm HUDHII IM HUlV Intelmenu 1111 Ill1111 13 llllllil 12111 11111111111r 111 51511 11 r2 itl 11111 11 llsllfz ttulle i1 it mluilllul 51111111 111N111 and 1111111111 Will 1111111 131 Niti IS yin Hm mdluon for inner 70 can deliver Ii nim 750 Tim 5111 11 liliitl 111 ltlli pronlptlv ALFMIVUM ROOFING The Modern Litetime l171 lhgm ml HI MM 1547 0111 111 lInllllmu that mother I1 11o lint lltlti sperm lay III 11 01 50111 111131 l1n1IIIVI11IIII Hum 11gt fill1 III 11 brim 31111 11 11111 11111111 RUUI 101 5MI 515 113 lIllIilItalllgw153I II II II MI II III II IIIIIIIIIHIIJIYII IIIIIL IIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIII IIII III IIIIII IIIlInIIIxmi Illl gmlnl 11 1h 11 IlIlIiII 111 do not 11111111 111I 110111 rum LOW appluatlon 081 IIUIlIl II111 Il1IIIA 10 111 111111 1111111111 i111111i1111i1 DolivmV from Stock 0H 1mm Ammm William 11111911 1111111 HMS IHUiAil 11 lliillli ill1mm iilfHlx hIdJUlnd 15 Frankie 111 75c 111111 lirpI1In1lult am IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII MIMI IHWWHI 11 1I1I 1111 lllllts 1111 111I 11Il this 11111 1111111 Iouls to tilYt blthOTIl SURPALLD ROLLHOOP ING mttllllm Clgllt in IIL II Thrill 11 115 res1 HL 111 give it 11111 more if SIIIII III IIIIII II IRItnI LIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIII III WMHRIIU HI mm mthIIII11II IIII II II If MINT hm N1 pH 511111244 $260 1IluleIzroult 1111 Rose VHS 11 1w N1 1111 1111 111311931111111 always by dough iLtzeiiijnliiilViijtllwuiiij liiitliiiimlmd 19 Wugm NO 55 83 digit111111 tillI xviin 75 9741 hlmld in if 11171I111l 111 Mddlilllk S1lllillliilW All 11111 1111111111 5111111111 jml Sist 11m 01 urs rm rp Till IN I1IgtI3I1I1III1 ln121 1L1111J1 11111111111illlren 4111 Medium weight NoI 60 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII pm SqmuszI95 BI IIIIIIII IIIIII 75c lanlbllAllAt 1m Lenv 41 Hemr welnnt No 91 uale $393 10m iv ml 11111 1111 N111 11 151111 Mal Ethel ilLyllUNSlu loving memory of mphmg The oomigm 11 11 wf 111mm m1 lmy 13111111101 we ROLL lBRICK SIDING 18d 01 bllif square 300 855 Icmptahon 11M erimhlmll 111th ii Higmk it hillyKim mm Nix lniumii1 1111111111 mm mm my INSUL BRICK SIDING Tlpgrquam 81400 13 Xavier Cue1 75c use lo 11 net 21 1111 zllla ls 1l1 1f 111 lugs 01 hump 41 RHCIIIHI1IIIS Hum1r 1211111Whal would give to clasp her if WINLOC ASPHALT SHINGLES glee only DWINI 8575 lIlIJllelun Run Run 11115 11111111 Lltllltls I1Il1s II illIllld THREE1NQNE STRIP SHINGLES colours per WI 38375 IlleIIlImlnCsIg Trude Il HYDRO AT IOLHNGWOODI Kneeshaul lohn Doris 111 so ear me are to see 10 lariotteers 13759 Sim1mg 330 II mm Cm he Resting at her home for ser lIo healIllelI UltI to see 1101 smile Belgmn Cement 110 lb blgs from StOCk ClO84lts Magic 1151 StlVltU in 11 days tlat 11se1 to be 1111 stun p11 mm 01 telllaguootls 11110 III In 0d 07 TW 111 Huh mm mm Flat 501 11 ll meet Ibeheve anything Steel be 90 mhboIn 1Fllllll At Barrie on Nov in Heaven that happy land buylng now as regards to pnCe BRV Dom nilY 75 STRENGTHEN wu Us X14919 Jiil Kellett in her 85111 4111 ISadly lllissetlmMotherI 1021 The 11nlillte other parts of year interment Barrie Uniezl only 380 To Blam writ21111 UNECQN LIFE Cfff ag7 MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Cor DunlOp and Bayfield Barrie The best 11111111111111111 mancan haveAlll1lllzlle insurance13 tlle body get stronger with use ISRlGlEYMAI 1111 1111119 112 Essa t1nlter31 10 MOTHA1 Barrie on Nov 19111 John Thomas llth beloyed hus band of Annie liillbeth Kearney in hls 177111 year interment Prospecte11111er Toronto Nov load Allandale on Nov 1918 hillt Olnha Sliglexj llui laughter of the late Lemuel and Mary Jane Srigley Interment 181 Pauls elilrtely 1111115111 Nov URRYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 1948 Walter Urr beloqu husband of the late Rebecca lngram and dear father of Mrs P0015 Mildredi Mrs Evans 1EvelynL Harold and llllRONSlll loving memory of my dear sister Georgena Gil hons who passed away Nov 19411 lundertul memories of one so dear r1 treasured still with love sincere For we know she is safe in Gods keeping And som day we shall meet her there Sister Phoebe brotherinlaw Frank 16b HILlSln loving memory of a1 dear mother and grandmother 990le Eva Ann Hilts who passed away Nov 1915 Her memory is as dear today Some 01 you readers may have wondered Why have called this writeup Lucky Days The reason torrthis and we con Sldtl it good one is that in wiew of the accident and sickness lisai EASTERN STEEL WATERING TROUGHS 3143 barrel size $2000 each barrel size $2800 each ULVERTS BARN and GARAGE DOOR HARDWARE WELL CURBING FARM FENCING in Stock line wire even spaced 42 high Il0d 91c 71128 Yollr Heart and Mine line Wire graduated spacing 42 high rod $107 LOWT9 Livein Love BARBED WIRE 80 rod spools caeh$5li5 1313 FROST SNOW FENCE per foot 15c 111111521s1r75 STEEL POSTS each 72130 Progressive Gavctte Our suppliers expect the following feeding stuffs to be in fairly tight supply this winter and advise to buy now Illmlglltless By lloris Day llTRPrcttv Baby Just Imagine By Doris Dav llrlltuLillctte 730 Bella Bella Marie By Dell Trio and Johnny Desmond 750 he By Duke Ellington 751 711907Jingle Bells 01111111911111 Iron Gates Stair Railings and other kinds to your order GENERALBLAGKSMITHING ST GOWAN iAREixr let its II DEsoro service Manager FOR DEF Barrie hon we 15151111 11 Us Insure YouAgainst WiniryIWeaIther WINTER LUBRICATION ANTIiFREEZE HEIATERS DEFROSTERS TIREWHAINS BLOCK HEHTERS SLIP COVERS NGERFIELD CHRYSLER PLYMouru PARTS cullvial ENDABLE New Flos wish to expresstolheir in the loss of loving husband and father especially thanking Mrs Jack Gable for her kind help and nursing care 16b HALLWalter Hall and family many friends relatives and neigh rStlfcirhecrrtfeltthankt preciation for acts of kindness BHONE Lucxil IIIIRIhone 2487 messages of Sympathy and beauti ful floral tributes also to friends and the WI who contributed baking Extended to them in their recent loss of Va lawnmower and wile Mtle Hisey especially thanking RedQ Maude andRev Prdsser for their omforting Vordr W461 TURNERMr and Mrs Lloyd Turner and family wish to eXprcss to their manytriends neighbors andWives their heartfelt thanks ness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended 46b November 11 Mr and Mrs Elmer Baxter movcdo Barrie last week Mr and Mrs Frank Chappcll spent the weekend in Toronto Cpl and Mrs Ernest Baxteif of lBroIckville are visiting at his home Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bullet venof Wiartonrarehelldaying at his home Florin Torrens and Ian Johnston had their tonsils removedin RV Hospital Barrie on Monday Mrsr Porlton Toronto spent 1ch da with her sister Mrs FerrierIMrs Ferrier returned home with her 113 Mr and Mrs Ruett Mr and Mrs Rutlett and Harold spent Monday evening in Toronto attendr mg the Ice Capades III and appreciation for acts of kind to them in their recent breavement 1n the loss ofa dearson ThOughwe try But new will the one we loved From memory pass away Ever remembered by 46p Lloyd and Jean PRIINGLEjhr loving memory of my dear husband and our dear iatherAlredswhodiedmNov Alr llllLT Fond was the link that was broken Dear was the one that is gone In vmemorypwewvillkeep him for ever As long as the ears rollionl Ever remcm ered by his lov mgI feIand family I4I6pl lehrlmnngnnchLLQLa dear wife and mother Mary Riddellgwhot passed away Nov 13 1946 Theres face that is hapntingus ever Theres voice were longing to hear Theres smile well remember forever to forget every tear Theres sad butsweet remem brance Theres memory fond and trUe Theres token of affection dear And heartache still for you Sadly missed by 46p Marilyn and Ross Riddell RIDDELLJIn loving memory of my dear sister Mary who pass ed away Nov 13 1946 DELIVERY IIIfBarli 61 Allandqle LLOYDIM slble means satisfied on dOllars savedI THIS IS Fresh Side P1111 Top quality Breakfast Bacon Rind 11 Both and husband Earl Always illmu mots Forever in our hearts Sadly missed bysister Dorothy and Elmer 46b IMPSONln loving memory of our dear father who passed away Nov 13 1945 Youre not forgotten Father dear Nor er91 shall yoube As long as life an memor We shall remembe theta EVcr remembered by daughter 46 last II Rolled Pot Roast 0f Beer Choice Blade Roast 11111111 Brisket or Flat RibBeef Round Steak ol Roast FRUIT ANDVEGETABLES Np PhikingMeters c1132 Charlotte EATS 51111315212111 Quality meats at th lowest pricespus OUR POLICY IDcliciOueromchadc Sausage Fresh Pork Shoulder choice nISliced lb 53 1h 31 II BRUCE MCLEPLN Th felldwing prices are not specials They are our regular eyeryday prices Compare them With others in Barrie stomers and NORWICH UNlONI Ra In 82nd WII IIIICI ASI in theIhour she passed away bility statistics for the pasl year 111I1hink of You Ip II SaIdly missed by daughter Clara the days that you are readlng this LINSEED OILCAKE MEALI 38 protemI 01d processI BIV J00 Cumin IIIIIIIIIII ment Balllc Lmon Cemetel 75c Nov sIon ln lau PGIL and glandchll column are 0111 111d OllLS SIS per ton $72 00 01174 ran 16p every time you pick up your wee WALKER 1118 13919015919171 LETWinpaper and noticeltllulieadiluluJ3EETPULP 0111fallqupplyjorthlLseasontoiarrive Ggrigie EYEhe Um HOST LAKTNGtln lovmg memory of you will know that another lucky 19 Log You 1948I RIlIbIOItIIEIeIIII7a11II01L husI dun son and brothel BmI who week has passed Lucky because soon 11 $6800 By Arum Godfrey IIIIIIII75CI Yt our 11 rotPsrlr T0 ivvrsrle ATF 21131111111111anlliciiicsil passed my NO 11 1945 you vcre notone of the victims PURE CANE MOLASSESV Steal barrelsv Charge C178 Ii FllnClZli 1101 the funeral home Eseofcrgwchcgaltlhe 9mm aacmlom IEHISiEknCSS Crofts 101 barrels gallon 65C EXITIFIITIC Door gt xalnpe as years lesu 11mg Engiilclmcggmorli Intelmem Of 011IW1IO once 3t them The Department of Safety states BRAN p01 10 SSSoolSHORTS per to $56100 EV Arthur Gocigfreilumhc FORIIREATMENT 0F REPTURE Dmemggfgmgi MONA that DOWOI 15 lInOIlOI 1131310 to MIDDLINGS per ton $5900 CINENo Time rrs minnlrssl ITS maxrmss ITS STRAPLESS from mv disc 1112 canj BREAD FLOUR First Patent Brands $465 per bag Eoul Brothers Imlme Barrie Im CARDS 0F THANKS LglggngvEfgmmfggj ed wc 1152111 company Second Patent per bag jiggliOody Herman 75c 11 11111111 11 BRADENerI R0131 Braden CdI Wily Nov 1I1 1945 Elglenizlltvgyix lbest Selliglifbgr ne 01 coalse per There Is NIusic In The La T2itsge136115w 11 in or 101111 == verv 21y Lovercu mg mfmy fnend rtlflllCSxan But time so far has only proved The Otaco furrow tractorplow 319950 33 Hay James 751 ESSA ROAD ALLAVDALE inelthbos f0 the at 11 JOHN WYLIE 01147 BessI megsages of SclInngIththand I0 mufEIIEIfI5IIOIIYECIC by Mm Come in and see these HowCow Y331venom It ora tri es ex en 13 cm II II mm TECH sad bIeranIemeIII in 461 Glandma L111 ASSOCIATES Wheelbalrows fullsme steel wheel each $1250 an loss car wi an mo er wee MORRlsovI HOME OFFICE gygdgvwggdswb 1111 111111111511111131111an rIBIIIIIvie OI SlMCE III SERVICE 01113413le Julgens 751 GILBOYAVIE WI Gilmy son who passec away Nov 11 II arlo Portable Welding 11111 1111111I I111 10 $131I1gm TIIlglgIOIIId IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII Dr Phone 411040 obligation DIST DIAL 2429 Gang Ilgllelle Meadow many in rencs an nelg ors 7w BOTH ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE 10111141 kindness andisympathy lime3 If Bi 3111 Johnson 75c during their recent bereavement en 10m 33 1V C1163 On Slow Boat To China In Market Place of Mon terrey By Ka WESTERN IClllSIloncymoon Trail Hoine Town SItomp ByBob Wills CllSlrMIaidcns Prayer NIever no More IHard Tim esB 01133 erIIMaIlie By Frankie Yankovic ClIIG5ISycamore Lane Blueberry Hill 75c then shop where your dollar will go 0395 511th I15fm75c farthest My Mountain Home Sweet Hippyvale Beans me lb 20 OZ for Great Speckled Bird 291 ICEgIIIlillgyMAculff zI 35 Garden Pam Chm Wax 38 T111111 willyTelie 20 lb 02 Baxter Choice Pumpkin 28 Ztiv citizen Valley Standard Peas 20 oz 7512 By Bob Atcher CllStlDcar Oakie One Has My Healrt By Slim Duncan 750 01006 Barrel House Boogie Texas Rose for 28 oz tin The above items are all new pack Ask about our special prices by the case DELIVERED Potatoes Ins Thrift Soap Flakes court siteho Cherry Valley Choice Tomatoes 4001b lb 30c 58c lb 111 ByII Al Dexter 175c II ITHIE AtThc Home Appliance Brunch I26 51

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