Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1948, p. 15

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8075 Copies AUIHORIIID AS SECONC CLASS HAIL DEPL OIIAWA 85th Yhixio 46 HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THUR FRI SAT Cont Show Sat 230 pm Miiii titliti iiiinn frWlllMlK turnout Iiiiiu iuiilti THE BARRI BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA mucus NOVEMBEinl i948 CHAs BUSHNELL DIES IN CRASH Charles Bushnell secretaiy Midland Chamber of Cullimvtcc idied in St Andrews Huspital Mid sult of injuhies received when his midway between Victoria Harbor and Waubaushene Three other occupants of the car lll St Andrews They are William If Cranston Midland publisher and Mr and Mrs Gordon Ewings of Toronto Full extent of their injuries is not yet known Provincial police stated that Mr Bushnclls car had left the road at Lambs Cornershiing swung too liroach tollit banked curve Cross ing culvert the car dug its nose nearly two feet into the soft bank of creek Mr Bushnell who is understood to have been driving was thrown from the car The steering wheel broke against his body Mr Cran ston was thrown through the wind shield sustaining severe cuts to the scalp and face and back in jury Mr and Mrs Ewing sut fcretl from shock and cuts Mr Ewing has an injured shoulder Mr Bushnell has been secretary of Midland Chamber of Commerce for the past 12 years and known to thousands of summer visitors to the Georgian Bay area Mr Bushnell was well known among business men in Barrie Only two weeks ago he was elected secretary of the Huronia Associa tion at the annual meeting held in Barrie land on Tuesday evening as ie wide in passnig truck at the apl Lrii SOON 48 norm on WHIZZER BIKE The condition of Lem Soon was still critical yesterday some 40 hours after an accident on High way 2627 just north of Candles The 48yearold chef of the Sim coc Hotel was driving his wliizzcr bike north onthc highway about 430 pan Tuesday when he was in collision with coin travelling south and driven by Camp bell 224 Blake St Barrie Lem Soon suffered fractured skull compound fracture of the left log possible fractured jaw and extreme internal injuries He was removed to the Royal Victoria Ilospital in an unconscious cOndi tion About midnight he was re moved by ambulance to hospital mum reunian inn in Totonto THE LESLIE BELL SINGERS in ITS FUN TO SING MON TUE DAYS ONLY Yr native of Vancouver where he was born Lem Soon came to ALEXANDER KNOX Barrie when he was 10 years old For tow months he attended Vic PHYLLIS THAXTER PEGGY ANN GARNER toria School but he was teased so much by the other pupils that he quit DAME MAYvWHIITY Lem Soon and his wife both work at the Simcoc Hotel and they have daughter who attends school It was only few months ago that Soon had the motor attached to his bicycle and he was fam iliar figure travelling about the town and district Prov Cons Jerry Brennan iii vestigated the accident and the driver of the car was cnarged with careless driving dangerous driving and operating car with inadequate brakes The accident happened in daylight at 430 pm WAYNE IvicCLURKIN LEAVES HOSPITAL BED DURING NIGHT Fiveyearold Wayne McClurkin 28 Wellington St Barrie had two unusual experiences this week but he appeared tonemerge from both without serious results Eve Shows pm CARTOON OTHER TREATS GEORGE BRE JANE PHWEtl LAURIIZ MEICHIOR FRANCES GlFFtlllll PLAYING MARINA KOSHITZ DAYS Starting Wed 230 NOV 17 gt LLJHLJv On Tuesday evening about 530 Wellington when he was struck by atruck driven by Geoffrey Jones 84 Burton Avc Barrie headlig of the truck was smashedand al fender was dented by the impact but Wayne suffered is no fractures although he was cut and bleeding we iEtHNItttl iii to Victoria Hospital but about arm ENTEIIIAINMET clLdoor few mo ments later he was fbund wander lng along Elizabeth St by Valley Taxi driver The boy had no clothing and was shivering in the ram policciand whenit was discovered he was from the hospital he was returned His condition yesterday was reported as favorable COMING EVENTS Dance at OrangeHall Allandal Friday Nov 12 Music supplied by the SimVar orchestra 46b Dance New Lowell Hall Friday NOV 12 Creemoreorchestra AUS pices LOL New Lowell Admis sionr50cand 35c 46p Bazaar afternoon tea sale of baking auspices GladClub St Georges Church AllandaleWed Mot Sat 230 psm EliteNilishf Erise Welnesdiy Not3157 Old and mo ern ancmg pm ram WARNERNEWS as COLOECRRTOON he got out of bed and escaped by CNR orchestra Admission 60 46p pm Burton Ave United WA Christ mas bazaar homemade bake sale fQCTzisigVale Orange Lodge ROBT CUMMINGS BRIAN DONLEVY gsMARIORIE REYNOLDS 11 MoNTANA MIKE mm SONS OEADVENTURE teatimem in theSunday School 464Ip euchre Hall Friday Mountaineers Ad mission 50c 46p Euchre and crokinole with lucky drawfor purebred Yorkshire sow Stroud Community Hall Friday Nov 12 830 pm sharp Ausplces Stroud Federation of Agriculture Ladies please proylge lunch Ad mission 25c 4612 Nov 19 Stroud Lunch Counter and tea Wednesday Nov 24 to lBarrie Town Hall lOffiCially lng ceremony of the Barrie To The Honorable George Dunbar minister oi municipath undcrwmt emergency Operations fairs for thcProvlnce of Ontario Julian Ferguson MP from Colllngwood George Johnston Provincial MP front Mine Opened crowd Of about 3000 steed in the drizzling rain at the5 car left Highway 12 on curvclMarkct Square on Wednesday afternoon to observe the Open tin llall sing Mayor Seymour of Orlllla Meyer man of Collingwood and Mrs Nellie Rankin Sissons an Old Barrie resident who had provided much Of the information regarding the history the distinguished outoftown of the building were among guests who attended tlic opening town formed long parade down the main street and up Mulcaster street hill with the Collegiate Band in the lead The Citizens Band and Sea Cadet band were also in at tcndancc platform had been erected IL fore the main entrance for the speakers The mayor reevc deputyv towii aldcrmen were the day introduced llis Worship Mayoingrant Mayor who traced the history of the building from 1843 to thcprcsent Ilc extolled the re storatitin of the old neglected land mark and commended the fathcrsl of the town for their choice of such splendid site He spoke of the asset of having the llydro Electric Power Commission establish its rc uional offices of the Georgian Bay district here lie then introduced the town clerk Smith who has been in the service of the town for the past 34 years Exdtlayors were also introduced The Honorable George Dunbar spoke on the municipal history of the town and told of the growth of Barrie and Simcoc County Greetings were given by Mayor Kohl of Collingwood and Mayor Seymour of Ollllltt Reverend Bcwell of the ministerial association Vcry Rever cnd James Clair of St Marys Church and Captain Strachan of the Salvation Army officiath for the dedication and the flag was hoisted over the tower by the sea cadets As the mayor cut the ribbon to roevc and present Alderman Ayies as chairman for mark the opening fatti oclock the fire bells rang wildly rockets were sent off into the air the fire engine sirens walled an RCAF aircraft tlcw low over the building and sevengun salutc was fired Inspec tion began and continued until oclock the crowd falling off bit after the first rush for the doors The Wohelo Class of Central Un ited Church served tea to the public in the council chambers and the Boy Scouts Association provided an information service at the door ways to the various offices through out the building The provincial police kept the crowd in order at all times tea was held at the Arinotiry from 430 to oclock for the muni cipal office holders members of municipal boards and special guests following the opening ied in Barrie today with one of the largest parades in some years Headed by the Barrie Band there was large representation of vet erans plus units from the Army at Camp Borden the RCAF at Camp Borden and the Keinpcno feldt Sea Cadets The parade proceeded to the Cenotaph at the Post Office Square where brief service was conduct edby Rev Bewell Among those placing wreaths were the following Province of Ontario Mrs Lee Town of Barrie Mayor Leion Branch 147 NBibby Legion Auxiliary Mrs Dawe RCAF Sqdn Ldr Thomas tax Bcpot FltIi Spencer 102 Sqdn Air Cadets Sqdn Ldr Badgley Town ship ofInnisfil Clifford Lockhart Township of Vespra RN Hick ling Kiwanis Club Steck ley Lions ClubDr Bruce Jonn ston Sons of England Jas Case Corinthian Lodge Harry Morten Signet Chapter Burton Aux iliary to Trainmcn Mizsc Adams Veterans Club Jarman IOOFIJ McCaw There were also others by individuals and or ThitaxiCdHif calldtlf gnizammWi Following the placiiigf ire wreaths the parade proceeded to CentralUnited Church where service was Conducted by the Bar rie Ministerial Association Rev ALBewell cOnducted the service and clergymen taking part were RevC Cross Rev James Ferguson RevJS EILeWis and Rev Dr Sinclair Music was provided by Central United Church choir under thedir ection of Mrs Lenover and the Last Pest and Reveille were sounded by Sea Cadet Brian Trap ncll The Remembrance Day message was delivered by Hon Capt Rev Ralph Adye rector of All Saints AnglicanChurch of Collingwood It is now three years since World War Two hostilities were partially concluded Yet we are not out of war He recalled being in London on VJDay andof walking down Vic toria Road to Westminster Abbey where he Attended service There and dane prions Community hammeredthroungheigrauhmiie to an open space and knelt at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Capt Adye recalled service lid started to lead one Sunday at sea The preVious day ashlp of the com voy had been sunk with some loss of life He started his service With the lines Fear not them that can destroy the body but rather fear him that can destroy sound bodx Barrie Students from all the schools in BCI IS AND SRS AT BARRIE TODAY doubleheader football af ternoon is being staged at EXAMINER iSection 37740965 l5 lid Mistinggmituiiicr Montess 69 Arena Iark today as Barrie ollegiate junior and teams oppose squads from rillia TI The junior game was scheduled for jun with the senior game set for pm lhese clubs were tied for first placi In their respective standings tliusforcing sud dendeath playoff series for the right to journey to llamil ton and try at the COSSA semifinals Both coatlies Diilt Nesbitt of Barrie and Russ Jerome of Irillia are confident they will be taking their clubs further along the gridiron lanes this fall In each division these tvio clubs spilt their homeand home series Barrie seniors lost to TI in Barrie but rush ed back to capture the return tilt in rillla The local jun ior crow blanked the northern ers 300 on their own stamp ing grounds but lost close 2016 decision in Orillia STUDENTS PARAD TO TOWN HALL lOFFICIAL OPENING Students of all Barrie schools as seinblcd on High Street Wednesday EfltiriiOonWaliB through the main strrct to the oili cizil opening of the Town Hall The parade was led by four pretty drum niajorettcs and the Barrie Collegiate Band The color party of the BCI army cadets followed with students from Collegiate King Edward Prince of Wales St Marys Vic toria and King George Schools fol lowing in that order At the rear of the parade were the Barrie Sea Cadets and their band The session marched along EliZa bcth and Dunlop Streets to Mulcas tor where they tiirncd up towards the Town Hall Later when the public were permitted to enter the building the BairicCollegiatcyand Sea Cadet bands marched back along the main street to thcir cen tres for dismissal senior PLAYING ORILLIA HCAPT REV AD in hell At that time the alarm was sounded and his congregation left the service The speaker recalled thcliglitlng in Italy and spoke of the love of the men forCliurchillbecausc he had remembered those in Italy even aftehtfinvasion hadbeen opened up on the WesteriftFront Rev Capt ACIYH spoke 70f rCsn adas part in two great wars In thctfirst war Oiilistments totalled 628000 and the loss of life was60 000 In the second war the enlist mcnts Were 1000000 and 41000 died Hcrpointcd out that Canadi lans had died on battlc fields all around the world and added We haven blood stake in the3 whole world The speaker ieferrctl to the pre senttimes Ilask it in 1948 can wcthis day arewe prepared to rmeetthc tyrant with the necessary equipment of soul aswell as body Capt Adyc spoke of the menace bf Communism and asserted that thesepeople were liars and trait ors even to members of their own families Let us Strive for right over might Another hunting party take leave for the northlands this Weekend TheyartrITBrGreenrOrBrvethv ers Eric Mercer and Jack Boys who are motoring to Evergreen Inn on Manitoulin Island for twoweeks stay gt FIRST RECORDED GAMES The rst Olympic Games of which there is it record was held an 776 BC and paraded sed hardand finally Ernie Keefe with lunch served by Him the magnificent lungs thaI ilirred man hmiul JOHN William IN THIRD GIVE GUELPH 32 WIN Barrie Flycrsifcll back to fourth place tie with Guelph Biltinores nesday when they dropped 31 decision to the Bills in Guelph It was the Flyers fourth road loss and their fifth loss of the season There Was no scoring in the first period but Biltmores only to have goalie Jim Beasley tnrii their efforts aside in sensational fashion Leckie and Long drew Flycrs penalties whilc on um orne erguson an chlcy were the Guelphoffenders eeGlpeFl0dW5llOeri minute Old when Plumb blonde and shifty Guelph forward wcavcd his wav through the Flycis defence and blazed backhand shot past Gil Mayer The marker came at the 58 second mark Flycrs left wing star made good power play less thaw five minutes later as hciifled Paul Megers pass behind the spectacular Beasley Nine penalties were hand ed out by referees Eddie Morris of Toronto andJack Liscombc of Gait FivewereteBaiaaitr Guelphs big edge came at the start Of the third period When they rammed home two quick goals Mel Mullen cliinaxedc threeovay pass play with Plumb and Fergusom for the ticbreaker andArchie Richard sou scored from pile up in frontof Mayer for wligtprovcd to her the winning margin Bntch IVIletIlIh0Okel10Ilt0 his fourth penalty of the tiltshortly after end this gave theBarrie crew chance to cOme backsThey preslt narrowed the guppy hammering home Jack Leckies rebound after he had taken relay from defence mate Stan Long 111 the remaining 15 minutes they pressed the Guelph cage but could 1191 Clint the terrific netminding dis play by Beasley CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Plans for the Christmas bazaar were discussed at the monthly meeting of the WA of Burton Ave United Church on Thursday Nov Mrs Parker vicepresident DRAMA As Might AdheState SPINACH As Big Ast runs Blazing Tln owi Paramount Picture starring In VERA CASPARYS BED gt aI ARTHUR RANK PRODUCTION Remembrance Day Service WICKED LADYWTHATS BEDELIA Attended by Huge Throng Remembrance Day was recognin TWO QUICKGOALS inAtheOIIA Junior race Wed1 Flycrs outplayed the Di iii BARBARAfs Stitch Play by Ilufih Bullet and News Sueu Duet bv STARTS MONDAY NOVEMBER MARGARET LOCKWOOD+ ANNE CRAWFORD IAN HUNTER BARRY BARNES IILL ESMQND ADULT Entertainment All mFine Creek DANCE CENTRE Friday Nov 12 ppRIZEs AND FUN GALORE gdllotiglhle vt wardten CiMiidDdinq silveryFri Nile Friday Nov 19 Hard Time Dance Watchnext weeks adilor details 7H ADMISSION 50c Chas Miller Prop iiawiiuprnmg iConsumplioin inlBOrriei cm increase thj past few days that cut Offs Will have tovbe lengthened UNLESS WE CAN ALI CUT DOWN ON THE UssorELECmCIIY Monday brightvvarm doy had the highest consumption of any Monday for six weeks presided Mrs Pugh president Mrs Lambert conducted the devotional cxercises Business was concluded Mrs Wattsl committee in Collingwdod has howireached $1080986 meg to the ilfiiss of Subscriptions tolthe Arena Iiuiutl Starting Next Manila cutoffs when necessary If mine at 515 pm and continue IO or one hour mince

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